EVS BBA Question Bank

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UES15501 -Environmental Studies


Part- A (2 marks)
1. What are the significance of environmental studies?
2. What is meant by deforestation?
3. Mention four effects of deforestation.
4. State the need for public awareness for solving environmental problems.
5. Write any four functions of forest.
6. What are landslides?
7. What are soil fertility?
8. What is soil leaching?
9. Defme desertification.
10. Defme overgrazing. What are the effects of overgrazing?
11. Distinguish between water logging & Salinity.
12. Define environmental impact statement.
13. State the need for public awareness for solving environmental problems.
14. Give the functions of water resources.
15. List the areas where the minerals are used.

Part- B (16 marks)

I. (i) Discuss briefly the ill-effects of deforestation.

(ii) What are the effects of modem Agriculture?

2. (i) What are the causes of soil erosion & deforestation? Explain in detail.
(ii) Discuss the consequences of overutilization of surface and Ground water.
3. (i) Write the effects of extracting and using mineral resources.
(ii) Discuss the causes of land degradation.

4. (i) Explain the role of an individual in environment protection.

(ii) Explain the methods of harnessing wind and ocean thermal energy.

5. Explain the scope and significance of enviromnental studies.

6. (i) What are the ecological benefits of forest?

(ii) Environmental damage caused by mining last longer after the mine has closed – explain.

7. (i) Discuss the effects of dams on forest and tribal people.

(ii) Explain the benefits and problems of constructing dam.

Part- A (2 marks)
1. What are food chain and food web?
2. Define the terms producers and consumers.
3. Name the four ecosystems.
4. Mention the various subdivisions of the biotic and abiotic compounds of
the Environment.
5. What is ecosystem?
6. Define producers, consumers and decomposers
7. What are autotrophic and heterotrophic components of an ecosystem?
8. Define biodiversity.
9. Defme Genetic diversity and species diversity.
10. What are endangered and endemic species?
11. What is red data book?
12. What are the advantages of ln-situ and Ex-situ conservation biodiversity?
13. Enumerate the human activities which destroy the biodiversity.
14. What are the characteristics of desert ecosystem.

Part- B (16 marks)

l.(i)Explain the various threats to Biodiversity.
(ii) What are the causes for loss of biodiversity?
2. i What is meant by value of biodiversity? Explain different values
of biodiversity.
ii Explain In-situ and Ex- situ conservation of biodiversity.
3. i Explain the role of biodiversity of global, national and local levels.
ii. Describe the term hot spot in biodiversity

4.(i) Discuss the concept of ecological succession.

(ii) Briefly explain the structural and functional components of an ecosystem.

5.i)Name and briefly describe two hot spots of biodiversity in India

ii) Describe the types, characteristic features, structures and function of aquatic ecosystem.
6. i) Discuss the major features, structure and composition of grassland
ii)Discuss the structure and composition of fresh water ecosystem.
7. i)Discuss the structure and function of forest & desert ecosystem.
UNIT – 3
Part- A (2 marks)

I. Name any four air pollutants and their sources and impacts.
2. Define marine pollution.
3. Define the term cyclone.
4. What are point and non-point sources of water pollution?
5. What are the sources of soil pollution?
6. State the role of an individual in the prevention of pollution.
7. Defme disasters.
8. What are the types of solid waste?
9. Whar are the causes of thermal pollution?
10. What is soil pollution?
11. Defme photochemical wastes.
12. Defme hazardous wastes.
13. Defme nuclear pollution.
14. Write any four major water pollutants.
15. Defme floods.
16. What is a smog? Give the types and effects of smog
17. Mention the physical and chemical parameters of quality of water.
18. Define cyclone management.
19. How does an earthquake occur?
20. What are landslides?

Part- B (16 marks)

1. (i) Explain the methods of disposal of municipal solid waste.

(ii) Write a note on disposal of radioactive wastes.
2. (i) Explain the causes, effects and control measures of water pollution.
(ii) Explain the effects of nuclear and Radiation pollution.
3. (i) Explain the causes, effects and control measures of marine pollution.
(ii) Write a short note on disaster management.

4. (i) Discuss the major soil pollution and their impact.

(ii) What is thermal pollution and explain its effects.

5. (i) Discuss about the significance of hazardous waste management.

(ii) Discuss the major air pollutants and their impact.

6. (i) Describe the sources, effects and control of thermal pollution.

(ii) Discuss the role of individual in preventing pollution.

7(i) What is flood? Give its effects.

(ii) What is landslides? How it is formed? Enumerate the effects of landslides.
UNIT IV- Social Issues

Part- A (2 marks)

1. Define sustainable development.

2. What is rainwater harvesting?
3. Give the water shed management techniques.
4. What is environmental ethics?
5. List out some urban related issues.
6. What are the objectives of environmental impact assessment?
7. Define urbanisation.
8. Mention the types of rain water harvesting.
9. What are the objectives of watershed management?
10. What is global warming?
11. Name any four environmental protection acts.

Part- B (16 marks)

1 (i) Explain the agenda for sustainable development.
(ii) Explain the need and strategy of water conservation.

2. (i) Define environmental ethics. Mention the problems and solutions related to environment
(ii) Explain briefly on the Indian Environmental Acts.

3. (i) Explain watershed management.

(ii) Explain rain water harvesting.

4. (i) Explain resettlement and rehabilitation issues.

(ii) Explain the urban problems related to energy.
5. (i) What is global warming? Mention the effects and control measures of global warming in detail.
(ii) Explain in detail on environment and water act.

6. (i)Give the drawbacks of environmental laws.

(ii) Explain in detail on wild life and forest conservation act.

7 (i) Explain various emergency management tips to be under taken in case of any disaster.
(ii) State different natural calamities and explain one in detail.
UNIT V- Human Population

Part- A (2 marks)
1. What do you mean by population growth?
2. What is meant by population explosion?
3. What do you understand by logistic growth?
4. State any four factors that increase or decrease the population.
5. What is meant by value of education?
6. What is meant by HIV?
7. What is meant by AIDS?
8. How AIDS can be controlled?
9. List out the schemes for child welfare.
10. What are the policies for women development?
11. Suggest any four methods of staying healthy.
12. List any four common violence against women.
13. Define human rights.
14. What are the methods of imparting value education?

Part- B (16 marks)

I. (i) Explain briefly the population explosion.

(ii) Explain the role of IT in enviromnent and human health.

2. (i) Explain in detail about population growth.

(ii)Write short notes on a) women and child welfare b) Human rights c) Value education.

3. (i) Explain the value of education.

(ii) Explain briefly on Human rights.

4. (i) Explain HIV/AIDS.

(ii) Explain the various policies and programmes for women and child development.

5. (i) Population explosion leads to environmental deterioration. Explain.

(ii)Write a note on various public awareness.

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