Priya HRD PRJCT (Steel Plant)
Priya HRD PRJCT (Steel Plant)
Priya HRD PRJCT (Steel Plant)
With reference to
Asst.General Manager (HRD)
RINL, Visakhapatnam
I, Kadalisri Priyanka declare that the project work entitled – A study on “Human resource development”
with reference to “RashtriyaIspat Nigam Limited” carried by me for the partial fulfillment for the award
of degree of Master of Business Administration under JNTUK.This project work was undertaken as a part
of academic curriculum according to the JNTUK norms and it has no commercial interest and motive. It is
my original work. It is not submitted to any other University/Institution for any other purpose.
Regd. No.17551E0035
This is to certify that this project work entitled - “A Study onHUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT with
reference to RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED” is a bonafide work done and submitted by KADALI
SRI PRIYANKA in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Business
Rajamahendravaram. The project work has been completed under my guidance during the period of 21 st May
2018 to 23nd June 2018.
Asst. General Manager
Place: Visakhapatnam
This is to certify that the project work entitled “A Study onHUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT with
reference to RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED”is a bonafide work done by Kadalisripriyanka,
pursuingMaster of Business Administration at GODAVARI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND
TECHNOLOGY (A), Rajamahendravaram in partialfulfillment for the award of the Degree of Master of
Business Administration during the academic year 2017-19 offered by view.
Place: Visakhapatnam
I am very much thankful to my family members & friends for their support and
encouragement without which I wouldn’t have been the person I am now to complete my
project work.
There are many who helped during my project work. I once again thank each and every one
from RINL, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant for extending their help.
Page No.
HRM is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance
management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication,
administration, and training.
HRM is also a strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment.
Effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the
accomplishment of the organization's goals and objectives.
HRM is moving away from traditional personnel, administration, and transactional roles, which are increasingly
outsourced. HRM is now expected to add value to the strategic utilization of employees and that employee programs
impact the business in measurable ways. The new role of HRM involves strategic direction and HRM metrics and
measurements to demonstrate value.
Human Resource Development
The part of human resource management that specifically deals with training and development of the
Human resource development includes training an individual after he/she is first hired, providing opportunities
to learn new skills, distributing resources that are beneficial for the employee's tasks, and any other developmental
The main aim of HR development programs include planning development programs based on identified
performance gaps by enabling individuals to achieve short-term and long-term career goals and supporting succession
planning by implementing leadership development programs. HR development programs also help organizations
comply with local, state and federal regulations.
Work Opportunity: HRD provides an opportunity and a systematic framework for the development resource in the
organization for full expression of their talents.
Development of Traits: HRD is associated with the development of total personality so that these can show and use
their talent for the benefit of the organization.
Ability development: HRD makes capable employees. Thus they can develop their capability by which they can do
their present job easily.
Creative Motivation: HRD manager motivates employees and improve their level of performance.
Good Relation: HRD manager stresses the need of coordination which is used for the benefits of himself and for the
benefits of those who come in his/their touch.
Develop team spirit: HRD manager develops the spirit of teamwork; team work for it is used for the effective
cooperation and coordination of each employee which ultimately checks industrial unrest.
Organizational Growth: HRM manager is responsible for developing health, culture and effective work plan which
always result in more profitability.
Human Resource Information: HRM manager in general keeps all records to employees working in his organization;
these can be used at any time when these are needed.
A needs assessment is a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be. These
“things” are usually associated with the organization orindividual performance.
Legislation/Policy changes – this puts new demands on the human resource in terms of
o Lack of basic skills – an assessment of the skill level of staff vis-à-visthe job requirements may
be evidence of a need.
o New technology – the emergence of new technology may render the skills of current staff
redundant and hence a human resource development need.
o Customer requests – the enlightened citizenry is putting demands on the Public Servants who
may be ill-equipped to provide the demanded service.
o New products/services – the emergence of new products/services requires that the human
resource is adequately prepared to cope.
o Higher performance standards – high performance standards have emerged due to new
technology, globalization and anenlightened and demanding citizenry.
o New jobs – this may be due to promotion, recruitment or the creation of new structures that lead
to the emergence of new jobs.
o Career progression requirements – where there is a defined a career growth path that calls for
the acquisition of competences as one grows in a career.
a. Organizational level needs – changes in mandate of state agency, expectations of customers/citizens through
surveys may reveal a need for organizations to change behavior of service providers of retooling them.
b. Task analysis needs (job analysis) – skill requirements to perform a given task could help determine needs of
the current holders of jobs.
c. Person analysis needs – the competencies of current job holders could also be assessed to determine their
suitability for the jobs they currently hold.
a ) Primary data:
Data which is collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original in chapter in primary data can be
collected from several methods of collections primary data particularly in survey and descriptive researchers.
.Observation method
. Interview
. Questionnaires
. Schedules
b) Secondary data:
The secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer to data which have already been collected and
analyzed by someone else. when the researcher utilized secondary data then he has to look into various sources from
where he can obtain them.
Percentage analysis
In this method, all the given data is converted and is represented in the form of bar diagrams, pie charts etc. This
method helps in knowing the ups and downs of the data respectively. The formula for calculating percentage
Sampling plan:
The sampling plan consists of sampling units, e.g. from functional departments namely—marketing, commercial,
technical and human resources. These employees constitute the man power in the company who are engaged in the day
to day functioning of the company, thus it is very important for them to understand the various aspects of entire
selection process and also the importance of performance appraisal system. Therefore they had been selection for the
project sampling.
HRD is broader than human resource management; it consists of several sub-systems such as training and
development, employee appraisal, counseling, rewards and welfare, quality of work life, etc. these are the
areas within its scope. The following topics are included within the scope of HRD.
1. Training: - Training is an essential element of HRD. This develops skills and capacity to work at higher levels
and positions. Training is possible by different methods. It is useful for self-development and career
2. Performance appraisal: - Performance appraisal is an important area of HRD. The purpose of performance
appraisal is to study critically the performance of an employee and to guide him to improve his performance.
This technique is useful for building a team of capable employees and is also used for their self-development.
3. Potential appraisal: - It relates to the study of capabilities of employees. It is useful for proper placement and
career development of employees. Potential appraisal of employees is useful for developing their special
qualities, which can be used fruitfully along with the expansion and diversification of activities of the company.
4. Career planning and development: - Under HRD employees should be given guidance for their self-
development and career development. The opportunities likely to develop in the organization should be brought
to their notice. They should be motivated for self-development, which is useful to the organization in the long
5. Employees’ welfare: - Employees welfare is within the scope of HRD. Welfare facilities are useful for creating
efficient and satisfied labour force. Such facilities raise the morale of employees. Employee welfare include the
provision of medical and recreation facilities, subsidized canteen, free raining and other measures introduced for
6. Rewards and incentives: - HRD includes provision of rewards and incentives to employees to encourage them
to learn, to grow and to develop new qualities, skills and experiences which will be useful in the near future.
Reward is an appreciation of good work. It may be in the form of promotion, higher pay etc.
7. Organizational development: - HRD aims at providing conflict-free operations throughout the organization. It
also keeps plans ready to deal with problems like absenteeism, turnover, low productivity or industrial disputes.
8. Quality of work life: - Quality of work life depends on sound relations between employer (owner) and
employees. A forward looking policy on employee benefits like job security, attractive pay, participative
management and monetary and non-monetary rewards will go a long way in improving the quality of work life.
9. Human resource information system: - Such system acts as information bank and facilitates human resource
planning and development in a proper manner. It facilitates quick decision-making in regard to HRD. Every
organization has to introduce such system for ready reference to HRD matters.
HRM needs implementation of programs such as career planning, on the job training, development programs,
MBO, counseling etc. There is a need to create an atmosphere of learning in the organization. In reality HRM
programs are confined to class room lectures and expected results are not coming out of this approach.
Inadequate Information:
1. Some enterprises do not have requisite information about their employees. In the absence of adequate
information and data base, this system cannot be properly implemented. So there is a need to collect, store and
retrieval of information before implementing human resource management.
2. In many organizations, even the professionals misunderstand HRM as synonymous with HRD. Some class
room training programs are generally arranged, which are called HRD programs. These programs are
understood as human resources management. Such casual class room programs are not the actual HRM
3. Even a well planned and executed HRD program is not HRM. HRD is only a part of HRM which is an
integrated approach to management. Undoubtedly, human resource management suffers from such limitations.
But the impact it has made on the managerial effectiveness has been spectacular wherever it was introduced.
Actually speaking a real need exists in every Indian organization for an HRM approach.
What’s in the name? Nothing, one might say. For steel – a century old metal – there additionally seems no reason for
any possible non-unanimity of thought. But here precisely are the chances for out going wrong. True, like most
industries, the Indian Steel Industry has experienced the highs and lows of the business cycle, has been impacted by the
globalization and has been subjected to the vagaries of market forces in a liberalized set up. But at the end of it all,
what we have today is a highly evolved, resilient and an ever – vigilant industry, which through adoption of State-on-
the-art technologies has kept pace with changing times, producing an output that has not only stood the test of time but
has globally transformed the way men think and do business in steel.
India got into the steel making in the early 20th century when JRD Tata set up the first steel mill in the
country in 1907 in Jamshedpur. Since then, the steel industry has undergone a lot of changes but the Tata Iron and Steel
Company continues to be the largest private steel maker in the country. The steel industry in the 70s and 80s was
dominated by TISCO & SAIL. With the price control regime in place, the steel companies could turn in a profit without
any major effort. But the situation soon changed when the
Country decided to open the door for foreign investment in 1991. The pricing mechanism of Joint Plant Committee,
which has been operating form 1964, was abolished with effect from January 1992.
In the initial economic reforms, industrialists saw the economy growing at 7% per annum and since steel
consumption is directly linked to the growth in economy, it was assumed that demand for steel in the country would
explode. This led to huge flow of investments into the steel industry and many EAF based steel units were set up.
The 1st phase (1914-1947) of its evolution can be traced to the beginning of the 20th century when the steel
industry made a beginning as an icon of active patriotism, thanks to the pioneering spirit of “Swedish” entrepreneurs in
the private sector. This period saw a small but viable steel capacity of about 1 million tones.
Although the initial years justified these assumptions and steel consumption really took off, this scenario was
not to continue for ling. The political instability and the resultant slow down in reforms saw the economic growth
slowing down. The south East Asian economic crises were of course, the final nail on the coffin.
During the second phase (1947-1992) in the hands of the early planners this industry became an important
instrument for attaining rapid economic growth because of the inherent advantage enjoyed by it. Firstly, India’s fast
reserves of the basic raw materials conferred a certain competitive advance to this industry. Secondly the wide- ranging
linkages, both forward & backward sector has with the rest of the economy made it an ideal catalyst for generating and
sustaining economic development.
During the 4 decades, the Indian State invested heavily in creating large scale integrated capacities in the public
sector as a part of the overall development strategy aiming at self sufficiency in the heavy & basic industries. The
ensure state control at the commanding heights of the economy, large-scale capacity creation was reserved for the
public sector units (PSU) in a predominantly mixed economic environment.
Indian Steel industry has always remained isolated and protected by Government, where the steel industry was never
expected to generate profit from business, but was expected to provide employment tot ht unemployed. Presently India
is operating with open-hearth furnaces. The existing equipment, energy and labour in Indian Steel industry are much
low than the developed countries.
Indian Steel industry generates a significant among of waste materials, which can cause environmental
problems. The four aspects of “Waste Management” namely – residue reprocess, recycle and recovery do not hold
much ground in the Indian Steel Industry. The Indian companies cannot spend more for pollution control. The energy
consumption per tone is 50-100% higher than that of the International norms.
The Indian steel industries have developed a bit in the recent years. The production is going on properly. Many
techniques are being implemented in the steel industries. The country’s aim is to sell quality steel. The government is
also helping the steel industries in this basis. The apparent consumption of steel in shown below:
The development of steel industry in India should be viewed in conjunction with the type and system of
government that had been ruling the country. The production steel in significant quality started after a 1990. The growth
of steel industry can be conveniently started by dividing the period into pre and post independence era. In the period of
pre Independence steel production was 1.5 million tons per year, which was raised to 9.0 million tones of target by the
seventies. This is present of the bold steps taken by the government to develop this sector.
Non-availability of good quality raw material is another problem faced by iron and steel industry. The modern
giant blast furnace needs high-grade iron ore and good metallurgical coal.
Further, the industry is unable to get good quality coke and manganese is which the principal raw materials next to iron
ore are unfortunately most of our resources of manganese ore are of poor quality besides the non availability of good
quality raw material, regular supplies of raw materials are very much handicapped due to the absence of good transport
facilities. Another problem faced by the steel industry related to the difficulty in getting zinc supplies for the continuous
galvanizing line.
Since 1941, India steel and iron industry was almost completely state regulated. Both prices and distribution of
steel were under the control of Govt. The Govt. decided to remove statutory control over the price and distribution of
all, but a few categories with effect from 1st March 1964 the Govt., supervise the steel and iron inducted according to
the recommendation of Raja committee. But Raj committee in fixing the steel price didn’t regulate the price of the raw
S No Year Growth
3. 1899
Jamshediji TATA initiated the scheme for an integrated steel plant
4. 1906 Formation of TISCO
8. 1951-1956 First five-year plant – The Hindustan Steel Limited (HSL) was born in
the year 1954 with decision of setting up three plants each with 1
million tones ingot steel per year at Rourkela, Bhili, Durgapur. TISCO
started its expansion programme.
9. 1956-1961 Second five – year plan – A bold decision was taken up to increase the
ingot steel output in India to 6 million tones per year and its production
at Rourkela, Bhilai and Durgapur Steel plant started.
10. 1961-1966 Third five-year plant – During the plant the three steel plants under
HSL, TISCO & TISCO were expanded*
12. 1966-69 Recession period - Till the expansion programmes were actively
existed during this period
13. 1969-74 Fourth five-year plant - Salem Steel Plant started. Licenses were given
for setting up of many mini steel plants and rerolling mills government
of India. Plants in south are each in Visakhapatnam and Karnataka.
SAIL was formed during this period on 24th January 1973.
14. 1974-79 Fifty five-years plan – The idea of setting up the fifth integrated steel
plant, the first re – base plant at Visakhapatnam took a definite shape.
At the end of the fifth five-year plan the total installed capacity from
six integrated plants was up to 10.6 million tons.
15. 1979-1980 Annual plan. The Erstwhile soviet union agreed to help in setting up
the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.
16. 1980-1985 Sixth five-year plant – Work on Visakhapatnam Steel plant started with
a big bang and top priority was accorded to start the plant. Schemes for
modernization of Bhilai Steel Plant, Rourkela steel plant, Durgapur
steel and TISCO were initiated. Capacity at the end of sixth five-year
plant form six integrated plants stood 11.50 million tones.
17. 1985-91 Seventh five-year plant – Expansion works at Bhilai and Bokaro steel
plant completed. Progress of Visakhapatnam steel Plant picked up and
the nationalized concept has been introduced to commission the plant
with 30 MT liquid steel capacities by 1990.
18. 1992-1997 Eighth five-year plan – The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant was
commissioned in 1992. The cost of plant has become around 8755
cores. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant started the production and
modernization of other steel plants is also duly engaged.
19. 1997-2002 Ninth five-year plant – Restructuring of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant and
other public sector undertakings
20 2002-2007 Tenth five year paln-steel industry registers the growth of 9.9%
Visakhapatnam steel plant high regime targets achieved the best of
21 2007-2012 Eleventh five year plan- steel industry registers the growth of
9.9%Visakhapatnam steel plant high regime targets achieved the best of
22 2012-2017 Twelth five year plan-the steel industry has a bright future as the
uniongovt announced to create infrastructure worth RS 50 lakh crore in
Collaboration Capacity of
S No Plant
Finished Steel Products
Original to Expand:
MT/Year MT/Year
The Government of India has decided to set up an integrates Steel Plant at Visakhapatnam to meet the growing
domestic needs of steel. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant was the effect of the persistent demands and mass movements. It is
another step towards increasing the country’s steel production.
The decision of the Government to set up an integrated steel plant was laid down by the ten Prime Minister Smt.
Indira Gandhi. The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone on 20th January 1971.
The consultant, m/s M N dastur & co (Pvt) Ltd.submitted a techno-economic feasibility report in February
1972, and detailed project report for the plant, with an annual capacity of 3.4 million tones of liquid steel.
The Government of India and USSR signed an agreement of 12th June 1979 for the co-operation in setting up
3.4 million tones integrates Steel Plant. The project was estimated to cost to Rs.3, 897.20 crores based on prices as on
4th Quarter of 1981. However, on completion of the construction and commissioning of the whole plant in 1992, the
cost escalated to Rs 8,755 crores based on prices as on 2nd Quarter of 1994.
Unlike other integrated Steel Plants in India, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant is one of the most modern steel plants
in the country. The plant was dedicated to the nation on 1st august 1992 by the then Prime Minister, Sri P.V.Narasimha
New technology, large-scale computerization and automation etc, are incorporated in the Plant at the
international levels and attain such labour productivity, the organizational manpower has been rationalized. The
manpower in the VSP has been limited to 17,500 employees. The plant has the capacity of producing 3.0 million tones
of liquid steel and 2.656 million tones of saleable steel.
It has set up two major Blast furnaces, the Godavari and the Krishna, which are the envy of any modern steel
making complex.
The economy of a nation depends on core sector industries like iron and steel. Steel is the basic input for construction,
machines building and transport industries. Keeping in view the importance of steel the following integrated steel plant
with foreign collaborations was constructed in the public sector in the post independence era.
Since Commission VSP has already crossed many mile stones in the fields of production, productivity &
exports. Coke rate of the order of 509 kg/Ton of Hot metal, average converter life of 2864 heats an average of 23.6
heats per sequence in continuous Bloom caster. Specific energy consumption of 6.07 G Kg/ton of liquid steel, a specific
refractory consumption of 8.94 kg and a labour productivity of 265 Ton/man year are some of the peaks achieved
(during the year 204-05) in pursuit of excellence.
(b) By-products:
1. Granulated slag
2. Lime Fines
3. Ammonium Sulphate
To be a continuously growing world class company.
We shall,
To attain 16 million tone (Mt) liquid steel capacity through Technological up-gradation, operational
efficiency and expansion; augmentation of assured supply of raw materials; to produce steel at international standards
of cost and quality; and to meet the aspirations of the stakeholders.
Expand plant capacity to 6.3 Mt by 2008-09 with the mission to expand further in subsequent phases as
per the Corporate Plan.
Stabilize 6.3 Mtpa expansion by 2012-13 with the mission to expand further in subsequent phases as per
corporate plan
Revamping existing blast Furnaces to make them energy efficient to contemporary levels and in the
process increase their capacity by 1 Mtpa, thus total hot metal capacity to 7.5 Mtpa
Be amongst top five lowest cost liquid steel producers in the world
Achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction
Vibrant work culture in the organization
Be proactive in conserving environment, maintaining high levels of safety & addressing social concerns
With a view to running the business in a transparent manner meeting the needs and expectation of the
stakeholders, it was felt desirable to give utmost importance to the value System in the company. Accordingly, RINL
has finalized its Core Values, which are brought out below.
Customer satisfaction
Continuous improvement
Concern for environment
Creativity & innovation.
HRD does not refer to training alone, nor it is just a new name for training.
In RINL/VSP HRD refers to creative and innovative initiatives in several management functions for the
development and growth of employees
HRD should eventually be a core philosophy of all management actions and should not remain merely a
departmental/ sectional activity.
All functional and divisional heads responsible of various activities of the company will imbibe the
HRD spirit and suitability integrate HRD into their plans, decisions and actions.
To provide initially a suitable match between employee competence level and company’s work
To faster an appropriate climate and culture which nurtures employee competence and adequate
motivational levels for the application of their abilities to assigned jobs/roles with required commitment.
To enable employees seek greater identification with the company by fusing management decisions and
actions with the requisite care, concern and developmental approach.
To initially enable the employees and the organization achieve its mission and objectives and business
goals through HRD
Employees of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant are committed to supply their customer’s quality products and
services. To accomplish this Visakhapatnam Steel Plant will:
Manufacture products as per specification and standards agreed with the customer.
Follow clearly documented procedures for achieving expected quality standard of products and services.
Continuously strive to improve quality of all material, processes and products.
Maintain an enabling environment, which encourages actives involvement of all employees to pursue
continuous improvement of quality.
We, at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, are committed to meet the needs and expectations of our customers and other
interested parties, the occupational health and safety of our work force and to preserve the environment. The
accomplish this, we will.
Environment, Occupational health & Safety and also ensure the same by contractors.
Continually improve quality, environment, occupational health and safety performance with respect to
products, activities, processes.
Encourage development and involvement of employees.
Maintain high level of quality, environment, occupational health and safety consciousness amongst
employees and contract workers by imparting education and training
HR Policy:
We, at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, believe that our employees are the most important resources. To realize the
full potential of employees, the company is committed to :
Provide work environment that makes the employees committed and motivated for maximizing
Establish systems for maintaining transparency, fairness and equality in dealing with employees
Empower employees for enhancing commitment, responsibility and o accountability
Encourage teamwork, creativity, innovativeness and high achievement orientation.
Provide growth and opportunities for developing skill and knowledge
Ensure functioning of effective communication channels with employees.
Elaborate measures have been adapted to combat air and water pollution in Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.
In order to be Eco friendly Visakhapatnam Steel Plant has planted more that 3 million trees in area of 35 square kilo
meters and incorporated various techinologies at a cost of Rs 460 control measures.
Modern town shop will all amenities has been developed with 8032 quarters to house the plant
employees and other agencies in 11 sections. The township is having best facilities in terms of drinking water supply,
drainage, roads, modern’s hospital, community center, parks, schools, shopping complexes, recreational facilities etc.,
to cater to needs of the employees.
BF Dolomite Dubai
3 Batteries each of 67 ovens & 7 Mts
SINTER PLANT 5,256 2 Sinter machines of 312 Sqm grate
area each
2 Furnaces of 3200 cum volume each
LMMM 710
4 Stand finishing MILL
WRM 850
2 x 10 Stand finishing MILL
MMSM 850
6 Stand finishing MILL
5. Squares H P Napthalene
6. Flats Benzene
7. Rounds Tolunene
8. Re-bars Zylene
Training programmes conducted converting a total number of 44,488 employees, which includes
employees covered by T&DC (29,892 number), HRD, Safety Dept. and CISF Fire Wing thus achieving
11.46 man days of training per employee per year.
Thrust is given to departmental refresher programmes covering over 10,000 employees which is 100%
growth over last year. On the Job Training covered 7003 employees. 24 SOPs and 192 SMPs were
translated into Telugu.
A Competency Mapping Model has been developed and executed in Sinter Plant covering Charge man
to E-4 level.
With regard to quality of training, in reaction level feedback 87.12% participants rated >4 on a 5-point
scale, in learning lever 84% participants scored >60% marks in post raining tests, in application level
feedback, controlling officers rated >3.5 for 81% participants on 5-point scale.
365 employees were trained on Critical Equipment Training and 200 employees were trained on Critical
Activities training (to take care of the critical contractual jobs).
Trade Tests were conducted for 1689 employees for the Inter Cluster promotions in different Works and
Non-works Departments.
“Ukku Prarichayam”, a book on Steel making in Telugu has been reviewed, edited and printed and was
and fixed in the class rooms. The ambience of Trainees Hostel and T&DC canteen were improved.
Auditorium facilities and necessary help extended in organizing and conducting 35 programmes
The efforts of VSP have been recognized in various for a. Some of the major awards received by VSP are in the
area of Energy Conservation, Environment Protection, Safety, Quality, Quality Circles, Rajbhasha, Mau, Sports related
awards and a number of awards at the individual level.
ISO 9002 for SMS and all the downstream units-a unique distinction in the steel industry.
Indira Priya Darshini Vriksha Mitra award 1992-93, Nehru memorial national award for pollution
control 1992-93 & 1993-94.
EEPC export excellence award – 1995-95.
CII (Southern Region) energy conservation award – 1995-1996.
Continuously growing peacock (1st prize) national quality award – 1996.
Steel ministries trophy “ Best safety performance -1996.*
IIM national quality commitment award -1997.
Gold star award for excellent performance in productivity.
Udyog excellence gold medal for excellence in steel plant.
Excellence award for outstanding performance in productivity management, quality and innovation.
ISPAT Suraksha Puraskar (1st prize) for largest accident free period 1991-94.
Best Labour Management award from the Government of Andhra Pradesh
SCOPE Award for best turnaround for 2001.
Environment Excellence Award from Green tech Foundation for energy conservation in 2002.
Best Enterprise award form SCOPE, WIPS for 2001—02
PM Trophy for the year 2002-03 as the Best Integrated Steel Plant
A number of Awards at Local, Regional National level competitions in the area of Quality Circles &
Suggestion Schemes, etc.
Total quality, latest technology, sophisticated equipment, up to date knowledge, high skills, cost consciousness,
production with less cost and customer satisfaction have become the hallmark of VSP.
Today, VSP is moving forward with an aura of confidence and with pride amongst its employees who are
determined to give their best for the company to enable it to reaches heights in organizational excellence.
To enable the participants to gain an insight into the benefits of Team Work and resulting “Synergy”
To focus the attention of the participants on the factors that govern Synergy and ways & means to enhance &
enrich the same
To enhance the understanding of the participants on the Role and Attributes needed to be a good Team Member
To provide an understanding of the role of a Leader
To introduce the concept of thinking and the need to consciously activate the brain power
To introduce the concept of logical thinking and enable understanding and effective utilization of some of the
associated techniques
To introduce the concept of creative thinking and enable understanding and effective utilization of some of the
associated techniques
Create a greater appreciation on the Leader’s role as a manager/supervisor in the existing environment and
initiate activities in line with this role.
Understand ‘Key Management Processes’ and how they can apply them effectively in their day to day working
for Organizational development
Imbibe and apply skills of Delegation, Motivation, and Development as part of the leader’s role in the team.
View the role of Leader/Manager primarily as that of “Developing People” to perform to their maximum
potential, plot a growth path for them and guide them through the development process in the organization
Develop a set of skills to improve personal productivity of the team to achieve organizational goal
To provide an insight into, and an understanding of individual’s behavior, which could form the basis for
improved inter-personal relationships
To provide an insight into, and an understanding of behavioral dynamics of groups of people and indicate ways
& means to make intra and inter-group behaviour more productive
To consider the impact of different styles of behaviour on positive inter-personal relationships as such, and
examine the available ways & means to enhance its qualitative impact on the overall effectiveness and
efficiency of work situations
Providing a learning environment that supports and enhances the development of social competence and
emotional well-being
Recognize how their feelings affect their performance
Are decisive, able to make sound decisions despite uncertainties and pressures
Use the group’s core values in making decisions and clarifying choices
Stay composed, positive, and unflappable even in trying moments
Are results-oriented, with a high drive to meet their objectives and standards.
Helping the participants analyze the antecedents and consequences of work-life conflict
Making the participants understand the challenges associated with managing professional life and personal life
To enhance the managerial skills of the participants to prepare them to shoulder higher responsibilities
To provide the participants with an opportunity to learn management concepts and techniques relevant for
formulating and implementing strategies in functional and general management areas
To enable participants to appreciate interdependencies in an organization and acquire perspectives required for
general management positions
To re-convert the work-force from the stage of “not engaged – actively disengaged” to the stage of “engaged
To enable the participants enhance their time-management skill by empowering them with apt tools and
To enhance work discipline among the work-force and balancing human relations
To enable the participants to maintain harmonious balance between work and family
To sensitize the employees about the values & goals of the organization and integrate with individual goals
Production plan
Technical parameters achieved vis-à-vis desired plan
Sustainability plan
Vision, Mission & Objectives
Inter-personal relations
Impart knowledge about legal issues in contract formulation and the management of domestic & international
commercial contracts
Examine the principles, practices and issues relating to execution of commercial contracts
Understand the remedies available in the event of a breach of contract
Apply, appreciate and understand the role of alternative means of dispute resolution
Develop an ability to handle more effectively the potential legal risks while managing business contracts
To make the participants gender sensitive and to remove some common bias often present on their language and
Focus on legal aspects of gender sensitivity including recent legislations
Tips on how to deal effectively with gender issues in recruitment, training and promotion
To make the participants aware of the need for gender sensitivity at the work-place
The cross cultural perspective gives an overview of gender issues globally and prepares them to deal with
various situations
Faculty : INTERNAL
Note: Please indicate your expectations from the Program before commencement of the session
(Participant is requested to furnish feedback on the following points after completion of the Program)
In overall assessment, how do you Rate the Program in terms of the “Aspects covered? (please tick)
Above Fully meets Almost meets Partly meets Below
expectation expectation expectation expectation expectation
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
In your opinion, what other aspects could be included in the Program? Also state whichever expectations are
not met.
Which aspect of the Program would you implement in your area of work?
Please give “Suggestions” & “Opinions” for the “Service Provided” like “Food” & “Refreshments”.
Signature :
Name :
Emp.No. :
Designation :
Department :
HR process:
Recruiting is an ongoing project for any organization. From the moment an employment application is
submitted, recruitment software should be there to rank it, match the applicant to job if necessary and place the
information in a database that can share the information across different software applications or applicant tracking
tasks, including scheduling interviews and sending out letters for every stage of the recruitment process.
Recruitment describes the process of various stages of searching for suitable candidates to fill vacancies in
the workforce. Selecting the right people for jobs and placing them in right role play and important role in determining
whether they are giving their best to the organization and in those they are fast expanding.
To recruit means to enlist, replenish or reinforce it to the process of bringing together prospective employees
and employer with a view to stimulate and encourage the former to apply for a job with the latter. The purpose of
recruitment is to prepare an inventory of people who meet the criteria laid down in job specification so that the
organization may choose those who are found most suitable for the vacant position.
Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable person out of all the applicants. In this process relevant
information about applicants is collected through a series of steps so as to evaluate their suitability for the job to be
field. Selection is a process of matching the qualification of applicants with the job requirements. Requirement
technically precedes selection. Proper selection is helpful in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the enterprise.
The selection procedure consists of a series of steps. At each stage facts may come to light which may lead to the
rejection of the applicants. It is a series of successive hurdles or barriers, which an applicant must cross. There is no
standard selection procedure to be used in all organization or for all jobs. The complexity of selection procedure
increases with the level and responsibility of the position to be filled. The strategy and method used for selecting
employees varies from firm to firm and from one job to another.
Obtaining information about the background, education, training, work history and interests of the candidates.
Giving information to candidates about the company, the specific job and personnel policies and
Establishing a friendly relationship between the employer and the candidate so as to motivate the successful
applicant to work for organization.
Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule
and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of
an efficient workforce.
The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates. Specifically, the
purpose is to:
1) Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personal planning and
job-analysis activities.
2) Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
3) Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or over
qualified job applicants.
4) Help reduces the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only
after a short period of time.
5) Meet the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce.
6) Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.
7) Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.
8) Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.
Human resource is the important resource to any organization. The study on the effectiveness of the recruitment
and selection makes one to know the status of company.
Effective recruitment policy can increase the company’s success. This study is to know the importance of
recruitment and selection in the organization. A company should place a right person in right position and in
right time.
Efficient work force will not only improve the quality of the products of the organization. But also cut down on
costs. It will also improve the image of the organization.
Employees properly selected and placed would not only contribute to the efficient running of the organization
but also offers significant potential for future development.
There should be consistency in the process of Recruitment and Selection. Organization can enjoy the fruits
when it has implemented a policy in Recruitment and Selection.
The present study mainly aims at identifying and selection the right person for the right job in respect of
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.
It is undisputed fact that recruitment and selection place dominate role in the progress of the company.
Recruitment forms of the first stage in the process which continues with selection and cases with the placement
with the candidate.
Recruitment makes it possible to acquire the num and types of people necessary to ensure the organisation
recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organisational vacancies n the other
The selection procedure is concerned with the securing relevant information about an applicant and to
determine when the applicants need the qualification for the specific job and to choose the applicant who is
most likely to perform well in that job.
For the development and effective function of an organisation. There is a need for a proper recruitment and
selection procedure.
RINL-Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Industry is a fast growing industry.
RINL-Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, is a successful company and earning profits.
Every project work must be carried out on the basis of an objective, because these objectives lay
down a proper part by clearly mentioning what we are suppose to find out on the study under taken in the chosen organization.
The main objective of the project is to find out whether consistency is beingmaintain in the recruitment and
selection process in the organization.
To study the sources of Recruitment and selection in RINL.
To analyze the recruitment and selection process at RINL.
To analyze the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process
To offer suitable suggestions and recommendations based on the findings.
To know the vision & values of the company.
To analyse how the company is striving to achieve their objectives.
To know the various functional activities of the company.
To analyse the collected data.
To give suggestions to improve company working conditions.
To know the attitude of the employees.
HR Audit:
A Human Resources Audit is a comprehensive method (or means) to review current human resources policies,
procedures, documentation and systems to identify needs for improvement and enhancement of the HR function as well
as to ensure compliance with ever-changing rules and regulations. An Audit involves systematically reviewing all
aspects of human resources, usually in a checklist fashion.
Job descriptions
Form review
Personnel file review
The purpose of an HR Audit is to recognize strengths and identify any needs for improvement in
the human resources function. A properly executed Audit will reveal problem areas and provide
recommendations and suggestions for the remedy of these problems. Some of the reasons to
conduct such a review include:
Maintaining or enhancing the organization’s and the department’s reputation in the community
Because of the multitude of laws affecting each stage of the employment process, it is extremely
important for an employer to regularly review their policies and practices to ensure regulatory
compliance in order to avoid potentially costly fines and/or lawsuits. An employer overlooking
regulatory compliance with their human resource practices could face:
A fine of $1,100 for any violation of the appropriate payment of overtime for non-exempt
employees in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Penalties as high as $10,000 each occurrence for failing to post required safety notices or
keeping accurate records.
Fines up to $1,000 per employee for non-compliance with the Federal Immigration Reform Act.
While penalties such as these help define the risk of non-compliance and signify the importance of
conducting periodic HR Audits, an Audit can also ensure that policies and procedures are fair and
consistent across the organization and strengthen employee satisfaction. By maintaining a satisfied
and productive workforce, an employer lessens the expense associated with costly turnover of staff.
Losing one employee is estimated to cost a company 50 – 150% of the lost employee’s salary in time
and money spent to replace that employee.
HR Training:
HR Global offers an Internationally recognized Certification Programs to the HR community. This program is perfect
if you are a new or aspiring entrant into the HR profession, with people management responsibilities or if you are
wishing to gain a broader perspective on the wide ranging activities of an HR professional. We help students with Live
Implementation on HR process and hands on Experience with Industry Exposure and getting them trained by HR
This is an amazing opportunity for MBA freshers, MBA(HR) aspirants , HR graduates and those who are
already working and want to improve their skills. So friends , finally the wait is over . Instead of searching for HR
Training , its now time to act.
HR Training will be provided by an eminent professional, having more than 15 years of experience in the
HR has changed in the past decade, expanding across borders, cultures and economies. Earning your HR Global
International certification shows that you have demonstrated your mastery of the international HR body of knowledge
and have accepted the challenge to stay informed of new developments in the international HR field.
Start your commitment to setting a higher standard for yourself and achieve your HR credentials today...
HR Global has successfully met all of the IAO's accreditation requirements and as a result has been awarded
Full Accreditation by IAO. The institute has been awarded Full Accreditation after evaluating it on IAO standards of
the global best practices in Organizational Management, Academic Management and Institutional Performance. IAO's
full accreditation is a proof that HR Global offers education to its students that is on par with global education
standards and that the institute is fully committed towards continuous improvement of its educational standards.
IAO's full accreditation is proof of Test Institute ’s commitment to providing an education that is on par with
global standards.HR Global has been awarded this point’s profile score after a preliminary assessment of their
educational standards.
Many a times, non-upgradation of Knowledge/Skills of an individual could result in non-performance. Our real
time industry experts assist individuals/ universities/ organizations in addressing this concern.
To bridge the skill gap & enhance knowledge level of the individuals, we conduct extensive training
programs/workshops that are specifically designed for HR professionals with 0-10 yrs. of experience.
We also provide Training to Corporate, Management Institutes & Business Schools on HR process.
Human resource is needed to be developed as per the change in external environment of the organization, hence,
HRD helps to adapt such changes through the development of existing human resource in terms of skill and knowledge.
The importance or significance of HRD can be explained as follows:
HRD develops the skills and knowledge of individual, hence, it helps to provide competent and efficient HR as per the
job requirement. To develop employment's skill and competencies, different training and development programs are
HRD helps to grasp the career development opportunities through development of human skills and knowledge. Career
development consists of personal development efforts through a proper match between training and development
opportunities with employe's need.
3. Employ Commitment
Trained and efficient employees are committed towards their jobs which is possible through HRD. If employees are
provided with proper training and development opportunities, they will feel committed to the work and the
4. Job Satisfaction
When people in the organization are well oriented and developed, they show higher degree of commitment in actual
work place. This inspires them for better performance, which ultimately leads to job satisfaction.
5. Change Management
HRD facilitates planning, and management of change in an organization. It also manages conflicts through improved
labor management relation. It develops organizational health, culture and environment which lead to change
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the
feedback on the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned
program. The action of yours will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are
requested to spare some time and express your valuable opinion.
Kindly send back this form to Management Development Centre within 15 days for further action at our end.
(J Rahul)
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
** **
S.No Aspect of Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
1. Able to provide an insight into individual’s behavior
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the
feedback on the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned
program. The action of yours will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are
requested to spare some time and express your valuable opinion.
Kindly send back this form to Management Development Centre within 15 days for further action at our end.
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
** **
S.No Aspect of Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the
feedback on the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned
program. The action of yours will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are
requested to spare some time and express your valuable opinion.
Kindly send back this form to Management Development Centre within 15 days for further action at our end.
(J Rahul)
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
** **
S.No Aspect of Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the feedback on
the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned program. The action of yours
will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are requested to spare some time and express
your valuable opinion. Kindly send back this form to Centre for HRD within 15 days for further action at our end.
02/02/2011 03/02/2011
(J Rahul)
I/c (C-HRD)
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
S.No. Aspect of Evaluation **
1 **
2 3 4 5
1. Able to implement Business English and Business
2. Able to avoid discriminatory language
In case the rating is <3 for any aspect, the reasons and proposed corrective action (re-training etc.) may kindly be suggested in the space
above by the Controlling Officer for necessary action at our end.
Name :
Design. :
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the feedback on
the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned program. The action of yours
will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are requested to spare some time and express
your valuable opinion. Kindly send back this form to Centre for HRD within 15 days for further action at our end.
07/02/2011 09/02/211
(J Rahul)
I/c (C-HRD)
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
S.No. Aspect of Evaluation **
1 **
2 3 4 5
1. Any enhancement in communication & presentation skills
In case the rating is <3 for any aspect, the reasons and proposed corrective action (re-training etc.) may kindly be suggested in the space
above by the Controlling Officer for necessary action at our end.
Name :
Design. :
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the feedback on
the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned program. The action of yours
will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are requested to spare some time and express
your valuable opinion. Kindly send back this form to Centre for HRD within 15 days for further action at our end.
25/02/2011 26/02/2011
(J Rahul)
I/c (C-HRD)
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
S.No. Aspect of Evaluation **
1 **
2 3 4 5
1. Able to introduce the concept of thinking
In case the rating is <3 for any aspect, the reasons and proposed corrective action (re-training etc.) may kindly be suggested in the space
above by the Controlling Officer for necessary action at our end.
Name :
Design. :
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the feedback on
the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned program. The action of yours
will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are requested to spare some time and express
your valuable opinion. Kindly send back this form to Centre for HRD within 15 days for further action at our end.
19/02/2011 22/02/2011
(J Rahul)
I/c (C-HRD)
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
S.No. Aspect of Evaluation **
1 **
2 3 4 5
1. Enhanced thinking about the change
In case the rating is <3 for any aspect, the reasons and proposed corrective action (re-training etc.) may kindly be suggested in the space
above by the Controlling Officer for necessary action at our end.
Name :
Design. :
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the feedback on
the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned program. The action of yours
will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are requested to spare some time and express
your valuable opinion.
Kindly send back this form to Centre for HRD within 15 days for further action at our end.
(J Rahul)
I/c (C-HRD)
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
S.No. Aspect of Evaluation **
1 **
2 3 4 5
In case the rating is <3 for any aspect, the reasons and proposed corrective action (re-training etc.) may kindly be suggested in the space
above by the Controlling Officer for necessary action at our end.
Name :
Design. :
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the feedback on
the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned program. The action of yours
will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are requested to spare some time and express
your valuable opinion. Kindly send back this form to Centre for HRD within 15 days for further action at our end.
10/12/2010 11/12/2010
(J Rahul)
I/c (C-HRD)
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
S.No. Aspect of Evaluation **
1 **
2 3 4 5
1. Able to gain a deeper understanding about “Synergy”
In case the rating is <3 for any aspect, the reasons and proposed corrective action (re-training etc.) may kindly be suggested in the space
above by the Controlling Officer for necessary action at our end.
Name :
Design. :
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the feedback on
the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned program. The action of yours
will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are requested to spare some time and express
your valuable opinion. Kindly send back this form to Centre for HRD within 15 days for further action at our end.
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
S.No. Aspect of Evaluation **
1 **
2 3 4 5
1. Able to gain an insight into the benefit of Team Work and
resulting “Synergy”
2. Able to focus the attention on the factors that govern Synergy
3. Able to enhance the Role and Attributes needed to be a good
Team Member
4. Able to provide an understanding of the role of a Leader
In case the rating is <3 for any aspect, the reasons and proposed corrective action (re-training etc.) may kindly be suggested in the space
above by the Controlling Officer for necessary action at our end.
Name :
Design. :
As part of our endeavor to develop our human resources, we are sending this PTE (Post Training Evaluation) Form, to obtain the feedback on
the performance and change in the performance of the participants after they have attended above-mentioned program. The action of yours
will help us to put necessary efforts for enhancing the quality of our programs in future. You are requested to spare some time and express
your valuable opinion. Kindly send back this form to Centre for HRD within 15 days for further action at our end.
Controlling Officer’s
Feedback – Please tick (√)
S.No. Aspect of Evaluation **
1 **
2 3 4 5
1. Able to improve inter-personal relations
In case the rating is <3 for any aspect, the reasons and proposed corrective action (re-training etc.) may kindly be suggested in the space
above by the Controlling Officer for necessary action at our end.
Name :
Design. :
1. Name:
2. Gender: Male/Female
3. Age:______Years
4. Education Qualification:
5. Designation:
6. Department:
7. Years of experience:
Towards this I request your valuable unbiased response by filling out this form given below. Put tick mark at your
Here for the survey on human resource development was prepared where a
questionnaire was prepared with 20 questions which comprises options and was
distributed to all the employees of various departments in RINL.
6) At VSP employee’s satisfaction is regularly is measure through various surveys and make
necessary changes to improve is
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent for
internal carrier advancement for employees.
9)Employees reorganization is based on a fair and useful performance evaluation system at
VSP is
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent on a
fair and useful performance evaluation system at VSP.
10) The usefulness of sharing of knowledge by eminent speakers through guest lectures at
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent for
sharing knowledge by eminent speakers through guest lectures.
11) The introduction of multi skilling concept for employee’s at VSP is
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent for
the employee’s multi skilling concept at VSP.
12) Practicing internal mobility for employees ?
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent for
the employees practicing internal mobility.
13) The training program being conducted by VSP helps in employees development are
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent for
the training programs to employee development
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent for
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent for
the a great place to work at VSP
16) Does your organization consider training as a part of the organization strategy
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having full extent for
the employee status has increase in the society
18) Management allows you to express your views freely
19) Do you agree that training has helps you in performing your job better
INTERPRETATION: We can interpret that most of the respondents are having large extent for
opinion on faculty available for training programs.
MD group has successfully implemented all the objectives it has been adhered to.
Significance of MD group lies in the conduct of Internal & External Programs where it
has been a fore frontier
The in-house activities are growing gradually over the previous years in terms of
The number of students enrolled for project work are also on a gradual shift generating
more revenue than the previous years.
The external programs include the faculties of external bodies who conduct programs on
a weekly basis and thus the overall development of the employee comes to the picture.
finally the guest lectures by eminent personalities/technicians only adds value to the
overall development of the employee.
The management development group has been functioning at its best with all the activities and
programs intact. The QC are achieved almost thrice than its target and same goes to the
“SrujanVikas” which is almost double to its target. The eminent personalities from various fields
of management not only act as a backbone to the overall development of the employee but also
provides a scope for the future development of oneself. The “Samalochana” sessions can be done
twice a quarter if the stipulations permits so that there could more interactions between the
executives and non-executives.
The Management Development of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant has gone for both forward and
backward integration. The strategic interests of the organization are to the met by all it policies
and programmes. The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant is under expansion programme and its
contribution to the society is commendable
1. Dr Rama Kanta K. Patra (2011), Strategic Human Resource Management and
Organizational Development, New Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Rajesh Viswanathan (2010), Strategic Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Himalaya
Publishing House.
3. P. Subba Rao (2004), Personnel and Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Himalaya
Publishing House.
4. William B. Wrther& Keith Davis, Human Resources & Personnel Management, Singpore:
Mc Graw - Hill.
5. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya (2009), Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Excel
BF - Blast furnace
CCD - Continuous casting department
CO & CCP - Coke oven and coal chemical plant
ISO - International standards organization
LMMM - Light and medium merchant mill
MIS - Management information system
MMSM - Medium merchant structural mill
mpta - Million tons per annum
mt - Million ton
MW - Mega watts
OHSAS - Occupational health and safety assistant series
PSE - Public sector enterprise
QSHE - Quality safety health & environment
RH - Reheating
RINL - Rashtriyaispat Nigam Limited
RMHP - Raw material handling plant
SBM - Special bar mill
SM - Structural mill
SMS - Steel melt shop
TG - Turbo generator
TPP - Thermal power plant
WRM - Wire rod mill