Human T-Cell Leukaemia Virus Type I and Adult T-Cell Leukaemia
Human T-Cell Leukaemia Virus Type I and Adult T-Cell Leukaemia
Human T-Cell Leukaemia Virus Type I and Adult T-Cell Leukaemia
Adult T-cell leukaemia-lymphoma (ATL) is a malignancy of peripheral T lymphocytes caused by human Lancet Oncol 2014; 15: e517–26
T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-1), and its prognosis is poor. There are an estimated 5 million to 20 million Division of Oncology,
HTLV-1 infected individuals worldwide; their lifetime risk of developing ATL is 3–5%, and high HTLV-1 proviral Hematology and Infectious
Diseases, Department of
loads have been shown to be an independent risk factor. Recent advances in the treatment of ATL are the introduction
Internal Medicine, Fukuoka
of treatment targeted against CC chemokine receptor 4 (CCR4), which is abundantly expressed on most ATL cells, University, Fukuoka, Japan
and allogeneic haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation for aggressive ATL. Promising outcomes are also reported (K Ishitsuka MD;
with early intervention for indolent ATL with interferon α and zidovudine. Clinical trials should incorporate a Prof K Tamura MD)
validated prognostic index to assess the results, because of the difficulties associated with undertaking large-scale Correspondence to:
Dr Kenji Ishitsuka, Division of
trials and significant diversity of clinical features with ATL, even in the same clinical subtypes (acute, lymphoma,
Oncology, Hematology and
chronic, and smoldering). Infectious Diseases, Department
of Internal Medicine, Fukuoka
Introduction In this Review, we discuss the epidemiology of HTLV-1, University, 7–45–1 Nanakuma
Jonan, Fukuoka 814–0180, Japan
Adult T-cell leukaemia-lymphoma (ATL) is a malignancy transmission of HTLV-1 and its prevention, recent
of peripheral T lymphocytes caused by human advances in the oncogenesis and pathophysiology of
T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-1), and its prognosis ATL, identification of HTLV-1 carriers at high risk of
is poor compared with other aggressive non-Hodgkin development of ATL, and the clinical features, treatment,
lymphomas. The clinical entity of ATL was first proposed and prognostic index of this disease.
in 1977 as a distinct T-cell neoplasm frequently observed
in southwestern Japan, and the RNA retrovirus HTLV-1 Epidemiology of HTLV-1
was subsequently isolated as the causative virus.1,2 HTLV-1 is endemic in southwestern Japan, the Caribbean,
HTLV-1 also causes HTLV-1-associated myelopathy- intertropical Africa, the Middle East, South America, and
tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM-TSP), a chronic Papua New Guinea, and the prevalence of patients with
inflammatory disease of the CNS characterised by slowly ATL and HAM-TSP has been linked to the distribution of
progressive spastic paraparesis, lower limb sensory HTLV-1.12
disturbance, and bladder or bowel dysfunction.3,4 The origin of HTLV-1 is considered to be primate T-cell
Differences in the immune response to HTLV-1 in lymphotropic virus (PTLV) in African non-human
infected individuals, which are at least partially primates. It migrated within a simian reservoir towards
dependent on the HLA haplotypes—ie, low immune Asia, and evolved into simian T-cell leukaemia virus
responders to HTLV-1 infected cells are at risk of ATL type-I (STLV-1). This STLV-1 lineage spread to Japan and
but high immune responders to HTLV-1 infected cells India, and Indonesia where it may have crossed the
are at risk of HAM-TSP—have been proposed as the simian–human barrier for the first time, which resulted
reasons why the same virus causes two distinctive in the HTLV-1c (Australo-Melanesian) subtype. STLV-1
diseases, one a malignant disease and the other an returned to Africa from Asia and evolved into several
inflammatory disease.5,6 By contrast, a less efficient subtypes of HTLV-1a (the cosmopolitan subtype), 1b (the
response by cytotoxic T cells against HTLV-1 is reported central African subtype), 1d, 1e, and 1f around 19 000 to
to be the cause of risk of HAM-TSP since it causes a 35 500 years ago. HTLV-1a arose in west Africa, and
higher proviral load and higher antigen expression that spread to the USA, Japan, the Middle East, and North
activates and expands antigen-specific T-cell responses, Africa (known as HTLV-1a late) because of the slave trade
followed by induction of large amount of and the increased mobility of human beings.13
proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines.7 In HTLV-1 An estimated 5 million to 20 million individuals are
carriers in Japan, the lifetime risk of ATL is estimated infected with HTLV-1 worldwide.14,15 In a study by Satake
3–5% (5–7% for men and 2–4% for women) and of and colleagues,16 the seropositivity of HTLV-1 among
HAM-TSP is 0·25%.8,9 first-time blood donors was reported to be 0·32% (3787
The clinical course of ATL is very heterogeneous, and of 1 196 321) in Japan between 2006 and 2007. Adjusted
the Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG) has proposed overall prevalences were estimated to be 0·66% in men
four clinical subtypes (acute, lymphoma, chronic, and and 1·02% in women, and the number of HTLV-1 carriers
smoldering types) based on the prognostic factors, aged 0–99 years is estimated to be at least 1·08 million in
clinical features, and the natural history of the disease. Japan, which is 10% lower than reported in the 1988
Acute, lymphoma, and unfavourable chronic types are database cited in their article.16 Most carriers are aged
considered to be aggressive ATLs, and favourable chronic 70–80 years; this finding differs from that reported in the
and smoldering types are indolent ATLs.10,11 1988 database, in which the most carriers were aged
50–60 years. A marked decrease in the prevalence of formula-fed. On the basis of these findings, a nationwide
HTLV-1 based on the age of the blood donor has been programme to prevent mother-to-child infection was
reported. For example, the mean carrier rate for all initiated in Japan in April, 2011, by screening all pregnant
donors in one prefecture located in southwestern Japan women for HTLV-1 infection and recommending either
was 1·95%, whereas the rate was 8·7% in men aged exclusive formula feeding, freeze-thawing of expressed
60–64 years, and 14·0% in women aged 60–64 years. Sex breast milk to destroy HTLV-1-infected lymphocytes, or
differences in HTLV-1 prevalence increase after age breastfeeding for a maximum of 3 months if the mother
20 years, with more women infected than men.16 In is infected, unless they give birth to high-risk infants
Brazil, the prevalence of HTLV-1 among first-time blood such as premature babies.
donors was 0·14% (363 of 281 760) between 2007 and
2009, and was significantly correlated with age (adjusted Oncogenesis and pathophysiology of ATL
odds ratio [aOR] 5·23 for age >50 vs <20 years), female HTLV-1-infected cells express the virus protein Tax,
sex (aOR 1·97), and black (aOR 2·70 vs white) and mixed which has various cellular functions including
race (aOR 1·78 vs white), and inversely correlated with activation of NF-κB, Akt signalling, and cyclin-
education (aOR 0·49, college graduates vs those who did dependent kinases, and silencing of P53 function. Tax
not complete high school).17 By contrast, a study showed has been considered to play a key part in the oncogenesis
that the prevalence of HTLV-1 in first-time blood donors of ATL in the early stages, because Tax could
in European countries was 0–0·0048%, except for immortalise T lymphocytes in vitro,25 and transgenic
Romania, where it was 0·05%.18–20 Most HTLV-1 infected mice which expressed Tax showed oncogenic
donors in these countries were either from an endemic capabilities.26 However, because Tax is a target for the
area or had a sexual partner from an endemic area.18 host cytotoxic T cells, there is some survival advantage
for Tax expression to be impaired to enable HTLV-1-
Transmission and prevention of HTLV-1 infected cells to escape immune surveillance and
Clustering of HTLV-1 carriers was reported in family survive in the host.27 Studies have shown that Tax
members of patients with ATL soon after the transcript could not be detected in fresh ATL cells
identification of the virus, suggesting that this virus is derived from more than half of patients with this
transmitted by close contact within the family.21,22 Three disease because of the accumulation of non-sense
major HTLV-1 transmission routes are mother-to-child, mutations, insertions and deletion in Tax, silencing of
sexual intercourse, and blood transfusions containing viral transcription by DNA methylation of the provirus,
cellular components–ie, HTLV-1 infected lymphocytes.23 or deletion of the proviral 5´LTR.27 It suggests the
Transmission via transfusion has been almost possibility that Tax is not necessarily important to
eliminated through viral screening of donated blood, develop ATL in the late stage of oncogenesis.
which has been done since 1986 in Japan, 1988 in the The universal expression of HTLV-1 basic leucine zipper
USA, 1991 in France, 1993 in Brazil, and 2002 in the UK. (HBZ), an antisense mRNA transcribed from the 3´LTR,
However, some European countries have not introduced has been reported in fresh ATL cells and HTLV-1- infected
screening, and Norway and Finland decided to stop cells.27 The suppression of HBZ gene transcription
screening because no positive donors were found after inhibits the proliferation of ATL cells, while expression of
7 and 13 years of testing, respectively.18 HBZ gene promoted the proliferation of a human T cell
Sexual transmission is mainly male to female via line in vitro.28 HBZ selectively inhibits classic NF-κB
HTLV-1-infected lymphocytes in semen, and can be pathways without inhibiting alternative NF-κB pathways.
prevented by use of a latex condom. Although the Moreover, HBZ induced the expression of FOXP3 in
prevalence of HTLV-1 in the husbands of HTLV-1 carrier naive T cells, which is consistent with one of the
wives was not higher than that in the general population, established characteristic phenotypes of ATL cells.29,30
the wives of carrier husbands in elderly populations were These findings strongly suggest that HBZ and Tax play an
almost invariably infected.21 The prevalence of HTLV-1 important part in the oncogenesis of ATL by HTLV-1.
increases in women in an age-dependent manner after The suppression of ATL cell growth and promotion of
they reach their 20s, which supports the male-to-female apoptosis by inhibition of NF-κB with miR-31 have been
transmission of HTLV-1; however, individuals infected reported in vitro.31 Repression of miR-31, which negatively
with HTLV-1 after adolescence are considered to be at regulates NF-κB signalling by inhibiting NF-κB-inducing
very low risk of developing ATL. Therefore, mother-to- kinase (NIK), was confirmed by profiling cellular
child transmission is currently the most important risk microRNA on primary ATL cells. Therefore, the
factor of HTLV-1 infection associated with the subsequent activation of NIK by genetic and epigenetic loss of miR-
development of ATL. A Japanese long-term prospective 31 has been suggested as a possible mechanism for the
study24 reported HTLV-1 transmission rates from infected constitutive activation of NF-κB in ATL cells that are not
mother to child of 20·5% after the child was breastfed at expressing Tax.31
least 6 months, of 8·3% after breastfeeding for An analysis using oligoarray comparative genomic
less than 6 months, and of 2·4% when exclusively hybridisation against paired samples with acute-type ATL
composed of peripheral blood and lymph nodes showed Identification of high-risk HTLV-1 carriers for
many subclones, and that the genome profiles of the development of ATL
peripheral blood samples frequently differed from those The lifetime risk of development of ATL in HTLV-1
of the lymph node samples. ATL cells in lymph nodes carriers is only 3–5%. Currently, we have no established
contain more diverse subclones than those in peripheral method to predict the risk of progression to ATL in
blood, although some subclones seen in lymph nodes HTLV-1 carriers, and no information is available about
exist in peripheral blood, which indicates the accumulation whether a routine clinical check up of HTLV-1 carriers is
of genomic abnormalities and clonal evolution of ATL useful for the early detection of progression and whether
cells in lymph nodes.32 it ultimately improves outcomes. To delineate the risk
A distinct subgroup has been reported in peripheral factors for development of ATL in HTLV-1 carriers will be
T-cell lymphoma-unspecified, which possesses a similar beneficial. HTLV-1 proviral load was significantly higher
genomic imbalance to lymphoma-type ATL. Tumour in patients with acute or chronic type ATL than in
cells in this particular subgroup of peripheral T-cell patients with HAM-TSP or lymphoma type ATL, which
lymphoma-unspecified exhibit similar histopathological have similar proviral loads. A high proviral load in
characteristics with the frequent expression of CC peripheral blood mononuclear cells has been suggested
chemokine receptor 4 (CCR4), which is a characteristic to be a risk factor for the development of ATL.34,35 The
phenotype of ATL cells, and the outlook for these Joint Study on Predisposing Factors of ATL Development
patients is as poor as that for patients with ATL. These (JSPFAD)36 has been undertaking a nationwide large
results imply common mechanisms for oncogenesis prospective study in Japan, in which 14 of 1218
between lymphoma type ATL and this particular asymptomatic carriers developed ATL (two acute, two
subgroup of peripheral T-cell lymphoma-unspecified, lymphoma, ten smoldering); the cumulative probability
and further study is warranted.33 of progression to ATL was 4·8% (95% CI 1·9–11·8) with
Number of lymphoid cells (normal and abnormal in morphology) in peripheral blood ≥4000/μL
Yes No
Serum LDH >2 × ULN and/or corrected serum Ca ≥11·0 mg/dL? Histologically proven lymphadenopathy involved by ATL?
Yes No Yes No
Abnormal lymphocytes ATL lesion(s) in either the CNS, bone, pleural Abnormal lymphocytes ATL lesion(s) in either the CNS, bone, pleural effusion,
in PB ≥5%? effusion, ascites, or gastrointestinal tract? in PB >1%? ascites, gastrointestinal tract, liver, or spleen?
ATL lesion(s) in either the liver, spleen, Abnormal lymphocytes Abnormal lymphocytes
skin, lung, or lymph node? in PB ≥5%? in PB ≥5%?
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Not ATL Chronic type Not ATL Histologically proven Histologically proven
ATL lesion(s) in ATL lesion(s) in the skin
any sites? and/or lung?
Serum LDH >ULN, serum BUN >ULN, Yes No
Yes No
serum albumin <LLN?
Yes No
Lymphoma Not ATL Smoldering type HTLV-1 carrier
Unfavourable chronic Favourable chronic
Acute type
Figure: Determination of the ATL clinical subtype classification according to Shimoyama criteria10
ATL=Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma. ULN=upper limit of normal. LLN=lower limit of normal. (Courtesy of JCOG1111 coordinating office).
Treatment of adult T-cell leukaemia-lymphoma in clinical practice in Japan are listed in the panel.50 No
Aggressive ATL: chemotherapy salvage treatment has been established for relapsed or
The treatment strategies for aggressive ATL and resistant ATL. The therapeutic outcome in Japanese patients
indolent ATL were developed on the basis of those for treated in clinical trials and in practice is shown in table 1.
other malignant lymphomas such as diff use large Single agent chemotherapy with either low-dose daily
B-cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, etoposide or sobuzoxane is frequently used for patients
respectively (panel). with comorbidities or for palliative purposes; however,
An international consensus meeting46 recommended no comparative studies have been done.
first-line treatment for ATL with chemotherapies such as
the VCAP-AMP-VECP regimen, which is a sequential Aggressive ATL: interferon α and antiretroviral agents
combination chemotherapy consisting of vincristine, Interferon α has been used for the treatment of some
cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and prednisolone (VCAP); tumours such as renal cell carcinoma and melanoma and
doxorubicin, ranimustine, and prednisolone (AMP); and for the eradication of hepatitis B and C virus, and
vindesine, etoposide, carboplatin, and prednisolone (VECP), zidovudine has been used for HIV infection for years. The
with or without subsequent allogeneic haemopoietic stem- effectiveness of combined interferon-α and zidovudine to
cell transplantation (HSCT) for acute, lymphoma, and treat aggressive ATL has been reported in some
unfavourable chronic types of ATL, or interferon α and uncontrolled studies. Gill and colleagues53 and Hermine
zidovudine for acute and unfavourable chronic type ATL.46 and colleagues54 were the first to independently report the
Among six prospective clinical trials for first-line effectiveness of this treatment. Gill and colleagues
treatment of aggressive ATL undertaken by the JCOG, good reported that 58% (seven of 12) of previously untreated
progress was observed in JCOG9303, a phase 2 trial of and 57% (four of seven) of previously treated patients
VCAP-AMP-VECP, and JCOG9801, a randomised phase 3 achieved complete remission or partial remission, and the
trial that compared VCAP-AMP-VECP with biweekly median survival time was 3 months for all patients.53
CHOP (CHOP-14; cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, Hermine and colleagues reported its effectiveness in five
vincristine, and prednisolone).43,47–49 Overall survival at patients (data not shown).54 In a subsequent study,
3 years (24% vs 13%) and the proportion of patients who Hermine and colleagues55 reported that 54% (seven of 13)
achieved complete remission (40% vs 21%) were higher of untreated patients achieved complete remission and
with VCAP-AMP-VECP than CHOP-14; however, VCAP- 31% (four of 13) of untreated patients achieved partial
AMP-VECP had more toxic effects. CNS involvement in remission, and 33% (two of six) of previously treated
patients with ATL was 10–20%; CNS prophylaxis was patients achieved complete remission. Median overall
therefore incorporated into the JCOG9303 and JCOG9801 survival for all patients was 11 months.55 Matutes and
trials. Additional chemotherapy regimens frequently used colleagues56 reported response rates (complete remission
ATL=adult T-cell leukaemia-lymphoma. OS=overall survival. NA=not applicable. *No patients received combined interferon α and zidovudine (IFN/AZT), and patients who
underwent allogeneic transplantation are excluded.
ATL=adult T-cell leukaemia-lymphoma. IFN=interferon α. AZT=zidovudine. CR=complete remission. PR=partial remission. OS=overall survival. NA=Not available.
Table 3: Meta-analysis reported by Bazarbachi and colleagues of IFN/AZT versus chemotherapy for ATL58
plus partial remission) of 100% (three of three) for 25–40% with allogeneic HSCT.10,51 The major problem
previously untreated patients and 67% (ten of 15) for with allogeneic HSCT is the limited applicability of a
treated patients, with a median overall survival of myeloablative conditioning regimen because more than
18 months for all patients. White and colleagues57 showed 80% of patients with ATL are older than 55 years in
an inferior response rate of one complete remission and Japan. A retrospective Japanese study64 analysed
two partial remission in 18 patients; inadequate doses of 586 patients who underwent allogeneic HSCT with bone
interferon α and zidovudine were suggested as the reason marrow or peripheral blood stem cells between 1992 and
for this response (table 2). 2009. Median overall survival was 9·9 months, and 36%
A meta-analysis showed that first-line treatment with of patients were alive at 3 years after transplantation,
interferon α and zidovudine was significantly more which indicated that both a myeloablative conditioning
effective than chemotherapy alone for patients with acute regimen and a reduced intensity conditioning regimen
type ATL, but chemotherapy was more effective than (RIC) are effective in achieving long-term survival. 52%
interferon α and zidovudine for lymphoma type ATL (306 of 586) of the patients received RIC and achieved
(table 3).58 The median overall survival of patients with overall survival similar to that achieved with the
acute type ATL given chemotherapy was worse than that myeloablative conditioning regimen (median overall
reported in Japanese studies (table 1). However, the survival: 9·5 months vs 10·0 months). RIC was
baseline characteristics of patients might have differed significantly associated with ATL mortality compared
between the studies. Hodson and colleagues45 showed with the myeloablative conditioning regimen; however,
that the median overall survival of patients with not only RIC contributed to a better overall survival in older
acute but also lymphoma type ATL was significantly patients. Furthermore, the feasibility of unrelated cord
longer with combined first-line treatment with interferon blood transplantation has been confirmed, and a
α plus zidovudine plus chemotherapy, than chemotherapy prospective study is ongoing in Japan (clinical trial
alone. Moreover, the use of interferon α and zidovudine registry number UMIN000007927).62,65
at any time prolonged survival, and was the only factor The development of mild-to-moderate acute graft
associated with a reduction in the risk of death in patients versus host disease has been reported to contribute to
with aggressive ATL in their study.45 A small Japanese increased overall survival.61–63 The contribution of donor-
pilot study showed modest activity of interferon α and derived Tax-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T cells and Tax-
zidovudine in patients with heavily treated aggressive specific CD4+ T cells, and HBZ-specific CD4+ T cells has
ATL.59 Prospective studies are needed to lend support to been suggested to induce potent and selective anti-ATL
these results. effects with allogeneic HSCT.66–68
EPOCH=combination chemotherapy consisting of VP-16, PSL, VCR, CPM, and DOX. CHP=combination chemotherapy consisting of CPM, DOX, and PSL. CHOP=combination
chemotherapy consisting of CPM, DOX, VCR, and PSL.
Table 4: Clinical trials for ATL which are ongoing or under consideration
possible bias due to its retrospective nature cannot be Scores from 0 to 2 were categorised as low risk, 3 to 4 as
avoided; hence, a prospective study is needed. The JCOG intermediate risk, and 5 to 6 as high risk. In the validation
have also started a phase 3 study comparing interferon α sample, 77 patients (19%) were low risk, 208 patients
and zidovudine with watchful waiting for indolent ATL (52%) were intermediate risk, and 118 patients (29%) were
(study number JCOG1111; clinical trial registry number high risk. Low-risk patients had a median overall survival
UMIN000011805). This study will show whether there of 16·2 months (95% CI 13·4–23·2), and 37% (95% CI
are any benefits from early intervention for indolent ATL 25–49) were alive at 2 years; intermediate-risk patients had
with interferon α and zidovudine in Japanese patients. a median overall survival of 7·0 months (95% CI 6·3–8·6),
Several suggested mechanisms of the anti-ATL effects with 17% (95% CI 12–23) alive at 2 years; and high-risk
induced by interferon α and zidovudine have been patients had a median overall survival of 4·6 months
reported; however, they should be delineated more clearly.76 (95% CI 2·6–5·4) months, with 6% (95% CI 2–12) of
The feasibility and efficacy of combination arsenic trioxide patients alive at 2 years. The ATL prognostic index more
plus interferon α and zidovudine have been reported in a clearly distinguished the risk of patients than the
few patients with chronic type ATL in a phase 2 trial.77 International Prognostic Index or the prognostic index for
peripheral T-cell lymphoma-unspecified.79,80
Supportive care for ATL
Infections are frequently noted in patients with Discussion
ATL. Among them, Pneumocystitis pneumonia has The therapeutic outcome of patients with ATL has been
been associated with high mortality. Trimethoprim- improved by the introduction of multiagent chemotherapy,
sulfamethoxazole should be routinely given as a antiviral therapies, allogeneic HSCT, and advances in
prophylactic during treatment for ATL. Additionally, supportive care. However, the outlook for these patients is
treatment for other opportunistic infections such as still poor. The reasons for the difficulties associated with
deep-seated fungal infections, cytomegalovirus, and doing clinical trials of this disease include its rarity and
reactivation of herpes-zoster virus should be initiated scattered distribution worldwide. The main differences of
promptly.Hypercalcaemia is another frequent compli- therapeutic approach between Japan and other countries
cation of ATL, which should be treated as an oncological are frequent incorporation of allogeneic HSCT in Japan
emergency with hydration, intravenous bisphosphonates, for aggressive ATL, and use of interferon α and zidovudine
calcitonin, and glucocorticoids.78 in acute, chronic, and smoldering ATL outside Japan. The
problem is that no prospective randomised trials have
Prognostic index for ATL been undertaken yet to establish the effectiveness of either
The huge diversity in the clinical course of ATL, even for approach.
the acute and lymphoma types, and the absence of a For a long time, no clinical trials took place that
validated prognostic index specific to this cohort of patients, incorporated novel drugs to treat ATL, and until recently
has made it difficult to assess the results of single group similar cytotoxic agents used for aggressive non-Hodgkin
studies and to consider risk-adapted treatment strategies. A lymphoma were used to treat aggressive ATL. However,
prognostic index for acute and lymphoma type ATL was this situation is changing, and apart from mogamulizumab,
developed using a retrospective analysis of medical records which was developed and approved for use in Japan, some
from 807 patients in Japan.51 Multivariable analysis showed clinical trials of novel agents are ongoing or under
that the variables of Ann Arbor stage (I–II vs III–IV), consideration for ATL; the successful translation of
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status research to novel treatments is eagerly awaited.
(ECOG PS; 0–1 vs 2–4), age, serum albumin, and soluble The Japanese intervention programme to prevent
interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) were independently and mother-to-child infection by screening all pregnant women
significantly prognostic.51 A simplified ATL prognostic for HTLV-1 infection will hopefully reduce the number of
index was established as follows: prognostic score=2 (if HTLV-1 carriers, as has already been reported by a few local
stage=III or IV); + 1 (if ECOG PS >1); + 1 (if age >70); + 1 intervention programmes in Japan, and also the number
(if albumin <35 g/L; + 1 (if sIL2R >20 000 U/mL). of patients with ATL in the future. However, this approach
might not be applicable in developing countries where
economical and medical resources are scarce, and neonatal
Search strategy and selection criteria and childhood mortality rates are high; therefore,
References for this Review were identified by searching alternative strategies should be investigated. International
PubMed for English-language articles with the terms “ATL or collaboration is needed to reduce the prevalence of HTLV-1
ATLL”, “human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I or HTLV-1”, and improve the outcome of ATL.
and “HAM or TSP” up to February, 2014. Articles were also Contributors
KI and KT searched the scientific literatures, prepared the manuscript,
identified through searches of the authors’ own files. The final
and submitted the Review for publication.
reference list was generated on the basis of originality and
Declaration of interests
relevance to the broad scope of this Review.
We declare no competing interests.
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