Causal Learning Across Culture and Socioeconomic Status
Causal Learning Across Culture and Socioeconomic Status
Causal Learning Across Culture and Socioeconomic Status
Alison Gopnik
University of California, Berkeley
Extensive research has explored the ability of young children to learn about the causal structure of the world
from patterns of evidence. These studies, however, have been conducted with middle-class samples from
North America and Europe. In the present study, low-income Peruvian 4- and 5-year-olds and adults, low-
income U.S. 4- and 5-year-olds in Head Start programs, and middle-class children from the United States par-
ticipated in a causal learning task (N = 435). Consistent with previous studies, children learned both specific
causal relations and more abstract causal principles across culture and socioeconomic status (SES). The Peru-
vian children and adults generally performed like middle-class U.S. children and adults, but the low-SES U.S.
children showed some differences.
Coming to understand the causal structure of the with toddlers and preschoolers, coming from a
world is a central part of cognitive and conceptual number of different laboratories (see Gopnik &
development. Causal learning plays an especially Wellman, 2012; Xu & Kushnir, 2012 for recent
important role in the development of intuitive theo- reviews). These studies show remarkably high
ries of the world, such as folk biology and “theory levels of competence in young children. In fact,
of mind.” In the past 15 years, there has been a some recent causal learning studies have yielded a
large body of research showing how computational counterintuitive pattern of findings: The ability to
systems can accurately infer causal relations from infer certain types of abstract causal relations from
statistical patterns of data (e.g., Pearl, 2009; Spirtes, evidence actually appears to decline with age, so
Glymour, & Scheines, 1993/2000; Tenenbaum, that younger children do better than older children
Kemp, Griffiths, & Goodman, 2011). There have and adults (Gopnik, Griffiths, & Lucas, 2015; Gop-
also been hundreds of causal learning experiments nik et al., in press; Lucas, Bridgers, Griffiths, &
Gopnik, 2014; Seiver, Gopnik, & Goodman, 2013).
Adrienne O. Wente and Katherine Kimura contributed equally However, to our knowledge, these studies have
to this work. all examined children in similar middle- to upper-
This research was supported by funding from the Bezos Fam-
ily Foundation and Carlos Rodriguez-Pastor. The authors would middle-class samples in North America and Eur-
like to thank Alexa Kossuth Dasso and Maria Fe Hashimoto for ope—that is, children from Western, educated,
data collection in Peru. They also wish to thank Teresa Garcia, industrial, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) cultures
Renata Botello, and Aaya Abdelshafy for assistance with data
collection and coding in the United States, as well as the parents, (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan, 2010). There has
students, teachers, and administrators at the Innova Schools in been important cross-cultural work on the devel-
Peru, Berkeley and Oakland Head Start Schools, the Early Child- opment of intuitive theories (e.g., Avis & Harris,
hood Education Program at UC Berkeley, the Berkeley School
Early Childhood Center, Montverde School, and Step One
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to © 2017 The Authors
Adrienne O. Wente, Department of Psychology, University of Child Development © 2017 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
California, Berkeley, 3210 Tolman Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720. Elec- All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2017/xxxx-xxxx
tronic mail may be sent to [email protected]. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12943
2 Wente et al.
1991; Callaghan et al., 2005; Coley, 2012; Gelman “framework theories” (Gopnik & Wellman, 2012;
& Legare, 2011; Medin & Atran, 2004; Wellman, Laudan, 1978) or “overhypotheses” (Goodman,
Fang, Liu, Zhu, & Liu, 2006), but not on the cau- 1955) in science. These principles do not specify
sal learning abilities that might help underpin this particular causal hypotheses, but they do constrain
development. the possible hypotheses a learner will consider
In this article, we extend research on causal (Goodman, 1955; Griffiths & Tenenbaum, 2007). For
learning to two very different types of populations: example, in intuitive psychology an “overhypothe-
a cross-cultural sample of relatively low-income sis” would specify that the causal explanation of an
Peruvian children and adults and a cross-socioeco- action is likely to involve beliefs and desires—even
nomic sample of children from low-income North if it does not specify exactly which beliefs and
American families. There is increasing recognition desires explain a particular action. Several studies
of the importance of including a wider range of from different laboratories show that preschoolers
participants in developmental studies (e.g., Henrich can also make these more abstract inferences
et al., 2010; Legare & Harris, 2016). A recent (Schulz, Goodman, Tenenbaum, & Jenkins, 2008;
review article, for example, found that < 1% of Seiver et al., 2013; Sim & Xu, 2017).
published developmental studies were conducted In particular, in three separate studies, Lucas
in South or Central American countries, with et al. (2014) contrasted two abstract overhypothe-
important implications for the generality of the ses: one that is initially more likely and one that is
conclusions drawn from those studies (Nielsen, less likely (at least for adults). Participants received
Haun, K€ artner, & Legare, 2017). Studying causal evidence of the covariation between causes and
learning, in particular, across these populations effects that supported the more likely overhypothe-
may be especially important from a practical per- sis or else received covariation evidence that sup-
spective. Causal learning is itself a central part of ported the less likely overhypothesis. Experimenters
cognitive development and is important for the then presented the participants with a new set of
development of intuitive theories. The ability to evidence and recorded whether participants of dif-
infer causal structure from evidence is also a foun- ferent ages interpreted that evidence in accord with
dational part of scientific reasoning. Differences in the overhypothesis. In more detail, preschoolers
these abilities, then, might have important conse- and adults saw evidence in a training trial that jus-
quences for education in general and science edu- tified the conclusion that a novel machine worked
cation in particular. according to one of two abstract logical principles:
a disjunctive (i.e., OR) principle or a conjunctive
(i.e., AND) principle. Almost all the earlier studies
Previous Studies
of children tested disjunctive causal relations, which
Most of the studies of causal learning in children are also often the default assumption in studies of
have focused on children’s ability to learn particular adults (see Cheng, 1997). However, one study
causal hypotheses from statistical patterns of data, (Schulz et al., 2007) found that 4-year-olds would
particularly covariation between causes and effects. infer a conjunctive causal structure given the right
Early studies found that children as young as evidence.
24 months old could make these inferences in ways Participants were first told that “blicketness”
that went beyond simple associative learning (Gop- activated the machine. If participants were assigned
nik, Sobel, Schulz, & Glymour, 2001; Gopnik et al., to the disjunctive condition, they saw that a single
2004; Sobel & Kirkham, 2007). Researchers also object would or would not activate the machine.
found that children could use statistical patterns of Those assigned to the conjunctive condition, how-
evidence to infer more complex structures, such as ever, observed that only a combination of two
common causes versus causal chains (Schulz, Gop- objects would activate the machine. After viewing
nik, & Glymour, 2007) and to infer unobserved this evidence, participants saw an ambiguous
causes (Gopnik et al., 2004; Schulz & Sommerville, activation pattern with new objects that was consis-
2006) and that children as young as 24 months old tent with both the disjunctive and conjunctive
could infer probabilistic as well as deterministic principles, and had to infer the causal structure
causal relations (Kushnir & Gopnik, 2005; underlying that pattern (see Figure 1).
Waismeyer, Meltzoff, & Gopnik, 2014). Participants demonstrated their causal inferences
More recently, researchers have investigated in two ways. First, they judged whether each of
whether children can also learn more abstract and three objects, D, E, or F, was or was not a blicket.
general causal principles, the equivalent of Second, they intervened to make the machine go.
Causal Learning Across Culture and SES 3
Training Trials
Conjunctive Condition Disjunctive Condition
Test Trial
Given the ambiguous evidence, if they had inferred more blocks are blickets and placing more objects
the disjunctive principle, they should say that only on the machine in the conjunctive than disjunctive
F was a blicket and should use just that object to condition. If children produce these responses, it
activate the machine. If they had inferred the con- suggests that they are not using a simple imitative
junctive principle, they should say that more than or perceptual strategy.
one object was a blicket—in particular, both D and Lucas et al. (2014) found that middle-class U.S.
F would be more likely to be blickets than E—and preschool children readily learned both types of
they should choose multiple objects to activate the abstract causal rules depending on the activation
machine. pattern they observed. This means that, given the
Importantly, the disjunctive and conjunctive con- general causal principle that the machine was dis-
ditions were completely identical except for the junctive or conjunctive, children inferred the correct
activations in the training trials. The same objects specific causal hypothesis in the test phase, con-
were presented in the same order with the same cluding exactly which blocks were most likely to
script in the training trials, and the participants activate the machine. But significantly, it also
made judgments about exactly the same ambiguous means that they were inferring the general principle
test trial. The conditions could therefore act as con- itself from the training data, and then applying that
trols for each other. If participants responded sys- general principle to the ambiguous test data. So the
tematically differently in the two conditions, this task both tests children’s abilities to infer specific
suggests that they were influenced by the training causal hypotheses and more general overhypothe-
pattern. Similarly, comparing the judgments of the ses from data. In the current article, we extend this
three objects across the two conditions ensures that method across cultures and socioeconomic status
participants do not simply have a tendency to say (SES).
that objects are “blickets” (or not), or to behave at Notably also, adults, unlike the preschoolers,
chance, but are paying attention to the specific pat- tended to infer that the machine was activated by
tern of evidence in each condition. In addition, in one object, thus following the more likely disjunc-
the disjunctive training trials, participants actually tive principle regardless of the training evidence. A
see more examples of blocks activating the recent study (Gopnik et al., 2017) further tracked
machine, and more multiple combinations of blocks this ability across development. Six- to 11-year-olds
activating the machine, than they do in the conjunc- were less likely to infer the unusual conjunctive
tive trials, where the machine only activates once structure than 4-year-olds, and 12- to 14-year-olds
(see Figure 1). Nevertheless, the correct causal infer- as well as adults were less likely to infer the con-
ence involves the opposite response, saying that junctive structure than school-aged children.
4 Wente et al.
alone activated the machine or if a combination of and they tended to select more objects than Ameri-
objects activated the machine. After demonstrating can children overall. Because of this concern, the
the event, the experimenter once again asked the intervention prompt was retranslated for adults to,
participant to say whether each object was a flipo “¿Que deberıamos usar de aquı para hacer que la
or not a flipo. Afterward, children and adults were maquina se encienda?” This translates in English to,
given an intervention prompt, and were asked “What should we use from here to make the
about the object(s) they would use to activate the machine turn on?” This question still excluded the
machine. singular–plural marking yet was somewhat more
The procedure for the baseline condition was comparable to the original English prompt in that it
similar to the disjunctive and conjunctive experi- explicitly guided participants to select from the
mental conditions except that it omitted the two three objects directly displayed in front of them.
training events. In the baseline, participants also However, it still did not make specific reference to
provided feedback for two test events rather than the blocks and so might have led to more variable
one. We analyzed and reported their responses to responses. This second prompt was used when test-
the first test event. ing adults.
Inspection of adult data indicates that Peruvian
adults, like the Peruvian children, tended to choose
multiple objects for interventions more than U.S.
The study protocol from Lucas et al. (2014) was adults: 44% of the Peruvian adults chose multiple
translated to Spanish by an experienced Peruvian objects, whereas only 23% of the U.S. adults did so,
linguist as well as back-translated to English in although their flipo judgments were comparable.
order to assess the translation. The English version One reason for this might be that the English word
of this question, “Do you think {insert shape name} “which” encouraged English-speaking participants
is a Blicket or not a Blicket?” was directly translated to be more discriminatory in their selection,
to, “¿Crees que {insert shape name} es un flipo o whereas the Spanish phrasing using “que” or
no es un flipo?” “what” is more suggestive of multiple items.
The second question was the intervention Because the questions were not comparable across
prompt. In English it read, “Which of these should the languages and across children and adults, we
we use to make my machine turn on?” Translating did not include further analysis of the intervention
this directly to Spanish was challenging since the data in the Results section of Experiment 1.
English word, “which,” can be translated into either
“¿Cu al?” or “¿Cu ales?” These, however, provide a
singular–plural marking, which could indicate to Results
participants that they should select either one object
Training Trials: A Versus B Versus C
or multiple objects for the intervention. Selection of
single versus multiple objects is a dependent vari- We first assessed participants’ responses during
able. To circumvent this, the intervention prompt the training trials. This served to test whether chil-
for the children was translated to, “¿Que harıas dren could infer specific causal hypotheses from
para que la m aquina se encienda?” which directly unambiguous evidence, and whether they attended
translates in English to, “What would you do to to and understood those trials. In the training trials,
make the machine turn on?” This prompt avoids participants in the disjunctive condition should con-
the use of the singular or plural marking; however, clude that both A and C activate the machine,
it also makes it much less clear that the intervention although they do so independent of each other, but
refers specifically to choosing among the three that B does not. Those in the conjunctive condition
objects on the table. In fact, the most effective tech- should, likewise, infer that objects A and C are fli-
nique for activating the machine in all conditions pos, because both are necessary together to activate
would be to place all the objects on the machine the machine, and that B is not. (Note that the actual
since that would guarantee that the machine would A, B, and C objects shapes differed across partici-
light up. pants and training trials, and were counterbalanced;
An initial inspection of children’s responses sug- see Figure 1.)
gested that this difference in language did indeed If participants are confused by the task or have
lead to different intervention patterns. There were difficulty processing the activation patterns, they
no significant differences in the intervention should fail to differentiate between objects A, B,
responses across conditions for Peruvian children, and C, and instead respond “yes” (or “no”) to all
Causal Learning Across Culture and SES 7
three objects or respond at chance when asked reporting that objects A (children: M = 1.57,
whether the blocks were flipos. Figure 2 illustrates SD = 0.73; adults: M = 0.57, SD = 0.79) and C (chil-
the proportion of children and adults who judged dren: M = 1.43, SD = 0.73; adults: M = 0.39,
A, B, and C as flipos. SD = 0.70) were flipos more often than B (children:
Overall, we found that participants in both con- M = 0.37, SD = 0.62; adults: M = 0.06, SD = 0.24),
ditions successfully differentiated object B from A versus B—children: t(58) = 6.897, p < .001; adults:
objects A and C and thus were not simply respond- t(56.93) = 4.319, p < .001; B versus C—children: t
ing “yes,” to each question. Participants received a (58) = 6.131, p < .001; adults: t(59.28) = 3.079,
score of 0, 1, or 2 depending on how often they p = .003, respectively.
said each block was a blicket across the two trials.
As predicted, children and adults in the disjunctive
Test Trials
condition reliably judged object A (children:
M = 1.57, SD = 0.82; adults: M = 1.86, SD = 0.41) to D, E, and F flipo judgment comparisons. Partici-
be a flipo more often than they judged object B to pants were clearly differentiating the objects in the
be a flipo (children: M = 0.30, SD = 0.65; adults: training trials; we next explored whether they were
M = 0.18, SD = 0.50), t(58) = 6.639, p < .001; t also differentiating objects in the test trial. If partici-
(86) = 17.375, p < .001, respectively. They were also pants reason conjunctively, then they should infer
more likely to call object C a flipo (children: that objects D and F are flipos—since together they
M = 1.43, SD = 0.77; adults: M = 1.86, SD = 0.46) activate the machine three times—but they should
than object B, t(58) = 6.137, p < .001; t(86) = 16.47, be uncertain about object E, which is associated
p < .001, respectively. with one conjunctive activation and one nonactiva-
Similar patterns were observed in the conjunctive tion, even though E and D are equally strongly
condition, with children and adults once again associated with the activation of the machine (see
Lucas et al., 2014 for discussion). If they reason dis-
junctively, then they should infer that object F is a
A 2.0 flipo, whereas objects D and E are not. If, however,
1.8 participants are confused by the task, they should
1.6 respond “yes” or “no” to all three objects or
Proportion Flipos
respond at chance. The crucial contrasts, then are
between D and F, which should be different in the
Peruvian Children disjunctive condition and similar in the conjunctive
0.6 Peruvian Adults one, and between D and E which should be similar
0.4 in the disjunctive condition and different in the con-
0.2 junctive one (see Figure 3 for participants’ D, E,
and F judgments).
In the disjunctive condition, Peruvian children
called object F a flipo (M = 0.77, SD = 0.43) reliably
more often than object D (M = 0.27, SD = 0.45),
B 2.0
p < .001, McNemar’s exact test, or object E
(M = 0.20, SD = 0.41), p < .001, McNemar’s exact
1.6 test. There were no significant differences between
objects D and E, p = .683, McNemar’s exact test.
Proportion Flipos
1.2 This is the pattern we would expect if learners were
Peruvian Children
making the correct inference from the evidence.
Peruvian Adults
In the conjunctive condition, children reliably
reported that D was a flipo (M = 0.87, SD = 0.35)
0.2 more often than E (M = 0.63, SD = 0.49), p = .046,
0.0 McNemar’s exact test. There was no significant dif-
A B C ference between performance on D and F, p = .683,
Objects McNemar’s exact test. Again, this is the pattern of
responses we would expect if participants learned
Figure 2. Average proportion of flipo judgments for objects A, B,
and C among Peruvian children and adults in the disjunctive the correct causal structure. Therefore, despite this
condition (A) and conjunctive condition (B). Error bars indicate challenging and unusual task, Peruvian children
1 SEM in each direction. were successfully tracking the activation patterns to
8 Wente et al.
0.6 no reliable difference, however, in adults’ judg-
Peruvian Children
ments of objects D and E (M = 0.15, SD = 0.36),
0.4 p = .752.
0.3 Peruvian Adults
Flipo judgments of D and F across condition. The
crucial responses to determine if participants
0 inferred the overhypotheses were the judgments of
D E F D across the conditions. If participants concluded
Objects that the machine operated on a disjunctive princi-
ple, they should say that F was a flipo and D was
C not. If they concluded that the machine operated on
a conjunctive principle, they should say both F and
D were flipos.
As predicted, both age groups in all three condi-
Proportion Flipos
0.6 tions tended to say that F was a blicket (responses
Peruvian Children
ranging from 65% to 89%, see Table 1). To test
0.4 whether Peruvian children and adults differed in
0.3 Peruvian Adults
their judgments of D as a function of condition, we
performed a binary logistic regression with age
0 group, condition, and the interactions between each
D E F of these as predictors of judgments of D. The result-
Objects ing model was statistically significant,
v2(5) = 83.361, p < .001, Nagelkerke R2 = .427. The
Figure 3. Average proportion of flipo judgments for objects D, E,
and F among Peruvian children and adults in the disjunctive
results also yielded a main effect of age group,
condition (A), conjunctive condition (B), and baseline condition v2 = 32.032, df = 1, p < .001, and condition,
(C). Error bars indicate 1 SEM in each direction. v2 = 18.603, df = 2, p < .001, and an interaction
between the two, v2 = 9.961, df = 2, p = .007. To
more closely examine these effects, we next looked
make accurate causal inferences and did not appear at performance across conditions in each age group
to be confused. using two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests.
In the baseline condition, for which children saw
neither evidence supporting the conjunctive nor evi-
Peruvian Children
dence supporting the disjunctive principle, children
were just as likely to label object F (M = 0.77, Crucially, Peruvian children in the conjunctive
SD = 0.43) a flipo as they were to label objects D condition were significantly more likely than those
(M = 0.60, SD = 0.50), p = .131, McNemar’s exact in the disjunctive condition to call object D a flipo,
test, and E (M = 0.73, SD = 0.45), p = 1.0, McNe- p < .001, Fisher’s exact tests. Children in the con-
mar’s exact test. junctive condition also labeled object D a flipo more
Causal Learning Across Culture and SES 9
adults and were more likely to endorse a conjunc- condition (M = 4.66, range = 4.01–5.78). An addi-
tive principle. tional 13 children were tested but not included in
analysis for failure to complete the task (n = 2), for
machine malfunction (n = 4), or for language com-
prehension issues (n = 7). Given the relatively small
Experiment 2
number of available Head Start children, the base-
In Experiment 2, U.S. children from low-income line condition was not administered.
families were compared to U.S. children from mid- Children from low-SES families were recruited
dle- to upper-middle-class families. Additional and tested at Head Start programs in Berkeley
measures were also administered to determine if and Oakland, California. Children are only eligible
differences in SES might be related to other moder- for enrollment in a Head Start program if the fam-
ating factors that might differ between the groups, ily income falls below the federal poverty line,
such as general cognitive abilities, executive func- which in 2015 was below $24,250 for a family of
tioning, and language comprehension. If we did four (Poverty Guidelines, 2015). The higher SES
find SES differences in causal learning tasks, those sample was recruited from private preschools
might reflect something relatively specific to causal throughout Berkeley, California. This population
learning, such as differences in informal science differed slightly from the Lucas et al. (2014) sam-
experience, and so would not be correlated to ple, which largely consisted of preschools affiliated
other abilities. Alternatively, such differences might with the University of California and, as a result,
reflect broader SES differences in children’s cogni- included a substantial number of low-income stu-
tive abilities, rather than differences particular to dent parents with subsidized care. In order to
causal learning. Executive function and language ensure strong SES differences, and to replicate the
ability have been shown to be related to the for- Lucas et al. results with another clearly middle-
mation of intuitive theories, particularly, “theory of class sample, recruitment was expanded to include
mind” (Astington & Jenkins, 1999; Carlson & private, unsubsidized preschools. In 2015, the
Moses, 2001), and so might also be responsible for Berkeley population had a median household
differences on causal learning tasks and correlate income of $66,237 (QuickFacts, Berkeley, Califor-
with performance on those tasks. Similarly, if the nia, n.d.). The family incomes of the non-Head
low-SES children had difficulties with causal learn- Start children in the private preschools were prob-
ing tasks because of more general cognitive diffi- ably higher, although official demographic infor-
culties, then performance on other cognitive tasks mation was not collected.
such as Piagetian conservation tasks should corre-
late with performance on the causal learning tasks.
Materials and Procedure
On the other hand, children might do well on cau-
sal learning tasks in spite of difficulties in general Children were tested either in a quiet corner of
cognitive tasks, executive function tasks, or lan- their classroom or in a separate side room. Each
guage tasks, and that pattern would also be infor- session lasted approximately 15 min and included a
mative. causal learning task, a number conservation task,
and an executive function task.
All children were reported to be fluent English
Method speakers by their teachers, but many of them came
from non-English-speaking backgrounds. Upon test-
ing children, we observed varying degrees of Eng-
Two hundred 4- and 5-year-olds from the San lish language proficiency. To more systematically
Francisco Bay Area participated in Experiment 2. assess this, a vocabulary assessment measure was
Ninety-six of these children were from low-SES added midway through data collection. Forty-nine
families, of which 49 children participated in the Head Start children and 46 non-Head Start children
conjunctive condition (M = 4.66, range = 3.95–5.40) completed an expressive vocabulary task to ensure
and 47 participated in the disjunctive condition their comprehension of the task instructions, as well
(M = 4.67, range = 3.99–5.45). The remaining 104 as to measure language development. Participants
children were from middle- to upper-middle-class completed the tasks in the following order: (a) cau-
families. Fifty-six of these children were assigned to sal learning task, (b) number conservation task, (c)
the conjunctive condition (M = 4.67, range = 4.02– executive function test, and (d) expressive vocabu-
5.74) and 48 children were in the disjunctive lary test.
Causal Learning Across Culture and SES 11
Causal learning task. Materials for this task everyday objects and were asked to label these
were identical to those described in Experiment 1; objects in English. Pictures were presented in order
however, the procedure varied slightly among two of difficulty, and testing was terminated once the
subgroups of children. For 59 Head Start children child provided four consecutive incorrect answers.
and 59 non-Head Start children, the task was iden- Scores reflect the total number of trials adminis-
tical to that described in Experiment 1 (as well as in tered.
Experiment 2 of Lucas et al., 2014) with the excep-
tion that participants were tested in English and
that the baseline condition was omitted. For 37 Results
Head Start and 45 non-Head Start children who
Training Trials: A Versus B Versus C
participated in the other version, the task was simi-
lar but, as in Lucas et al. Experiment 1, used a As in Experiment 1, we first examined chil-
more streamlined presentation that did not include dren’s judgments in the training trials to assess
the initial demonstration that blickets were rare nor whether they correctly interpreted the causal rela-
included the G item after the training trials. This tions. Participants should infer that objects A and
was motivated by the possibility that the simpler C are blickets, but B is not, in both conditions. In
version might involve fewer information-processing the disjunctive condition, non-Head Start children
demands. However, preliminary analyses compar- were more likely to call objects A (M = 1.83,
ing the performance between children tested in the SD = 0.48) and C (M = 1.79, SD = 0.50) blickets
two versions of the study showed no significant dif- than object B (M = 0.29, SD = 0.62, ps < .001 for
ferences. We therefore collapsed the two experimen- contrasts between A vs. B and B vs. C using
tal versions. independent t tests). Similarly, Head Start children
Number conservation task. A Piagetian conser- called C a blicket (M = 1.43, SD = 0.74) more
vation of numbers task was administered to assess often than B (M = 0.98, SD = 0.79), t(92) = 2.815,
general cognitive skills. Children were shown two p = .006, and called object A a blicket (M = 1.28,
rows of varying lengths, each containing five pen- SD = 0.80) marginally more often than B, t
nies. Responses were scored as correct if the child (92) = 1.813, p = .073.
said that both rows had the same number of pen- In the conjunctive condition, both Head Start and
nies after a transformation, and incorrect if he or non-Head Start participants labeled object A (Head
she said the rows contained different amounts. Start: M = 1.27, SD = 0.86; non-Head Start:
Day–night executive function test. To measure M = 1.32, SD = 0.77) and C (Head Start: M = 1.43,
children’s ability to inhibit responses, we also SD = 0.74; non-Head Start: M = 1.45, SD = 0.69) as
administered an executive function task similar to blickets more often than object B (Head Start:
the classic Stroop test. This day–night task (Ger- M = 0.84, SD = 0.75; non-Head Start: M = 0.79,
stadt, Hong, & Diamond, 1994) consisted of SD = 0.78), A versus B: t(96) = 2.634, p = .010;
twenty-two 3 9 3 in. cards. Half of the cards t(110) = 3.670, p < .001, respectively; B versus C:
depicted a yellow sun, whereas the other half t(96) = 3.954, p < .001; t(110) = 4.763; p < .001,
depicted a blue moon. respectively; A versus C: t(96) = 1.009, p = .315;
The experimenter instructed the child to say t(110) = 0.910, p = .365, respectively.
“day” when shown a card with the moon and say
“night” when shown a card with the sun. Next, the
Test Trial: Blicket Judgments
experimenter practiced the game with the child
using four cards, two of each kind, and provided Figure 4 shows the mean proportion of blicket
feedback. Then the experimenter presented 16 test judgments in the test trial separated by condition
cards in a quasi-random order (8 with the sun and and by SES.
8 with the moon). Trials were coded as correct or Test trial judgments: D versus E versus F. A ser-
incorrect, and scores were aggregated across the 16 ies of McNemar’s exact tests examined whether
trials. children correctly discriminated between objects in
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children–II. We the test trial. If they are reasoning disjunctively,
administered the Kaufman Assessment Battery for then they should be less likely to say that D is a
Children, 2nd ed. (KABC–II) to measure expressive blicket than F, but should be equally likely to say
vocabulary and act as a proxy for language com- that D and E are blickets. If they are reasoning con-
prehension (Kaufman, Lichtenberger, Fletcher-Jan- junctively, they should be equally likely to say that
zen, & Kaufman, 2005). Children saw drawings of D and F are blickets, but more likely to say that D
12 Wente et al.
A 1
SD = 0.45) and F as blickets (M = 0.76, SD = 0.43),
0.9 p = 1.00, respectively. There were also no significant
0.8 differences in the Head Start and non-Head Start
Proportion Blickets
0.6 blickets. If they inferred the disjunctive principle,
0.5 then they should say that object F is a blicket and
Head Start
0.4 D is not.
0.3 Non-Head Start
To test whether SES and condition influenced
children’s judgments of D, we performed a binary
logistic regression with SES, condition, and the
D E F interaction between these two as predictors. The
Objects resulting model was statistically significant,
v2(3) = 54.433, p < .001, Nagelkerke R2 = .319.
Figure 4. Average proportion of blicket judgments for objects D, Analyses further revealed a main effect of condi-
E, and F among Head Start and non-Head Start children in the
disjunctive condition (A) and conjunctive condition (B). Error
tion, v2 = 6.911, df = 1, p = .009, of SES, v2 = 9.323,
bars indicate 1 SEM in each direction. df = 1, p = .002, and an interaction between condi-
tion and SES, v2 = 7.729, df = 1, p = .005. Below a
series of two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests further
is a blicket than E. If they are confused by the task, examines responses.
then they might fail to differentiate the objects. Condition differences. Non-Head Start children
In the disjunctive condition, non-Head Start chil- in the conjunctive condition called object D a blicket
dren called object F a blicket (M = 0.90, SD = 0.31) more often than those in the disjunctive condition,
more often than object D (M = 0.17, SD = 0.38), p < .001. Head Start children also judged object D to
p < .001, and judged D and E (M = 0.19, be a blicket more often in the conjunctive than dis-
SD = 0.39), p = 1.0, to be similar. Similarly, Head junctive condition, p = .012.
Start children judged object F to be a blicket Head Start versus non-Head Start children. In
(M = 0.68, SD = 0.47) reliably more often than the disjunctive condition, non-Head Start children, as
object D (M = 0.47, SD = 0.50), p = .044, but did noted earlier, were more likely to call object F a
not differentiate between D and E (M = 0.51, blicket than Head Start children, p = .012, although
SD = 0.51), p = .803. they were less likely to call objects D and E blickets,
In the conjunctive condition, non-Head Start chil- p = .002 and .001, respectively. This reflected that
dren were equally likely to call objects D (M = 0.80, fact that although both groups discriminated
SD = 0.40) and F (M = 0.86, SD = 0.35) blickets, between the two conditions, the non-Head Start chil-
p = .450. Non-Head Start children in the conjunctive dren did so more dramatically.
condition were also significantly more likely to In the conjunctive condition, in contrast, children
label D a blicket than E (M = 0.66, SD = 0.48), enrolled in Head Start did not reliably differ from
p = .043, indicating that they did not simply those who were enrolled in non-Head Start pro-
respond “yes” to every question. grams in their judgments of whether objects D, E,
Head Start children in the conjunctive condition and F were blickets, p = .487, .839, and .218,
were also equally like to label objects D (M = 0.73, respectively.
Causal Learning Across Culture and SES 13
the Head Start children, like the non-Head Start
0.6 children, still made significantly more multiple
0.5 responses in the conjunctive than disjunctive condi-
Head Start
0.4 tions, p < .001, Fisher’s exact test, and significantly
Non-Head Start
0.3 more just F responses in the disjunctive than con-
junctive conditions, p = .008, Fisher’s exact test,
suggesting that they could succeed at the task.
Disjunctive Conjunctive
Number Conservation Task
Scores ranged from 0 to 2. An independent sam-
B 1
ples t test suggests that non-Head Start children
(M = 1.20, SD = 0.61) and Head Start children
Proportion of Participants
0.7 (M = 1.00, SD = 0.80) responded differently,
0.6 t(175.94) = 1.986, p = .049, on the conservation task.
Head Start
0.3 Non-Head Start Day–Night Executive Function Task
According to an independent samples t test,
0 there was a significant difference in performance on
Disjunctive Conjunctive the executive function day–night task for Head
Condition Start and non-Head Start children, t(194) = 4.306,
p < .001. Non-Head Start children were more accu-
Figure 5. Average proportion of Head Start and non-Head Start
children who selected two or more objects (A) or just F (B) when rate at inhibiting their responses (M = 11.25 correct
asked to activate the machine. Error bars indicate 1 SEM in each of the 16, SD = 4.10), than Head Start children
direction. (M = 8.63 of the 16, SD = 4.43).
14 Wente et al.
possibility: that children are correctly inferring the to design comparable intervention instructions in
conjunctive structure. Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, differences in infor-
In terms of the predictions, there was some evi- mation-processing may have influenced the Head
dence for the Head Start children that difficulties Start children’s responses in the disjunctive condi-
with inhibition and information-processing might tion. Furthermore, there were some unexpected
have influenced their performance. However, this English language comprehension issues with the
involved SES differences on the disjunctive task lower income U.S. children. Moreover, all these
rather than the conjunctive one. Although they children were growing up in industrial urban cen-
appeared to infer the structure correctly, they did ters with enough parental support to ensure that
so less clearly than the higher SES children, and they were enrolled in high-quality preschools. It
this might reflect the inhibitory demands of the would be important to see how children with less
task. There was no evidence for such differences support would behave. Similarly, it would be
between the Peruvian and American children. There important to test children from small-scale agricul-
was also little evidence that the children defaulted tural or forager backgrounds. These results do sug-
to either the disjunctive or conjunctive structure— gest, however, that children’s causal learning
all the groups of children differentiated between abilities extend beyond the WEIRD.
the two training conditions.
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cultural differences in analytic versus holistic styles
of reasoning. However, there was a cultural differ-
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