3 Feb 19 GNLM
3 Feb 19 GNLM
3 Feb 19 GNLM
The Global New
Light of Myanma
HIS is the time
of the year when
hold the convocations, the universities
when respectively
milestones commemoratin the candidates can set up their
g the fruits and own
four years of university flowers achieved
studies and when after
and pride, receives each, to his or her
a particular academic delight
period of the year degree. Moreover,
sees a series of this
and convocations graduation
with each graduate-to-be rehearsals
themselves up
in order to be recognized busy doing
looking one. We as the best
did the same in
Pull-out supplement
used to take different our young days;
photos of us both we
and on the stage. at the studios
However, we never
took photos by
only one part of wearing
the academic dress.
trar and the Head (If the regis-
of department saw
I would not be allowed me doing so,
to attend the convocation
but to let go home.)
Over the past three
or four years, academic
dresses have been
of a fashion trend; abused in terms
the ultimate aim
Honestly saying, is to take photos.
I used to loathe
doing so. As per the sight of people
what was advised
the knowledge by our teacher and
derived from what
ate-to-be must respect we learned, a gradu-
and cherish his or
Even in the western her academic dress.
of the trend, students countries, known
wear their academic to be running ahead
respect. I have dresses with a
seen them raising great deal of
behaving, say, wearing the caps only. They
cap, gown and are hardly found
started all this stuff. hood separately. mis-
Some may be taking I was wondering
or lawn with full photos while writhing who
academic dresses, on the ground
cloths. (Were I which, in that case,
in charge, seem reduced to
When I was at Mandalay I would drive them away when dirty
University and, I saw such things.)
so, I was not reluctant there once I discovered
to forbid them. Our those doing
such things either. rector and professor
But there’s nothing did not support
Have our youths I could do if they
had gone spoilt, did so behind my
ing things to be being fraught with back.
cherished, which misconceptions
We found some prompt them to regard-
taking photos with deviate from what
know that ‘Hood their hoods is right.
represents the kept upside down.
academic degree Do they even
because their parents they have acquired’?
have just a little Is that
be their right to knowledge or because
clothing? Too bad it is believed
some parents even to
are the encouragemen
Vol. V, No. 293, 14 th Waning of Pyatho 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Sunday, 3 February 2019
Vice President U Henry Van Thio and party inspect embankment maintenance work to prevent river bank erosion in Nyaungdon yesterday. PHOTO: MNA
ATIONAL Natural day afternoon. al explanations. inundation; the outcome of the bankment maintenance works
Disaster Manage- First, Vice President U Responding to the ex- mitigation and prevention works conducted along the river bank
ment Committee Henry Van Thio and party were planations, Vice President U carried out since then may be in Nyaungdon Town.
Chairman Vice Presi- explained about embankment Henry Van Thio said that the seen now as reduction of losses Directorate of Water Re-
dent U Henry Van Thio accompa- maintenance works to prevent Ayeyawady Region was a region from these natural disasters in sources and Improvement of
nied by Union Minister for Con- river bank erosion in Nyaung- that had been facing natural 2018. The Nyaungdon Town em- River Systems had been con-
struction U Han Zaw, Ayeyawady don town conducted yearly de- disasters of flooding and inun- bankment maintenance works ducting yearly embankment
Region Chief Minister U Hla Moe pending upon funds available dation yearly. To mitigate and was an important natural dis- maintenance works in Nyaung-
Aung, Deputy Minister for Agri- and status of cooperation with reduce damages, funds had to aster prevention work and thus don Town since fiscal year 2017-
culture, Livestock and Irrigation Netherlands on this by Direc- be allocated to clear and dredge depending upon availability of 2018. Of the total length of 6,250
U Hla Kyaw and departmental torate of Water Resources and dead or non-flowing rivers and funds works must be conducted ft. of embankment work, 1,575 ft.
officials inspected embankment Improvement of River Systems creeks. He spoke about being on priority areas, said the Vice had been conducted and 4,675 ft.
maintenance works to prevent Deputy Director General U Win in Ayeyawady Region in 2016 President. of embankment work remains to
river bank erosion in Ayeyawady Hlaing. Region Chief Minister U to provide relief and assistance Next, the Vice President be done it is learnt. — MNA
Region Nyaungdon Town yester- Hla Moe Aung provided addition- when there were flooding and and party inspected the em- (Translated by Zaw Min)
The pursuit of market its categorisation as a local The first goal focuses on [Investment Law]
friendly economic policies, peace and national recon- One of the first major re-
together with rapidly increas- company. ciliation, with a focus on the forms was the introduction
ing regional cooperation and achievement of political stabil- of the Myanmar Investment
integration, have been highly ity, while the second goal em- Law. Introduced in 2016, the
beneficial for the Asia-Pacific phasises macroeconomic man- Myanmar Investment Law of-
region, allowing many of us to stagnated slightly when com- The most recent econom- agement, with a focus on the fers investors a more trans-
make a successful transition pared with previous years. ic forecast provided by the achievement and maintenance parent, more liberal and more
from low income, low growth However, our region has re- ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic of economic stability, without protected investment environ-
to middle-to-high income, high mained a primary destination Research Office suggests that which broader, multi-sectoral ment, bringing our investment
growth. Myanmar seeks to do for FDI, accounting for 39% Myanmar’s economy is expect- development cannot begin to enabling environment further
the same. of global FDI inflows in 2017, ed to grow by some 7.4 percent materialise. Hence, the first in line with international and
By our own choosing, today a rise of 9 percentage points in the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year, and second goals are amongst regional agreements.
our country is more exposed to compared to 2016. Further- up from 6.8 percent during the those most critical for ensuring
external market and political more, developing Asia-Pacific 2017-18 Fiscal Year, and from a strong foundation upon which [Companies Law]
forces than ever before. On bal- economies were collectively the 5.9 percent during the 2016-17 all future development can be Then, in December 2017
ance, Myanmar stands to gain largest recipient region for FDI Fiscal Year. based. we launched the new Myanmar
from this exposure which brings inflows worldwide in 2017. We should also note that in- The third goal relates to Companies Law which came
with it the potential for new in- Myanmar has also been a flation is forecast to stabilise at job creation and private sector into effect in August 2018.
vestment, new technologies and major beneficiary of intra-re- 5 percent during the 2018-2019 growth, while the fourth relates Under the old 1914 Myan-
knowledge transfer. But that is gional FDI, experiencing a 45 Fiscal Year. to human capacity and social mar Companies Act, a locally
not to say that we are immune percent increase in FDI in- This is still higher than development, including the incorporated entity with any
from the less positive aspects flows. Evidence of this can be what we may have hoped for expansion of access to quality foreign shareholding was con-
of globalization. In today’s hy- seen throughout the country; but it is a marked improvement education and healthcare. sidered a foreign company in
perconnected world, when one an example is the new manu- on previous years. At its peak The fifth goal, natural Myanmar. With new legislation
economy so much as catches a facturing plant set up by Ma- in 2015, inflation stood at 9.99 resources management and in place, foreign investors are
common cold, many more are laysia-based Kian Joo Group in percent. environmental protection, is now permitted to hold up to 35
put at risk of contagion. the Thilawa Special Economic With these positive forces aimed at protecting not just percent of shares in a domestic
Zone. converging, both regionally and our country but our planet, company without the company
Ladies and gentlemen, There can be no doubt that in Myanmar, now is the time for through sustainable environ- losing its categorisation as a lo-
At the global level, FDI in- Myanmar is benefiting from our us to be bold and ambitious, and mental and natural resources cal company. Changing this le-
bold and ambitious we shall be! management. gal definition will allow foreign
Directly relevant to today’s investors to undertake business
[Major Myanmar Reform event, Strategy 3.3 clearly notes activities that were previously
I hope that it is now obvious Efforts] our commitment to creating restricted to companies fully
Ladies and gentlemen,
that Myanmar is committed to
a favourable investment and owned by Myanmar citizens.
As a member of the glob- business enabling environ- The new Companies Law
policy reform agenda, the My- been actively pursuing a range SEE PAGE-5
FROM PAGE-4 and that it is providing a strong view to establishing simple, clear patient and innovative. path of the country, improving
and positive precedent. and predictable Standard Operat- To assist investors in the the ease of doing business, and
Major reform efforts have Future rollouts of similar sys- ing Procedures (SOPs), together process of identifying investment maximising the potential benefits
been complemented by the re- tems elsewhere, starting with the with a single-window approach to priorities in a more strategic, of foreign direct investment and
cent launch of MyCo, an electron- Myanmar Investment Commis- services delivery. transparent and open manner, its spillover effects in the domes-
ic registration system through sion, are planned. This single-window ap- the Ministry of Planning and tic economy.
which companies can now be in- We also hope that recent proach will go a long way toward Finance and the Ministry of In- We will continue to strive to
corporated online, thus eliminat- discussions between Thailand addressing impediments faced by vestment and Foreign Economic improve the investment climate.
ing the need to physically wend and Myanmar, with support from investors, while at the same time Relations have developed a Pro-
your way to the registrar’s office. China and Japan, will see a sim- providing them with both pre- and ject Bank, a rolling databank con- [Challenges Ahead]
We are already seeing some ilar progress made at the Dawei post-investment services. sisting of major, transformative But of course many chal-
results of this. During the 5 month SEZ in short order. projects that have been screened, lenges remain. For example, our
period following MyCO’s launch infrastructure gap continues to
(1 August to 31 December 2018) [CBM-NET and MACCS] constrain Myanmar’s develop-
some 8,400 new companies were Other notable reforms that As Southeast Asia’s final fron- ment potential.
registered online. Put in another will be of interest to our investors Our energy potential has
way, the number of companies are the development of an elec- tier market, we offer innumer- also yet to be fulfilled. Myanmar
registered in just 5 months consti- tronic payments and settlement remains one of the world’s least
tutes 10% of the total number reg- system, the ‘CBM-NET’, and an able investment opportunities; electrified countries, notwith-
istered during the last 30 years,
from 1988 to 2018.
electronic customs and cargo
clearance system, ‘MACCS’. investment opportunities are standing our natural gas and
renewable energy resources.
This is the type of progress
we are determined to replicate
Our CBM-NET consists of
a Real Time Gross Settlement
everywhere in Myanmar. Some Myanmar’s ports must also
be upgraded and expanded to
and expand.
Further steps will involve
(RTGS) system, a central se-
curities depository system, and
are plain to see, others are wait- meet growing demand.
Despite these challeng-
migrating many other manual
processes online so that inves-
a mechanised cheque clearing
system which is connected to all
ing to be found. es, or one may say because of
them, business opportunities are
tors will no longer need to go to banks within Myanmar. The CBN- abundant in proportion to the
a number of places to have their NET converts the once-manual critical need for foreign direct
needs addressed. process of clearing and settling [MIPP] appraised and prioritised such investment. Thus, for investors,
payments into an entirely elec- We recently launched the that they are ready for implemen- challenges can be turned into
[Retail Sector Liberalisation] tronic system, thus constituting Myanmar Investment Promo- tation with the most appropriate opportunities.
With the launch of the Com- an important step toward the tion Plan (MIPP) which aims to source of financing, be it govern-
panies Law, we have been able to modernisation of our banking attract more than US$ 200 billion ment budget, development assis- [Closing]
open up new economic sectors to system. through responsible and quality tance or even through private Distinguished guests, ladies
investment. For example, in 2018 Likewise, our MACCS sys- business over the next 20 years, sector financing, by way of Pri- and gentlemen,
this administration successfully tem now enables exporters and facilitating Myanmar’s transition vate-Public-Partnership (PPP) It is said that what is com-
opened Myanmar to wholly for- importers to apply for customs to a middle-income country. mechanisms. fortable is rarely profitable. This
eign-owned firms operating in declarations and port clearances Our Project Bank is envi- is certainly the case when it
the wholesale and retail sectors, online. This system connects not [New Ministry] sioned as an online one-stop- comes to investment in frontier
a move which has attracted solid only to major ports but also to sev- To help sustain this already shop, where all information on markets. As Southeast Asia’s
investor interest from Europe, eral major land border crossings. substantial reform effort, on 19 projects designed to implement final frontier market, we offer
Japan, South Korea and beyond. The result has been shorter cus- November 2018 the Government the Myanmar Sustainable De- innumerable investment oppor-
toms clearance times and greater established the Ministry of In- velopment Plan can be easily tunities; investment opportuni-
[Education Sector Liberali- efficiency gains overall. vestment and Foreign Economic accessed with a single click. In ties are everywhere in Myanmar.
sation] Relations (MoIFER). MoIFER preparing these projects, the Some are plain to see, others are
We have also begun to lib- [MIC Reform] has been mandated to address Government is prioritising appro- waiting to be found.
eralise the education sector, Importantly, the Myanmar the needs of the State and its peo- priately balanced risk allocation I stand here to reaffirm our
opening the way for 100 percent Investment Commission (MIC) ple, with a focus on facilitating between the government and the commitment to continue our re-
foreign-owned educational insti- private sector, as well as the use forms and to build an investment
tutions, as well as locally owned of blended financing mechanisms friendly environment.
schools and joint ventures. I stand here to reaffirm our to ensure the success of PPPs We only ask our investors to
that are included within the Pro- ensure that their investments are
[Thilawa SEZ] commitment to continue our ject Bank. responsible, by incorporating en-
Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun inspects Printing Houses in Insein Township
DEPUTY Minister for Informa- the Myanmar Media Develop- In his opening remark, the tion to the international commu- Department under the Ministry
tion U Aung Hla Tun attended the ment Centre (MMDC), Junction Deputy Minister said that the nities, the Myanmar Media played of Information, where he met with
opening ceremony of Television Square, Yangon. Deputy Minister event, organized by the Myan- a pivotal role for dissemination of the officials from the Ministry of
Presenters Training Course, or- U Aung Hla Tun, who is also the mar Television and Radio Broad- information and this event would Information and the Ministry of
ganized the Myanmar Television chairman of Broadcasting Gov- casters' Association was held for help overcome media challenges. Education. Next he discussed the
and Radio Broadcasters' Asso- erning Body – BGB) delivered the first time, and which played a Then Deputy Minister U Aung progress of the school textbooks
ciation, yesterday morning, at an opening remark at the event. crucial role in fostering the My- Hla Tun attended the Broad- in the 2019-2020 Academic Years.
anmar media development. As casting Governing Body (BGB) Afterwards, Deputy Minister U
for our country, it is of paramount coordination meeting (1/2019), Aung Hla Tun urged the officials
importance to emerge free and at the Myanmar Radio and Tele- to publish the school text books
independent media creating dem- vision (MRTV) meeting hall, on with high quality and to publish
ocratic checks and balances. He Pyay Road, Yangon, where he it in a timely manner while main-
added that our country has just met with the members of BGB tain a safe work environment, to
undergone a democratic transi- and discussed media develop- be vigilant of fire hazard, system-
tion period and there may have ment and challenges faced in the atic layouts planning. Following
many challenges, at the same media world. this, he inspected the GTC, the
time, there are many opportu- In the afternoon, Deputy Sarpay Beikman and the Aung
nities for development as well. Minister U Aung Hla Tun in- San Printing Factory.—MNA
Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun addresses the Broadcasting Governing When it comes to explanation spected the G.T.C Printing Press
Body coordination meeting in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO : MNA about Myanmar’s democratiza- Factory, Printing and Publishing (Translated by Win Ko Ko Aung)
role of Hluttaws
national unity, perpetuation of national sovereignty; and to
By Dr. Myat Moe for unity and walked on the de- While there are more impor- work for preservation and protection of the above.
velopment road. tant issues to be taken up, We 2. To strive for the emergence of a Constitution that is in align-
HRONICLE of My- People are very much wor- must discard pessimistic views ment and harmony with the Democratic Federal Union.
anmar shows many ried and in anxiety over the dis- and absorb optimistic ideas so 3. To strive for the success of the Union Peace Conference
HE concepts of constructive thoughts, words and actions auspicious days in the unity and internal conflicts, but that solid milestones of achieve- – 21st Century Panlong and thence till the success of the
have deep meaning in the world of democratic institutions. country, and that the the ceasefire agreements have ments could be achieved. For internal peace process.
The modern world is using the word ‘democratic Union Day is embedded with full offered the chance for internal the pragmatic development, all 4. All union nationals to cooperate and work in “Unity and
politics’ but the truth is politics was not customarily pro- of meaning and essence which peace. the stakeholders must partic- Harmony” for rule of law and for the people to be secure
moted under authoritarian regimes. Indeed, they were submerged, falls on February 12. Temporary conciliation is ipate in the process, and that and free from danger.
suffocated, and subdued with the use of oppressive and sometimes the stride for the greater good of finger pointing for blames must 5. All union citizens to be able to enjoy good education and
deadly force. True politics is when there are mechanisms and in- 72nd Anniversary of Union eternal peace, and therefore, all be avoided. adequate health care protection.
frastructure in place that allow the people to elect politicians who Day stakeholders and organizations The advantages and weak-
will represent them and take responsibility for their welfare. As Living our lives in our own must extend more flexibility and nesses of each side should be
such, since this system bases itself on the will of the people, the ways in harmony and unity for moved ahead for comprehensive weighed and diverted into good
political landscape will be diverse and inclusive only if democracy many centuries, and now that ceasefire for the sake of build- results. The intended goals and
is allowed to thrive. all the nationalities are longing ing federal democracy union destinations are to be followed
In the politics of a democratic system, the representatives of to reunite and come together through peace conferences. with audacity and courage.
the people are elected from candidates who receive the majority again, and therefore looking for Each and every organiza-
of votes and public support. The parliament (Hluttaw) composed a way out in quest of peace. Basic ideology of democracy tion must always keep their
of these representatives play the most important and prominent Fighting against the impe- All the people are desirous peace door open with trust and Myanmar Daily Weather Report
role in the nation, in addition to being the most accountable pillar rialists and the Fascists, the to build a healthy human society, cooperate with each other close- (Issued at 7:00 pm Saturday 2nd February, 2019)
of democracy. After all, isn’t whole country was exception- and that the miscellany, mixture ly in finding the solutions and
it the Hluttaw that mainly or- ally united for decades, and and medley could be used as overcome the difficulties.
ganizes the presidency and the eventually regained the inde- diversity of democracy in the In quest of peace, it is nec- BAY INFERENCE: Weather is generally fair over the North
MPs sitting in executive pillar? pendence without discrimina- nation building. We must keep in essary to have the power of ne- Bay and a few cloud to partly cloudy over the Andaman Sea and
the Hluttaws This is why the people’s
representatives, who have
tion with the frontier areas and
the flat lands.
mind that the diversity of ideas
must never be allowed for an-
gotiation such as that to have
patience, to have good benev-
elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.
need to acquire also become Members of Par- Despite the conspiracy tagonism as it might ignite the olence, to have better listening FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 3rd
Siberian scientists wrap up Ebola vaccine trials Australian scientists tap crucial protein
NOVOSIBIRSK—Specialists at
pointing to better stem cell development
the Novosibirsk State Research SYDNEY—Australian scientists ings of the National Academy of
Center of Virology and Biotech- said they have found a way to pro- Sciences of the United States of
nology VECTOR have completed mote stem cell growth by tapping America.
trials of a vaccine against the Eb- a crucial protein that gives living “Our discovery that tro-
ola virus disease, which claimed tissues the ability to stretch and poelastin dramatically pro-
the lives of over 11,000 people retract, pointing to a major step motes stem cell expansion
in Africa recently, said Nikolai toward the body’s ability to re- and recruitment, and reliably
Krasnikov, Head of the Adminis- pair itself.Stem cells are vital for preserves their ability to devel-
tration of Koltsovo Science City therapeutic treatments to repair op into different types of cells
near Novosibirsk where the re- and build human tissue including points to new ways of cost-ef-
search centre is located, at the skin and muscles, with research- fectively and efficiently growing
TASS press centre on Friday. ers constantly looking for ways these stem cells to address the
“Our scientists have to make the cells work better increasing global demand,” said
wrapped up clinical trials of the Russian doctors and scientists have played an important role in fighting and worldwide cell demand far Yeo.“Such technologies can help
Ebola vaccine this year. Now it Ebola. PHOTO: TASS outstripping supply, the Univer- significantly lower the currently
is ready for use,” he announced. and the tissues of infected ani- role in fighting Ebola. In 2017, sity of Sydney said in a statement prohibitive cost of many cell ther-
The World Health Organi- mals or people. The incubation reports said that an Ebola vaccine explaining its researchers’ work apies.”Using human stem cells
zation describes the Ebola virus period lasts from two to 21 days. had been developed by the Novo- late on Friday.The researchers from donors, the researchers
disease (EVD, formerly known The virus was first registered sibirsk-based VECTOR Research have since discovered “a way to found that when small amounts
as Ebola hemorrhagic fever) as in Zaire (now the Democratic Re- Center. generate more stem cells cheaply of tropoelastin were applied it
“a severe, often fatal illness in public of the Congo) in 1976, with Founded in 1974, VECTOR and quickly” using the tropoelastin “encouraged more cells to be
humans. EVD outbreaks have a outbreaks reported from Sudan, is one of the world’s largest re- protein, it said. produced, creating a better en-
case fatality rate of up to 90%.” Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, search centres. Initially, it stud- “Stem cells are increasingly vironment for growth compared
Symptoms include a sudden on- Angola, and Cote d’Ivoire. The ied the causative agents of such being used as cell therapies for to other commonly used proteins
set of fever, intense weakness, latest Ebola epidemics in West deadly disease as anthrax and a range of diseases that cannot for stem cell cultures’, according
muscle pain, a headache and a Africa in 2014-2016 killed more tularemia to create biological be reliably treated by convention- to the university.
sore throat. This is followed by than 11,300 people, with more weapons based on them. Cur- al medicine including skeletal “Stem cells need a home
vomiting, diarrhea, a rash, im- than 28,600 contracting the dis- rently, the centre develops tools tissue injuries, heart attacks, to live and grow, and we’ve es-
paired kidney and liver function, ease. The most lethal outcomes for diagnosing and treating in- degenerative diseases and or- sentially created a nice environ-
and in some cases, both internal were reported in Guinea, Sierra fectious diseases. Its specialists, gan failure,” said university ment for them live in,” said the
and external bleeding. The in- Leone and Liberia. in particular, are developing vac- researcher Dr Giselle Yeo, who university’s Professor Anthony
fection is transmitted by direct Russian doctors and scien- cines against swine flu, HIV and co-authored the study published Weiss, the other co-author of the
contact with the blood, body fluids tists have played an important Ebola.—Tass in the scientific journal Proceed- study.—Xinhua
HIS is the time of the year when the universities respectively
hold the convocations, when the candidates can set up their own
milestones commemorating the fruits and flowers achieved after
four years of university studies and when each, to his or her delight
and pride, receives a particular academic degree. Moreover, this
period of the year sees a series of graduation rehearsals
and convocations with each graduate-to-be busy doing
themselves up in order to be recognized as the best
looking one. We did the same in our young days; we
used to take different photos of us both at the studios
and on the stage.
However, we never took photos by wearing
only one part of the academic dress. (If the regis-
trar and the Head of department saw me doing so,
I would not be allowed to attend the convocation
but to let go home.)
Over the past three or four years, academic
dresses have been inappropriately abused in terms
of a fashion trend; the ultimate aim is to take photos.
Honestly saying, I used to loathe the sight of people
doing so. As per what was advised by our teacher and
the knowledge derived from what we learned, a gradu-
ate-to-be must respect and cherish his or her academic dress.
Even in the western countries, known to be running ahead
of the trend, students wear their academic dresses with a great deal of
respect. I have seen them raising the caps only. They are hardly found mis-
behaving, say, wearing cap, gown and hood separately. I was wondering who
started all this stuff. Some may be taking photos while writhing on the ground
or lawn with full academic dresses, which, in that case, seem reduced to dirty
cloths. (Were I in charge, I would drive them away when I saw such things.)
When I was at Mandalay University and, there once I discovered those doing
so, I was not reluctant to forbid them. Our rector and professor did not support
such things either. But there’s nothing I could do if they did so behind my back.
Have our youths had gone spoilt, being fraught with misconceptions regard-
ing things to be cherished, which prompt them to deviate from what is right.
We found some taking photos with their hoods kept upside down. Do they even
know that ‘Hood represents the academic degree they have acquired’? Is that
because their parents have just a little knowledge or because it is believed to
be their right to clothing? Too bad some parents even are the encouragement!
olcsrf;omoavmuf uyfap;enf;onf/
Ko Ko is taller.
Ko Ko is taller than Nyi Nyi.
udkudkonf nDnDxufydkí t&yf&Snfonf/
(pmaMumif;ESpfaMumif;udk than ESifh qufxm;onfudkowdjyKyg/)
2. Khin Khin is beautiful.
Hla Hla is more beauitful.
Hla Hla is more beautiful than Khin Khin.
vSvSonf cifcifxuf ydkvSonf/
3. Malaria is bad. Cholera is worse.
By C. T. O Cholera is worse than malaria.
0rf;a&m*gonf iSufzsm;a&m*gxuf ydkqdk;onf/
(xdkYtjyif less.. than ESifhvnf; EdIif;,SOfEdkifonf/ less aemufwGif
D. Comparison of Adjectives old older oldest Positive Degree jyefvdkuf&onf/)
emr0daooersm;jzifh EdIif;,SOfjcif;/ old elder eldest jrefrmpmwGif þykHpHrsKd;oHk;cJonf/
(1) Adj rsm;wGif Degrees (tqif)h oH;k ck&o Sd nf/ Positive Degree, far farther farthest Malaria is less bad than cholera.
Comparative DegreeESiS hf uperlative Degree wdjYk zpfonf/ (tuGmta0;) iSufzsm;a&m*gonf 0rf;a&m*gxufavsmhí qdk;0g;onf/ (qdk;0g;rIwGif
Oyrm – tall, taller, tallest fore further furthest avsmhenf;onf/)
(2) toHxu G w k nf;&daS om adj rsm;ESihf wcsKUd wGif wpfcx
f pfcw k ufru&daS om (aemufxyf) (xdkYtjyif Not as... as yHkpHjzifhvnf; EdIif;,SOfEdkifonf/)
adj rsm;udk ER, EST aemufrS uyfxnfhjcif;jzifh Comparative fore former foremost, first Malaria is not as bad as cholera.
ESifh Superlative Degree odkYajymif;Edkifonf/ in inner innermost (inmost) iSufzsm;a&m*gonf 0rf;a&m*gavmufrqdk;yg/
erlemrsm;udk avhvmyg/ up upper uppermost (upmost) 4. I am strong. You are stronger.
Positive Comparative Superlative out outer/utter utmost, uttermost You are stronger than I.
Degree Degree Degree rif;ighxufydkoefrmonf/
high higher highest (5) Positive Degree (pum;ajym&mwGif I ae&mwGif me oHk;Muonf/ o'´gt&rl I onfom
short shorter shortest wlnDrIudk EdIif;,SOfjcif; rSefonf/)
young younger youngest as + adj + as trSefrSm than ESifhqufaompmaMumif;onf atmufyguJhodkYjzpfonf/
great greater greatest (a) wpfOD;ESifhwpfOD;? wpfckESifhwpfck You are stronger than I am strong.
weak weaker weakest wlnDonf[k EdIif;,SOfvdkvQif as ... adj ... as yHkpHudk oHk;&onf/ igoefrmonfxuf rif;ydkí oefrmonf/
kind kinder kindest 1. Nyi Nyi is bright. od&Yk mwGif t*Fvyd pf mwGif pmaMumif;wpfaMumif;xJü pmvH;k wlrsm;xyfo;kH
fine finer finest Ko Ko is equally bright. avhr&dSojzifh aemufqHk;rS am strong udk jr§Kyfxm;&onf/
fair fairer fairest Nyi Nyi is as bright as Ko Ko. xdkYaMumifh You are stronger than I jzpfoGm;onf/
happy happier happiest nDnDonf udkudkavmuf ÓPfaumif;onf/ rSwo f m;&eftcsurf mS t*Fvyd pf mwGif toH;k tEIe;f ESihf o'´gy#dyu©jzpfvQif
(aysmfaom ier, iest (xnfhonfudkowdjyKyg) 2. Coffee is good. toHk;tEIef;udk tEdkifay;avh&dSonf/
easy easier easiest Tea is equally good. Whenever there is a clash between usage and gram-
merry merrier merriest Coffee is as good as tea. mer, usage wins.
wealthy wealthier wealthiest umzDonf vbuf&nffavmuf aumif;onf/
(Double xnfh&onfudk owdjyKyg/) 3. Khin Khin is pretty. atmufygerlemudk aoaocsmcsmavhvmyg/
big bigger biggest Hla Hla is equally pretty. 1. I beat him. I beat her more.
hot hotter hottest Khin Khin is as pretty as Hla Hla. I beat her more than him.
thin thinner thinnest cifcifonf vSvSavmuf vSonf/ uRefawmfolYudk &dkufonfxuf olrydk&dkufcJhonf/
fat fatter fattest 4. Today is hot. (ol (him) u t&dkufcH&onf/)
sad sadder saddest Yesterday was equally hot. 2. He beats her. I beat her more.
(3) toHxu G Ef pS cf rk u&daS om adj rsm;udk more, most a&SUrS uyfxnfh Today is as hot as yesterday. I beat her more than he.
jcif;jzifh Comparative Degree ESihf Superlative Degree ,aeYonf raeYuavmufylonf/ uRefawmfolrudk ol&dkufonfxuf ydk&dkufcJhonf/
odkY ajymif;Edkifonf/ (b) t*FvdyfpmwGif as ... as jzifh wifpm;EdIif;,SOfxm;onfh twGJrsm;pGm (ol (he) u &dkufoljzpfonf/
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful &dSonf/ tcsKdUwdkYudk erlemtjzpf atmufwGif ay;xm;ygonf/ xdkYaMumifh þodkYaom pmaMumif;rsKd;rsm;wGif txl;*&kpdkufoHk;pGJwwf&ef
difficult more difficult most difficult vdktyfygonf/
important more important most important as lazy as a cat
delicious more delicious most delicious as greedy as a dog qufavhvmyg/
t&om&dSaom (avmbBuD;aom) I am less strong than you.
wcsKUd pmvH;k rsm;rSm toHxu k nf;yif&aSd omfvnf; ER, EST xnfh
G Ef pS cf w as brave as a lion &J0Hhaom igrif;xufavsmhenf; oefrmonf/
í r&yg/ as fierce as a tiger I am not as strong as you.
proper oifah wmfaom more proper, most proper as innocent as a lamb igrif;avmuf roefrmyg/
learned pmaywwfaom more learned, morst learned tjypfuif;rJhaom
(]vef;euf(')} [k toHxGufonf/) as cunning as a fox 5. A cassette is expensive. A televation set is more
(4) tcsKdUpmvHk;rsm;rSmrl Positive, Comparative ESifh Superlative aumufuspfaom expensive.
Degrees rsm; wpfvHk;ESifhwpfvHk;rwlojzifh usufxm;&ef vdkygonf/ as poor as a church mouse. A television set is more expensive than a cassette.
PD CD SD bk&m;&dScdk;ausmif;rS <uufavmufqif;&Jaom ½kyfjrifoHMum;puf wpfvHk;onf uufqufwpfvHk;xuf ydkaps;BuD;onf/
good better best as white as snow A cassette is less expensive than a television set.
well better best as black as charcoal (aps;avsmhenf;onf)
bad worse worst as tall as a palm tree xef;yif A cassette is not as expensive as a television set.
evil worse worst as fat as a barrel pnfydkif; uufqufwpfvHk;onf &kyfjrifoHMum;pufwpfvHk;avmuf aps;rBuD;yg/
ill worse worst
little less/lesser least (c) xdkYtjyif atmufyguJhodkY EdIif;,SOfonfrsKd;vnf;&dSonf/ 6. My house is big. Her house is bigger.
much more most (quantity) 1. She is cruel. Her house is bigger than mine.
many more most (number) She is beautiful. olrtdrfonf uRefawmfhtdrfxuf ydkBuD;onf/
late later latest She is as cruel as she is beautiful. My house is less big than hers.
aemuftusqHk;aom (tcsdef) olronf vSoavmuf &ufpufonf/ uRefawmfhtdrfonf olrtdrfxuf avsmhenf;íBuD;onf/
late latter last 2. He is miserly. My house is not as big as hers.
aemufqHk;jzpfaom He is rich. uRefawmtdrfonf olr tdrfavmufrBuD;yg/
aemufydkif;usaom (ae&m) He is as miserly as he is rich. (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK)
EGARDLESS of who they are, what they are and where they come from, many
people look forward for better looks. Beauty can be bought at such a quick pace
these days. People who live in this planet prefer a better appearance. However, By AW Khin Myat Phone
it is quite easy peasy to get what they called, “Beauty”.Still there is no shop or Grade 11A, BEHS 4,
store that puts good personality on sale. Botahtaung
“Beauty” is a thing on the skin of a person. It can be made by a surgical knife, makeup,
some pills or skin care. It isn’t difficult to do those things, is it? But what matters more is a good
personality. As everybody knows that people with beauty
handicaps still make easy, loving relationships but why?
The answer to this question is not difficult. Because they
have their own - acceptance. They accept who they are
and what they are in reality. If everybody understand this
fact, they will start to see that personality plays a main role
in a person’s life more than beauty. This become clearer
if we take a quick look at those greatests in the history.
Stephen Hawking, for example, the greatest scientist of all
time and Beethoven, one of the illustrious musicians, are
successful. They are multi-skilled, unique and have their
own style instead of being a carbon copy of the others.
The personality of a person tells the whole story of that
person. The society may look down on those who lack in
appearance but at many times, it absolutely looks up to those with kind hearts.
As a person grows older, the thing on the skin of that person as well grows older day by day.
Nobody can go against this nature of the living world. He who was born will certainly grow old
as days flow. And the beauty of a person which one used to shine bright like a diamond will fade
away no matter how it is maintained with any kind of method. What remains with one as time
goes by is an uncoloured pure heart. No robbers or thieves can rob or steal it away. Showing
mercy, having sympathy, giving lovingness to are the most favourable things what people do.
It is surely important for the general public to know that good personality wins in long terms.
Either in jobs opportunities or in the community. If a person is good personalized, everyone
loves him, admires him and wants to help him always. Being beautiful is like a flower. It is
the queen of everyone’s sight and attention at its blooming time but when it starts to wither,
no one wants it, nobody adores it and some even disgust to touch it. Likewise, beauty is not
permanent. Nobody can count on it to get sticked with a person till he dies. So, everyone needs
to grow a pure kind heart which everyone can take along with them to the day they are gone.
Like a random quote, “Beauty attracts the eye but personality captures the heart”, per-
sonality wins in the situations when it comes to compete with other things.
Talking about good personality of a person, these two tiny words mean a lot. There are
many types of personalities as there are different kinds of people. A person who cares to sac-
rifice for the others with good reason, who always face up great good worthy challenges, who
changes the world into a heavenly place with good deeds and still many more left.
Beauty can drift away from our faces and bodies when we grow older. It’s like a mask of
a person. But when it comes to reality, the personality cannot be hidden by wearing masks,
isn’t it? It is essential to hand down good personalities to the ascenders from the descenders
which is more precious than pure gold. It ain’t necessary to wear the fifth Avenue diamond or
drive a limousine to fit in the crowd these days. What matters more is trying to plant a seed
of good personality in our hearts.
Well, everybody has the right to make an own choice anyway. And what will the reader
choose if you’re asked to make just one choice; to be a beautiful person or a good-natured
The choice is yours..........
FROM PAGE- S-1 I’m not a pessimist, but we all know that a nation- someone wearing only a cap with other ordinary
Honestly saying, I cannot bear the sight that academ- al flag is as respected by the people of the country everyday clothes? Accordingly, it is important that
ic dresses are being treated disrespectfully. No matter it represents as the yellow robes are revered by the you be proud to wear a full academic dress.
if I am considered traditional, I am disappointed by the monks. Likewise, an academic dress solely belonging Some even ask if academic dresses are that
youths thumbing their noses at what should be valued. to the educated ought to be fully clad. It will surely crucial. I still would like to tell them that academic
Nothing, however, can be helped since all are turning be awkward to see someone wearing a Burmese dresses are not at all meant for fashion.
their blind eyes to such an inappropriateness. traditional jacket and style pant. What if you see
By Nyi Tu
here is a village called “Limpha Village” upstream in the Chind-
win River. Lisu, Naga, Bamar and Shan ethnic peoples reside in
the village.
No one can find Limpha on any map. There is no road access,
nor electricity in the tiny village.
With about 40 households, the village is considered small, but for
turtles conservationists, the village is a huge treasure because one of the
most-endangered turtles, the ‘roofed turtle”, are found there.
The Limpha field station was established about 12 years ago, after
researchers discovered the rare species. The roofed turtles once were
found in nearly all rivers in Myanmar. Until 2000, however, experts thought
the roofed turtle had become extinct in Myanmar.
In 2000, conservationists found the rare species in the Doakthawady
River. The conservationists noticed that the turtles disappeared after the
completion of a hydro power plant over the river in 2001.
While scientists thought the Burmese roofed turtle was extinct, Platt
and his team found a shell from a freshly killed female roofed turtle in
2001 along the Dokhtawady River near Mandalay, proving that the species
still existed.
After the species was found in a lake within the compound of Maha The grown-up turtles in the lake.
The Chief Minister of Sagaing Region and party made the excursion tour
to the turtle breeding camp.
Myatmuni Pagoda in Mandalay, conservationists traced the roofed turtles Senior officials of the Sagaing Region observe the behavior of the turtles.
and finally discovered them in the wild near Limpha Village.
Roofed turtle eggs are very rare. In 2014, just a single viable egg was
found. None were discovered the following year. A handful were located
in 2016.
Officials note that the reason roofed turtles remain in the area was
because local people, whenever they gathered eggs, always left behind a
few eggs for the next generation.
Conservationists discovered forty-four roofed turtle eggs recently.
The eggs are now at an incubation site established on the sand bars
along the Chindwin River in Myanmar. Fencing surrounds the eggs, which
receive 24/7 monitoring from villagers who reside in a nearby hut.
Educating local residents about the endangered turtles has been an
important effort, since over-harvesting the eggs contributed to the reptile’s
near extinction.
Scientists hope that the 44 eggs will resupply the population of roofed
The Burmese roofed turtle (Batagur trivittata), one of the most-en-
dangered turtles in Myanmar, is threatened by illegal gold mining, fishing
nets, electro fishing, human settlement on their hatching areas and con-
sumption by local people.
Conservationists are educating local people not to kill the turtles, not
to eat their eggs, to avoid settling on the sand beach, and not to perform
electro fishing.
“If necessary we patrol the area, together with the police,” said Ko
Myo Min Win, a local villager and a member of the conservation team at
Limpha station, “Without participation by the local people, we can not
achieve success. We take pride in the conservation of the roofed turtles.”
(Translated by Gyaw Orwell)
Conservationists’ observation trip along the Chindwin River to gather the biological information about roofed turtles. Conservationists use the radio antenna for their research.
YANMAR, golden land, possess- is a little difference between the donation cer-
es many beautiful geographical emony in town and the donation ceremony in
areas, fantastic landscapes, and the village. In town, the hosts of the ceremony
different people with a colorful invite their relatives, friends, and neighbors via
mind. Since there are 135 ethnic groups in invitation letter. In villages, however, they do
By Khin Moh Moh Aung Myanmar, we can see many different cultures, not invite villagers going to their houses. They
Yadanabon University civilizations, traditions, beliefs, and religions. just invite all the villages via loudspeaker to
Moreover, Myanmar people have a beautiful come to their ceremony of donation.
mind, donating necessaries to the persons When the ceremony is started, all the nov-
who are in need. Like the saying, “A friend ices-to-be, ear-piercing girls and the parents of
in need is a friend indeed”, Myanmar people them, relatives, the country girls and some of
can be remarked real friends those peoples. the villagers' process to the monastery carrying
No matter what situation they have, they try respective materials of the ceremony. It is a
to donate some of the possessions they own. picturesque view as they are very beautiful
According to Buddhism, a donation is a with Myanmar traditional outfits. When they
kind of goodness. Therefore, the Buddhists in reach to the monastery, the Sayadaw (abbot)
Myanmar hold the ceremony of donation all is offered the materials they have taken. And
around the Myanmar lands. The ceremony of the people who come to the ceremony are pro-
donation is held according to the culture of vided with rice and various curries. After that,
Myanmar. The ceremony of donation has to the abbot and some monks shave the heads of
be held with different parts, novitiation cer- the novices-to-be. At that time, parents have to
emony for boys under the age of twenty and hold the white linen to receive the hair which
ear piercing ceremony for girls. The ceremony is shaved. After that, the novices have to recite
of donation is very important for Buddhists. some verses which are about asking for the
It is also a noble ceremony for the Buddhist robe. And they are given the new Dhamma
devotees in Myanmar. names as they become the novices. They usu-
The ceremony of donation is usually held ally stay at the monastery for a week without
when the farmers or peasants receive much having their parents. They have to obey the
money by harvesting crops they grow. So, they Buddha’s teaching and follow the disciplines
consider holding a ceremony of donation by of Buddha’s sons.
planning to novitiate their sons and to pierce Hosting a ceremony of donation is an ex-
their daughters’ ears. The couples who do not quisite culture of Myanmar. We can receive
have any sons and daughters plan to novitiate good merit, fun and lovely things by hosting
the neighbor’s sons or their nephews. And, they the ceremony of donation. Not only does it give
ask for the abbot of the monastery to choose us these beautiful things but it also gives us
and verify an auspicious day for holding the thinking in which we can know that we ought to
ceremony. After that, they plan to hold the maintain our culture and tradition. Therefore,
ceremony by buying the necessary things to what I would like to express is that “Let’s keep
provide foods to the people who will come to our culture up not to be slack”.
their donation ceremony. In this section, there
HEN it comes to
money, most of the
people have opti-
mistic thoughts.
Money is regarded as one of the
most important things. A saying
goes that money is the second
god. It is, however, doubtful that
money is powerful enough to
name 'a second god'. Especially,
in the case of true friends, it is
interesting to wonder if money
can make true friends or not.
First of all, it argues for the idea
that money cannot buy true friends
because a friend in need is a friend
indeed. There are many fair-weath-
er friends, who stay close to us
and befriend us only when have
money. A true friend always stands
with us even when we are poor as
a church mouse. There is a famous
story in Buddhism regarding fake
friends. There once lived a boy
who was born a silver spoon in
his mouth. His well-to-do parents
did not educate him because they
thought that he could live without
any worry about money till his last
breath. When both of his parents
passed away, he did not manage to
do anything well and spent money
By Htet Zaw Htoo like water with his friends. Finally,
(SUOE) he lost all his property. His fake
Senior Assisant friends left him alone and finally
Teacher at B.E.H.S. he became a beggar. To make a long
Minemaw story short, he died of hunger alone
in the forest. Therefore, it is clearly
obvious that money cannot buy
true friends.
The argument in favor against
the idea that money cannot
buy true friends is that money
is the resource of anything
to be done and friend is not
an exception. It is blindingly
obvious that money can solve
most of the problems and
create opportunities too. Like-
wise, we can get many friends
out of money. Among them,
we can wisely choose who are
really true friends. Without
money, a person is less likely
to find friends and thus
finding true friends is less
possible than a person with
The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting submissions
Taking everything into
Invitation to
of poetry, opinion, articles, essays and short stories from young
account, there is no doubt
people for its weekly Sunday Next Generation Platform. Interested
that money cannot buy
candidates can send their work to the Global New Light of
true friends. However, it
Myanmar at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township,
does not totally mean that
Yangon, or by email to [email protected]
we do not need to find
with the following information: (1) Sector you wish to be included
money to get friends.
in (poetry, opinion, etc.), (2) Own name and (if different) your
penname, (3) Your level of education, (4) Name of your School/
College/University, (5) A written note of declaration that the
writers Money, at its best value,
is a good servant. As a
result, the more money
submitted piece is your original work and has not been submitted
to any other news or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color photo
of the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card, (8) Contact information
for Sunday we have, the more friends
it can create. All in all, I think
that what we should do best is to
(email address, mobile number, etc.), (9) An essay length limit of
600 words (not too long, not too short, not exceeding 600 word
count)— Editorial Department, The Global New Light of Myanmar
Special decide wisely ourselves which
friend is true or which one is fake.