Import DXF Polygons V4.ulp

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** **
** Filename: import_dxf_polygons.ulp **
** **
** Author: Tim Ruetz **
** tim at **
** **
** This ULP imports polylines and splines from DXF files **
** Use it for importing vectorized logos, fonts etc. **
** Arcs, circles, splines, curves are not supported yet. **
** Since this is a very simple, rudimentary script it just uses **
** straight lines as approximation. **
** Please use a vector graphics editor to edit/refine you DXF file: **
** - add as many as needed vertexes to the shape **
** - convert all curves to straight lines **
** - no negative shapes are supported by eagle, so create openings **
** to connect negative shapes to outside (see example DXF) **
** **
** **
** Legal issues: This program is provided as it is. Without any **
** warranties of any kind of data lose or damages. **
** **
** Feel free to modify and improve this program and let me know. **
** **
** Version: 0.4 **
** Date: 04.07.2011 **
** **
** **
** Version history **
** **
** 0.1 initial version **
** **
** 0.2 added default pen with = 0.0 **
** added insert offset settings to dialog **
** **
** 0.3 increased coordinate precision **
** to import very tiny shapes **
** **
** 0.4 added WIRE vs POLYGON option **
** by Tod E. Kurt, **
** **

#usage "<b>Simple DXF Polyline Import V0.3</b>\n"

"Imports and scales (only!) POLYLINE and SPLINE entries in DXF files."
"Splines are not drawn as splines but as stright lines!"
"<author>Author: Tim Ruetz ([email protected])</author>"

string dxf_filename;
int dxf_len;
int i, j;
string dxf_filedata[];

int dxf_code;
string dxf_value;
int state = 0;

real vertex_x;
real vertex_y;
real vertex_x_buf;
real vertex_y_buf;
real scale = 1.0;

real pen_width = 0.2; // mm

real angle = 0.0; // degrees
real rot_s; // rotation sinus
real rot_c; // rotation cosinus
int mirror_flag = 0; // 1=mirror

real xmin, xmax;

real ymin, ymax;

real width_orig;
real height_orig;
real w, h;

string parse_msg = "";

string l;
string cmd;
string script_out;

int layer_cnt;
int layer_sel=0;
string layer_list[];

int pen_sel = 0;
string pen_list[] = { "0.0", "0.1", "0.2", "0.3", "0.4", "0.5", "1.0", "1.5",
"2.0" };

int line_sel = 0;
string line_list[] = { "WIRE", "POLYGON" };

real offset_x = 0.0;

real offset_y = 0.0;

void find_layers()
if (library) {
library(L) {
L.layers(LA) {
if (LA.visible)
if ((LA.number < 17 || LA.number > 19) && (LA.number
< 23 || LA.number > 25) && LA.number != 28)
if (LA.number == 94) layer_sel = layer_cnt;
sprintf(layer_list[layer_cnt++], "%3d - %s",
if (board) {
board(B) {
B.layers(LA) {
if (LA.visible)
if ((LA.number < 17 || LA.number > 19) && (LA.number
< 23 || LA.number > 25) && LA.number != 28)
sprintf(layer_list[layer_cnt++], "%3d - %s",
if (schematic) {
schematic(S) {
S.layers(LA) {
if (LA.visible)
if (LA.number < 95 || LA.number > 96)
if (LA.number == 94) layer_sel = layer_cnt;
sprintf(layer_list[layer_cnt++], "%3d - %s",

void update_script()
script_out = "";
// script_out += "SET UNDO_LOG OFF;\n";
script_out += "GRID MM;\n";
script_out += "SET WIDTH "+pen_list[pen_sel]+";\n";
script_out += "CHANGE POUR SOLID;\n";
script_out += "LAYER "+strsub(layer_list[layer_sel],0, 3)+";\n";
script_out += "SET WIRE_BEND 2;\n";
script_out += cmd;
// script_out += "SET UNDO_LOG ON;\n";
script_out += "WINDOW FIT;\n"; // zoom in on window, thx to carlyn

void parse_dxf()
string cmd_temp = "";
int vertexes = 0;
cmd = "";
xmin = ymin = 100000.0;
xmax = ymax = -100000.0;
rot_s = sin(angle / 180.0 * PI);
rot_c = cos(angle / 180.0 * PI);

for (i=0; i<dxf_len; i+=2)

dxf_code = strtol(dxf_filedata[i]);
dxf_value = dxf_filedata[i+1];

if (dxf_code == 0)

if (state > 2 && dxf_value != "VERTEX")

if (vertexes > 2) // only draw polygons with at
least 3 vertexes
cmd += cmd_temp+";\n";
state = 0;
vertexes = 0;

if (dxf_value == "POLYLINE")
state = 1;

if (dxf_value == "VERTEX" && state==1)

cmd_temp += line_list[line_sel];
// cmd_temp += "POLYGON";

if (dxf_value == "SPLINE")
cmd_temp += line_list[line_sel];
// cmd_temp += "POLYGON";
state = 2;

if (state >= 2)
if (dxf_code == 10)
vertex_x = strtod(dxf_value) * scale;

if (dxf_code == 20)
state = 3;
vertex_y = strtod(dxf_value) * scale;

if (vertex_x > xmax) xmax = vertex_x;

if (vertex_x < xmin) xmin = vertex_x;
if (vertex_y > ymax) ymax = vertex_y;
if (vertex_y < ymin) ymin = vertex_y;

if (vertex_x != vertex_x_buf || vertex_y != vertex_y_buf)

vertex_x_buf = vertex_x;
vertex_y_buf = vertex_y;
if (mirror_flag)
vertex_x = -vertex_x;

sprintf(l, " (%5.6f %5.6f)", (vertex_x * rot_c -

vertex_y * rot_s) + offset_x, (vertex_y * rot_c + vertex_x * rot_s) + offset_y);

cmd_temp += l;
sprintf(parse_msg, "%s\n\nWidth: %5.3f mm\nHeight: %5.3f mm\n\nLeft: %5.3f
mm\nRight: %5.3f mm\n\nTop: %5.3f mm\nBottom: %5.3f mm\n\n",
dxf_filename, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, xmin + offset_x, xmax +
offset_x, ymin + offset_y, ymax + offset_y);

if (scale==1.0) // at least the first time

w = width_orig = xmax-xmin;
h = height_orig = ymax-ymin;


// main()


dxf_filename = dlgFileOpen("DXF file to import", ".", "DXF files (*.dxf);;All files

if (dxf_filename == "") exit (0);

dxf_len = fileread(dxf_filedata, dxf_filename);

if (dxf_len<1) exit(0);


// dialog
int result = dlgDialog("Simple DXF Polyline Import") {
dlgTabWidget {
dlgGridLayout {
dlgCell(0, 0) dlgLabel("Scale");
dlgCell(0, 1) dlgRealEdit(scale, 0.0, 999.0);
dlgCell(0, 2) dlgPushButton("+Rescale") parse_dxf();

dlgCell(1, 0) dlgLabel("Scale to width [mm]");

dlgCell(1, 1) dlgRealEdit(w, 0.1, 9999.0);
dlgCell(1, 2) dlgPushButton("+Scale to width") { scale =
w/width_orig; h=scale*height_orig; parse_dxf(); }

dlgCell(2, 0) dlgLabel("Scale to height [mm]");

dlgCell(2, 1) dlgRealEdit(h, 0.1, 9999.0);
dlgCell(2, 2) dlgPushButton("+Scale to height") { scale =
h/height_orig; w=scale*width_orig; parse_dxf(); }

dlgCell(3, 0) dlgLabel("Info");
dlgCell(3, 1, 3, 2) dlgTextView(parse_msg);;

dlgCell(4, 0) dlgLabel("Import to layer");

dlgCell(4, 1, 4, 2) dlgComboBox(layer_list, layer_sel)

dlgCell(5, 0) dlgLabel("Wire or Polygon");

dlgCell(5, 1, 5,2) dlgComboBox( line_list, line_sel) parse_dxf();

dlgCell(6, 0) dlgLabel("Pen width [mm]");

dlgCell(6, 1, 6, 2) dlgComboBox(pen_list, pen_sel)

dlgCell(7, 0) dlgLabel("Angle (ccw)");

dlgCell(7, 1) dlgRealEdit(angle, 0.0, 360.0) parse_dxf();
dlgCell(7, 2) dlgCheckBox("Mirror", mirror_flag)

dlgCell(8, 0) dlgLabel("Insert offset [mm] x=");

dlgCell(8, 1, 8,2) {
dlgGridLayout {
dlgCell (1, 1) dlgRealEdit(offset_x, -999.0,
999.0) parse_dxf();
dlgCell (1, 2) dlgLabel("y=");
dlgCell (1, 3) dlgRealEdit(offset_y, -999.0,
999.0) parse_dxf();
dlgTabPage("Generated Script")

dlgGridLayout {
dlgCell(0, 0) dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject();
dlgCell(0, 3) {

if (result == 0)

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