What Doctors Dont Tell You - Supplements Under The Microscope PDF
What Doctors Dont Tell You - Supplements Under The Microscope PDF
What Doctors Dont Tell You - Supplements Under The Microscope PDF
the microscope
An evidence-based guide to what
works and what doesn’t
2 Coenzyme Q10
4 Astaxanthin
6 Krill oil
8 Chlorella
10 Spirulina
11 Emu oil
13 Cetylated fatty acids
15 Serrapeptase
17 Natural slimming supplements
21 Conjugated linoleic acid
23 Colloidal silver
24 Glyconutrients
26 Aloe vera
27 Bee propolis
29 Rhodiola rosea
31 Butterbur
33 Milk thistle
Coenzyme Q10
As the use of this heart disease, hypertension (high
supplement grows in blood pressure), gum disease and
popularity, do the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
impressive claims stack (AIDS) (Altern Med Rev, 1996; 1: 11–7). This
may explain why supplementing
up? with CoQ10—shown to
ccording to a survey by raise tissue levels of
A ConsumerLab.com, an inde-
pendent lab that tests health and
nutrition products, coenzyme Q10
the nutrient—appears
to be beneficial for a
wide diversity of health
(CoQ10) is now the third most popular problems.
dietary supplement in the US—after
omega-3 supplements in the number- What does it do?
one slot and multivitamins at number Much of the research into CoQ10
two. A massive 55 per cent of the more supplementation has been for heart-
than 6000 respondents reported using related problems, so there’s now an
CoQ10, up from 50.9 per cent last year. impressive body of research showing more effective than a placebo for
Given the impressive claims for the that the nutrient is invaluable for reducing the frequency of attacks,
nutrient, it’s not surprising that it’s so patients with cardiomyopathy (heart and the number of days with head-
popular. It’s long been famous for its muscle dysfunction), congestive heart ache and/or nausea (Neurology, 2005;
heart-health benefits, but CoQ10 is failure, angina and hypertension, and 64: 713–5).
also purported to boost energy, reduce for those undergoing heart surgery u Male infertility. CoQ10 may play an
migraines, aid weight loss, heal (Altern Med Rev, 1996; 1: 168–75). But important role in sperm quality,
periodontal (gum) disease, counteract CoQ10’s benefits go far beyond heart with low levels having an adverse
infertility and slow the development of health, as the latest findings suggest. effect on both sperm counts and
Parkinson’s. u Migraines. A recent study of more motility (movement), which can
So, should CoQ10 be a staple sup- than 1500 young migraine sufferers have a negative impact on fertility
plement for all of us? (aged 3–22 years) found that one- (J Endocrinol Invest, 2009; 32: 626–32).
third had abnormally low CoQ10 Recently, scientists have begun to
What is CoQ10? levels. These patients were asked to investigate whether oral CoQ10
CoQ10, also called ‘ubiquinone’, is a take liquid gel capsules of CoQ10 supplements improve sperm
vitamin-like compound found in at a dose of 1–3 mg/kg/day to see if quality in infertile men. When 60
practically every cell of the human their headaches improved. After men with infertility due to
body, but especially in the heart. Since three months, as the patients’ asthenozoospermia—poor sperm
its discovery and isolation over 50 CoQ10 levels increased, their head- motility—were given 200 mg/day of
years ago, hundreds of studies have ache frequency decreased (Headache, CoQ10 or a placebo for six months,
been carried out on it, and it’s now 2007; 47: 73–80). levels of CoQ10 were significantly
clear that this nutrient is absolutely In another, randomized control- increased in the patients’ sperm,
vital to health. Not only does it play a led trial, CoQ10 at 100 mg three while sperm motility was improved.
crucial role in the production of times a day was well tolerated and What’s more, of nine pregnancies
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the
body’s major form of stored energy,
but it’s also a powerful antioxidant— Dosage and safety
with a free-radical-fighting ability 50
times greater than that of vitamin E. In adults, the dosage of coenzyme Q10 is usually 30–90 mg/day, although
Research shows that the tissues and people with specific health conditions should perhaps supplement with
blood of an adult human contain a larger doses (but only with the guidance of a qualified practitioner). Most of
total of around 2000 mg of CoQ10, the research on heart conditions has used 90–150 mg/day of CoQ10.
while 500 mg/day is required to Studies also suggest that solubilized formulations of CoQ10 (using either
maintain this body pool. The average ubiquinone, the oxidized form, or ubiquinol, the reduced form) are the most
diet provides barely 5 mg/day, so the bioavailable—in other words, they are readily taken up by the body to be put
rest has to be synthesized internally. to use (Mitochondrion, 2007; 7 Suppl: S78–88).
However, our ability to synthesize CoQ10 causes no serious adverse effects in humans (Expert Opin Investig
CoQ10 appears to decline with age and Drugs, 2010; 19: 535–54), although minor side-effects have included nausea,
when we are ill or stressed. Indeed, low heartburn and stomach upset.
CoQ10 levels have been found in a wide
range of medical conditions, including
At the end of the study, sperm quality improved in the astaxanthin group, but not in
lobster and crab—where it’s
the placebo group. Moreover, more than half of the astaxanthin group’s partners
responsible for their distinctive pink
became pregnant during the trial, while only 10 per cent of the placebo group’s
saw their triglyceride (a type of fat) levels decrease and their high-density lipoprotein
caused by unstable molecules known as
Reflux.A high dose of astaxanthin (40 mg/day) significantly reduced reflux symptoms
carotenoids, which can show potentially
in people with dyspepsia (indigestion) after four weeks. The effect was particularly
damaging pro-oxidative properties
Cancer.Although the results may not apply to humans, astaxanthin showed cancer-
astaxanthin is a ‘pure antioxidant’
preventative effects in a mouse model of bladder cancer (Carcinogenesis, 1994; 15: 15–9).
(Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2009; 73: 1928–32).
Also promising were the findings of a test-tube study showing that astaxanthin can
Studies demonstrate that asta-
inhibit the growth of human colon cancer cells (Cancer Lett, 2009; 283: 108–17).
xanthin’s antioxidant ability surpasses
visual acuity and muscle fatigue, which may lead to sports performance benefits (J Clin
vitamin E (J Agric Food Chem, 2000, 48:
rill oil is the fastest growing DHA levels more than did fish oil
Proven benefits
these fats are supposedly better the fish-oil group (Nutr Res, 2009; 29:
absorbed from krill oil. Krill oil also 609–15).
contains potent antioxidants that, Another study in humans One particular brand of krill oil—
proponents claim, give it the edge over compared the bioavailability of Neptune Krill Oil (NKO)—has been
fish oil. Other purported advantages of omega-3s from krill and fish oils put to the test in a handful of
krill oil are that it’s pollution-free and providing almost identical doses of clinical trials. One, a double-blind
comes with no fishy aftertaste. EPA and DHA. Although the results randomized controlled trial,
Numerous websites are now promoting were not statistically significant, the compared the effects of NKO and fish
krill oil as the ‘ultimate’ source of study found that krill oil consump- oil in 70 healthy women suffering
omega-3s. tion was associated with the highest from premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Let’s take a closer look at krill oil levels of EPA and DHA in the blood, For 30 days, half the women took 2
and see if the claims really do stack up. again suggesting better bioavailablity g/day of krill oil while the other half
compared with fish oil (Lipids Health Dis, took 2 g/day of fish oil. Following
Better bioavailability 2011; 10: 145). this, they took the supplements for
The research into krill oil is still in its Krill-oil proponents point out that, just 10 days per month over the next
infancy but, so far, studies suggest because omega-3s from krill oil are two months. Over this period, the
that it may well be a superior source better absorbed, less is needed for a women tracked their mental
of omega-3 fatty acids. beneficial effect. and physical symptoms on a
Natural antioxidants
For starters, while fish oil contains questionnaire developed by the
omega-3 fats in triglyceride form, a American College of Obstetrics and
significant proportion of the omega-3 Another difference between krill and Gynecology.
found in krill oil is in the form of fish oils is that krill oil is naturally At the end of the study, the results
phospholipids—fat-like molecules rich in antioxidants, including revealed that both groups improved
that deliver the fatty acids directly to vitamins A and E, and the carotenoid in weight, abdominal discomfort and
the body’s cells. Animal and human astaxanthin (Altern Med Rev, 2003; 8: swelling, but only the krill-oil group
studies show that phospholipid- 171–9). These free-radical fighters saw statistically significant
bound fatty acids have better provide the omega-3 fatty acids with improvements in breast tenderness,
absorption and delivery to the brain natural protection against oxidation, feelings of inadequacy, stress,
compared with triglyceride-bound so no additives are needed to irritability, depression, joint
fatty acids. maintain krill oil’s stability. In discomfort and bloating. Moreover,
In one primate study, twice as contrast, fish oil commonly contains the krill-oil group reported greater
many phospholipid-bound fatty acids added antioxidants to prevent it from improvements in alertness, energy
accumulated in the brain compared going rancid during production and and well-being, and took significantly
with triglyceride-bound fatty acids on the shelf. less analgesic medication around the
(Pediatr Res, 2002; 51: 265–72). In another The natural antioxidants in krill time of their period compared with
animal (pig) study, phospholipid- oil may also offer additional health the fish-oil group. The researchers
bound fatty acids increased brain benefits. Astaxanthin, for example, also noted that “[p]atients taking
emu.org/ resources/research/fatty-
Moreover, neither emu nor olive oil
had any effect on levels of high-
density lipoprotein (HDL, or
‘good’) cholesterol, known to
protect against heart disease ( Nutr
Res, 2004; 6: 395–406). the researchers reported that emu significant effect on pain reduction
oil scored better than mineral oil on their own than when used in
Human studies overall. Moreover, all 11 combination.
Although the research so far is participants said they preferred the Although this study has not been
promising—suggesting that emu emu oil to the mineral oil (Australas published in a peer-reviewed
oil may be useful for a number of J Dermatol, 1996; 37: 159–61). journal, it can be found on the
inflammator y conditions—the As for specific conditions, there website of Emu Spirit, the
results of animal studies do not is one study—a randomized double- Australian company that supplied
necessarily apply to humans. For blind placebo-controlled trial, the the emu oil used in the study and
this reason, clinical trials are gold-standard type of clinical assisted with its funding (see
needed to confirm these trial—that investigated the effects w w w. e m u s p i r i t . c o m / w h y - e m u -
preliminary findings. of emu oil in 120 men and women spirit/osteoarthritichandpain.htm)
Thus far, there appears to be with osteoarthritis of the hand. The .
only one published clinical trial of study participants were randomly
emu oil to date: a pilot double- allocated to one of six groups: 1) The bottom line
blind trial of the oil’s moisturizing emu oil applied topically twice a Clearly, considerably more research
and cosmetic properties. This day; 2) placebo (canola) oil applied is needed on the effects of emu oil
preliminary study involved 11 men topically twice a day; 3) emu oil in humans and, in particular, inde-
and women, with healthy skin (no taken by mouth twice a day (5 mL); pendent studies. Many websites
acne or eczema), who were asked to 4) placebo oil taken by mouth twice claim that the oil is beneficial for a
compare two different oils—emu a day; 5) emu oil applied topically laundry list of health problems, but
oil and mineral oil—after two and ingested; and 6) placebo oil there is simply not enough
weeks of topical use of each. applied topically and ingested. evidence at this time to support
Using data compiled from At the end of the eight-week such claims.
questionnaires, which assessed skin study, pain scores were found to be Nevertheless, it’s unlikely that
penetration and permeability, signifi-cantly lower in the emu oil using emu oil will do you any harm,
moisturizing properties, texture users compared with the placebo at least when applied topically, so
and any side-effects (such as oil users. However, curiously, you may wish to give it a try for
comedogenicity or blackhead topical applica-tion and ingestion yourself.
development, odour or irritation), of emu oil each had a more Joanna Evans
S tiopeptidase, is a proteolytic
(protein-digesting) enzyme
with a long history of use in
who followed the traditional
advice. The serrapeptase group
also became pain-free sooner
Germany and Japan. Now known than the control group did
worldwide for its anti-inflammatory (Fortschr Med, 1989; 107: 67–8, 71–2).
effects, it’s purported to treat u ENT disorders. An Italian study
everything from arthritis to heart of 193 patients suffering from
disease and infections. But what ear, nose and throat disorders
does the science say about (acute or chronic) found that
serrapeptase? serrapeptase treatment led to a
significant reduction in symp-
What the studies say toms compared with a placebo. In
Serrapeptase has been the subject addition, not only did the enzyme
of intense study in recent decades act rapidly on localized inflamma-
and, although much of the research tion, but it also led to less water
has been in humans, larger-scale retention, while boosting clot- trials are now needed to confirm
higher-quality trials are needed. busting effects (fibrinolysis), thus these findings.
Nevertheless, so far, the evidence speeding up healing (J Int Med Res, u Breast disease. Serrapeptase may
suggests that the enzyme may be 1990; 18: 379–88). be beneficial for breast engorge-
useful for a range of conditions. u Chronic obstructive pulmonary ment, the painful overfilling of
u Postoperative pain and disease (COPD). A small study the breasts with milk. When 70
swelling. In a study of 24 healthy carried out in Japan investigated women with the condition were
subjects undergoing tooth the effects of serrapeptase in given either Danzen, a Japanese
extraction, all were given a patients with COPD, such as serrapeptase preparation, or a
treatment combination of either emphysema and bronchitis. placebo for three days, Danzen
serrapeptase (5 mg) or placebo Compared with no treatment, proved to be superior to placebo
tablets and paracetamol 30 mg/day of the enzyme for four for improving breast pain, breast
(acetaminophen) tablets (1000 weeks reduced both the amount swelling and induration (harden-
mg) at the time of the operation. of phlegm (sputum) produced ing). Indeed, while 86 per cent of
Those taking serrapeptase and the frequency of coughing the Danzen patients achieved
reported significantly less pain (Respirology, 2003; 8: 316–20). “moderate to marked” improve-
and swelling after surgery u Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). ments, only 60 per cent of the
compared with the placebo- Twenty CTS patients were patients taking the placebo saw
control group (Int J Oral Maxillofac enrolled in a clinical study to similar improvements. Also, a
Surg, 2008; 37: 264–8). investigate whether serrapeptase “marked” improvement was seen
In a much larger study, this could help in the treatment of in 23 per cent of the treatment
time in patients with chronic their symptoms. Following a short group vs just 3 per cent with the
empyema (where pus collects course of the non-steroidal anti- placebo (Singapore Med J, 1989; 30:
around the lungs and in the inflammatory drug (NSAID) 48–54).
chest wall) undergoing surgery, nimesulide, the patients were u Infections. Serrapeptase was
the patients were given either given 10 mg of serrapeptase twice effective for eradicating infection
serrapeptase or a placebo both a day for six weeks. At the end of caused by Staphylococcus epider-
before and after their operation. the study, 65 per cent reported midis bacteria—at least in rats,
Here again, the degree of post- significant improvements in their so this may not apply to humans.
operative swelling was signifi- symptoms, with no serious side- Nevertheless, these findings led
cantly less with serrapeptase effects (J Assoc Physicians India, 1999; the researchers to conclude that
than with the placebo 47: 1170–2). Larger, higher-quality the enzyme might be able to
will and won’t do for you (placebo) or one of four doses of 2002; 106: 1925–9). Other research
CLA (1.7 g/day, 3.4 g/day, 5.1 suggests that CLA might lower
g/day or 6.8 g/day) for 12 levels of ‘good’ (HDL)
o doubt plenty of us have weeks. Compared with the cholesterol while contributing