Paper 41-A Survey On The Cryptographic Encryption Algorithms

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 8, No. 11, 2017

A Survey on the Cryptographic Encryption

Muhammad Faheem Mushtaq, Sapiee Jamel, Abdulkadir Hassan Disina, Zahraddeen A. Pindar, Nur Shafinaz Ahmad
Shakir, Mustafa Mat Deris
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM),
86400, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia

Abstract—Security is the major concern when the sensitive fully secure encryption algorithm due to the challenges from
information is stored and transferred across the internet where cryptanalysts who continuously trying to access any available
the information is no longer protected by physical boundaries. cryptographic systems [1]-[5]. The right selection of
Cryptography is an essential, effective and efficient component to algorithms is important to achieve high-security requirements
ensure the secure communication between the different entities which protect the cryptographic components to cryptanalysis
by transferring unintelligible information and only the [6].
authorized recipient can be able to access the information. The
right selection of cryptographic algorithm is important for secure Cryptographic systems can be divided into deterministic
communication that provides more security, accuracy and and probabilistic encryption scheme [7]. Deterministic
efficiency. In this paper, we examine the security aspects and encryption scheme allows the plaintext is encrypted by using
processes involved in the design and implementation of most keys that always provide the same ciphertext, but the
widely used symmetric encryption algorithms such as Data encryption process is repeated many times. In this scheme,
Encryption Standard (DES), Triple Data Encryption Standard every plaintext has one to one relationship with the keys and
(3DES), Blowfish, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and ciphertext otherwise it will produce more than one output of
Hybrid Cubes Encryption Algorithm (HiSea). Furthermore, this particular plaintext during the decryption process.
paper evaluated and compared the performance of these Probabilistic Encryption Scheme shows the plaintext has
encryption algorithms based on encryption and decryption time,
different ciphertext with the different keys. The probabilistic
throughput, key size, avalanche effect, memory, correlation
encryption scheme is significantly secure than the
assessment and entropy. Thus, amongst the existing
cryptographic algorithm, we choose a suitable encryption
deterministic encryption scheme because it makes difficult for
algorithm based on different parameters that are best fit to the a cryptanalyst to access any sensitive information regarding
user requirements. plaintext that is taken from ciphertext and corresponding key.
Furthermore, the cryptographic algorithms can be further
Keywords—Cryptography; encryption algorithms; Data divided into two main categories like keyless cryptosystem
Encryption Standard (DES); Triple Data Encryption Standard and key-based cryptosystem as shown in Fig. 1. In the keyless
(3DES); Blowfish; Advanced Encryption Standard (AES); Hybrid cryptosystem, the relationship between the plaintext and
Cubes Encryption Algorithm (HiSea) ciphertext having a different version of the message is
exclusively depend on the encryption algorithm [8]. The
I. INTRODUCTION keyless cryptosystem is generally less secure than key-based
Security plays an important role to store information and systems because anyone can gain access to the algorithm will
transmit it across the undefined networks with secure manner. be able to decrypt every message that was encoded using
Hence, the secure communication is the basic requirement of keyless cryptosystem such as Caesar cipher [9]. The key-
every transaction over networks. Cryptography is an essential based cryptosystem can be further categories into symmetric
component for secure communication and transmission of key (secret key) encryption and asymmetric key (public key)
information through security services like confidentiality, data encryption based on the type of security keys utilized for the
integrity, access control, authentication and non-repudiation. It encryption or decryption process [10]-[13]. The detail of the
provides a way to protect sensitive information by transferring cryptosystems is explained as follows:
it into unintelligible and only the authorized receiver can be A. Symmetric Key Encryption
able to access this information by converting into the original
text. The process to convert the plaintext into ciphertext with The symmetric key (secret key) encryption is employed
the key is called encryption process and to reverse the process similar key for the encryption and decryption of a message.
of encryption is called decryption process. The design of Encryption and decryption keys are keeping secret and only
cryptographic algorithms is secure and efficient, low cost, known by authorized sender and recipient who want to
require small memory footprint, easy to implement and communicate. The allocation of different keys to the different
utilized on multiple platforms. The vast range of applications parties increases the overall message security. The strength of
is developed to secure cryptographic algorithms using the symmetric key encryption is depending on the secrecy of
different mathematical process. It is quite difficult to develop encryption and decryption keys. The symmetric encryption
algorithms can be classified into block and stream cipher on

This paper was partly sponsored by the Centre for Graduate Studies UTHM

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the basis of the grouping of message bits [14], [15]. In a block B. Asymmetric Key Encryption
cipher, a group of messages characters of a fixed size (a block) The asymmetric key encryption is commonly referred to as
is encrypted all at once and sent to the receiver. Moreover, the public key encryption in which different keys are employed
block cipher can be further divided into binary and non-binary for the encryption and decryption of the message. The
block cipher based on the final results of the message, keys encryption key is also said as the public key and can be
and ciphertext. The message bit size for the binary block utilized to encrypt the message with the key. The decryption
cipher is 64, 128, 192, and 256 and the non-binary block key is said to as secret or private key and can be used to
cipher has not defined the standard that depends on the cipher decrypt the message. The strength of the asymmetric key
implementation. encryption is utilized with digital signature then it can provide
to the users through message authentication detection. The
asymmetric encryption algorithm includes RSA [25], Diffie-
Hellman algorithm [26], etc. The component of an asymmetric
block cipher is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 1. Overview of the cryptographic encryption algorithms.

Symmetric key block cipher comprises the five main

components: plaintext, encryption and decryption algorithm,
ciphertext and key schedule algorithm as shown in Fig. 2.
There are several symmetric key encryption algorithms such
Fig. 3. Components of asymmetric block cipher.
as DES [16], [17], 3DES [9], AES [18], [19], BLOWFISH
[20], HiSea [21], RC4 [22], etc. The encryption process in
C. Key Schedule Algorithm
symmetric block cipher converts the plaintext into ciphertext
with the secret key that is generated from the key schedule Key schedule algorithm is employed to generate secret
algorithm. Similarly, the ciphertext is transferred to the keys and plays an important role in the development of
appropriate recipient is decrypted using decryption process encryption and decryption key. The insignificant key
with the same key. generation algorithm generates weak keys that are used for
encryption process can easily attack using brute force attack
The block size for the stream cipher is one character and it because cryptanalyst continuously trying all possible
is not more appropriate for software processing due to the key combinations to get original text using this attack [27]-[29].
length as long the message [23], [24]. The working of the All cryptographic algorithms follow the consideration of
stream cipher is presented in following steps: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) that must support the
1) A single character of plaintext is combined with a key lengths include 128 bits, 192 bits and 256 bits [19]. The
number of the round for that key length is 10, 12, 14
single character from key stream to produce the single
respectively and the round keys are taken from the cipher key
character of ciphertext. using key schedule algorithm and utilized in the construction
2) The ciphertext character from Step 1 sent to the of block cipher. For the development of fully secure block
receiver. cipher, the multiple numbers of rounds ensure the high
3) Step 1 and Step 2 is repeated until the entire message diffusion and employed invertible transformation.
has been sent.
D. Shannon’s Principles for Symmetric Block Cipher
Claude Shannon [30] proposed a set of five criteria for
good ciphers is defined as follows:
1) In order to cipher a message, the degree of secrecy is
required to determine the amount of labor. The value of
information tends to decline over time, so additional
computation labor is needed to protect the message secrecy for
thousands of years that may not be secure in the perspective of
information theory.
Fig. 2. Components of symmetric block cipher. 2) Cryptographic keys and encryption algorithms should

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be free from complexity. Encryption algorithm should capable cryptographic algorithm required minimum encryption time,
to encrypt any message using any key and the algorithm easy in order to make the encryption scheme responsive and fast.
to understand. 2) Decryption time: The time required to recover the
3) Implementation of a cipher should be as simpler as plaintext from ciphertext is said to decryption time. For the
possible. purpose of cryptographic algorithm fast and responsive, it is
4) Generation of error should be limited. desirable that the decryption time less similar to the
5) The size and storage required for the ciphertext encryption time and it is also measured in milliseconds.
message should be restricted. Make sure that from where it 3) Memory used: Memory size depends on the
was executed, the size of the ciphertext should not exceed the implementation of different algorithms. The memory
size of plaintext under any circumstances. requirement depends on the key size, initialization vectors,
and type of operations. It is more desirable that memory size
From the historical perspective, it is interesting to note that
these five criteria for good cipher are proposed earlier of the should be small because it impacts on the cost of the system.
computer age and still they are perfectly valid. Furthermore, 4) Throughput: For calculating the throughput of
the Shannon's introduce the two principles of confusion and encryption algorithm by dividing the total block size
diffusion that are very important and closely related the (MegaByte) encrypted on the total encryption time. If the
functionality included in the development of secure encryption throughput value is increased, then the power consumption of
and decryption algorithms [30], [31]. The principle of algorithm is decreased.
confusion refers as the hides and complicating the relationship 5) Avalanche effect: It determines that there is any change
between the ciphertext and the keys (encryption or decryption in the plaintext, then the ciphertext will change significantly.
key) as much as possible. It will help to prevent from In other words, we can say that it measures the dissimilarity
cryptanalyst to predict the secret key using ciphertext. The
between the plaintext and ciphertext changes. Avalanche effect
principle of diffusion refers as the hides and complicating the
relationship between the plaintext and ciphertext. It will can be measured using the hamming distance. If the high
ensure the small modification in the plaintext effects the degree of diffusion required then the high avalanche effect is
unpredictable changes and create avalanched effect to the desirable. It reflects the performance of cryptographic
ciphertext. The relationship between the confusion and algorithms and can be calculated by dividing the humming
diffusion with cipher component is shown in Fig. 4. distance on the file size.
Avalanche= (Total number of bits - number of flip bits) x100 (1)
Total number of bits

6) Entropy: The strength of overall implementation of the

algorithm is estimated by using random matrix technique.
Entropy is used to measure the randomness and uncertainty in
the data. The relationship between the ciphertext and key
becomes more complex with the high randomness.
Encryption algorithms required high randomness in encrypting
the plaintext, it results less or no dependency between the
ciphertext and key. This property is referred as the confusion.
A high degree of confusion is desirable that makes the
difficulty for an attacker to guessed the entire set of
information. To calculate Shannon's entropy test using the
following equation:
Fig. 4. Relationship between the confusion and diffusion. n -1
H ( X )  -  p(xi ) log b p(xi ) (2)
E. Evaluation Parameters i0
To evaluate the efficiency and security, it is required to
pass the execution test. Every encryption algorithm has some 7) The number of bits required for encoding optimally:
strength and weaknesses. In order to employ a secure This evaluation parameter defines the bandwidth required for
encryption scheme to the applications, we need to evaluate the transmission. An encrypted character or bits encoded with less
performance parameters [24], [32]-[35]. In this study, some of number of bits, it will consume less storage and bandwidth. It
the evaluation parameters are discussed. also impacts on the cost of the system.
1) Encryption time: The time required to converts the This paper explains the overview and performance factors
plaintext into the ciphertext is said to an encryption time. The involved during the design of symmetric encryption
encryption time based on the message block size and the key algorithms such as DES, 3DES, Blowfish, AES and HiSea.
size, and represented in milliseconds. It has direct impacts on The main objectives of this research can be summarized as
the performance of the encryption algorithm. Every follows:

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1) To review the existing encryption algorithms that The DES algorithm structure is based on Feistel function
explore what and how many parameters involved in the that divided the block into two halves. The function (f) based
development of secure encryption technique. on the four stages such as expansion, key mixing, substitution
2) To track the trends of research in this field. and permutation. The number of rounds applies for the DES is
16 used for the processing to encrypt the message.
3) To identify the significances of this area.
4) To present the existing performance evaluation in
cryptographic schemes and suggest the best encryption
scheme based on user requirement.
Firstly, we deeply review and compare the existing
symmetric encryption algorithms based on security
parameters. The selection of symmetric encryption algorithm
instead of asymmetric encryption algorithm because its
implementation is very fast, efficient, effective and simple to
employ for encryption and decryption process. Furthermore,
the AES is symmetric block cipher employed for encryption
and decryption of message adopted by the United State of
America [36]. Every cryptographic algorithm considered as
approval with AES that required to fulfil the validation and
execution time‟s test [19]. Later on, the performance analysis
is based on the results of different researchers and addresses
the fundamental aspects in the development of encryption
algorithm that is based on encryption and decryption time,
throughput, key size, avalanche effect, memory, correlation
assessment and entropy for the selected cryptographic
algorithm. Finally, the best suitable cryptographic algorithm is
chosen based on different parameters for further research and
future directions are also explored.
The remaining paper is organized as follows: Section II
discusses some cryptographic encryption algorithms which
include the overview of existing symmetric encryption Fig. 5. Data Encryption Standard (DES) Algorithm.
algorithms. Section III explains the results and analysis of
encryption algorithms that are discussed in the previous The output after the 16 round consists of 64 bits that are
section. Section IV includes the conclusion and future the function of the input message and the key. DES mostly
directions of this research. used in the banking industry, commercial and military secret
information sharing purpose. Security is the major concern in
II. CRYPTOGRAPHIC ENCRYPTION ALGORITHMS DES because it uses the 56 bits key (256) or 7.2 x 1016 keys
and cryptanalysts are trying to crack an encrypted message by
This section explains the review of existing encryption
key exhaustion. Brute force attack is possible through parallel
algorithms that are used to conclude the better encryption
machines of more than 2000 nodes with each node that has
scheme based on different parameters.
capabilities of key search 50 million keys/sec [39]. DES is
A. Data Encryption Standard (DES) cracked in 1998 by using Electronic Freedom Foundation
DES is the earliest symmetric encryption algorithm constructed device within 22 hours due to the less number of
developed by IBM in 1972 and adopted in 1977 as Federal key length and is highly susceptible to the linear cryptanalysis
Information Processing Standard (FIPS) by the National attacks.
Bureau of Standard (NBS). The NBS is currently the National B. Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES)
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that evaluate
Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) referred as Triple
and implement the standard encryption algorithm. It includes
Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) that was firstly proposed
64 bits key that contains 56 bits are directly utilized by the
by IBM in 1998 and standardized in ANSI X9.17 and ISO
algorithm as key bits and are randomly generated. The
8732. 3DES was appeared as the replacement of DES due to
remaining 8 bits that are not used by algorithm because it is
the improvement in the key length and applies the DES
used for the error detection as set to make a parity of each 8-
algorithm to the three times in each data block. The 56 bits
bit byte [17], [37], [38]. DES utilized the one secret key for
key length of DES algorithm was generally adequate earlier
encryption and decryption process and key length is 56 bits
when the algorithm designed but as the computation power
and performs the encryption of message using the 64 bits
increases then the brute force attack is feasible. On the other
block size. Similarly, the decryption process on a 64 bits
hand, 3DES provides a very simple method by the increment
ciphertext by using the same 56 bits key to produce the
of key length instead of design a complete block cipher and it
original 64 bits block of the message is shown in Fig. 5. The
protects against the brute force attack. A brute force attack
DES algorithm processes the 64 bits input with an initial
continuously trying every possibility of accessing keys until
permutation, 16 rounds of the key and the final permutation.

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the original message is obtained. Table 1 demonstrated four C. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
key sizes that show how long it required for the various key The NIST announced a call for the candidates of a cipher
spaces [9], [40]. The DES employed the 56 bits key size and to implement a new encryption standard in 1997 because of
3DES utilized the 168 bits key size. the need for high security and efficiency, it‟s time to replace
The key length for the 3DES is 112 bits and 168 bits, the the existing DES and 3DES encryption algorithm with new
number of rounds 48 and the block size is 64 bits [41]. The AES. All candidates of ciphers submitted its proposal by 1998
purpose of this algorithm is to increase the security with and finalized in 2000. Finally, Rijndael was selected as the
longer key length, so it is challenging for the cryptanalyst to AES out of 15 candidates. Rijndael is developed by Vincent
predict the pattern and attacks become rapidly impractical. Rijmen and Joan Daemen in 2001. US government is
The Key size, Number of keys, Time required at 1 employed AES to protect sensitive information and
Decryption/µs and Time required at 106 Decryption/µs is implemented across the world for data encryption purpose in
represented as Ks, Nk, Tr1D, Tr106D respectively. form of software and hardware. AES appears as the recent
generation block cipher and significantly increases in the
TABLE I AVERAGE TIME REQUIRED FOR EXHAUSTIVE KEY SEARCH block size up to 128 bits with the key sizes 128 bits, 192 bits
and 256 bits. The number of rounds set with respective key
Ks Nk Tr1D Tr106D size is the 10, 12, 14 for the 128 bits, 192 bits, 256 bits,
32-bits 232 = 4.3 x 109
2 µs = 35.8
2.15 millisecond respectively [9], [42], [43]. The number of AES parameters
minutes based on the key length mentioned in Table 2. The parameters
2 = 7.2 x
56-bits 55
2 µs = 1142 years 10.01 hours Key size, Block size, Number of rounds, Round key size, and
2128 = 3.4 x 127
2 µs = 5.4 x 10 24 expanded key size are represented as Ks, Bs, Nr, Rks, Eks,
128-bits 5.4 x 1018 years respectively.
1038 years
2168 = 3.7 x 2167µs = 5.9 x 1036
1050 years
5.9 x 1030 years AES was designed with the following characteristics:
characters 26! = 4 x 1026
2 x 10 µs = 6.4 x
6.4 x 106 years
 Compactness of code and speed on the large range of
1012 years platforms.

The main advantage of the 3DES algorithm is three times  Simple design.
secure having key size 2168 (use keys as a combination or each  Protection against all known attacks.
level with different keys size) as compared to DES algorithm
having key size 256, that‟s why 3DES algorithm is preferred as The data blocks are used as the array of bytes and
compared to the DES algorithm. Moreover, it provides represented in a matrix that is referred as the state array which
adequate security to the information but the problem with that changed in every step of encryption and decryption process.
it consumes more time in encryption process as compare to Each round follows some steps during encryption process to
DES. The encryption algorithm of 3DES is presented as complete each round until „n‟. After the final step, the state
follows: array is transferred into output matrix [18], [19], [44]. The
steps for each round consist of four layers i.e. substitute byte,
C = EncryptK3(DecryptK2(EncryptK1(P))) (3) shift rows, mix column and add round key is shown in Fig. 6.
and decryption algorithm of 3DES is given as follows: In the first layer, S-box of order 8 is applied to each byte. For
the linear mixing, the second and third layers are used. In
P = DecryptK3(EncryptK2(DecryptK1(C))) (4) these layers, the columns are mixed, and rows of the array are
Where C represented the ciphertext, P represented the shifted. The subkey bytes are XORed with every byte of the
plaintext and K1, K2, K3 represent the keys. array in the fourth layer. The round operation is done
iteratively that is based on the key size. The decryption
The overview and attraction of 3DES over next few years process has also the similar operation and same sequences of
can be defined in two ways [9]. Firstly, it overcomes the transformations as with the encryption, but it employed in the
vulnerability of brute force attack of the DES by using 168 reverse order. The transformation is an inv-substitute byte,
bits key size. Secondly, the encryption algorithm of 3DES is inv-shift rows, inv-mix columns and adds round key that
similar as in DES due to that more analysis than another assigns the key schedule form as identical for encryption and
algorithm over long time period. Moreover, this algorithm decryption process. All operation of AES can be combined
didn‟t find any effective cryptanalysis attack rather than brute into XOR operation and a lookup table, so the implementation
force. If we analyze in term of security, then 3DES appears as can be very efficient and fast.
a suitable choice for the standard encryption algorithm in
future decades. The major drawback of the 3DES algorithm is TABLE II ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD PARAMETERS
that it is slow in software because DES was designed in 1972 Ks Bs Rks Eks
in hardware implementation with no efficient software. 3DES (words/bytes/ (words/bytes/ Nr (words/bytes/b (words/
algorithm has three more times more rounds, that‟s why it is bits) bits) its) bytes)
correspondingly slow. The second drawback of DES and 4/16/128 4/16/128 10 4/16/128 44/176
3DES is that it uses 64 bits block size and for the demand of
more security and efficiency, the large block size is desirable. 6/24/192 4/16/128 12 4/16/128 52/208

8/32/256 4/16/128 14 4/16/128 60/240

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Next i
Swap EL and ER (Undo the last swap.)
Recombine EL and ER
Function Fn is represented as follows:
Divide EL into four 8 bits quarters: w, x, y, and z
Fn(EL) = ((S1, w + S2, x mod 232) XOR S3, y) + S4, z
mod 232.
The decryption process of Blowfish algorithm is similar as
encryption process, except that EP1, EP2, ...., EP18 are
employed in the reverse order. Blowfish primarily utilized
four S-boxes instead of the one S-box to prevent similarity
between the different bytes when the input is equal to the 32
bits input to the function Fn is bytewise permutation with
other input of 32 bits [46]. This algorithm used one S-box in
each process, so four different outputs are generated a non-
trivial permutation of each output. The design of four S-box
seems more secure, faster and easy to program. The function
that joins the output of four S-boxes is fast that would be XOR
the four output values with mix addition of mod 232. The
repetition of addition in each round and all XOR operations
end with an addition because the final result is combined with
XOR to the RE.

Fig. 6. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm.

D. Blowfish
Blowfish is symmetric block cipher based on the Feistel
function that is effectively used for encryption and decryption
process. It was introduced by one of most leading
cryptologists Bruce Schneier in 1993. Most of the encryption
algorithms are not available for the public and most of them
are protected by patent. Blowfish is fast, license free,
unpatented, freely available and alternative for existing
encryption algorithms. It uses the key length range up to 32-
448 and 64 bits block. Blowfish algorithm employed 16
rounds for the encryption process. Blowfish is a Feistel
structure that consists of 16 rounds shown in Fig. 7. This
algorithm considerably analyzed and with the instance of time,
it gains popularity as a robust block cipher [38]. Like the other
ciphers, this algorithm also effectively used in VLSI hardware
and can be optimized in software application [16], [45]. The
input as a plaintext is 64 bits data E.
Divide the data E into two halves of 32 bits: EL, ER
For i = 1 to 16:
Swap EL and ER
Fig. 7. Blowfish Encryption Algorithm.

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Blowfish algorithm needed more processing time because

it depends on the key size. The subkey generation process
increases the complexity that protects from brute force attack
and provides better security than existing encryption
techniques. Moreover, the use of a large number of weak keys
will damage the reliability of Blowfish [39]. It also utilized 64
bits block, but the larger block size is more desirable.
E. Hybrid Cubes Encryption Algorithm (HiSea)
Hybrid Cube Encryption Algorithm (HiSea) is the
symmetric non-binary block cipher because the encryption
and decryption key, plaintext, ciphertext and internal operation
in the encryption or decryption process that is based on the
integer numbers. HiSea encryption algorithm is developed by
Sapiee Jamel in 2011. The plaintext size for the encryption
process is the decimal ASCII characters of 64 bytes. Hybrid
Cube (HC) is generated based on the inner matrix
multiplication of the layers between the two Magic Cubes
(MC) [47]. HC of order 4x4 matrix H i , j , i  {1, 2, 879} and j
 {1, 2, 3, 4} is defined as follows:
Hi , j = MCi , j  MCi 1, j (5)

where the MCi , j is a jth layer of ith magic cubes.

Let us consider the HC 1 is generated through the inner

matrix multiplication of MC 1 layer with {x=1, 2, 3, 4} Fig. 8. Hybrid Cube Encryption Algorithm (HiSea).
coordinates and MC 2 layer having coordinates {x=1, 2, 3, 4}.
Similarly, HC 2 is generated with the inner matrix 4) Repeat step 3 with P3 and P4 to generate Ciphertext 3
multiplication of MC 2 and 3, and so on. A new cube structure (C3) and Ciphertext 4 (C4)
HC is generated by using the layers of MC where the layer HiSea is computationally secure and has a large key space
entries lie between the set of integers {1, 2, 3, … 4096}. All 10153.6 keys that make the brute force attack difficult or time-
possible combination of HC layer entries can be utilized to consuming [21], [27]. Furthermore, the comparison of
increase complexity in the design of encryption and different encryption algorithm is presented in Table 3.
decryption algorithms [48], [49]. The overall design of the
HiSea in which the plaintext, keys and ciphertext in III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
encryption process are formatted into order 4 matrix is shown
This section explains the performance analysis based on
in Fig. 8. The encryption algorithm used the following steps:
the results of different researchers and addresses the security
1) The plaintext is format as 64 characters into 64 aspects in the development of encryption algorithm based on
Extended ASCII codes and four matrices of Plaintext is the evaluation parameters. Moreover, there is a number of
represented as P1-P4. The intermediate result (P1´) for P1 is studies that assembling up-to-date development and
improvement in this field. Some researchers have a major
used in the encrypting process of P2. The intermediate result
focus on surveying about the cryptographic algorithms and
(P2´) for P2 is used in the encrypting process of P3. This their performance evaluation. Generally, the performance of
process is repeated for P4. The major reason for integrating the block cipher depends on the block size and key length. The
this method to ensure any change made in P1 will reflect into large block size will make the algorithm faster because a large
another ciphertext. The process of diffusion is performing on portion of data will be encrypted in the single execution cycle.
the initial stage to increase complexity in the ciphertext. Similarly, the small block of data required more execution
2) P1 is mixed with Initial Matrix (IM), P2, P3 and P4 cycle that increase the overall execution time. On the other
that generate the temporary ciphertext called P1´. P1´ is then hand, the large key size will affect the algorithm performance
added with the session Key 1 (K1). The Function MixRow because all key bits are involved in algorithm execution that
and MixCol are used to create diffusion in Ciphertext 1 (C1). makes the slower performance. However, the large key length
brings the algorithm more security and provides more
3) P2 is mixed with P1´ to produce P2´. This plaintext is
protection against cryptanalyst. Moreover, the importance of
then added with session Key 2 (K2). The results derive performance evaluation is to determine the software and
through MixRow and MixCol that create diffusion in hardware related best configuration setting, allowing the
Ciphertext 2 (C2). assessment that which one algorithm setting is more
efficiently and effectively solve the problem.

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Algorithms/Parameters DES 3DES AES Blowfish HiSea

Published 1977 1998 2001 1993 2011
Vincent Rijmen,
Developed by IBM IBM Bruce Schneier Sapiee Jamel
Joan Daeman
Substitution- Substitution-
Algorithm Structure Feistel Feistel Feistel
Permutation Permutation

Block cipher Binary Binary Binary Binary Non-Binary

128 bits, 192 bits and 1 – 4096 set of

Key Length 56 bits 112 bits, 168 bits 32 – 448 bits
256 integers
Flexibility or
No Extended from 256 key size is 64-448 key size in No
56 to 168 bits multiple of 64 multiple of 32
Number of Rounds 16 48 10, 12, 14 16 4
Block size 64 bits 64 bits 128 bits 64 bits 64 characters
Throughput Lower than AES Lower than DES Lower than Blowfish High Lower than AES
Level of Security Adequate security Adequate security Excellent security Excellent security Highly secure
Encryption Speed slow Very slow Fast Fast Moderate
Slow in both Effective in both
Effectiveness software and Slow in software software and Efficient in software Efficient in software
hardware hardware

Brute force attack,

Side channel
Attacks Brute force attack Known plaintext, Dictionary attack Not yet
Chosen plaintext

A performance comparison of symmetric encryption It shows that the execution time in the encryption process
algorithms based on the execution time using Electronic of Blowfish is faster than the rest of the techniques but 3DES
Codebook (ECB) and Cipher Feedback (CFB) modes was appear to be the slow in term of execution time using ECB
considered [38]. They used different data size in bytes (20527, mode. Moreover, the same data size is applied to find the
36002, 45911, 59862, 69646, 137325, 158959, 166364, execution time (seconds) in CFB mode shown in Table 5 and
191383 and 232398) for both modes and apply test on DES, comparison of the results in Fig. 10.
3DES, AES and Blowfish. Firstly, they execute the test using
having 2.4 GHz machine, respectively. The average execution CFB MODE
time (in seconds) of both machines and the comparison of the
average execution time is given in Table 4 and Fig. 9. Algorithms/Machine DES 3DES AES Blowfish

Pentium 4 106 328 328 86
Algorithms/Machine DES 3DES AES Blowfish

Pentium 2 134 383 228 108 4000

Pentium 4 14 42 21 11
300 1500 Pentium 2
200 1000 Pentium 4
Pentium 2 500
0 Pentium 4 0

Fig. 9. Average execution time of algorithms in ECB mode. Fig. 10. Average execution time of algorithms in CFB mode.

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
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The average execution time in encryption time shows that 1.2

the Blowfish is faster than the other encryption technique
using the CFB mode. Also, it is noted that the 3DES takes 0.7
more encryption time as compare to DES due to the triple key
size. Meanwhile, the performance evaluation of symmetric 0.2
encryption algorithms that are based on different blocks size, 96 224 352 480 608 736 992
key size, data types, encryption/decryption time and power
consumption is explained [50], [51]. This paper evaluates the DES Blowfish
encryption algorithms such as DES, 3DES, AES and Blowfish
and calculates the throughput by changing the block size. Fig. 12. Execution speed of DES and Blowfish.
They used different block size in Kbytes (49, 59, 100, 247,
321, 694, 899, 963, 5345.28 and 7710.336) for the encryption The results demonstrate that the blowfish execution speed
and decryption algorithms. The execution is done on laptop IV is faster than DES, but it consumes more memory to initialize
and CPU 2.4 GHz. The throughput value of encryption and the Subkey and S-box than the DES.
decryption process is shown in Table 6 and Fig. 11.
Meanwhile, the performance evaluation of the DES and
TABLE VI THROUGHPUT OF ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION ALGORITHM AES is based on the parameters such as memory, simulation
time and avalanche effect on Pentium dual-core T4300, 2.0
DES 3DES AES Blowfish GHz with RAM 2GB [1]. The analysis of DES and AES based
on different parameters is shown in Table 8 and Fig. 13.
Encryption 4.01 3.45 4.174 25.892
AES shows significantly high avalanche effect than DES
Decryption 6.347 5.665 6.452 18.72 by changing the one bit in plaintext keep the constant key and
variation of bits from 83 to 81. Also, it shows AES required
30 less memory and execution time. So, AES is a better choice
where the less memory is required. Meanwhile, the
DES performance evaluation of DES and AES is based on the
3DES encryption time by using Intel Pentium processor 2.34 GHz
and 1GB RAM [11]. Different size of files is used to evaluate
10 AES the performance as demonstrated in Table 9.
0 Blowfish The results show that the encryption time of AES is less
Encryption Decryption than DES. So, it means that AES performance is much better
than the DES as shown in Fig. 14.
Fig. 11. Throughput of encryption and decryption algorithms
The experimental result shows that the throughput value of Variation of
Variation of 1
Blowfish is better in encryption and decryption process than bit in plaintext
1 bit in key
Required Execution
the other algorithms. The basic terminology is that the Algorithm having
having memory Time
throughput value increases, then the power consumption will constant key
be decreased. We found that the AES performance is better
DES 43 41 43.3 0.32
than DES and 3DES. Moreover, the performance evaluation of
DES and Blowfish is based on execution speed using different AES 83 81 10.2 0.0304
memory sizes and explain the relationship between the
function memory size and run speed [16]. In this paper, 100
Variation of 1 bit in
performance is estimated on PC Pentium (R) 4, 3.00 GHz and 80 plaintext having
run program 109 times to encrypt plaintext of 256 characters. constant key
The memory size is from 96M to 992M as illustrated in 60
Variation of 1 bit in
Table 7 and Fig. 12. key having constant
Memory 0
size/ 96 224 352 480 608 736 992 DES AES
Fig. 13. Execution speed of DES and Blowfish.







File Size (KB) 32 126 200 246 280







Blowfish DES 0.27 0.83 1.19 1.44 1.67

AES 0.15 0.46 0.72 0.95 1.12

341 | P a g e
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 11, 2017

good response time than DES and 3DES but AES-256 takes
2 more time than DES to encrypt the file sizes [52]. 3DES
shows more response time to encrypt the file and provide less
1 performance than the other encryption algorithms.
0 4
32 126 200 246 280 3
1 MB
Fig. 14. Performance evaluation based on encryption time. 3 MB
The evaluation of HiSea encryption algorithm is based on 0 7 MB
randomness between ciphertext and key, and the correlation
10 MB
between the message and ciphertext [48]. The simulation was
performed on HP 2530, core 2 duo, 2.13 GHz and RAM 2GB.
The Ciphertext (C1-C4), Session Key (SK), Initial Matrix
(IM) and Correlation Assessment is illustrated in Table 10. Fig. 16. Evaluation based on average response time.

TABLE X ENTROPY AND CORRELATION ASSESMENT FOR HISEA In the end, overall results of encryption algorithms are
presented based on the different evaluation parameters shown
IM SK C1 C2 C3 C4 CA in Table 12. All cryptographic algorithms are depending on the
0.8199 0.8632 0.9999 0.9998 0.9998 0.9995 0.0440 block size, key and number of rounds. Generally, the
algorithms must consider the security requirements such as
Initial Matrix computational resources availability, the application‟s
requirements, and the distribution of secure key. In order to
Session Key apply appropriate encryption algorithm for the applications,
we must have knowledge about the strength, weakness, and
0.5 Ciphertext 1 performance based on different parameters. Blowfish is
appeared as fast encryption scheme in terms of execution time,
Ciphertext 2 throughput and runtime that is better than DES, 3DES, AES
0 and HiSea. An analysis based on brute force and correlation
assessment shows that the HiSea encryption and decryption
Fig. 15. Entropy (IM, SK, C1-C4) and correlation test. key are suitable in the development of secure non-binary
block cipher. AES algorithm has excellent avalanche effect
The entropy results show that the keys generated through and high in execution time and performed better as compare to
hybrid cubes are 0.8632 or 86.32% random and the initial DES, 3DES. The problem with the AES algorithm is that it
matrix that is used to add plaintext 1 during the encryption requires a significant amount of resources and power. The
process is 81.99% random demonstrated in Fig. 15. The keys 3DES show the low performance in the following parameters
used to generate a ciphertext are more than 99% random because it uses 64 bits block size and 168 bits keys that have
which means that ciphertext (C1-C4) blocks are almost no more modification from DES only the three-time the key
random and hide the relationship between the key and size, but it effects on throughput, encryption and decryption
ciphertext. The value of correlation test on HiSea is 0.0440 time. Also, DES and 3DES software are not more efficient.
which means that there is no correlation exists between the The demand for more efficiency and security is that it required
message and ciphertext pairs. Furthermore, the performance the large block size and key size, smallest the memory and
analysis of AES (128, 192, and 256), DES, 3DES and resources are desirable.
Blowfish are based on the average response time with
different data size of 1MB, 3MB, 7MB and 10MB using the IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
laptop 2.4 GHz is shown in Table 11.
A comprehensive review based on the cryptographic
algorithm for the security of data has been performed in this
TIME paper. The detailed summary of a symmetric block ciphers
such as DES, 3DES, AES, Blowfish and HiSea along with
DES 3DES Blowfish
128 192 256
different design methodologies have been presented. The
demonstration of results and discussion about these algorithms
1 0.14 0.39 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.15
are mainly focused on evaluation parameter like encryption
3 0.38 1.08 0.22 0.33 0.37 0.43 and decryption time, memory, avalanche effect, throughput,
correlation assessment and entropy because these parameters
7 0.99 2.71 0.51 0.79 0.91 1.03
show a more security, confidentiality, integrity, and reliability
10 1.34 3.63 0.71 1.10 1.25 1.41 for secure communication. Based on the performance
evaluation, the results of Blowfish, AES and HiSea provide
The results demonstrate that the Blowfish takes less time more security based on the resources availability. Blowfish is
to encrypt the specified file size than other encryption the best option in those applications where the memory and
algorithms as shown in Fig. 16. AES-128 and AES-192 show

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 11, 2017

encryption/decryption time is the major factor and it is random. However, based on the comparison between the
efficient in software. However, AES can be evaluated based symmetric block ciphers, the Blowfish is a best suitable
on the avalanche effect that shows excellent performance and candidate for security and it has the potential for further
HiSea show good performance in term of entropy and development due to a significant advantage in memory,
correlation assessment. So, we conclude that the AES and encryption and decryption time, throughput and efficient
HiSea can be employed in those applications where integrity encryption design. Based on the above study, this research
and confidentiality is the highest priority. analyzes that there is a need to develop the hybrid encryption
algorithm which combines different encryption algorithms
HiSea provides great strengthened to the encryption based on all suitable parameters that are used to enhance the
algorithm because the entropy of encryption keys is 99% overall security of the encryption techniques.

Elminaam et
Nadeem et Nie et al. Jamel et Mandal et Silva et al. Faiqa et al.
Algorithm Evaluation Parameters al. (2008,
al. (2005) (2009) al. (2011) al. (2012) (2016) (2017)

Encryption time ** * ** *
Throughput **
DES Run time test *
Memory *** *
Avalanche effect *
Encryption time * *
Throughput *
Encryption time *** **** *** ****
Throughput ***
Avalanche effect ****
Memory ***
Encryption time **** ****
Throughput ****
Run time test ****
Memory space **
Entropy ****
Correlation assessment ****
* = Low; ** = Medium; *** = High; **** = Excellent

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to thank the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia for Global Links for Human Development, pp. 707–710, 2008.
supporting this research under Fundamental Research Grant [7] S. Goldwasser and M. Bellare, Lecture Notes on Cryptography,
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