Microemulsion Utility in Pharmaceuticals - Implications For Multi-Drug Delivery PDF
Microemulsion Utility in Pharmaceuticals - Implications For Multi-Drug Delivery PDF
Microemulsion Utility in Pharmaceuticals - Implications For Multi-Drug Delivery PDF
Article history:
Received 2 March 2017 Emulsion technology has been utilized extensively in the pharmaceutical industry. This article presents a
Received in revised form 2 May 2017 comprehensive review of the literature on an important subcategory of emulsions, microemulsions.
Accepted 3 May 2017 Microemulsions are optically transparent, thermodynamically stable colloidal systems, 10–100 nm
Available online 7 May 2017 diameter, that form spontaneously upon mixing of oil, water and emulsifier. This review is the first to
address advantages and disadvantages, as well as considerations and challenges in multi-drug delivery.
Keywords: For the period 1 January 2011–30 April 2016, 431 publications related to microemulsion drug delivery
Microemulsions were identified and screened according to microemulsion, drug classification, and surfactant types.
Drug delivery
Results indicate the use of microemulsions predominantly in lipophilic drug delivery (79.4%) via oil-in-
water microemulsions and non-ionic surfactants (90%) for oral or topical administration. Cancer is the
Multi-drug delivery
disease state most targeted followed by inflammatory diseases, microbial infections and cardiovascular
disease. Key generalizations from this analysis include: 1) microemulsion formulation is largely based on
trial-and-error despite over 1200 publications related to microemulsion drug delivery since their
discovery in 1943; 2) characterization using methods including interfacial tension, droplet size, electrical
conductivity, turbidity and viscosity may provide additional information for greater predictability; 3)
microemulsion drug delivery publications arise primarily from China (27%) and India (21%) suggesting
additional research opportunities elsewhere.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
1.1. Emulsion systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
1.1.1. Emulsion types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
1.1.2. Macroemulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
1.1.3. Nanoemulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
1.1.4. Microemulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
1.1.5. Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of microemulsion sub-class in drug delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
1.2.1. Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
1.2.2. Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
2. Materials and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
3. Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
3.1. Relevance of microemulsions in multi-drug delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
3.1.1. Concurrent disease in Canada and the resulting pill burden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
3.1.2. Clinical effectiveness and economic impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
3.2. Considerations in multi-drug delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
0378-5173/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
426 S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442
Table 1
Summary of emulsion types and their characteristics.
Fig. 2. Types and typical droplet diameter sizes of macro, nano and microemulsions. Upon surfactant addition, the non-polar surfactant tails orient to face the oil phase while
the polar surfactant head groups orient to face the outer water phase.
that due to their larger droplet sizes and high interfacial energy, approximately 100–400 nm in diameter (Rosen and Kunjappu,
macroemulsions are kinetically, and not thermodynamically, 2012).
stable. This means that energy is required to combine the
components, i.e., oil, water and surfactant, to form a
macroemulsion. Thus, over time, a macroemulsion will Formation. Much like macroemulsions, nanoemulsions
inevitably revert to its phase separated components. often require the input of energy and agitation for formation as an
Emulsifying agents and the use of strong agitation to introduce energy barrier must be overcome. For this reason, many
energy into the system for macroemulsion formation, simply nanoemulsions are formed by high-pressure processes such as
delays this reversion process for a fixed amount of time. homogenization. Nanoemulsions are also found to generally
require less emulsifier than macro or microemulsions, typically
on the order of 1–3% of the volume of the oil phase (Rosen and
1.1.3. Nanoemulsions
Kunjappu, 2012). The length of the co-surfactant required is also
Nanoemulsions are commonly referred to as mini-emulsions or
found to be higher than that of microemulsions (at least 12 carbons
ultrafine emulsions. In comparison to macroemulsions and
as compared to the much shorter length chains required for
microemulsions, nanoemulsions are most similar to macroemul-
microemulsions) (Rosen and Kunjappu, 2012).
sions with the exception of their smaller droplet sizes. Nano-
emulsions are usually blue-white to semi-opaque in nature (Rosen Stability. Like macroemulsions, nanoemulsions are not
and Kunjappu, 2012). They are classified according to the same
thermodynamically stable. These emulsions are kinetically stable,
types as macroemulsions; either as oil-in-water and water-in-oil.
meaning that the components must be mixed in such a way as to
overcome an energy barrier in order for the nanoemulsion to be Size. Size is the main differentiating factor between formed. The free energy of the separate oil and water phases of a
nanoemulsions and macroemulsions. There is much confusion nanoemulsion is lower than free energy of the colloidal dispersion
in the scientific community regarding the exact droplet size range system, creating a thermodynamically unstable system. This
of nanoemulsions. Articles that do specify sizes often fail to instability may be overcome by ensuring there is a large energy
mention whether they are referring to diameter or radii barrier between the two phases. The greater the height of the
measurements. Contrary to their nomenclature and popular energy barrier between the nanoemulsion and the separated
belief, however, nanoemulsions do not necessarily contain phases, the greater the stability of the nanoemulsion (McClements,
droplets that are smaller than those found in microemulsions. 2012). As a result, nanoemulsions like macroemulsions also revert
In fact, droplet sizes in nanoemulsions are usually in the mid-size to their original phases over time. Their smaller droplet sizes and
range between that of macroemulsions and microemulsions, i.e., hence resistance to coalescence, however, significantly delays this
Fig. 4. Schematic of the effect of temperature (T) or salinity (S) and surfactant concentration on microemulsion type. Spherical structures represent the microemulsion phase
containing micelles, yellow regions represent oil and blue regions represent water.. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)
S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442 429
reversion process. Some nanoemulsion formulations can therefore temperature, T, in the case of a non-ionic surfactant or salinity, S, in
remain stable for months and even years. the case of an ionic surfactant can result in transition from a Type
I ! III ! II microemulsion. An increase in surfactant concentration
1.1.4. Microemulsions can also induce a transition from any of these microemulsion types
Microemulsion solutions gained recognition in 1943 after Hoar to a Type IV microemulsion, within temperature or salinity
and Schulman mixed a milky solution with hexanol to produce a constraints.
uniform single-phase, non-conducting solution (Gibaud and Attivi,
2012). The first commercial application of microemulsions was in
the formulation of liquid waxes, discovered by Rodawald in 1928 Size. Contrary to their terminology, microemulsions
(Prince, 1977). By 1970, microemulsion research peaked, in part consist of the smallest droplet sizes found in emulsion systems,
due to its application in enhanced oil recovery (Langevin, 1988) in comparison to macro and nanoemulsions. Specifically,
where the use of microemulsions increased oil recovery through microemulsion droplet sizes range from 10 to 100 nm in
their ability to achieve ultralow interfacial tensions (Rosen and diameter (Rosen and Kunjappu, 2012; McClements, 2012).
Kunjappu, 2012). Microemulsions are transparent, thermodynam- According to Eriksson et al. (2001), one of the most important
ically stable mixtures of oil and water stabilized by emulsifiers. factors influencing droplet size includes the packing density of
They have significantly different properties (type, size, formation surfactant molecules in the interfacial film (Eriksson et al., 2001).
and stability) relative to nano and macroemulsions, which will be This curvature and compressibility of the interfacial film then
discussed in detail, below. dictates the interfacial tension (Eriksson et al., 2001) and
contribution to overall free energy (1984). In particular, the Type. According to Winsor (1948) there are four types of more rigid the film, the higher the packing density and the smaller
microemulsions: (i) Type I- biphasic with an upper excess oil phase the droplet size. Lang et al. (1992) also stress the importance of
and lower O/W emulsion, (ii) Type II- biphasic with an upper W/O surfactant and oil alkyl chain, and temperature, in determining
emulsion and lower excess water phase, (iii) Type III- triphasic droplet size (Lang et al., 1992); a shorter surfactant or co-surfactant
with upper excess oil phase, middle bicontinuous microemulsion alkyl chain results in larger water-in-oil droplets and an increase in
and lower excess water phase, (iv) Type IV- monophasic, single droplet–droplet interaction at constant oil alkyl chain length,
microemulsion phase. Depending on the emulsifier used, which may affect microemulsion stability (Lang et al., 1992). In
microemulsions can transition between each type quite easily. contrast, an increase in the oil alkyl chain length or in temperature
In general, microemulsions follow trends displayed in Fig. 4, results in larger droplets and increased droplet–droplet
typically referred to as a fish diagram. A simple change in interactions (Lang et al., 1992).
Fig. 5. Schematic of the various micellar structures possible depending on the ratio of water, surfactant and oil utilized. Adapted from Brinker et al. (1999).
430 S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442 Formation. The energy profile of microemulsions is the digestive system provides the agitation needed for the
opposite to that of macro and nanoemulsions. In a microemulsion to form (Rahman et al., 2013). SMEDDS (referred
microemulsion system, the components are at a higher to as self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems) are often
energetic state than that of the final microemulsion product. distinguished by their inclusion of water-soluble components
Thus, energy is required for microemulsion dissociation into the (Rahman et al., 2013) and tend to form microemulsions upon self-
original components. Microemulsion formation is therefore a emulsification while SNEDDS (self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery
forward-driven process and, in fact, most microemulsion systems systems) tend to form nanoemulsions upon self- emulsification.
form spontaneously without the input of energy. Micellar, rod-like, According to the lipid formulation classification system (LFCS),
lamellar and sponge-like structures are all possible depending on SEDDS consisting of water-insoluble surfactants and oil are
the type of microemulsion formed and in particular, the proportion regarded as Type II LFCS formulations while those with oil,
of surfactant, oil and water used (McClements, 2012). Fig. 5 surfactant and a co-solvent and are regarded as Type III LFCS
displays the various packing arrangements that can be obtained formulations with optical clarity and smaller droplet sizes (Rah-
depending on the concentration of oil, water and surfactant man et al., 2013). SEDDS are a common emulsion dosage form of
utilized. In contrast to nanoemulsions, microemulsions usually choice for drug delivery as can be seen in Section 3 (ii).
require a higher percentage of surfactant or emulsifier (i.e., 15–30%
w/w of the oil phase) for formation (Rosen and Kunjappu, 2012). 1.2. Advantages and disadvantages of microemulsion sub-class in drug
Additionally, the co-surfactant required is usually of a shorter delivery
carbon chain length than that required in nanoemulsions (Rosen
and Kunjappu, 2012). Microemulsions possess a number of unique characteristics
that render them suitable for drug delivery. Unfortunately, their Stability. Given the reverse energy profile of complex nature does not always make them a viable option for
microemulsions as compared to nano and macroemulsions, drug delivery. Understanding the key advantages and disadvan-
microemulsions are thermodynamically stable. This means that tages of microemulsion drug delivery systems is essential in
their phases are not prone to separation over time and most making informed decisions regarding the delivery of the active
microemulsion formulations remain stable for many years. Fig. 6 pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in question.
illustrates the energetic differences between macro, nano- and
microemulsions. 1.2.1. Advantages
Microemulsions are uniquely equipped for drug delivery. In
1.1.5. Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS) particular, microemulsions are able to: i) administer APIs in liquid
SEDDS are isotropic mixtures of oil, surfactant and sometimes form, ii) improve bioavailability and stability via small droplet
co-solvent that are able to self-emulsify upon mild agitation and sizes, iii) solubilize and delivery both hydrophilic and lipophilic
dilution with aqueous media to form O/W emulsions. These fine drugs, (iv) form spontaneously with relatively simple starting
oil/water dispersions are able to spread throughout the GI tract, as ingredients
Fig. 6. Schematic of the energetics involved in a typical microemulsion system. It is clear that the microemulsion product is at a lower energy state than that of its separated
phases or starting components. This contributes to its thermodynamic stability. Nanoemulsions have a reversed profile with the nanoemulsion product at a higher energy
state than the starting components. This not only results in an input of energy to form the nanoemulsion, but also in a kinetically, rather than thermodynamically, stable state
Adapted from McClements (2012).
S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442 431
i) Drugs Administered in Liquid Form credit the small droplet sizes of microemulsions for the resulting
It is generally well established that drugs in solid form must stable and highly bioavailable formulations. In particular, micro-
undergo an extra dissolution step before they can be absorbed. emulsions have improved the stability and bioavailability of many
There are three main processes necessary for solid drug absorption drugs including Aprepitant (a chemotherapy-induced nausea and
for oral delivery: a) disintegration, b) dissolution and c) absorption vomiting preventer (Kamboj et al., 2015)), Troxerutin (Xu et al.,
(McCuistion et al., 2014). Disintegration is necessary in order for 2016) (a hydrophilic vasoprotector), Fenofibrate (Hu et al., 2011) (a
the solid particles to dissolve in liquid media before being absorbed cholesterol-lowering agent), Pranlukast Hemihydrate (Baek et al.,
(McCuistion et al., 2014). Microemulsions are liquid in nature and 2013), (an asthma medication), Leuprorelin (Hintzen et al., 2014) (a
thus, are able to bypass this additional disintegration step hormone mimicking agent used for treatment of numerous
(McCuistion et al., 2014). The overall result is that microemulsions, illnesses), Ritonavir (Deshmukh and Kulkarni, 2014) (a HIV anti-
and liquids in general, experience faster drug absorption rates retroviral), Sirolimus (Cho et al., 2013) (an immunosuppressant),
independent of any effect of disintegration (McCuistion et al., and Gatifloxacin (Kalam et al., 2016) (an antibiotic). The small
2014). In the context of drug formulations, this is beneficial to the droplet sizes of microemulsions also afford delivery via a wide
consumer especially for fast-acting relief purposes. Though liquid variety of administration routes.
formulations are often encapsulated in solid dosage forms such as iii) Solubilization & Delivery of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic
gelatin capsules, dissolution for a solid capsule containing drugs in Drugs
liquid form is still faster than dissolution for a solid capsule Another major advantage of microemulsion systems is their
containing drugs in solid form. ability to solubilize poorly water-soluble drugs (PWSDs). More
The presence of drug in liquid form is also advantageous in than 40% of drugs in the development phase fail to reach the
terms of gastrointestinal (GI) stability (Brandlin, 2013). While market due to poor biopharmaceutical properties, including poor
liquids may take 20–30 min to pass completely through the water solubility (Dahan and Hoffman, 2011; Gullapalli, 2010;
digestive system, solids may take up to 3 h depending on their Jambhekar and Breen, 2013). PWSDs often experience unfavour-
composition (Brandlin, 2013). These solids remain in the stomach able dissolution profiles in vivo leading to dissolution being the
for a longer period of time and thus, are subjected to GI enzymatic rate-limiting step with respect to absorption (Kwon, 2002; Niazi,
degradation for longer periods of time (Paradkar and Bakliwal, 2015; Gupta et al., 2013; Shargel et al., 2012). With microemulsions
2008). This may greatly affect drug stability within the GI tract, containing both a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic phase, the
causing premature drug degradation (Paradkar and Bakliwal, incorporation and delivery of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic
2008). APIs is possible. Oil-in-water microemulsions are well suited for
ii) Small Droplet Sizes lipophilic drug delivery while water-in-oil microemulsions are
Microemulsions possess droplet sizes in the diameter range 10– well suited for hydrophilic drug delivery. Hydrophilic and
100 nm (Rosen and Kunjappu, 2012; McClements, 2012). These hydrophobic drugs may also be delivered via microemulsion gel
small droplet sizes increase the surface area to volume ratio for systems.
drug absorption leading to improved bioavailability (Liu et al., iv) Spontaneous Formation and Simple Starting Ingredients
2016; Cerpnjak et al., 2013; He et al., 2010; McClements, 2015). The ability of microemulsions to form spontaneously (McCle-
Additionally, these small droplet sizes are able to resist gravita- ments, 2012; Mason et al., 2006) due to the ingredients being
tional separation and hence, enhance stability of the micro- driven to an energy state favourable to microemulsion formation
emulsion system. The factors influencing droplet size in (McClements, 2012, 2015; Tong et al., 2015; Fast and Mecozzi,
microemulsion systems have been discussed earlier in Section 2009; Ngan et al., 2014; Lawrence and Warisnoicharoen, 2006)
1.1.4 but generally include alkyl chain length of the oil, the length results in an economical formation process. This means that in
and type of surfactant chosen and the rigidity of the resulting many cases, energy is not required for microemulsion formation
interfacial film. Many studies conducted over the past 5 years (unlike nano- and macroemulsions) resulting in a cost-effective
Fig. 7. Pie chart depicting the various types of drugs delivered via microemulsion systems over the past five years. Due to the fact that poorly water-soluble and lipophilic
compounds are most challenging in terms of drug delivery (Kwon, 2002; Niazi, 2015; Gupta et al., 2013; Shargel et al., 2012), it is not surprising that almost 80% of
microemulsions have been used to deliver these types of compounds. The section classified as ‘other’ is representative of compounds that are classified as neither lipophilic
nor hydrophilic and/or may be pH sensitive.
432 S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442
Percentage of Publications
formulation purposes.
1.2.2. Disadvantages 30
The presence of both an organic and aqueous phase allows for
the delivery of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic APIs; however,
this becomes problematic when dealing with APIs that do not fall 20
into either category. Minerals are a prime example of this. APIs
such as iron and calcium do not fall into either of these categories 10
and if added to a microemulsion system, would likely result in a
suspension. In cases like this, a solid dosage form such as a tablet
may be a better option. Thus, microemulsion systems may not 0
always be a favourable method of delivery for ingredients that are
ED )
insoluble in either hydrophilic or hydrophobic environments. It is
also important to remember that in the case of microemulsions,
APIs must be solubilized in their respective phases. As a result, the
extent of solubilization is limited by the volume of phase available.
This could prove to be a limiting factor depending on the amount of
API necessary for delivery.
Microemulsions also require the presence of emulsifiers at a
Type of Microemulsion
slightly higher concentration than their nanoemulsion counter- Fig. 8. Types of microemulsion systems used in drug delivery over the past five
parts (McClements, 2012). Some emulsifiers demonstrate toxicity, years. Due to the challenging nature of lipophilic drug delivery (Kwon, 2002; Niazi,
as explained later on, and as a result are heavily regulated. This 2015; Gupta et al., 2013; Shargel et al., 2012), it can be seen that oil-in-water
reduces the list of available surfactants for use in oral formulations. microemulsions are considered appropriate vehicles for this type of delivery,
comprising over 50% of publications over the last five years. Gel formulations are
Those surfactants that are considered acceptable are only also quite common. Microemulsion systems have also been used as a basis for
acceptable up to certain concentrations. This rule also applies to nanoparticle formation.
certain oils demonstrating toxicity.
Finally, microemulsions are sensitive to temperature and
salinity changes and may undergo phase changes when exposed
comparison to hydrophilic drug delivery (15.9%). Negligible
to higher or lower than normal temperatures or salinity concen-
amounts were seen for amphiphilic (1.2%) and other drugs such
trations. This could lead to ‘breaking’ of the microemulsion and
as basic or pH-sensitive drugs (3.5%). This high lipophilic
eventually, phase separation.
representation may be largely attributed to the fact that poorly
water-soluble drugs require modification for delivery given their
2. Materials and methods
poor absorption profiles (Kwon, 2002; Niazi, 2015; Gupta et al.,
2013; Shargel et al., 2012). Lipophilic components can be hidden
In this review, a literature search of the database PubMed
and solubilized within the hydrophobic surfactant tail core of an
revealed that over 431 microemulsion formulation articles were
oil-in-water microemulsion for effective delivery.
published from January 1, 2011 to April 30, 2016. The following
ii) Type of Microemulsion Formulated
search criterion was used: ‘((((microemulsi*) OR micro-emulsi*)
The type of microemulsion most commonly formulated over
OR micro emulsi*) AND drug delivery) NOT cosmetic*’. These
the past five years is a direct result of the type of drug most
publications were screened for drug, microemulsion and surfac-
commonly delivered during this period. Fig. 8 depicts that of the
tant type along with a number of other factors including preferred
more than 400 publications regarding microemulsion drug
routes of administration for delivery. Given the current gap in
delivery over the last five years, over 50% (55.8%) can be attributed
theoretical understanding, the results from this analysis may shed
to oil-in-water whether via Type I microemulsion delivery or
insight into how well theoretical knowledge is put into practice.
through SEDDS. O/W microemulsions are well suited for the
delivery of lipophilic compounds; thus, these results are in direct
3. Results and discussion
agreement with the results from Fig. 7. Type I microemulsions are
able to effectively solubilize these drugs in their hydrophobic core.
Microemulsions are comprised of at least three important
Second to O/W microemulsions are gel formulations (16.6%) and
ingredients: an aqueous component, an oil component and an
solid nanoparticles (10.1%). Surprisingly, water-in-oil, including
emulsifier. Given the multi-component nature of microemulsions,
Type II microemulsion drug delivery accounts for less than 10%.
information gathered over the past five years indicates interesting
This may be attributed to the highly water-soluble and readily
trends in the areas of type of drug delivery, surfactant use and even
dissolvable nature of the hydrophilic compounds that these types
country of publication. These results will be discussed below:
of microemulsions strive to deliver, eliminating the necessity for
i) Type of Drug Delivery
microemulsion formulation. Bicontinuous or Type III micro-
One of the most important properties of microemulsions is
emulsions account for just over 1% of formulations. This is
their ability to encapsulate and deliver both hydrophilic and
remarkable given that these microemulsions are considered
hydrophobic compounds. Fig. 7 depicts the classes of drugs that
‘optimum’ in nature due to their equal preference for both the
have been delivered via all types of microemulsion systems,
hydrophilic and hydrophobic phases of the microemulsion. Type IV
including self-microemulsifying systems, over the past five years.
or monophasic microemulsions are non-existent, perhaps due to
It can be seen that of the more than 400 publications regarding
the high surfactant content required in these formulations
microemulsion drug delivery over the past five years, lipophilic
rendering them less suitable for delivery.
drugs are the preferred drug class for delivery (79.4%) in
S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442 433
lm al
de al
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l/b tra a
l/d a l
to b l i r y
va a l
pa he
in em
pu ter
in as
ca g u
su na
Routes of Administration the Canadian population to date and often occur concurrently with
other illnesses. The formulation of successful microemulsion
Fig. 9. Microemulsion drug delivery publications separated by route of adminis- formulations to treat these disease states holds great promise in
tration. Most microemulsion formulations contain non-ionic surfactants, which are the field of chronic disease treatment and multi-drug delivery.
generally regarded as the safest type of surfactant for ingestion purposes. Hence,
v) Surfactant Class Preferred
most microemulsions are delivered via the oral route. The small droplet sizes of
microemulsions also allow for favourable penetration necessary in topical and Microemulsions cannot form without emulsifiers. The four
parenteral delivery, as well as pulmonary and intranasal delivery to a lesser extent. classes of surfactants (non-ionic, anionic, cationic and zwitterion-
ic) allow for a wide selection pool. Unlike ionic surfactants, non-
iii) Routes of Administration Preferred ionic surfactants do not possess charged head groups. This affords
According to microemulsion drug delivery literature over the them a lower critical micelle concentration than their ionic
past five years (Fig. 9), oral delivery is preferred, accounting for counterparts due to an absence of electrostatic repulsion between
over 42% publications. This is not surprising given that micro- head groups (Attwood and Florence, 2012; Tadros, 2005). Non-
emulsions have the advantage of being present in liquid form and ionic surfactants are also more resistant to the effect of charge and
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Fig. 10. Graphic depicting the various pathologies treated by microemulsion systems over the past five years. Cancer, inflammatory diseases, neurological disorders and
cardiovascular diseases are amongst the leading pathologies treated by single drug, microemulsion systems. These diseases typically occur concurrently with a wide variety of
other illnesses.
434 S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442
HLB = 7 + (hydrophilic group numbers) (hydrophobic group
From the equation above, it can be seen that a high HLB
corresponds to a higher degree of hydrophilicity and vice versa for
a low HLB. It is also important to note that the HLB is summative
and can be obtained by mixing various ratios of more than one
surfactant. In this case, the additional surfactant will serve as a
linker or co-surfactant.
Two additional parameters to consider are the efficiency and
effectiveness in the formulation in which it is meant to be active.
Efficiency in the context of emulsifiers is the ability of the
surfactant to reduce the interfacial tension by 20 mN/m. Effective-
ness is the maximum reduction in interfacial tension that the
surfactant can achieve. Surfactant efficiency can be controlled by
increasing the number of carbon atoms in a straight-chain
hydrophobic group or through the addition of a fluorocarbon
(Rosen and Kunjappu, 2012). Branching within the surfactant or
the addition of a phenyl group decreases efficiency (Rosen and
Kunjappu, 2012). Effectiveness can be controlled by an increase in
the ionic strength of solution for ionic surfactants, or with the
increase of the hydrophobic tail for POE non-ionic surfactants
(Rosen and Kunjappu, 2012). In general, emulsifier properties are
instrumental in deciding which surfactant to choose. Values such
as HLB, efficiency and effectiveness are important and must be
Fig. 11. Classes of surfactants utilized in microemulsion formulations within the
taken into consideration.
last five years. Of the 607 surfactants used in over 400 publications, almost 90% of
these are non-ionic due to their uncharged nature, insensitivity to salt/pH changes vi) Non-ionic Surfactants Preferred
and favourable safety profile. Amphoteric surfactants (mainly natural oils such as Of the 90% of non-ionic surfactants used in microemulsion
lecithins and phospholipids) containing both a positive and negative charge are the formulations, Fig. 12 indicates that the most common are the
second most popular choice comprising almost 7%. This is likely due to its overall
Tweens or polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters ( > 28%), Cremophor or
neutrality attributed to the cancellation of charges near the isoelectric point.
Cationic surfactants are considered the most toxic due to their positive charges,
a castor oil derivative of polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers (19.8%) and
which interfere with the negative cell membranes of mammalian cells. This Transcutol or diethylene glycol ethers (11.6%). The least commonly
explains their low occurrence in many microemulsion formulations. used non-ionic surfactant was Gelucire, perhaps due to its solid
nature and need for heat during the formulation process. Fig. 13
depicts the structures of the three most commonly used non-ionic
pH changes compared to the other surfactant classes (Myers,
surfactants in microemulsion drug delivery formulations over the
2005). In addition, they are known to have a better oral safety
past five years.
profile than ionic surfactants (Malmsten, 1999; Grove et al., 2007;
vii) Anionic Surfactants Preferred
Liu et al., 2008; Hauss, 2007; Balazs, 2011) and many are generally
regarded as safe for ingestion. These advantages often result in
non-ionics being preferred for use in oral pharmaceutical Non-ionic Surfactants Utilized in
formulations. Anionic surfactants are slightly more toxic than Microemulsion Formulations 2011-2016
non-ionics while cationic surfactants are hardly used due to their
high toxicity (Liu et al., 2008; Atwood and Steed, 2004). Near to the Other
isoelectric point, zwitterionic surfactants may possess a neural net Gelucire
charge, leading them to behave similar to non-ionic surfactants TPGS
(Myers, 2005). Fig. 11 illustrates the classes of surfactants used in
microemulsion formulations over the past five years. It can be seen
Non-ionic Surfactant
Triton X 100
that almost 90% of microemulsion formulations in the past five
years have utilized non-ionic surfactants followed by amphoteric Brij
(7%) and anionic surfactants (2.5%). Cationics are hardly used in Solutol
drug delivery (0.6%) due to their toxic nature. Poloxamers
A good emulsifier depends on, and must match, the continuous Spans
phase of the microemulsion system (Bancroft, 1913). Therefore, it is
crucial to understand the type of microemulsion, i.e., oil-in-water
versus water-in-oil, suitable for a particular application. This
usually depends on the type of drug that must be solubilized. For Cremophor
example, a hydrophobic drug should partition into oil droplets Tweens
within an aqueous phase. Hence, O/W formulations are preferred
Fig. 13. Structures of some of the most common non-ionic surfactants used in the preparation of microemulsion dosage forms for the delivery of multiple APIs.
Soy Lecithin cancer treatment (Qu et al., 2015; Ujhelyi et al., 2015).
Finally, with respect to neurological disorders, multi-drug
Triton X 100 microemulsions have been successfully formulated for Alzheimer’s
TPGS disease (Shi et al., 2012) and neurocysticercosis or NCC (Shinde
Labrafil M 1944 et al., 2015). Chemelli et al. (2012) was also able to load two
Gelucire hydrophilic proteins, cytochrome c and bovine serum albumin
AOT (BSA) concurrently into a single water-in-oil microemulsion
Brij 30/35
(Chemelli et al., 2012). Table 2 summarizes these studies.
Tween 85
Span 85
Tween 60 3.1. Relevance of microemulsions in multi-drug delivery
Brij 97
Brij 96 Microemulsion systems hold great potential for multi-drug
Brij delivery due to their amphiphilic nature. Concurrent disease in
Canada and the resulting pill burden has a number of economic
Percentage of Publications and social implications that may be alleviated through the use of
microemulsions. In addition, microemulsions are suitable for
Fig. 15. Most commonly used surfactants in the preparation of microemulsion combinatorial therapy which has been shown to improve clinical
dosage forms, as described in peer-reviewed publications over the past five years.
effectiveness and economic outcomes. These implications are
Tween 80, Transcutol and Cremophor RH 40, all non-ionic surfactants are the most
common. Second to all non-ionics is lecithin, an amphoteric surfactant represented discussed in greater detail, below.
in almost 5% of publications.
3.1.1. Concurrent disease in Canada and the resulting pill burden
Many chronic diseases occur concurrently. By definition, this is
Single and Multi-drug Formulations Published 2011-2016 the occurrence of more than one chronic disease simultaneously. A
2015 study by Osmun, Kim and Harrison revealed that concurrent
Percentage of Publications
2011; Lee et al., 2008; Michaud and Wolfe, 2007; Ogdie et al., 2014;
Table 2
Publications regarding multi-drug delivery Jan 2011–April 2016. The majority of these publications involved type I oil-in-water microemulsion drug delivery systems.
Albendazole sulphoxide Neurocysticercosis Tween1 80 (surfactant), ethanol (co- I Enhanced intranasal delivery (Martin-
Curcumin treatment surfactant), DHA:Capmul 1:1 (oil), when formulated with DHA Rodriguez
Antiinflammatory (docosahexaenoic acid) et al., 2015)
438 S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442
Table 2 (Continued)
APIs Function Formulation Ingredients Microemulsion Observations Ref.
water [surfactant:oil:water
60:30:10 w/w/w)
Bovine serum albumin High-molecular Pluronic F127 (surfactant); II Promoted sustained release (Katsareli
Cytochrome c weight model monoglyceride, polyglycerol ester, and
hydrophilic proteins and tetradecane as oil mix Dedoussis,
non-adherence. Microemulsions provide a medium in which both for identifying the suitability of an emulsifier for a particular
hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs may be delivered concurrently. formulation, it does not account for formulation variables. Salager
Though there are no publications documenting increased adher- et al. (1979) first linked four major formulation variables to
ence from a multi-drug, single dose microemulsion formulation, it microemulsion type. This led to the development of the
can be inferred that such formulations have the potential to hydrophilic-lipophilic deviation (HLD) equation which was also
improve medication adherence outcomes given that adherence based on principles from previous works including those of
decreases with increased pill burden (Pasina et al., 2014). Winsor. Prior to this, microemulsion formation relied on trial and
error to a greater extent. The HLD equations for non-ionic and ionic
3.1.2. Clinical effectiveness and economic impact surfactants are:
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC),
HLD = b(S) K (EACN) f (A) + aT DT + Cc for non-ionic surfac-
malignant neoplasms or cancer and cardiovascular disease
together account for over 50% of the mortality rate in Canada
(Anonymous Economic Burden of Illness in Canada, 2005). The
PHAC reports economic burden in terms of direct and indirect
HLD = ln (S) K (EACN) f (A) + CT DT + Cc for ionic surfactants
costs. Direct costs refer to health care expenditures to improve or
prevent deterioration of health statuses such as physician care where S is the concentration of the surfactant in g/100 ml, EACN is
expenditures while indirect costs refer to the dollar value as a the effective alkane number of the oil used (related to lip-
result of loss of productivity such as labour (Anonymous Economic ophilicity), DT is the change in temperature within the system, A
Burden of Illness in Canada, 2005). In terms of total direct and depends on the co-surfactant or alcohol added, Cc is the
indirect costs associated with the treatment of disease states, characteristic curvature of the surfactant reflecting its hydrophil-
neuropsychiatric diseases and cardiovascular diseases are first and ic/lipophilic nature and b, f, f; and K are constants (Salager et al.,
second, respectively, with over $12 B spent, nationally, on each 2008). The HLD equation takes into account important aspects of
(Anonymous Economic Burden of Illness in Canada, 2005). Recall the microemulsion system including temperature, salinity, alcohol
that these are diseases that occur concurrently with other illnesses, addition, and lipophilicity of the oil phase. An HLD of zero
implying that total direct and indirect costs may actually be much corresponds to a Type III microemulsion, a negative value
higher. Microemulsions are a potential solution to the treatment of corresponds to a Type I microemulsion and a positive value
such concurrent diseases. Combinatorial treatment has been corresponds to a Type II microemulsion (Salager et al., 2008). Thus,
thought to improve clinical effectiveness and this can be achieved increasing or decreasing temperature, oil lipophilicity and other
through the use of microemulsion delivery systems. A number of parameters affect the type of microemulsion obtained (Salager
reviews published within the last five years detail the use of et al., 2008).
combinatorial treatment in cancer and its resulting effectiveness Though this equation is an important tool when developing
(Linton et al., 2016; Fleeman et al., 2011). Several recent reviews microemulsions for single drug incorporation, it is even more
have also pointed out the effectiveness of combinatorial treatment essential in formulations containing multiple drugs. This is
in the prevention of CVD (Yusuf et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2014; Athyros because when more than one API is involved, temperature, salinity
et al., 2014). In addition, Andreazza and Young (2014) and Floyd and oil lipophilicity changes may have significant effects on some
et al. (2013) suggest that combinatorial treatment is also effective but not all of the APIs. One potential solution to this problem is to
for neuropsychiatric conditions. Thus, microemulsions are a group APIs based on certain physicochemical properties and treat
potential combinatorial treatment option which may reduce the this multi-API group as a single entity; however, nothing in the
economic burden of these diseases. literature suggests that this approach has been used to date.
of each component. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) systems, interfacial tensions are expected to be ‘ultralow’
(Brown and Burlett, 2011) and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (Tongcumpou et al., 2003). For Type III systems in particular, the
(ITC) (Klump, 1999) are, on average, the methods of choice. middle phase can possess interfacial tension values as low as
Unfortunately, these techniques (and other strategies) do not 103 mN/m (Tongcumpou et al., 2003; Huh, 1979). However, these
guarantee predictability in complex formulations, where a large values vary depending on the type of oil and surfactant used, as
number of components increases the probability for interactions to well as the inclusion of co-surfactants or salt in the formulation. A
occur. number of older publications seeking to unravel fundamental
understandings of microemulsion IFT point to a general interfacial
3.3. Challenges in multi-drug delivery tension value of between 101 and 102 mN/m (Phan et al., 2011;
Fletcher, 1987; Ruckenstein, 1985; Pouchelon et al., 1981; Langevin
Even through consideration of the many factors involved in the et al., 1986). Consequently, the spontaneous formation of a stable
formulation of microemulsion based multi-drug dosage forms, micro- emulsion with drops in the observed size range (100–
there still remains a number of inevitable challenges: 1000 A) is possible only in the case of low interfacial tension, e.g.
0.1 dyn/cm” (Ostrovsky and Good, 1984).
3.3.1. Lack of understanding (ii) Droplet Size
Despite the advantages associated with the use of micro- Droplet size is used as an indication of the type of emulsion
emulsion systems in the pharmaceutical industry, the major formed. As discussed above, macroemulsions usually consist of
challenge impeding their use has been and continues to be the lack droplets over 400 nm in diameter, nanoemulsions 100–400 nm
of understanding of these systems. There are approximately 1200 and microemulsions 10–100 nm. The factors influencing droplet
publications regarding microemulsion drug delivery since their size have been discussed previously. However, studies attempting
introduction in the 1940s. Despite the fact that more than one third to improve delivery of two famous SMEDD-incorporated drugs,
of these have been published within the last five years, much of this cyclosporine A (an immunosuppressant) and saquinavir (an HIV
information is on successful formulation combinations rather than protease inhibitor) report droplet sizes below 100 nm (Gao et al.,
fundamental understandings of these complex systems. To combat 1998) and at approximately 200 nm (Shah and Amiji, 2006; Dodiya
this, it is imperative to combine theoretical knowledge with the et al., 2011).
practical use of various emulsifiers and solubilized APIs in the (iii) Zeta Potential
microemulsion drug delivery arena. Zeta potential reflects the surface charge of emulsion droplets.
As such, it provides insight into the charge–charge interactions
3.3.2. Characterization 6¼ The full picture that may occur between the droplets in an emulsion system, i.e.
Microemulsion formulation is still currently performed on a electrostatic repulsion or attraction. As discussed previously,
trial and error basis, relying on characterization techniques such as electrostatic repulsion delays coalescence and flocculation and
interfacial tension, droplet size, zeta potential, conductivity, hence, phase separation. This is why zeta potential is often looked
viscosity and turbidity. These characterization techniques though at as an emulsion stability indicator. A common misconception is
not fully comprehensive, may provide the formulator with that zeta potential alone (and in particular, values higher than
important information about the microemulsion system. 30 mV) (Rozentur et al., 2010) indicate stability. However, a more
(i) Interfacial Tension accurate indication of stability can be obtained from the zeta
Interfacial tension is used to evaluate the emulsifier’s ability to potential of the droplets with respect to time or the zeta potential
reduce the tension existing at the oil and water interface. These rate (Sepeur, 2008).
results are then consulted when determining whether modifica- (iv) Electrical Conductivity
tions to further reduce the tension are necessary- for example, the Electrical conductivity is used to confirm the type of micro-
addition of co-surfactant. In general, regarding true microemulsion emulsion obtained. Water is a good conductor of ions and as such,
ch B ol sia
ew C t a
ki and
Pa orpan
Si omtug e
U ia
G hai anl
A Se taly
Paeal da
F p n
do a c
Sl ap nia
M ng ce
R lg d
D puium
ak e
or a
N genenia
B keyt
I ea
I a
H ra ain
n rk
Poles an
Tasra n
Soud Au any
A lovral a
Z anana
P ay y
h ra a
ng a al
or l
T iw e
K azi
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R r tin
K bi
In enmbli
ov or
S t i
ut i A stri
Sa ermlan
S ta
I ra
us rb
Tu y
al a
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Fig. 17. Microemulsion publications by country over the past five years. China and India together account for almost 50% of publications.
440 S.P. Callender et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 526 (2017) 425–442
Number of Microemulsion Formulation Publications obtained that result in increased overall viscosity (Kamranfar and
Available on PubMed 2011-2016 Jamialahmadi, 2014).
(vi) Turbidity
Turbidity is often an indication of droplet size. Larger droplet
sizes result in increased turbidity due the increased ability of these
droplets to scatter light. Though macroemulsions are often turbid
and opaque in nature, microemulsions are usually clear or slightly
Number of Publications
turbid due to their small droplet sizes that are unable to scatter
20 light. There is a distinction between O/W and W/O micro-
emulsions, however. O/W microemulsions consist of oil droplets
surrounded by a surfactant film while W/O microemulsions consist
of water droplets surrounded by a surfactant film. This often leads
to O/W microemulsions having a bluish appearance rather than the
10 clear appearance in W/O microemulsions (Fletcher and Morris,
Despite the fact that the above techniques are well established,
and that there are some generalizations that can be made with
regard to microemulsion formation, the fact remains that these
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 systems by nature are highly complex and dynamic. Thus, there is
Year no defined set of values that microemulsion formation can be held
to. As a consequence, characterization of such a system, no matter
Fig. 18. Number of microemulsion-related publications over the past five years. how thorough, may never fully explain what is occurring or what
There has been a steady increase in these numbers leading to the conclusion that
will occur over time.
microemulsion systems are slowly being recognized as efficient drug delivery
3.4. Funding/dedication to research
Acknowledgements Fisher, S., Wachtel, E., Aserin, A., Garti, N., 2013. Solubilization of simvastatin and
phytosterols in a dilutable microemulsion system. Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces
107, 35.
Funding: This work was supported by MITACS Accelerate (grant Fleeman, N., Bagust, A., Boland, A., Dickson, R., Dundar, Y., Moonan, M., Oyee, J.,
number: IT02875) and Accucaps Industries Limited, Ontario, Blundell, M., Davis, H., Armstrong, A., Thorp, N., 2011. Lapatinib and
CANADA, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research trastuzumab in combination with an aromatase inhibitor for the first-line
treatment of metastatic hormone receptor-positive breast cancer which over-
Council of Canada (grant number: RGPIN-2016-04009). expresses human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2): a systematic review and
economic analysis. Health Technol. Assess. 15.
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