journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/fuel
Department of Chemical Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
IT Innovation Center, General Motors, Warren, MI 48092, USA
Department of Chemical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Center of Research Excellence in Nanotechnology, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: In this work, the performance of a novel configuration for Spirulina microalgae gasification was investigated
Biomass gasification through an improved thermodynamic model using Aspen Plus. Compared with existing thermodynamic models,
Spirulina microalgae tar formation is included in the improved counterpart. The proposed novel gasification process consists of four
Tar formation primary zones: (i) pyrolysis, (ii) combustion, (iii) gasification, and (iv) optimization. First, the modeling results
Thermodynamic analysis
were compared against experimental values, where a good agreement (relative error < 10%) was obtained
under identical operating conditions. Then, performance of the novel gasification configuration was studied
using the developed improved thermodynamic model at various operating conditions. Metrics such as gasifi-
cation system efficiency, syngas composition and cold gas efficiency were used to measure the performance. It
was found that incorporation of the optimization zone improves the concentration of CO and H2 at the controlled
use of gasifying agents. Moreover, injection of suitable amount of gasifying agents enhances the gasification
performance. Finally, the effects of O2 equivalence ratio and steam injection on the system performance were
1. Introduction (i.e., O2, CO2) [3,4]. Indeed, production cost of microalgae is a major
consideration for commercialization of microalgae for biofuels. The
In recent years, besides traditional agricultural biomass, a special selection of proper nutrients, water and CO2 could potentially cut the
type of biomass, microalgae, has received considerable attention as a production cost by > 50% [5]. Furthermore, the production cost can be
clean energy source to substitute fossil fuels due to the increased con- reduced by taking suitable land for cultivation of microalgae [6] and
cern on energy security as well as environmental sustainability [1]. the harvesting method [7]. Among various approaches to convert mi-
Biomass from different sources including terrestrial biomass and marine croalgae into biofuels, gasification through which a mixture of incon-
biomass is considered as a potential candidate to substitute the fossil densable gas such as H2, CO, CH4 and CO2 is produced, has been widely
fuels given its advantages over fossil fuels in term of environment issue viewed as a promising way due to its relatively high energy conversion
(e.g., carbon neutral cycle). Recently, on purpose marine biomass such efficiency [2].
as microalgae has received a growing attention as a clean energy source However, at industrial scale, effective gasification of microalgae is
attributable to its advantages over terrestrial biomass including its still limited largely due to the existence of tar, a complex mixture of
ability to recover CO2 through photosynthesis way during their growing aromatic hydrocarbons [8]. Because of the existence of tar which comes
period, tolerance with nutrients in the water, higher photosynthesis out along with the produced incondensable gas, gasification efficiency
efficiency and shorter growth cycle [2]. The use of microalgae emits can be significantly diminished [9]. Therefore, tar concentration during
notably low SOx emission due to its minimum concentration of sulfur. the gasification of microalgae should be kept as minimum as possible.
In addition, even microalgae consists of high-protein, indicating con- In most instances, tar concentration can be reduced using separation
siderable amount of nitrogen element, the NOx formation during gasi- either by dry treatment (i.e., cyclone, filters, etc.) or wet treatment (i.e.,
fication process could be minimized by selecting proper gasifying agent spray towers, wet cyclones, etc.). Although separation has been
Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M. Hossain).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 1 September 2018; Received in revised form 10 December 2018; Accepted 11 December 2018
0016-2361/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
demonstrated as an effective way to remove tar from the produced consuming work, especially for a large-scale microalgae gasification
incondensable gas, it is not able to fully preserve the high gasification [21]. Thermodynamic modeling, where steady-state equilibrium phy-
efficiency given tar is wasted instead of being converted to incon- sicochemical principles are applied to predict the overall reactor out-
densable gas [10]. Moreover, post-processing the separated tar requires come, has been widely viewed as a promising way to quickly estimate
additional energy, which will further decrease the overall gasification the overall performance of biomass gasification with reasonable accu-
efficiency [1,11]. Thus, it is more feasible to directly convert tar into racy [22–25]. For this reason, thermodynamic modeling has also been
incondensable combustible gas. largely employed to simulate biomass gasification and evaluate the
During microalgae gasification, tar is primarily formed in the pyr- performance of novel gasifier designs [26,27]. This is also the case to
olysis step which occurs at relatively low temperature. In principle, microalgae gasification [22,23]. However, most thermodynamic mod-
direct conversion of tar into incondensable combustible gas can be eling of microalgae gasification uses relatively simplified reactions to
achieved through three approaches, i.e., (i) increasing the gasification model the tar formation and conversion. This will definitely lower the
temperature, (ii) employment of tar cracking catalysts, and (iii) novel overall prediction accuracy for thermodynamic modeling of microalgae
gasifier design. However, thermal cracking of tar at high temperature is gasification. Due to the high nitrogenated content in microalgae, many
costly as this is an energy intensive process [1,12]. In general, using studies have revealed that it is reasonable to approximate tar as ni-
catalysts should be a proper way to increase tar conversion at relatively trogenated aromatic hydrocarbon to preserve engineering accuracy
low temperature [1,13]. However, it is highly possible for catalysts to [28,29]. Therefore, such tar approximation is adopted in our current
suffer from the problems of deactivation due to pore blockage by coke thermodynamic modeling of microalgae gasification [30].
and degradation of mechanical strengths [14–16]. For design of novel In this work, a comprehensive thermodynamic modeling of the
gasifiers, in recent years many investigations have shown that it is an foregoing mentioned new configuration for microalgae gasification was
efficient way to increase tar conversion and gasification efficiency. For conducted using Aspen Plus. The single-species microalgae, Spirulina,
example, Susanto and Beenackers [17] proposed a new design on a was selected as the feedstock and tar was modeled as a mixture of ni-
continuous downdraft gasifier for woody biomass, in which an internal trogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. Spirulina contains high concentra-
cycle is introduced. With such novel design, tar produced from the tion of protein, which is favorable for production of oil during pyrolysis
pyrolysis zone is cracked in the combustion zone, through which the stage [31]. Furthermore, the vaporized oil is converted into syngas as
final collected tar concentration decreases by 97% (from the major gasification product. First, the thermodynamic modeling was
1410 mg·Nm−3 to 48 mg·Nm−3). Similarly, Brandt et al. [18] success- validated against experimental results to prove its accuracy. Then,
fully reduced tar content below 15 mg·Nm−3 using the design of two- performance of the new Spirulina gasification system was analyzed with
stage gasifier with a dry wood as the feedstock. Therefore, it could be respect to gasification system efficiency, syngas composition and cold
anticipated that novel design of gasifier could significantly increase the gas efficiency. Finally, the flow rates of oxygen and steam were varied
efficiency of microalgae gasification. to investigate their effects on gasification performance for optimal op-
In our previous work [19], a gasification system including a CO2- eration of the new design.
absorber to upgrade the syngas quality by removing CO2 from the
syngas stream was proposed and assessed. It was proved to be very 2. Description of the novel design
efficient for microalgae gasification. In this study, such novel gasifica-
tion design is further enhanced by realizing the in-situ utilization of The proposed novel design of microalgae gasification process is
pure CO2 as the side product through facilitating the Bouduard reaction shown in Fig. 1, where four major zones are involved, i.e., pyrolysis
to enhance the char and CO2 conversion into CO, which is usually used zone, combustion zone, gasification zone, and optimization zone. The
in a direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) [20]. The improved gasifying agents are steam and high-purity oxygen. The ultimate and
configuration consists of pyrolysis, combustion, gasification, and opti- proximate analysis of the feedstock Spirulina including its heating value
mization stages, respectively, with a number of advantages such as are summarized in Table 1. The Spirulina feedstock including its prop-
production of clean syngas due to an effective tar conversion and in-situ erties (i.e., ultimate, proximate and high heating value) for simulation
utilization of CO2. is adapted from the one used by Hong et al. [31]. The actual operation
Assessing the performance of a novel design for microalgae gasifi- of Spirulina gasification in this novel configuration can be majorly de-
cation is critical to its subsequent optimization and scale-up processes. scribed as follows. At the inlet, Spirulina is continuously fed at constant
However, it is rather difficult, even if possible, to use the traditional flow rate of 100 kg/h. The feedstock first enters the pyrolysis zone (Z-
experimental approach to conduct such laborious, high-cost and time- 1). In Z-1, moisture content in Spirulina evaporates first due to high
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
Table 1
Properties of Spirulina [31]. Methane formation C + 2H2 ↔ CH4 (13)
Proximate, % mass
Moisture 6.7
3. Model development
Volatile matters 73.5
Fixed carbon 13.2
Ash 6.6 Performance of the proposed novel gasification process for Spirulina
Ultimate, % mass
is modeled using AspenPlus®, primarily based on the minimization of
C 49.8 Gibbs free energy [23,32]. In the simulation, the feedstock Spirulina is
H 6.6 classified as a nonconventional element while the gasifying agents are
O 31.9 categorized as conventional elements. Regarding the solid products,
N 11.0
carbon and ash are modeled as cisolid and nonconventional elements,
S 0.7
respectively. The gaseous products including H2, H2O, CO, CO2, CH4,
HHV, MJ/kg 15.1
C2H6 and tar are considered as conventional elements. It is worth
noting that the tar in this simulation is represented by a mixture of
indole, benzyl nitrile, benzonitrile, quinolone, p-cresol, phenol and
temperature. Then, Spirulina is decomposed into solid (i.e., char) and
naphthalene. The Peng-Robinson equation of state is chosen as the
gaseous products including water vapor, permanent gases (CO, H2, CH4
thermodynamic model due to its good accuracy for simulation of ga-
and CO2) and tars. These pyrolysis products are sent to the cyclone 1
sification process [23,30,33]. The following assumptions are made: (i)
(CL-1) to separate the solid products from the gaseous products. The
ash is inert; (ii) mass transfer limitation is minimum; and (iii) pressure
solid products are further split into two streams: one to the gasification
drop along the equipment is trivial. Operating parameters of the pro-
zone (Z-3) and the other to the optimization zone (Z-4). At the same
posed novel gasification process for Spirulina are listed in Table 2. The
time, the gaseous products are directed to the combustion zone (Z-2). In
efficiency of the rotating equipment is adapted from the previous lit-
Z-2, the gaseous products contact with the gasifying agents and the tar
erature [19]. In the following, detailed information on the thermo-
concentration decays due to its conversion to permanent gases. After
dynamic modeling of zones from pyrolysis to optimization is described.
that, the products from Z-2 are sent to Z-3, where they interact with a
portion of char obtained from CL-1. The gasification products are then
directed to cyclone-2 (CL-2) to remove the unconverted char. Later, the 3.1. Pyrolysis zone (Z-1)
solid products are directed to Z-4 while the gaseous products are cooled
in the cooler-1 (CR-1). The condensed water from CR-1 is separated in Spirulina enters Z-1 with constant mass flow rate of 100 kg/h. In Z-1,
the flash-1 (FL-1) before it is fed to the CO2-absorber (AS) unit, where the feedstock is thermally decomposed into (a) gaseous products
the CO2 is removed from the cooled dry gaseous gasification products. (conventional elements) including H2, H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, C2H6 and
The high-purity CO2 is directed to Z-4 while other gaseous gasification tar, (b) carbon (ci-solid element), and (c) ash (nonconventional ele-
products are sent to the cooler-2 (CR-2), along with the gas from the ment). For the thermodynamic modeling of Z-1, the following as-
cyclone-3 (CL-3). In Z-4, the high-purity CO2 reacts with a portion of sumptions are made:
char received from CL-1 and part of gasifying agents (i.e., O2 and
steam). The condensed water from CR-2 is removed in the flash-2 (FL-2) (i) The char only consists of carbon and ash. This has been confirmed
before distributing the syngas to the users. The overall gasification through experiment by Fagbemi et al. [34], reporting that a large
process as described above except the pyrolysis phase majorly contains content of carbon (> 88 wt%) is observed on the char from pyr-
the following reactions [30]: olysis at 773 K.
1 (ii) The amount of char is calculated based on the experimental value
Partial oxidation C+ O2 CO
(1) suggested by Hong et al. [31], showing the char yield from pyr-
olysis at 973 K.
(iii) The tar is limited to indole, benzyl nitrile, benzonitrile, quinolone,
Boudouard reaction C + CO2 ↔ 2CO (2) p-cresol, phenol and naphthalene. This is based on the experi-
mental results from Hong et al. [31], where tar was found to be
Steam reforming C + H2O ↔ CO + H2 (3)
almost composed of nitrogenated compounds, phenols, and poly-
Water-gas shift reaction CO + H2O ↔ CO2 + H2 (4) cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during pyrolysis at 973 K.
(iv) Due to the extreme complexity of the nitrogenated compounds,
Methane reforming CH4 + H2O ↔ CO + 3H2 (5) their thermochemical properties are obtained using the empirical
CO2 reforming CH4 + CO2 ↔ 2CO + 2H2 (6) relationship proposed by Benson et al. [35].
1 1
Steam reforming of aromatic C x Hy Nz + x H2 O x CO + (y + 2x )H2 + z N2 The quantity of products as well as heat needed are predicted by
2 2
Table 2
Operating conditions of the proposed novel gasification process for Spirulina in
p-Cresol steam reforming C7H8O + 6H2O ↔ 7CO + 10H2 (8) the simulation.
Inlet temperature of Spirulina, boiler feed water and O2 298 K
Phenol steam reforming C6H5OH + 5H2O ↔ 6CO + 8H2 (9) Temperature of steam entering gasification zone 623 K
Temperature of pyrolysis zone (Z-1) 973 K
Naphthalene steam reforming C10H8 + 10H2O ↔ 10CO + 14H2 (10)
Temperature of combustion zone (Z-2) 1523 K
1 Temperature of gasification zone (Z-3) 1423 K
Alkane combustion Cn H2n + 2 + (3n + 1)O2 nCO2 + (n + 1)H2 O Temperature of optimization zone (Z-4) 873 K
Efficiency of BFW pump 0.80
(11) O2 compressor
Isentropic efficiency 0.85
1 Mechanical efficiency 0.96
CO combustion CO + O2 CO2
2 (12)
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
solving the elemental and heat balances simultaneously in the RYield. Table 3
Gas composition of the experimental work [38] and the model.
3.2. Combustion zone (Z-2) Compound Hong et al. [31] This work Error (%)
The gaseous products obtained from Z-1 then pass CL-1 and contact Gaseous product, mol%
H2 32.6% 33.4% 2.4%
with the gasifying agents in Z-2, undergoing exothermic reactions
CO 40.5% 37.8% 6.6%
which implies to high operating temperature (1523 K). Due to the high CH4 13.8% 15.1% 9.0%
temperature in Z-2, reactions in this zone are assumed to reach equi- CO2 7.9% 6.7% 15.4%
librium very fast. Therefore, the RGibss block is taken to represent Z-2 C2H6 3.0% 3.7% 24.2%
in the simulation. RGibss is the only Aspen Plus block which operates Tar 1.2% 1.5% 24.2%
according to the minimization of Gibbs free energy method. The pro- Solid product, wt%
ducts obtained from Z-2 are sent to Z-3 for further processing. Char 10.0% 10.9% 9.4%
(15) troduced to the combustion zone (Z-2). The char from the cyclone-1
where Q and E are the heat rate and energy rate, respectively. The use (CL-1) is split into two streams and sent to gasification zone (Z-3) and
of relatively purified O2 (95% O2) for gasification is favorable due to its optimization zone (Z-4). In this regard, the optimization zone (Z-4) is
ability to provide a higher gasification temperature which leads to a selected as a reference for quantifying the char split in term of mass
higher conversion of tar reforming, compared with air [17,30]. Con- fraction, called C to Z-4. Thus, when the entire char stream is directed
sequently, additional energy of 305 kWh per ton of O2 is required for to the gasification zone (Z-3), the condition is referred as C to Z-4 of 0.0.
the gasification process [36]. An extra energy consumption of 3 MJ/kg Fig. 2 shows the molar flow rates of the major constituents of the
of CO2 absorbed is also involved to run the amine-based CO2 absorber feed and the products streams of each primary zone. It is clearly seen in
with the CO2 removal efficiency of 90% [37]. Fig. 2a that the product streams contains tar, carbon and light gases
including H2, CO, CO2, CH4, C2H6, O2, N2 and H2O. This result indicates
5. Model validation that in the pyrolysis stage, the Spirulina biomass is completely decom-
posed into gaseous products and tar. The low temperature of the pyr-
The proposed thermodynamic model was first validated by olysis stage (973 K) favors the conversion of Spirulina biomass into tar
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
Fig. 2. Mole flow of the feed and product of (a) pyrolysis zone, (b) combustion zone, (c) gasification zone, and (d) optimization zone. (Feed: grey; product: black).
[38–40]. Following the pyrolysis step, the mixed product stream is sent increase of CO flow rates in the product stream (Fig. 2d). Interesting to
to cyclone-1 (CL-1) in order to separate solids from the rest of the see (in Fig. 2d) that the overall CO2 flow slightly increases, despite its
products. The separated solid products is sent to the splitter for splitting consumption in reaction Eq. (2). This increase of CO2 can be explained
the char to: (1) the gasification zone (Z-3) and (2) the optimization zone by comparing CO2 and H2 production via water-gas shift reaction (Eq.
(Z-4), while the gaseous products including tar are sent to the com- (4)), which results in a higher flow rate of H2. The slight increase of H2
bustion zone (Z-2) for further processing. flow rate is due to hydrogen consumption in methanation reaction (Eq.
In the combustion zone (Z-2), the gaseous pyrolysis products react (13)) to give CH4.
with the gasifying agents (O2 and steam) to permanent gases. As a re-
sult, the molar flow rates of CH4, C2H6 and O2 in the product stream 6.2. The effects of O2 equivalence ratio
significantly decrease, while the flow rates of H2O and CO2 increase
(Fig. 2b). The exothermic alkane combustion reactions also increase the The effect of O2 equivalence ratio (ER) (varied from 0.00 to 1.00) on
combustion zone temperature up to 1523 K. This high temperature fa- the gasification performance is investigated at a constant S/C ratio of
cilitates the tar reforming reactions (Eqs. (7)–(10)) and converts tar into 1.0. The char supplied to Z-4 is varied between 0 and 0.6 (as a fraction
the permanent gases. This is confirmed by the absence of tar in the of total char flow) to study the effect of char split configuration at
product stream. The tar reforming reactions also contribute to the various O2 split fractions (O2 to Z-4 is varied between 0.0 and 0.4).
production of H2 and CO [30]. The combustion zone (Z-2) products The dry basis concentrations of the primary constituents (H2, CO
flows to the gasification zone (Z-3) for further reactions. and CO2) in the syngas at various splits of char and oxygen for the O2
In gasification zone (Z-3), the combustion products react with char ER from 0.00 to 1.00 are shown in Fig. 3. It can be clearly seen that
received from the cyclone-1 (CL-1). Consequently, the carbon feed rates increasing O2 ER at a certain value favors CO2 production and decreases
of the product stream decreases, while the reform products (H2 and CO) the concentrations of H2 and CO. Further increase in O2 ER after the
increase, as shown in Fig. 2c. This observation indicates that the steam optimal point has minimum influence on the syngas composition. In-
reforming reaction (Eq. (3)) dominates in the gasification stage. The deed, the production of CO and H2 is dominated by partial oxidation
flow rate of CO2 in the product stream is slightly higher than its reaction (Eq. (1)) and steam reforming reaction (Eq. (3)). However, the
counterpart in the feed stream. This suggests the participation of the presence of excessive O2 in the gasification system promotes CO oxi-
water-gas shift reaction (Eq. (4)), which is also confirmed by the de- dation reaction (Eq. (12)), resulting in CO2 formation and restrain the
crease flow rate of H2O. The gasification products from Z-3 is sent to the concentrations of CO and H2. The reason for the plateau (Figs. 3a and
gas treatment process including Cyclone-2 (CL-2) and CO2-absorber 4a) of syngas composition at high O2 ER can be explained by the ab-
(AS) to remove the unconverted char and CO2 from the main syngas sence of CO due to the lack of carbon source from char. The CO con-
stream, respectively. centration is near to zero, where a complete carbon conversion is
In the optimization zone (Z-4), char received from the cyclone-2 reached at very high O2 ER (O2 ER > 0.92 when the C to Z-4 equals 0).
(CL-2) and cyclone-1 (CL-1), reacts with pure CO2 and steam, received Similar result is observed on the other char split fractions. These results
from the CO2-absorber (AS) and the boiler (BR), respectively. In Z-4, indicate that higher amount of O2 in the gasification process is re-
char reacts with the oxidizing agents converting C and CO2 into CO sponsible for the CO oxidation to CO2 (Eq. (12)), leading to minimum
(Eqs. (2) and (4)). This is confirmed by disappearance of carbon and CO production. Billdaud et al. [41] also reported similar conclusion
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
Fig. 7. The effect of S/C ratio on carbon conversion at different steam to Z-4
fractions: (a) steam to Z-4 of 0.0, (b) steam to Z-4 of 0.2 and (c) steam to Z-4 of
Fig. 6. The effect of S/C ratio on the composition of syngas at different steam to
Z-4 fractions: (a) steam to Z-4 of 0.0, (b) steam to Z-4 of 0.2 and (c) steam to Z-4
of 0.4. (Red: CO, black: H2 and brown: CO2). (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of Fig. 6a–c. This can be explained by the fact that the steam reforming
this article.) reaction (Eq. (3)), which is promoted by steam injection, facilitates
conversion of carbon and steam into CO and H2. It is worth noting that
0.6 on the gasification with the steam to Z-4 and the S/C ratio of 0.0 at higher steam to Z-4, the domination of the water-gas shift (Eq. (4))
and 0.31, respectively. Under the similar conditions with higher S/C reaction increases due to the excess amount of steam, converting CO
ratio (2.00), the concentration of CO slightly raises from 0.26 to 0.27 and steam into CO2 and H2.
while the concentration of H2 declined from 0.50 to 0.49 and the CO2 The considerable effect of steam at various char split fraction to the
concentration remains constant at 0.19. The explanation of this lays on optimization zone (Z-4) is also found on the CGE, as depicted in Fig. 8.
the fact that the steam reforming reaction (Eq. (3)) has a minor influ- The CGE slightly mitigates with the increase of S/C ratio from 0.0 to 2.0
ence on the syngas composition due to the small amount of char from at the C to Z-4 of 0.0. These results can be explained by the fact that the
the pyrolysis product (i.e., 10 wt%). The limited CO concentration leads increase of heating value due to the slight increase of H2 concentration
to the minimum effect of the water-gas shift reaction (Eq. (4)). This is is counterbalanced by the significant decrease of CO concentration,
confirmed by the significant increase of carbon conversion that is not in resulting a decline of net syngas heating value. This is an indication of
line with the increase of CO concentration in the syngas as depicted in strong influence of syngas composition on the CGE. The similar fashion
Figs. 7 and 6, respectively. is observed on the gasification with the steam to Z-4 of 0.2 and 0.4, as
The influence of the char split fraction the optimization zone (Z-4) shown in Fig. 8b and c, respectively. The identical conclusion is re-
on the syngas concentration is higher when the steam split fraction to ported in the previous published literature [19]. The char split fraction
the optimization zone (Z-4) is increased from 0.0 to 0.4, as shown in to the optimization zone (Z-4) has a negative effect on the CGE at low
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
7. Conclusions
M.A. Adnan et al. Fuel 241 (2019) 372–381
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