On His Blindness - John Milton
On His Blindness - John Milton
On His Blindness - John Milton
1.1. Complete the following sentence by using the words provided in the list below:
sestet; Elizabethan; octave; quatrains; strict; talent
This is a Miltonic sonnet because unlike other sonnets, there is no (1.1.1) …break
between the (1.1.2) … and the (1.1.3) … . (1 ½)
1.2. Refer to the following words in line 1 (‘… how my light is spent’).
Give figurative meanings of “light” and “spent” as used in line 1. (2)
1.3. Refer to lines 2 and 3 (… ‘in this dark world and wide …one talent which is
death to hide’).
Using your own words, explain the meaning of these lines. (2)
1.4. What is John Milton’s “one talent” in line 3? (1)
1.5. Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.
In the first eight lines of the poem, the poet’s tone is a tone of …. .
A acceptance and resignation
B praise and admiration
C depression and despair
D declaration (2)
1.6. Identify the figure of speech in lines 8 and 9.
(‘… but Patience, to prevent … soon replies …) (1)
1.7. In this poem, the poet talks about his personal experience in life.
What kind of a poem would that be? (2)
1.8. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? Quote THREE consecutive
words to support your answer.
The poet realised the mistake he made in questioning God’s motives for
putting him in the situation he finds himself in. (2)
1.9. The poet’s tone in the poem varies from the octave to the sestet.
What is the tone of the following lines?
The last 6½ lines – lines 8 – 14
(‘but Patience, to prevent … who only stand and wait’). (1)
1.10. What is the theme of the poem? Quote the line that expresses this idea. (3)
[17 ½]
1.1.1. Strict. ½
1.1.2. Octave. ½
1.1.3. Sestet. ½
1.2. “light”- eyesight.
“spent”- used up.
1.3. The poet finds himself alienated, in this dark world.
He also has an ability to write poetry, but that he cannot do anymore
because he is blind.
1.4. The ability to write poetry.
1.5. C/ depression and despair.
1.6. Personification.
1.7. It is an Autobiographical poem.
1.8. TRUE, “I fondly ask”.
1.9. It is a tone of acceptance/ resignation/ hope.
1.10. The theme of the poem is that one serves God by accepting the burdens
that life brings, with patience. “They also serve who only stand and wait”.
[17 ½]