Investigation of Smart Parking Systems and Their Technologies
Investigation of Smart Parking Systems and Their Technologies
Investigation of Smart Parking Systems and Their Technologies
their technologies
Completed Research Paper
The literature review conducted for this paper offers an in-depth review of the recent
advances in sensing and communication technology concerning parking systems. In
addition, this paper presents a survey and analysis of an academic, qualitative literature
review. It includes an in-depth study of the selected topics and provides a step by step
implementation process. It reviews different smart parking systems used for parking
guidance and parking facility management and gives an insight into the technical aspects
and specifications analysis of such systems that have been published in academia during
the last 15 years
In the last fifteen years, academic research on outsourcing smart parking systems has evolved rapidly,
growing so fast that, to date, there has been scant opportunity for the research community to take a
collective breath and complete a global assessment of research activities. Almost every cosmopolitan city in
the world suffers from traffic congestion, which causes drivers frustration especially when searching for a
parking space. Therefore, interest in this domain has become timely for scientists and researchers. Solving
such a problem or even trying to alleviate it will certainly offer several benefits, such as reducing drivers’
frustration and stress by saving time and fuel, and reducing gas emissions, which in turn, will affect levels
of pollution. Current systems have created an environment in which most of the modern statistics indicate
shocking findings regarding the waste of fuel during the search for parking places. Most of the popular
parking systems in the world use coins and tokens. However, despite the widespread use of these systems,
they cannot be counted as smart parking, as they do not give precise information regarding booking a
specific parking space. Usually, such a system relies on counting how many cars have entered the parking
area and calculating the difference between this figure and the maximum number of parking spaces to
estimate the number of spaces available. These types of system usually need a person in charge of the
location in case something goes wrong due to variations in the number of parking spaces, for example, due
to badly parked cars or drivers parking in booked spaces. The field of smart parking service systems is part
of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The paper begins by considering the most general aspects of the
topic and gradually focuses on the main purpose of this paper as mentioned in the abstract. The process of
formatting this research journey involved the following steps: searching relevant bodies of literature,
managing search results, synthesizing the research literature, and finally, writing a discussion and
light sensor High Zig-bee Complex Accurate at day time Cannot be used
at night
Acoustic High RF Complex Seriously influenced by
sensor environmental noise
Optical sensor High Blue-tooth Complex Very accurate
Ultra-sound High Switch and LAN Simple Accurate
SMS High GPS Simple Accurate
Magnetic High WIFI /RF Simple Accurate
Infrared High RF/Wi-Fi Simple Too sensitive Maximum accurate at
day time
The latest knowledge and information is needed to keep up with the research needs. The selected conference
and journal papers have been selected carefully according to the aforementioned research criteria in the
field of smart parking engineering, specifically these which published in the last fifteen years. It is highly
anticipated that in the near future, vehicular communication systems will be more effective in many
transportation research areas especially for avoiding accidents and traffic congestion. Some new technology
will be demonstrated in order to give a new and broader perspective for sophisticated communication
systems. According to the aforementioned criteria, a number of different smart parking systems have been
developed based on different factors and types of technology. The main findings from the survey results
show that searching for parking is a priority, where the majority of drivers will search for a parking spot as
they approach or arrive at their destination. Those systems that use computer vision and CCTVs in
particular have scalability, and reliability is very high in this system, but regarding accuracy, false detection
may occur.
Various research gaps have been discussed to illustrate that there are not enough studies describing how to
design IT smart parking system for stakeholders. Therefore, this issue needs further investigation, and this
was my main question posed in the research. In this paper a comprehensive literature review of conference
papers and journal articles is performed, where various systems that provide smart parking services are
discussed. These systems can resolve the parking problems that arise due to the unavailability of a reliable,
efficient, and modern parking system. The main purpose of this review is to find out the current research
contributions by searching for valuable contributions, and so identify the issues that can help in developing
a new smart parking system. These papers were then assessed for the quality of the evidence they produced
and so were categorized. A major goal of this review was to gain greater clarity on the evolutionary patterns
of smart parking, as well as its role. At least two research gaps have been identified, which was the primary
focus of this research.
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