What Doctors Dont Tell You - Supplements Under The Microscope PDF

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Supplements under

the microscope
An evidence-based guide to what
works and what doesn’t
2 Coenzyme Q10
4 Astaxanthin
6 Krill oil
8 Chlorella
10 Spirulina
11 Emu oil
13 Cetylated fatty acids
15 Serrapeptase
17 Natural slimming supplements
21 Conjugated linoleic acid
23 Colloidal silver
24 Glyconutrients
26 Aloe vera
27 Bee propolis
29 Rhodiola rosea
31 Butterbur
33 Milk thistle


Coenzyme Q10
As the use of this heart disease, hypertension (high
supplement grows in blood pressure), gum disease and
popularity, do the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
impressive claims stack (AIDS) (Altern Med Rev, 1996; 1: 11–7). This
may explain why supplementing
up? with CoQ10—shown to
ccording to a survey by raise tissue levels of

A ConsumerLab.com, an inde-
pendent lab that tests health and
nutrition products, coenzyme Q10
the nutrient—appears
to be beneficial for a
wide diversity of health
(CoQ10) is now the third most popular problems.
dietary supplement in the US—after
omega-3 supplements in the number- What does it do?
one slot and multivitamins at number Much of the research into CoQ10
two. A massive 55 per cent of the more supplementation has been for heart-
than 6000 respondents reported using related problems, so there’s now an
CoQ10, up from 50.9 per cent last year. impressive body of research showing more effective than a placebo for
Given the impressive claims for the that the nutrient is invaluable for reducing the frequency of attacks,
nutrient, it’s not surprising that it’s so patients with cardiomyopathy (heart and the number of days with head-
popular. It’s long been famous for its muscle dysfunction), congestive heart ache and/or nausea (Neurology, 2005;
heart-health benefits, but CoQ10 is failure, angina and hypertension, and 64: 713–5).
also purported to boost energy, reduce for those undergoing heart surgery u Male infertility. CoQ10 may play an
migraines, aid weight loss, heal (Altern Med Rev, 1996; 1: 168–75). But important role in sperm quality,
periodontal (gum) disease, counteract CoQ10’s benefits go far beyond heart with low levels having an adverse
infertility and slow the development of health, as the latest findings suggest. effect on both sperm counts and
Parkinson’s. u Migraines. A recent study of more motility (movement), which can
So, should CoQ10 be a staple sup- than 1500 young migraine sufferers have a negative impact on fertility
plement for all of us? (aged 3–22 years) found that one- (J Endocrinol Invest, 2009; 32: 626–32).
third had abnormally low CoQ10 Recently, scientists have begun to
What is CoQ10? levels. These patients were asked to investigate whether oral CoQ10
CoQ10, also called ‘ubiquinone’, is a take liquid gel capsules of CoQ10 supplements improve sperm
vitamin-like compound found in at a dose of 1–3 mg/kg/day to see if quality in infertile men. When 60
practically every cell of the human their headaches improved. After men with infertility due to
body, but especially in the heart. Since three months, as the patients’ asthenozoospermia—poor sperm
its discovery and isolation over 50 CoQ10 levels increased, their head- motility—were given 200 mg/day of
years ago, hundreds of studies have ache frequency decreased (Headache, CoQ10 or a placebo for six months,
been carried out on it, and it’s now 2007; 47: 73–80). levels of CoQ10 were significantly
clear that this nutrient is absolutely In another, randomized control- increased in the patients’ sperm,
vital to health. Not only does it play a led trial, CoQ10 at 100 mg three while sperm motility was improved.
crucial role in the production of times a day was well tolerated and What’s more, of nine pregnancies
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the
body’s major form of stored energy,
but it’s also a powerful antioxidant— Dosage and safety
with a free-radical-fighting ability 50
times greater than that of vitamin E. In adults, the dosage of coenzyme Q10 is usually 30–90 mg/day, although
Research shows that the tissues and people with specific health conditions should perhaps supplement with
blood of an adult human contain a larger doses (but only with the guidance of a qualified practitioner). Most of
total of around 2000 mg of CoQ10, the research on heart conditions has used 90–150 mg/day of CoQ10.
while 500 mg/day is required to Studies also suggest that solubilized formulations of CoQ10 (using either
maintain this body pool. The average ubiquinone, the oxidized form, or ubiquinol, the reduced form) are the most
diet provides barely 5 mg/day, so the bioavailable—in other words, they are readily taken up by the body to be put
rest has to be synthesized internally. to use (Mitochondrion, 2007; 7 Suppl: S78–88).
However, our ability to synthesize CoQ10 causes no serious adverse effects in humans (Expert Opin Investig
CoQ10 appears to decline with age and Drugs, 2010; 19: 535–54), although minor side-effects have included nausea,
when we are ill or stressed. Indeed, low heartburn and stomach upset.
CoQ10 levels have been found in a wide
range of medical conditions, including

2 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

that occurred during the study, six much weight as those who were not More recently, a pilot study
were by men treated with CoQ10 low in CoQ10 and on the same looked at the survival of 41 patients
(Fertil Steril, 2009; 91: 1785–92). diet–supplement protocol (Altern Med with end-stage cancer who were
u Parkinson’s disease. CoQ10 may Rev, 1996; 1: 11–7). given supplements of CoQ10 and
also be a ray of hope in Parkinson’s However, another study found no other antioxidants. Their average
and other neurodegenerative dis- differences between CoQ10 levels in survival time was 40-per-cent longer
orders. When 80 patients with early obese and normal-weight children than the average predicted survival
Parkinson’s were randomly assigned (Clin Chim Acta, 2004; 349: 121–7). time. In total, 76 per cent of the
to receive CoQ10 at a dose of 300, Evidently, more research is needed patients survived for longer than
600 or 1200 mg/day, or a to evaluate the precise role of predicted (J Int Med Res, 2009; 37:
placebo, after 16 months, CoQ10 in obesity. 1961–71).
those taking the placebo u Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). However, until the next stage of
showed a slight progression Belgian researchers found that controlled trials are done, we can’t
of their disease, whereas all almost half of their CFS patients really tell whether or not CoQ10 is
of those taking CoQ10 saw were CoQ10-deficient, and that truly an effective anticancer agent—
less disease progression. This there was a significant relationship although the results so far are
was most striking in those taking between CoQ10 levels and patients’ promising.
the highest dosage, who symptoms. Those with the lowest
experienced 44-per-cent less levels reported more fatigue, and CoQ10 for all?
disability due to their symptoms concentration and memory distur- Clearly, CoQ10 appears to be useful in
(Arch Neurol, 2002; 59: 1541–50). bances (Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 2009; 30: a wide variety of common conditions,
Preliminary evidence also shows 470–6). However, it’s not clear that and the list is by no means complete.
that CoQ10 supplements might be CoQ10 supplements would work in The people most likely to benefit are
able to slow the decline of patients CFS patients, although one study those who are deficient in the nutrient.
with Huntington’s disease and found that 100 mg/day for three As CoQ10 plays a vital role in the body,
Friedreich’s ataxia (Neuropsychiatr Dis months improved exercise tolerance not getting enough is likely to have
Treat, 2009; 5: 597–610). in 20 women with CFS compared detrimental effects.
u Gum disease. CoQ10 may be help- with 20 non-CFS controls. Moreover, Nevertheless, it’s unclear whether
ful for periodontal disease, which 90 per cent saw a reduction or even CoQ10 supplements are of any benefit
affects around 60 per cent of young disappearance of clinical symptoms, in healthy people. Although one recent
adults and 90 per cent of those over while 85 per cent showed less post- trial found that CoQ10 at 100 mg/day
age 65. Low CoQ10 levels have been exercise fatigue (Altern Med Rev, 2000; 5: improved exercise performance in
reported in as much as 96 per cent 93–108). healthy, sedentary men (J Strength Cond
of patients with the problem, so u Cancer. So far, evidence suggests Res, 2010; 24: 97–102), another found that
supplementation may be beneficial that CoQ10 might help people with the nutrient (150 mg/day, with or
in most cases. When 18 patients cancer. In one study, 32 women without 1000 IU/day of vitamin E) had
with gum disease took either 50 classified as having a ‘high risk’ of no performance-enhancing effects in
mg/day of CoQ10 or a placebo in breast cancer were given 90 mg/day healthy, physically active men (J Sports
a three-week double-blind trial, all of CoQ10, to be taken with other Med Phys Fitness, 2005; 45: 337–46).
eight of those taking CoQ10 antioxidants (vitamins C and E, Also, in mouse studies, while some
improved compared with only three beta-carotene and selenium) and of the findings suggest that CoQ10
of the 10 taking the placebo. The essential fatty acids. During the 18- may play a significant anti-ageing
dentists, who did not know they month treatment period, the main function—apparently prolonging life
were in a study, consistently noted observations were: (1) no patients by reducing oxidative stress—others
that the rate of healing in patients died (the expected number was have failed to show any such effects
treated with CoQ10 was “very four); (2) no patients showed signs (Free Radic Biol Med, 2006; 40: 480–7).
impressive” (Altern Med Rev, 1996; 1: of further metastases (spread); (3) Indeed, one study even found that the
11–7). quality of life was improved (no long-term intake of high-dose CoQ10
u Obesity. The tendency towards being weight loss, less use of painkillers); made the age-related cognitive and
overweight is, in some people, and (4) six patients saw a partial sensory impairment in these animals
related to energy production. As remission of their cancer (Mol Aspects worse (J Nutr, 2009; 139: 1926–32). Of
CoQ10 is an essential cofactor in Med, 1994; 15 Suppl: s231–40). course, these results may not apply to
energy production, it’s been Also, in the case of a 49-year-old humans.
suggested that CoQ10 deficiency woman with breast cancer that had There’s no doubt that more studies
might be involved in some cases of spread to around the lungs, after six are needed to ascertain the role of
obesity. Indeed, a study of 27 obese months of high-dose CoQ10 therapy CoQ10 supplementation. So far,
patients found that half had low (390 mg/day), there were no signs however, it appears to be a potentially
CoQ10 levels. When five of these of tumour in the pleural cavity, and useful supplement for many of us—
deficient patients took 100 mg/day her condition was reported to be and one that actually appears to live
of CoQ10 with a daily diet of 650 “excellent” (Biochem Biophys Res up to (most of) its claims.
calories, all lost more than twice as Commun, 1995; 212: 172–7). Joanna Evans

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 3

Although it’s
still early
days, there’s
that this
from the sea
may well do
all it claims

little-known pigment from the

A bottom of the ocean is making

waves in the supplement world
due to its alleged anti-ageing
properties. Astaxanthin, a dark-red
pigment produced by microscopic 100-fold higher than that of vitamin E key roles in ageing (Mech Ageing Dev, 2004;
algae, is being touted as a ‘super (Pure Appl Chem, 1991; 63: 141–6). 125: 811–26), a growing number of
antioxidant’ and the answer to These antioxidant capabilities, supplement suppliers and man-
everything from wrinkles to dementia coupled with its ability to cross the ufacturers are promoting astaxanthin
to failing eyesight. But does the science blood–brain barrier (Pharmacol Biochem as an anti-ageing ‘super nutrient’.
stack up? Behav, 2011 May 17; Epub ahead of print),
make astaxanthin an ideal candidate
for the prevention and treatment of a
The scientific evidence
What is astaxanthin? range of diseases and conditions. In
Numerous studies, including several
Astaxanthin is a member of the clinical trials, show that the nutrient
particular, as free-radical formation
carotenoid family and a close relative of may be beneficial for a variety of
and oxidative stress are thought to play
the more familiar beta-carotene and conditions associated with ageing.
lutein. The most abundant natural
source of astaxanthin is the marine
microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis,
Other benefits
Infertility. In a double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT), 30 men with
but it’s also found in a variety of
infertility were given either 16 mg/day of astaxanthin or a placebo for three months.
seafood, including salmon, shrimp,

At the end of the study, sperm quality improved in the astaxanthin group, but not in
lobster and crab—where it’s

the placebo group. Moreover, more than half of the astaxanthin group’s partners
responsible for their distinctive pink

became pregnant during the trial, while only 10 per cent of the placebo group’s

partners achieved pregnancy (Asian J Androl, 2005; 7: 257–62).

Being a carotenoid, astaxanthin is a

Heart health. In another RCT, astaxanthin was given in doses of 0, 6, 12 and 18 mg

powerful antioxidant—a molecule that
per day for three months to healthy adults.Those taking astaxanthin—at any dose—
can protect cells against damage

saw their triglyceride (a type of fat) levels decrease and their high-density lipoprotein
caused by unstable molecules known as

(HDL or ‘good’) cholesterol increase (Atherosclerosis, 2010; 209: 520–3).

‘free radicals’. However, unlike other

Reflux.A high dose of astaxanthin (40 mg/day) significantly reduced reflux symptoms
carotenoids, which can show potentially
in people with dyspepsia (indigestion) after four weeks. The effect was particularly
damaging pro-oxidative properties

pronounced in those with Helicobacter pylori infection, which is commonly associated

under certain conditions (for example,

with dyspepsia (Phytomedicine, 2008; 15: 391–9).

if other antioxidants are lacking),

Cancer.Although the results may not apply to humans, astaxanthin showed cancer-
astaxanthin is a ‘pure antioxidant’
preventative effects in a mouse model of bladder cancer (Carcinogenesis, 1994; 15: 15–9).
(Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2009; 73: 1928–32).

Also promising were the findings of a test-tube study showing that astaxanthin can
Studies demonstrate that asta-

inhibit the growth of human colon cancer cells (Cancer Lett, 2009; 283: 108–17).
xanthin’s antioxidant ability surpasses

Exercise/sports performance. A study of healthy male adult volunteers taking

that of other carotenoids such as beta-
6 mg/day of astaxanthin for four weeks suggests that the supplement can improve
catotene, lycopene and lutein, as well as

visual acuity and muscle fatigue, which may lead to sports performance benefits (J Clin
vitamin E (J Agric Food Chem, 2000, 48:

Ther Med, 2002; 18: 1085–100).

1150–4). In neutralizing singlet oxygen,
a highly reactive oxygen compound,
astaxanthin has a potency more than

4 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

u Dementia. A Japanese study found 1 mg of zeaxanthin) improved visual A more recent study by FCI using
that astaxanthin can reduce the function in patients with age-related a larger sample size (49 American
buildup of compounds called macular degeneration (Ophthalmology, women) investigated the effects of
‘phospholipid hydroperoxides’ 2008; 115: 324–33.e2). astaxanthin alone (4 mg daily) on
(PLOOH), which are known to u Skin ageing. Several studies show skin condition. After six weeks,
accumulate abnormally in the red that astaxanthin offers natural marked improvements were again
blood cells (erythrocytes) of people protection against the sun’s harmful noted in the astaxanthin group
with dementia. In this randomized ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are the compared with the placebo group,
double-blind trial, 30 healthy volun- number-one cause of premature including a significant improvement
teers aged 50–69 years were given skin ageing. A recent test-tube study in elasticity and fine lines/wrinkles,
an astaxanthin supplement (6 or 12 reported that astaxanthin displayed as assessed by a dermatologist
mg) or a placebo pill every superior protective effects against (Carotenoid Sci, 2006; 10: 91–5).
day for 12 weeks. The results showed UVA-induced oxidative damage in
that PLOOH levels in erythrocytes human skin cells compared with the Small dose, big benefits
declined by 40 and 50 per cent with carotenoids canthaxanthin and Besides these promising anti-ageing
6 and 12 mg of astaxanthin, beta-carotene (Exp Dermatol, 2009; 18: benefits, astaxanthin may also be able
respectively, whereas there was no 222–31). Another laboratory study to prevent cancer, boost fertility and
change with the placebo. The revealed that astaxanthin slows the improve heart health (see box, page 4).
researchers concluded that increased production of the However, much larger clinical trials are
astaxanthin “may contribute to the collagen enzyme matrix- needed, particularly ones that examine
prevention of dementia” (Br J Nutr, metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and the long-term safety of consuming
2011; Jan 31: 1–9; Epub ahead of print). skin fibroblast elastase (SFE) astaxanthin on a daily basis.
Another study—albeit a enzyme trigged by UVA exposure. Nevertheless, so far there have been no
preliminary investigation—found As these enzymes break down skin reports of adverse effects, and studies
that astaxanthin supplements may collagen, elastin fibres and have used oral astaxanthin at dosages
be useful for age-related connective tissue, the researchers ranging from 1.8 mg to 100 mg per
forgetfulness and cognitive decline hypothesized that astaxanthin day, administered from a single dose up
(J Clin Biochem Nutr, 2009; 44: 280–4). might offer significant protection to daily dosing for a year (Mar Drugs, 2011;
u Poor eyesight. In a trial published in against skin sagging and wrinkling 9: 447–65).
the Japanese journal Medical (J Dermatol Sci, 2010; 58: 136–42). What’s more, a human safety study
Consultation & New Remedies, Even more exciting, clinical trials concluded that 6 mg/day of
astaxanthin (6 mg/day) was given to suggest that taking astaxanthin may astaxanthin—extracted from H.
22 middle-aged and older people actually improve the condition of pluvialis—is safe for healthy adults (J
with signs of presbyopia—where the the skin. In a double-blind study Med Food, 2003; 6: 51–6).
lens of the eye loses its ability to funded by FCI, 16 women with dry If you do wish to try it, make sure
focus (known as ‘accommodation’), skin, aged around 40 years, were you choose a natural astaxanthin
making it difficult to see objects up split into two groups. One received a supplement from an unpolluted source
close. The researchers found a daily supplement containing 2 mg of of the microalgae, such as Higher
significant improvement in eye astaxanthin and 40 mg of Nature’s AstaPure Timeless Beauty
accommodation ability after tocotrienol (vitamin E), while the (£15.95 for 30 4-mg gel capsules;
astaxanthin supplementation for other received a placebo capsule www.highernature. co.uk).
four weeks (Med Consult N Rem, 2009; 46: containing canola oil. The usual dose of astaxanthin is 2–4
89–93). However, it should be borne After just two weeks, the women mg/day and, as it’s fat-soluble, it
in mind that the study was in the test group saw numerous appears to be absorbed best when
sponsored by Fuji Chemical Industry improvements in their skin’s taken after a fat-containing meal (Biosci
(FCI), the company that condition, including fewer wrinkles, Biotechnol Biochem, 2009; 73: 1928–32). In
manufactures the astaxanthin better moisture and elasticity, a general, it’s recommended to take it
supplement AstaReal. smoother surface, and less under- with a dietary source of healthy fats,
Another trial—a year-long Italian eye darkness and flabbiness. The such as olive or flaxseed oil.
study—reported that taking 4 mg of results were even better after four When combined with a healthy diet
astaxanthin daily in combination weeks, with various skin and lifestyle, astaxanthin may well be
with other carotenoids and measurements showing a one of the best supplements around to
antioxidants (180 mg of vitamin C, statistically significant change help delay those dreaded signs of
30 mg of vitamin E, 22.5 mg of zinc, compared with the control group ageing.
1 mg of copper, 10 mg of lutein and (Food Style 21, 2002; 6: 112–7). Joanna Evans

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 5

Krill oil
Is the oil of this shrimp-like plankton really better than
fish oil?

rill oil is the fastest growing DHA levels more than did fish oil

K product in the omega-3

market, with reported sales of
over $100 million last year. Extracted
(Lipids, 1999; 34: 5–16).
In a human trial, daily doses of
216 mg EPA and 90 mg DHA from
from tiny shrimp-like zooplankton krill oil provided greater fatty-acid
crustaceans (with the scientific name increases than did daily doses of 212
of Euphausia superba) that live at mg EPA and 178 mg DHA derived has a potency more than 100-fold
the bottom of the world’s coldest from fish oil. At the end of the four- higher than vitamin E, and is
oceans, krill oil is sold as premium- week study, average blood levels of showing promise for dementia,
priced capsules with claims that it’s EPA were 377 µmol/L in the krill-oil infertility, vision problems and
superior to fish oil as a source of group and 293 µmol/L in the fish-oil ageing skin (for more information,
omega-3s. group. And although the krill oil see WDDTY vol 22 no 4).
Like fish oil, krill oil contains the supplement provided just half as Krill oil’s antioxidant content
omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic much DHA as the fish oil, average might explain why the supplement
acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid blood levels of DHA were around the has outperformed fish oil in terms of
(DHA), famous for their heart-healthy same in both groups—476 µmol/L in health effects in a couple of
and brain-boosting properties. But the krill-oil group and 478 µmol/L in preliminary trials.

Proven benefits
these fats are supposedly better the fish-oil group (Nutr Res, 2009; 29:
absorbed from krill oil. Krill oil also 609–15).
contains potent antioxidants that, Another study in humans One particular brand of krill oil—
proponents claim, give it the edge over compared the bioavailability of Neptune Krill Oil (NKO)—has been
fish oil. Other purported advantages of omega-3s from krill and fish oils put to the test in a handful of
krill oil are that it’s pollution-free and providing almost identical doses of clinical trials. One, a double-blind
comes with no fishy aftertaste. EPA and DHA. Although the results randomized controlled trial,
Numerous websites are now promoting were not statistically significant, the compared the effects of NKO and fish
krill oil as the ‘ultimate’ source of study found that krill oil consump- oil in 70 healthy women suffering
omega-3s. tion was associated with the highest from premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Let’s take a closer look at krill oil levels of EPA and DHA in the blood, For 30 days, half the women took 2
and see if the claims really do stack up. again suggesting better bioavailablity g/day of krill oil while the other half
compared with fish oil (Lipids Health Dis, took 2 g/day of fish oil. Following
Better bioavailability 2011; 10: 145). this, they took the supplements for
The research into krill oil is still in its Krill-oil proponents point out that, just 10 days per month over the next
infancy but, so far, studies suggest because omega-3s from krill oil are two months. Over this period, the
that it may well be a superior source better absorbed, less is needed for a women tracked their mental
of omega-3 fatty acids. beneficial effect. and physical symptoms on a

Natural antioxidants
For starters, while fish oil contains questionnaire developed by the
omega-3 fats in triglyceride form, a American College of Obstetrics and
significant proportion of the omega-3 Another difference between krill and Gynecology.
found in krill oil is in the form of fish oils is that krill oil is naturally At the end of the study, the results
phospholipids—fat-like molecules rich in antioxidants, including revealed that both groups improved
that deliver the fatty acids directly to vitamins A and E, and the carotenoid in weight, abdominal discomfort and
the body’s cells. Animal and human astaxanthin (Altern Med Rev, 2003; 8: swelling, but only the krill-oil group
studies show that phospholipid- 171–9). These free-radical fighters saw statistically significant
bound fatty acids have better provide the omega-3 fatty acids with improvements in breast tenderness,
absorption and delivery to the brain natural protection against oxidation, feelings of inadequacy, stress,
compared with triglyceride-bound so no additives are needed to irritability, depression, joint
fatty acids. maintain krill oil’s stability. In discomfort and bloating. Moreover,
In one primate study, twice as contrast, fish oil commonly contains the krill-oil group reported greater
many phospholipid-bound fatty acids added antioxidants to prevent it from improvements in alertness, energy
accumulated in the brain compared going rancid during production and and well-being, and took significantly
with triglyceride-bound fatty acids on the shelf. less analgesic medication around the
(Pediatr Res, 2002; 51: 265–72). In another The natural antioxidants in krill time of their period compared with
animal (pig) study, phospholipid- oil may also offer additional health the fish-oil group. The researchers
bound fatty acids increased brain benefits. Astaxanthin, for example, also noted that “[p]atients taking

6 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

and functional impairment (J Am Coll
Nutr, 2007; 26: 39–48).
Although the study didn’t
compare krill and fish oils, fish oil
has failed to lower CRP in at least
four separate studies (Altern Med Rev,
2007; 12: 207–27).

The bottom line

Unlike many much-hyped
supplements, krill oil actually has a
reasonable amount of science behind
it, including studies that appear to
support the impressive claims being
made for it. However, it’s still early
days, and it would be useful to have
some independent, non-
manufacturer-led clinical studies of
krill oil to rule out any potential
NKO did not experience any
Also lacking is any research on
gastrointestinal difficulties such as
3 g/day failed to provide any pollution levels in krill oil. Although
regurgitation, while 64 per cent of
additional benefit vs 2 g/day. In proponents claim that krill oil is free
the women in the fish oil group
contrast, the fish oil lowered of the contaminants that are
complained of unpleasant reflux”
cholesterol only marginally and failed sometimes associated with low-
(Altern Med Rev, 2003; 8: 171–9).
to reduce triglycerides below quality fish oil, such as mercury and
Another randomized controlled
baseline values (Altern Med Rev, 2004; 9: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
trial compared the effects of NKO,
420–8). there don’t appear to be any
fish oil and a placebo on blood lipids
In another trial, NKO was tested scientific studies of the subjcct.
(fats) in 120 patients with
against placebo for its anti- According to the NKO website, the
hyperlipidaemia (abnormally high
inflammatory effects. Ninety patients fact that krill is at the bottom of the
levels of blood lipids). In this 90-day
with cardiovascular disease, food chain means that it doesn’t
trial, two groups received krill oil at
rheumatoid arthritis and/or accumulate as many toxins and heavy
either 1–1.5 g/day or 2–3 g/day,
osteoarthritis, along with high levels metals as fish do. “This results in a
depending on their body mass index
of C-reactive protein (CRP)—a safer and purer product than the
(BMI), while another group received
marker of systemic inflammation— standard fish oils on the market”
3 g/day of fish oil and a fourth group
were given either 300 mg/day of krill (http://neptunekrilloil.com/
received a placebo.
oil or a placebo for 30 days. By day 7, en/faq.aspx).
At the lowest dosage, krill oil
krill oil had significantly reduced Ultimately, more research is
significantly lowered total and LDL
CRP (by 19 per cent) compared with needed to settle the krill oil/fish oil
(‘bad’) cholesterol, and raised HDL
placebo (increased by 15.7 per cent). debate. But the evidence so far, not
(‘good’) cholesterol compared with
By day 30, krill oil had further to mention many happy customers,
the starting-out (baseline) levels as
reduced CRP by 30 per cent. The suggests that this may be one of the
well as vs the fish-oil and placebo
researchers also reported reduced few hyped supplements that actually
groups. At 2 g/day, krill oil also
arthritic symptoms in the krill-oil delivers.
significantly lowered triglyceride
group, including less pain, stiffness Joanna Evans
levels in addition to cholesterol, but

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 7

What’s the evidence to support the
health claims made for this tiny
simple one-celled plant?

hlorella, a single-celled green

C algae from the Far East, is a

popular food supplement with
a host of purported benefits. The
most common claim is that it can rid
the body of toxic heavy metals, but it’s
also said to boost immunity, fix high
blood pressure and even fight cancer.
So, is there any science behind this so- levels of natural-killer cells and
called wonder supplement? Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2009; 10: 14–21). lymphocytes.
These results have recently been “These variables were less adversely
Cancer claims replicated in a test-tube study of human affected by chemotherapy and the
Although there are studies to suggest liver cancer cells, demonstrating that immunosuppressive effects of
that Chlorella may be a powerful this was not just a one-off finding (Clinics medications and protein secretions of
anticancer agent, most of them have [Sao Paulo], 2010; 65: 1371–7). the tumours than would have been
been in animals or test-tubes. Still, the In addition to liver cancer, Chlorella expected in these patients,” the
findings so far are promising. might also be useful for cancer of the researchers said. However, they
In one study, Chlorella vulgaris colon. A study by the Korea Institute of nevertheless highlighted the need for
(CV)—one species commonly used in Science and Technology found that controlled clinical studies to confirm
supplements—was found to kill liver extracts of two types of the algae—C. their findings (Phytother Res, 1990; 4:
cancer cells in rats. The higher the vulgaris and C. ellipsoidea—inhibited 220–31).
dose, the stronger the effect, showing the growth of human cancer cells in the
that Chlorella had a “definite chemo- lab. Again, the higher the dose, the Other benefits?
preventive effect”. greater the effect. A handful of other clinical trials suggest
The researchers reported that the The scientists attributed the effects that Chlorella may be beneficial for a
algae worked by inducing apoptosis, or to the “bioactive xanthophylls”—yellow number of chronic conditions besides
programmed cell death, which removes pigments belonging to the carotenoid cancer. The researchers responsible for
damaged or ‘bad cells’ from the system. family—found in Chlorella that, they the brain cancer trial also tested the
“The results of the study could concluded, “might be useful functional two C. pyrenoidosa-derived products on
justify the role of CV in the treatment ingredients in the prevention of human patients with fibromyalgia (a chronic
of thousands of liver cancer patients, cancers” (J Agric Food Chem, 2008; 56: pain condition), hypertension (high
thereby opening a new door for future 10521–6). blood pressure) and ulcerative colitis
research,” the study concluded (J Although these studies suggest a (an inflammatory bowel disease)—all
potential role for Chlorella in cancer with encouraging results.
treatment and/or prevention, the In the fibromyalgia study, which was
findings have yet to be replicated in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial,
clinical trials. This means that we just 37 patients were given either a placebo
don’t know if the results would be the or Chlorella supplements (10 g as
same in people. tablets and 100 mL as the liquid
However, there is one human trial extract) daily for three months. After
that looked at the effects of Chlorella this time, the patients were switched to
supplementation in brain-cancer the other treatment group, and then
patients. In this study, C. pyrenoidosa treated for an additional three months.
(in the form of 20-g Sun Chlorella The results showed significant
tablets and 150 mL of Wakasa Gold, a improvements in symptoms when
liquid Chlorella extract, both taken participants used Chlorella compared
daily) was added to the diet of 21 with a placebo (Altern Ther Health Med, 2001;
glioma patients as an adjunct to what- 7: 79–91).
ever other treatments they might have In the hypertension trial, 24 people
been receiving for their brain tumours. with mild-to-moderate hypertension
Although it did not significantly took a placebo for four weeks, and then
increase survival time, it did appear to switched to the Chlorella supplements
boost their immune systems, increasing (again, 10 g/day as tablets and 100

8 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

mL/day as liquid extract). After two of dangerous chlorinated hydrocarbon- supplements had significantly lower
months of taking the algae, more than based insecticides (Townsend Lett, 2007; dioxin levels in their breast milk
a third of patients (38 per cent) showed 287: 58–63). compared with controls.
some improvement in their In one of the earliest studies, feeding “These results suggest that Chlorella
hypertension, and one-fourth had an C. protothecoides to chlordecone- supplementation by the mother may
excellent response, achieving their poisoned rats was found to significantly reduce transfer of dioxins to the child
sitting diastolic blood pressure goal of speed up the detox process, decreasing through breast milk,” the researchers
less than 90 mmHg. Moreover, the the half-life of the carcinogenic reported (J Med Food, 2007; 10: 134–42).
researchers found a significant insecticide from 40 to 19 days (Drug
decrease in blood cholesterol levels (J Chem Toxicol, 1984; 7: 57–71). The bottom line
Med Food, 2002; 5: 141–52). In another study, researchers in In our increasingly toxic world,
The same dosages of Chlorella Japan fed rats highly toxic dioxins Chlorella is potentially a highly useful
tablets and extract were trialled for a (industrial chemicals that we’re all supplement, helping us to eliminate
third time in nine ulcerative colitis widely exposed to) as part of either a harmful contaminants from our bodies.
patients for two months. In every single control diet or a 10-per-cent Chlorella However, the published evidence is still
patient, the Disease Activity Index diet, then measured the amount of limited and more research is needed
(DAI)—calculated from their dioxins excreted by the rats. Those fed before definitive health claims can be
symptoms and a physician’s the algae excreted significantly more made.
assessment—declined over the two dioxins than the controls, leading the If you do wish to try Chlorella, be
months of algae supplementation. On researchers to conclude that Chlorella sure to choose a high-quality
average, the patients’ DAIs fell from 7.2 might prevent the gastrointestinal supplement (such as Sun Chorella, the
to 2.8—a 61-per-cent drop that was uptake of these chemicals while brand used in the Virginia trials; see
highly significant. Scores for the promoting the excretion of dioxins www.sunchlorella. com), as there have
emotional aspects of the disease were already absorbed in the tissues (J Nutr, been concerns that the algae can be
also significantly improved. However, 1999; 129: 1731–6). contaminated by heavy metals from the
this was not a controlled study, so we As for heavy metals, studies in mice water in which it grows.
don’t know how much the placebo show that Chlorella can boost the Chlorella itself appears to be non-
effect might have come into play (Altern removal of cadmium (Nutr Res Pract, 2009; toxic, although minor side-effects have
Ther Health Med, 2001; 7: 79–91). 3: 15–22), lead (Toxicol Ind Health, 2009; 25: been reported, including diarrhoea,
These studies are promising, but 551–6) and mercury (J Toxicol Sci, 2010; 35: stomach cramps and nausea. There’s
much more research is needed before it 101–5). also the possibility of an allergic
can be claimed that Chlorella is As the results of these animal reaction, which can manifest as
beneficial for these or any other health studies, however, do not necessarily breathing difficulties, chest pain or
conditions. It should also be pointed apply to humans, once again, clinical hives. People taking blood-thinners
out that the studies were funded by the trials are needed. But there is one such as warfarin are advised to avoid
Sun Chlorella Corporation, the published study—involving 35 pregnant Chlorella, as the vitamin K in the algae
company that makes the products used women in Japan—which showed that has the opposite effect of warfarin.
in the trials. Nevertheless, lead those who took C. pyrenoidosa Joanna Evans
trial researcher Dr Randall Merchant,
a professor at the Virginia
Commonwealth University’s Dep- What’s in Chlorella?
artment of Anatomy and Neurobiology,
maintains that the company does not According to the website www.sunchlorella.co.uk, 100 g of Sun Chlorella A
influence his research or its outcomes, (Chlorella pyrenoidosa tablets) will provide the following nutrients (see the website
and that he rigorously follows the for a complete list of the ingredients).
principles of experimental design and u Chlorophyll 2700 mg
analysis (Altern Complement Ther, 2001; 7: u Carotene 20,300 mcg
161–5). u Vitamin B1 1.82 mg
u Vitamin B2 4.52 mg
Detoxification u Vitamin C 7 mg
Of all the health claims for Chlorella, u Vitamin D 479 mcg
the most popular one is that it can help u Vitamin E 5 mg
rid the body of environmental toxins u Vitamin K1 1280 mcg
such as heavy metals—and there’s u Niacin 54.7 mg
convincing scientific evidence to u Calcium 340 mg
support this. u Iron 120 mg
The unique cell-wall structure of u Magnesium 330 mg
these algae contains compounds that u Potassium 950 mg
bind to and remove heavy metals such u Phosphorus 1500 mg.
as cadmium, lead and mercury from the
body, as well as accelerate the removal
WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 9
Spirulina has a host of zinc combo removed significant
reported benefits, but does quantities of arsenic from the body
it actually work? (Clin Toxicol [Phila], 2006; 44: 135–41).
u Obesity. In the only trial of spirulina
he blue-green algae of the genus for weight loss, there was a small

T Arthrospira, found in the

saltwater lakes of Mexico and
Central America, is popular with
reduction in weight in obese people
taking 2.8 g of spirulina three times
a day. However, further studies are
nutritionists and the health-conscious needed to confirm this, and it is also
everywhere. Often labelled ‘the world’s not known whether the supplement
healthiest food’, it’s been said to boost will have the same effects in those
immunity, promote heart health, who aren’t so overweight (Nutr Rep
combat fatigue, encourage weight loss, Int, 1986; 33: 565–74).
eliminate allergies and even protect u Cancer. In one clinical trial,
against cancer. Is there any truth to researchers found that 20 out of 44
these claims? WDDTY separates the patients showed complete regress- protect the liver, especially in people
fact from the fiction. ion of leukoplakia (mouth cancer) with chronic hepatitis. However, a trial
after taking spirulina for one year of 24 patients with chronic viral
The facts vs only 3 out of 43 taking a placebo hepatitis found that one month of
u Nasal allergies. In a controlled (Nutr Cancer, 1995; 24: 197–202). spirulina treatment had no significant
clinical trial, allergic rhinitis However, this was an “unblinded, results (Rom J Intern Med, 2002; 40: 89–94).
patients fed spirulina had signifi- non-randomized trial and as such It’s also worth noting that, despite
cantly less sneezing, itching, nasal cannot be regarded as evidence of a the widespread publicity, there’s no
discharge and congestion, compar- positive effect” (Evid Based Complement evidence that spirulina can help in
ed with the placebo group (Eur Arch Altern Med, 2008 Sep 14; Epub ahead of attention-deficit disorder.
Otorhinolaryngol, 2008; 265: 1219–23). print).
u High cholesterol. When the effects The bottom line
of spirulina on cholesterol were The fiction Although the spirulina studies are
studied over 20 years ago in 30 Other studies show that spirulina promising, it’s still too early to say
healthy men, it was found that doesn’t work for certain conditions. whether or not it can prevent or treat
4.2 g/day markedly reduced levels of Although it’s often claimed to fight any specific health problem. What’s
LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol after eight fatigue and boost energy, a random- more, the dosages used in most of the
weeks (Nutr Rep Int, 1988; 37: 1329–37). ized placebo-controlled trial suggests studies were relatively high, so even if
Other clinical trials have reported otherwise. When four patients with it does work, you’d need to take a lot
similar results and, in one, spirulina chronic fatigue were given spirulina of it to see any benefits. Still, as
not only reduced LDL cholesterol, (3 g/day) for a month, it proved no dietary supplements go, spirulina is a
but also increased HDL (‘good’) better than a placebo (Phytother Res, 2007; particularly rich source of proteins,
cholesterol, too (Evid Based Comple- 21: 570–3). However, as these results may vitamins, amino acids, minerals and
ment Altern Med, 2008 Sep 14; Epub ahead have been biased by the design of the other nutrients. This means that,
of print). study, until more clinical studies are providing you choose a good-quality
u Hypertension. In 36 Mexican men conducted, we just don’t know. supplement, you can’t go far wrong.
and women, taking 4.5 g/day of Another claim is that spirulina can Joanna Evans
spirulina for six weeks dramatically
reduced both systolic and diastolic
blood pressure, with the largest
decreases seen in the youngest
Is spirulina safe?
(aged 18–38 years) (Lipids Health Dis, Spirulina itself appears to be non-toxic, although blue-green algae may be
2007; 6: 33). naturally contaminated by highly toxic substances called ‘microcystins’,
u Arsenic poisoning. This is a which could make their way into health supplements. Nevertheless, a
common problem in developing survey by Health Canada—which tested a broad sample of blue-green
countries where arsenic levels in algae products available on the Canadian market—found that all spirulina
drinking water are high. When 41 products were microcystin-free (for details, go to www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-
patients with this condition were semt/pubs/water-eau/ cyanobacter-eng.php#blue).
given either a placebo or spirulina A genuine concern, however, is that spirulina can absorb any heavy
extract (250 g) plus zinc (2 g), twice metals present in the water in which it grows (Nutr Rep Int, 1989; 40: 1165–72),
daily for 16 weeks, urine and hair so make sure that you buy spirulina from a reputable manufacturer.
analyses found that the spirulina–

10 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Emu oil
With a laundry list of claimed benefits, is there any
evidence that emu oil isn’t just snake oil?

mu oil has been called a “Emu oil can alleviate

E “proven natural wonder” and

“one of the most exciting
alternative remedies available
inflammation in the scald wound
and promote wound healing in
rats,” concluded the researchers ( Di
today”. Rendered from the fat of Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao, 2004; 24:
the emu—the second-largest flight- 1255–6).
less bird in the world, and a native In the second study, nearly five
of Australia—this product is times as many scalded rats were
claimed to be a powerful anti- used, and emu oil was pitted
inflammatory, with benefits that against povidone iodine and a
include easing arthritis, healing saline solution. Here again, emu oil
skin wounds, lowering cholesterol came out on top. The rats treated experimental polyarthritis (arth-
and even reversing hair loss. with emu oil had significantly ritis involving five or more joints
But is there any science behind shorter wound-healing times, which simultaneously), and found that
this ‘miracle’ product, or is it just the researchers attrib-uted to the four out of the five formulations
snake oil? oil’s anti-inflammatory action. were effective for reducing arthritic
Also, the really good news was that severity. The effect was comparable
Scientific studies emu oil was not associated with any to that of the anti-inflammatory
Although emu oil is purported to adverse effects (Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue drug ibuprofen (Inflammopharmacology,
benefit a long list of conditions, Xue Bao, 2005; 25: 407–10). 1997; 5: 127–32).
there’s surprisingly little published Other research shows that A follow-up study revealed that
research on this popular natural topically applied emu oil can speed emu oil is more effective against
remedy to support such claims. The the healing of chemical burns arthritis than a number of other
Australian aborigines have caused by croton oil applied to the oils claiming to have therapeutic
reportedly been using emu oil for ears of mice. In a study by value for inflammatory disorders,
centuries to heal wounds, reduce scientists from the University of including rhea, fish, flaxseed and
pain and relieve various muscle Prince Edward Island in evening primrose oils. It also
disorders. However, only recently Charlottetown, Canada, mice demonstrated that emu oil derived
have scientists started to take an treated with emu oil had from intestinal fat appears to have
interest in the oil, and most of the significantly less ear-tissue swelling more activity than oil derived from
studies so far have been in animals. after six and 12 hours compared rump fat (Inflammo-pharmacology, 1998;
A couple of rather cruel studies with mice treated with a placebo 6: 1–8).
conducted by a team of researchers (porcine oil) or no treatment at all. Other animal studies have
from Southern Medical University’s The biggest reduction in swelling looked at the effects of emu oil
Nanfang Hospital Department of was seen in mice treated with the administered orally. Most recently,
Burns in Guangzhou, China, both highest dose (5 µL) of emu oil. researchers at the University of
found that emu oil applied topically These mice also had less swelling Adelaide, in Australia, investigated
can promote wound healing in than the mice treated with an equal whether emu oil would have any
scalded rats. In the first study, 30 dose of porcine oil. After 24 hours, impact on mucositis, the painful
Wistar rats with second-degree however, swelling was the same in inflammation and ulceration of the
scalding were randomly assign-ed all three groups (emu oil, porcine mucous membranes lining the
to receive either emu oil, povidone oil and no treatment), suggesting digestive tract usually seen as a
iodine or liquid paraffin. The latter that the oil needs to reapplied side-effect of cancer treatment.
two agents are commonly used in regularly to be effective (Am J Vet Using agouti rats with chemo-
the treatment of skin wounds. Res, 1999; 60: 1558–61). therapy-induced mucositis, they
The results showed that, Besides promoting wound- discovered that emu oil
compared with povidone iodine and healing, emu oil also appears to be significantly reduced inflammation
liquid paraf-fin, emu oil had a faster useful for arthritis—again, in the intes-tine and improved the
painkilling effect (measured by probably because of its anti- “mucosal architecture” of the gut.
timing how long it took the rats to inflammatory effects. In this case, The study concluded that
stop writhing from the pain), and Australian researchers tested five “[F]urther studies investigating
increased the rate of wound different topically applied emu-oil the potential benefits of emu oil as
healing. preparations on rats with a nutritional supplement for the

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 11

treatment of intestinal disorders
are indicated” (Br J Nutr, 2010; 104: What’s in emu oil?
Emu oil is made up of several

different types of fatty acids, but

Yet another study compared the

mainly monounsaturated fatty

effects of oral emu oil, olive oil and

acids. Oleic acid—an omega-9 fatty

coconut oil in hamsters with high

acid—is the major

cholesterol, a risk factor for athero-

monounsaturated fatty acid in emu

sclerosis (the buildup of plaque in

oil, comprising over 40 per cent of

the arteries). The results showed

its total fatty acids. The oil also

that hamsters fed on diets

contains polyunsaturated fatty

supplemented with either emu or

acids, including linoleic acid (an

olive oil had significantly lower

omega-6 fat) and linolenic acid (an

concentrations of total and low-

omega-3 fat), as well

density lipoprotein (LDL, or ‘bad’)

as the saturated fatty acids palmitic

cholesterol compared with animals

acid and stearic acid (www.aea-

supplemented with coconut oil.

emu.org/ resources/research/fatty-
Moreover, neither emu nor olive oil

had any effect on levels of high-
density lipoprotein (HDL, or
‘good’) cholesterol, known to
protect against heart disease ( Nutr
Res, 2004; 6: 395–406). the researchers reported that emu significant effect on pain reduction
oil scored better than mineral oil on their own than when used in
Human studies overall. Moreover, all 11 combination.
Although the research so far is participants said they preferred the Although this study has not been
promising—suggesting that emu emu oil to the mineral oil (Australas published in a peer-reviewed
oil may be useful for a number of J Dermatol, 1996; 37: 159–61). journal, it can be found on the
inflammator y conditions—the As for specific conditions, there website of Emu Spirit, the
results of animal studies do not is one study—a randomized double- Australian company that supplied
necessarily apply to humans. For blind placebo-controlled trial, the the emu oil used in the study and
this reason, clinical trials are gold-standard type of clinical assisted with its funding (see
needed to confirm these trial—that investigated the effects w w w. e m u s p i r i t . c o m / w h y - e m u -
preliminary findings. of emu oil in 120 men and women spirit/osteoarthritichandpain.htm)
Thus far, there appears to be with osteoarthritis of the hand. The .
only one published clinical trial of study participants were randomly
emu oil to date: a pilot double- allocated to one of six groups: 1) The bottom line
blind trial of the oil’s moisturizing emu oil applied topically twice a Clearly, considerably more research
and cosmetic properties. This day; 2) placebo (canola) oil applied is needed on the effects of emu oil
preliminary study involved 11 men topically twice a day; 3) emu oil in humans and, in particular, inde-
and women, with healthy skin (no taken by mouth twice a day (5 mL); pendent studies. Many websites
acne or eczema), who were asked to 4) placebo oil taken by mouth twice claim that the oil is beneficial for a
compare two different oils—emu a day; 5) emu oil applied topically laundry list of health problems, but
oil and mineral oil—after two and ingested; and 6) placebo oil there is simply not enough
weeks of topical use of each. applied topically and ingested. evidence at this time to support
Using data compiled from At the end of the eight-week such claims.
questionnaires, which assessed skin study, pain scores were found to be Nevertheless, it’s unlikely that
penetration and permeability, signifi-cantly lower in the emu oil using emu oil will do you any harm,
moisturizing properties, texture users compared with the placebo at least when applied topically, so
and any side-effects (such as oil users. However, curiously, you may wish to give it a try for
comedogenicity or blackhead topical applica-tion and ingestion yourself.
development, odour or irritation), of emu oil each had a more Joanna Evans

12 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Cetylated fatty acids
Cetylated fatty acids are
among the latest natural
remedies for joint health,
and are said to be even
better than glucosamine.
But what does the science
say about these fats?

etylated fatty acids (CFAs) are

C a group of naturally occurring

fats that are widely marketed
as a treat-ment for osteoarthritis.
These fats are thought to help
lubricate joints and muscles, soften
tissues, reduce inflammation and
increase flexibility. The question is,
do they really work?

CFA studies so far

Several studies used a proprietary
blend of CFAs called Celadrin (70-
per-cent CFAs and 30-per-cent olive
oil) which comes as an oral supple-
ment or topical cream. In one study patients to get up and go from a However, although it was a double-
using the capsules, 64 patients with chair, go up and down stairs, balance blind, placebo-controlled study, the
chronic knee osteoarthritis (OA) and move their knees. results have yet to be published in a
were given either Celadrin (350 mg, Celadrin was superior to placebo peer-reviewed journal, but are
plus 50 mg of soy lecithin and 75 mg and had fast-acting effects. Climbing available at the following website:
of fish oil, taken six times daily) or a ability, for example, improved just 30 http://celadrininfo.com/studies/
placebo (vegetable oil) for 68 days. minutes after initial treatment (J SafetyHumans.pdf.
At the end of the study, those in Rheumatol, 2004; 31: 767–74). Another small study found that
the Celadrin group saw a significant The other two studies of this series Celadrin together with glucosamine
improvement in their knee range of also found Celadrin to be effective for might benefit the heart and blood-
motion (flexibility) and overall joint relieving the pain of OA. One found circulation status by reducing
functioning compared with those in that it improved postural stability platelet aggregation (blood-clot
the placebo group. and weight distribution across the formation). The researchers, who
“CFA may be an alternative to the soles of the feet during quiet tested the combination on 24
use of non-steroidal anti-inflam- standing (J Strength Cond Res, 2005; 19: healthy people, reported that it had
matory drugs for the treatment of 115–21), while the other reported that aspirin-like effects (Clin Lab Sci, 2010;
OA”, the researchers concluded (J it significantly reduced pain and 23: 32–6).
Rheumatol, 2002; 29: 1708–12). improved functional performance in Nevertheless, more research is
The topical version of Celadrin has individuals with OA of the knee, needed to confirm these results.
also been tested in three separate elbow and wrist (J Strength Cond Res,
studies by a team of researchers at 2005; 19: 475–80). Consider this
the University of Connecticut. CFAs appear to be a promising
Again, the product was trialled in Beyond arthritis treatment for OA, but the research is
patients with OA of the knee. Some websites claim that CFAs can far from conclusive, and some claims
In the first of this series of studies, be used to treat a range of condi- go far beyond the current evidence.
40 older patients (mean age: 65 tions other than OA, such as skin Indeed, while some claim that these
years) were randomly assigned to one problems, gum disease, gout and fatty acids are more effective than
of two treatment groups—Celadrin lupus. However, there’s little glucosamine and chondroitin—two
cream or a placebo—and were research to support these claims. popular natural treatments for
evaluated before application, 30 One small-scale, preliminary study arthritis—no comparative studies
minutes after application and 30 suggested that Celadrin cream might have been conducted.
days after treatment. Assessments be helpful for people with psoriasis, a Another point to bear in mind is
included how long it took the chronic autoimmune skin disorder. that the studies have been carried

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 13

out with a specific brand of CFAs
(Celadrin), so we don’t know if other Other supplements for osteoarthritis
preparations will have the same
results. u Glucosamine. Numerous studies have shown that this is a safe and
As for safety, no adverse effects effective way to reduce symptoms of OA (Arthroscopy, 2009; 25: 86–94).
have been reported with the use of The results of a three-year, double-blind trial suggest that the nutrient
CFAs—but then, no one appears to (1500 mg/day in one dose) may even slow the progression of the
be looking. This suggests that, in disease (Lancet, 2001; 357: 251–6).
particular, there need to be studies u Chondroitin. A recent review concluded that oral chondroitin sulphate
to determine the effects of their “is a valuable and safe symptomatic treatment for OA disease”.
long-term use. Interestingly, 800 mg/day had nearly the same effects as 1200 mg/day
Joanna Evans in one study (Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 2008; 16 Suppl 3: S19–21). It’s often
recommended that chondroitin be taken in combination with
u S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe). Double-blind trials show that SAMe
(1200 mg/day) reduces pain, stiffness and swelling better than a
placebo, and as well as painkilling drugs such as ibuprofen and
naproxen in OA sufferers (Am J Med, 1987; 83: 81–3; Am J Med, 1987; 83:
u Pycnogenol (pine bark extract). This supplement (150 mg/day) was
tested against a placebo on 100 patients with mild-to-moderate OA of
the knee. After eight weeks, the Pycnogenol group reported a
significant reduction in pain, and the benefits were still evident three
months later. They also had less stiffness in the joints, and were able
to carry out more day-to-day activities and reduce their use of
painkillers; in contrast, 10 per cent in the placebo group had to
increase their dose of analgesics (Phytother Res, 2008; 22: 1087–92).
u Bromelain. Mounting evidence suggests that this extract, derived from
pineapple, may be a useful treatment for OA. The research so far
shows that it has powerful anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties,
although more studies are needed to determine the optimal dosage
(Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2004; 1: 251–7).

14 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

An enzyme found in (Pharmatherapeutica, 1984; 3: 526–30).
Yet another study showed that
silkworms is touted as a
serrapeptase is better than the
natural alternative to non- traditional post-surgery advice:
steroidal anti-inflammatory bed rest, elevation and the
drugs (NSAIDs). But what application of ice. In patients
does the science say? undergoing surgery of the ankle,
those treated with serrapeptase
had 50-per-cent less postopera-
errapeptase, or serra- tive swelling compared with those

S tiopeptidase, is a proteolytic
(protein-digesting) enzyme
with a long history of use in
who followed the traditional
advice. The serrapeptase group
also became pain-free sooner
Germany and Japan. Now known than the control group did
worldwide for its anti-inflammatory (Fortschr Med, 1989; 107: 67–8, 71–2).
effects, it’s purported to treat u ENT disorders. An Italian study
everything from arthritis to heart of 193 patients suffering from
disease and infections. But what ear, nose and throat disorders
does the science say about (acute or chronic) found that
serrapeptase? serrapeptase treatment led to a
significant reduction in symp-
What the studies say toms compared with a placebo. In
Serrapeptase has been the subject addition, not only did the enzyme
of intense study in recent decades act rapidly on localized inflamma-
and, although much of the research tion, but it also led to less water
has been in humans, larger-scale retention, while boosting clot- trials are now needed to confirm
higher-quality trials are needed. busting effects (fibrinolysis), thus these findings.
Nevertheless, so far, the evidence speeding up healing (J Int Med Res, u Breast disease. Serrapeptase may
suggests that the enzyme may be 1990; 18: 379–88). be beneficial for breast engorge-
useful for a range of conditions. u Chronic obstructive pulmonary ment, the painful overfilling of
u Postoperative pain and disease (COPD). A small study the breasts with milk. When 70
swelling. In a study of 24 healthy carried out in Japan investigated women with the condition were
subjects undergoing tooth the effects of serrapeptase in given either Danzen, a Japanese
extraction, all were given a patients with COPD, such as serrapeptase preparation, or a
treatment combination of either emphysema and bronchitis. placebo for three days, Danzen
serrapeptase (5 mg) or placebo Compared with no treatment, proved to be superior to placebo
tablets and paracetamol 30 mg/day of the enzyme for four for improving breast pain, breast
(acetaminophen) tablets (1000 weeks reduced both the amount swelling and induration (harden-
mg) at the time of the operation. of phlegm (sputum) produced ing). Indeed, while 86 per cent of
Those taking serrapeptase and the frequency of coughing the Danzen patients achieved
reported significantly less pain (Respirology, 2003; 8: 316–20). “moderate to marked” improve-
and swelling after surgery u Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). ments, only 60 per cent of the
compared with the placebo- Twenty CTS patients were patients taking the placebo saw
control group (Int J Oral Maxillofac enrolled in a clinical study to similar improvements. Also, a
Surg, 2008; 37: 264–8). investigate whether serrapeptase “marked” improvement was seen
In a much larger study, this could help in the treatment of in 23 per cent of the treatment
time in patients with chronic their symptoms. Following a short group vs just 3 per cent with the
empyema (where pus collects course of the non-steroidal anti- placebo (Singapore Med J, 1989; 30:
around the lungs and in the inflammatory drug (NSAID) 48–54).
chest wall) undergoing surgery, nimesulide, the patients were u Infections. Serrapeptase was
the patients were given either given 10 mg of serrapeptase twice effective for eradicating infection
serrapeptase or a placebo both a day for six weeks. At the end of caused by Staphylococcus epider-
before and after their operation. the study, 65 per cent reported midis bacteria—at least in rats,
Here again, the degree of post- significant improvements in their so this may not apply to humans.
operative swelling was signifi- symptoms, with no serious side- Nevertheless, these findings led
cantly less with serrapeptase effects (J Assoc Physicians India, 1999; the researchers to conclude that
than with the placebo 47: 1170–2). Larger, higher-quality the enzyme might be able to

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 15

“enhance antibiotic efficacy in
the treatment of staphylococcal What is serrapeptase?
infections” (J Bone Joint Surg Am,
2006; 88: 1208–14). Serrapeptase is an enzyme produced by the Serratia bacteria that live in
the intestines of silkworms. Once the silkworm has completed its
Heart disease and beyond transformation into a moth, it uses this substance to ‘melt’ a hole in its
The potent anti-inflammatory confining cocoon, allowing it to escape. Unlike other biological enzymes,
effects of the enzyme make it a good serrapeptase affects only non-living tissue, such as the silk cocoon. In
candidate for treating a variety of humans, it breaks down the protein debris resulting from toxins and
other disorders, including arthritis, inflammation while sparing healthy tissues and cells.
fibromyalgia, migraine, irritable Serrapeptase is taken orally typically at a dosage of 10–30 mg/day. To
bowel syndrome and even heart ensure maximum absorption in the small intestine and to stop stomach
disease. Indeed, the late German acid from destroying the enzyme, it usually comes in enteric-coated
physician Dr Hans Nieper reported tablets.
that serrapeptase is an invaluable Currently, research is underway to develop topical preparations of
agent for the safe removal of fibrous serrapeptase in the form of ointments and gels (Indian J Pharm Sci, 2010; 72:
clots from coronary arteries and, in 65–71).
particular, from the carotid arteries
in the neck, which supply blood to
the brain (www.serrapeptase.info/content. use of this enzyme, although there Other potential adverse effects
asp?page=Dr-H-A-Nieper). have been a few case reports of include diarrhoea and gastro-
However, more clinical studies eosinophilic pneumonia (usually intestinal problems. However, these
are needed to ascertain whether or triggered by an allergic reaction, effects are usually mild, especially in
not serrapeptase is, in fact, effective often to a medication) in response comparison to the often severe side-
for any of these conditions. to serrapeptase (Nihon Kokyuki Gakkai effects of NSAIDs. Yet, until we know
Zasshi, 2009; 47: 254–8; 2000; 38: 540–4). more, it’s up to users to monitor
Serrapeptase safety Although the reaction is unusual, their own health when using this
In general, no significant side- it nevertheless highlights the fact product.
effects have been reported with the that natural is not always harmless. Joanna Evans

16 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Natural slimming supplements
Here, we take a look at have been mixed. insulin resistance, which might
some of the so-called In one, 60 overweight or then increase the risk of
slimming supplements on obese men and women were developing diabetes ( Am J Clin
the market, and what they given either 9 g of olive oil Nutr, 2007; 85: 1203–11; Circulation,

will and won’t do for you (placebo) or one of four doses of 2002; 106: 1925–9). Other research
CLA (1.7 g/day, 3.4 g/day, 5.1 suggests that CLA might lower
g/day or 6.8 g/day) for 12 levels of ‘good’ (HDL)
o doubt plenty of us have weeks. Compared with the cholesterol while contributing

N been tempted by a slimming

supplement at some point in
our lives. Indeed, an American
controls, all of those taking
CLA—regardless of dose—
reduced body fat, although the
to inflammation and oxidative
stress (Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2006;
46: 479–88).
survey published in 2008 found results were most significant in
that more than a third of adults those taking 3.4 g/day or more Green-tea extract
who made a weight-loss attempt ( J Nutr, 2000; 130: 2943–8 ). In
had used a dietary supplement to another trial, taking CLA (5
do so (J Obes, 2011; pii: 297315). g/day) during resistance
With many products claiming to training resulted in small,
tone you up and trim you down but statistically significant,
with minimal effort and no risk, increases in lean body mass and
it’s little wonder they’re so greater losses of fat mass after
popular. But do any of them seven weeks compared with a
actually work? And are they really placebo (Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2006;
safe? 38: 339–48).
Here are some of the most Other studies, however, have u The pill: Green-tea extract (GTE)
popular natural slimming failed to find any significant contains catechins, active
supplements and the science—or benefit with CLA (Lipids, 2000; 35: compounds present in the
lack of it—behind them. 777–82; J Strength Cond Res, unfermented dried leaves of
2002; 16: 325–34). Camellia sinensis. It’s credited with
CLA Fortunately, US res- a range of benefits, including weight
u The pill: Conjugated earchers have attempted to loss, and is the fourth most popular
linoleic acid (CLA) is a make sense of the dietary supplement in the US.
fatty acid found in the conflicting research by u The promise: GTE supposedly
meat and milk of conducting a pooled increases calorie and fat metabolism
grazing animals. The analysis of all high-quality while decreasing appetite. It’s
US Food and Drug clinical trials (they thought to act mainly on the
Administration (FDA) were randomized, double- sympathetic nervous system, which
recently approved blind and placebo- deter-mines calorie expenditure.
CLA for its ‘generally controlled) on CLA. They u The proof: In a double-blind,
recognized as safe’ concluded that CLA has a controlled Japanese study, 35
categor y, which ‘modest’ effect on human healthy men were divided by BMI
means that it can now body composition, with a and waist size. One group drank
be used in various dose of around 3 g/day oolong tea with 690 mg of catechins
foods and drinks. It’s resulting in a fat loss of from GTE; the other drank oolong
also found in around 0.09 kg/week ( Am J tea with only 22 mg of GTE
numerous supplements aimed at Clin Nutr, 2007; 85: 1203–11 ). So, it’s catechins. After 12 weeks, BMI,
slimmers and bodybuilders. hardly a quick-fix solution. Also, weight, waist size and body fat were
u The promise: CLA is said to CLA doesn’t appear to have all significantly lower in those
reduce body fat storage and to much effect on either body taking the higher dose of catechins
increase lean muscle mass while weight or body mass index (BMI) (Am J Clin Nutr, 2005; 81: 122–9).
boosting fat breakdown. (J Obes, 2011; pii: 297315). Another study found that a GTE
u The proof: Studies in mice show u Precautions: CLA appears to be rich in catechins taken at breakfast,
that those given CLA lose safe, with the most common lunch and dinner increased the
significant amounts of body fat side-effects being gastro- number of fat calories burned per
and show an increase in lean intestinal. However, there are day. The scientists concluded that
body mass (Am J Clin Nutr, 2007; 85: some concerns that the use of green tea has thermogenic
1203–11; Lipids, 1997; 32: 853–8 ). such supplements by overweight properties—in other words, it’s a
However, results in human trials people could cause or aggravate metabolism booster. They also

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 17

noted that it caused no increase in believed to stimulate feelings of
heart rate, a side-effect typically satiety in the brain. Yet, so far, there
seen with stimulant-based slimming are still no published clinical trials
products (Am J Clin Nutr, 1999; 70: of the extract.
1040–5). Websites selling Hoodia often
More recently, a meta-analysis cite a trial showing that, after two
concluded that GTE catechins are weeks, volunteers taking the herb
effective for reducing BMI, body ate 1000 fewer calories a day than
weight and waist size, but the effects those taking a placebo. However, the
are modest at best. Moreover, it study involved only 18 people, was
revealed that the catechins only never peer-reviewed or published,
work if the caffeine has not been and was sponsored by Phytopharm, a
removed, suggesting that this may British biopharmaceutical company
be contribu-ting to the weight loss licensed to develop P57 on a large
(Am J Clin Nutr, 2010; 91: 73–81). scale (Harv Womens Health Watch, 2008;
u Precautions: Excess green-tea 15: 8). The results, therefore, need to
consumption (more than eight cups be viewed with caution.
a day) can cause minor side-effects, On the upside, there’s published
including upset stomach, nausea evidence in animals that Hoodia market. And not only may they
and heartburn. But more worrying may work. South African contain little or no H. gordonii, they
is the link between green-tea prod- researchers tested the plant extract may also include the wrong parts of
ucts and liver damage. However, a against appetite-suppressing fen- the plant or use questionable plant
review by the US Pharmacopeia fluramine (now banned due to heart sources (Harv Womens Health Watch,
stated that GTE products appear to risks) in rats—so the findings may 2008; 15: 8). In fact, independent
be safe as long as they are used and not necessarily apply to humans— laboratory tests by Alkemists
formulated appropriately (Drug Saf, and found that Hoodia reduced food Pharmaceuticals in California have
2008; 31: 469–84). If you wish to try intake and also led to weight loss. revealed that around two-thirds of
GTE, make sure you go for a Fenfluramine, on the other hand, the supplements on the US
reputable brand and take it as reduced food intake only slightly marketplace contained no
directed. Also, avoid taking the and led to weight gain (Phytochemistry, identifiable H. gordonii whatsoever
supplement on an empty stomach. 2007; 68: 2545–53). (www.naturalnews.com/011425.html).
In another rat study, US
Hoodia scientists injected P57 directly into Chromium
u The pill: Hoodia the brain. Food intake was reduced u The pill: Chromium is a naturally
gordonii was once a by 40–60 per cent over 24 hours, occurring mineral that plays an
little-known plant and levels of ATP (adenosine essential role in the metabolism of
native to the triphosphate) in the hypo- carbohydrates and fats, and in the
Kalahari desert in thalamus—which controls hunger— action of insulin. It has a range of
South Africa. Now, were increased. This ATP purported benefits, but one of its
the herb is found in upregulation may lie behind the most common uses—usually in a
slimming products herb’s apparent appetite- form called chromium picolinate—
worldwide, ranging suppressing effects (Brain Res, 2004; is as a weight-loss aid.
from capsules and 1020: 1–11). u The promise: Often touted as a
tablets to tinctures and syrups. Nevertheless, although this is all ‘miracle mineral’, chromium is
u The promise: Hoodia is claimed to highly promising, until more claimed to curb the appetite,
encourage weight loss by reliable human trials are published, increase metabolism and, thus, melt
suppressing the appetite. According we won’t know whether Hoodia— body fat while increasing lean body
to one website promoting the and, specifically, Hoodia in pill mass.
supplement, with Hoodia, you “can form—will work in overweight u The proof: The evidence is mixed as
make cravings vanish, reduce your people as it does in rats. to whether or not chromium really
calorie intake substantially, and lose u Precautions: As clinical trials are can help with weight loss and
body fat”. lacking, we’re completely in the improve body composition. In one
u The proof: Despite being one of the dark about the herb’s safety. crossover study, 20 overweight
most widely used slimming Another concern is that the women, who were following a mild
supplements today, there’s actually products currently available aren’t regimen of diet and exercise, were
little scientific evidence to show regulated, so it’s unclear how much given either a placebo or 600
that the herb helps weight loss. of the herb—if any—they contain. mcg/day of niacin-bound chromium
Researchers began studying Experts argue that there simply for two months, then switched over
Hoodia in the early 1960s and, some aren't enough Hoodia plants in the to the other treatment for a further
20 years later, isolated an extract world to account for all the alleged two months. The results showed
they dubbed ‘P57’, which was Hoodia products now on the that those who took the chromium

18 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

L-Carnitine Hydroxycitric acid
after the placebo u The pill: L-Carnitine is an amino- u The pill: Hydroxycitric acid (HCA),
lost significantly acid-like compound that helps the found in the Malabar tamarind
more fat and less body turn fat into energy. For this fruit (Garcinia cambogia), has
muscle compared reason, it’s become a popular been used for centuries in
with the chromium- ingredient in dietary supple- Southeast Asia to make meals feel
first group (Diabetes ments—and especially those for more filling. Today, it’s marketed
Obes Metab, 1999; 1: weight loss—as well as some sports- as a weight-loss supplement either
331–7). Also, no nutrition products. alone or in combination with
adverse effects were u The promise: Carnitine is said to other ingredients.
seen with the niacin- aid weight loss mainly by boosting u The promise: HCA purportedly
bound chromium fat metabolism. According to one aids weight loss by suppressing the
supplements. website, “With carnitine’s help, fat appetite and reducing the
A n o t h e r levels decrease in the blood and conversion of carbohydrates into
placebo-controlled weight loss is easier”.
study reported that chromium u The proof: Although some studies
picolinate—at a dose of 1000 mg for suggest that dietary carnitine
eight weeks—reduced food intake, (found in red meat and dairy
hunger levels and fat cravings in a products) has the potential to
group of healthy overweight adult stimulate fat metabolism (Nutrition,
women. It was also associated with a 2004; 20: 709–15), there’s little
small reduction in body weight evidence to show that carnitine
(Diabetes Technol Ther, 2008; 10: 405–12). supple-ments are effective for
However, other studies have weight loss. In fact, one Australian
reported that chromium study found that eight weeks of L-
supplementation—using a range of carnitine supplementation
doses—had no effect on either combined with aerobic training
weight loss or body composition failed to promote weight loss in
(Nutrition, 2007; 23: 187–95; Biol Trace Elem moderately obese women (Int J Sport
Res, 2006; 113: 53–66; J Altern Complement Nutr Exerc Metab, 2000; 10: 199–207).
Med, 2010; 16: 291–9). Similarly, a review of several popular
According to a meta-analysis weight-loss supplements reported
(pooled analysis) of 10 randomized that “no trials demonstrate that L-
controlled trials, chromium carnitine is effective for weight
picolinate may help with weight loss” (Am Fam Physician, 2004; 70:
loss, but not much. Overall, 1731–8). stored fat.
participants lost around 0.08–0.2 kg u Precautions: L-Carnitine appears to u The proof: The good news is that
per week compared with a be safe, although the Australian some placebo-controlled studies
placebo—a relatively small study mentioned above reported have found that HCA can increase
reduction in overall weight (Am J Clin nausea and diarrhoea in some of the weight loss, reduce appetite (Int J
Nutr, 2004; 79: 529–36). people taking the supplement that Obes, 1997; 21 [Suppl 2]: S61; Diabetes
u Precautions: A 1995 study sparked was sufficient to cause them to drop Obes Metab, 2004; 6: 171–80) and cut
some concern after it reported that out of the study. calorie intake (Int J Obes Relat Metab
chromium picolinate at very high Disord, 2002; 26: 870–2), and increase
concentrations in a test-tube could fat-burning in athletes (J Nutr Sci
damage the chromosomal material Vitaminol [Tokyo], 2002; 48: 128–33).
of hamster cells (FASEB J, 1995; 9: Moreover, one study reported
1643–8). increased weight loss after
However, the latest evidence treatment with HCA plus
shows that such genotoxic effects chromium (Am J Bariatr Med, 1993;
are highly unlikely in humans or Summer: 17–9).
animals taking chromium at the However, several other studies
moderate, recommended levels (Crit have not confirmed these
Rev Toxicol, 2008; 38: 173–90). proposed effects. In one of the
Indeed, in supplemental largest and most rigorous trials,
amounts—typically, 50–300 researchers found no significant
mcg/day—chromium has not been differences in weight loss or body
found to cause toxicity in humans. fat mass between those taking
However, little is known of the long- HCA and those taking a placebo
term safety of supplementing with (JAMA, 1998; 280: 1596–600).
chromium. There is, nevertheless, some

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 19

evidence to suggest that HCA enhance the body’s days a week.
effectiveness may depend on the ability to use The results showed a
dose and type of HCA formulation energy efficiently. significant reduction in body
used. For example, in rat studies, u The proof: It’s weight and body fat in the
Dutch scientists found that the been suggested pyruvate group (Nutrition, 1999; 15:
HCA-based products Citrin K and that pyruvate 337–40).
Regulator were significantly more might be useful According to a recent review
effective than Super CitriMax for weight loss published in the Journal of
HCA-600-SXS at reducing food and for improving Obesity, the evidence so far
intake, despite using the same body comp- suggests that pyruvate “may be
dosages (150 and 300 mg/kg) osition. In one beneficial for weight loss”, and
(Nutr Metab [Lond], 2005; 2: 23). But randomized appears to work via fat-modifying
these results may not apply to controlled trial, mechanisms. However, the
humans. h i g h - d o s e researchers point out that the
u Precautions: Side-effects ass- p y r u v a t e trials conducted so far have used
ociated with HCA include supplements only small numbers of people and
headache, nausea and gastro- (22–44 g/day) enhanced lasted for only short periods of
intestinal symptoms. However, in weight loss and led to a greater time (J Obes, 2011; 2011: pii: 297315;
most of the trials, there were no reduction of body fat in overweight Epub 2010 Aug 10).
significant differences in adverse adults consuming a low-fat diet (Am u Precautions: Studies suggest that
events between HCA and a placebo J Clin Nutr, 1994; 59: 423–7). pyruvate is generally well
(J Obes, 2011; doi: 10.1155/2011/509038). In another study, a much lower tolerated, with gastrointestinal
dose of pyruvate appeared to have upset (such as wind, bloating and
Pyruvate similar effects. A group of diarrhoea) being the most
u The pill: Pyruvate is a three-carbon overweight men and women were common side-effect. One
compound made in our bodies as a randomly assigned to receive either preliminary study involving
result of glucose metabolism. It’s 6 g/day of pyruvate or a placebo for women who exercised found that
also found naturally in foods (such six weeks. In addition, all 10 g/day of pyruvate reduced
as apples), as well as in slimming participants took part in an blood levels of ‘good’ HDL
and sports supplements. exercise programme that consisted cholesterol after one month
u The promise: Pyruvate can of a 45- to 60-minute (Med Sci Sports Exerc, 1998; 30: S155).
supposedly reduce body fat and aerobic/anaerobic routine three Joanna Evans

20 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Conjugated linoleic acid
Is this natural supplement the subjects taking 3.4 g/day or
a genuine quick-fix for fat more (J Nutr, 2000; 130: 2943–8).
loss? More recently, supplementation
with CLA was tested against
onjugated linoleic acid safflower oil in a group of obese

C (CLA) has become a

popular supplement among
both athletes and slimmers alike.
postmenopausal women with type
2 diabetes. With no other changes
to either their diet or exercise
Found naturally in the meat and habits, the women taking the CLA
milk of grazing animals, this fatty were able to achieve significant
acid supposedly reduces body fat reductions in their total body fat
and increases lean muscle mass in as well as their body mass index
humans. (BMI) scores, thus suggesting that
But is it really possible to fight CLA may be a useful supplement
fat with fat? Let’s take a look at for encouraging weight loss (Am J
the evidence so far. Clin Nutr, 2009; 90: 468–76).
CLA has also been tested in
CLA science athletes and regular exercisers—
Numerous studies have established and showed promising results. In a
that CLA is an effective fat-fighter, study of 20 normal-weight adults the participants (Nutr Rev, 2008; 66:
at least in animals. Experimental who exercised for 90 minutes three 415–21). However, when a recent
mice, pigs and hamsters that were times a week, those taking CLA meta-analysis pooled the results of
fed a diet supplemented with CLA (1.8 g/day) lost significantly more 18 validated, ‘gold-standard’, CLA
all lost significant amounts of body body fat (but not body weight) than studies—in other words, they were
fat compared with their matched those taking a placebo (J Int Med Res, randomized, double-blind and
controls. Mice appear to be the 2001; 29: 392–6). placebo-controlled—to address
most responsive to CLA, with In yet another trial, Canadian these confounding variables, the
treated animals losing 60 per cent researchers reported that CLA researchers came to the conclusion
of their body fat overall (Am J Clin supplementation (5 g/day) during that CLA does appear to have a
Nutr, 2007; 85: 1203–11). resistance training resulted in beneficial effect on human body
CLA also appears to increase small, but statistically significant, composition, with a dose of around
lean body mass, which refers to all increases in lean body mass and 3 g/day resulting in fat loss of
body tissues (mostly muscle) greater losses of fat mass after about 0.09 kg/week.
minus the fat. In one study, mice seven weeks compared with those Although such an effect seems
given CLA not only lost body fat, taking a placebo (Med Sci Sports Exerc, “modest”, it can be important
but also showed a statistically 2006; 38: 339–48). when it accumulates over time,
significant increase in lean body Nevertheless, despite these especially in the West where
mass—up to 14 per cent— positive reports, other studies have continual and gradual weight gain
compared with the control animals failed to demonstrate any signifi- is the norm (Am J Clin Nutr, 2007; 85:
(Lipids, 1997; 32: 853–8). cant benefit with CLA supplemen- 1203–11).
But would such benefits be seen tation. One US study reported no Nevertheless, whether CLA
in people, too? More than 30 changes in either body fat or lean works or not, there are some
clinical trials have attempted to body mass in women who had taken concerns that the use of such
answer this question, but the 3 g/day of CLA for two months supplements by overweight people
results have been mixed. ( Lipids, 2000; 35: 777–82 ). Another could cause or aggravate insulin
In one randomized, double-blind concluded that CLA had no effect resistance, which might then
study, researchers in Norway on body mass composition when increase the risk of developing
studied 60 overweight or obese taken by experienced resistance- diabetes ( Am J Clin Nutr, 2007; 85:
men and women who were given trained athletes (J Strength Cond Res, 1203–11; Circulation, 2002; 106: 1925–9).
either olive oil (placebo) or one of 2002; 16: 325–34). Other research suggests that CLA
four doses of CLA (1.7 g/day, 3.4 might lower levels of ‘good’ (HDL)
g/day, 5.1 g/day or 6.8 g/day) for Only modest effects cholesterol, while contributing to
12 weeks. Compared with the This lack of consistency across inflammation and oxidative stress
controls, all of those taking CLA— studies has been blamed on study (Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2006; 46: 479–88).
regardless of dosage—showed a design differences, such as the However, as with the efficacy
reduction in body fat, although the dosages used, the duration of the studies, the evidence is similarly
results were most significant for studies, and the age and gender of conflicting. There’s no doubt that

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 21

more research is needed to
determine whether CLA supple- Other CLA effects
mentation is safe, particularly over
the long term. Scientists are currently researching a number of other possible benefits of
Be that as it may, the US Food CLA and, so far, the evidence—from animal studies, so it does not
and Drug Administration (FDA) has necessarily apply to humans—suggests that it may be useful for the
recently approved CLA for its following conditions.
‘Generally Recognized as Safe’ u Cancer. Animal and test-tube studies suggest that CLA has anticancer
category, which means that it can properties ( Anticancer Res, 2006; 26: 27–34 ). Specifically, CLA
now be used in various foods and supplementation appears to hinder the growth of breast, skin, stomach
beverages (Eur J Nutr, 2009; 48: 409–18). and colon tumours in mice and rats (Br J Nutr, 2000; 83: 459–65).
u Osteoporosis. CLA significantly increased bone mass in middle-aged
The bottom line female mice, particularly when combined with exercise (J Bone Miner
Although CLA appears to have Metab, 2008; 26: 436–45).
some impact on body fat, it doesn’t u Sarcopenia. A recent study concluded that CLA may help to prevent
appear to pack much of a punch. In age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia). Mice fed CLA for six months had
addition, considering the cost of more muscle mass compared with those that were fed corn oil (Biochem
supplements—and the questions Biophys Res Commun, 2009; 383: 513–8).
that still surround their long-term u Cellulite. In a study of 60 women, CLA combined with a herbal
safety—we’re all probably better off anticellulite pill was more effective in improving the appearance of the
finding another way to fight fat. skin than the herbal pill on its own (Adv Ther, 2001; 18: 225–9).
Joanna Evans

22 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Colloidal silver
There’s no evidence
in humans. Even if colloidal silver can
to support the claims of kill bacteria and other microbes in a
this alternative test tube, that’s no guarantee that the
antimicrobial results will be the same in people.
Also, to our knowledge, there are no
olloidal silver, a suspension of clinical studies showing that colloidal

C ultrafine silver particles in

liquid, is often claimed
to cure a catalogue of ills, ranging
silver is effective against any specific
health conditions.
Of the published studies that can be
from AIDS and cancer to diabetes. found, most are single-patient reports
But, is there any evidence that it works of adverse effects as a result of taking
and, more important, is it safe? colloidal silver. These reports describe
cases where using colloidal silver led ‘ppm’ does not refer to the number of
Silver science to argyria, characterized by a bluish- particles in the solution, but to their
Silver was the antimicrobial of choice gray discoloration of the skin that is weight. Silver particles can range from
before the introduction of antibiotics neither treatable nor reversible. 0.005 to 0.015 microns in diameter,
(Surg Infect [Larchmt], 2009; 10: 289–92). Although the actual dosage necessary and the smaller the diameter, the
However, when it comes to the to produce this condition is not greater the number of particles (and
colloidal silver products on the market known, argyria has been associated weight). This means that a product
today—usually meant to be taken by with both long-term supplementation with a concentration of 5 ppm with an
mouth—there’s little evidence to (one to two years) (Int J Dermatol, 2003; average particle size of 0.005 microns
support their efficacy. 42: 549) and extremely high doses (1 L/ will contain more silver particles than
Colloidal silver reportedly acts as a day) (Am J Ind Med, 2009; 52: 246–50). a product of 25 ppm with an average
catalyst, disabling the enzyme that all High doses of colloidal silver have size of 0.015 microns.
one-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi also been found to lead to vomiting, So, despite the fact that the US
need to metabolize oxygen. This done, diarrhoea, seizures, coma and even Environmental Protection Agency has
they suffocate—and supposedly with death (Dermatol Online J, 2005; 11: 12; established a non-lethal oral reference
no harm to human enzymes and other Neurology, 2004; 62: 1408–10). dose for silver (5 mcg/kg body
working parts of the body’s chemistry. weight), it may be difficult to know if
Few conventional drugs can claim to Silver speculation you’re exceeding this level or not.
be so finely targeted. According to some reports, much of Ultimately, while the manufacturers
Some test-tube studies suggest that the danger surrounding colloidal silver of colloidal silver insist that their
colloidal silver is a powerful antimic- is related to the fact that we don’t products are safe and effective, until
robial agent. In one, colloidal silver know exactly how much silver is in more research is carried out—or the
solutions with a silver concentration of the solution or the size of the silver labelling becomes more informative—
30 ppm (parts per million) or higher particles. Even though the product we just don’t know if this is true.
were able to kill the Staphylococcus labelling may seem clear, the term Joanna Evans
aureus bacteria that cause a range of
conditions, from acne to pneumonia
(Med Eng Phys, 2008; 30: 948–52). In Promising silver studies
another, researchers in India and the
US tested a liquid silver solution While there’s little evidence to support the use of oral colloidal silver, a
together with 19 antibiotics against number of studies suggest that silver compounds applied topically may be
seven bacterial strains, but excluding a useful treatment for burns and other wounds. In fact, silver
those that were resistant. Out of 96 sulphadiazine—a topical cream combining silver nitrate with a
tests, the combination was effective in sulphonamide antibiotic—has been used to manage burns-related
all but two (Curr Sci, 2006; 91: 926–9). infections for the past 40 years, although recent findings suggest the
However, a study to test the efficacy cream may also be delaying wound healing and may even have serious
of three colloidal silver preparations— cell-killing actions (Burns, 2007; 33: 139–48).
one available via the Internet (silver Lately, silver-impregnated dressings have gained popularity, mainly due
concentration of 22 ppm) and two to the increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Silver has proven
that were specially prepared in the lab antibacterial activity in the lab against a wide range of bacteria, including
(concentrations of 403 and 413 antibiotic-resistant strains (Am J Nurs, 2006; 106: 60–8). In human trials, silver-
ppm)—reported that none were found releasing dressings generally show “positive effects” on chronically
to have any antimicrobial effects (J infected wounds. However, high-quality evidence is still lacking (J Clin Nurs,
Wound Care, 2004; 13: 154–5). 2008; 17: 1973–85).
What’s more, there’s little research

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 23

The Internet is awash with (Arthroscopy, 2009, 25: 86–94).
claims that a new breed of Nevertheless, the term ‘glyco-
nutrients’ is now being applied to new
supplements will cure
supplements that offer a mix of the
everything from cancer to various sugars found in plants.
AIDS. The evidence thus Of the many companies that are
far paints a far more sober currently selling glyconutrients,
picture of modest benefit Mannatech, an international company
based in Texas, is the most successful.
oogle ‘glyconutrients’ and Its flagship product, sold as both a

G some 80,000 websites will pop

up, many of which will claim
that glyconutri-ents are the answer to
stand-alone and as a component in
other products, is Ambrotose Com-
plex, a patented blend of plant-
a wide range of health problems— sourced polysaccharides, including
from chronic fatigue to cancer. aloe vera extract (inner-leaf gel), ara-
Indeed, according to one website, binogalactan (gum from the wood of
glyconutrients support the body’s Larix spp), ghatti gum (from guar
ability to heal, repair, regenerate, beans) and tragacanth gum (from Ambrotose (3.6 g/day) or a placebo
regulate and protect itself, which Astragalus legumes). The company twice a day for 12 weeks. Before and
makes them useful for a variety of claims that Ambrotose Complex was after this period of supplementation,
medical conditions, including acne, the “world's first natural plant they all had filled in a number of
asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, polysaccharide/glyconutritional questionnaires assessing their mental
fibromyalgia, hepatitis, lupus, product” and, so far, more than 4.5 functioning and feelings of well-
attention-deficit/hyperactivity million units have been sold being. The results showed significant
disorder (ADHD) and even AIDS. The worldwide. improvements in both memory and
site also says that glyconutrients are Although Mannatech is careful to wellbeing in the Ambrotose group
essential for overall good health and, point out that its products are not (Dev Neuropsychol, 2010; 35: 66–80).
as these nutrients are missing from intended to diagnose, treat, cure or In another study, researchers at
the diet, we could all benefit from prevent any disease, the company Howard University in Washington, DC,
supplements (www.glyconutrientsreference. does claim that Ambrotose can help looked at the impact of Ambrotose
com). to: Complex on the brain function of 62
But what are glyconutrients and, u support cell-to-cell communication healthy college students. The study
more important, is there any truth to u improve immune-system health showed that a single, 1-tbsp serving of
these impressive claims? WDDTY u support digestive function and Ambrotose significantly improved
separates the facts from the fiction. promote gastrointestinal health their visual discrimination and simple
u enhance cognitive brain function, working-memory skills (Percept Mot
What are glyconutrients? including memory, and Skills, 2009; 108: 259–70).
Recently, there’s been a lot of interest u improve mood and decrease Other trials show that Ambrotose
in glycobiology, the study of the struc- irritability. has antioxidant activity as well as
ture, biosynthesis and biology of sac- Mannatech also states that “no other prebiotic effects. One test-tube study
charides—sugar chains or glycans— combination of vitamins, minerals, revealed that both Ambrotose
which are widely distributed in nature. amino acids or herbals can provide the Complex and Advanced Ambrotose
From this, an entire industry has benefits found in our Ambrotose powder exhibited bifidogenic and
emerged, based on the sale of plant Complex”. lactobacillogenic effects—in other
extracts called ‘glyconutrients’, a words, they encouraged the growth
newly invented term that refers to Where’s the evidence? and proliferation of both these
sugars (‘glyco’) that the body can use There have been a number of probiotic organisms (Int J Food Microbiol,
(‘nutrients’). The glyconutrient in- published scientific studies on 2010; 139: 168–76)—while a preliminary
dustry now has a worldwide sales force Mannatech’s glyconutrient formula, trial involving 21 healthy volunteers
of over half a billion people, and sells including double-blind, placebo- demonstrated that four capsules/day
nearly half a billion dollars’ worth of controlled clinical trials. In one of the of the Ambrotose AO supplement
products each year (Glycobiology, 2008; latest studies, researchers in Australia increased blood ‘oxygen radical
18: 652–7). investigated the effects of saccharide absorption capacity’ (ORAC, a way to
Perhaps the best known of these supplementation (Ambrotose Com- measure antioxidant protection) by
single sugars is glucosamine, which plex powder) on cognition and well- 36.6 per cent (BMC Complement Altern
has growing evidence to support its being in 109 middle-aged adults. Each Med, 2010; 10: 16).
use in the treatment of arthritis participant took a teaspoonful of Further studies suggest that

24 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Mannatech’s glyconutrients may even However, in all fairness, it should is the organization of Mannatech, as
be useful for specific medical be pointed out that all these practices a decentralized multilevel marketing
conditions. Indeed, a review article are standard in the drug industry. company. Any MLM operates with an
of glyconutrients and the study of There appear to be no independent army of self-employed entrepreneurs,
glycobiology by scientists in Galves- studies on PubMed to support the use all selling the product through
ton, TX, describes how these nutrients of Mannatech’s flagship product, but independent networks and free to
have been tested in patients with this may also reflect the fact that make any claims.
asthma, cystic fibrosis, myasthenia supplement companies have no Indeed, in 2007, Mannatech and its
gravis (an autoimmune neuro- choice but to pay for their own ‘associates’ (sales force) were accused
muscular disease) and other chronic research. by the Attorney General of Texas of
illnesses—with promising results Clearly, there’s a distinct lack of using “. . . false, misleading, or
(Explore [NY], 2006; 2: 488–94). independent research into glyco- deceptive acts or practices . . .” to
One six-week study carried out by nutrients. Although this doesn’t “sell [glyconutrients] as a way to cure,
Mannatech itself tested a “glyco- necessarily mean that we should mitigate, treat, or prevent diseases,
nutritional product containing sac- discount all of the company-funded illnesses or serious conditions, despite
charides” in 17 children with ADHD. research, it’s nevertheless been well [their] admission that the products
The researchers reported that the documented that company-funded do not cure any disease” (Glycobiology,
supplement reduced the severity of studies are more likely to report 2008; 18: 652–7).
ADHD and its associated symptoms positive findings than are independent In the US, supplement companies
within the first two weeks of the study ones. are free to sell their products, but can
(Integr Physiol Behav Sci, 1998; 33: 49–60). Many orthodox scientists take issue run foul of the law if they make any
Another study on human cells with the supposed medicinal effect of therapeutic claims.
suggested that glyconutrients may be glyconutrients as supplements. Drs Mannatech reportedly reached a
useful for those suffering from chronic Ronald Schnaar and Hudson Freeze, settlement for this case, and for a
fatigue syndrome (CFS). The at the Johns Hopkins School of Medi- class-action lawsuit brought against it
researchers, at the University of cine in Baltimore, MD looked at in 2005, in 2009.
California at Irvine, added a Ambrotose’s individual components,
glyconutrient formula to the blood and remain unconvinced of their effi- The bottom line
cells of patients with CFS and found cacy as supplements. For example, Ultimately, there’s a lack of inde-
that the “glyconutrients improved although aloe vera gel has long been pendent research on glyconutrients,
abnormal immune parameters” (Integr reported to have medicinal value for and certainly no proof that these
Physiol Behav Sci, 1998; 33: 280–7). burns and other skin lesions, taking supplements can prevent or cure any
More recently, a rat study showed aloe gel glucomannan (as found in particular disease. Furthermore,
that both Ambrotose Complex and Ambrotose) orally is not well studied. other, far cheaper nutrients have been
Advanced Ambrotose had beneficial However, one clinical study has found proven to provide the same kinds of
effects on chemically induced colitis, that oral aloe glucomannan failed to benefits claimed thus far. Extracts of
although these results may not either enhance immune-system func- the herb Ginkgo biloba, for instance,
necessarily apply to humans (Dig Dis tion or decrease viral load in AIDS have been shown to improve memory
Sci, 2010; 55: 1278–85). patients (J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum and other mental abilities (J Altern
Retrovirol, 1996; 12: 153–7). Complement Med, 2000; 6: 219–29).
Paid-for research As the components of Ambrotose Many glycobiologists view the term
Although all of this evidence may at Complex—all of which are dietary ‘glyconutrient’ as nothing more than
first appear to constitue an impressive fibres—are largely indigestible, say a marketing gimmick used to sell
body of research, a closer look reveals Schnaar and Freeze, they therefore products rather than an accepted
that all of these studies were question whether these ingredients medical/scientific term.
supported by Mannatech in some way could really deliver biologically There is a legitimate field of
(which Mannatech admits on its meaningful concentrations of indi- research called ‘glycobiology’, which
website). vidual monosaccharides to human is now finding that glycans are key
Even the review article published in tissues. components in human physiology.
Explore (Explore [NY], 2006; 2: 488–94) is “While there are clearly established As alternative cancer specialist Dr
supported by Mannatech and written health benefits of including indiges- Ralph Moss recently wrote: ‘Glyco-
by researchers who have acted as tible fibre in the diet, the implication biology is a promising avenue of
Mannatech consultants. Moreover, the that larch-bark arabinogalactans, aloe research, to be sure. However,
article cites positive studies that were vera gel glucomannan and plant-gum network marketing creates a rah-rah
published in the Proceedings of the emulsifiers are a biologically signifi- atmosphere, in which a chemical
Fisher Institute for Medical Research. cant source of dietary monosac- becomes a product and a product
News reports in 2006 revealed that charides required for optimal cellular then becomes a profit center . . . and
the directors of the Fisher Institute health appears to the authors to be an ideological cause.” That cause—
for Medical Research were also major unsupported,” the article states. that glyconutrients are an all-purpose
Mannatech shareholders (Glycobiology, Besides a relatively high price tag, cure-all—remains pure hype.
2008; 18: 652–7). perhaps the biggest cause for concern Joanna Evans

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 25

2006; 60: 1080–6).

Aloe vera Four separate reviews of the scien-

tific literature suggest that oral aloe
vera may be useful for reducing blood
This ‘miracle plant’ glucose in diabetic patients and for
appears to work in a wide lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol (Br J
range of conditions Gen Pract, 1999; 49: 823–8).
The herbal remedy may even be able
loe vera has been hailed as a to help in the treatment of cancer.

A miraculous healer for thousands

of years, and is probably the
most popular alternative remedy
When Italian researchers evaluated the
use of oral aloe vera (A. arborescens
in this case; 10 mL three times a day)
today. The sticky gel that comes from in 240 metastatic cancer patients
the thick succulent leaves of the receiving chemotherapy, those taking
plant—known officially as Aloe barba- the aloe fared significantly better in
densis, a member of the lily family— terms of tumour regression and
is commonly used both topically and survival time compared with those
internally for a whole catalogue of treated with chemo alone (In Vivo, 2009;
conditions. However, is there any evi- 23: 171–5).
dence that it works?
Aloe vera products
Topical applications popular commercial toothpastes (Gen Aloe vera contains a wealth of bio-
One of the most popular uses of aloe Dent, 2009; 57: 238–41), while trials in logically active substances, so it’s no
vera is for healing burns, and there’s people have reported the successful wonder that it’s proving to be so useful
considerable evidence to back up its treatment of plaque, gum disease and across such a wide range of conditions.
effectiveness for such wounds. When oral lichen planus (an often painful Polysaccharides—the long-chain sugar
an aloe-based cream was pitted against inflammatory condition affecting the molecules found in aloe vera gel—may,
the antimicrobial cream silver tongue and soft tissues of the mouth) for instance, be responsible for its anti-
sulphadiazine in 30 patients with with aloe vera (J Appl Oral Sci, 2008; 16: inflammatory, antifungal and wound-
second-degree burns, the burns 293–6; Br J Dermatol, 2008; 158: 573–7). healing effects (Molecules, 2008; 13:
treated with aloe healed significantly 1599–616).
faster than those treated with the Internal use However, when it comes to the aloe
standard over-the-counter treatment There’s less evidence to support the products available on the market, do
(Surg Today, 2009; 39: 587–91). use of aloe vera taken internally, but they all provide the same benefits?
Confirming these results, a 2007 what studies there are show promise. According to one report, commercial,
review—which pooled the data from Oral aloe vera gel (100 mL taken twice stabilized gel products may not work
four different studies—revealed that daily for four weeks) led to significant as well as the fresh gel, although cold
the burns patients treated with aloe improvement in patients with ulcera- processing is believed to best retain its
vera healed an average of nine days tive colitis—a form of inflammatory beneficial properties (Toxicol Appl Phar-
sooner than those in the control bowel disease (IBD)—compared with a macol, 2008; 227: 125–35).
groups (Burns, 2007; 33: 713–8). Neverthe- placebo (Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2004; 19: It may also be a good idea to look
less, and interestingly, aloe vera cream 739–47). for products that have been certified
has no proven efficacy for treating However, a study by St George’s by the International Aloe Science
sunburn, for which it is so often used Hospital Medical School in London Council (IASC), which was set up to
(J Med Assoc Thai, 2005; 88 Suppl 4: S173–6). found equivocal results with aloe in test the purity of the aloe contained
However, several studies suggest patients with irritable bowel syndrome in these products (see its website at
that aloe vera is effective for certain (IBS), despite a trend towards symp- www.iasc.org for more information).
skin conditions, including psoriasis, tomatic improvement (Int J Clin Pract, Joanna Evans
seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) and
genital herpes (Indian J Dermatol, 2008; 53:
163–6). Yet, despite its well-known anti- Aloe safety
inflammatory properties, it’s not been
successful in preventing or minimizing The external use of aloe vera appears to be safe, although allergic
radiation-induced skin reactions, such reactions have been reported. This may be more likely if it’s used fresh
as those seen in cancer patients (Clin from the plant, as commercial aloe products tend to be processed to
Oncol [R Coll Radiol], 2005; 17: 478–84). eliminate its irritant extracts (Contact Dermatitis, 2007; 57: 278–9).
Where it has been showing a lot of Also, when taken internally, some of the constituents of aloe—namely,
promise lately is in treating oral-health anthraquinones, found in the juice (latex), but not the gel of the plant—can
problems. In the laboratory, an aloe cause stomach cramps and diarrhoea due to its potent laxative effects
vera tooth gel was found to be more (Indian J Dermatol, 2008; 53: 163–6).
effective at fighting bacteria than two

26 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Bee propolis
Mounting research suggests The researchers concluded that it
that this all-natural product not only supported the repair of
surgical wounds, but also had
produced by honeybees can
effective painkilling and anti-
treat dental disorders, skin inflammatory effects (J Nihon Univ
problems and even Sch Dent, 1994; 36: 102–11).
infertility More recently, propolis gel was
shown to be an effective treatment
ropolis, the sticky substance for denture stomatitis, a chronic

P made by honeybees (Apis mel-

lifera) from plant resins, is one
of the few natural remedies that has
condition characterized by palatal
oedema and redness, which can
be caused by a fungal infection 73 per cent of those treated with
remained popular over a long period (in particular, Candida albicans) propolis were able to be rid of
of time. It is used in folk medicines as well as bacterial infection, their plane and common warts,
from many different places around mechanical irritation and allergy respectively, at the end of the trial
the world, and is claimed to have (Phytother Res, 2008; 22: 1544–7). (Int J Dermatol, 2009; 48: 1246–9).
beneficial effects on human health. Added to toothpaste, propolis can In yet another study, a propolis
Nowadays, it’s found in everything prevent periodontal (gum) disease skin cream demonstrated bene-
from supplements, sprays and and reduce plaque formation, as ficial effects on the healing of
tinctures to creams, cosmetics and well as have an anti-inflammatory partial-thickness burns wounds. In
chewing gum. effect (Folia Med [Plovdiv], 2001; 43: these patients, the antimicrobial
But is there any evidence to 28–30). activity was similar to that of
support its use, and can it really treat u Skin problems standard treatment using silver
conditions as varied as tooth decay, Propolis has also been used in an sulphadiazine. However, the
arthritis and cancer? ointment to effectively treat skin wounds treated with propolis
infections such as genital herpes consistently showed less inflam-
Propolis research (caused by herpes simplex virus mation and more rapid healing
Research carried out in the type 2) (Phytomedicine, 2000; 7: 1–6). (scar formation) (J Altern Comple-
laboratory shows that bee propolis More recently, the remedy was ment Med, 2002; 8: 77–83).
has a broad range of biological tested in a three-month trial of u Infertility
activities, including antibacterial, 135 patients who had different In a preliminary study of 40
antiviral, anti-inflammatory and even kinds of warts. Compared with women with infertility and mild
anti-cancer effects (Biol Pharm Bull, those treated with either Echin- endometriosis, supplementation
2009; 32: 1244–50). Indeed, a recent acea or a placebo, the cure rate in with propolis (500 mg twice a day
study of Brown Cuban propolis, the the propolis group was signifi- for six months) was associated
major type of propolis from bees in cantly better. Altogether, 75 and with a pregnancy rate of 60 per
Cuba, found that it significantly
inhibited the growth of human breast
cancer cells (Nat Prod Commun, 2009; 4: Allergic reactions to propolis
The real test, however, is to Despite being a natural product, there have been some reports of allergic reactions
determine whether or not propolis is to propolis. These reactions are typically limited to skin rash but, as with other bee
effective in proper randomized, products—such as pollen and royal jelly—more severe allergic reactions are
placebo-controlled clinical trials. possible. Indeed, in a surveillance evaluation of propolis-containing products, there
Nevertheless, so far, what evidence were 18 suspected adverse reactions reported between April 2002 and August
there is suggests that propolis may 2007, a third of which were serious. “[S]ix patients were admitted to hospital or
be useful for the following visited an emergency department and, in two of these, a life-threatening event was
conditions. reported,” the report states. In seven patients, an “allergic predisposition” was
u Dental disorders found (Drug Saf, 2008; 31: 419–23).
Propolis has proved successful It is, therefore, recommended that those who have a tendency towards
against a raft of dental problems, developing allergic disorders should avoid taking bee propolis unless tested first by
ranging from plaque and cavities an allergy specialist. Individuals who are allergic to bee pollen, honey and/or conifer
to gum disease and mouth ulcers. and poplar trees should take particular care.
In one study carried out in Brazil, Furthermore, as the effects of propolis during pregnancy and breast-feeding
patients used a water-and-alcohol- have not yet been adequately assessed, women are generally recommended not
based, propolis-containing mouth- to take propolis during such times, unless specifically directed to do so by a
wash for 45 days after oral surgery. qualified medical practitioner.

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 27

cent compared with a rate of 20 u Rheumatic disease or not propolis is effective for any
per cent in those taking a placebo In a placebo-controlled trial of 190 particular health condition.
(Fertil Steril, 2003; 80 [Suppl 3]: S32). patients in Hungary, two propolis Furthermore, it’s not possible to
Although the mechanism of action treatments were tested: purified know whether the propolis products
remains unknown, the inhibition propolis and propolis saturated on offer in shops and online can
of aromatase, an enzyme that is with anti-inflammatory trace actually provide the same benefits as
involved in oestrogen metabolism, metals, respectively applied locally those seen in clinical trials. As usual,
might explain these results and by iontophoresis (where the this means that you should always do
(Townsend Lett, 2004; 249: 30). affected joints are immersed in a your homework before buying and go
u The common cold conductive metallic-ion solution with a reputable brand.
In a study carried out in Poland, that allows the transmission of a Joanna Evans
50 ear–nose–throat patients who tiny electrical charge). The results
were treated with propolis had showed that symptoms such as
common-cold symptoms for only pain and inflammation were
one to three days’ duration significantly improved, especially
compared with the nearly five days with the latter form of propolis
among those who took a placebo treatment (Orv Hetil, 1996; 137:
(Otolaryngol Pol, 1989; 43: 180–4). 1365–70).
In another trial carried out in
Romania, preschool and school- The bottom line
age children were given a water- It appears that human trials of bee
based preparation of propolis propolis are promising and, when
(Nivcrisol) throughout the entire considered together with the
colds season. hundreds of test-tube and animal
It was found that these children studies using the natural remedy, they
had fewer cases of acute or suggest that propolis may well be an
chronic symptoms, as well as a alternative product with a vast
decrease in the numbers of potential for improving human health.
disease-causing microorganisms However, well-designed studies are
carried in their upper airways (Rom lacking, and more research is needed
J Virol, 1995; 46: 115–33). before it can be determined whether

28 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Rhodiola rosea
Is there scientific support been shown to be a powerful
for the stress- and fatigue- endurance enhancer. When
busting claims made for Chinese scientists fed rats extracts
this adaptogenic plant of R. rosea (125 mg/day) for four
weeks, their swimming per-
formance significantly improved
he plant R hodiola rosea (Chin J Physiol, 2009; 52: 316–24 ).

T (golden or rose root) is a

popular herb famous for its
‘adaptogenic’ properties. Supp-
Although such animal results
may not apply to people, clinical
studies have been equally
osedly, it helps the body adapt to impressive. In one, 200 mg of
stress—be it chemical, biological Rhodiola taken one hour before
or physical—and offers benefit for endurance exercise allowed the
a range of conditions. But what volunteers to exercise longer
does the science tell us? before getting tired (Int J Sport Nutr
Exerc Metab, 2004; 14: 298–307 ).
Rhodiola research
Since the 1960s, Rhodiola has been Beyond fatigue
extensively studied in Russia and Besides alleviating mental and
Scandanavia, although many of the physical fatigue, the plant may also
studies are unavailable. However, be useful for depression.
of those that are accessible, the In one randomized, controlled
majority are highly positive, trial, 89 patients with mild-to- rosea extract can protect rats
supporting the idea of R. rosea as moderate depression were given against cognitive deficits, neuronal
an effective adaptogen. either Rhodiola extract (340 or injur y and oxidative stress
Indeed, trials suggest that 680 mg/day) or a placebo for six . . . and may be used as a potential
Rhodiola can improve mental weeks. The results showed that the agent in treatment of neurodegen-
alertness in people suffering from herbal treatment significantly erative diseases such as
sleep deprivation or other stressful improved their overall depression Alzheimer’s disease” (Biomed Environ
circumstances. When 56 physicians as well as insomnia and emotional Sci, 2009; 22: 318–26).
on night duty were given either a instability (Nord J Psychiatry, 2007; 61: Other animal evidence suggests
standardized extract of Rhodiola 343–8). that Rhodiola might benefit the
(170 mg/day) or a placebo for two Other findings hint at neuropro- heart and even fight cancer. In rats
weeks, those taking the herb tective effects. Rats pretreated with tumours, Rhodiola supp-
performed significantly better on a with the herb fared better after lementation inhibited tumour
number of tests, including mental- being injected with a brain- growth, reduced metastases to the
arithmetic and memory challenges damaging drug (streptozotocin). liver and extended survival ( Altern
(Phytomedicine, 2000; 7: 365–71 ). The authors concluded that “R. Med Rev, 2001; 6: 293–302). However,
Similarly, in exam-stressed
students and compared with a
placebo group, those taking More about Rhodiola
Rhodiola saw significant imp-
rovements in physical fitness, Rhodiola rosea contains a number of potentially active compounds, but its
psychomotor function, mental main action is apparently to increase beta-endorphins which, in turn, are
perfor-mance and general believed to inhibit stress hormones such as adrenaline (epinephrine) (Biull
wellbeing. These findings were Eksp Biol Med, 1987; 103: 422–4).
even more surprising, given that The plant’s key constituents are two glycosides: rosavin and salidroside.
the dose (100 mg/day) was very When choosing a product, make sure the extract is at least 2.5-per-cent
low (Phytomedicine, 2000; 7: 85–9). rosavin and 1-per-cent salidroside. The usual dose is 50 mg of
Also, when Rhodiola was tested standardized extract twice a day but, as with any herbal remedy or
in 161 male militar y cadets supplement, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, on medication or have a
undergoing sleep deprivation and medical condition, it may be prudent to consult your healthcare practitioner
stress, it proved to be more before taking it.
effective than a placebo Herbalists should be aware that only the roots contain the active
at fighting the effects of fatigue ingredients, and just a few grammes of root in a cup of boiling water
(Phytomedicine, 2003; 10: 95–105 ). provide a satisfactory daily dose.
More recently, Rhodiola has

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 29

whether these results also apply to of studies with positive findings Nevertheless, Rhodiola appears
humans remains to be seen. ( Control Clin Trials, 1998; 19: 159–66 ). to be safe (at least, in the studies
Also, the studies tend to involve done so far), so if it’s a pick-me-up
A pinch of salt only small numbers of people, so that you’re after, it certainly
It’s worth bearing in mind that larger-scale and longer-term trials appears to be a useful alternative
most of these studies come from are clearly required before any to the caffeine-laden, potentially
Russia and China, countries known definitive conclusions can be harmful, ‘energy drinks’ currently
to publish unusually high numbers drawn. on the market.
Joanna Evans

30 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

than the placebo (Phytother Res, 2005;
Butterbur 19: 530–7).
Similarly, when butterbur was
pitted against the antihistamine
The herb butterbur is cetirizine, they were both equally
often touted as a natural effective at improving symptoms.
remedy for hay fever, but “Butterbur should be considered
can it really stop seasonal for treating seasonal allergic
rhinitis [the medical term for hay
sneezing? fever] when the sedative effects of
antihistamines need to be avoided”,
utterbur (Petasites hybridus) concluded the researchers ( BMJ,

B is a shrub-like plant with a

long history of medicinal use.
Dur-ing the Middle Ages, it was used
2002; 324: 144–6).
Although one small trial reported
that butterbur had no significant
to treat the plague and fever and, in effects ( Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol,
the 17th century, it was a common 2004; 93: 56–60), a review of the litera-
treatment for cough, asthma and ture on all butterbur research thus
skin wounds. Today, however, far concluded that there is
butterbur is probably best known as “encouraging evidence” that the
an alternative remedy for hay herb may be an effective hay-fever
fever—with some claiming that it’s treatment. Nevertheless, the study
just as effective as antihis-tamines. highlighted the need for more reduce the frequency of migraines
independent studies, as three large compared with a placebo—with no
Where’s the evidence? trials had received financial support reports of any adverse events (Altern
Unlike some of the natural from a butterbur-extract manufac- Med Rev, 2001; 6: 303–10).
remedies currently marketed for turer (Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2007; There’s also evidence that
hay fever, butterbur has scientific 99: 483–95). butterbur may be useful against
proof that it works. A number of asthma attacks. In one preliminary
studies—most of which were using Other medicinal effects trial, 64 adults and 16 children/
a standardized extract of the herb Butterbur appears to be useful for adolescents were treated with an
known as Zeller’s extract (ZE a number of other conditions as extract of the herb (Petadolex) in
339)—have found butterbur to be well as hay fever. Migraines, in addition to their usual asthma
effective for relieving seasonal particular, appear to respond well medication for two to four months.
symptoms such as sneezing, itchy to the herb. Not only did the number, duration
eyes and runny nose. In one four-month American and severity of attacks decrease
In one randomized controlled study, 245 patients who suffered during the therapy, but the forced
trial (RCT)—considered the ‘gold- from frequent migraines were expiratory volume increased (a sign
standard’ for the scientific evalua- randomly assigned to one of three of better lung function) and all the
tion of treatments—186 hay-fever groups: the first group took 75 mg other assessed symptoms improved,
sufferers were given either a high of butterbur root extract twice too. Moreover, more than 40 per
or low dose of ZE 339, or a placebo, daily; the second group took 50 mg cent of the patients were able to
every day for two weeks. of the extract twice daily; and the reduce their use of asthma
The results showed that the third group took a placebo. Neither medications by the end of the study
butterbur extract was significantly the researchers nor the participants (Altern Med Rev, 2004; 9: 54–62).
better at improving symptoms than knew who was taking what (double- Some studies hint that butterbur
the placebo. What’s more, the blind). might also be beneficial for
higher dose was more effective than At the end of the study, the gastrointestinal disorders (such as
the lower dose. Such ‘dose- results showed that only the higher stomach ulcers) and bladder
dependency’ is generally taken to dose of butterbur was significantly problems ( Altern Med Rev, 2001; 6:
be a sign that the treatment truly superior—at one, two and three 207–9). However, the evidence so far
does work (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck months—to the placebo in reducing suggests that it’s not effective
Surg, 2004; 130: 1381–6). the frequency of migraine attacks against allergic skin reactions such
In another RCT, 330 patients (Neurology, 2004; 63: 2240–4). as eczema (Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol,
received either butterbur extract However, in a study aiming to 2004; 92: 250–4).
(one ZE 339 tablet three times a assess the effectiveness of butterbur
day), the antihistamine fexofen- extract taken as a preventative Dosage and safety
adine or a placebo for their hay (prophylactically), just 50 mg/day The usual dosage of butterbur is
fever. The butterbur preparation (one 25-mg capsule of butterbur 50–75 mg twice daily of a stand-
proved to be just as effective as the root extract taken twice a day for 12 ardized extract of the herb (usually
antihistamine, and both were better weeks) was enough to significantly containing a minimum of 7.5 mg

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 31

of petasin and isopetasin, the main
active ingredients). In general, this Other herbal helpers
is well tolerated, with only mild
gastrointestinal complaints (such Butterbur is not the only herb that can treat hay fever. The following herbs
as burping) being the most com- have also proved to be effective in clinical trials.
monly reported side-effects ( Adv u Nettle (Urtica dioica). Test-tube studies show that nettle extract inhibits
Ther, 2006; 23: 373–84). several key inflammatory events that lead to the symptoms of hay fever
However, butterbur is known to (Phytother Res, 2009; 23: 920–6). In one randomized, placebo-controlled trial
contain toxic compounds called of 69 subjects, 58 per cent rated nettle (300 mg, freeze-dried) “effective”
‘pyrrolizidine alkaloids’. These may in relieving their symptoms, while 48 per cent found it to be the same as,
be harmful to the liver and possibly or better than, their previous medication (Planta Med, 1990; 56: 44–7).
carcinogenic; happily, alkaloid-free u Aller-7. This patented blend of seven standardized herbal extracts
preparations are available. (Phyllanthus emblica, Terminalia chebula, T. bellerica, Albizia lebbeck,
At this time—and until further Piper nigrum, P. longum and Zingiber officinale) appears to be safe and
safety testing has been carried effective for hay fever. In a 12-week trial of 545 patients, Aller-7
out—it’s advisable that butterbur significantly reduced sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion (Int J
not be used by pregnant or nursing Clin Pharmacol Res, 2004; 24: 79–94).
women, young children, and those u Milk-vetch root (Astragalus membranaceus). A study of 48 adults with
with severe kidney or liver disease. moderate-to-severe hay fever found that a food supplement containing
If in doubt, it’s best to consult a this herb was “strikingly” better than placebo at improving symptoms
qualified health practitioner. (Phytother Res, 2010; 24: 175–81).
Joanna Evans

32 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

Milk thistle
’Tis the season to overdo group, including normalization of
it, but is milk thistle the liver tissue changes due to the disease
best natural cure? (Scand J Gastroenterol, 1982; 17: 517–21).
In another trial, 36 patients with
ozens, if not hundreds, of chronic ALD were given either sily-

D hangover remedies have been

proposed over the years, but
one that keeps cropping up time and
marin at a dose of 420 mg/day or a
placebo for six months. Here again,
the researchers noted a number of
again is milk thistle (Silybum significant improvements in terms of
marianum), a herb that comes with a liver damage in those taking silymarin,
long history of medicinal use. including normalization of ALT and
Especially at this time of year, the AST levels, and improvement in their
Internet is awash with articles, adverts liver biopsy examinations.
and testimonials claiming that milk “These results indicate that sily-
thistle is the answer to the after-effects marin exerts hepatoprotective [liver-
of alcohol overindulgence. protective] activity and is able to
The general recommendation is improve liver functions in alcoholic
that you should take a milk-thistle pill patients,” the researchers concluded
before you start drinking to reduce all (Orv Hetil, 1989; 130: 2723–7).
of those negative side-effects the day The same dose of silymarin was against alcohol-induced liver damage
after. But is there any truth to this tested in a French trial of 116 patients (Indian J Med Res, 2006; 124: 491–504)—may
widely held belief? with alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflam- have fuelled the belief that milk thistle
mation). In this case, 57 patients were can help to prevent the after-effects of
What the science says given silymarin and 59 took a placebo a night of heavy drinking.
Surprisingly, there do not appear to every day for three months. At the end However, the fact that these studies
have been any scientific studies to of the trial, silymarin was found to suggest that milk thistle can be of
assess the effectiveness of milk thistle significantly alter the course of the benefit in the case of alcoholics
for either preventing or treating disease, as determined by biological doesn’t necessarily mean that healthy
hangovers. However, a number of and histological (tissue) parameters. moderate or occasional drinkers will
clinical trials have looked at whether Curiously, however, significant experience the same effects. Moreover,
the herb can treat alcohol-related liver improvements were seen in both the even if milk thistle could protect
disease. The results of some of these silymarin and placebo groups, leading healthy livers against the harmful
studies suggest that silymarin—a type the authors to conclude that the effects of alcohol, this still doesn’t tell
of polyphenol believed to be the major dosage of 420 mg/day was “not clin- us whether the herb can help with a
active constituent of milk thistle—can ically relevant in the treatment of hangover.
be useful in the management of early moderate alcoholic hepatitis” (Gastro- Nevertheless, a recent extensive
or progressive liver damage when taken enterol Clin Biol, 1989; 13: 120–4). review of silymarin—assessing its basic
for one to six months. Nevetheless, yet another study—this pharmacology through to its clinical
In one such trial, nearly 100 time in Austria—assessed the potential applications—can shed some light on
patients with alcoholic liver disease value of 420 mg/day in 170 patients the matter. As the authors, based in
(ALD) were randomly allocated to with liver cirrhosis, roughly half of Pondicherry, India, have pointed out,
receive either silymarin or a placebo for whom had alcoholic cirrhosis. After “Silymarin has no direct effect on
four weeks. Alcohol consumption was an observation period of more than ethanol [alcohol] metabolism and has
strictly prohibited during the trial, and three years (41 months on average), no role in reducing ethanol levels or
several indicators of liver damage were the Viennese researchers reported a the rate at which ethanol is removed
assessed. 58-per-cent survival rate in those from the body” (Indian J Med Res, 2006;
The results showed that silymarin taking silymarin compared with a 124: 491–504). This suggests that it’s
was associated with a highly significant 39-per-cent rate of survival in those unlikely that milk thistle would be of
reduction in levels of alanine taking the placebo—a difference that any use for a hangover.
transaminase (ALT) and aspartate was statistically significant. Further However, a study of a different
transaminase (AST)—liver enzymes analysis of various patient subgroups herb—Opuntia ficus indica, or prickly
that are commonly increased in revealed that silymarin treatment was pear—reported that the symptoms of
patients with ALD and so are used as also effective in patients with alcoholic hangover may be largely due to
indicators of liver damage. The cirrhosis (J Hepatol, 1989; 9: 105–13). inflammation triggered by impurities
silymarin group was also more likely It’s likely that these studies—along in alcoholic beverages and by the
to show other signs of improved liver with evidence from animal studies byproducts of alcohol metabolism in
health compared with the placebo showing that silymarin can protect the body. This study found that prickly

WDDTY Supplements under the microscope 33

pear taken five hours before the
consumption of alcohol significantly New uses of milk thistle
reduced hangover symptoms and their
severity in healthy volunteers
compared with a placebo, and Although milk thistle has a long history of use for liver diseases, new evidence
appeared to work via an anti- suggests that it may also help in a range of other conditions.
inflammatory effect (Arch Intern Med, u Alzheimer’s disease. A recent study from Japan has found silymarin to be
2004; 164: 1334–40). As silymarin is also a promising agent for the prevention of this progressively debilitating brain

formation of fibrils (fine fibres) by amyloid beta-protein—at least in a test

known to have anti-inflammatory disease. Using a mouse model of Alzheimer’s, silymarin suppressed the
properties, this could perhaps result in
similar hangover-reducing effects. tube. These fibrils are thought to play a key role in the development of the
Still, until such a study is conducted disease (Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2010 November 7; Epub ahead of print).
with silymarin itself, we just don’t However, such results may not necessarily be seen in humans.
know if this is the case. u Cancer. Laboratory studies have found that silymarin and its main
constituent, silibinin, have powerful anticancer effects (Anticancer Agents
Is it safe? Med Chem, 2010; 10: 186–95). One study involving both test tubes and animals
The bottom line is that, as yet, there’s showed that silibinin can suppress the growth and induce the cell death
no proof to show that milk thistle can (apoptosis) of human advanced colorectal cancer cells (Mol Cancer Ther, 2009;
either prevent or treat a hangover. 8: 2366–74).
However, if you still want to give it a In addition, a recently published study has examined the efficacy of a
go, it’s unlikely to do you any harm. combination of silymarin and selenium in 37 men who had undergone
Milk thistle is usually used as a radical prostatectomy. The results after six months showed that the
standardized extract (containing 70- silymarin–selenium supplement had significantly reduced two markers of fat
to 80-per-cent silymarin) in the form metabolism—low-density lipoproteins (LDLs, the ‘bad’ fats) and total
of capsules, with 100–300 mg three cholesterol—known to be associated with prostate cancer progression
times a day being the typical adult (Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub, 2010; 154: 239–44).
dose. Human studies have shown that u Diabetes. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial—the
silymarin is non-toxic and without ‘gold standard’ for scientific evaluation—51 patients with type 2 diabetes
side-effects when given to adults in were given either silymarin (200 mg three times a day) or a placebo together
divided doses up to 900 mg/day. At with conventional therapy for four months. At the end of the study, the
higher doses of more than 1500 researchers noted several significant improvements in the silymarin group,
mg/day, silymarin may produce a including reduced fasting blood glucose and lower levels of total
laxative effect, which could be due to cholesterol. “In conclusion, silymarin treatment in type II diabetic patients
increased bile flow and secretion. Mild for 4 months has a beneficial effect on improving the glycemic profile,” the
allergic reactions have also been noted researchers said (Phytother Res, 2006; 20: 1036–9).
(Indian J Med Res, 2006; 124: 491–504). In u Skin disorders. Silymarin also appears to protect the skin against
addition, if you’re taking any other ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced damage, which can cause sunburn,
medications or are pregnant, it may premature skin ageing and skin cancer (Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky
be better to consult a qualified prac- Olomouc Czech Repub, 2005; 149: 29–41). However, clinical (human) trials are
titioner before trying milk thistle. needed. Nevertheless, the evidence so far shows that silymarin has
Joanna Evans powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which would make it
a valuable skin-protecting agent (Int J Oncol, 2010; 36: 1053–60).
u Heart disease. The latest laboratory evidence suggests that milk thistle
may have a role to play in heart health, although the results need to be
confirmed in clinical trials. Researchers at the University of Arkansas
discovered that silymarin significantly protected LDL cholesterol against
oxidation, thought to be a major contributor to atherosclerosis—the build-
up of plaque in the arteries (J Agric Food Chem, 2008; 56: 3966–72).
In another, test-tube study, Chinese scientists reported that silibinin
protected against inflammation, fibrosis and cardiac hypertrophy—
thickening of the heart muscle, a major cause of heart failure (J Cell Biochem,
2010; 110: 1111–22).

34 WDDTY Supplements under the microscope

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