Instructions: Answer FIVE FULL questions, choosing one from each unit.
1 a Define Electric field intensity. Derive the expression for field at a point due to many 10
b Calculate the divergence of vector D at the points specified if, 10
i) D = 1/z2[10xyz ax + 5x2z ay + (2z3 - 5x2y) az] at P (-2,3,5).
ii) D = 5z2 ar + 10rz az at P (3, -450, 5).
2 a Derive the expression for energy Density in an electric field 10
b Find E and J corresponding to a drift velocity of 6.0 x 10-4 m/s in the case of silver 5
conductor using the data: 𝛔silver = 61.7 x 106 S/m and mobility 𝛍silver = 5.6 x 10-3
c At the boundary between glass (𝛜r = 4) and air, the lines of electric field make an 5
angle of 400 with normal to the boundary. If electric flux density in air is
0.25µC/m2, determine the orientation and magnitude of electric flux density in
3 a State and prove Biot-Savart’s Law. 6
b Given vector magnetic potential A = x2 ax + 2yz ay + (-x2) az , find the magnetic flux 7
c Derive the boundary condition for tangential component of H in a steady magnetic 7
4 a State and explain Faraday’s law in integral and point form. 8
b List the Maxwell’s equations in point and integral form for time varying fields. 8
c Given E = Em Sin (𝛚�t - 𝛃�z) ay in free space, calculate B. 4
5 a Starting from Maxwell’s equations obtain the general wave equation in electric and 6
magnetic fields.
b State and prove Poynting theorem 8
c Determine i) attenuation constant ii) wavelength and iii) intrinsic impedance for a 6
good conductor at a frequency of 1MHz given that 𝛜�r = 12, 𝛍�r = 1 and
conductivity 𝛔 = 20x10-3 s/m.
6 a Define the terms i) Reflection coefficient and ii) Transmission coefficient. Also 8
derive the relation between them.
b Write a short note on SWR. 6
c Given 𝛤� = 0.5, 𝛈�1 = 100𝛀�, 𝛈�2 = 300𝛀�, Ei = 100 V/m. Calculate values of average 6
power for the incident, reflected and transmitted wave.
7 a Derive the general expression for plane wave propagation in any arbitrary 8
b Write a short note on Brewster angle. 6
c An electromagnetic wave traveling in free space is incident on a dielectric medium 6
with relative dielectric constant equal to 2 at an angle of 450. Find the angle by
which E tilts as the wave crosses the boundary.