Neufeld Abbie 1527388 f17 325
Neufeld Abbie 1527388 f17 325
Neufeld Abbie 1527388 f17 325
School Information:
School Name: __Ecole Fox Run School School District: __Chinook’s Edge School Division
School Address: __2 Falcon Ridge Drive Postal Code: _____T4S 2H1
School Phone #: ___403-887-0491 City: _____Sylvan Lake
1. Student and Mentor Teacher will meet on or before day 23 of the IFX to review the Student
Teacher’s Growth Plan.
2. Mentor Teacher will identify the Student Teacher’s areas of strength and areas for growth at the
end of the Introductory Field Experience and complete the required sections.
3. Student and Mentor Teacher will collaboratively write goals and strategies for ongoing
4. Mentor Teacher will email the unofficial document to the Zone Field Experience Associate
(FEA). FEA will process the document and upload to eClass for student access.
Students should retain a copy of the Assessment form for their own records. Please note that potential
employers may ask for a copy of this Assessment.
A copy of this form will be retained by the office of Undergraduate Student Services for a period of time
according to the faculty’s retention schedule; no other copies will be retained by Mentor Teachers or
employees of the University of Alberta without written permission of the Student Teacher.
Student Teacher Skill Categories (based on the KSAs from the Teaching Quality Standard)
Preparation, Planning and Organization Teaching Skills and Strategies
Curriculum and content knowledge Learning strategies
Diverse learning needs Flexibility
Time management Student interest
Organization Cultural sensitivity
Lesson plans for individual lessons Differentiation of instruction
Relevant learning resources Pacing
Abbie had a great work ethic and took initiative to get involved around the school, as well as the
classroom. She was always looking for ways to help and actively contributed around the classroom
during her practicum partner’s lessons. Abbie got involved in our lunchtime intramurals program and
lunch leaders team, which helped her to strengthen her relationships with her students.
Abbie responded professionally to feedback and was able to consistently implement these suggestions
into future lessons. Her desire and willingness to improve upon the goals stated in her professional
growth plan was illustrated through the use of continual feedback. This showed that she assumed
responsibility for continuous improvement and professional growth. Through Abbie’s weekly
reflections, it was obvious that she was able to identify areas of strength and areas of growth in her own
lessons and seek guidance to help her improve. She often sought out ways to improve by asking for
feedback on her teaching and planning.
Abbie has experienced substantial improvement since the beginning of her practicum concerning her
planning and preparation of lessons. Initially, Abbie found it challenging to help students make
connections between her teaching and real life situations. Once Abbie recognized this, she spent more
time improving her own understanding of the subject material to ensure she could provide students with
relevant examples to improve their understanding of the taught concepts. However, this is an area that
Abbie can continue to focus on in the future. Abbie has done a great job taking feedback and working
through the content area given to ensure she is fully prepared for each lesson. Through continued
attention to detail, Abbie will improve upon her lesson development taking into account the diverse
needs within the classroom.
Through the experience gained during her IFX practicum, Abbie has improved in the area of time
management. Abbie experienced the need to be over planned during her practicum first hand. At times,
students would be done all of the work expected of them sooner than expected. Therefore, Abbie
realized the importance of having extension activities to differentiate the students’ learning. When
planning for lessons in the future, Abbie needs to continue to intentionally plan purposeful extension
activities for when students have completed the required work to help deepen their understanding of the
concept and keep them on task during class.
Management and Classroom Climate
Transitions and routines
Abbie has continued to grow in the area of classroom management. Throughout the later part of her IFX
practicum Abbie has worked to intentionally set up her transitions and routines to be more proactive
than reactive with her classroom management. Abbie did a great job after feedback, setting up her
expectations and used an effective quiet signal to focus or gain the students’ attention. An area that
Abbie could continue to develop would be her consistency and follow through with her expectations. An
example of this would be with her quiet signal. She does a great job getting them settled initially, but can
find it difficult to maintain full control during the lesson because she does not ensure students are fully
settled before moving on. If she continues to focus on this area, she will continue to see increased
success and engagement during her teaching.