Step Draw Down Test Repeated BH#1

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Company Name: Document No:

TAM Geo-Engineering PLC

Title Title: Issue Page 1 of 1
Step Draw Down Test Record Sheet No.1

Project Name: Sheno Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Client:- Oromiya Mineral, Water and Energy Bureau
Date of Start:- 01/10/2016
Date of Completion:- 01/10/2016
Site Name: New BH-01 (Repeated Step Draw-Down Test)
Known Benchmark Data:- X=___________ Y=__________ Z=__________
GPS Reading:- X= ___________ Y=___________ Z=__________

1st Step 2nd Step 3rd Step 4th Step

Discharge L/s 11 Discharge L/s 15 Discharge L/s 19 Discharge L/s 23
Water Draw Water Draw Water Draw Water Draw
Time Level down Time Level Down Time Level down Time Level Down
(Min) (m) (m) (min) (m) (m) (min) (m) (m) (min) (m) (m)
0 9.8 0 60 21.4 11.6 120 29.72 19.92 180 37.3 27.5
0.5 13 3.2 60.5 22.26 12.46 120.5 30.4 20.6 180.5 37.71 27.91
1 14.5 4.7 61 23 13.2 121 31.47 21.67 181 38.22 28.42
2 15.4 5.6 62 24.09 14.29 122 32 22.2 182 39.11 29.31
3 16.25 6.45 63 24.86 15.06 123 32.47 22.67 183 39.79 29.99
4 16.73 6.93 64 25.27 15.47 124 32.98 23.18 184 40.43 30.63
5 17.14 7.34 65 25.5 15.7 125 33.14 23.34 185 40.65 30.85
6 17.4 7.6 66 25.76 15.96 126 33.3 23.5 186 40.9 31.1
7 17.71 7.91 67 25.91 16.11 127 33.45 23.65 187 41.11 31.31
8 17.88 8.08 68 26.1 16.3 128 33.59 23.79 188 41.26 31.46
9 18.07 8.27 69 26.25 16.45 129 33.72 23.92 189 41.47 31.67
10 18.24 8.44 70 26.35 16.55 130 33.83 24.03 190 41.62 31.82
12 18.5 8.7 72 26.52 16.72 132 34.02 24.22 192 41.84 32.04
14 18.75 8.95 74 26.68 16.88 134 34.23 24.43 194 42 32.2
16 18.84 9.04 76 26.85 17.05 136 34.41 24.61 196 42.2 32.4
18 19 9.2 78 27.05 17.25 138 34.56 24.76 198 42.37 32.57
20 19.2 9.4 80 27.2 17.4 140 34.73 24.93 200 42.55 32.75
25 19.53 9.73 85 27.57 17.77 145 35.08 25.28 205 42.91 33.11
30 19.83 10.03 90 27.91 18.11 150 35.46 25.66 210 43.33 33.53
35 20.18 10.38 95 28.25 18.45 155 35.81 26.01 215 43.70 33.9
40 20.45 10.65 100 28.56 18.76 160 36.13 26.33 220 44.01 34.21
45 20.67 10.87 105 28.87 19.07 165 36.49 26.69 225 44.42 34.62
50 20.95 11.15 110 29.16 19.36 170 36.72 26.92 230 44.72 34.92
55 21.18 11.38 115 29.45 19.65 175 37.03 27.23 235 45.02 35.22
60 21.4 11.6 120 29.72 19.92 180 37.3 27.5 240 45.36 35.56

Temp (oC) 15.6 Temp (oC) Temp (oC) Temp (oC)

E.C (ms/cm) 559 E.C (ms/cm) E.C (ms/cm) E.C (ms/cm)
Contractor : Consultant:
Name: ______________________________ Name: ____________________________________________
Position: ___________ Signature:___________ Position: ________________ Signature:_____________

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