WIlson Disease
WIlson Disease
WIlson Disease
1 WD should be considered in the differential diagnosis of children older than 1 year presenting with any sign of liver disease ranging from
asymptomatically increased serum transaminases to cirrhosis with hepatosplenomegaly and ascites or ALF. Grade 1A (level of agreement: 86%)
2 WD should be ruled out in any teenager with unexplained cognitive, psychiatric, or movement disorder. Grade 1A (96%)
3 Diagnostic testing for WD in suspected patients should include liver function tests (serum transaminases, conjugated and total bilirubin; alkaline
phosphatase and prothrombin time/INR), serum ceruloplasmin, and 24-hour urinary copper. Grade 1A (96%)
4 The Ferenci scoring system should be applied to children for diagnosis of WD. Mutation analysis of the ATPB7 gene may facilitate the diagnosis.
Grade 1A (91%)
5 Copper estimation in the liver tissue could be helpful in children where the diagnosis is uncertain. Grade 1C (100%)
6 Once WD diagnosis is confirmed in the proband, WD should be sought in first degree relatives including siblings, offspring, and parents by
performing liver function tests, explorations of copper metabolism, and targeted molecular analysis. Grade 1A (100%)
7 Given its safety profile, zinc salts, preferably zinc acetate, could be used in presymptomatic children identified through family screening, or as
maintenance therapy after de-coppering with chelators as long as serum transaminase levels remain normal. Grade 2C (96%)
8 Children with signs of significant liver disease, such as cirrhosis or abnormal INR, should be preferably treated with copper chelating agents. Grade
2B (96%)
9 Dietary restriction of copper-rich foods is advised until remission of symptoms and normalization of liver enzymes in children treated with copper
chelating agents. Grade 2C (82%)
10 Children with ALF or decompensated liver cirrhosis should be transferred to and managed in pediatric liver transplantation centers. Grade 1A
11 Children with decompensated liver cirrhosis should be treated with a chelating agent or a combination of zinc salts and a chelating agent that may
preclude the need for a liver transplantation. The King’s Wilson index should be monitored for prognostic assessment and timely decision for LT.
Grade 2B (96%)
12 Because liver transplantation corrects the enzymatic defect, chelating agents or zinc treatment is no longer required after transplantation. Grade
1A (96%)
13 All children should be closely followed-up during the first month following initiation of therapy, then every 1 to 3 months until remission, and
every 3 to 6 months thereafter. Grade 1C (100%)
14 Monitoring includes physical examination, biochemical tests (ie, blood cell count, liver function tests, urea, creatinine, proteinuria), serum copper,
and 24-hour urinary copper to assess efficacy, overdosage, or non-adherence to therapy and adverse events. Grade 1C (96%)
15 Evidence for non-adherence to zinc can be assessed by measuring serum zinc levels and/or urinary zinc/copper 24-hour excretion. Grade 2B
16 If increased transaminases remain or relapse despite treatment, poor compliance should be suspected. Grade 2B (96%)
17 The occurrence of penicillamine-related adverse events should prompt discontinuation and switching to trientine or zinc salts according to the
severity of liver disease. Grade 2B (100%)
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KF ¼ Kayser-Fleischer.
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WD ¼ Wilson’s disease.
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Liver Biopsy and Liver Copper Content hyaline glycogen–containing vacuoles in the nuclei, portal fibrosis,
and inflammation resembling AIH with interportal fibrous bridging
In equivocal cases, measurement of liver copper content is or cirrhosis (62). Copper deposition may be demonstrable by
recommended as the next step for diagnosis of WD. A copper rhodanine, orcein, or rubeanic acid staining but has limited diag-
content <250 mg/g dry weight (normal <50 mg/g dry weight) in nostic value: negative staining does not exclude increased liver
non-cholestatic patients is considered diagnostic for WD in adult copper content (62), whereas positive staining is seen in many liver
series. Lower concentrations are reported in up to 20% of patients diseases associated with impaired bile secretion (63).
with WD possibly related to sampling error because the distribution
of copper in the liver is not homogeneous (3,4,11,55–58). The Scoring System
accuracy of liver copper measurement is improved with an
adequately sized specimen (preferably >1 cm long, min. 0.5 cm) In 2001, an international consensus of experts proposed a
that should be placed on a small piece of paper for drying, and in a scoring system to facilitate the diagnosis of WD (referred to as the
dry plastic copper-free container for atomic absorption analysis on Ferenci score), using the previously discussed biochemical param-
fresh tissue. It has also been proposed that 2 liver biopsy passes be eters and molecular diagnostics. It was subsequently adopted for the
performed and that an entire core of the sample be used for copper Eurowilson database (Table 4) (64). The identification of only 1
determination (57,58). The most comprehensive study analyzed disease-causing mutation appears adequate to confirm the diagnosis
liver samples from 691 patients with various liver diseases, includ- of WD only in the presence of definite clinical symptoms and
ing 178 with WD (58). Mean liver copper content was significantly biochemical signs of impaired copper metabolism. Otherwise in
higher in patients with WD with liver dysfunction than in asymp- asymptomatic children, identification of 2 disease-causing muta-
tomatic patients or patients with neurological dysfunction without tions becomes necessary to confirm the diagnosis of WD with
signs of liver disease (P ¼ 0.001). All patients with WD with liver certainty (64,65). In children the Ferenci score provided a relatively
dysfunction had liver copper levels more than 250 mg/g dry weight, good combination of sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of
but a high proportion (47.8%) of patients with primary biliary WD in children—98.14% and 96.59%, respectively in 1 study (66),
cirrhosis or primary sclerosing cholangitis also had liver copper and 90% and 91.6%, respectively in the other (44). In this latest
values 250 mg/g dry weight. study, considering 40 mg/24 hours instead of 100 mg/24 hours as the
There have been only a few studies evaluating the diagnostic urinary copper excretion cut-off increased the sensitivity of the
accuracy of liver copper content in children with WD (44). Liver scoring system to 93% with no change in the specificity (44).
copper content is increased physiologically in early infancy up to
14 months of age (59), in healthy heterozygotes and in cases of Other Tests
chronic cholestastic diseases such as biliary atresia (60,61). Nicas-
tro et al (44) reported an increase in liver copper >250 mg/g dry Other tests are being used in some centers to improve diag-
weight in 28 of 30 WD children with mild liver disease (mean 813 nosis. These include the measurement of the incorporation of
mg/g dry weight). Among patients with WD, 2 children (7%) had radiolabeled copper into ceruloplasmin which is impaired in WD
liver copper level <75 mg/g dry weight, whereas 4 (6%) of 24 (67), and the measurement of serum exchangeable copper (68,69).
controls had liver copper levels >50 mg/g dry weight. Liver copper Exchangeable copper corresponds to the labile fraction of copper in
exceeded 250 mg/g of dry weight in 2 children with congenital the serum complexed to albumin and other peptides. Recently,
disorders of glycosylation mimicking WD. relative exchangeable copper (namely exchangeable copper-to-total
Liver histology alone cannot be used to establish the diag- copper ratio) has been reported to provide 100% sensitivity and 100%
nosis of WD. The main features are nonspecific and include specificity for the diagnosis of WD in adults with a cut off value of
microvesicular and macrovesicular fatty deposition, Mallory 15% and also showed promising results for family screening of
MRI ¼ magnetic resonance imaging; ULN ¼ upper limit of normal; WD ¼ Wilson’s disease.
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FIGURE 1. Diagnostic approach to Wilson’s disease. ALT ¼ alanine aminotransferase; AP ¼ alkaline phosphatase; AST ¼ aspartate aminotransferase.
asymptomatic patients (68,70). Further studies are needed to evaluate and the monitoring of compliance and early detection of
its diagnostic accuracy in children with liver disease. complications. Prognosis is excellent provided compliance to ther-
Recommendations of the ESPGHAN Hepatology Committee apy is adequate.
are shown in Table 1.
The diagnostic approach is illustrated in Figure 1. Treatment Options
D-penicillamine was introduced in 1956, and remains the
standard treatment for WD. It chelates copper and favors its urinary
The Importance of Family Screening for Wilson’s excretion. Experimentally, D-penicillamine also has a copper
Disease ‘‘detoxifying’’ effect by inducing the endogenous hepatic metal-
lothionein, a cytosolic metal-binding protein, which sequesters
Genetic counseling is essential for families of patients with copper and thereby limiting damage to the liver.
WD, and screening first-degree relatives is recommended by both D-penicillamine has been shown to efficiently prevent the
European and American guidelines (3,4). progression of disease in asymptomatic children. This drug
It is essential to screen siblings of any patient newly diag- improved liver symptoms in more than 80% of symptomatic
nosed with WD because the chance of being a homozygote and children within a mean time of 16 months (28), including those
developing clinical disease is 25%. Assessment should include presenting with liver failure but no hepatic encephalopathy (76).
physical examination, serum ceruloplasmin, liver function tests, Worsening of neurologic symptoms has, however, been reported
and molecular testing for ATP7B mutations or haplotype studies if (77,78).
not available. Newborn screening is not warranted and screening Significant adverse effects are reported with the use of
may be delayed until 1 to 2 years of age. D-penicillamine resulting in drug withdrawal in up to 30% of cases
The occurrence of WD in 2 consecutive generations has been in children or adults (3,12,28,79,80). Early adverse effects include
reported in apparently nonconsanguineous families suggesting a sensitivity reactions characterized by fever and cutaneous erup-
benefit for screening WD in offspring of an affected parent (71–74). tions, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy, and
Moreover, the risk of occurrence of WD in offspring is increased in proteinuria. Other adverse effects that may occur at any time in
consanguineous families and in specific populations with a high the medium- and long-term include a lupus-like syndrome charac-
carrier frequency. terized by hematuria, proteinuria, arthralgia, bone marrow toxicity
Finally, considering the possibility of late onset of WD, with severe thrombocytopenia or aplasia, and skin changes related
parents of a child newly diagnosed with WD should also be to D-penicillamine’s anticollagen effects such as elastosis perfor-
screened by performing liver tests, explorations of copper metabo- ans serpiginosa, cutis laxa, pemphigus, lichen planus, and aphthous
lism, and suitable genetic testing, as illustrated in a recently stomatitis (81). Elevations in serum antinuclear antibodies are
reported family (75). frequent, but there is no clear correlation with the development
of immune-mediated diseases (82).
Treatment of Children With Wilson’s Disease In children, the dose of D-penicillamine is usually increased
progressively to 20 mg/kg/day given in 2 or 3 doses, with close
Treatment is based on the removal of copper excess by follow-up for the occurrence of adverse events such as hypersensi-
chelating agents such as D-penicillamine, trientine, or by blocking tivity and proteinuria, hematologic toxicity warranting immediate
the intestinal copper absorption with zinc salts. Dietary copper discontinuation and switching to trientine or zinc salts (83)
restriction does not prevent accumulation in WD, and there is a lack (Table 5). As food inhibits the absorption of D-penicillamine, this
of evidence that it improves the outcome once chelators are drug should be administered 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.
initiated. However, avoiding copper-rich food (shellfish, nuts, There is lack of recent evidence as to pyridoxine deficiency in
chocolate, mushrooms, and organ meats) is advised until remission patients receiving penicillamine; hence, there has been variable
of symptoms and biochemical abnormalities (3). Treatment should personal practice in its supplementation. Moreover, pyridoxine
be initiated upon diagnosis in presymptomatic children identified intake is relatively high as many food products are supplemented
by family screening as soon as 2 to 3 years of age, promptly in with water-soluble vitamins.
symptomatic children to prevent progression of liver and/or neuro- Trientine, triethylene tetramine hydrochloride, was initially
logical disease. High-quality evidence is lacking to estimate the introduced in 1969 as a second-line chelating agent in patients with
optimal first-line treatment choice in WD. Treatment is life-long WD who developed adverse events related to D-penicillamine (84).
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Dosage in children Zinc acetate, zinc sulphate Starting dose: 150–300 mg/day, Starting dose: 20 mg/kg/day or
Age >16 years and body weight >50 kg: 150 gradually increasing once a week 1000 mg (max 1500 mg) in
mg day in 3 divided doses. up to 20 mg/kg/day given in 2 or young adults given in 2 or 3
Age 6–16 years and body weight <50 kg: 75 3 divided doses or 1000 mg (max divided doses.
mg day in 3 divided doses 1500 mg) in young adults given Maintenance dose: 900–1500 mg/
younger than 6 years of age: 50 mg day in 2 in 2 or 4 divided doses. day in 2 or 3 divided doses.
divided doses Maintenance dose: 10–20 mg/kg/
day up to 750 mg–1000 mg/day
in 2 divided doses
Administration 1 hour before meal or 2 hours after meal 1 hour before meal or 2 hours after 1 hour before meal or 3 hours after
meal meal
Adequacy of treatment Urinary copper excretion: 30–75 mg (0.5– Urinary copper excretion: 200–500 Urinary copper excretion: 200–500
parameters 1.2 mmol/L) /24 hours on maintenance mg (3–8 mmol/L)/24 hours on mg (3–8 mmol/L)/24 hours on
treatment maintenance treatment maintenance treatment
Serum zinc level >125 mg/dL
Urinary zinc >2 mg/24 h on maintenance
Liver function Usually 2–6 months, ALT normalization Usually 2–6 months Usually 2–6 months
improvement within 1 year
Indication for a drug Persistent ALT >3 upper limit of normal Poor tolerance or side effects, for Poor tolerance or side effects, for
change and/or INR >1.5 example, hypersensitivity example, allergic reactions,
Poor tolerance, for example, nausea, reactions, fever, neutropenia, arthralgia, sideroblastic anemia
abdominal pain, gastric ulcerations thrombocytopenia,
lymphadenopathy or proteinuria
There have been only rare reports of allergic reactions, arthralgias, also induces hepatocyte metallothionein, and as D-penicillamine
muscle cramps, and sideroblastic anemia induced by trientine (85– may have copper detoxifying effect. Most studies evaluating the
87). Given its safety profile it is being increasingly used as first-line clinical efficacy of zinc when applied as first-line monotherapy in
chelation therapy, although there is a lack of robust clinical studies the various clinical presentations of WD showed that zinc had a
evaluating the efficiency of trientine in treating WD compared to D- better tolerance profile than penicillamine and could be safely used
penicillamine. Similar efficacy of trientine compared to D-penicil- for treatment of presymptomatic children (90,92–94). Treatment
lamine was shown in 1 large study in WD adults with liver failure was however reported in symptomatic children presenting
symptoms (88). First-line treatment with trientine was, however, with liver disease (79,91,95,96) and patients who relapsed on zinc
associated with a higher risk of neurologic worsening of symptom- improved after reintroduction of a chelating agent (91). Initiation of
atic neurologic patients compared to D-penicillamine. The only therapy with zinc salts presents also risk of neurological deteriora-
available pediatric study analyzed the efficacy of trientine as tion as is observed with other treatment modalities (91,98).
second-line therapy in 16 children with D-penicillamine intolerance Different formulations of zinc salts are available: zinc sul-
or adverse events. Liver function normalized in the majority of fate, zinc acetate, and zinc gluconate. Gastrointestinal problems,
children, but trientine did not improve accompanying neurological such as nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, gastric/duodenal mucosal
or psychiatric symptoms (86). ulceration, or erosion have been reported mainly with zinc sulfate,
The recommended dose of trientine in children is 20 mg/kg/ and may particularly alter the child’s quality of life and lead to poor
day in 2 to 3 divided doses. Recently, a small prospective pilot study adherence (95,99). Gastrointestinal symptoms may resolve when
in adults with WD has suggested that a once daily trientine regimen switching formulation from zinc sulfate to zinc acetate. Anemia
at a dose of 15 mg/kg provided good efficacy and safety but it related to iron deficiency, isolated increase of serum amylase, and
should be further evaluated as maintenance therapy to improve lipase levels (zinc containing enzymes) without clinical and radio-
compliance (89). Trientine also chelates iron, and therefore if iron logical features of pancreatitis may also be observed.
supplementation is necessary, it should be administered at a differ- The recommended dosage is 25 mg twice daily of elemental
ent time of the day. The drug is best given 1 hour before or 2 to 3 zinc in children younger than 5 years of age, 75 mg/day (if body
hours after food for optimal absorption (Table 5). Trientine tablets weight <50 kg) or 150 mg/day (if body weight >50 kg) in 3 divided
must be kept refrigerated, which could be a problem for patients doses in children older than 5 years of age (3,92,94). Zinc should not
residing in or travelling to hot countries. be taken with food because it interferes with its absorption, and
Zinc salts are being increasingly used as first-line therapy for dietary copper restriction is not recommended because zinc blocks
the treatment of presymptomatic patients and for maintenance copper absorption from the intestinal track (Table 5).
therapy after initial decoppering with a chelator, but the efficacy
of zinc monotherapy in symptomatic patients with liver disease is
still under debate (90–96). The postulated mode of action of zinc is Treatment Strategy
the induction of metallothionein in enterocytes (97). Copper Treatment should be individually tailored to the clinical
absorbed in the small intestine is thereby sequestered in enterocytes condition of the child defined by the type and severity of organ
which at the end of their life cycle carry copper into the lumen. Zinc involvement. A clinically relevant limitation in the long-term use of
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D-penicillamine is the occurrence of severe adverse events. Lack of TABLE 6. Wilson’s disease scoring system to predict the outcome of
adherence and underdosage are the main risk factors for an unfa- children with hepatic decompensation (King’s Wilson index) by Dha-
vorable clinical course. To improve adherence to the life-long wan et al (8)
therapy, the treatment scheme should be as simple as possible.
Pediatric hepatologists vary in the approaches they use in the Bilirubin, Leukocytes, Albumin,
care for children with WD (100). In asymptomatic children or Score mmol/L INR AST 109/L g/L
children with only mild liver symptoms, all available treatments
have proven effective (28,86,90,92–94). In symptomatic patients 0 0–100 0–1.29 0–100 0–6.7 >45
with WD, current guidelines favor the use of chelating agents (D- 1 101–150 1.3–1.6 101–150 6.8–8.3 34–44
penicillamine, trientine) as first-line therapy (3,4). 2 151–200 1.7–1.9 151–200 8.4–10.3 25–33
A sequential treatment in WD could be proposed based on 3 201–300 2.0–2.4 201–300 10.4–15.3 21–24
the hypothesis that after a treatment phase with the more effective 4 >300 >2.5 >300 >15.3 0–20
chelating agents, smaller dosage or alternative treatment with zinc
in de-coppered patients may be sufficient to upkeep copper homeo- AST ¼ aspartate aminotransferase.
11 points and above - urgent listing for liver transplantation.
stasis. However, only limited data are available to decide when and
under which conditions a patient can be switched to zinc mainte-
nance therapy and vice versa. WI is reported to be 93% sensitive, 98% specific, with a positive
Combination therapy using zinc in conjunction with a predictive value of 93% (8). Although useful, the WI may, however,
chelating agent (administered at widely spaced intervals during not be entirely accurate and continued investigation of predictors of
the day to avoid interference and given 1 hour before or 2 hours after outcome in WD is necessary.
meals) has a theoretical basis in both blocking copper uptake and Recommendations of the ESPGHAN Hepatology Committee
eliminating excess copper, and thus may be synergistic effect. are shown in Table 1.
Reports have been limited to patients who present with decom-
pensated chronic liver disease, and suggest a favorable outcome for
combination therapy with D-penicillamine and zinc (8,76) or with Monitoring Efficacy, Safety, and Compliance to
trientine and zinc (79,101). Recommendations of the ESPGHAN Treatment
Hepatology Committee are shown in Table 1.
Treatment of WD should aim at normal physical examination
and normal liver function tests. Patients must avoid alcohol con-
Indications for Liver Transplantation in Children sumption and potential hepatotoxic drug therapy.
With Wilson’s Disease Monitoring should be performed once a week at initiation of
therapy, especially while increasing penicillamine dosages, every 1
Indications for liver transplantation (LT) are rare (<1%), to 3 months until remission and every 3 to 6 months afterwards.
including patients with ALF or those with progression of liver Nonadherence to therapy can lead to life-threatening deterioration
dysfunction to liver failure despite drug therapy (102). Excellent and monitoring intervals should be shorter, especially in adoles-
post-LT outcomes are reported (103,104). Actual patient survival cents, in whom compliance is uncertain.
rates were 87% at 5, 10, and 15 years in a French series of 75 adults Monitoring includes physical examination (search for new
and 46 children (median age: 14 years, range 7–17 years) trans- WD symptoms or related to therapeutic adverse events of therapy)
planted between 1985 and 2009 for ALF (53%), decompensated and liver function tests, which should normalize progressively
cirrhosis (41%), or severe neurological disease (6%) (103). In within 3 to 12 months. Twenty-four–hour urinary copper excretion
another study analyzing the United Network for Organ Sharing should increase after initiation of therapy with D-penicillamine or
database including 170 children with WD who underwent LT trientine, followed by a decrease once liver function tests return to
between 1987 and 2008, 1- and 5-year survival were 90.1% and normal indicating a reduction in the body load of copper. In general
89%, respectively (104). In both studies, patients transplanted for presymptomatic children excrete less copper than those with symp-
end-stage chronic liver disease had better long-term survival than tomatic disease. Urinary copper excretion should lie between 200
patients transplanted for ALF. Extracorporeal liver support systems and 500 mg/24 hours during maintenance therapy with D-penicil-
as a bridge to LT may improve the outcome (105,106). Neurological lamine or trientine. Monitoring of patients on zinc therapy must
and especially psychiatric involvement may show little improve- ensure a reduction in urinary copper excretion (initially <100 mg/24
ment with transplantation but LT cannot be considered as a therapy h, and between 30 and 75 mg/24 h on maintenance therapy); low
for patients with severe neuropsychiatric involvement (107,108). levels below 30 mg/24 h suggest zinc overdosage. In addition, serum
Children presenting with decompensated liver cirrhosis with zinc levels and urinary zinc excretion should be maintained above
liver failure but no hepatic encephalopathy can be often rescued 125 mg/dL and 1.5 to 2 g/day, respectively; lower levels generally
with chelation treatment. Response to medical treatment may take indicate poor compliance to therapy (110).
time with improvement of prothrombin time after a minimum of It is important to also monitor blood cell counts, and screen
1 month and normalization within 3 months to 1 year or more (76). any therapeutic-related adverse events (such as proteinuria). Neu-
Close follow-up and monitoring of clinical status for hepatic tropenia and anemia may be due to failed iron mobilization, with
encephalopathy, ascites, sepsis, and liver function tests is required transaminase elevation due to increased hepatic iron accompanied
in specialized LT units to timely listing the child on the transplant by increased ferritin indicating over treatment. Temporary discon-
list, a decision that is extremely challenging. In 1986, Nazer et al tinuation of therapy, with close observation, is warranted followed
(109) devised a scoring system to predict the outcome of patients by reintroduction of therapy at a reduced dose (Table 5).
including adults and children with hepatic decompensation in the Yearly slit-lamp examination should document fading or
setting of WD. In 2005, the score was re-examined in the pediatric disappearance in patients with Kayser-Fleischer (KF) rings if they
population by Dhawan et al (8) who proposed a new scoring system are being adequately ‘‘decoppered.’’ Appearance of KF rings in
(King’s Wilson index [WI]) that had a better positive predictive patients with persisting abnormalities of liver function tests
value for mortality without transplantation (Table 6) (8,102). The on maintenance therapy indicates noncompliance. Search for
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appearance of changes at magnetic resonance imaging of the brain 23. Favre E, Lion-Francois L, Canton M, et al. Cognitive abilities of
may be useful in patients noncompliant to therapy (111). children with neurological and liver forms of Wilson’s disease.
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25. Pendlebury ST, Rothwell PM, Dalton A, et al. Strokelike presentation
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27. Ben-Pazi H, Jaworowski S, Shalev RS. Cognitive and psychiatric
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