Componentization FRD
Componentization FRD
Componentization FRD
Requirements Specification
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1
I. Project Overview........................................................................................................... 1
II. Document Purpose ........................................................................................................ 1
III. Statement of Work ........................................................................................................ 1
IV. Sub-Projects................................................................................................................... 2
V. Sub-Project Phases ....................................................................................................... 3
VI. Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 5
VII. Referenced Documents ................................................................................................. 5
Functional Requirements .................................................................................................. 6
I. Project Goals ................................................................................................................. 6
II. Technical Requirements ............................................................................................... 7
III. Issues / Unknowns ......................................................................................................... 7
Project Requirements ......................................................................................................... 8
I. Sub-Project Dependencies ............................................................................................ 8
II. Assumptions................................................................................................................... 8
III. Platforms/ Versions Supported.................................................................................... 8
IV. Dependencies ................................................................................................................. 8
V. Capital Expenses ........................................................................................................... 8
VI. Training Deliverables ................................................................................................... 8
VII. Product Development Deliverable ............................................................................... 8
VIII. Product Management Deliverables ............................................................................. 8
IX. Knowledge Devlopment Deliverables.......................................................................... 8
X. Documentation Deliverables ........................................................................................ 9
XI. Product Management Deliverables ............................................................................. 9
XII. User-Interface Design ................................................................................................... 9
XIII. Acceptance Criteria: ................................................................................................... 10
Table of Contents i
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
Contact Information:
Name: Ann Johnson
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: (303) 980-7070 ex. 1144
Organization: Requirements Engineering
Table of Contents 1
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
Requirements Specification
Project Name: Server Componentization
Sponsor(s): Randy Reece
I. Project Overview
The Safari Business Intelligence Plus current architecture supports components in the client/server
environment, where each Safari InfoTool is one component and the Safarissrv is the other
component, both connected by a Component Interface. The current architecture is as follows:
Notice that the server component consists of a many integrated parts, like a dictionary interface,
database drivers, select engine, 4gl engine, etc.
The Safari Business Intelligence Plus product suite must be changed to meet the demands of the
Web-based applications world and of the extended Enterprise. Our current architecture does not
support multiple users (over about 50), easy implementation of new database drivers, distributed
systems, partial software upgrades with separate deliverable components, or the expansion of our
metadata to support new types of objects. In addition, because the server contains so many
integrated functions, making any changes to the code is difficult and requires testing all functions,
regardless of the change. This prohibits our product from being extensible and scaleable and
requires more time to bring new functions to market
Introduction 1
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
IV. Sub-Projects
The subprojects listed below will be created from this master plan to product the following
Introduction 2
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
V. Sub-Project Phases
The following diagrams represent phases of the overall project:
Sub-Projects 1 thru 2
Sub-Project 3
Introduction 3
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
Sub-Project 4
Sub-Project 5
Introduction 4
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
VI. Definitions
Component Broker Translates the protocol request from input/output to a single ID;
establishes the data streams to process a transformation.
Component The communication line for single data request and data result
Interface (pipe); converts 1 data type to another data type.
Formatted Data The data that goes through the communication pipe
Object Broker Finds the component with the single ID and ensures that the
component is instantiated.
Introduction 5
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
Functional Requirements
I. Project Goals
17. Must reduce the ‘footprint’ of all images, the server image in particular
18. Architecture must support an indeterminate number of concurrent users.
19. Implementation GOALS: Don’t copy data unless you have to.
Don’t convert data unless you have to.
Transfer as little data as possible.
Functional Requirements 6
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
Technical Requirements
1. Must continue to provide the same product functionality that we have today
2. All components must be designed such that any changes to a component are isolated and don’t affect
other components
3. Must be able to incrementally deliver componentized segments
4. Must be able to distribute replacement components for upgrades such that the whole system does not
need to be upgraded
5. Must support 100 concurrent user logins initiated within a 10 second period and responded to within
30 seconds
6. Must run on all currently supported platforms (as of 7.1-AA)
7. Must be designed such that new platforms added after 7.1-AA can be supported
8. Must continue to support all current data sources (as of 7.1-AA)
9. Must be designed such that any new data sources added after 7.1-AA can be supported
10. Performance of any function must be the same or better than provided today
11. Must coexist and interface with EJB or Corba
12. Component Interface must be designed such that it is replaceable by EJB, Corba, Java, a variant of
RPI/IPC, etc. (until new CompI using the data stream architecture is proven on all supported
13. Must build a test plan to quantify scaleability.
14. Components must be allowed to reside locally or remotely to the caller.
15. Location of the called component must be transparent to the caller.
Functional Requirements 7
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
Project Requirements
I. Sub-Project Dependencies
1. Develop the New Component Interface (CompI)
II. Assumptions
IV. Dependencies
The following ATR’s must be fixed for this project
V. Capital Expenses
Project Requirements 8
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
X. Documentation Deliverables
Project Requirements 9
Document Number: PRJ-REQ-89-00541-Server Componentization Rqmt. Spec
Revision Date: 02/03/19 9:11 AM
Revision Number: Draft .2
Each detail plan will be attached to this project plan upon its development and approval.
The estimates for Coding and Implementation will be included in each detail design.
The release schedule for this project will be published separately by Product Administration.
Project Requirements 10