Traffic Impact Study of Kalasipalyam Traffic and Transit Management Centre
Traffic Impact Study of Kalasipalyam Traffic and Transit Management Centre
Traffic Impact Study of Kalasipalyam Traffic and Transit Management Centre
Management Centre
Chetan C Patil Shilpa H S
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
AVN Institute of Engineering & Technology, AVN Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Hyderabad, Telangana Hyderabad, Telangana
Abstract—Any development causes severe changes in the traffic circulation pattern and flow on the surrounding roadway
traffic conditions in the adjoining areas of the proposed segments due to the increase in vehicular traffic.
development. Its effects have to be analyzed before the proposed
development is implemented to check its severity on traffic
conditions for public transport, private vehicles and pedestrians.
The goal of a traffic impact study is to assess the potential impact
of traffic generated by a proposed development or re-
development and to identify the road way improvements
required to ensure that the road network will operate safely and
efficiently upon completion of t he development. A TTMC is
proposed to develop at the existing Kalasipalyam bus stand, as
the existing road networks do not have sufficient width and
already congested the proposed development will definitely have
an impact on the existing roadway networks. To address this
impact the volume counts will be done and estimate the amount Fig 1. Location of the Project Site
of traffic to be generated by a development. The collected data
was analyzed to identify the Roadway Segments capacity and 1.1 Objectives of the Study:
Level of Service (LOS), based on the Indian Roads Congress To review the existing traffic conditions of the study road
(IRC) standards sourced from Guidelines for Capacity of Urban
Roads in Plain Areas IRC 106-1990. Whereas, the delay and
queue lengths at the intersections are estimated using a micro To estimate the potential traffic generation due to the
simulation based software and the required mitigation measures proposed development.
will be identified for the better traffic operation condition and
circulation in the study area under each scenario To assess the future traffic situation in the surrounding
road network in terms of queue lengths and delays.
Keywords—Level of service, Capacity, Delay, Que Length ) To study the potential traffic impact of the proposed
development on the surrounding road network.
I. INTRODUCTION To consider road improvement proposals, if required and
To recommend various roadway improvements and
A Traffic and Transit Management centre (TTMC) is an
integrated transportation facility with adequate amenities to mitigation measures required to ensure safe and efficient
encourage the use of public transport by catering to the vehicular and pedestrian circulation in the study area upon
requirements of all user groups. It helps in promoting the use of the completion of project.
public transport through provision of park and ride facilities at
the bus terminal. BMTC planned 45 Traffic and Transit 1.2 Objectives of the Study:
Management centre’s (TTMCs) in and around Bangalore, out To analyze the existing and future year operation
of which 10 have been already completed and operated. BMTC
conditions of the roadway segments and intersections
has initiated a project of development of bus terminus cum
commercial transport. The Bangalore Metropolitan Transport surrounding the project site.
Corporation has initiated a project of redevelopment of bus Identify Traffic Impacts from the proposed
stand in Kalasipalayam. The site is located in central part of the development on the roadway segments and
city near the main market area of Bangalore, which makes the intersections in the study area.
site suitable for all types of commercial development. The map Propose mitigation measures i.e. roadway
below presents the location of the project site with respect to improvements required to achieve acceptable
the city. The proposed development would include facilities operating conditions of the roadway segments and
like bus terminals, commercial and office spaces, parking junctions, and efficient circulation patterns in the
facility, etc. This change in land use from the bus stand to the study area.
TTMC would generate new bus schedules, private vehicles and Suggest vehicles and pedestrian entry and exit to the
pedestrian traffic. The proposed development will impact the
TTMC to reduce vehicular and pedestrian conflicts.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW the capacity of dual lane carriageway with both directions
(14mts) was exceeds by the volume travels at that junction.
2.1 JOSE REGIN F. REGIDOR AND RENE VAL R. Normally the capacity of two-lane both direction carriage way
TEODORO: is 3000 pcu’s/day (IRC 106:1990), but the study area results
Traffic Impact Assessment for Sustainable Traffic says that the peak hour vehicular traffic was 5000pcu’s. To
Management and Transportation Planning in Urban Areas measure the traffic volume counts manual method of count
Traffic impact assessment (TIA) is a powerful tool for was adopted.
engineers and planners to determine the possible effects of a
project on the transportation and traffic system. Often it is III. METHODOLOGY AND DATA COLLECTION
applied only to the direct impact area and countermeasures for The methodology adopted for the study is to identify
potential negative impacts are specific for the development. the project generated traffic volumes and its impact on the
This paper presents TIA as a useful tool for local roadway network surrounding the project site for existing,
governments, especially for managing traffic and in planning project opening Year 2016, and Cumulative Year 2021
their respective transportation systems. Two cases involving conditions.
projects that were required to undertake TIA are compared,
and results are examined in relation to the sustainability of 3.1 Flow Chart:
traffic management and transportation planning strategies in
Metro Manila and in other cities as well. The experiences
presented and discussed in this paper underline the need for
the government to take an active role in promoting TIA.
All the road networks selected for the study are 4.6 Key Issues:
operating at an LOS D or better during existing peak hour Many foot paths around the study area are discontinuous
conditions with the v/c ratio ranging from 0.54-0.8 except the and are not pedestrian friendly and many foot paths are
K.R road and Lalbag Fort road which is operating at an LOS E occupied by vendors hence pedestrians struggle to walk
with the v/c ratio ranging from 0.83-0.85, this shows that on such a narrow foot path.
during peak hour these roads are congested and there is more Traffic blockage at junction 3 as this is unsignalized and
traffic blockage on this stretch compared to Albert Victor there is a conflict between the buses taking left turn while
road, and Kalasipalyam main road. The figure below shows exiting from the bus stand and the vehicles moving on the
the existing LOS conditions of the road networks. Kalasipalyam main road.
Junction 7 is very much congested during peak hours and
large queue lengths due to buses taking right turn while
heading towards bus stand.
No legal parking places around the bus stand hence
people will leave their vehicles beside the foot paths and
in front of the shops which will leave narrow lane for the
BMTC buses.
Figure 5.2 Year 2021 LOS Condition (Without Project) Figure 5.3 Year 2021 Operating Condition (With Project)
Table 5.1 Operating Condition 2021 without project
Based on the analysis, mitigation measures were
proposed to improve the traffic operation conditions in the
study area. The mitigation measures were proposed to reduce
the overall delay, queue lengths and improve through put at
the study intersections and also to reduce the impact from the
project on the study roads.
The following are the mitigation measures proposed for the
study area.
1. Prohibiting two way movements on the Kalasipalyam
main road between Lalbag fort road and Albert
Victor road and make it one way in the south bound
2. A.M cross road/Kalasipalyam main road should be REFERENCES
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