Evangelista v. Santos
Evangelista v. Santos
Evangelista v. Santos
1. Petitioners Evangelista et al are minority stockholder of Vitali Lumber Company Inc. Respondent
Rafael Santos is also a stockholder which holds 50% of the stocks and has always been the
president, manager, treasurer of the corporation.
2. In the capacity of respondent, through fault, neglect, and abandonment allowed its lumber
concession to lapse and its properties and assets, among them machineries, buildings,
warehouses, trucks, etc., to disappear, thus causing the complete ruin of the corporation and
total depreciation of its stocks.
3. A complaint was filed praying that respondent shall: (1) to render an account of his administration
of the corporate affairs and assets: (2) to pay plaintiffs the value of their respective participation
in said assets on the basis of the value of the stocks held by each of them; and (3) to pay the
costs of suit.
4. The complaint does not give the plaintiff’s residence, but, for purposes of venue, alleges that
Santos resides at 2112 Dewey Boulevard, corner Libertad Street, Pasay, province of Rizal.
Having been served with summons at that place, defendant led a motion for the dismissal of the
complaint on the ground of improper venue and also on the ground that the complaint did not
state a cause of action in favor of plaintiffs Evangelista et al.
5. In support of the objection to the venue, the motion, which is under oath, states that defendant
is a resident of Iloilo City and not of Pasay, and at the hearing of the motion defendant also
presented further affidavit to the effect that while he has a house in Pasay, where members of
his family who are studying in Manila live and where he himself is sojourning for the purpose of
attending to his interests in Manila, yet he has his permanent residence in the City of Iloilo where
he is registered as a voter for election purposes and has been paying his residence certificate
6. After hearing, the lower court rendered its order, granting the motion for dismissal upon the two
grounds alleged by defendant, and reconsideration of this order having been denied, plaintiffs
have appealed to this Court
1. An action was filed by minority stockholder plaintiffs against majority stockholder defendant for
damages resulting for defendant’s mismanagement of the corporation
2. Complaint does not contain plaintiff’s residence but alleges that defendant lives at Libertad Pasay
3. Summons was served to defendant
4. Defendant filed a motion for dismissal alleging improper venue and the complaint states no cause
of action
5. Lower court granted the dismissal
6. MR for plaintiffs but was denied hence this appeal
Respondent contends that the action filed was at the wrong venue and that there was no cause of action
properly stated by plaintiffs
1. Was the venue of the complaint properly laid down by the plaintiffs? 1. NO
2. Whether plaintiffs had a cause of action to bring the case? 2. NO
1. The laying of the venue of an action is not left to plaintiff's caprice. The matter is regulated
by the Rules of Court. And in actions like the present, which is one in personam, the
regulation applicable is that contained in section 1 of Rule 5, which provides:. "Civil action in
Courts of First Instance may be commenced and tried where the defendant or any of the
defendant resides or may be found, or where the plaintiff or any of the plaintiffs resides, at
the election of the plaintiff.".
a. Objection to improper venue may be interposed at any time prior to the trial.
b. Believing that defendant resided in the province of Rizal, herein plaintiffs brought their
action in the Court of First Instance of that province. But that belief proved erroneous,
for the lower court found after hearing that defendant had his residence in Iloilo. The
finding is based on defendant's sworn statement not rebutted by any proof to the
2. The complaint shows that the action is for damages resulting from mismanagement of the
affairs and assets of the corporation by its principal ocer, it being alleged that defendant's
maladministration has brought about the ruin of the corporation and the consequent loss of
value of its stocks. The injury complained of is thus primarily to the corporation, so that the
suit for the damages claimed should be by the corporation rather than by the stockholders.
A. The stockholders may not directly claim those damages for themselves for that would
result in the appropriation by, and the distribution among them of part of the corporate
assets before the dissolution of the corporation and the liquidation of its debts and
liabilities, something which cannot be legally done in view of section 16 of the
Corporation Law.
The order appealed from is therefore armed, but without prejudice to the ling of the proper action in which
the venue shall be laid in the proper province. Appellants shall pay costs. So ordered.
Additional Notes/Doctrine: