FORM D - Pricing Sheet
FORM D - Pricing Sheet
FORM D - Pricing Sheet
Item No. Units Description Unit Price Line Price
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) services for following sized SDR 11 DIPS-HDPE per bid specifications:
2" SDR 11 DIPS - HDPE pipe directional bore
A-1 3,000 foot $ - $ -
(0 - 50 feet)
2" SDR 11 DIPS - HDPE pipe directional bore
A-2 3,000 foot $ - $ -
(51 - 100 feet)
2" SDR 11 DIPS - HDPE pipe directional bore
A-3 4,000 foot $ - $ -
(101+ 500 feet)
2" SDR 11 DIPS - HDPE pipe directional bore
A-4 3,000 foot $ - $ -
(501+ feet)
All unit costs for directional drill installation shall include mobilization except for emergency jobs. Unit prices shall also include
bore-to-bore tie-ins as necessary.
NOTE: If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the line total, the unit price will be utilized to determine the line
total and the overall bid total.