Solution For Water Wells and Tank Control System: December 2016
Solution For Water Wells and Tank Control System: December 2016
Solution For Water Wells and Tank Control System: December 2016
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2 authors:
Polytechnic University of Bucharest
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All content following this page was uploaded by Costin Cepisca on 06 December 2016.
Abstract - This paper presents the design and - Magelis XBT RT500 – Alphanumeric semi-graphical
implementation of a modern control system for a water unit;
wells network for capturing and collecting raw water. The - PM710 – power monitoring unit;
main components are the programmable logic controllers - MPC – control panel of the Grundfos pumping group.
and interface terminals, designated for small and medium
Interfaces used: Ethernet & optical fiber, RS 485 and
applications. Components such as sensors, actuators or
visualization features are connected via digital or analogue
input or output modules or through communication Standards and communication protocols: Modbus RTU,
channels. An essential element of this application is the Modbus TCP/IP, GSM/GPRS.
communication system. The presented system allows all the basic functions of the
pumping station automation: surveillance, control and
Keywords - water well, tank, pump, distributed system, interlocking, sequential automatic management, change of
remote control PLC, HMI, Modbus, Ethernet, RS485. adjustable parameters, alarms and event management, self
diagnosis, communication with other systems.
Schematic and panel drawings presented in Fig.2 have
been created in AutoCAD.
The water intake stations are operated by automation The simplified logic diagram shown in Fig. 3 was
systems and, today, remote control and remote operation developed and drawn from initial information obtained
play a significant role in automation. [1], [2], [3]. The from the operational description of a water well.
paper presents a control system implemented for
capturing and collecting raw water, an efficient and
reliable method of information gathering and viewing.
The PLC is suitable for complex solutions in the field of
measurement and control [4], [5]. Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC) devices have different benefits, such as
computing performance or capacity to communicate
using different interfaces: RS232, RS485, and Ethernet.
Complex methods of control can also be treated by a
compact PLC. Another characteristic is a combination of
basic types of control systems, distributed and integrated Figure 1. Block diagram of the system
systems. The advantages of both systems can be
III. PLC SOFTWARE PACKAGE instructions that appear like boxes of instructions. The
Starting from automation graphs, the program for Twido program logic is implemented through modes of
PLCs has been implemented in Ladder language through connection between these boxes of instructions.
the editor of the TwidoSuite programming environment The FBD bistable function blocks (SR and RS) consist of
from Telemecanique (Fig. 6). Previously were assigned two stable states controlled by one or more inputs.
input and output PLC variables and internal memory Starting from level 2 GRAPHCET of the application, the
variables, of boolean, integer or real type, delay blocks, programs were made using bistable blocks of RS type,
pulse counters. with reset dominant entry: Q n+1 = R . (S + Q n)
Variables are attached to graph stages, represented by the
outputs of bistable blocks. The entries correspond to the
activation functions of the stages, while the reset inputs
are the steps to be activated when the current stage is
Repetitive used basic functions are encapsulated in user
function blocks DFB (Derived Function Block) in IEC
61131-3 language. DFB types are function blocks that
can be programmed by the user ST, IL, LD or FBD. The
application uses a Level DFB (Fig.8), with level limits
and thresholds, and a Flow/Pressure setpoint DFB.
- RS 232 port 0: RS 232 8-wire, non-isolated The syntax of the address of device on the bus is of the
- RS 485 port 0 and port 1: RS 485 2-wire, isolated ‘r. m. c. node’ type. The address is made up of the
Another serial link is between PLC and the operator following parameters:
panel. The BMX P34 2020 processors enable r: Rack number of the module
communication via a serial link. This processor has an m: Slot number of the module within the rack
integrated communication channel dedicated to serial c: Channel number of the module
communications. Master device is the Magelis console. node: Number of slave to which the request is being
Modbus protocol has been combined with Ethernet to sent.
form Modbus/TCP, a completely open Ethernet protocol. The following table outlines the various parameters for
The main connection is the Ethernet network, with the READ_VAR function [9]:
architecture consists of four Twido PLCs and the central
PLC, via their integrated Ethernet ports, and is used to Table 1.Parameters description
manage the exchange of remote I/O states on the Parameter Type Description
Ethernet network after a configuration operation, with a ADR ARRAY Address of the destination entity given by
[0..7] the OUT parameter of the ADDM function.
special programming. OF INT
The application variables (tags) are available by Modbus OBJ STRING Type of object to be read. The available
TCP/IP protocol in Ethernet network, at fixed IP types are
addresses. Modicon M340 station can exchange a as follows:
maximum of 100 words for writing and 125 words for %M: internal bit
%MW: internal word
reading. %I: external input bit
When is used as the master processor in a Modbus link, a %IW: external input word
BMX P34 2020 processor supports several services via NUM DINT Address of first object to be read.
the communication functions. Two specific functions are NB INT Number of consecutive objects to be read.
defined for sending and receiving data via a Modbus GEST ARRAY Exchange management table consisting of
[0..3] the following words:
communication channel: OF INT - Rank 1 word: A word managed by the
- READ_VAR: to read variables. system and consisting of two bytes:
- WRITE_VAR: to write variables. - Most significant byte: Exchange number,
The following Modbus requests are addressed to the - Least significant byte: Activity bit (rank
0) and cancel bit (rank 1).
slave device with which you wish to carry out reading or
- Rank 2 word: a word managed by the
writing of variables: system and consisting of two bytes:
Read bits 16#01 or 16#02 READ_VAR - Most significant byte: Operation report,
Read words 16#03 or 16#04 READ_VAR - Least significant byte: Communication
Write bits 16#0F WRITE_VAR report.
Write words 16#10 WRITE_VAR - Rank 3 word: A word managed by the
user which defines the maximum response
time using a time base of 100 ms.
These requests use the READ_VAR and WRITE_VAR - Rank 4 word: A word managed by the
communication functions. system which defines the length of the
RECP ARRAY Word table containing the value of the
[n..m] objects reads.
Magelis operator dialogue terminals communicate with
an automation system equipment.
Figure 9. Communications functions in FBD
Vijeo Designer HMI software [10] is a software tool that
allows the creation of such HMI interface, the screens for
The diagram shown in Fig. 9 represents an example of touch panel TP. The setting for Magelis graphic terminal,
programming of the communication functions in FBD for XBT GT6330 type, with 12” screen, is processed offline.
Modbus/TCP protocol. Use of TP requires the configuration of the controls by
The lines of code below represent an example of assigning of tags and functions that allow TP to interact
programming of the READ_VAR and WRITE_VAR with PLC programs.
communication functions in ST language for The following figures are presented the application
implementing the Modbus RTU: screens. The operator interacts with these screens to
READ_VAR(ADDM(''), ’%MW’, 110, 20, supervise. The screens used for process control have been
Management_Table, Receiving_Table);
configured and organized in a hierarchical structure. The
WRITE_VAR(ADDM(''), ’%MW’, 150, 10,
Data_to_write, Management_Table);
navigation between screens is achieved through the
function keys arranged in the lower zone.
Solution for Water Wells and Tank Control System 5
When is powered, TP has a default screen (Fig. 10). The The list of alarms (Figure 13) displays alarm messages,
main screen allows online monitoring of the pumping but also additional information, date and time when an
group and the reservoir. alarm activated, the time when the alarm was confirmed
Each screen contains one or more controls, which are by the operator and is canceled when the condition of
data indicators, numeric data entry, touch elements. The alarm generation. The messages change color depending
operator uses these elements to control or for on alarm status, active, confirmed or canceled alarm.
parameterization (Fig. 11). Alarm display is done in the chronological order of the
Figure 14. Trends Figure 17. Matrix display unit with keypad
The article presents the design and programming stages
and methods, both for the components and the entire
system, focusing on the industrial communication system.
The selected programmable controllers and operator
terminals represent an optimal solution for automation of
medium complexity applications. The compact design and
a complex set of instructions make from this automation
system a proper solution to control supplying water
Presented system is an open system that allows further
Figure 15.Electrical parameters hardware and software development, both at operating
and process stations and at communication system.
The work has been partially funded by Grant
no.30_PCCA_2012 of the Romanian National Authority
for Scientific Research CNDI– UEFISCDI.
[1] Rafferty, K, Specification of Water Wells, ASHRAE Transactions,
Vol. 107, Pt. 2., 2001
Figure 16 . Windows for online management of user groups and for
[2] Paradise:Water System Monitoring and Control, Campbell
login procedure Scientific, See also:
Activation of Web Gate component allows the operator [3] Water well drilling methods
console to act as a Web Server, providing flexibility in See also:
accessing the system from remote sites as Web Client [4] Margineanu I., Automate programabile, Ed. Albastra, Cluj-
through a browser, either Internet Explorer or otherwise. Napoca, 2005
Thus, data are displayed in real time; the operators can [5] Pirvu,C, Cepisca,C, Sisteme informatizate de măsurare,
Ed.Electra, 2004, Bucuresti
change the reference values and can give commands to
[6] Twido programmable controllers, Software Reference Guide,
the system. The access may be limited, based only on IP Schneider-Electric
address, just a single PC, such as the control room. The [7] Malvoisin,A.- Notice programmation d’automates Schneider
access control is similar as for a console, based on an Modicon, Premium, Quantum sous Unity Pro, See also:
identical mechanism for identification and authentication,
with username and password. [8] Unity Pro. Program Languages and Structure, Schneider Electric
Vijeo Designer Lite configuration software allows [9] Modicon M340. Using Unity Pro S. Architectures and
Communication Services, Schneider Electric
creating operator dialog applications for Magelis XBT
[10] Vijeo Designer tutorial, Schneider-Electric
RT small panels for controlling local automation systems
(Fig. 17).