B9 CovariantElectrodynamics
B9 CovariantElectrodynamics
B9 CovariantElectrodynamics
Covariant electrodynamics
x0 = ct , x1 = − x, x2 = − y , x3 = − z (3)
1. Lorentz Group
Pseudometric tensor:
with determinant
1. Lorentz Group
Properties of Lorentz transformations:
1) Two Lorentz transformations
2) The neutral element is the 4x4 unitary matrix 14 for a Lorentz boost with υ =0
Lorentz transformation
Ψ: e.g. electric charge
2. Lorentz Group: vectors, tensors
3) Lorentz-Tensor
Transformation of the covariant components of a Lorentz tensor is defined as:
Aµ is a vector-component
Tνρ is a tensor-component
2. Lorentz Group: vectors, tensors
5) Covariant trace
Consider e.g. the trace of a tensor of 2nd order: (29)
since (32)
the 4-derivative is a covariant 4-vector:
2. Lorentz Group: vectors, tensors
If one introduces the 4-vector (39)
3. Vector current
The continuity equation:
ρ is the charge density and j1, j2,j3 are the 3-components of the currect
In covariant notation we get:
and transformes as
3. Vector current
The Lorentz transformation of the volume from frame Σ to Σ‘ reads:
4. The four-potential
Consider the vector potential A and scalar potential Φ
The Lorentz gauge reads:
The Lorentz covariance of Eq. (52) can be also written in the form:
4. The four-potential
• Lorentz invariance of the continuity equation and gauge condition:
If in the frame Σ
5. Plane-waves
Consider plane-waves in vacuum in the inertial system Σ:
with (62)
as in case of a point-like excitation, where the wave fronts are spherical surfaces
moving with the velocity of light c.
5. Plane-waves
Since the phase in Eq. (64) is an invariant scalar product, the k must be the
covariant components of a 4-vector, which transform as:
and denoting the angles φ and φ with the direction of k and k with respect
to the direction of v (i.e. the x-direction in case of (28)) we obtain:
5. Plane-wave
Equation (68) describes the Doppler-effect, which apart from a longitudinal effect,
6. Transformation of the fields E and B
Once knowing the fields A and Φ, one can compute the fields E and B via
Let‘s rewrite Eq. (72) in covariant form with coordinates x and the
components of the 4-potential A . For example we obtain:
6. Transformation of the fields E and B
The contravariant components are
Now we know the transformation properties of the fields E and B since the
contravariant components transform as (25)
transformation in x1 direction with velocity
6. Transformation of the fields E and B
For a Lorentz-Boost with velocity v in arbitrary direction holds that the
parallel components (in direction of v) are conserved:
The inversion
7. Maxwell equations
Now we can rewrite the Maxwell equations for the electromagnetic field in
covariant form. We focus on the case of the vacuum and recall the Maxwell
equations in conventional notation:
The equations (82) are the homogenuous Maxwell equations. They can be
fulfilled by introducing scalar and vector potentials.
The equations (83) describe the ‚creation‘ of the fields from electric
charges and currents. As seen before these equations can be written in
covariant form of 4-tensor structure. The components of the field strength
appear in the field-strength tensor (76), i.e. we have to express the
equations in terms of this tensor.
7. Maxwell equations
Indeed, we can construct two independent covariant equations with first
order derivatives:
and (84)
where (†F) is the dual tensor to F . The first equation we can evaluate by writing
the field-strength tensor in the form (84) via the potentials and take care of the
Lorentz gauge :
By calculating the 4-divergence of (86) we find that due to the antisymmetry of the
Levi-Civita tensor and the exchange properties of the derivatives we get:
7. Maxwell equations
The advantage of the Maxwell equations (85) and (87) is that they are gauge
independent. Indeed, a change in the gauge for the potentials implies
where (x) is an arbitrary scalar field. In fact, the field-strength tensor does not
depend on such gauge transformations as seen from
This implies that the 4-potentials A und A˜ describe the same physical fields. The
invariance of (85) and (87) with respect to gauge transformations (88) is the starting
point of the standard model of elementary particle physics.
8. Coulomb field
The field of a charge q at rest in the frame Σ is:
8. Coulomb Field
An observer measures also the magnetic field:
since the charge q is moving and thus generating a current. For illustration we
consider the case >> 1:
i) Close to the x-axis (y, z 0) we get
The basic equations of electrodynamics are covariant
with respect to Lorentz transformations and have the
same form in all inertial systems thus following the
Einstein principle of relativity.