DVWA Installation: Download The Package of DVWA Inside /var/www/html Directory
DVWA Installation: Download The Package of DVWA Inside /var/www/html Directory
DVWA Installation: Download The Package of DVWA Inside /var/www/html Directory
3. And give 777 permissions to main DVWA directory by typing “chmod -R 777 DVWA/”
4. Make sure that your MySQL service must be started (service mysql start)
mysql -u root –p
6. And then run the following commands inside MySQL console which creates a new database named
as dvwa and user [email protected] with password pass:
7. Edit your DVWA configuration file (located at /config/config.inc.php) and edit the details as per
below screenshot.
8. You also need to do a last change in php.ini file (located at /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini) with the
following changes:
allow_url_fopen = On
allow_url_include = On
9. And at the end, Start your apache server by typing “service apache2 start”
Change Apache default port to a custom port