Financial Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)

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Article  in  The International Journal of Business and Finance Research · January 2015


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Rufo R. Mendoza
Asian Institute of Management


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International Journal of Business and Finance Research
Vol. 9, No. 4, 2015, pp. 67-80
ISSN: 1931-0269 (print)
ISSN: 2157-0698 (online)


Rufo R. Mendoza, Asian Institute of Management


The study analyzed the financial performance of selected micro, small, and medium enterprises using
secondary data from financial statements for the past three years. Results showed the enterprises performed
favorably in liquidity, activity and leverage but suffered from a low-level profitability. Using correlation
analysis, the results show a significant linear relationship between liquidity and activity, liquidity and
leverage, and activity and leverage. However, each of these measures has no significant relationship with
profitability. Using t-tests, the results show no significant difference in the liquidity, profitability, and
inventory turnover of the enterprises when grouped according to organizational form, business type, and
asset size. However, a significant difference exists in receivable turnover, asset turnover, and debt ratios.
The study recommends the MSMEs should revisit their strategies for improving profitability and use
financial performance information in making critical decisions. Firms should connect financial
performance to the larger external environment of the business so they will continue to play an important
role in the growth of the economy.

JEL: M00, M400

KEYWORDS: Financial Performance, Organizational Form, Business Type, Asset Size


T his study assessed the financial performance of selected micro, small, and medium enterprises
(MSMEs) in liquidity, activity, leverage, and profitability and explored the relationship among these
measures. It also tested if there is a significant difference in the financial performance of MSMEs
grouped according to three categories: organizational form, business type, and asset size. This study
contributes to the existing literature in several ways. First, it provides empirical evidence on the financial
performance of MSMEs whose capacity and needs are different from large enterprises, multinational
corporations, and publicly listed companies. The study showed MSMEs had satisfactory performance in
liquidity, activity, and leverage but experienced low profitability. As a result, MSMEs need strategic actions
and directions that focus on improving profitability.

Second, the study provides an empirical basis to infer that a significant linear relationship exists between
liquidity and activity, liquidity and leverage, and activity and leverage. However, these three measures of
financial performance did not show any significant relationship with profitability. This finding contradicts
several previous studies. For instance, Ayodele & Oke (2013, p.52) found a direct correlation between the
liquidity and profitability of banks in Nigeria. Bolek & Wilinski (2012, p. 51) concluded that financial
liquidity influences profitability of construction companies listed in the Warsaw Stock Exchange from 2000
to 2010. Kaya (2014, p. 66) found that firm leverage is an important factor in explaining profitability and
liquidity of both retailers and wholesalers in the U.S. Meanwhile, in Pakistan, Akhtar et al. (2012, p. 15)
shows that a positive relationship prevails between financial leverage and financial performance. Such
finding includes profitability measures such as return on sales, return on assets, return on equity, earnings

R. R. Mendoza | IJBFR ♦ Vol. 9 ♦ No. 4 ♦ 2015

per share, and dividend ratios. They investigated 20 publicly listed limited companies from the fuel and
energy sector at Karachi Stock Exchange. Nonetheless, the results of this study agree with Niresh (2012, p.
39) who revealed no significant relationship between liquidity and profitability when he analyzed 31 listed
manufacturing firms in Sri Lanka from 2007 to 2011.

Third, the study provided evidence on the differences of financial performance of MSMEs when grouped
according to organizational form, business type, and asset size. Such grouping is an area that researchers
seldom explore. This research found no significant difference in the liquidity, profitability, and inventory
turnover of the enterprises when grouped according to these three categories. However, a significant
difference exists in receivables turnover, asset turnover, and debt ratios. Specifically, single proprietorships
have significantly higher receivable turnovers than corporations and small enterprises have significantly
higher receivable turnovers than both the micro and medium enterprises. Comparatively, both
manufacturing and trading businesses have significantly higher asset turnover than those rendering services
while small enterprises have significantly higher asset turnover than both the micro and medium enterprises.
Corporations have significantly higher debt ratios compared with sole proprietorships; manufacturing
business, compared with trading; and medium enterprises, compared with both micro and small enterprises.

Finally, the study provided the MSMEs some bases to benchmark their performance. In doing so, they will
be able to maximize value and better contribute to the social and economic well-being of a country. Studies
focused on the characteristics of entrepreneurs (Morales et al., 2013) and dynamics of the entrepreneurial
processes (Baltar & Coulon, 2014) are best combined with financial performance benchmarks to achieve
greater entrepreneurial results. Since MSMEs are recognized as an important vehicle for the economic
growth of most nations, mainstreaming their financial management concerns is paramount in any economy.
The succeeding part of this paper contains the related literature, data and methodology, results of the
empirical investigation, and conclusions.


Researchers have written much about the financial concerns of MSMEs. Typically, studies focus more on
the critical reasons that prevented MSMEs from using available financial packages. The Philippine Senate
(2012) identified access to finance as the most serious constraints to MSME growth and development.
Aldaba (2012) underscored that SMEs had been unable to access funds because of their limited track record,
limited acceptable collateral, and inadequate financial statements and business plans. Banks turn down
financial requests of SMEs because of poor credit history; insufficient collateral; inadequate sales, income
or cash flow; unstable business type; and poor business plans.

By the same token, the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development (2010–2015) identified access
to finance as the primary goal, with four additional dimensions: market and internationalization, human
resource development, information and advisory services, and technology and innovation. This means that
lack of access to finance makes it more crucial for MSMEs to manage funds efficiently and effectively.
Indeed, Jasra et al. (2011) stressed that financial resources are the most important factors that affect the
success of SMEs and on which the whole business depends. They cited that SMEs have to endure the
problem of modest capital compared with the large multinational corporations. Piet (2010) proved most
entrepreneurs need financial skills and motivational and entrepreneurial skills to develop their businesses.
At the same time, Piet (2010) noted there is a need for support in financial management among MSMEs to
improve their financial health. These findings point to the importance of managing financial resources
among these enterprises. Still, MSMEs face the challenge of putting in place an effectively functioning
system on managing a broad range of financial activities that would enable achieving business goals.

Thus, it is important for MSMEs to capture financial information and measure performance in the use of
financial resources. Mendoza (2014) cited that MSMEs need the services of practicing Certified Public

The International Journal of Business and Finance Research ♦ VOLUME 9 ♦ NUMBER 4 ♦ 2015

Accountants in most of these financial management areas, specifically taxation, accounting and financial
reporting, and audit. In addition, micro and small enterprises differ from medium enterprises in complexity
of accountancy services. Micro enterprises have simpler ways of doing their tasks and are not bent on
exploring complex methods and processes.

There is a plethora of literature on financial performance of businesses. Previous researches tackled two
major themes: performance measurement approach and measures of performance. On the first theme, the
goal approach of Chong (2008) became clear for MSMEs. In this approach, owners and managers set their
target internally based on their interest and capacity of their business. The approach enables owners and
managers to identify if they have achieved their goals by looking at both financial and nonfinancial
measures. Thus, its simplicity makes it popular. Shahbaz et al. (2014) described the system resource
approach as a way to measure performance by appraising the capacity to get resources or inputs. They also
explained the stakeholder approach as something related to meeting the needs and expectations of the
entity’s stakeholders. Chen & Huang (2013) used the organizational life cycle stages in analyzing the
financial performance of audit firms in Taiwan. They found that financial performance continues to increase
as the firms grows, resulting in best performance at an old stage. Dalrymple (2004) forwarded the
benchmark index as another approach in measuring performance. In this approach, financial measures fall
under the category of resource management. In essence, MSMEs have to take time to measure their financial
performance and gauge it against standards or benchmarks.

On the measures of financial performance, Chong (2008) identified profit and asset turnover to assess short-
term duration but steady revenue growth rate and growth in the employment size to measure long-term
capacity. The Kennas Chartered Accountants (2014) considered profitability and return on assets as the key
performance indicators that are critical in understanding the state of financial health of a business. The four
commonly used measures are liquidity, activity, leverage, and profitability (Levy, 1998; Melicher &
Norton, 2000; Statistics Canada, 2014). The Statistics Canada (2014) used solvency in lieu of liquidity and
efficiency in lieu of activity. Melicher & Norton (2000) used asset management synonymously with activity
and included market value for entities listed in the stock exchange.


This research used secondary data from 99 annual financial statements of 33 enterprises, all located in the
CALABARZON Region in the Philippines. The enterprises used these financial statements in filing their
annual income tax returns for the last three years (2011-2013). A great majority (60.61%) of the enterprises
are single proprietorships, while the remaining 39.39 percent are corporations. More than half (51.52%) of
the enterprises are into trading and the rest are service (27.27%) and manufacturing (21.21%). When
grouped according to asset size, 45.45 percent are micro, 27.27 percent are small, and 27.27 percent are
medium enterprises. In assessing the performance of the entities, the qualitative rating scale in Table 1 was
used. The research also examined two types of hypothesis: (a) relationship between and among the four
measures of financial performance using the respective indicators under each measure and (b) significant
difference in the financial performance when the MSMEs are grouped according to their profile.
Specifically, the study has the following null hypotheses (Ho):

Ho1(a): There is no significant relationship between the liquidity and activity of MSMEs in the Philippines.
Ho1(b): There is no significant relationship between the liquidity and leverage of MSMEs in the
Ho1(c): There is no significant relationship between the liquidity and profitability of MSMEs in the
Ho2(a): There is no significant relationship between the activity and leverage of MSMEs in the Philippines.
Ho2(b): There is no significant relationship between the activity and profitability of MSMEs in the

R. R. Mendoza | IJBFR ♦ Vol. 9 ♦ No. 4 ♦ 2015

Ho3: There is no significant relationship between the leverage and profitability of MSMEs in the
Ho4: There is no significant difference in the financial performance of the MSMEs when they are grouped
according to (a) organizational form, (b) business type, and (c) asset size.

Table 1: Qualitative Rating Scale

Low Medium High

Current ratio Below 2 2 to 10 Over 10
Quick ratio Below 1 1 to 5 Over 5
Collection days After the credit terms Within the credit terms Before the credit terms
Inventory days Over 20 10 - 20 Below 10
Asset turnover Below 5 5-10 Over 10
Debt ratio (%) Above 60 40-60 Below 40
Return on sales (%) Below 5 5-10 Over 10
Return on assets (%) Below 5 5-10 Over 10
Return on equity (%) Below 5 5-10 Over 10
This table shows the qualitative rating scale used in assessing the financial performance of the business enterprises, classified into low, medium,
and high for each measure. The ideal current ratio of 2:1 and quick ratio of 1:1 was used as the equivalent of low performance; the credit term
was used for collecting receivables. Other criteria were based on the experience of most enterprises.

Pearson Product Correlation Coefficient was computed to describe the strength of the linear relationship
that exists between the levels of two performance measures. Meanwhile, the Spearman Rank Order
Correlation Coefficient was used for sample sizes lesser than 30 which were not normally distributed. Also,
if a scatter diagram shows a nonlinear relationship, a transformation of one of the variables was performed,
with such transformation depending upon the appearance of the scatter diagram. As an alternative approach,
a regression analysis using the Pooled Ordinary Least Square Model was applied. The t-test was used for
the significance of the correlation. One-way analysis of variance using an F-ratio was performed to
determine whether the financial performance differs among three or more independent groups of enterprises
classified according to the type (trading, manufacturing and service), and size of business (micro, small and
medium). We concluded that at least one group has a significantly different performance whenever the
probability value or significance associated with the computed F-ratio is less than 0.05. A post hoc
comparison test (Tukey HSD) was performed whenever statistically significant differences resulted from
each one-way analysis of variance. This enabled the determination of which independent group had
significantly different performance.


The results are presented in three parts: overall financial performance of the MSMEs, relationship of the
financial performance measures, and test of differences when the MSMEs are grouped. The first finding
of the study is the high score of MSMEs on liquidity and leverage, low score on profitability, and an erratic
level in activity (Table 2).

Both current and quick ratios are far above the ideal measures, an indication that MSMEs have the ability
to meet short-term obligations as they mature. Melicher & Norton (2000, p. 461) opined that “a low current
ratio may indicate that a company may face difficulty in paying its bills.” However, they cautioned that “a
high value for the current ratio does not necessarily imply greater liquidity.” Nonetheless, a business has to
remain liquid so as not to incur the cost associated with a deteriorating credit rating, a potential forced
liquidation of assets, and possible bankruptcy (Moyer, McGuigan, & Kretlow, 1990, p. 587). Additionally,
Van Horne (1992) concurred that the liquidity of the individual components of the current assets must be
taken into account. Furthermore, a ratio lower than ideal would be acceptable in the more difficult liquidity

The International Journal of Business and Finance Research ♦ VOLUME 9 ♦ NUMBER 4 ♦ 2015

conditions as cited by Samuels, Wilkes, & Brayshaw (1999, p.45). Bolek & Wilinski (2012, pp. 39-41)
proposed a deep-seated observation when they thought the use of current and quick ratios is a static
measurement of liquidity. This is so because they rely on data included in the balance sheet. So, they
proposed the use of measurement data that is dynamic, specifically those coming from the cash flow
account, such as the cash conversion cycle.

Table 2: Overall Financial Performance

2011 2012 2013 3-Year Mean Qualitative Rating

Current ratio 9.77 13.74 14.14 12.55 High
Quick ratio 6.38 10.08 11.13 9.20 High
Receivable turnover 65.72 68.90 53.93 62.85
Collection days 5 4 6 5 High
Inventory turnover 12.57 10.86 10.22 11.22
Inventory days 24 28 29 27 Medium
Asset turnover 3.01 2.59 1.96 2.52 Low
Debt ratio 39.96 35.69 38.60 37.09 High
Return on sales 1.16 -11.95 -5.44 -5.41 Low
Return on assets 3.47 0.34 1.12 1.64 Low
Return on equity 6.25 0.47 0.72 2.45 Low
This table shows all the measures and indicators used for assessing the financial performance for three years. Both indicators for liquidity had
high ratings. The indicators for receivables had high scores also while those for inventories had medium rating. Debt ratio was high. Asset turnover
and all the profitability indicators were low.

The activity level was high in the collection of receivables, moderate in the inventory turnover, and low in
the overall asset turnover. The fast collection of receivables was illustrated in the ability to collect even
earlier than the usual credit terms of 15 days. Similarly, the debt ratio, an indication of how the businesses
use borrowing as a source of fund, has been below 40 percent each year. This could indicate safeguarding
of the debt service payment at a satisfactory level and keeping borrowing at an acceptable level. Samuels,
Wilkes, & Brayshaw (1999) opined that the acceptable level of inventory turnover should be linked to the
type of industry or business. Likewise, they illustrated the rule of thumb in the United Kingdom for an
acceptable debt ratio of 50 percent or 1:2. Similarly, Melicher & Norton (2000) stated that asset turnover is
significantly influenced by characteristics of the industry within which the enterprise operates. They also
underscored the financial leverage ratio indicates the extent to which borrowed funds are used to finance
assets. Incidentally, the profitability level has been low, based on all aspects: sales, assets, and equity, even
resulting in negative profit percentage on sales. Studies conducted by Bejaoui & Bouzgarrou (2013) showed
that capital is important in explaining profitability.

The second finding of the study is that using correlation, several relationships exist between and among the
different financial performance indicators (Table 3). First, liquidity and activity correlate as shown in the
significant linear relationship between current ratio and inventory turnover (r = 0.238) as well as quick ratio
and receivable (r = -0.267) and inventory (r = 0.372) turnovers. There is a significant relationship between
liquidity and leverage as shown in the coefficient between both the current ratio (r = -0.650) and quick ratio
(r = -0.670) with debt ratio. However, there is no relationship between liquidity and profitability.

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Table 3: Summary of Relationships of Financial Performance Measures


Current ratio -0.050 0.238** -0.059 -0.650* 0.068 0.170 0.096
Quick ratio -0.267* 0.372* -0.125 -0.670* 0.102 0.163 0.104
Receivable turnover (RT) 0.027 -0.216** 0.071 0.058
Inventory turnover (IT) -0.056 -0.436* -0.188 -0.206**
Asset turnover (AT) 0.208* -0.567* 0.045 0.053
Debt ratio -0.236** -0.088 0.144
This table summarizes the correlation between liquidity (current ratio and quick ratio) and activity (receivable turnover, inventory turnover, and
asset turnover). It also shows the correlation of activity and leverage (debt ratio). Finally, it shows leverage correlation with profitability (return
on sales, return on assets, and return on equity). **correlation is significant at p-value less than 0.05; *correlation is significant at p-value less
than 0.10

Second, activity correlates with leverage as shown in the significant and positive relationship between asset
turnover and debt ratio (r = 0.208). Also, activity correlates with profitability as the negative reciprocal of
return on sales is also significantly but negatively related to all activity measures (r = -0.216, -0.436,
-0.567). The negative reciprocal of the return on equity significantly correlates with inventory turnover (r
= -0.206). Third, leverage correlates with profitability as shown in the linear relationship between debt ratio
and return on sales (r = 0.236). In summary, the correlation has resulted in the varied decisions taken on the
hypotheses (Table 4).

Table 4: Summary of Decisions on Hypotheses Tested

Hypothesis Statement Decision

Ho1(a) There is no significant relationship between the liquidity and activity of MSMEs in the Philippines. Reject
Ho1(b) There is no significant relationship between the liquidity and leverage of MSMEs in the Philippines. Reject
Ho1(c) There is no relationship between the liquidity and profitability of MSMEs in the Philippines. Accept
Ho2(a) There is no relationship between the activity and leverage of MSMEs in the Philippines. Reject
Ho2(b) There is no relationship between the activity and profitability of MSMEs in the Philippines. Accept
Ho3 There is no relationship between the leverage and profitability of MSMEs in the Philippines. Accept
This table summarizes the decision about rejection or acceptance of the null hypotheses. The hypotheses that there is no significant relationship
between liquidity and activity, liquidity and leverage, and activity and leverage were rejected. However, the hypotheses that there is no relationship
between liquidity and profitability, activity and profitability, and leverage and profitability were accepted.

Next, a regression analysis using the Pooled Ordinary Least Square Model was applied with the following
regression equation:

𝑌𝑌𝑖𝑖,𝑡𝑡 = 𝛽𝛽0 + 𝛽𝛽1 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖,𝑡𝑡 + 𝜀𝜀𝑖𝑖,𝑡𝑡 (1)

To test the relationship between liquidity and activity, three simple regression results were generated (Table
5). The first model had quick ratio as the independent variable and accounts receivable turnover as the
dependent variable. This model is statistically significant since the F value of 10.503 is significant at a
probability value less than 0.01. This indicates a statistically significant relationship between quick ratio
and accounts receivable turnover. Here, 9.8% of the variance of log accounts receivable turnover is
explained by the variance in log quick ratio since R2 = 0.098. A unit change in log quick ratio results in a
decrease in log accounts receivable turnover as indicated by the negative sign of the unstandardized
coefficient (-0.247). The second model used inventory turnover as the dependent variable. This model is
statistically significant since the F-value of 15.411 is significant at a probability value less than 0.01. This
indicates a statistically significant relationship between quick ratio and inventory turnover. Here, 13.96%
of the variance of log inventory turnover is explained by the variance in log quick ratio since R2 = 0.1396.
A unit change in log quick ratio results in a decrease in log inventory turnover as indicated by
unstandardized coefficient (0.311). For the third model, the dependent variable is assets turnover. This
model is statistically insignificant since the probability value associated with F = 0.791 is greater than 0.05.

The International Journal of Business and Finance Research ♦ VOLUME 9 ♦ NUMBER 4 ♦ 2015

This implies that there is no significant relationship between log quick ratio, as a measure of liquidity, and
log assets turnover, as a measure of activity.

Table 5: Regression Results for Various Financial Performance Measures

Unstandardized Coefficients
Independent Dependent R2 Adj. R2 F Constant Std. Independent Std.
Variable Variable Error Variable Error
Quick Ratio RT 0.098 0.088 10.503** 1.168** 0.068 -0.247** 0.076
IT 0.1396 0.131 15.411** 0.606** 0.0687 0.311** 0.0791
AT 0.0081 -.0021 0.791 0.0500 0.0652 0.0652 0.0733
ROS 0.0794 0.0676 6.728* 0.2711** 0.0702 0.1910* 0.0736
ROA 0.1529 0.1421 14.082** 0.4732** 0.0550 0.2166** 0.0577
ROE 0.0030 -0.0103 0.222 0.7754 0.0550 0.0267 0.0567
AT ROS 0.378 0.370 47.316** 0.430** 0.062 -0.743** 0.108
ROA 0.068 0.056 5.689* 0.430** 0.062 0.257** 0.108
RT ROE 0.051 0.038 4.020* 0.572** 0.115 0.163* 0.081
Debt Ratio ROS 0.1015 0.090 8.809** 0.5484** 0.114 -0.0064** 0.0022
ROA 0.2125 0.2025 21.053** 0.8008** 0.114 -0.0076** 0.0022
ROE 0.0003 -0.0135 0.0209 0.7659** 0.0927 0.0003 0.0019
This table shows the results of the regression analysis to test the relationship between liquidity and activity, liquidity and profitability, activity and
profitability, and leverage and profitability. The relationship is * significant at p < 0.05, **significant at p < 0.01

Regarding the relationship between liquidity and profitability, three simple results were obtained. For the
first model, the dependent variable is return on sales. This model is statistically significant since the F-value
of 6.728 is significant at a probability value less than 0.05. This indicates a statistically significant
relationship between quick ratio and return on sales. Here, 7.94% of the variance of log return on sales is
explained by the variance in log quick ratio since R2 = 0.0794. Liquidity, as measured by log quick ratio
has a positive effect on log return on sales, as indicated by the positive sign of the coefficient (0.1910). For
the second model, the dependent variable is return on assets. This model is statistically significant since
the F-value of 14.082 is significant at a probability value less than 0.01. This indicates a statistically
significant relationship between quick ratio and return on assets. Here, 15.29% of the variance of log return
on sales is explained by the variance in log quick ratio since R2 = 0.1529. Liquidity, as measured by log
quick ratio has a positive effect on log return on assets, as indicated by the positive sign of the coefficient
(0.2166). For the third model, the dependent variable is return on equity. This model is statistically
insignificant since the probability value associated with F = 0.222 is greater than 0.05. This also implies
that there is no significant relationship between log quick ratio, as a measure of liquidity, and log return on
equity, as a measure of profitability.

To test the relationship between activity and profitability, three simple regression results were similarly
generated. For the first model, the independent variable is asset turnover (the lone significant predictor) and
the dependent variable is return on sales. This model is statistically significant since the F-value of 47.316
is significant at a probability value less than 0.01. Here, 37.8% of the variance of log return on sales is
explained by variance in log assets turnover since R2 = 0.378. Activity, as measured by log assets turnover
has a negative effect on log return on sales, as indicated by the negative sign of the coefficient (-0.743). For
the second model, the dependent variable is return on assets. This model is statistically significant since
the F-value of 5.689 is significant at a probability value less than 0.05. Here, 6.8% of the variance of log
return on assets is explained by the variance in log assets turnover since R2 = 0.068. Activity, as measured
by log assets turnover has a positive effect on log return on sales, as indicated by the positive sign of the
coefficient (0.257). For the third model, the dependent variable is return on equity. This model is
statistically significant since that F-value of 4.020 is significant at a probability value less than 0.01. Here,
5.1% of the variance of log return on equity is explained by the variance in log accounts receivable turnover
since R2 = 0.051. Activity, as measured by log accounts receivable turnover (the lone significant predictor)
has a positive effect on log return on sales, as indicated by the positive sign of the coefficient (0.163). The

R. R. Mendoza | IJBFR ♦ Vol. 9 ♦ No. 4 ♦ 2015

relationship between leverage and profitability was illustrated in three simple regression results generated.
For the first model, the dependent variable is return on sales.

This model is statistically significant since the F-value of 8.809 is significant at a probability value less than
0.01. This also indicates a statistically significant relationship between debt ratio and return on sales. Here,
10.15% of the variance of log return on sales is explained by the variance in debt ratio since R2 = 0.1015.
Leverage, as measured by debt ratio has a negative effect on log return on sales, as indicated by the negative
sign of the coefficient (-.0064). For the second model, the dependent variable is return on assets. This
model is statistically significant since the F-value of 21.053 is significant at a probability value less than
0.01. This also indicates a statistically significant relationship between these two measures. Here, 21.25%
of the variance of log return on sales is explained by the variance in dent ratio since R2 = 0.2125. Leverage,
as measured by debt ratio has a positive effect on log return on assets, as indicated by the negative sign of
the coefficient (-.0076). For the third model, the dependent variable is return on equity. This model is
statistically insignificant since the probability value associated with F = 0.0209 is greater than 0.05. This
also implies that there is no significant relationship between debt ratio, as a measure of leverage, and log
return on equity, as a measure of profitability.

To test the relationship between liquidity and leverage, the model in Table 6 was generated. This model is
statistically significant since the F-value of 78.9186 is significant at a probability value less than 0.01. This
indicates a statistically significant relationship between liquidity, as measured by quick ratio, and leverage.
Here, almost 50% or 44.86% of the variance of debt ratio is explained by the variance in log quick ratio
since R2 = 0.4486. A unit change in log quick ratio results to a decrease in log accounts receivable turnover
as indicated by the negative sign of the unstandardized coefficient (-24.014).

Table 6: Regression Results for Liquidity and Leverage

Unstandardized Coefficients P-Value Or

T Significance
B Std. Error
Model 1
Constant 40.4566 2.4019 16.843 0.000**
Quick Ratio -24.0140 2.7032 -8.884 0.000**
Model 2
Constant 33.0950 6.156 5.376 0.000**
RT 11.0347 4.684 2.356 0.021*
IT -9.7964 4.578 -2.140 0.035*
Notes: The dependent variable for Model 1 is debt ratio, pairwise missing values were excluded, R2 = 0.4486, adjusted R2 = 0.4429, the over-all
fit of this model, F = 78.9186 is significant at p-value 0f 0.000. The dependent variable for Model 2 is debt ratio, pairwise missing values were
excluded, R2 = 0.0761, adjusted R2 = 0.056, the over-all fit of this model, F = 3.8701 is significant at p-value of 0.024. This table shows the results
of the regression analysis to test the relationship between liquidity and leverage and leverage and profitability. *coefficient is significant at p <
0.05, **coefficient is significant at p < 0.01

In testing the relationship between leverage and profitability, the prediction model generated was found to
be statistically significant since the F-value of 3.8701 is significant at a probability value less than 0.01.
This model accounted for 7.61% of the variance of debt ratio since R2 = 0.0761 and adjusted R2 = 0.056.
Using this model, leverage is primarily predicted by two measures of activity, log accounts receivable
turnover and log inventory turnover since these coefficients are significant at the 0.01 level (as indicated
by p-values less than 0.05 for the test statistic t). Log accounts receivable turnover has a positive effect on
debt ratio while log inventory turnover has otherwise as indicated by the signs of the coefficients. The third
finding of the study is that using the t-test for differences in means, there is a significant difference in some
financial performance measures when the enterprises are grouped according to business profile. Results of
the t-test showed no significant difference in the liquidity of the MSMEs when grouped according to form
of organization. This is so, because the probability values associated with the computed value of t for both
ratios are greater than 0.05 (Table 7).

The International Journal of Business and Finance Research ♦ VOLUME 9 ♦ NUMBER 4 ♦ 2015

Table 7: Differences in Financial Performance of the MSMEs Grouped According to Organizational Form

N Mean Std. Computed Significance

Deviation Value of T, Df
Current Ratio Corporation 39 14.465 39.526 0.518 p > 0.05
Proprietorship 60 11.305 20.951 97
Quick Corporation 39 10.446 31.284 0.401 p > 0.05
Ratio Proprietorship 60 8.387 19.806 97
Receivable turnover Corporation 39 29.673 57.108 -2.271** p < 0.05
Proprietorship 60 86.360 190.872 74.185
Inventory turnover Corporation 39 13.618 17.794 1.171 p > 0.05
Proprietorship 60 9.655 15.532 97
Asset Corporation 39 2.444 2.544 -.179 p > 0.05
Turn-over Proprietorship 60 2.567 3.751 97
Debt Ratio Corporation 39 60.624 32.364 5.949*** p < 0.01
Proprietorship 60 25.177 22.771 62.239
Return on sales Corporation 39 -0.367 16.290 1.149 p > 0.05
Proprietorship 60 -8.686 52.356 75.301
Return on assets Corporation 39 1.800 2.608 0.077 p > 0.05
Proprietorship 60 1.541 26.028 60.814
Return on equity Corporation 39 1.821 12.912 -0.255 p > 0.05
Proprietorship 60 2.908 28.824 88.026
The table shows the results of the t-test on the differences of financial performance of the enterprises when they were grouped according to form
of organization. Based on the test, there is no significant difference in the liquidity of the enterprises, but there exists a significant difference in the
accounts receivable turnover. There are also no significant differences for inventory turnover and asset turnover but there exists a highly significant
difference in the debt ratio. There is also no significant difference in profitability in terms of return on sales, return on assets, and return on equity.
Notation *** means the difference is significant at p < 0.01 while ** means the difference is significant at p < 0.05.

On activity, we note that when enterprises are grouped according to form of organization, there exists a
significant difference in the accounts receivable turnover of MSMEs (t=-2.271, p<0.05). Further, it can be
inferred that accounts receivable turnover of the single proprietorships are significantly higher than
corporations. Inventory and asset turnovers showed no significant differences. On leverage, results revealed
that when enterprises are grouped according to form of organization, there exists a highly significant
difference in the debt ratio of the MSMEs (t=5.949, p<0.01). Further, it can be concluded that leverage of
the corporations are significantly higher than the single proprietorships.

Finally, there is no significant difference in the profitability of the MSMEs in terms of return on sales,
return on assets, and return on equity. Results of the one-way analysis of variance on Table 8 show no
significant difference in the liquidity of the MSMEs when grouped according to type of business. The
current and quick ratios reflect this finding. In terms of activity, results showed at least one business type
has a high significantly different asset turnover (F=6.483, with p-value less than 0.01). Consequently, the
post hoc comparison test revealed the asset turnover of both manufacturing and trading businesses are
significantly higher than those engaged in services (mean difference of 2.810, p-value less than .008 and
mean difference of 2.416, p-value less than .005, respectively).

R. R. Mendoza | IJBFR ♦ Vol. 9 ♦ No. 4 ♦ 2015

Table 8: Difference in Financial Performance of the MSMEs Grouped According to Type of Business

N Mean Std. Deviation Computed

Value of F
Current ratio Manufacturing 21 22.487 52.521 2.154
Trading 51 7.217 12.799
Service 27 14.894 26.653
Quick ratio Manufacturing 21 17.220 41.629 2.018
Trading 51 4.823 10.353
Service 27 11.224 26.295
Account receivable turnover Manufacturing 21 13.379 8.785 2.078
Trading 51 91.038 202.80
Service 27 62.847 155.105
Inventory turnover Manufacturing 21 16.615 19.387 1.592
Trading 51 10.492 16.903
Service 27 8.387 12.371
Asset turnover Manufacturing 21 3.488 2.714 6.483***
Trading 51 3.094 3.973
Service 27 0.678 0.676
Debt ratio Manufacturing 21 53.764 34.312 4.148**
Trading 51 31.286 23.335
Service 27 42.605 39.885
Return on sales Manufacturing 21 1.049 0.784 1.869
Trading 51 -13.192 52.629
Service 27 4.271 33.004
Return on assets Manufacturing 21 2.823 3.084 1.155
Trading 51 -1.157 23.508
Service 27 6.015 20.996
Return on equity Manufacturing 21 2.447 6.285 0.531
Trading 51 0.461 26.824
Service 27 6.319 26.317
The table shows the results of the one-way variance analysis when the enterprises are grouped according to type of business. There is no significant
difference in liquidity as reflected in the current and quick ratios. However, at least one business type has a high significantly different asset
turnover and debt ratio. There is also no significant difference in the return on sales, assets and equity. Notation *** means the difference is
significant at p < 0.01while ** means that the difference is significant at p < 0.05.

On leverage, results of the one-way analysis of variance show that at least one business type has a
significantly different debt ratio (F=4.148, with p-value less than 0.05). Moreover, the post hoc comparison
test disclosed that the debt ratio of manufacturing business is significantly higher than those engaged in
trading (mean difference of 22.478, p-value less than 0.05, sig. 0.019). With respect to profitability, the
one-way analysis of variance shows that when grouped according to type of business, there is no significant
difference in financial performance of MSMEs in terms of return on sales, assets and equity.

Using one-way analysis of variance, the study found that when the enterprises are grouped according to
total assets, there is no significant difference in liquidity as manifested in the current and quick ratios (Table
9). In the aspect of activity, results showed that at least one MSME group has significantly different
accounts receivable turnover (F=8.102, with p-value less than 0.01) and asset turnover (F=6.327, with p-
value less than 0.01). Also, the post hoc comparison test for accounts receivable turnover shows that the
mean ratio of small enterprises is significantly higher than the micro enterprises as well as medium
enterprises (mean difference of 119.785, p-value less than 0.01 and mean difference of 145.638, p-value
less than 0.01, respectively).

The International Journal of Business and Finance Research ♦ VOLUME 9 ♦ NUMBER 4 ♦ 2015

Table 9: Differences in Financial Performance of the MSMEs Grouped According to Asset Size

N Mean Std. Deviation Computed

Value of F
Current ratio Micro 45 18.997 40.647 2.387
Small 27 10.092 17.108
Medium 27 4.263 7.091
Quick ratio Micro 45 15.115 34.332 2.598
Small 27 6.261 13.906
Medium 27 2.275 4.125
Account receivable turnover Micro 45 37.229 72.854 8.102***
Small 27 157.014 261.788
Medium 27 11.376 8.208
Inventory turnover Micro 45 11.333 17.041 0.467
Small 27 13.294 18.963
Medium 27 8.944 12.791
Asset turnover Micro 45 2.011 2.360 6.327***
Small 27 4.330 5.077
Medium 27 1.553 1.172
Debt ratio Micro 45 26.312 31.478 10.478***
Small 27 40.850 28.728
Medium 27 58.813 25.649
Return on sales Micro 45 -1.436 27.329 1.120
Small 27 -15.723 69.834
Medium 27 -1.716 19.327
Return on assets Micro 45 0.878 29.942 0.128
Small 27 3.324 4.882
Medium 27 1.237 1.441
Return on equity Micro 45 1.058 33.084 0.268
Small 27 5.276 7.157
Medium 27 2.054 14.653
This table shows the results of the one-way variance analysis when the enterprises are grouped according to total assets. There is no significant
difference in liquidity as manifested in the current and quick ratios. At least one group has a significantly different accounts receivable turnover,
asset turnover, and debt ratio. There is no significant difference in the return on sales, assets, and equity. Notation *** means that the difference
is significant at p < 0.01.

Likewise, the post hoc comparison test for asset turnover shows the mean ratio of small enterprises is
significantly higher than micro enterprises as well as medium enterprises (mean difference of 2.319, p-
value less than 0.05 and mean difference of 2.777, p-value less than 0.01, respectively). When grouped
according to size of business, at least one MSME group has a highly significantly different leverage based
on the debt ratio (F=10.478, with p-value less than 0.01). Moreover, the post hoc comparison test shows
the debt ratio of medium-sized enterprises is significantly higher than micro enterprises (mean difference
of 32.502, p-value less than 0.01, sig. 0.000). Finally, the results show that when grouped according to size
of business, there is no significant difference in the profitability of MSMEs as reflected in the return on
sales, assets, and equity. Table 10 summarizes the results of the test of difference in financial performance
denoted as either significant (S) or not significant (NS).


This paper sought to assess the financial performance of selected MSMEs using data from the annual
financial statements for the three years (2011-2013). It also sought to determine if there is a significant
difference in the financial performance of the MSMEs grouped according to organizational form, business
type, and asset size. The study used correlation, regression, and t-test as tools for analyzing the data.
Because of the relatively small sample size and the limited geographical area covered, the study used the
results of correlation analysis in testing the hypotheses. The study concluded that subject MSMEs are of
sound financial health in terms of liquidity, activity, and leverage. Overall, they are in a better position to

R. R. Mendoza | IJBFR ♦ Vol. 9 ♦ No. 4 ♦ 2015

meet currently maturing obligations, convert efficiently receivable and inventories into cash, and use credit
to finance their business operations. On the contrary, the said enterprises are wanting in producing the
returns necessary to maximize profit.

Table 10: Summary of the Test of Difference in Financial Performance

Form of Organization Type of Business Asset Size

Current ratio NS NS NS
Quick ratio NS NS NS
Receivable turnover S NS S
Single proprietorships have At least one group has a
significantly higher receivable significantly different
turn-over than corporations financial performance;
small enterprises have
significantly higher receivable
turn-over than micro and
Inventory turnover NS NS NS
Asset turnover NS S S
At least one business type has At least one group has a
a significantly different significantly different
financial performance; asset financial performance;
turn-over of manufacturing small enterprises have
and trading are significantly significantly higher asset turn-
higher than those engaged in over than micro and medium
Debt ratio S S S
Corporations have Debt ratio of manufacturing is At least one group has a high
significantly higher debt ratio significantly higher than those significant different financial
than single proprietorships engaged in trading performance;
Medium enterprises have
significantly higher debt ratio
than micro and small
Return on sales NS NS NS
Return on assets NS NS NS
Return on equity NS NS NS
This table summarizes the results of the test of difference in financial performance denoted as either significant (S) or not significant (NS). There
are no significant differences in the liquidity, profitability, inventory turnover, return on sales, return on assets, and return on equity when the
enterprises are grouped according to the form of organization, type of business, and asset size. There are significant differences in the receivable
turnover, asset turnover, and debt ratios in some groupings.

The correlation revealed that a significant linear relationship exists between liquidity and activity, liquidity
and leverage, and activity and leverage. However, the three performance measures showed no significant
relationship with profitability. Conversely, it is clear from the study that while the MSMEs have high scores
on liquidity, leverage, and most aspects of activity, they suffer from low profitability. The t-test showed no
significant difference in the liquidity, profitability, and inventory turnover of the enterprises when grouped
according to the organizational form, business type, and asset size. Nonetheless, a significant difference
exists in receivable turnover, asset turnover, and debt ratios. The t-test revealed that single proprietorships
have significantly higher receivable turnovers than corporations, while small enterprises have significantly
higher receivable turnovers than both the micro and medium enterprises. Both manufacturing and trading
businesses have significantly higher asset turnover than those engaged in services while small enterprises
have significantly higher asset turnover than both the micro and medium enterprises. Corporations showed
significantly higher debt ratio compared with sole proprietorships; manufacturing business, compared with
trading business; and medium enterprises, compared with both micro and small enterprises. The subject
MSMEs should revisit their strategies on the use of financial resources to maximize profit and the overall
value of their business. Since liquidity, activity, and leverage have been the core advantages of these
MSMEs, efforts should be geared towards improving profitability aspects. Mainly, the enterprises should
reexamine their cost structure, pricing policies, and expense management practices. They should also
identify and assess the risks associated with their revenue generating activities. Since both liquidity and

The International Journal of Business and Finance Research ♦ VOLUME 9 ♦ NUMBER 4 ♦ 2015

activity are related to leverage, these enterprises have to reassess how the former can further result in an
optimum level of borrowing.

These enterprises should take advantage of borrowed funds and assess how optimal capital structures will
maximize the value of the enterprises. In that way, the MSMEs will continue to play an important role in
the growth of the economy. The study also brings about the need for business owners and shareholders to
make use of financial performance information in coming up with vital and critical business decisions. The
risks associated with profitability confirm the need of entrepreneurs to capacitate themselves on tools and
techniques to better manage their finances. Moreover, entrepreneurs have to connect financial performance
to the larger external environment of the business. Future researchers can focus on a larger sample size and
a broader geographical coverage. In addition, country comparison of the MSME performance can also be


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Dr. Rufo R. Mendoza is an Associate Professor and a Program Director in Public Finance at the Asian
Institute of Management. He can be contacted at: Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development
Management, Eulogio Lopez Foundation Building, 123 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, Philippines. E-mail:
[email protected]


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