Early Vaginal Replacement in Cloacal Malformation: Shilpa Sharma & Devendra K. Gupta

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Early vaginal replacement in cloacal


Shilpa Sharma & Devendra K. Gupta

Pediatric Surgery International

ISSN 0179-0358

Pediatr Surg Int

DOI 10.1007/s00383-018-4407-1

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Early vaginal replacement in cloacal malformation

Shilpa Sharma1 · Devendra K. Gupta1

Accepted: 18 October 2018

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose  We assessed the surgical outcome of cloacal malformation (CM) with emphasis on need and timing of vaginal
Methods  An ambispective study of CM was carried out including prospective cases from April 2014 to December 2017
and retrospective cases that came for routine follow-up. Early vaginal replacement was defined as that done at time of bowel
pull through. Surgical procedures and associated complications were noted. The current state of urinary continence, faecal
continence and renal functions was assessed.
Results  18 patients with CM were studied with median age at presentation of 5 days (1 day–4 years). 18;3;2 babies underwent
colostomy; vaginostomy; vesicostomy. All patients underwent posterior sagittal anorectovaginourethroplasty (PSARVUP)/
Pull through at a median age of 13 (4–46) months. Ten patients had long common channel length (> 3 cm). Six patients
underwent early vaginal replacement at a median age of 14 (7–25) months with ileum; sigmoid colon; vaginal switch;
hemirectum in 2;2;1;1. Three with long common channel who underwent only PSARVUP had inadequate introitus at puberty.
Complications included anal mucosal prolapse, urethrovaginal fistula, perineal wound dehiscence, pyometrocolpos, blad-
der injury and pelvic abscess. Persistent vesicoureteric reflux remained in 8. 5;2 patients had urinary; faecal incontinence.
2 patients of uterus didelphys are having menorrhagia. One patient succumbed to sepsis at 7 months age. Renal functions
remained normal in 16. One patient is undergoing dialysis.
Conclusion  Early vaginal replacement in CM is feasible. Patients with inadequate introitus may suffer from menorrhagia.
A regular follow-up is mandatory.

Keywords  Vaginoplasty · Cloaca · Paediatric vaginal reconstruction

Introduction perineum with a more compliant patient. We thus aimed to

assess our cases of CM both prospectively and retrospec-
The management of cloacal malformation (CM) is very com- tively in the light of the need, timing and outcome of the
plex. The initial management in the newborn period is usu- vaginal replacement.
ally a transverse colostomy. Further management depends
upon the length of the common channel that requires a
thorough assessment before contemplating pull through. Methods
While some advocate a total reconstruction in the same sit-
ting especially in cases of low common channel less than An ambispective study of CM patients was carried out
3 cm with vaginoplasty, urethroplasty and anoplasty, there including prospective cases from April 2014 to December
are others who feel vaginoplasty can be done at a later date 2017 and retrospective cases that came for routine follow-
when hormonal influence allows for a larger vestibule and up during that period. Institutional Ethics clearance was
not required as it was an observational study with routine
care of the patients during admission for treatment and rou-
* Shilpa Sharma tine follow-up in the outpatient department. Early vaginal
[email protected] replacement was defined as that done at the time of bowel
Department of Pediatric Surgery, All India Institute
pull through. The timing of the various surgical procedures
of Medical Sciences, Room no. 4001‑2, Ansari Nagar, done and the associated complications were noted from the
New Delhi 110029, India

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Pediatric Surgery International

case records. The current state of urinary continence, faecal vaginal replacement was done in 6. In the remaining 3 in
continence and renal functions was assessed. whom PSARVUP was done, the introitus was inadequate at
puberty. One had a narrow persistent UGS that was repaired
at puberty with a labial flap vaginoplasty to widen the introi-
Results tus along with vaginal dilatation. The urethra is still open-
ing on the anterior wall of the vagina and has been left as
Eighteen patients with CM were studied with median age at such as the child is continent for urine. Barrows flap vagi-
presentation being 5 days (1 day–4 years). Table 1 depicts noplasty was done in one. One had a persistent vaginostomy
the associated anomalies. The pouch colon was complete till puberty through which occasional menstrual blood came
in 1 and incomplete in 2. Three patients had associated out. The vaginostomy was surgically closed and vaginal
Hydrometrocolpos, out of which one had pyometrocolpos. dilatation was done under general anaesthesia as there was
All babies underwent colostomy soon after birth. Three vaginal stenosis 2 cm from introitus. A vaginal polyp was
babies also underwent vaginostomy and two of these also identified on the posterior vaginal wall that later subsided
underwent vesicostomy. Ten patients had common channel on subsequent vaginoscopy following vaginal dilatation for
length of > 3 cm. All patients underwent posterior sagit- 3 months. She is now on a regular vaginal dilatation program
tal anorectovaginourethroplasty (PSARVUP)/ Pull through. but has reached only 8 mm diameter size at age of 20 years.
Suprapubic cystostomy was done for one patient who under- She has small follicular cysts in one ovary. She also has
went simultaneous extravesical ureteric reimplantation that severe uncontrolled menorrhagia (13–15 days/month with
was left for 3 months with intermittent clamping till good intervening gap of 1–2 days after 6–7 days of bleed) for
urinary flow was established post PSARVUP and vaginal the past 1 year that has not responded to various hormonal
replacement. therapies. Thus further surgery for redo vaginal construction
The median age at definitive surgery (PSARVUP/ Pull is still not planned as she may need an intervention for the
through) was 13 (4–46) months. The colostomy was closed uterus didelphys.
4–8 weeks later. The colostomy done was transverse in 14, In one patient while doing a PSARVUP with abdomi-
sigmoid in 3 patients and pouchostomy with colorraphy nal laparotomy, the length of the ileum taken for vaginal
in one patient of complete pouch colon following partial replacement fell short and appeared ischemic. Hence, a tubu-
pouch colon excision that developed stomal prolapse. An larized Gortex patch was applied at lower end of the vagina
emergency pull through was done to prevent further loss of to prevent fibrosis between the urethra and the rectum. The
colonic tissue. A delayed vaginal replacement was planned baby kept having urinary tract infections. At 3-month fol-
for her. The child recovered well, was discharged but in due low-up, the distal colostomy segment was used for sigmoid
course died of sepsis at the age of 7 months. vaginoplasty and the proximal colostomy was pulled down
Out of the 10 patients with a long common chan- as the neo anus. The baby is doing well with continence for
nel, only PSARVUP was done in 3, the urogenital sinus urine and stool both. Reduction clitoroplasty was done in 1
(UGS)  was  left for later reconstruction in one case of patient. One patient had presented with ambiguous genitalia
pouch colon. This case died later due to sepsis. An early with male-like urethralization (Fig. 1).
Six patients required vaginal replacement; 2 with ileum;
2 with sigmoid colon; vaginal switch in 1 and hemirectum
Table 1  Associated anomalies with cloacal malformation was used in another for making the vagina (Fig. 2). The
Associated anomaly Cases % rectum was split into two halves longitudinally using sta-
(n = 18) plers, preserving the vascular supply to each segment care-
fully (Fig. 3). The median age at vaginal replacement was
Solitary kidneys 2 11
14 (7–25) months. Five of these cases were done during the
Renal dysplasia 1 5.5
period 2014–2017.
Vesicoureteric reflux 9 50
Table 2 depicts the various complications that occurred
Partial sacral agenesis 2 11
in the 18 patients and the treatment done for them. Four
Spina bifida (lipomeningomyelocele-1) 3 16.5
patients developed anal mucosal prolapse that required
Pouch colon 3 16.5
trimming. Urethrovaginal fistula developed in 1 patient
Clitoromegaly 1 4.5
that closed spontaneously after regular vaginal and urethral
Septate vagina 4 22
calibration. Two patients, who have attained puberty and
Bicornuate uterus 5 26.5
are menstruating, are having menorrhagia. Both have uterus
Hydrometrocolpos 3 16.5
didelphys. One also developed a tubercular tubo-ovarian
Ambiguous genitalia (Male-like urethra) 1 4.5
mass for which a pig tail catheter was inserted (Fig. 4). She
Ovarian cysts 3 16.5
is currently on antitubercular treatment.

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Fig. 1  An antenatal diagnosed

left hydronephrosis patient had
anorectal malformation and
ambiguous genitalia at birth.
Incomplete pouch colon was
excised and end colostomy was
made at birth. a Ultrasound
pelvis demonstrating a cystic
cavity with turbid material
behind the bladder suggestive
of hydrometrocolpos (arrow).
b The male-like megalourethra
was slit open into the perineum.
c Exploratory laparotomy
revealed a distended uterus,
inflamed distended fallopian
tubes, normal ovaries and
vaginal agenesis. d Block-
som’s vesicostomy done. e
Left hemihysterectomy with
left salpingectomy, left to right
vaginal switch operation, left
nephroureterectomy and end
sigmoid colostomy pull through
was done

Fig. 2  Diagrammatic representation of splitting the rectum along the

antimesenteric border. a Dilated rectum with good leach of blood ves- Fig. 3  a Clinical picture of a case of common cloaca subjected to
sels. b Mesenteric vessels split on either side to longitudinally split early vaginal replacement. b Contrast study showing the common
the rectum into two between the vessels and on the antimesenteric channel, bladder anteriorly, distal bowel superiorly opening between
side to form two lumens for the neovagina and neorectum the two hemivaginae inferiorly. c Rectum split with staplers with neo-
rectum on the right and neovagina on the left. d Completed repair

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Table 2  Complications Complication Cases Treatment

encountered with repair of
cloacal malformations Per-operative and early post-operative complications
Bladder injury 1 On table repair
Perineal wound dehiscence 3 (twice in one Secondary suturing
Perineal/vaginal infection 2 Perineal toilet
Pyometrocolpos 1 Vaginal douching with feeding tube
Urethrovaginal fistula 1 Vaginal and urethral calibration
Pelvic abscess 1 Laparotomy and drainage
Anastomotic leak following 1 Redo colostomy
colostomy closure
Late complications
Urinary infection 6 Antibiotics and Clean Intermittemt Catheterization
(CIC). ureteric reimplantation, nephroureterec-
Colostomy prolapse 1 Pull through
Anal mucosal prolapse 4 Mucosal trimming
Menorrhagia 2 Hormonal treatment
Vaginal stenosis 3 Vaginal dilatation-1
Barrows flap in 1
Labial flap vaginoplasty
Persistent urogenital sinus 1 Redo flap vaginoplasty (labial flap)
Anal stenosis 2 Anoplasty-1
Anal dilatation-1
Urethral stenosis 1 Urethral dilatation
Adhesive obstruction 2 Adhesinolysis-1 conservative-1
Tubo-ovarian mass 1 Pig tail catheter drainage
Mortality due to sepsis 1 –

these had associated spina bifida. Two patients had faecal

incontinence and are on bowel management program. Both
these had a common channel length more than 3 cm. Two
patients had occasional fecal soiling with voluntary bowel
Persistent vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) was found in 8, 5
received deflux; 1 underwent a ureteric reimplantation and 2
remained on chemoprophylaxis. One patient died due to sep-
sis at the age of 7 months. Renal functions remained normal
in 16. One patient underwent left nephroureterectomy for a
non-functioning kidney. One patient underwent extra vesical
ureteric reimplantation. One patient is currently undergoing
Fig. 4  CT scan depicting an inflammatory Tubo-ovarian mass situ-
ated between the bowel on the right and bladder which has been devi-
ated on the left Discussion

The surgery for cloacal malformations is complex and

The median follow-up period following vaginal replace- requires expertise. Although the various options to repair the
ment is 2 (1–12) years. The vaginal introitus is patent at last malformation have been described and the early outcomes
follow-up visits. following surgery are well reported, there is insufficient
At a median follow-up of 8 (1–23) years, 5 patients had data on the complications encountered during follow-up
incontinence for urine and are on CIC. Three of these 5 and the long-term outcome. As the common cloaca patient
patients had a common channel length more than 3 cm, 2 of grows older, the associated genitourinary anomalies require

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Pediatric Surgery International

attention. We aimed to study outcome of the surgical man- be delayed till the child weighs around 8 kg and is nearing
agement of CM with an emphasis on the need and timing of 1 year in age. Performing the urethroplasty after separating
vaginal replacement. the vaginal tract meticulously without complete urogenital
The initial diversion surgery in cloacal malformations mobilization upto the bladder neck increases the chances of
is a transverse colostomy. However, in patients in whom preserving urinary continence.
sigmoid colostomy has been done elsewhere at presenta- The technique used for vaginal replacement should have
tion in the newborn stage, an early vaginal replacement low morbidity, no mortality, prevent infections, prevent
may be considered utilizing the distal segment of the sig- urinary incontinence, the opening should be adequate for
moid colon for vaginoplasty at the same time as bowel pull efficient menstrual flow and should also serve as an appro-
through. Authors consider repairing the urethra, vagina and priate conduit for coitus and married life without pain or
the anorectum at the same time beneficial in this complex discomfort. Three types of surgical procedures have been
malformation, without leaving the need for vaginoplasty described for vaginal reconstruction for various indications
in the future. This avoids the risk of fibrosis developing in the paediatric age group, the inlay skin graft technique,
between the urethra and the rectum due to surgical interven- the use of grafts (peritoneum, bladder mucosa, amnios) and
tion, which is likely to impede creation of space for vaginal the bowel vaginoplasty [3]. Amongst these, the sigmoid
replacement in future. colon vaginoplasty is preferred. This is so especially in those
It has been wisely realized by surgeons dealing with com- cases of common cloaca that also requires a laparotomy for
mon cloaca that the length of the common channel is an bowel reconstruction. The split-thickness skin graft is indi-
important determinant of the potential for urinary control, cated only in cases of small reconstructions of distal vaginal
and predicts the extent of surgical repair. Patients with a tract as it requires lubrication, prolonged vaginal dilations or
common channel shorter than 3 cm can be repaired by PSA- sexual intercourses to maintain patency [3]. In addition, it is
VURP route by most of the well-trained paediatric surgeons prone to contracture, shortening, bleeding and dyspareunia.
with a reasonably good prognosis [1]. Whereas, patients The other procedures such as amnion graft, pelvic perito-
with a common channel longer than 3 cm (38%), usually neum graft, Abbe-McIndoe procedure (perineal cleavage
require a laparotomy and have a much higher incidence of covered with a skin graft) or the Frank technique (mechani-
associated urologic problems [1, 2]. These complex techni- cal dilatation) are best avoided in the paediatric age group as
cally demanding malformations should be repaired by sur- these tissues are very fragile and require mould insertions,
geons with special training in urology. Also the functional vaginal stenting and dilatations [3].
results are not as good as those with a shorter channel. In Bowel vaginoplasty with an isolated ileum loop was first
Pena’s series, 62% of the cases had a common channel less described in 1904 by Baldwin [4]. Subsequently, sigmoid
than 3 cm [1]. conduit for vaginoplasty in the paediatric age was first
In cases where the common channel is more than 3 cm, described in 1911 by Wallace [3]. However, it was accom-
a PSARVUP may be done in some cases. However, some of panied by a high mortality rate [3]. The procedure has been
these girls may present with insufficient introitus at puberty revisited over recent years and has now been used more
to allow adequate menstrual flow. Three of our patients in often by the experts with good results [3, 5–11]. However,
whom PSARVUP had been done earlier had vaginal stenosis the colon may not be available in some cases of anorec-
for which a labial skin flaps vaginoplasty, Barrows flap vagi- tal malformation with short colon, pouch colon or if the
noplasty and vaginal dilatation was done at puberty. Two sigmoid colostomy has been fashioned. The second choice
patients still have persistent menorrhagia. Uterus didelphys for bowel vaginoplasty is the ileum that is also preferred
may be a cause of increased menstrual flow in one of the by some. The ileum may be used in cases where the pull
girls who has a double cycle with apparently one hemiuterus through has already been done or in cases where the uterus is
bleeding followed sequentially by the other half. Hormonal high up and there is not sufficient length of large bowel. This
therapy was also tried for a year for her but there was no allows the sigmoid colon to remain as a reservoir for stool.
relief. She is even ready for a hysterectomy to lead a better In addition, in cases of complete pouch colon, the ileum is
quality of life. The other girl is currently under antitubercu- the only option available.
lar treatment for tubo-ovarian mass. However, the ileum mucosa produces more abundant but
We have done an early vaginal replacement for six less lubricating secretions than the sigmoid segment and is
patients in our series. All these were planned at the time of more fragile than colonic mucosa with higher chances of
the pull through. Though few complications were encoun- bleeding after intercourse [3]. The other advantages of sig-
tered but they could be easily identified and managed. Four moid vaginoplasty is that the sigmoid colon is easy to mobi-
out of these six patients are continent for bowel and bladder lize, has a preserved blood supply, offers a more appropri-
movements. When early vaginal replacement is planned, it is ately sized vaginal canal and permits to obtain an adequate
done usually with the time of bowel pull through which can length of 10–12 cm without problems with a low risk of

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colitis and failure and offers possibility of having normal like vaginal stricture or atresia, urethral strictures and ure-
sexual function [1, 11]. Moreover, recently even laparo- throvaginal fistula have been reported earlier [1]. However,
scopic vaginal reconstruction using sigmoid colon segment in Pena series these occurred before the introduction of the
have been reported [12, 13]. total urogenital mobilization (TUM). The TUM in early
We have used the vaginal switch procedure described childhood provides good cosmesis and increases the urethral
by Pena in one case with good results. The prerequisite visibility on the surface for easy CIC if needed. It has been
for a vaginal switch is that the horizontal width of both the observed that the most girls with cloaca depend on CIC after
hemivaginae should be more than the distance to bridge ver- TUM, especially when the common channel is long [21].
tically [14, 15]. We used hemirectum in one case with sat- We have not used TUM in any of these patients. Although
isfactory result. The rectum was dilated in this case and we genitourinary surgical complications may be less after TUM,
split it longitudinally into two by splitting the leaves of the the incidence of urinary incontinence increases necessitating
mesenteric blood supply into two (Fig. 2). This procedure CIC. Bal et al. have also found that vaginal reconstruction
has not been described earlier. Pena had described splitting avoiding dissection of the common wall between the vagina
of rectum keeping the distal blood supply for the neovagina and bladder–urethra as well as avoiding TUM may help to
and the proximal mesenteric blood supply for the neorectum preserve continence [16]. However, they preferred to per-
that also depended on the intramural vasculature. However, form the procedure at puberty. Nearly half of patients in
this procedure depends on the presence of sufficient leach Pena’s series (54%) were continent of urine and 24% of these
of blood vessels to divide into two. remained dry with CIC through their native urethra and 22%
The common cloaca patient does have mild clitoromegaly through a Mitrofanoff-type of conduit [1]. Upto three-fourth
and a narrow vestibule. Two of our patients had abnormally of the patients (78%) with long common channel (> 3 cm)
large appearing clitoris and one had a male type urethra. required CIC compared to 28% with a short common chan-
One underwent clitoral reduction in infancy while in other; nel (< 3 cm) [1].
the megalourethra was split to bring the urethra to its nor- Common causes of re- operations in common cloaca
mal location. The abnormal appearance of the genitalia also include colostomy prolapse, persistent urogenital sinus,
needs attention. If left untreated, this can lead to wrong gen- atresia or stenosis of the vagina or urethra [1].
der assignment that may lead to psychological disturbance Only 11% of the patients in the series reported have faecal
and even culminate in suicide later when delayed gender incontinence requiring bowel management. In Pena’s series,
correction is done [16]. 60% had voluntary bowel movements (28% of them never
A careful follow-up following vaginal reconstruction with soiled, and 72% soiled occasionally) while 40% had faecal
bowel has been suggested as there is a dismal risk of leio- incontinence but remained clean when subjected to a bowel
myomas of the uterine remnants and adenocarcinoma arising management program [1].
in the intestinal neovagina reported in the literature [17, 18]. The limitations of the study include the relatively short
Many surgeons feel the ideal surgical time for vaginal follow-up of the cases that underwent early vaginal replace-
replacement is after puberty [1, 19]. The reason being the ment. However, the longer follow-up of the patients that
patient is more motivated and compliant at puberty [1]. The underwent PSARVUP compensates for this and emphasizes
onset of puberty has been reported to unmask several vagi- the need for early vaginal replacement in girls with a longer
nal anomalies unrecognized in the prepubertal period such common channel to avoid complications during adoles-
as vaginal atresia and cervicovaginal atresia [19]. In addi- cence and young adulthood. Also the retrospective cohort
tion, hormonal impregnation at puberty ensures the devel- of patients included only those that were in regular follow-up
opment of an optimal vulvar tissue for anastomosis [1, 16]. in the outpatient department. These thus included only those
This school of thought may be acceptable for cases with a that were compliant to regular follow-up and those that had
non-functional or absent uterus. However, with anorectal some problems especially after crossing the paediatric age
malformation and cloaca, the uterus is functional and it is group and puberty.
vital to provide an outlet before menarche and even earlier To conclude, early vaginal replacement in CM is feasi-
in presence of hydrometrocolpos. When the vaginostomy ble. Patients with CM with long common channel can be
done for drainage of hydrometrocolpos is left too long, it offered early vaginal replacement during the time of pull
hinders the growth of the vagina downwards with age as it through with satisfactory outcome. However, these are com-
does not allow the prepubertal or pubertal secretions to col- plex procedures and should be done in a centre with a large
lect and there is a fixation effect of the vaginostomy pulling experience of tackling these cases. PSARVUP is not suffi-
the vagina towards the abdomen. cient for these girls as they tend to develop vaginal stenosis
We have reported our complications in Table  2 [20]. during puberty necessitating additional procedures. Uterus
These complex procedures do have complications that need didelphys may be associated with menorrhagia that may
to be identified in time and dealt with. Similar complications be increased in cases with inadequate introitus subjected

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Pediatric Surgery International

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