Geometric Maximal Functions, Oscillatory Integrals, and Non-Linear Evolution Equations
Geometric Maximal Functions, Oscillatory Integrals, and Non-Linear Evolution Equations
Geometric Maximal Functions, Oscillatory Integrals, and Non-Linear Evolution Equations∼tao/preprints
We discuss the interconnections between the study of
geometric combinatorial problems (such as the Kakeya
problem), the study of oscillatory integrals (including
the restriction and Bochner-Riesz conjectures), and the
study of non-linear dispersive equations. These
interconnections have only been systematically exploited
in the last ten years, and much progress on these
problems has already been obtained as a consequence.
The Kakeya conjecture
• In general dimension Rn, define a Besicovitch set
to be a set which contains a unit line segment in
every direction. The construction of Besicovitch thus
shows that such sets can have measure zero when
n = 2.
• However, Besicovitch sets in R2 must still have Haus-
dorff and Minkowski dimension exactly 2 (Drury, 1971).
The key observation is that two line segments with
different orientations can intersect in at most one
• This problem can be discretized. For any 0 < δ ≪ 1,
define a δ-Besicovitch set to be a set which contains
a 1 × δ tube in every direction. Besicovitch’s con-
struction gives δ-Besicovitch sets in R2 with area
about log log(1/δ)/ log(1/δ), but Drury’s argument
shows that such sets can never have area less than
about 1/ log(1/δ).
• The Kakeya conjecture states that for any dimen-
sion n, Besicovitch sets must always have Hausdorff
and Minkowski dimension n. On the discretized level,
this means that δ-Besicovitch sets have volume at
least Cεδ ε for any ε > 0.
• In two dimensions, this conjecture is solved, but in
higher dimensions it is still open. Much recent progress
has been made by Bourgain, Wolff, and others. For
instance, when n ≥ 3 the best lower bound on the
Minkowski dimension is
n+2 4n + 3
max( + 10−10, )
2 7
(Katz-Laba-T 1999, Katz-T 1999, Laba-T 2000), while
for the Hausdorff dimension the best bound is
n + 2 6n + 5
max( , )
2 11
(Wolff 1995, Katz-T 1999).
• There are two types of arguments used to prove these
bounds. One is geometric and makes use of inci-
dence geometry facts (e.g. if three lines intersect each
other at different points, they must lie in a plane, and
each plane contains only a one-parameter set of di-
rections). The other is arithmetic and makes use of
work on arithmetic progressions, sum-sets and dif-
ference sets, in particular the work of Heath-Brown,
Szemeredi, Gowers, and Bourgain. Some of the more
recent results have managed to combine the two argu-
ments, but we are still far from settling the problem.
• There are more quantitative versions of the Kakeya
conjecture which involve the Kakeya maximal func-
tion ∫
f ∗(ω) := sup f
l//ω l
where ω ranges over directions, and l ranges over
lines parallel to ω. We will not discuss this here.
A link with algebra?
Kakeya and Fourier summation
• The Kakeya problem is related to several problems in
harmonic analysis and PDE involving oscillatory in-
tegrals. An example arises from the theory of Fourier
summation in higher dimensions.
• If f is a test function on Rn, the Fourier transform
fˆ is defined by
fˆ(ξ) = n
f (x)e−2πix·ξ dx.
One has the Fourier inversion formula
f (x) = n
fˆ(ξ)e2πix·ξ dx.
• Now suppose that f is a much rougher function, for
instance it is only in the Lebesgue space Lp for some
1 < p < ∞. One can ask to what extent the above
formulae are still valid. A natural guess is that
fˆ(ξ)e2πix·ξ dx → f
as R → ∞ in some sense.
• This convergence is true in the weak sense, but one
might ask for stronger convergence, such as Lp con-
vergence or pointwise convergence a.e. (Uniform con-
vergence is easily shown to fail).
• The problem can be reduced to the study of the disk
multiplier S 0, defined by
S 0 f (ξ) = χ
|ξ|<1 f (ξ).
• On each rectangle Ri, one constructs a “wave packet”
ψi such that S 0ψi is large on R̃i. One then applies the
disk multiplier S 0 to a suitable linear combination of
ψi. The overlap of the R̃i make the Lp norm large.
• The p < 2 argument is dual and works in reverse
(swap Ri and R̃i).
• Thus Fourier summation need not converge in Lp.
This can be rectified by introducing a weight in the
Fourier integral:
(1 − )δ fˆ(ξ)e2πix·ξ dx → f
|ξ|<R R
The Bochner-Riesz conjecture asserts that these weighted
Fourier integrals converge in Lp if δ > 0, n| p1 − 21 −
2| − 12 , or if (δ, p) = (0, 2). (These conditions are
known to be necessary).
• If the Kakeya conjecture was false, then one could
exploit the counterexample to give a counterexample
to the Bochner-Riesz conjecture. Thus the Bochner-
Riesz conjecture implies the Kakeya conjecture. (Bour-
gain, unpublished; T., 1998. Heuristically this impli-
cation dates back to the 1970s).
• The converse implication is not known; we do not
know how to convert a complete proof of the Kakeya
conjecture to that of the Bochner-Riesz conjecture.
However, in 1991 Bourgain introduced an argument
which uses partial progress on Kakeya to give partial
progress on Bochner-Riesz, basically by decomposing
an arbitrary function f into wave packets ψ of the
type used above.
• However, progress is still slow. The Bochner-Riesz
conjecture is proven in two dimensions (Carleson,
Sjölin, 1972), but in three dimensions it is only solved
for p > 4 − 8/31 or p′ > 4 − 8/31 (T., Vargas, 1998).
• The Besicovitch set has been used as a counterex-
ample in many other contexts as well. For instance,
in 1993 Bourgain used the Besicovitch set and the
“short sum” construction to disprove the strongest
form of Montgomery’s conjecture on the distribution
of large values of Dirichlet series. (A less strong ver-
sion of Montgomery’s conjecture is still open, and
would imply the Kakeya conjecture just like the Bochner-
Riesz conjecture does).
• We now show some connections between the Kakeya
problem and the linear wave equation.
Local smoothing for the wave equation
• Such estimates exist, but they lose a lot of regularity.
For instance, one has the decay estimate
∥u(t)∥L∞(Rn) ≤ Ct ∥∇sf ∥L1(Rn)
(Strichartz, 1977) This particular estimate can be
used to establish global well-posedness and scattering
for the non-linear wave equation utt − ∆u = F (u)
for small, low regularity initial data whenever the
non-linearity F is at most cubic.
• Further estimates of Strichartz type were developed
over the decades; the final outstanding endpoint es-
timate was settled recently (Keel, T. 1997).
• However, even Strichartz estimates lose some deriva-
tives, because of travelling wave counterexamples and
the fact that the order of integrability on the left-
hand side is higher than that of the right. In 1991
Sogge conjectured an estimate of this type, namely
∥u∥L4([1,2]×R2) ≤ Cε∥(1 + −∆)εf ∥L4(R2)
for all ε > 0. This estimate is only known for
ε > 5/44 (Wolff, 1999, and Vargas, T., 1998). The
argument again requires some estimates related to
the Kakeya conjecture (but with line segments re-
placed by light rays). The idea is to resolve u into a
linear combination of travelling waves, each of which
is concentrated on the neighbourhood of a light ray.
• Unfortunately, one must always lose at least an ep-
silon of derivatives in Lp for p ̸= 2 (Wolff, 1996).
This example is again based on the Besicovitch set,
and involves placing a “wave train” as initial data
on each of the rectangles Ri. These wave trains will
interact with large Lp norm for all times 1 ≤ t ≤ 2,
so that averaging in time has no appreciable effect.
• Variations of this example show that the local smooth-
ing conjecture (in general dimensions) implies the
Bochner-Riesz and Kakeya conjectures.
• Similar situations occur for other dispersive equa-
tions (Schrödinger, KdV, etc.) but will not be dis-
cussed here.
Non-linear wave equations
• For these equations, the Strichartz estimates are no
longer as useful because they lose too many deriva-
tives. Local smoothing estimates have also been un-
• However, it was realized in the last decade that one
needs multi-linear estimates rather than linear esti-
mates in order to correctly analyze these equations.
A typical estimate is
∥utvt−∇u·∇v∥L2(R×R3) ≤ C∥∇2f1∥L2(R3)∥∇f2∥L2(R3)
fashion depending on the data. An extremely diffi-
cult instance of this occurs in the Einstein equations
in general relativity.
• These estimates also have application to controlling
other types of behaviour of PDEs. For instance, one
can control the movement of energy from one fre-
quency range to another over long periods of time,
and thus show that no blowup occurs for such equa-
tions as the KdV equation even when the energy
and L2 norm are infinite (Colliander, Keel, Staffi-
lani, Takaoka, T., 2000). These estimates may also
play a part in solving the soliton conjecture, which
states that dispersive equations of KdV type always
disperse into travelling waves (solitons) even when
the equation is not completely integrable.