Tems Investigation 12.0: Enhanced Service Testing and Simplified User Handling With

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  3rD Issue, Q3/Q4 2010 


 In this issue: 

 TEMS Monitor Master 8.5 paves the way for testing smartphone services ▪ p. 2 
TEMS Visualization 7.2 offers KPI views, geo-location, and more ▪ p. 3 
 TEMS Discovery 2.1 – The obvious choice for post-processing ▪ p. 7 
 A member of Ascom’s Management Team ▪ p. 8 

Enhanced service testing and simplified user handling with


2 TEMS™ News | Q3/Q4 2010

TEMS™ Monitor Master 8.5 paves the way for

testing smartphone services

TEMS Monitor Master is the carrier-grade software and What's new in TEMS Monitor Master 8.5?
hardware solution that enables to operators, regulators, In response to customers’ needs, TEMS Monitor Master 8.5
and content providers to quickly pinpoint and resolve adds new capabilities to Interactive Mode, giving extra detail
quality and user-experience problems in services deliv- from the radio trace layer and the IP layer to supplement the
ered over wireless and fixed-line networks. content and application trace detail that is already present.
This added detail helps users quickly resolve issues they may
The product is used for end-to-end monitoring, regression see when testing services. Furthermore, BlackBerry devices
testing, content testing, roaming, and revenue assurance. can now be controlled remotely. For the first time, BlackBerry
It tests any service or combination of services, including applications can be tested in the operator’s network, so ser-
pre-launch service testing, live monitoring, and roaming vice issues can be identified and fixed more quickly.
scenarios. The product uses fixed Agents that are situated As smartphones become the norm, subscribers will chal-
anywhere in the world, centrally controlled by the Quality lenge operators to deliver more applications over their net-
Manager system. Users customize TEMS Monitor Master to works. Introducing BlackBerry devices within Interactive Mode
suit their specific requirements without requiring a product is the first step toward using any smartphone in this way.
change. This strength of TEMS Monitor Master allows cus- In addition, the release adds support for the Sierra
tomers to get their services to market without delay and Wireless 8700 and 8795V modems. These promote testing
quickly begin earning revenue from them. over higher-bandwidth networks such as HSPA+.
Existing customers will also benefit from a number of
TEMS Monitor Master 8.4, released earlier this year, included ease-of-use and administrative enhancements to make
these enhancements: day-to-day system operation more efficient. ¨
Apple® iPhone™ Visual Voicemail allows detailed
step-by-step testing and monitoring of all aspects
of this service.
RIM BlackBerry® devices for GSM and CDMA are
1 2
used to test BlackBerry e-mail and standard voice.
Further compliance with numerous ETSI require-
ments was implemented.
Support was added for the 64 bit Microsoft®
Windows Server 2008 R2 environment, Microsoft® nn TEMS Monitor Master sends e-mail from one
SQL Server 2008, Microsoft® Windows 7, and BlackBerry to another BlackBerry
Microsoft® Internet Explorer 8. oo TEMS Monitor Master receives e-mail on BlackBerry

TEMS Monitor Master 8.5 n

enhancements at a glance:

Interactive Mode enhancements

New views
L3 trace
IP trace
BlackBerry integration
New Sierra Wireless 8700 (HSPA+) and
8795V modems
Improved scheduler interface
Automated agent status measurement
TEMS™ News | q3/Q4 2010 3


TEMS™ Visualization 7.2

TEMS Visualization Enterprise is a Client/Server tool that for PS Interactive carried on HSPA connections.
post-processes event-based data generated by Ericsson Each KPI view has a separate data integrity sec-
infrastructure, analyzing and organizing it for radio net- tion showing throughput statistics and other
work troubleshooting and optimization. Bridging the gap packet-switched performance metrics.
between performance management systems and drive New geo-location capabilities – Selected events
testing tools, TEMS Visualization Enterprise allows the can be geo-located based on measurements made
analysis of large volumes of data in deep detail. by the mobile and reported to the RNC.

TEMS Visualization 7.2 Enterprise presents an array of ma- Pinpointing areas where several cells are in-
jor enhancements, with emphasis on three categories: volved in overlapping coverage helps engineers
determine if:
Maintaining performance when adding second
ƒƒ -- Cells are providing coverage in unwanted areas
and third carriers – In WCDMA networks, accu- and causing pilot pollution.
rate neighbor planning is crucial to performance, -- Wanted cell coverage will still be good if, for
especially with second and third carriers becoming example, the polluting cells are down-tilted.
commonplace. The new features make it possible -- The reason behind pilot pollution is simply poor
to quickly and easily optimize inter-frequency coverage.
neighbor plans based on real customer traffic.
Improved HS data performance analysis – KPI
ƒƒ In addition, geo-location displays the number of dropped
views for cells, subscribers, and subscriber groups calls in each 100m x 100m bin, presents details for those
show performance statistics broken down by drops, and enables further drilldown. ¨
service type. It is now possible, for example, to
separately monitor the number of dropped calls By Eric Allstrom

TEMS Visualization 7.2 Enterprise enhancements at a glance:

ƒƒ Neighbor optimization Monitor performance for TEMS

-- ƒƒ Pilot pollution threshold-based
New inter-frequency feature Automatic units, important --
A new way to calculate pilot
-- Enhanced Change Request view corporate customer groups, VIPs pollution based on number of
ƒƒ KPI views ƒƒ HS packet data analysis cells within a dB range
Aggregated from GPEH data, --
Average throughput statistics ƒƒ Geo-location for optimization

direct drilldown to detailed included in all KPI views --

Dropped calls
analysis -- Detailed throughput measure- -- Areas of pilot pollution
-- Accessibility, retainability, mo- ments added to Measurement ƒƒ General enhancements

bility, data integrity view in Call Analysis --

Schedule server for overnight
-- Per cell, subscriber, and sub- ƒƒ W10B Support data processing and daytime
scriber group --
Added support for Ericsson client access
-- Per main service type (CS W10B GPEH and BulkCM -- Enhanced workspace manage-
speech, PS Interactive R99/HS, -- Support for WCDMA System ment
PS Interactive EUL/HS, etc.) Releases P6 to W10B -- Scrambling code reuse report
-- Charts for quick identification of ƒƒ User-defined queries -- Simplified licensing scheme
10 worst cells and subscribers --
Queries on raw data with com-
ƒƒ Subscriber group KPIs plex user-defined conditions
Filter data based on user-de- -- Store on server and share with
fined groups of subscribers other users
4 TEMS™ News | Q3/Q4 2010



The exciting innovations in TEMS Investigation 12.0 include LTE improve-
ments, enhanced service testing, support for VoIP testing, simplified user
handling, and technology enhancements, primarily within LTE and CDMA.

TEMS Investigation’s latest advances in LTE are described at page 6.


Service Control
TEMS Investigation 12.0 introduces this entirely new tool for automation
of service testing, replacing Command Sequences. With Service Control,
composing and issuing automated service testing flows is very intuitive and
structured. The user can drag-and-drop specific activities or predefined
scripts with multiple activities into a workflow pane. The complete workflow
can be validated, saved as a script, and distributed across the organization.

Intuitive and smooth composition of service Parallel Data Services

testing flowchart with Service Control Designer Several data services (HTTP, FTP, etc.) can now be run in parallel with the
same device.

MTQI – Mobile TV Quality Index

This is a new quality-measurement feature based on VSQI+. It is used for
video streaming in TEMS Investigation, and also for mobile TV.
This new model predicts video quality and takes into account buffering
with or without skipping as well as corrupt duration.


VoIP can now be tested and PESQ values can be derived from the VoIP
TEMS™ News | q3/Q4 2010 5


Status Control Monitor
This new monitor displays real-time indications of connected equipment,
services, computer performance, and logfile recording progress. All indica-
tions are shown simultaneously in one monitor, making it easy to follow
activities and performance. Data can be logged to a text file for follow-up
and tracing.

New Device Navigator

With this feature, the user can activate and deactivate connected equip-
ment, view identities and capabilities, initiate activities for a quick test,
Status Control Monitor displays key verify activities configured in a Service Control workflow, set equipment
real-time information control properties, and swap equipment numbers.

Worksheet Copying
Worksheets can be copied for easy reuse. Monitors and layout are the same
as in original worksheets, and equipment numbers can be changed for
similar analysis of different devices.

LTE capabilities were introduced as early as TEMS Investigation 9.1 and
every release since then has brought further enhancements. See the ac-
companying LTE article for details.

Targeting speech quality measurements in CDMA, the PESQ computation is
enhanced for a number of Samsung devices.
New Device Navigator helps manage
connected equipment As expected, TEMS Investigation 12.0 supports many new terminals and
types of equipment from a broad range of vendors. ¨

By Örjan Arvidsson
6 TEMS™ News | Q3/Q4 2010

TEMS Investigation – The LTE Leader

Since early in the development of LTE, TEMS Investigation has taken the
lead in meeting present and future demands for collection, analysis, and
post-processing of LTE measurement data. LTE specification Release 8,
published in December 2008, was closely followed by the implementation
of LTE measurements in TEMS Investigation 9.1 – an important milestone.

Many advances were introduced in TEMS Investigation 9.1 through Release

LTE implemented, with all necessary Information Elements (IEs)
Support for DRT4301A and DRT4301A+ scanners
LTE scanning with PCTel SeeGull EX scanner
Usability of LTE signal scan greatly improved
Ability to load and present LTE cell data
Map window presentation of LTE cell data indicates serving cells
Construction of LTE missing neighbor event
LTE IEs selectable in the Report Generator tool in Data Collection,
producing HTML logfile reports
Support for Samsung LTE USB modem
75 new IEs holding LTE UE data
New presentation windows for LTE UE data

Since LTE specification Release 8, TEMS Investigation 12.0 supports the following LTE features:
TEMS Investigation has been LTE measurements collected with Samsung, Qualcomm, LG
adding in LTE functionality Support for DRT 4301A and PCTEL EX LTE scanners
130+ specific LTE IEs
30+ predefined LTE presentation windows
Support for FTP, HTTP, Ping, and UDP service testing
Serving and neighbor cell measurements
LTE DL and UL information
Throughput and delay measurements
LTE scanning measurements include signal scans for up to 12
EARFCNs, spectrum scan, and enhanced power scan
Dual-mode testing scenarios, LTE/EV-DO and LTE/UMTS
Multiple test devices for the same PC
New throughput measurements (RLC, PDCP, MAC)
More-detailed IEs
Ability to retrieve information on TTI level

Thus TEMS Investigation continues to lead the industry in meeting ongoing

demands for the collection, analysis, and post-processing of LTE measure-
ment data. ¨

By Örjan Arvidsson
TEMS™ News | q3/Q4 2010 7

TEMS™ Discovery 2.1 –

the obvious choice for post-processing

TEMS Discovery 2.1 presents operators around the world Efficient and time-saving ways of working
with a truly groundbreaking post-processing product. Its TEMS Discovery 2.1 features and functions make the user’s
ability to analyze collected measurement data is more com- work quicker and easier.
plete than ever before. Numerous settings and configuration possibilities tailor
the daily analysis environment.
TEMS Discovery, which performs effectively with both TEMS Processed data is organized in a very structured way, and
and non-TEMS products, is offered as a Standard package and interesting information is easily found and retrieved by run-
a standalone Professional version. The Standard version is also ning predefined or user-defined scripts.
bundled with TEMS Investigation. Pinpointed information can then be distributed through-
The automatic upload of logfiles from the field with out the entire organization with predefined or user-defined
TEMS™ Pocket and TEMS Investigation, combined with the reports.
automatic data processing in TEMS Discovery, optimizes costs In fact, entire projects containing complete analyses can
and adds efficiencies. Reports are automatically generated be distributed and shared across organizations without repro-
and e-mailed to a distribution list and the data is ready to be cessing any data.
analyzed by the engineers.
Optimizing costs
Here are some highlights of TEMS Discovery 2.1: TEMS Discovery 2.1 offers a selection of licensing options:
Fixed licenses, with a hardware dongle attached to
Analysis in 3D each computer
Contributions from different data sources ensure thorough ƒƒ
Floating licenses, with a number of concurrent
analysis for a complete and clear picture of a complex radio licenses retrieved from a server
network. ƒƒ
Rental agreements, where the product can be used
TEMS Discovery 2.1 can analyze not only logfiles contain- within a certain timeframe and then returned
ing downlink measurement data collected by various termi-
nals and equipment, but also UETRs (UE Traffic Recordings) With TEMS Discovery 2.1, the post-processing and analysis of
containing uplink data collected on the network side, and IP collected measurement data from different sources is auto-
trace files containing any IP traffic involved. mated and efficient, saving time and reducing costs. ¨
In this way, the analysis becomes “three-dimensional,”
guiding the user toward fast problem-solving and efficient
By Örjan Arvidsson
To make analysis even easier, Google Maps™ or Microsoft
Bing™ Maps can be integrated into TEMS Discovery. This, to-
gether with the map view supporting 100+ different map
formats, covers every geographical-information need.

Efficient processing
The logfiles (or uplink data or IP traffic data) are processed
only once, upon import into TEMS Discovery. This eliminates
the need to reprocess data and facilitates analysis. Statistics
of all kinds are already available for immediate presentation,
and thus require no separate computations.
Automatic data processing can easily be configured to
monitor any directory for incoming data, and to process this
data automatically. Reports and e-mail notifications can then
be sent automatically to specified recipients.
The product is fully customizable to integrate existing
and more-efficient carrier processes.

Dave Furtado

10.2010  © Ascom 2010. All rights reserved. TEMS is a trademark of Ascom. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. | LZT 138 0354/3 R1A | Photo: Fotograf Paulina
Visit Ascom Network Testing at the Dave Furtado has the perfect background for his job. After graduating from UMass
following major industry events Amherst, he joined Xerox, marketing Ethernet-connected devices – and the first
business PCs. Next came 22 years with Lucent Technologies (later Alcatel-Lucent),
where he rose to Global VP of Sales.
He then worked for several top organizations in senior sales, marketing,
11-15, P&T Expo Comm – product management, strategic planning, and operational positions. Most recently,
Beijing, China Dave made a emerging UK company North America’s leading voice-to-content/text
NOVEMBER vendor. Here are highlights of a recent conversation he had with TEMS News.
10-11, LTE North America –
Dallas, Texas, USA TN: What attracted you to Ascom Network Testing?
Dave: It’s an intriguing combination of a young, vibrant company with a heritage of
10-11, AfricaCom –
Cape Town, South Africa quality and a solid reputation. I wanted to be part of it.

TN: What defines a successful sales person?

Dave: Always putting customers first, understanding their needs, and mapping
new releases: solutions to their objectives.
TEMS Monitor Master 8.5
TN: What do you expect from your sales organization?
TEMS Symphony Suite 5.7
Dave: Above all, to understand customers’ businesses and communicate this
TEMS Visualization 7.2 Enterprise
knowledge to Product Management. And to understand our customers’ competitive
pressures and help them formulate growth strategies.
new Patches:
TEMS Discovery 2.0.3 TN: How would you describe yourself as a leader?
TEMS Discovery 2.0.5 Dave: A strong communicator of strategic and operational business objectives,
focusing on customers and market requirements.
TEMS Discovery 2.0.6
TEMS Investigation 10.1.3 TN: What is our biggest opportunity?
TEMS Investigation 11.0.2 Dave: Our leading TEMS Portfolio opportunities are the transitions from 3G to 4G and
TEMS Investigation 11.0.3 from voice to data. Increasing global focus on network quality drives growth in data
TEMS Pocket 7.3.1 applications and smartphones. Our compelling offerings support testing, measuring,
and monitoring as these migrations take place.
TEMS Pocket 8.1.1
TEMS Visualization 7.1.1 Professional TN: Dave, thank you for your time and welcome.
Dave: Thanks, I’m delighted to be here.

Ascom reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Ascom acknowledges all registered trademarks appearing herein.

Ascom Network Testing Inc.

1943 Isaac Newton Square
Reston | VA | 20190-5006 | USA

Dave Furtado

10.2010  © Ascom 2010. All rights reserved. TEMS is a trademark of Ascom. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. | LZT 138 0354/3 R1A | Photo: Fotograf Paulina
Visit Ascom Network Testing at the Dave Furtado has the perfect background for his job. After graduating from UMass
following major industry events Amherst, he joined Xerox, marketing Ethernet-connected devices – and the first
business PCs. Next came 22 years with Lucent Technologies (later Alcatel-Lucent),
where he rose to Global VP of Sales.
He then worked for several top organizations in senior sales, marketing,
11-15, P&T Expo Comm –   product management, strategic planning, and operational positions. Most recently,
Beijing, China Dave made a rising UK company North America’s leading voice-to-content/text
NOVEMBER vendor. Here are highlights of a recent conversation he had with TEMS News.
10-11, LTE North America –  
Dallas, Texas, USA TN: What attracted you to Ascom Network Testing?
Dave: It’s an intriguing combination of a young, vibrant company with a heritage of
10-11, AfricaCom –  
Cape Town, South Africa quality and a solid reputation. I wanted to be part of it.

TN: What defines a successful sales person?

Dave: Always putting customers first, understanding their needs, and mapping
new releases: solutions to their objectives.
TEMS Monitor Master 8.5
TN: What do you expect from your sales organization?
TEMS Symphony Suite 5.7
Dave: Above all, to understand customers’ businesses and communicate this
TEMS Visualization 7.2 Enterprise
knowledge to Product Management. And to understand our customers’ competitive
  pressures and help them formulate growth strategies.
new Patches:
TEMS Discovery 2.0.3 TN: How would you describe yourself as a leader?
TEMS Discovery 2.0.5 Dave: A strong communicator of strategic and operational business objectives,
focusing on customers and market requirements.
TEMS Discovery 2.0.6
TEMS Investigation 10.1.3 TN: What is our biggest opportunity?
TEMS Investigation 11.0.2 Dave: Our leading TEMS Portfolio opportunities are the transitions from 3G to 4G and
TEMS Investigation 11.0.3 from voice to data. Increasing global focus on network quality drives growth in data
TEMS Pocket 7.3.1 applications and smartphones. Our compelling offerings support testing, measuring,
and monitoring as these migrations take place.
TEMS Pocket 8.1.1
TEMS Visualization 7.1.1 Professional TN: Dave, thank you for your time and welcome.
Dave: Thanks, I’m delighted to be here.

Ascom reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Ascom acknowledges all registered trademarks appearing herein.

Ascom Network Testing Inc.n

1943 Isaac Newton Square 
Reston | VA | 20190-5006 | USA 

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