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Ch5 Turbines

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Chapter 5


Prepared By:
Dishank Upadhyay
Mechatronics Department
TeamLease Skills University
• To understand what is turbine?
• Detail study of Pelton, Francis and Kaplan
• Understand mechanism of turbines
• Working principal of pelton wheel turbine
• Francis Turbine
• Kaplan Turbine
• Applications of turbines
• Draft tube
What is Turbine?
• What?
• Where?
• When?
• There are 2 basic types of turbine
1. Impulse Turbine
• There is no pressure change in runner
• Pressure energy converts into KE to operate turbine
2. Reaction turbine
• Pressure change in runner
• Operates due to pressure change and KE
Difference between Impulse and Reaction Turbine
Impulse Turbine Reaction Turbine
Only Kinetic energy is used to rotate In reaction turbine both Kinetic energy
turbine and pressure energy is used to rotate the

Water flow through the nozel and strike Water is guided by the guide blades to
the blades of turbine flow the turbine

All pressure energy of water converted In reaction turbine, there is no change in

into K.E. before striking the vanes pressure energy of water before striking.

The pressure of the water remains The pressure of water is reducing after
unchanged and is equal to atmospheric passing through vanes
pressure during process
Impulse Turbine Reaction Turbine

Water may admitted over a part of Water may admitted over a part of
circumference or over the whole circumference or over the whole
circumference of the wheel of turbine circumference of the wheel of turbine

In impulse turbine casing has no hydraulic Casing is absolutely necessary because the
function to perform because the jet is at pressure at inlet of the turbine is much
atmospheric pressure. This casing serves higher than the pressure at outlet. It is
only to prevent splashing of water. sealed from atmospheric pressure.

This turbine is most suitable for large head This turbine is best suited for higher flow
and lower flow rate. Pelton wheel is the rate and lower head situation
example of this turbine.
Classification of Turbine

Disposition of shaft
According to water flow through runner
Outward Radial Horizontal shaft and Either vertical or
Tangenti Axial or Mixed : Radial (Old vertical runner (Impulse) horizontal (Reaction)
al Flow Parallel Radial (Fourney
(Pelton Flow and Axial Francis
ron Turbine)
Wheel) (Kaplan (Francis turbine)
Turbine) turbine) 𝑁 𝑃
Ns = 5

Available of head and discharge

Low Head
High Head (> Medium (upto 30
250m) Head (60m to m)
(Pelton 250 m) (Propellor
Wheel) (Modern and
Francis) Kaplan)
Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine - Construction
• An impulse
• Component
1. Penstock
2. Spear and
3. Runner with
4. Casing
5. Governing
• large sized conduit which conveys water from high
level reservoir to the turbine
• it is made of wood, concrete or steel.
• it may be of any length depending upon stream
• it has control valves
Spear and Nozzle
• converts whole hydraulic energy into a high speed jet
• to regulate the water flow through the nozzle and to
obtained a good jet of water “Spear” or “Needle” is
• Spear can move forward or backward according to
the requirement of jet.
• spear can controlled either manually or by
handwheel or automatically by a governing
Runner with buckets
• Turbine rotor called runner.
• circular disc carrying a number of
cup-shaped buckets.
• arranged at equidistance.
• Runner is mounted on the bearings
and buckets are made of cast iron
but for higher heads they are made
of bronze, Cast steel or SS.
• Inner surface of bucket is polished
to reduce frictional resistance to
water jet.
Runner with buckets
• Bucket has ridge or splitter which distributes the
striking jet equally into two halves.
• Notch in outer rim
• notch: to make the jet face of the bucket at proper
• face of bucket and axis of the jet at 90 degree to
each other.
• Maximum driving force will be exerted on disk
when jet gets deflected to 180 degree.
• practically angular deflection of jet in the bucket is
limited to 165-170 degree to ensure water does not
strike on the other bucket.
• since two hemispherical cups joined together
– side thrusts produces
– advantageous to the bearing as it is not subjected to axial
or end thrusts
• Out flow from the runner buckets is in the form of
strong splash which scatters in all direction.
• To prevent this
• Guide water to the tail race
• Casing is provided
• safe guard against accident
Governing Mechanism
• Speed of runner is required to be
maintained at constant.
– electric generator coupled directly to the
turbine shaft under varying load conditions
• Task is done by governing mechanism that
automatically regulates the quantity of
water flowing through the nozzle.
• main functions are
– Control of the turbine start-up and shutdown
– Synchronization of the turbine with the grid
– Control of the active power supplied by the
generator to an interconnected network
– Control of network frequency on an isolated
electrical network
– Protection of the unit against over speed in
case of load rejection
– Control of advanced sequences
Governing Mechanism
• with increasing load
– Runner speed falls
Pelton turbine installation in India
Sr No Project Location/State Source of water
1 Mandi Hydro Electric Scheme Jogindar Nagar, HP Uhl River
2 Mahatma Gandhi Hydro Electric Sharavathi, Sharavathi River
works Karnataka
3 Pykara Hydro Electric Scheme Pykara, Tamil nadu Pykara River
4 Koyana Hydro Electric Project Koyana, Koyana River
5 Pallivasal Power Station Pallivasal, Kerala Mudrapuzle
Francis Turbine
• Inward flow reaction
• Peripheral admission gives
• Construction
– Penstock
– Scroll casing
– Guide vanes or wicket gates
– Runner and Runner blades
– Draft tube
• Large size conduit
• conveys water from upstream
• because of large volume of
water flow size of penstock is
larger than Pelton wheel
• Made of steel and imbedded
inside the dame
• Trashracks are provided at
inlet to obstructs the entry of
debries and other foreign
Scroll casing
• Penstock is connected.
• channel is spiral so it is called spiral or
scroll casing
• Casing cross section gradually decreasing
along flow direction
• Area maximum at inlet minimum at
• After entry into casing, water starts
distributing itself into guide blades which
are arranged inside the casing.
• At the turn of 360 degree the entire
water has passed through the guide
• Casing made of CS,Plate steel and
concrete depend upon the pressure
Guide vanes or Wicket gates
• A series of airfoil shaped vanes called the
guide vanes or wicket gates
• They are arranged inside the casing
• to form number of flow passage between the
casing and runner blades
• The guide vanes direct the water onto the
runner at an angle appropriate to the design
• They direct the flow just as nozzle of Pelton
• Guide vanes fixed in position i.e. they do not
rotate with rotating runner
• They can swing around their own axes and
that helps bring about an change in flow area.
• Motion of guide vanes are provided either by
hand wheel or automatically by governor.
Runner or Runner blades
• Runner of the francis turbine is a rotor which
has passage formed
• These passages take water in at the outer
periphery in the radially inward direction and
• The driving force on the runner is both due to
impulse (Deviation with direction of flow) and
reaction (change in pressure and velocity
energy) effects
• The number of runner blades usually varies
between 16 to 24.
• Small unit made of Cast iron
• Big units made of SS or a non ferrous metal
• Runner is keyed with the shaft that may be
vertical or horizontal.
Draft Tube

• After passing through the runner, the water is discharged to the tail race through a
gradually expanding tube
• Tube called Draft Tube.
• The free end of the draft tube is submerged dip into tail race.
• The entire water stream is totally closed, does not communicate with surroundings
atm pr.
Francis turbine installation in India
Sr No Project Location/State Source of water
1 Bhakra Dam Project Bhakhra, Punjab Sutlej River
2 Hirakud Dam Project Hirkud, Orissa Hirakud River
3 Rihand Dame Project Rihand, UP Rihand River
4 Kaveri Hydro-electric scheme Siva samudram KA Kaveri River
5 Chambal Hydro-electric scheme Gandhi sagar, RJ Chambal River
Propeller and Kaplan Turbine
• Difference between
Francis and Kaplan is

Propeller Turbine Runner
• Runner is in the form of boss
• Boss : Extension of the shaft
into bigger diameter
• On the periphery of the boss : 3
to 6 vanes of S.S. is mounted at
• Vanes made up of SS
• The runner blades are directly
attached to the hub and this
feature eliminates the frictional
losses which are caused by the
band provided in Francis.
Kaplan Turbine
• The fixed blade propeller turbine
is installed only at the sites where
the head and load are constant.
• So, Poor performance is indicated.
• This problem solved by the Aussie
Engineer Victor Kaplan
• He introduced the adjusting
runner vanes in the face of
changing load condition on the
• The Pitch of the runner blade is
automatically controlled by the
action of servo motor.
Kaplan turbine installation in India
Sr No Project Location/State Source of water
1 Bhakra-Nangal Project Bhakhra, Punjab Nangal Hydel
2 Hirakud Dam Project Hirkud, Orissa Mahanandi River
3 Tungbhadra Hydro Electric Tungbhadra, Tungabhadra
Scheme Karnataka River
4 Radha Nagari Hydro-Electric Kolhapur, Bhagvati River
Scheme Maharashtra
5 Nizam Sagar project Nizam Sagar, AP Ninjira River
Difference : Francis and Kaplan
Francis Kaplan
Radially inward or mixed flow turbine Purely axial flow turbine
Horizontal or vertical dispassion of shaft Only vertical shaft disposition
Runner vanes are not adjustable Runner vanes are adjustable
Large number if vanes : 16 to 24 blades Small number of vanes : 3 to 8 blades
Medium Head Turbine Low Head Turbine
Specific Speed: 50-250 Specific Speed : 250-850
Thank You

• Prepared By:
– Dishank Upadhyay
Mechatronics Department

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