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vCloud API Programming Guide

vCloud Director 5.6

This document supports the version of each product listed and

supports all subsequent versions until the document is
replaced by a new edition. To check for more recent editions
of this document, see http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs.

vCloud API Programming Guide

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The VMware Web site also provides the latest product updates.
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Copyright © 2009–2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright and trademark information.

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3401 Hillview Ave.
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2 VMware, Inc.

vCloud API Programming Guide 7

1 About the VMware vCloud API 9

Object Taxonomy 10
Objects, References, and Representations 12
Links and Link Relations 13
Client Workflow Overview 18
Using the vCloud API with vCloud Director 23
About the vCloud API Examples 25

2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow 27

Logging In 28
Find a Catalog and a VDC 30
Retrieve the Contents of a Catalog 31
Retrieve a Catalog Item 32
Retrieve Deployment Information From the VDC 34
Deploy the vApp 35
Get Information About a vApp 38
Displaying the Virtual Machine Console 41
Undeploy, Power Off, and Delete the vApp 42
Log Out 44

3 Exploring a Cloud 45
Summary of vCloud API Browsing Requests 45
Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider 47
Retrieve a List of Organizations Accessible to You 52
Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud 53
Retrieve a List of vSphere Platform Operations and Objects for a Cloud 55

4 Provisioning an Organization 57
Summary of vCloud API Provisioning Requests 58
Upload an OVF Package to Create a vApp Template 60
Download a vApp or vApp Template as OVF 70
Upload a Media Image 74
Download a Media Image 76
Capturing and Importing vApps 77
Managing Catalog Items 78
Creating and Using Independent Disks 82
View or Change the Owner of an Object 85
Controlling Access to vApps and Catalogs 86

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vCloud API Programming Guide

5 Deploying and Operating vApps 91

Summary of vCloud API vApp and Virtual Machine Operations Requests 94
Create a vApp From a Template 96
Create a vApp From an OVF Package 104
Compose a vApp From Existing Virtual Machines 107
Recompose a vApp to Add or Remove Virtual Machines 110
Clone a vApp 112
Capture a vApp as a Template 114
Update vApp Access Controls 116
Provide User Input Requested by a Virtual Machine 117
Attach or Detach an Independent Disk 118
Creating and Using vApp Snapshots 120
About Virtual Machine Metrics 121
Operate a vApp 132
Configuring vApps and Virtual Machines 133

6 Creating and Managing Organizations 169

Summary of Administrative Requests 169
Administrator Credentials and Privileges 172
Organization Administration 173
VDC Administration 185
Network Administration 193
Catalog Administration 221
User and Group Administration 243
Working With Roles and Rights 251

7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud 261

Summary of System Administration Requests 261
Retrieve or Update System Settings 265
Attach a vCenter Server 266
Finding Available vCenter Resources 268
Create a Provider VDC 277
Create an External Network 287
Create a Network Pool 290
Import a Virtual Machine from vCenter 296
Relocate a Virtual Machine to a Different Datastore 299
System Truststore and Keytab Maintenance 301
Retrieve the vSphere URL of an Object 304

8 Working With Object Metadata 307

Retrieve or Update a Metadata Element 309
Retrieve or Update a Metadata Value 312

9 Using the Query Service 315

Typed Queries 316
Packaged Queries 320
Query Parameters 325
Add a Metadata Filter to a Query 329

4 VMware, Inc.

10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications 333

Configure Notifications and AMQP Settings 334
Retrieve or Update Blocking Task Settings 344
Monitor Blocking Tasks 349
Take Action on a Blocking Task 350
Extend The Timeout Expiration of an Active Task 352

11 vCloud Director Extension Services 355

Summary of vCloud API Extension Services Framework Requests 356
Register an Extension Service 358
Service-Specific Links 362
Service-Specific Tasks and Events 365
Authorization Framework for Extension Service Operations 368
Localization Framework for Extension Services 376
REST APIs for Extension Services 379
Extension Service AMQP Message Format 382

12 XML Representations in the vCloud API 387

XML Namespace Identifiers 389
Common vCloud API Attributes 390
Retrieve an Object as an Entity 392

Index 395

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vCloud API Programming Guide

6 VMware, Inc.
vCloud API Programming Guide

This edition of the vCloud API Programming Guide provides information about version 5.6 of the vCloud API.

VMware provides many different APIs and SDKs for applications and goals. This guide provides
information about the vCloud API for developers who are interested in creating RESTful clients of
VMware vCloud Director.

Revision History
The vCloud API Programming Guide is revised with each release of the product or when necessary. A revised
version can contain minor or major changes.

Table 1. Revision History

Revision Date Description

07OCT14 API Version 5.6

19SEP13 API Version 5.5

10SEP12 API Version 5.1

01SEP11 API Version 1.5

30AUG10 API Version 1.0

14APR10 API Version 0.9

Intended Audience
This guide is intended for software developers who are building VMware Ready Cloud Services, including
interactive clients of VMware vCloud Director. This guide discusses Representational State Transfer (REST)
and RESTful programming conventions, the Open Virtualization Format Specification, and VMware Virtual
machine technology. You must be familiar with these and other widely deployed technologies such as XML,
HTTP, and the Windows or Linux operating system.

Related Publications
The vCloud API Schema Reference includes reference material for all elements, types, queries, and operations
in the vCloud API. It also includes the schema definition files. The schema reference is available in HTML
format in the vCloud Director documentation center.

The VMware vCloud Director Administrator's Guide and VMware vCloud Director User’s Guide contain detailed
information about many of the objects and operations referred to in this guide. Most users of the vCloud
API will find the information in those documents valuable when developing client applications. To access
the current versions of these and other VMware publications, go to http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs.

VMware, Inc. 7
vCloud API Programming Guide

8 VMware, Inc.
About the VMware vCloud API 1
The VMware vCloud API provides support for developers who are building interactive clients of
VMware vCloud Director using a RESTful application development style.

vCloud API clients and vCloud Director servers communicate over HTTP, exchanging representations of
vCloud objects. These representations take the form of XML elements. You use HTTP GET requests to
retrieve the current representation of an object, HTTP POST and PUT requests to create or modify an object,
and HTTP DELETE requests to delete an object.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Object Taxonomy,” on page 10

n “Objects, References, and Representations,” on page 12

n “Links and Link Relations,” on page 13

n “Client Workflow Overview,” on page 18

n “Using the vCloud API with vCloud Director,” on page 23

n “About the vCloud API Examples,” on page 25

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vCloud API Programming Guide

Object Taxonomy
The vCloud API defines a set of objects common to cloud computing environments. An understanding of
these objects, their properties, and their relationships is essential to using the vCloud API.

Figure 1‑1. vCloud API Object Taxonomy


Catalog 3
vApp template Catalogitem
em Publish
Media Catalog 2 em catalog

Media em
Network Catalog 1 em
Catalogitem External
vApp Subscribe
vApp template catalog


Network users groups TasksList

vCloud API objects have the following high-level properties:

Organizations A cloud can contain one or more organizations. Each organization is a unit of
administration for a collection of users, groups, and computing resources.
Users authenticate at the organization level, supplying credentials
established when the user was created or imported. User credentials are
authenticated by the organization's identity provider, which can be either the
integrated identity provider included in vCloud Director or an external
SAML-based identity provider.

Users and Groups An organization can contain an arbitrary number of users and groups. Users
can be created by the organization administrator or imported from an LDAP
directory service or SAML-based identity provider. Groups must be
imported. Permissions within an organization are controlled through the
assignment of rights and roles to users and groups.

Catalogs Catalogs contain references to vApp templates and media images. You can
configure a catalog in several different ways:

n as a repository for local content that can remain private to the catalog
owner or can be shared with other users, groups, or organizations in
your cloud

n as a source of published content, to which other clouds can subscribe.

10 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API

n as a local repository for content published by another cloud or any Web

site that hosts a VMware Content Subscription Protocol (VCSP)

An organization administrator or catalog owner controls catalog sharing.

Organization administrators in organizations that have permission to
publish catalogs control publication and subscription options for catalogs in
their organization. A system administrator can enable background
synchronization of catalogs with external sources and set background
synchronization schedules to regulate consumption of network bandwidth
by this activity.

Organization VDCs An organization virtual datacenter (organization VDC) is a deployment

environment for virtual systems owned by the containing organization, and
an allocation mechanism for resources such as networks, storage, CPU, and
memory. In an organization VDC, computing resources are fully virtualized,
and can be allocated based on demand, service level requirements, or a
combination of the two.

Organization VDC An organization VDC can be provisioned with one or more networks. These
Networks organization VDC networks can be configured to provide direct or routed
connections to external networks, or can be isolated from external networks
and other organization VDC networks. Routed connections require an Edge
Gateway and network pool in the VDC. The Edge Gateway provides
firewall, network address translation, static routing, VPN, and load
balancing services.

Virtual Systems and Virtual systems and ISO-format media images are stored in a catalog and
Media Images represented as catalog item objects. Virtual systems are stored as templates,
using an open standard format (OVF 1.0). These templates can be retrieved
from catalogs and transformed into virtual systems, called vApps, through a
process called instantiation, which binds a template’s abstract resource
requirements to resources available in a VDC. A vApp contains one or more
individual virtual machines (Vm elements), along with parameters that define
operational details, including:

n How the contained virtual machines are connected to each other and to
external networks.

n The order in which individual virtual machines are powered on or off.

n End-user license agreement terms for each virtual machine.

n Deployment lease terms, typically inherited from the containing

organization, that constrain the consumption of VDC resources by the

n Access control information specifying which users and groups can

perform operations such as deploy, power on, modify, and suspend on
the vApp and the virtual machines that it contains.

Tasks Asynchronous operations are tracked by task objects. Running and recently
completed tasks initiated by members of an organization are kept on the
organization’s tasks list.

VMware, Inc. 11
vCloud API Programming Guide

Objects, References, and Representations

The vCloud API represents objects as XML documents in which object properties appear as elements and
attributes with typed values. The object hierarchy is defined by an XML schema.

XML representations of first-class vCloud API objects, such as the objects in Figure 1-1, include these

id The object identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of the id attribute
uniquely identifies the object, persists for the life of the object, and is never
reused. The id attribute value is intended to provide a context-free identifier
that can be used with the vCloud API entityResolver (see “Retrieve an
Object as an Entity,” on page 392).

type The object type, specified as a MIME content type.

href An object reference, expressed in URL format. This reference includes the
object identifier portion of the id attribute value, and supplies additional
information, including the current location of the object when accessed in a
specific view. Although URLs have a well-known syntax and a well-
understood interpretation, a client should treat each href as an opaque
string. The rules that govern how the server constructs href strings might
change in future releases.

The vCloud API defines several contexts, or views, in which you can access objects in a cloud. These views
are expressed in the URL returned as the href of an object, and have the following forms, where API-URL is
a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api and object-type is a string indicating the type of the

user view A URL of the form API-URL/object-type/id indicates that any user can
access the object.

admin view A URL of the form API-URL/admin/object-type/id indicates that

organization administrators and system administrators can access the object.
Organization administrators do not have rights to modify some objects in the
admin view.

extension view A URL of the form API-URL/admin/extension/object-type/id indicates that

system administrators can access the object.

A given object retrieved in one view may have a different representation and media type from the same
object retrieved in a different view. Not all objects are presented in every view.

Example: Object id, type, and href Attributes

These abbreviated request and response examples show the id, type, and href attributes in the user and
admin views of an organization.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/72fe715c-5f6a-407f-bbb2-bf465915b5f4

12 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API



The id value is the same in both cases, but the type and href attributes have values specific to the view.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/72fe715c-5f6a-407f-bbb2-bf465915b5f4



The value of the id attribute is a permanent, unique object identifier. The value of the href attribute is an
object locator that refers to a specific view of the object in its current location. Unlike the value of the id
attribute, object location and view context can change during the life of an object. The example in
“Example: Using the entityResolver URL,” on page 393 shows how to retrieve this object as entity.

When a client application must keep a persistent reference to an object, the best practice is to keep a
reference to the id and the href (URL) that was most recently used to access the object. When the application
needs to access the object in the future, it should first try using the saved href. If that fails, use the id with
the entity resolver to obtain a valid reference to the object, then replace the saved href with that valid

Links and Link Relations

The vCloud API makes extensive use of Link elements to provide references to objects and the actions that
they support. These elements are the primary mechanism by which a server tells a client how to access and
operate on an object.

The server creates Link elements in a response body. They are read-only at the client. If a request body
includes a Link element, the server ignores it.

Attributes of a Link Element

In the XML representation of a vCloud object, each Link element has the following form:

<Link rel="relationship"

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vCloud API Programming Guide

Attribute values in a Link element supply the following information:

rel Defines the relationship of the link to the object that contains it. A
relationship can be the name of an operation on the object, a reference to a
contained or containing object, or a reference to an alternate representation of
the object. The relationship value implies the HTTP verb to use when you
use the link's href value as a request URL.

type The object type, specified as a MIME content type, of the object that the link
references. This attribute is present only for links to objects. It is not present
for links to actions.

href An object reference, expressed in URL format. This reference includes the
object identifier portion of the id attribute value, and supplies additional
information, including the current location of the object when accessed in a
specific view. Although URLs have a well-known syntax and a well-
understood interpretation, a client should treat each href as an opaque
string. The rules that govern how the server constructs href strings might
change in future releases.

name The name of the referenced object, taken from the value of that object's name
attribute. Action links do not include a name attribute.

Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types

rel Attribute Value Action or Relationship Description Implied HTTP Verb

abort Abort this blocking task. POST

add Add an item to this container. POST

alternate References an alternate representation of this object. GET

answer Provide user input requested by a virtual machine. POST

authorization:check Check whether an extension service operation is POST

authorized for an entity.

blockingTask A list of pending blocking task requests in this cloud. GET

bundle:upload Upload an extension service localization bundle. PUT

bundles:cleanup Remove unused extension service localization bundles. POST

catalogItem References the CatalogItem object that refers to this GET


certificate:reset Removes the SSL certificate used by this service. POST

certificate:update Updates the SSL certificate used by this service. POST

checkCompliance Check that this virtual machine is using a storage profile POST
of the intended type.

consolidate Consolidate this virtual machine. POST

controlAccess Apply access controls to this object. POST

copy Reserved N/A

customizeAtNextPowerOn Force guest customization to be applied the next time POST

this virtual machine is powered on.

deploy Deploy this vApp. POST

disable Disable this object. POST

discardState Discard the suspended state of this virtual machine. POST

disk:attach Attach an independent disk to this virtual machine. POST

14 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API

Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types (Continued)

rel Attribute Value Action or Relationship Description Implied HTTP Verb

disk:detach Detach an independent disk from this virtual machine. POST

down References an object contained by this object. GET

down:aclRules Retrieve the ACL rules for this resource class action. GET

down:apidefinitions Retrieve the API definitions for this extension service. GET

down:apiDefinitions Retrieve the API definitions for this extension service. GET

down:apiFilters Retrieve the API filters for this extension service. GET

down:extensibility Add an extension service to the system. POST

down:fileDescriptors Retrieve file descriptors for extension services APIs GET

down:files Retrieve files for extension services APIs GET

down:resourceClassActions Retrieve the actions defined for this extension service GET
resource class.

down:resourceClasses Retrieve the resource classes defined by this extension GET


down:serviceLinks Retrieve the service links defined by this extension GET


down:serviceResources Retrieve the list of extension service resources of this


down:services Retrieve the list of registered extension services. GET

download:alternate Reserved N/A

download:default References the default location from which this file can GET
be downloaded.

download:identity References the extended OVF descriptor of this vApp GET

template. The extended OVF descriptor contains
additional information such as MAC address, BIOS
UUID, and NetworkConfigSection

edgeGateway:configureServices Update the network services offered by this Edge PUT


edgeGateway:reapplyServices Reapply (after an update) the network services offered POST

by this Edge Gateway.

edgeGateway:redeploy Redeploy the vShield Edge supporting this Edge POST


edgeGateway:syncSyslogSettings Synchronize syslog server addresses used by this Edge POST

Gateway with system defaults.

edgeGateway:upgrade Upgrade the backing configuration of this Edge Gateway POST

from compact to full.

edgeGateways List the Edge Gateway objects in this organization VDC. GET

edit Modify this object, typically by replacing its current PUT

representation with the one in the request body.

enable Enable this object. POST

enterMaintenanceMode Put this virtual machine into maintenance mode. POST

entity Retrieve a representation of the object on which an GET

operation triggered this notification.

entityResolver Retrieve an object id as a context-free Entity element. GET

event:create Create an event in an this organization's event stream. POST

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vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types (Continued)

rel Attribute Value Action or Relationship Description Implied HTTP Verb

exitMaintenanceMode Take this virtual machine out of maintenance mode. POST

fail Fail this blocking task. POST

firstPage Reference to the first page of a paginated response. GET

installVmwareTools Install VMware Tools on this virtual machine. POST

keystore:reset Removes the keystore used by this service. POST

keystore:update Updates the keystore used by this service. POST

keytab:reset Removes the keytab used by this service. POST

keytab:update Updates the keytab used by this service. POST

lastPage Reference to the last page of a paginated response. GET

media:ejectMedia Eject virtual media from a virtual device. POST

media:insertMedia Insert virtual media into a virtual device. POST

metrics Retrieve a subset of current or historic metrics from a POST

virtual machine

merge Merge one or more Provider VDCs with this Provider POST

migrateVms Migrate virtual machines from this resource pool to a POST

different one.

move Reserved N/A

nextPage Reference to the next page of a paginated response. GET

orgVdcNetworks List the organization VDC networks supported by this GET

Edge Gateway.

ova Reserved N/A

ovf References the OVF descriptor of this vApp template. GET

power:powerOff Power off this vApp or virtual machine. POST

power:powerOn Power on this vApp or virtual machine. POST

power:reboot Reboot this vApp or virtual machine. POST

power:reset Reset this vApp or virtual machine. POST

power:shutdown Shut down this vApp or virtual machine. POST

power:suspend Suspend this vApp or virtual machine. POST

previousPage Reference to the previous page of a paginated response. GET

publish Share this catalog. POST

publishToExternalOrganizations Publish this catalog externally POST

recompose Recompose this vApp to add, remove, or reconfigure POST

virtual machines.

reconfigureVm Update multiple sections of a virtual machine. POST

reconnect Reconnect this vCenter Server to the system. POST

refreshStorageProfiles Refresh the list of storage profiles that exist on the POST
vCenter service backing this Provider VDC.

refreshVirtualCenter Refresh the representation of this vCenter server POST

register Register a VCenter Server with the system. POST

relocate Relocate this virtual machine. POST

16 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API

Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types (Continued)

rel Attribute Value Action or Relationship Description Implied HTTP Verb

remove Remove this object. DELETE

remove:force Force removal of this object. DELETE

repair Repair this host or network. POST

resourcePoolVmList List the virtual machines using this resource pool. GET

resume Resume this blocking task. POST

rights List the service-specific rights created by this extension GET


rights:cleanup Remove service-specific rights no longer used by any POST

extension service.

screen:acquireTicket Retrieve a screen ticket for this virtual machine. GET

screen:thumbnail Retrieve a thumbnail view of the screen of this virtual GET


shadowVms List shadow virtual machines associated with the virtual GET
machines in this vApp template.

snapshot:create Create a snapshot of the virtual machines in this vApp. POST

snapshot:removeAll Remove all snapshots created for the virtual machines in POST
this vApp.

snapshot:revertToCurrent Revert all virtual machines in this vApp to their current POST

storageProfile References the storage profile for this object. GET

subscribeToExternalCatalog Add an external subscription to this catalog. POST

sync Synchronize this catalog or catalog item with its external POST

syncSyslogSettings Synchronize syslog server addresses used by this vApp POST

network with system defaults.

takeOwnership Take ownership of this user's vApps, media, and POST


task Retrieve the blocking task that triggered this notification. GET

task:cancel Cancel this task. POST

task:create Create a task object. POST

task:owner Reference to the owner of a task. GET

truststore:reset Remove the truststore used by this service. POST

truststore:update Update the truststore used by this service. PUT

undeploy Undeploy this vApp. POST

unlock Unlock this user account. POST

unregister Unregister this vCenter Server. POST

up References an object that contains this object. GET

update:resourcePools Update the resource pools of this Provider VDC POST

updateProgress Request an update of this task's progress. POST

upgrade Upgrade this host. POST

upload:alternate Reserved N/A

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vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types (Continued)

rel Attribute Value Action or Relationship Description Implied HTTP Verb

upload:default References the default location to which this object can PUT
be uploaded.

vSphereWebClientUrl A URL that you can use to view this object with the GET
vSphere Web Client

Client Workflow Overview

vCloud API clients implement a RESTful workflow, making HTTP requests to the server and retrieving the
information they need from the server’s responses.

About RESTful Workflows

REST, an acronym for Representational State Transfer, describes an architectural style characteristic of
programs that use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to exchange serialized representations of objects
between a client and a server. In the vCloud API, these representations are XML documents.

In a RESTful workflow, representations of objects are passed back and forth between a client and a server
with the explicit assumption that neither party need know anything about an object other than what is
presented in a single request or response. The URLs at which these documents are available often persist
beyond the lifetime of the request or response that includes them. The other content of the documents is
nominally valid until the expiration date noted in the HTTP Expires header.

vCloud REST API Workflows

Application programs written to a REST API use HTTP requests that are often executed by a script or other
higher-level language to make remote procedure calls that create, retrieve, update, or delete objects that the
API defines. In the vCloud REST API, these objects are defined by a collection of XML schemas. The
operations themselves are HTTP requests, and so are generic to all HTTP clients.

To write a RESTful client application, you must understand only the HTTP protocol and the semantics of
XML, the transfer format that the vCloud API uses. To use the vCloud API effectively in such a client, you
need to know only a few things:

n The set of objects that the API supports, and what they represent; for example, what is a VDC and how
does it relate to an organization or catalog?

n How the API represents these objects; for example, what does the XML schema for an Org look like?
What do the individual elements and attributes represent?

n How a client refers to an object on which it wants to operate; for example, where are the links to objects
in a VDC? How does a client obtain and use them?
You can find that information in this Guide, and in the vCloud API Schema Reference. See “About the Schema
Reference,” on page 25.

RESTful Workflow Patterns

All RESTful workflows follow a common pattern.

1 Make an HTTP request, typically GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE. The target of this request is either a
well-known URL such as the vCloud API versions URL, or a URL obtained from the response to a
previous request. For example, a GET request to an organization URL returns links to catalog and VDC
objects that the organization contains.

18 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API

2 Examine the response, which always includes an HTTP response code and usually includes a body. In
the vCloud API, a response body is an XML document that can contain any of the following items.

n XML elements and attributes that represent object properties

n Link elements that implement operations on the object or its contents

n If the object is being created or modified, an embedded Task object that tracks the progress of the
creation or modification

These operations can repeat, in this order, for as long as necessary.

vCloud API REST Requests

To retrieve object representations, clients make HTTP requests to object references. The server supplies these
references as href attribute values in responses to GET requests.

Every cloud has a well-known URL from which an unauthenticated user can retrieve a SupportedVersions
document, which lists each version of the vCloud API that the server supports. For each version, the
response lists the names and MIME types of the complex types defined in the version's XML namespace,
and the version login URL. A system administrator can use that URL to authenticate to the cloud by logging
in to the System organization. An authenticated user can discover other vCloud API URLs by making GET
requests to URLs retrieved from the login response, and the URLs contained in responses to those requests.
See Chapter 3, “Exploring a Cloud,” on page 45.
Requests are typically categorized by the type of requested operation: create, retrieve, update, and delete.
This sequence of verbs is often abbreviated with the acronym CRUD. Each type of request is characterized
by the use of specific HTTP verb to access a URL found in a Link element that has an operation-specific
value for its rel (relation) attribute.

Table 1‑2. CRUD Operations Summary

Operation Type HTTP Verb Link Relation Operation Summary

Create POST add Creates a new object.

Retrieve GET down Retrieves the representation of an existing object in its current

Update PUT edit Modifies an existing object.

Delete DELETE remove Deletes an existing object. If the object is a container, you must
remove all of its contents before you can delete it.

For example, this Link element indicates that you can use the URL
https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26 to update the Org object that contains it.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />

The implied HTTP verb is PUT.

HTTP communications between a vCloud API client and server are secured with SSL. API clients must also
complete a login request to receive an authorization token that must be included in all subsequent requests.

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vCloud API Programming Guide

Request Headers
The following HTTP headers are typically included in vCloud API requests:

Accept All requests must include an HTTP Accept header that designates the vCloud
API version that the client supports. The following header indicates that the
request is from a vCloud API version 5.6 client:

Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.6

In general, client requests can access objects defined by any version of the
vCloud API that is less than or equal to the version specified in the Accept

Accept-Encoding By default, the system returns response content as uncompressed XML.

Compressing the response can improve performance, especially when the
response is large and network bandwidth is a factor. (Requests cannot be
compressed.) To request a response to be returned as compressed XML,
include the following header:

Accept-Encoding: gzip

The response is encoded using gzip encoding as described in RFC 1952, and
includes the following header:

Content-Encoding: gzip

In the default configuration, responses smaller than 64KB are never


Accept-Language Message strings in ErrorType responses are localized. To specify the

language desired in responses, use the Accept-Language request header. To
request a response with message strings localized to French, use the
following header:

Accept-Language: fr

Authorization All requests from authenticated clients must include an Authorization

header. See “Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider,”
on page 47 and “Create a Login Session Using a SAML Identity Provider,”
on page 49

Content-Type Requests that include a body must include an appropriate HTTP Content-
Type header. Content types for all elements are listed in the schema reference.
In addition, the type attribute of a response body indicates the content type
of the document. For example, this response fragment indicates that the
content type associated with a CatalogItem object is

name="Ubuntu Template with vsftpd"
... />

A POST or PUT request that supplies a CatalogItem in the request body

requires the following Content-Type header:

Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml

20 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API

When it appears as the value of a Content-Type header or the type attribute

of an element in the vCloud API, this string is case-insensitive in requests,
and can be returned in either mixed case or lowercase characters in

X-VMWARE-VCLOUD- The value of this header is used to build a request ID returned in the value of
CLIENT-REQUEST-ID the X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-REQUEST-ID header (see “Response Headers,”
on page 22). The value of this header cannot contain more than 128
characters drawn from the set of letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-). Values
with invalid characters are ignored. Values with more than 128 characters are

Request Bodies
vCloud Director uses a validating XML parser that requires elements in a request body to agree with the
schema in order and number. Request bodies are rejected as invalid unless they meet the following criteria:

n XML namespace attributes must be supplied for all namespaces represented by elements in the request.
See “XML Namespace Identifiers,” on page 389.

n If multiple namespaces are represented in the request, XML namespace attributes must include an
identifying prefix, and that prefix must be used with all elements from that namespace.

n All required elements must appear in request bodies. All elements that appear in request bodies must
appear in the order that the schema establishes, and with content that conforms to the type constraint
that the schema specifies.

Request Limits
To guard against denial-of-service attacks, vCloud Director imposes the following limits on vCloud API

n Requests cannot exceed 512 KB.

n Requests cannot contain more than 4096 XML elements.

n Requests cannot have a depth greater than 100.

vCloud API REST Responses

All responses include an HTTP status code and, unless the status code is 204 (No Content), a Content-Type
header. Response content depends on the request. Some responses include a document body, some include
only a URL, and some are empty.

Response Content
Response content depends on the requested operation. The response to a GET request is typically the
complete representation of an existing object. The response to a PUT or POST request always contains
values for the href, name, and id attributes of the object being created or updated. It also contains at most
one Task element that you can retrieve to track the progress of the operation. When the Task completes with
a status of success, a GET request to the object's href returns all properties of the object. If the Task
completion status is not success, the object is in an indeterminate state, and should be deleted.

HTTP Response Codes

A vCloud API client can expect a subset of HTTP status codes in a response.

VMware, Inc. 21
vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 1‑3. HTTP Status Codes that the vCloud API Returns
Status Code Status Description

200 OK The request is valid and was completed. The response

includes a document body.

201 Created The request is valid. The requested object was created and
can be found at the URL specified in the Location header.

202 Accepted The request is valid and a task was created to handle it.
This response is usually accompanied by a Task element.

204 No Content The request is valid and was completed. The response does
not include a body.

400 Bad Request The request body is malformed, incomplete, or otherwise


401 Unauthorized Login failed.

403 Forbidden Any of:

n One or more objects specified in the request could not
be found in the specified container.
n The user is not authenticated or does not have
adequate privileges to access one or more objects
specified in the request.
n The user 's session has expired.

404 Not Found Usually indicates a malformed request URL or request


405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP method specified in the request is not supported
for this object.

406 Not Acceptable The resource identified by the request is not capable of
generating a response of the type specified in the request's
Accept header.

409 Conflict The object state is not compatible with the requested

415 Unsupported Media Type The resource identified by the request does not support a
request of the specified Content-Type and HTTP method.

500 Internal Server Error The request was received but could not be completed
because of an internal error at the server.

503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unable to handle the request due to
a temporary condition such as resource exhaustion or
server maintenance.

504 Gateway Timeout The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not
receive a timely response from the upstream server
specified by the request URL.

Response Headers
The following HTTP headers can appear in responses to vCloud API requests:

x-vcloud-authorization An authentication token in the response to a login request. Use this token to
authenticate subsequent requests. See “Logging In,” on page 28.


REQUEST-ID header, the response contains an X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-REQUEST-ID
header whose value combines the value in the X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-
CLIENT-REQUEST-ID with a unique ID. This value is added to every
vCloud Director, vCenter, and ESXi log message related to processing the

22 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API

request, and provides a way to correlate the processing of a request across all
participating systems. If a request did not supply a X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-
CLIENT-REQUEST-ID header, the response contains an X-VMWARE-
VCLOUD-REQUEST-ID header with a generated value that cannot be used
for log correlation.

X-VMWARE-VCLOUD- The execution time, in milliseconds, of the request that generated this

Using the vCloud API with vCloud Director

VMware vCloud Director supports several versions of the vCloud API. You can use a browser or other
HTTP client program to send requests and receive responses.

The vCloud Director REST API Reference documentation includes HTML reference material for all XML
elements and complex types defined by the vCloud API. It also includes example XML representations. See
“About the Schema Reference,” on page 25. For information about HTTP client programs to use with
vCloud Director, see “REST Client Programs,” on page 25.

1 Configure the vCloud Director REST API base URL.

a Log in to the vCloud Director Web Console as a system administrator.

b In the vCloud Director Web Console, open System Settings > Public Addresses

c Type the URL in the VCD public REST API base URL text box.

2 (Optional) Retrieve the list of supported API versions from the server.

After the vCloud Director REST API base URL has been configured, any HTTP client can request a
document that lists all the API versions that the server supports. See “Example: Retrieve the Login URL
and List of Supported API Versions,” on page 23.

3 (Optional) If you want to use the vSphere Web Client to access vCloud API objects on a vSphere server,
verify that the vSphere Web Client URL is enabled for all vCenter servers from which you want to
retrieve the vSphere URL of an object.

You can manage this feature on the General tab of the vSphere Properties page of the vCloud Director
Web console.

Example: Retrieve the Login URL and List of Supported API Versions
The api/versions request can be made by any client, whether or not the client is authenticated by
vCloud Director. The response, a small subset of which is shown here, includes a VersionInfo element for
each API version that this vCloud Director installation supports. Each VersionInfo element contains:

n A LoginUrl element that contains the URL to which a client can make a login request to access that
version of the vCloud API. See “Logging In,” on page 28.

n MediaTypeMapping elements for each complex type supported by that version of the vCloud API.


GET http://vcloud.example.com/api/versions

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vCloud API Programming Guide


200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

NOTE You can use the URL in the SchemaLocation element with a GET request to retrieve the file in which
that complex type is defined. This type of request can be made by any client, whether or not the client is
authenticated by vCloud Director. For example, this request retrieves the schema file master.xsd:

GET http://vcloud.example.com/api/v1.5/schema/master.xsd

All vCloud API requests are processed in the http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5 XML namespace. Schema
files for all API versions can be retrieved from a .../api/v1.5/... URL.

What to do next
Decide on an HTTP client program to use. See “REST Client Programs,” on page 25.

24 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API

REST Client Programs

Any client application that can send HTTPS requests can be an appropriate tool for developing RESTful
applications with the vCloud API.

REST client plug-ins are available for most browsers and many IDEs. The examples in the vCloud API
Programming Guide were developed using two open-source programs: cURL (http://curl.haxx.se/) and the
RESTclient (http://code.google.com/p/rest-client/).

VMware provides additional SDK products that implement language-specific bindings for the vCloud API,
and include their own HTTP client capability. See

About the Schema Reference

The vCloud API Schema Reference includes reference material for all elements, types, queries, and operations
in the vCloud API. It also includes the schema definition files.

The schema reference is available in HTML format in the vCloud Director documentation center.

About the vCloud API Examples

The vCloud API Programming Guide includes many examples of HTTP requests and responses. These
examples show the workflow and content associated with operations such as browsing, provisioning, and
managing your cloud and its contents, and operating virtual systems.

Example requests generally conform to the rules listed in “Request Bodies,” on page 21. Most example
responses show only those elements and attributes that are relevant to the operation being discussed.
Ellipses (…) indicate omitted content within response bodies. Several additional conventions apply.

n The following HTTP header, which is required in all requests that access version 5.6 of the vCloud API,
is omitted from most examples.

Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.6

n All other request headers required by the vCloud API are included in example requests that are not
fragments of some larger example. Although the examples show these strings using the character case
in which the implementation defines them, header names and values are case-insensitive, and can be
submitted or returned in any character case. Other HTTP headers, such as Date, Content-Length, and
Server, are omitted because they are not relevant to the specifics of any example.

n The XML version and encoding header

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

is included in example requests but omitted from example responses.

n Object IDs shown in href attribute values appear as small integers, for example vapp-7 or org/3. In the
vCloud API that vCloud Director supports, object IDs are universal unique identifiers (UUIDs) as
defined by RFC 4122, for example vapp-f5e185a4-7c00-41f1-8b91-0e552d538101 or org/89a1a8f9-

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vCloud API Programming Guide

26 VMware, Inc.
Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful
Workflow 2
vCloud API clients and vCloud Director servers communicate over HTTPS, exchanging XML
representations of vCloud API objects.

This simplified example of a RESTful workflow includes requests that discover and deploy a particular
vApp, in this case, an FTP server with a connection to the public Internet.

These examples assume that you have access to a catalog that includes a vApp template with certain
characteristics and an organization network that supports connections to the public Internet. The workflow
and examples are flexible, and can accommodate various vApp templates and cloud capabilities.

1 Logging In on page 28
vCloud Director requires API requests to be authenticated. The first step in any RESTful workflow is
to obtain an authentication token.

2 Find a Catalog and a VDC on page 30

Before you can deploy a vApp, you must find a vApp template in one of your organization's catalogs
and a VDC in your organization to use for the deployment.

3 Retrieve the Contents of a Catalog on page 31

You can make a GET request to a catalog URL to retrieve a list of vApp templates and media images
referenced by the catalog.

4 Retrieve a Catalog Item on page 32

You can examine the list of items in a catalog to find items of interest based on the values of their name
and type attributes. You must retrieve a catalog item to get a Description and a usable reference to the
underlying object.

5 Retrieve Deployment Information From the VDC on page 34

To deploy your template as a vApp, you must specify an organization VDC to deploy it in and an
organization VDC network to connect it to.
6 Deploy the vApp on page 35
To create a vApp from a vApp template, you must bind the template's abstract resource requirements,
such as network connections, storage resources, memory, and CPU capacity, to appropriate resources
in the target VDC. This binding operation is called instantiation.

7 Get Information About a vApp on page 38

When you instantiate a vApp template, the server returns the URL of the resulting vApp. You can use
this URL with a GET request to retrieve information that you can use to connect to the vApp, modify
its configuration, and operate it.

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8 Displaying the Virtual Machine Console on page 41

After a vApp is powered on, you can retrieve a screen ticket from one of its virtual machines. You use
that ticket with the VMRC browser plug-in to gain access to the console of the virtual machine.

9 Undeploy, Power Off, and Delete the vApp on page 42

After you undeploy a vApp and power it off, you can use an HTTP DELETE request to delete the
vApp object.

10 Log Out on page 44

To log out and terminate a vCloud API session, delete the Session you created when you logged in.

Logging In
vCloud Director requires API requests to be authenticated. The first step in any RESTful workflow is to
obtain an authentication token.

Every cloud has a login URL that a client can obtain by making an unauthenticated GET request to the
vCloud Director api/versions URL. See “Example: Retrieve the Login URL and List of Supported API
Versions,” on page 23. Because all other vCloud API requests must be authenticated, any vCloud API
workflow must begin with a login request that supplies user credentials in the form that Basic HTTP
authentication requires.

For information about how to create a login request and view the response, see “Example: Login Request
and Response,” on page 29.

NOTE This procedure assumes that you are logging in with credentials managed by the vCloud Director
integrated identity provider. Users whose credentials are managed by a SAML identity provider must
follow a different login workflow.

Verify that the following conditions are met:

n You have the login credentials of a user with the vApp Author role.

n Your organization contains at least one VDC and one network. For more information about setting up
an organization to support the Hello vCloud workflow, see Chapter 6, “Creating and Managing
Organizations,” on page 169.

n Your organization contains a catalog in which at least one vApp template is available. For more
information about adding a vApp template to a catalog, see Chapter 4, “Provisioning an Organization,”
on page 57.

1 Make an API versions request to vCloud Director to obtain the login URL for the REST API.

2 Use the login URL to create a login session.

POST a request to this URL that includes your username, password, and organization name in a MIME
Base64 encoding. See “Example: Login Request and Response,” on page 29.

3 Examine the response.

The response code indicates whether the request succeeded, or how it failed.

A successful login request returns an authentication token that you can use in subsequent requests. It also
returns a Session element, which contains one or more Link elements, each of which provides a URL that
you can use to explore a subset of objects in the cloud.

28 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow

If you log in as a system administrator or organization administrator, this list includes multiple links. See
“Example: Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 47. Otherwise, the list
typically includes a link of type application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgList+xml, as shown in the response
portion of “Example: Login Request and Response,” on page 29. You can use this link to find out more
about your organization and the objects it contains.
For more information about the other links in the Session element, see “Create a Login Session Using the
Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 47.

Example: Login Request and Response

A request to create a login session must supply the user's credentials in the following form:


n user is the user's login name.

n organization is the name of an organization of which the user is a member.

n password is the user's password.

These credentials must be supplied in a MIME Base64 encoding, as specified in RFC 1421.

NOTE System administrators must log in to the System organization. See “Administrator Credentials and
Privileges,” on page 172. Because the System organization does not support some of the features
demonstrated in the Hello vCloud workflow, you should try this example in another organization.

This example shows a login request and response for a user named HelloUser logging into an organization
named ExampleOrg in a cloud whose login URL is https://vcloud.example.com/api/sessions.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/sessions
Authorization: Basic encoded-credentials
Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.6


200 OK
x-vcloud-authorization: cn9uYmdugN8E2j96+5Lqrc3YBvFsEgDHXzyfJrJ/6bM=
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.session+xml;version=5.6
... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/query" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/entity/" />

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The response code indicates whether the request succeeded, or how it failed.

n If the request is successful, the server returns HTTP response code 200 (OK) and headers that include an
authorization header of the following form:

x-vcloud-authorization: token

This header must be included in each subsequent vCloud API request.

n If the authentication header is missing, the server returns HTTP response code 403.

n If the credentials supplied in the authentication header are invalid, or if the token has expired, the
server returns HTTP response code 401. The token expires after a configurable interval of client
inactivity. The default is 30 minutes after the token is created. After the token expires, you must log in
again to obtain a new token.

Find a Catalog and a VDC

Before you can deploy a vApp, you must find a vApp template in one of your organization's catalogs and a
VDC in your organization to use for the deployment.

After you log in, you can make a GET request to your organization's URL to retrieve the XML
representation of the organization. This representation shows the organization's attributes and contents,
including links to its catalogs and VDCs.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a user with the vApp Author role.

1 Examine the list of organizations to which you have access.

Make a GET request to the URL in the href value of the orgList link, which is present in the response to
all login requests.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/

Unless you are a system administrator, the response to this request is an OrgList element containing a
single Org element, which represents your organization.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/5" />

2 Retrieve the representation of your organization.

See the request portion of “Example: Retrieve the Contents of an Organization,” on page 30.

3 Examine the response to find the links to the organization's catalogs and VDCs.

See the response portion of “Example: Retrieve the Contents of an Organization,” on page 30.

Example: Retrieve the Contents of an Organization

This example retrieves the ExampleOrg organization listed in the OrgList element shown in Step 1.

30 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/5


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.org+xml
name="ExampleCatalog" />
name="ExampleVdc01" />
<Link ... />
<Link ... />
<Description>Example Corp’s Primary Organization</Description>

Links in the response whose rel attribute has a value of down are references to objects that the organization
contains. This example shows the subset of those items that we reference in the Hello vCloud example:

n A catalog named ExampleCatalog, at URL https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32, where you can

look for vApp templates.

n An organization VDC named ExampleVdc01, at URL https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5, where you

can deploy the vApp.

Retrieve the Contents of a Catalog

You can make a GET request to a catalog URL to retrieve a list of vApp templates and media images
referenced by the catalog.

To use a vApp template or media image listed in a catalog, retrieve the catalog to discover the set of
CatalogItem elements it contains, then make an additional request to retrieve the CatalogItem of interest.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a user with the vApp Author role.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of your organization.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/5

VMware, Inc. 31
vCloud API Programming Guide

2 Examine the response to find the links to the organization's catalogs.

These links have the following form:

name="catalog_name" />

3 Retrieve the contents of the catalog.

Use a GET request of the form shown in the request portion of “Example: Retrieve the Contents of a
Catalog,” on page 32.

Example: Retrieve the Contents of a Catalog

This example retrieves the catalog shown in the response portion of “Example: Retrieve the Contents of an
Organization,” on page 30.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalog+xml
<Description>Main Org Catalog</Description>
name="Ubuntu Template with vsftpd"
<CatalogItem ... />
<CatalogItem ... />

Retrieve a Catalog Item

You can examine the list of items in a catalog to find items of interest based on the values of their name and
type attributes. You must retrieve a catalog item to get a Description and a usable reference to the
underlying object.

Every vApp template or media image that is added to the catalog is represented as a CatalogItem element.
When a client browses a catalog, it can read only the name, type, and href of each CatalogItem. To retrieve an
item from the catalog, the client requires more information. In “Example: Retrieve a Catalog Item,”
on page 33, the client makes a GET request to the URL in the value of the href attribute of a CatalogItem.
The response provides more information, including a description of the referenced object and another URL
that the client can use to retrieve a representation of the object.

32 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a user with the vApp Author role.

1 Retrieve the representation of a catalog in your organization.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32

2 Examine the response to find the CatalogItem elements that the catalog contains.

The value of the name attribute of a CatalogItem element is taken from the name attribute of the
referenced object. You can use it as a preliminary indicator of what the item represents.

3 Retrieve a CatalogItem.

Use a GET request of the form shown in the request portion of “Example: Retrieve a Catalog Item,” on
page 33.

Example: Retrieve a Catalog Item

This example retrieves the CatalogItem shown in the response portion of “Example: Retrieve the Contents of
a Catalog,” on page 32.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221

In addition to the name attribute and Description element, the CatalogItem contains a rel="up" link to the
catalog that contains it, and other links that you can use to manage the CatalogItem.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml
name="Ubuntu Template with vsftpd"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221/metadata" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" />
<Description>Approved template for public FTP sites</Description>

VMware, Inc. 33
vCloud API Programming Guide

name="Ubuntu Template with vsftpd"/>

Retrieve Deployment Information From the VDC

To deploy your template as a vApp, you must specify an organization VDC to deploy it in and an
organization VDC network to connect it to.

Instantiation, deployment, and operation of a vApp all take place in the context of an organization VDC.
The XML representation of a VDC object defines that context in detail. For this exercise, you need several
pieces of information from the VDC:

n The URL that a client can use to request an instantiateVAppTemplate operation in the VDC.

n A list of networks in the organization VDC that the vApp can connect to.

“Example: Deployment Information in a VDC,” on page 34 shows this subset of VDC contents.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a user with the vApp Author role.

1 Retrieve the representation of your organization.

See the request portion of “Example: Retrieve the Contents of an Organization,” on page 30.

2 Examine the Org response to find the links to the organization's VDCs.

Links to VDCs have the form:

name="VDC_name" />

3 Retrieve the contents of the VDC.

Use a GET request of the form shown in the request portion of “Example: Deployment Information in a
VDC,” on page 34.

Example: Deployment Information in a VDC

This example shows a request to retrieve the XML representation of a VDC. It shows only the subset of the
response that contains deployment information.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml

34 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/instantiateVAppTemplate" />
name="Isolated" />
name="Internet" />

The information that you need is available in the following elements of the response:

n A Link element that contains an action URL for instantiateVAppTemplate. The rel attribute of this link
has a value of add. It implements an action that adds an object (a vApp) to the VDC.

n A list of AvailableNetworks that includes all the networks in the VDC.

Deploy the vApp

To create a vApp from a vApp template, you must bind the template's abstract resource requirements, such
as network connections, storage resources, memory, and CPU capacity, to appropriate resources in the
target VDC. This binding operation is called instantiation.

To deploy the vApp, you construct an InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element that specifies a vApp
template to use and a network to connect to, then POST the element to the action/instantiateVAppTemplate
URL of the VDC.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a user with the vApp Author role.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp template.

Make a GET request to the URL provided in the href attribute of the Entity contained by the
CatalogItem that references the template. You can also use the query service to return a list of references
to vApp templates that you can access.

2 Examine the template to find the Vm elements of the virtual machines that it contains.

Look for a NetworkConnection element in the Vm. You need some of the information in that element to
create a vApp network that the virtual machine can connect to.

3 Create an InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element.

See “Example: Deploying a vApp,” on page 36 for guidelines.

4 Make a POST request to the action/instantiateVAppTemplate URL of the VDC.

Supply the InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element as the request body.

VMware, Inc. 35
vCloud API Programming Guide

The server takes the requested action and returns a VApp element. The element has a status attribute value
of 0, meaning it is unresolved because the vApp is still being constructed. It also contains a Task element
that tracks the progress of the request.

See the response portion of “Example: Deploying a vApp,” on page 36.

Example: Deploying a vApp

This simple instantiateVAppTemplate request assumes that the vApp template includes one Vm and has no
special requirements other than connecting that Vm to a network. For a look at a more complex instantiation
request, see “Example: Instantiate a vApp Template,” on page 97. The InstantiateVAppTemplateParams
includes the following information:

n A name for the vApp, supplied in the name attribute of the InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element.
This request also provides a description, which is optional but a good practice.

n A reference to a template, obtained from the href attribute of the Entity contained by the CatalogItem
that you retrieved in “Retrieve a Catalog Item,” on page 32 and suppled in the Source element of the

n Configuration parameters for a vApp network, supplied in the NetworkConfigSection element. This
specification includes the following parameters:
n A name for the network, supplied in the name attribute of the NetworkConfigSection element. The
name you specify for the vApp network must match the value of the network attribute of the
NetworkConnection of the Vm. This example assumes that this NetworkConnection element includes
the following values, which specify that the Vm connects to a network named vAppNetwork:


n A reference to the organization VDC network to which the vApp network connects, specified in the
ParentNetwork element. The URL used in this reference is one shown in the AvailableNetworks
element in “Example: Deployment Information in a VDC,” on page 34.

n A fence mode, specified in the FenceMode element. A value of bridged indicates that the vApp
network is connected directly to the organization VDC network.

For more information about creating networks with the vCloud API, see “About vCloud Director
Networks,” on page 193.

The target of the request is the instantiateVAppTemplate URL of this VDC. See “Example: Deployment
Information in a VDC,” on page 34. Because the operation creates a new vApp object, the HTTP request type
is POST.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/instantiateVAppTemplate
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Linux FTP server"

36 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow

<Description>Example FTP Server</Description>
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111" />

The response to the instantiation request is a sparsely populated vApp element that includes the following

n The status of the vApp. The status value 0 indicates that the vApp is unresolved, because instantiation
is not complete.

n The name of the vApp, as supplied in the request.

n The vApp URL, shown in the href attribute of the VApp element. You can use this reference to retrieve
information about the vApp.

n A task created to track the instantiation. The Task element has an operation attribute that describes
what is happening, and contains an Owner element that is a reference the vApp being created. The vApp
is the owner of the task.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml
name="Linux FTP server"
<Description>Example FTP Server vApp</Description>
operation="Creating Virtual Application Linux FTP server(7)"
... >

VMware, Inc. 37
vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/vApp/vapp-7" />

Get Information About a vApp

When you instantiate a vApp template, the server returns the URL of the resulting vApp. You can use this
URL with a GET request to retrieve information that you can use to connect to the vApp, modify its
configuration, and operate it.

As other examples have shown, a client can always use an HTTP GET request to the URL in the object's href
attribute to discover the current state of any vCloud API object, including a vApp.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a user with the vApp Author role.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp.
Make a GET request to the URL in the href attribute of the VApp element that is returned when you
create the vApp from the template.

2 Examine the response.

See “Example: Getting Information About the vApp,” on page 38.

Example: Getting Information About the vApp

This response reveals several things about the vApp:

n The vApp is deployed (its deployed attribute is set to true) and powered on (status="4"). See “Object
Creation Status,” on page 391.

n The Vm in its Children collection is also powered on and deployed. The Vm is connected to the vApp
network created during instantiation. See “Example: Deploying a vApp,” on page 36. Properties of this
network are included in the NetworkConfigSection of the vApp, although most are not shown here.
Properties of the virtual machine's connection to the network, including its IP address, are shown in the
NetworkConnection of the Vm.

n Action links for all operations except powerOn are present in the VApp element and the Vm element that it
contains. Because the vApp is already powered on, that operation is invalid for the vApp in its current
state, so the link is not part of the response. The link for deploy is always present, even in a deployed
vApp, because the deploy action is always valid. The Vm element also includes several links for actions
that are not applicable to a vApp. Actions such as acquiring a screen ticket or thumbnail, and inserting
or removing media, are meaningful only in the context of a virtual machine. Other actions, like
shutdown and reboot, can be applied to either object. See Chapter 5, “Deploying and Operating
vApps,” on page 91.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7

38 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml
name="Linux FTP server"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/power/action/reboot" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/power/action/powerOff" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/action/undeploy" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/action/deploy" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/power/action/shutdown" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/power/action/reset" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/power/action/suspend" />
<Link ... />
<Description>Example FTP Server vApp</Description>
<LeaseSettingsSection ... >
<ovf:StartupSection ... >
<ovf:NetworkSection ... >
<ovf:Info />
<ovf:Description />

VMware, Inc. 39
vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/networkConfigSection/" />
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for vAppNetwork</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/power/action/reboot" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/power/action/powerOff" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/action/undeploy" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/action/deploy" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/power/action/shutdown" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/power/action/reset" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/power/action/suspend" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/screen" />

40 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/screen/action/acquireTicket" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/media/action/insertMedia" />
<Link ... />
<Description />

Displaying the Virtual Machine Console

After a vApp is powered on, you can retrieve a screen ticket from one of its virtual machines. You use that
ticket with the VMRC browser plug-in to gain access to the console of the virtual machine.

A screen ticket is a string that includes the virtual machine’s IP address, its managed object reference, and a
residual that is encoded as described in RFC 2396. Each Vm element in a vApp includes a link where
rel="screen:acquireTicket" if the virtual machine it represents is powered on. You can use that link to
retrieve a screen ticket that you can use with the VMRC API to open a VMware Remote Console for the
virtual machine.

NOTE A Vm element might also contain a link of the form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/screen/action/acquireMksTicket" />

This link acqures a special kind ticket to be used with the WebMKS Javascript API, which is described in the
VMware Remote Console SDK documentation.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a user with the vApp Author role.

n Verify that the virtual machine whose console you want to display is powered on.

VMware, Inc. 41
vCloud API Programming Guide

n Verify that your browser has an installed copy of the vmware-vmrc plug-in. This plug-in is installed by
your browser whenever you use the vCloud Director Web Console to access the console of a running
virtual machine. After this plug-in is installed, you can find it in the folder where your browser stores

1 Retrieve the screen ticket.

POST a request to the acquireTicket link of the Vm.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/screen/action/acquireTicket


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.screenTicket+xml
<ScreenTicket xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1 ...>ticket-string

The ticket string itself has the following form:


n ip-address is the IP address of the virtual machine.

n VM-MoRef is the managed object reference of the virtual machine.

n encoded-ticket is the encoded screen ticket. You must decode this ticket using a function such as the
Java URLDecoder or PERL url_escape before you can use it.

2 Use the ticket with the VMRC API.

The ticket is valid for 30 seconds. To use it, you must initialize the VMRC browser plug-in and use the
VMRC API, as described in the VMware Remote Console SDK documentation.

Undeploy, Power Off, and Delete the vApp

After you undeploy a vApp and power it off, you can use an HTTP DELETE request to delete the vApp

A deployed vApp has a link that you can use with a POST request to undeploy the vApp and take a power
action such as powering it off or suspending it. A powered-off vApp has a link that you can use with a
DELETE request to remove the vApp.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a user with the vApp Author role.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp.

Make a GET request to the URL in the href attribute of the VApp element that was returned when you
created the vApp from the template. See “Get Information About a vApp,” on page 38.

42 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow

2 Undeploy the vApp, and specify that it should also be powered off.

Make a POST request to the vApp action/undeploy link, which has the following form:


In the request body, specify that the undeployment include powering off the vApp. See
“Example: Undeploy, Power Off, and Delete a vApp,” on page 43.

3 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp again.

After it is powered off and undeployed, the vApp includes a rel="remove" link of the following form:


4 Remove the vApp.

Make a DELETE request to the vApp's rel="remove" link, as shown in the request portion of
“Example: Undeploy, Power Off, and Delete a vApp,” on page 43.

The server starts a task to manage the events that lead up to the removal of the vApp, and returns a Task
element that you can use to track the progress of the task.

Example: Undeploy, Power Off, and Delete a vApp

You can use the undeploy request body, an UndeployVAppParams element, to specify an UndeployPowerAction
element. This example specifies an UndeployPowerAction of powerOff.

NOTE powerOff is the default UndeployPowerAction. It appears here for clarity.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/action/undeploy
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.undeployVAppParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


202 Accepted
operation="Undeploying Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)"
... >

After the vApp is undeployed and powered off, its representation includes a link where rel="remove". Make
a DELETE request to this link to remove the vApp.

VMware, Inc. 43
vCloud API Programming Guide


DELETE https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7


202 Accepted
operation="Deleting Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)"
... >

Log Out
To log out and terminate a vCloud API session, delete the Session you created when you logged in.

The logout request, like all other authenticated requests, must include the authorization header, as shown in
“Example: Logging Out,” on page 44.

Verify that you are logged in.

u Make a DELETE request specifying the href of the current Session object.

Example: Logging Out

This example deletes the current user's Session, which logs the user out.


DELETE https://vcloud.example.com/api/session
x-vcloud-authorization: cn9uYmdugN8E2j96+5Lqrc3YBvFsEgDHXzyfJrJ/6bM=


200 OK

44 VMware, Inc.
Exploring a Cloud 3
You can use HTTP GET requests to browse containers such as organizations, catalogs, and VDCs in a cloud.

Responses to these requests include metadata about the container itself and references to the objects it
contains. These references are provided in Link elements, which have href attributes whose values the client
can use in requests to get more information about the objects themselves. This process is sometimes called
serial discovery, because the contents of one response provides links to locations where you can look for
more information. The hierarchical structure of vCloud API container objects lends itself to graphical
representation as a folder hierarchy or tree view of vCloud API objects, and enables clients to use the same
set of objects and operations to implement a breadth-first or depth-first approach to browsing.

The list of entry points from which you can begin browsing is contained in the Session element that is
returned in response to a successful login. The contents of this list is based on your role and privileges.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Summary of vCloud API Browsing Requests,” on page 45

n “Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 47

n “Retrieve a List of Organizations Accessible to You,” on page 52

n “Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud,” on page 53

n “Retrieve a List of vSphere Platform Operations and Objects for a Cloud,” on page 55

Summary of vCloud API Browsing Requests

Browsing requests provide read-only access to a cloud and the objects it contains.

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.

IMPORTANT Request URLs are always available in Link elements contained by the representation of the
object on which they operate. URL forms shown here are for reference purposes only. Although URLs have
a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat vCloud API request URLs
as opaque strings. The rules that govern how the server constructs these strings might change in future

This summary may not cover all requests in this category. For the complete list of requests, along with
detailed information about input and output types, see the Operations lists in the schema reference.

VMware, Inc. 45
vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 3‑1. Summary of vCloud API Browsing Requests

Operation Request Request Body Response

Show login URL and list of GET API-URL/versions None SupportedVersions

supported API versions

Log in POST API-URL/sessions None Session

Log out DELETE API-URL/session None 200 OK

Log in [DEPRECATED] POST API-URL/login None OrgList

Log out [DEPRECATED] POST API-URL/login None 200 OK

Retrieve a list of entry points GET API-URL/session None 200 OK

for browsing operations

Retrieve a list of GET API-URL/org/ None OrgList

organizations to which you
have access

Retrieve the contents of an GET API-URL/org/id None Org


Retrieve properties of a GET API-URL/network/id None OrgNetwork


Retrieve the contents of a GET API-URL/catalog/id None Catalog


Retrieve properties of a GET API- None CatalogItem

catalog item URL/catalogItem/id

Retrieve the contents of a GET API-URL/vdc/id None Vdc


Retrieve properties of a GET API-URL/media/id None Media

media image

Retrieve a vApp template GET API- None VAppTemplate


Retrieve properties of a GET API-URL/vApp/vapp- None VApp

vApp id

Retrieve properties of a GET API-URL/vApp/vm-id None Vm

virtual machine

Retrieve metadata for an GET API- None Metadata

object such as an URL/object/id/metadata
organization, network,
vApp, virtual machine,
media image, or
independent disk.

Retrieve a list of IP GET API- None AllocatedIpAddresses

addresses allocated to a URL/network/id/allocatedA
network. ddresses

46 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Exploring a Cloud

Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider

The vCloud API login mechanism authenticates a user and creates a Session object that contains the URLs
from which that user can begin browsing. Users who authenticate to the integrated identity provider use
basic HTTP authentication.


NOTE This procedure assumes that you are logging in with credentials managed by the vCloud Director
integrated identity provider. Users whose credentials are managed by a SAML identity provider must
follow a different login workflow.

n Verify that you know the login URL. See “Example: Retrieve the Login URL and List of Supported API
Versions,” on page 23.

n Verify that you are logging in as a user whose identity is managed by the vCloud Director integrated
identity provider.

1 Use the login URL to authenticate to the cloud.

POST a request to this URL. The request must include your username, organization name, and
password in a MIME Base64 encoding. See “Example: Create a Login Session Using the Integrated
Identity Provider,” on page 47.

2 Examine the response.

The response code indicates whether the request succeeded, or how it failed.

n If the authentication header is missing, the server returns HTTP response code 403.

n If the credentials supplied in the authentication header are invalid, the server returns HTTP
response code 401.

n If the request is successful, the server returns HTTP response code 200 (OK) and headers that
include an authorization header of the form:

x-vcloud-authorization: token

This header must be included in each subsequent vCloud API request.

The Session element returned from a successful login contains one or more URLs from which you can
begin browsing.

The list of URLs in the Session object is based on the role and privileges of the authenticated user. A Session
object expires after a configurable interval of client inactivity. To change the length of this client inactivity
timeout, a system administrator can change the value of SessionTimeoutMinutes in the system's
GeneralSettings. See “Retrieve or Update System Settings,” on page 265.

A Session object can be deleted by its owner or an administrator. After your Session expires or is deleted,
you are not authenticated.

Example: Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider

A request to create a login session must supply the user's credentials in the following form:


n user is the user's login name.

n organization is the name of an organization of which the user is a member.

VMware, Inc. 47
vCloud API Programming Guide

n password is the user's password.

These credentials must be supplied in a MIME Base64 encoding, as specified in RFC 1421.

This example shows a login request and response for a system administrator logging in to a cloud whose
login URL is https://vcloud.example.com/api/sessions.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/sessions
Authorization: Basic encoded-credentials
Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.6


200 OK
x-vcloud-authorization: cn9uYmdugN8E2j96+5Lqrc3YBvFsEgDHXzyfJrJ/6bM=
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.session+xml;version=5.6
... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/99" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/query" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/entity/" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/extensibility" />

48 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Exploring a Cloud

This response includes the following link types:

orgList A link to the list of organizations that you can access. See “Retrieve a List of
Organizations Accessible to You,” on page 52.

org A link to the user's organization. See “Retrieve a List of Organizations

Accessible to You,” on page 52.

vcloud A link to administrative objects and operations. See Chapter 6, “Creating and
Managing Organizations,” on page 169

vmwExtension A link to the vCloud API extensions, accessible to a system administrator.

See Chapter 7, “Managing and Monitoring a Cloud,” on page 261.

queryList A link to the set of typed queries you can run. See Chapter 9, “Using the
Query Service,” on page 315.

entity A link to the entity resolver. See “Retrieve an Object as an Entity,” on

page 392.

extensibility A link to the extensibility framework entry point. See Chapter 11, “vCloud
Director Extension Services,” on page 355.

Create a Login Session Using a SAML Identity Provider

The vCloud API login mechanism authenticates a user and creates a Session object that contains the URLs
from which that user can begin browsing. Users who authenticate to a SAML identity provider must acquire
and process a security assertion from that identity provider, then submit the processed assertion to the
vCloud API login URL.

The vCloud API login mechanism supports Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication
using two types security assertions:
n Bearer assertions, which can make no guarantees about message integrity and claimed client identity.

n Holder-of-key assertions, which guarantee subject identity by including a signature generated with the
subject's private key.


NOTE This procedure assumes that you are logging in with credentials managed by a SAML identity
provider. Users whose credentials are managed by the vCloud Director integrated identity provider must
follow a different login workflow.

n Verify that you know the login URL. See “Example: Retrieve the Login URL and List of Supported API
Versions,” on page 23

n Verify that you are logging in as a user whose identity is managed by the SAML identity provider
defined by your organization.

1 Acquire the SAML assertion from your identity provider.

The system administrator must use the vSphere SSO Service as the identity provider.

2 Compress the assertion using GZIP.

3 Encode the compressed assertion a MIME Base64 encoding, as specified in RFC 1421.

4 Use the login URL to authenticate to the cloud.

POST a request to this URL. The request must include an Authorization header that specifies SIGN as
the authorization method and has the following attributes:

VMware, Inc. 49
vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 3‑2. SAML Authorization Header Attributes and Values

Attribute Name Attribute Value

token The compressed, encoded identity assertion from your

SAML identity provider.

signature Base64 encoded signature of the token XML (the

uncompressed identity assertion from your SAML
identity provider) generated using client's private key.
Required when using holder-of-key subject

signature_alg The algorithm used to generate the signature,

expressed as one of the values listed in
curity/StandardNames.html#Signature Required if
signature is present.

org The name of your vCloud Director organization.

Defaults to org="system" if not specified.

See “Example: Create a Login Session Using a SAML Identity Provider,” on page 50.

5 Examine the response.

The response code indicates whether the request succeeded, or how it failed.

n If the authentication header is missing, the server returns HTTP response code 403.

n If the credentials supplied in the authentication header are invalid, the server returns HTTP
response code 401.

n If the request is successful, the server returns HTTP response code 200 (OK) and headers that
include an authorization header of the form:

x-vcloud-authorization: token

This header must be included in each subsequent vCloud API request.

The Session element returned from a successful login contains one or more URLs from which you can
begin browsing.

The list of URLs in the Session object is based on the role and privileges of the authenticated user. A Session
object expires after a configurable interval of client inactivity. To change the length of this client inactivity
timeout, a system administrator can change the value of SessionTimeoutMinutes in the system's
GeneralSettings. See “Retrieve or Update System Settings,” on page 265.

A Session object can be deleted by its owner or an administrator. After your Session expires or is deleted,
you are not authenticated.

Example: Create a Login Session Using a SAML Identity Provider

This example shows a login request and response for a user of a SAML identity provider logging in to the
Finance organization of a cloud whose login URL is https://vcloud.example.com/api/sessions. This
example shows two varieties of the request.

Request (bearer token):

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/sessions
Authorization: SIGN token="compressed-encoded-credentials",
Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.6

When using a SAML assertion that provides holder-of-key (HOK) subject confirmation, the request header
must include signature and signature_alg attributes, as shown in this example, which assumes a signature
created with a SHA encoding and RSA encryption algorithms:

50 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Exploring a Cloud

Request (holder-of-key token):

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/sessions
Authorization: SIGN token="compressed-encoded-credentials",
Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.6

The response is the same in both cases.


200 OK
x-vcloud-authorization: cn9uYmdugN8E2j96+5Lqrc3YBvFsEgDHXzyfJrJ/6bM=
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.session+xml;version=5.6
... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/5" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/query" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/entity/" />

Because this user has limited rights, the response includes only a few link types:

org A link to the user's organization. See “Retrieve a List of Organizations

Accessible to You,” on page 52.

queryList A link to the set of typed queries you can run. See Chapter 9, “Using the
Query Service,” on page 315.

entity A link to the entity resolver. See “Retrieve an Object as an Entity,” on

page 392.

An administrator would see a more extensive set of links in the returned Session object. See
“Example: Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 47.

VMware, Inc. 51
vCloud API Programming Guide

Retrieve a List of Organizations Accessible to You

A successful login request returns a Session element, which contains Link elements that reference the
organizations that you are permitted to access.

Every authenticated user has an associated Session object that contains one or more Link elements. The set
of Link elements in your Session is based on your role and privileges. Each of these elements includes a
URL that you can use with a GET request to explore a subset of objects in the cloud.

All Session elements include a link that you can use to retrieve an OrgList element. Unless you are the
system administrator, this list includes just the organization to which you logged in. For a system
administrator, the list includes all organizations in the cloud.

Create a login session. See “Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 47.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of your Session object.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/session

2 Examine the contents of the Session element to locate the link to the organization list.

This link has the following form:


3 Retrieve the list of organizations by making a GET request to the href value of the Link.

See “Example: Retrieve an Organization List,” on page 52.

Example: Retrieve an Organization List


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/org

The request returns an OrgList element similar to the one shown here. Additional Org elements are returned
only when a system administrator makes the request.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgList+xml

52 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Exploring a Cloud

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/5" />
<Org ... />
<Org ... />

Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud

A successful login by an organization or system administrator returns a Session element that contains a link
that you can use to retrieve a VCloud element. The VCloud element provides access to a cloud-wide
namespace of objects that an organization administrator can view and, in most cases, modify.

The primary administrative objects in a cloud include organizations, provider VDCs, rights, roles, and
external networks. Each object type is represented in a VCloud element by zero or more references. The
vCloud API defines several objects that are used only in administrative operations. Some, like User, Group,
and Role, are unique to administrative operations. Others extend common vCloud API objects to add
elements and attributes that only administrators can view or modify. An AdminOrg, for example, provides an
administrative view of an Org, and an AdminVdc does the same thing for a Vdc.

A system administrator can obtain more information about any of these objects by making a GET request to
its URL, which is the value of its href attribute.

The vCloud element includes links that enable a system administrator to add organizations and roles.
Subordinate objects such as users, catalogs, and VDCs are contained by individual organizations and not
listed at this level.

Use the credentials of an organization administrator or system administrator to create a login session. See
“Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 47.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of your Session object.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/session

2 Examine the contents of the Session element to locate the link to the VCloud object.

This link has the following form:


3 Retrieve the VCloud element by making a GET request to the href value of the Link described in Step 2.

See “Example: Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud,” on page 53

Example: Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vcloud+xml

VMware, Inc. 53
vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/roles" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/orgs" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/99" />
<Link ... />
<Description>Example Corporation’s vCloud</Description>
<OrganizationReference ... />
name="Main Provider"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/providervdc/2" />
<ProviderVdcReference ... />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/right/3" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/right/7" />
<RightReference ... />
name="Organization Administrator"

54 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Exploring a Cloud

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/102" />
name="Catalog Creator"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/103" />
<RoleReference />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/7" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/33" />

Retrieve a List of vSphere Platform Operations and Objects for a

A successful login by a system administrator returns a Session element that contains a link that you can use
to retrieve a VMWExtension element.

Every vCloud Director installation depends on vSphere platform resources such as vCenter servers and
hosts, vShield Manager, portgroups, virtual switches, and so on. The VMWExtension element provides access
to a cloud-wide namespace of vSphere platform objects that are registered for use by the system, and links
that allow you to add vSphere servers and related resources to your cloud. Objects in the admin/extension
XML namespace provide a system administrator with programmatic access to these resources.

Use the credentials of a system administrator to create a login session. See “Create a Login Session Using the
Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 47.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of your Session object.
Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/session

2 Examine the contents of the Session element to locate the link to the VMWExtension object.

This link has the following form:


3 Retrieve the list of organizations by making a GET request to the href value of the Link described in
Step 2.

The request returns a VMWExtension element, as shown in “Example: Retrieve a List of vSphere Platform
Operations and Objects for a Cloud,” on page 56.

VMware, Inc. 55
vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Retrieve a List of vSphere Platform Operations and Objects for a


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension

The response is a VMWExtension element containing a number of Link elements. This example shows only a
subset of VMWExtension contents.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwextension+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providerVdcReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalNetworkReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPoolReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServerReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/hostReferences" />
<vcloud:Link ... />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service" />

56 VMware, Inc.
Provisioning an Organization 4
The vCloud API provides several ways for you to make vApp templates, vApps, media images, and
independent disks available to users in a vCloud Director organization.

The vCloud API allows you to upload and download OVF packages and ISO-format media images.
Operations are characterized as uploads when they transfer content from a vCloud API client system to a
target catalog in a vCloud Director organization, and as downloads when a vCloud API client requests the
transfer of content from vCloud Director. A POST request initiates an upload, and a GET request initiates a
download. The vCloud Director transfer service facilitates uploads and downloads and provides temporary
storage for files. Uploaded vApp templates and media images are made available as catalog items in the
target catalog.

In addition to uploading, you can use the following operations to provision an organization with vApp
templates, vApps, and media images:

Cloning The vCloud API cloneVApp operation creates a copy of a vApp in a specified
VDC. You can specify whether to delete the source vApp after the operation
completes. Deleting the source vApp after cloning it moves or renames it.

Capturing The vCloud API captureVApp operation creates a vApp template from a
vApp and places the template in a specified catalog.

Importing A system administrator can import a virtual machine from a vCenter server
that is registered to the cloud. You can import the virtual machine as a vApp
or as a vApp template. You can add an imported template to a catalog or
download it as an OVF package.

Subscribing Organizations that have the appropriate permissions can create catalogs with
external subscriptions. These contents of these catalogs are downloaded from
a catalog hosted on another instance of vCloud Director, or any Web site that
implements the VMware Content Subscription Protocol. See “Create a
Catalog With an External Subscription,” on page 227.

You can also create independent disks that are contained by an organization VDC and can be connected to
any virtual machine in that VDC.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Summary of vCloud API Provisioning Requests,” on page 58

n “Upload an OVF Package to Create a vApp Template,” on page 60

n “Download a vApp or vApp Template as OVF,” on page 70

n “Upload a Media Image,” on page 74

n “Download a Media Image,” on page 76

VMware, Inc. 57
vCloud API Programming Guide

n “Capturing and Importing vApps,” on page 77

n “Managing Catalog Items,” on page 78

n “Creating and Using Independent Disks,” on page 82

n “View or Change the Owner of an Object,” on page 85

n “Controlling Access to vApps and Catalogs,” on page 86

Summary of vCloud API Provisioning Requests

Provisioning requests add vApp templates and media to a a catalog. You can also use provisioning requests
to copy, move, rename, download, and delete these objects.

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.

IMPORTANT Request URLs are always available in Link elements contained by the representation of the
object on which they operate. URL forms shown here are for reference purposes only. Although URLs have
a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat vCloud API request URLs
as opaque strings. The rules that govern how the server constructs these strings might change in future

This summary may not cover all requests in this category. For the complete list of requests, along with
detailed information about input and output types, see the Operations lists in the schema reference.

Table 4‑1. Summary of Provisioning Requests

Operation Request Request Body Response

Upload OVF to a catalog POST API-URL/catalog/id/ UploadVAppTemplatePara CatalogItem

create a vApp template. action/upload ms
Enable a vApp for POST API- None Task
download. URL/vApp/id/action/enable

Disable a vApp for POST API- None Task

download. URL/vApp/id/action/disabl

Enable a vApp template for POST API- None Task

download. URL/vAppTemplate/

Disable a vApp template for POST API- None 204 No Content

download. URL/vAppTemplate/

Download a vApp or vApp GET download-URL None Depends on file type.

template as an OVF package.

Upload a media image to a POST API- Media Media

catalog. URL/catalog/id/action/uplo

Move a catalog item. POST API- CopyOrMoveCatalogItemP Task

URL/catalogItem/id/ arams

Copy a catalog item. POST API- CopyOrMoveCatalogItemP Task

URL/catalogItem/id/ arams

58 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

Table 4‑1. Summary of Provisioning Requests (Continued)

Operation Request Request Body Response

Synchronize a catalog with POST API-URL/catalog/id/ None Task

its remote source. action/sync

Synchronize a catalog item POST API- None Task

with its remote source. URL/catalogItemid/

Change the name or PUT API- VAppTemplate Task

description of a vApp URL/vAppTemplate/vappT
template. emplate-id

Change the name or PUT API-URL/media/id Media Task

description of a media

Delete a vApp template, DELETE object-URL None Task

vApp, or media image.

Synchronize a catalog with POST API- None Task

its external source. URL/catalog/id/action/sync

Synchronize a catalog item POST API- None Task

with its external source. URL/catalogItem/id/actio

Remove an item from a DELETE API-URL/ None 204 No content

catalog. catalog/id/catalogItem/id

Control access to catalogs. POST API- ControlAccessParams ControlAccessParams


Retrieve the owner of a GET API- None Owner

media object. URL/media/id/owner

Retrieve the owner of a GET API- None Owner

vApp template. URL/vAppTemplate/vappT

Retrieve the owner of a GET API- None Owner

vApp. URL/vApp/id/owner

Update the owner of a PUT API- Owner 204 No Content

vApp. URL/vApp/id/owner

Create an independent disk POST API-URL/vdc/id/ DiskCreateParams Disk

in a VDC. disk

Retrieve properties of an GET API-URL/disk/id None Disk

independent disk.

Update an independent disk POST API-URL/disk/id Disk Disk

in a VDC.

Retrieve a list of all virtual GET API- None Vms

machines attached to an URL/disk/id/attachedVms
independent disk.

Delete an independent disk. DELETE API-URL/disk/id None Task

VMware, Inc. 59
vCloud API Programming Guide

Upload an OVF Package to Create a vApp Template

A vCloud API client that has access to an OVF package can use a standard workflow to upload the package
and create a vApp template.

The initial configuration of a vApp is established in the OVF package on which its source template is based.
In the vCloud API, vApp templates are based OVF 1.0, an open standard format. For more information
about OVF and how the vCloud API uses it, see “About OVF,” on page 91.

An OVF package includes several kinds of files.

An OVF descriptor An XML file that contains metadata that describe a virtual machine or
collection of related virtual machines and the deployment environment they
require. By convention, this file has the suffix .ovf.

Virtual disk files The descriptor lists these files and includes information about their format.

An optional certificate You can use this file to certify the authenticity of the package.

An optional manifest Contains a SHA-1 digest of each of the files in the package.

Upload Workflow
The upload workflow for OVF packages uses a combination of vCloud API requests and standard HTTP file
transfer requests.

1 The client makes a POST request to the catalog chosen to hold the template derived form the uploaded
OVF. The request body specifies a name, description, and other parameters used when creating the

2 The server returns a CatalogItem that references a vApp template.

3 The client makes a GET request to the entity reference in the CatalogItem to retrieve the VAppTemplate,
which includes an upload URL for the OVF descriptor. Because the template is not yet complete, the
VAppTemplate element has status="0".

4 The client makes a PUT request to the upload URL and supplies the OVF descriptor in the request

5 The server processes the descriptor and modifies the vAppTemplate to include an upload URL for each
file listed in the References section of the descriptor. While the server is modifying the vAppTemplate,
the client makes periodic requests for it and examines the response for additional upload URLs. When
the response contains additional upload URLs that were not present in the initial response, template
construction is complete.

6 The client uses PUT requests to upload each of the files.

7 If the OVF package includes a manifest file, the entire upload is validated against the contents of the
manifest file.

60 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

Both monolithic and ranged, or chunked, PUT requests are supported. After starting an upload, a client can
make periodic requests to assess its progress. After all of the files are uploaded (and validated if a manifest
is present), the server processes them and updates the vApp template. When processing is complete, the
server sets the value of the template's status attribute to 8, indicating that it is ready for use. This status
value indicates that all of the virtual machines in the template are powered off. For more information,
including a complete list of possible status values and their meanings, see “Object Creation Status,” on
page 391.

NOTE If you have an OVF package that you want to deploy immediately as a vApp, without creating a
vApp template and corresponding catalog item, make an instantiateOvf request. See “Create a vApp From
an OVF Package,” on page 104.

Restrictions on Uploaded Content

The vCloud Director transfer service imposes the following restrictions on uploaded OVF content:

n You can upload either OVF 1.0 or OVF 1.1 content. OVF 1.1 packages are converted to OVF 1.0 for
download, and any OVF 1.1 content is lost.

n You cannot upload a compressed OVF package.

n If you upload an OVF package in which any VirtualSystem element has an ovf:id attribute value that is
longer than 13 characters, the name of the Vm that represents that VirtualSystem in the vAppTemplate
that the upload creates is rewritten as the first 13 characters of the ovf:id attribute followed by three
digits. For example, NewVirtualMachine1 and NewVirtualMachine2 become NewVirtualMac001 and

1 Initiating the OVF Upload on page 61

To initiate the OVF upload, a client makes a POST request to an action/upload link in the target
catalog. The type of this link is application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.uploadVAppTemplateParams+xml. The
request body is an UploadVAppTemplateParams element.

2 Retrieving the Upload URL for the OVF Descriptor on page 63

After the vApp template and corresponding catalog item have been created, you must retrieve the
template to get the upload URL for the OVF descriptor.

3 Uploading the OVF Descriptor on page 65

You upload the OVF descriptor by making a PUT request to the upload URL created for it in the
VAppTemplate. The request body is the descriptor's Envelope element. If the request is valid, the server
responds with a 200 OK status.

4 Retrieving Additional Upload URLs on page 66

After an OVF descriptor is uploaded, the server validates it and, if it is valid, updates the
corresponding template with upload URLs for each of the files referenced in the descriptor. You must
retrieve the template to see these URLs.

5 Uploading Referenced Files on page 67

You can use a PUT request to upload each file that the vApp template references.

Initiating the OVF Upload

To initiate the OVF upload, a client makes a POST request to an action/upload link in the target catalog. The
type of this link is application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.uploadVAppTemplateParams+xml. The request body is an
UploadVAppTemplateParams element.

The first step in uploading an OVF package is to request vCloud Director to create a catalog item in the
target catalog and a corresponding vAppTemplate object to represent the template that will be constructed
from the upload.

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vCloud API Programming Guide

Verify that the following are true:

n You have an OVF package to upload.

n You are logged in as a user who has permission to upload OVF packages and create vApp templates.

n You know the URL of the target catalog that will receive the upload. Retrieve the XML representation of
your organization to see a list of the catalogs that it contains.

1 Find the action/upload link for vApp templates in the target catalog.

Retrieve the XML representation of the catalog using a request like the one shown in the request portion
of “Example: Deployment Information in a VDC,” on page 34. The response contains an action/upload
link, which has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32/action/upload" />

2 Create an UploadVAppTemplateParams element that specifies the parameters for the vApp template that
this request creates.

See the request portion of “Example: Initiating the Upload,” on page 62.

3 (Optional) If the OVF package includes a manifest, include a manifestRequired="true" attribute in the
UploadVAppTemplateParams element.

Some OVF packages include a manifest document, which provides a checksum for each file in the
package. When the UploadVAppTemplateParams element includes a manifestRequired="true" attribute,
the set of File elements returned after you upload the OVF descriptor includes one for the manifest

4 Make an HTTP POST request to the upload link that you retrieved in Step 1, supplying the
UploadVAppTemplateParams element in the request body.

See the request portion of “Example: Initiating the Upload,” on page 62.

5 Examine the response.

The response, a CatalogITem element, contains an Entity element that contains a reference to the vApp
template that will be constructed from the uploaded OVF. See the response portion of
“Example: Initiating the Upload,” on page 62.

The server creates a VAppTemplate object and a corresponding CatalogItem in the target catalog, and returns
an XML representation of the CatalogItem. See the response portion of “Example: Initiating the Upload,” on
page 62.

Example: Initiating the Upload

This example assumes an OVF package that has no manifest.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32/action/upload
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.uploadVAppTemplateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Ubuntu Template"

62 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

<Description>Ubuntu vApp Template</Description>


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml
name="Ubuntu Template"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221/metadata" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" />
<Description>Approved template for public FTP sites</Description>
name="Ubuntu vApp Template"/>

Retrieving the Upload URL for the OVF Descriptor

After the vApp template and corresponding catalog item have been created, you must retrieve the template
to get the upload URL for the OVF descriptor.

1 Examine the CatalogItem returned by the upload request to find the reference to the new vApp

The reference is the value of the href attribute of the Entity element, as shown here.

name="Ubuntu vApp Template" />

2 Retrieve the VAppTemplate.

See the request portion of “Example: OVF Descriptor Upload URL in a vAppTemplate,” on page 64.

VMware, Inc. 63
vCloud API Programming Guide

3 Examine the template to find the upload URL for the OVF descriptor.

These URLs are contained in Link elements where rel="upload:default".

Example: OVF Descriptor Upload URL in a vAppTemplate

This request uses the vApp template URL referenced in the Entity element shown in the response portion of
“Example: Initiating the Upload,” on page 62.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml
name="Ubuntu Template"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111" />
<Description>Ubuntu vApp Template</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../descriptor.ovf" />
<Children />

64 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

The response body includes the following attributes:

n An ovfDescriptorUploaded attribute with a value of false, indicating that the OVF descriptor file is not

n A status attribute with a value of 0, indicating that the file references in the descriptor are not
uploaded. (A VAppTemplate with a status of 0 is said to be unresolved.)

n A goldMaster attribute, initially set to false.

n An id attribute. See “Objects, References, and Representations,” on page 12.

The response body also includes a File element with an upload URL (rel="upload:default") for the OVF
descriptor. The server creates the name attribute of this File element, which specifies a container that the
server creates to receive the contents of the descriptor. The name attribute has no relation to the file name of
the descriptor in the client’s file system.

In addition to the File element, the response includes Owner, Children, LeaseSettingsSection, and
CustomizationSection elements that the server creates and sets to their default contents. For more
information about these elements, see the schema reference.

Uploading the OVF Descriptor

You upload the OVF descriptor by making a PUT request to the upload URL created for it in the
VAppTemplate. The request body is the descriptor's Envelope element. If the request is valid, the server
responds with a 200 OK status.

Verify that you have an upload URL for the OVF descriptor. See “Retrieving the Upload URL for the OVF
Descriptor,” on page 63.

1 Upload the OVF descriptor.

Make a PUT request to the upload URL in the VAppTemplate. The upload URL for the OVF descriptor is
in a Link element with the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../descriptor.ovf" />

Supply the OVF descriptor as the request body. The OVF descriptor contains a single Envelope element.

2 Verify that the request succeeded.

A response of the following form indicates that the request was valid and is being processed:

200 OK

Example: Uploading the OVF Descriptor


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../descriptor.ovf
Content-Type text/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 65
vCloud API Programming Guide

... >


200 OK

Retrieving Additional Upload URLs

After an OVF descriptor is uploaded, the server validates it and, if it is valid, updates the corresponding
template with upload URLs for each of the files referenced in the descriptor. You must retrieve the template
to see these URLs.

1 Retrieve the VAppTemplate to verify that the OVF descriptor is uploaded.

See the request portion of “Example: Upload URLs in a vAppTemplate,” on page 66.

2 Verify that the value of the template's ovfDescriptorUploaded attribute is true.

3 Examine the template to find the upload URLs for the files referenced in the OVF descriptor.
These URLs are contained in Link elements where rel="upload:default".

Example: Upload URLs in a vAppTemplate

This request uses the vApp template URL returned in “Retrieving the Upload URL for the OVF Descriptor,”
on page 63.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml
name="Ubuntu Template"
<Description>Ubuntu vApp Template</Description>

66 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization


In this example, which omits most of the additional elements shown in “Example: Initiating the Upload,” on
page 62, the ovfDescriptorUploaded attribute has a value of true and the status attribute has a value of 0. If
the descriptor fails validation, status is set to -1, and the template contains a Task element whose Error
element indicates the reason for the failure.

Each of the File elements includes an upload link where rel="upload:default" and several attributes.

size The file size, taken from the size attribute of the File element in the OVF

bytesTransferred For all file references other than the descriptor, this attribute is initially set to
a value of 0, indicating that the upload has not begun. In the File element
that references the OVF descriptor, the value of the bytesTransferred
attribute is equal to the value of the size attribute, indicating that all the
bytes in the descriptor were transferred.

name The file name, taken from the href attribute of the File element in the OVF

NOTE Upload URLs remain valid while a transfer session is in progress, and for a maximum of 60 minutes
of transfer session idle time. A system administrator can change this default value. See “Retrieve or Update
System Settings,” on page 265.

Uploading Referenced Files

You can use a PUT request to upload each file that the vApp template references.

n Verify that you uploaded the OVF descriptor. See “Uploading the OVF Descriptor,” on page 65.

n Retrieve the upload URLs for all files in the package. See “Retrieving Additional Upload URLs,” on
page 66.

1 Find the upload:default URL for the file you want to upload.

VMware, Inc. 67
vCloud API Programming Guide

2 Use the upload:default URL to construct a PUT request for the file.

The request specifies an upload URL and a content length in bytes. See “Example: Uploading File
Data,” on page 68.

After all the files are uploaded, the vApp template is complete, and has a status attribute value of 8. If the
upload included a manifest file, the server checks each file in the upload to verify that its checksum matches
the one stated in the manifest. If a checksum does not match, the template’s status attribute is set to -1 and
the template contains a Task element whose Error element indicates the reason for the failure.

Example: Uploading File Data

This example shows an upload request for one of the files that an OVF package requires. The upload request
is a Content-Length header followed by the serialized file content.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../disk0.vmdk
Content-length: 1950489088
...serialized contents of file disk0.vmdk...



200 OK

Monitoring the Progress of an Upload

After you initiate the upload of a file referenced by a vApp template, you can monitor the progress of the
upload by periodically retrieving the vApp template and checking the value of the file's bytesTransferred

To monitor the progress of an upload, you can watch the bytesTransferred attribute of the file. Each File
element in the template includes a bytesTransferred attribute whose value indicates the number of bytes
that the server received.

Verify that you initiated the upload of a file referenced by the vApp template.

1 Make a GET request specifying the URL of the vApp template.

See the request portion of “Example: Monitoring the Progress of an Upload,” on page 68.

2 Compare the values of the size and the bytesTransferred attributes of each File element.

When these two values are equal, the file transfer is complete.

After all the files are uploaded, the response includes final values for the bytesTransferred attribute of each
File, and a Task that tracks the events leading up to resolution of the template with the uploaded files, as
shown in “Example: Monitoring the Progress of an Upload,” on page 68.

Example: Monitoring the Progress of an Upload


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111

The complete VAppTemplate body is returned. This example omits most of it for clarity.

68 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml
name="Ubuntu Template"
type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml" ... >

Using Ranged PUT requests to Complete a Partial Upload

You typically need ranged PUT requests for very large uploads, especially when network bandwidth or
latency might cause the operation to time out.

If the response to an upload progress request indicates that the upload terminated before it was complete,
you can use the size and bytesTransferred values from the response to construct a ranged PUT request of
the remaining contents, as shown in “Example: Ranged PUT Request to Complete a Partial Upload,” on
page 69.

1 Retrieve the VAppTemplate and find the File element that references the partially uploaded file.

2 Make a PUT request that specifies a Content-Range and Content-Length and includes the serialized
contents of the range.

For Content-Range, specify the value of the File element's bytesTransferred attribute for the low end of
the range and the value of its size attribute for the high end of the range. For Content-Length, subtract
the value of the File element's bytesTransferred attribute from the value of its size attribute.

Example: Ranged PUT Request to Complete a Partial Upload

The following request completes the upload of the file disk0.vmdk shown in this fragment of a VAppTemplate.

... >

VMware, Inc. 69
vCloud API Programming Guide



PUT https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../disk0.vmdk
Content-Range: bytes 500000000-1950489087/1950489088
Content-Length: 1450489088
...serialized contents of specified range...


200 OK

Download a vApp or vApp Template as OVF

You can download a vApp or vApp template object as an OVF package. After you enable the object for
download, you can download the OVF descriptor, then download all of the files referenced by the
descriptor. A vApp must powered off and undeployed before you can enable it for download.

When you enable a vApp or vApp template for download, the server performs several operations to create
an OVF package and make it available to the transfer service.

1 The server reconstructs the OVF descriptor using information in the vApp or vApp template. The
server excludes any deployment-specific information that the object contains, and populates the
descriptor's References element with references to files, such as .vmdk files, that are part of the package.

2 The server copies the reconstructed OVF descriptor to transfer service storage, along with all files that
the descriptor references.

3 The server updates the corresponding VApp or VAppTemplate element with a link that contains a URL
from which you can retrieve the OVF descriptor.

4 After you retrieve the descriptor, you can examine it to discover the download URLs for the files it

You can download any file referenced in the descriptor by making a GET request to its download URL.
1 Enable a vApp or vApp Template for Download on page 71
Before you can download a vApp or vApp template, an administrator or privileged user must
explicitly enable the object for download.

2 Download the OVF Descriptor of a vApp or vApp Template on page 72

To download the OVF descriptor, make a GET request to the download:default or download:identity
URL in the download-enabled VApp or VAppTemplate element.

3 Download a Referenced File on page 73

After you download the OVF descriptor of a vApp or vApp template, you can examine the contents of
the descriptor to discover download URLs for .vmdk and other files in the package.

70 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

Enable a vApp or vApp Template for Download

Before you can download a vApp or vApp template, an administrator or privileged user must explicitly
enable the object for download.

n Verify that you are logged in as an administrator or other user who has privileges to enable a vApp or
vApp template for download.

n Verify that any vApp you plan to enable for download is powered off and undeployed. See “Undeploy,
Power Off, and Delete the vApp,” on page 42.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the VApp or VAppTemplate object.

2 Examine the representation to find its action/enableDownload link.

Every VAppTemplate element includes a link of the following form, where id is the id of the template:


Every vApp element includes a similar link:


3 Enable the object for download.

Make a POST request to the action/enableDownload URL, which you retrieved in Step 2. The response
is a Task that tracks the completion of the enablement operation.

4 When the task completes, retrieve the representation of the object, which now contains download URLs
for the OVF descriptor.

Download URLs remain valid while a transfer session is in progress, and for a maximum of 60 minutes
of transfer session idle time. A system administrator can change this default value. See “Retrieve or
Update System Settings,” on page 265.

Example: vApp Template with Download URLs for OVF Descriptor


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml
name="Ubuntu Template"
... >
<Link type="text/xml"

VMware, Inc. 71
vCloud API Programming Guide

<Link type="text/xml"

Download the OVF Descriptor of a vApp or vApp Template

To download the OVF descriptor, make a GET request to the download:default or download:identity URL
in the download-enabled VApp or VAppTemplate element.

You can download an OVF descriptor with or without identity information such as lease settings and
network connection details. Identity information is typically not portable to another deployment

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an
organization in the cloud.

n Verify that you have a vApp or vApp template that is enabled for download. See “Enable a vApp or
vApp Template for Download,” on page 71.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the VApp or VAppTemplate object.

2 Examine the representation to find the download URLs for the OVF descriptor.

The download URLs are contained in Link elements, each with a different value for the rel attribute.

Option Description
Retrieve a descriptor that does not Use the download:default URL
include identity information
Retrieve a descriptor that includes Use the download:identity URL
identity information.

3 Make a GET request to the URL that retrieves the descriptor you want.

See “Example: Downloading the OVF Descriptor,” on page 72.

Example: Downloading the OVF Descriptor

This example downloads the OVF descriptor from the download:default URL shown in the href value of the
Link shown in “Example: vApp Template with Download URLs for OVF Descriptor,” on page 71. The
response includes the entire Envelope element, only part of which appears here.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/..../descriptor.ovf


200 OK
Content-Type text/xml
... >

72 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

Download a Referenced File

After you download the OVF descriptor of a vApp or vApp template, you can examine the contents of the
descriptor to discover download URLs for .vmdk and other files in the package.

The OVF descriptor includes an href value for each file that the descriptor references. To retrieve one of
these files, you must create a download URL for it by combining this href value with a URL derived from
the download URL that you used to retrieve the descriptor. You must retrieve all of the referenced files to
create a valid OVF package.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an
organization in the cloud.

n Retrieve the OVF descriptor of a vApp or vApp template that has been enabled for download.

1 For each File element in the References element of the descriptor, construct a download URL.

a Start with the URL that you used to download the descriptor.

This URL is the href value of the download:default link that the template contains.
b Replace the final component of that URL with the value of the href attribute of the File element.

2 Use the constructed URLs to download each file.

See “Example: Downloading a Referenced File,” on page 73.

Example: Downloading a Referenced File

The request URL shown in this example combines the URL used in the request portion of
“Example: Downloading the OVF Descriptor,” on page 72 with the file name shown in this File element:



GET https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/..../disk0.vmdk


200 OK
...serialized contents of file disk0.vmdk...


NOTE The downloaded package is valid only if the descriptor and all of its referenced files maintain the
same relationship in the local file system that they had on the transfer server file system. In this case, the
descriptor and disk0.vmdk were both in the same directory, which is the default arrangement.

VMware, Inc. 73
vCloud API Programming Guide

Upload a Media Image

Uploading an ISO-format media image to a catalog creates a Media object and a corresponding CatalogItem

vCloud Director supports using the vCloud API to upload media images to a catalog.

NOTE Media images in formats other than ISO can be uploaded, but are given an imageType of other in the

The workflow for uploading media images is similar to the one shown in “Upload an OVF Package to
Create a vApp Template,” on page 60.

Verify that the following conditions are met:

n You have a media image to upload.

n You are logged in as a user who has permission to upload media images.

n You know the URL of the target catalog that will receive the upload. Retrieve the XML representation of
your organization to see a list of the catalogs that it contains.

1 Find the add link for media in the target catalog

This link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32/action/upload" />

2 POST an action/upload request to the URL shown in Step 1

The request body is a Media element. See the request portion of “Example: Upload a Media Image,” on
page 74.

The server uses this information to create a CatalogItem and corresponding Media object, then returns
the CatalogItem in its response. See the response portion of “Example: Upload a Media Image,” on
page 74.

3 Use the URL in the Entity element of the CatalogItem to retrieve the Media object.

The Media element includes a File element that contains an upload:default URL.

4 PUT the media file contents to the upload:default link in the response.

The procedure is the same as the one shown in “Uploading Referenced Files,” on page 67.

Example: Upload a Media Image

There are two steps to uploading a media file. The first step is to make an action/upload request to the
catalog. The request body is a Media element that specifies the size of the ISO file and the name that you
want to apply to the created Media object. The imageType attribute is optional, and must be set to a value of
iso if you supply it.

74 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32/action/upload
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.media+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>ISO database image</Description>


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221/metadata" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" />
<Description>Approved template for public FTP sites</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/media/254" />

Examine the response to the action/upload request, then make a GET request to the URL in the Entity
element of the CatalogItem to retrieve the Media object.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/media/254

The Media object includes an upload URL for the media file itself.

<Media ... >


VMware, Inc. 75
vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../database.iso" />

PUT the media file contents to the upload:default link in the response. The procedure is the same as the one
shown in “Uploading Referenced Files,” on page 67.

The upload URL remains valid while a transfer session is in progress, and for a maximum of 60 minutes of
transfer session idle time. A system administrator can change this default value. See “Retrieve or Update
System Settings,” on page 265.

Download a Media Image

The vCloud API supports downloading media images from a catalog.

Verify that the following conditions are met:

n You are logged in as a user who has permission to download media images.

n You know the URL of the catalog item that references the media image.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the catalog and examine the catalog items that it contains.

2 Retrieve the catalog item that represents the media image.

3 Use the URL in the Entity element of the CatalogItem to retrieve the Media object.

The Media element includes a Link element of the following form, where id is the id of the media image:


4 Enable the media image for download.

Make a POST request to the action/enableDownload URL shown in Step 2. The response is a Task

5 When the task completes, retrieve the media item again.

The Media object now includes a download URL for the media file.

6 Make a GET request to the download:default URL.

The media file is downloaded to the current working directory.

Example: Download a Media Image

When you download a media file, you first enable the file for download.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/media/254/action/enableDownload

76 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
operation="Enabling download of Media database.iso (254)" ... >

The Task in the response tracks the creation of the downloadable image. When the task completes, retrieve
the Media element again.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/media/254

The Media object now includes a download URL for the media file.

<Media ... >

href="https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../database.iso" />

The download URL remains valid while a transfer session is in progress, and for a maximum of 60 minutes
of transfer session idle time. A system administrator can change this default value. See “Retrieve or Update
System Settings,” on page 265.

Capturing and Importing vApps

You can capture a vApp to create a vApp template from it. If you are a system administrator, you can also
import vApps and vApp templates from vSphere.
As an administrator, catalog author, or vApp author, you can capture an undeployed vApp to create a
vApp template in a catalog. Instantiating this template recreates the vApp from which the template was
captured. Capturing a vApp in this way provides a way to save the results of composing, recomposing, or
modifying a vApp after the vApp is undeployed. In addition, capturing a vApp preserves all vApp
reconfiguration in template form. Although most elements of a vApp template are read-only, you can
instantiate a template, modify the resulting vApp, and capture it to create a modified version of the
template. See “Capture a vApp as a Template,” on page 114

Importing vApps or vApp Templates from vSphere

A system administrator can import vApps and vApp templates from vSphere. See “Import a Virtual
Machine from vCenter,” on page 296.

VMware, Inc. 77
vCloud API Programming Guide

Managing Catalog Items

Catalog items are references to vApp templates and media files. If you have the appropriate rights, you can
copy, move, rename, or delete catalog items in your organization's catalogs. You cannot modify catalog
items in catalogs that have an external subscription.

After you add vApp templates or media files to a catalog, you might need to modify the CatalogItem objects
that represent them. Your rights to manipulate catalog items depend on the source from which the catalog
items were created.

n If you are a catalog author or an administrator, you can copy, move, delete, or rename catalog items
that were uploaded, imported, or captured to a catalog that your organization owns, whether or not the
catalog is published externally. Changes you make to an externally published catalog are replicated to
all of the catalog's subscribers when those subscribers synchronize their copy of the catalog.

n You cannot make changes to catalog items in catalogs that have an external subscription.

Changes to a catalog item increment the version number of the item and its containing catalog. See “Version
Numbers,” on page 222.

In addition to providing storage for locally created vApp templates and media files, catalogs provide a
flexible publication mechanism that supports distribution of content to other organizations and clouds. If
your organization allows it, you can publish a catalog to external consumers. You can also subscribe to
catalogs that external sources publish, although catalog items in such catalogs cannot be managed by
subscribers. See “Catalog Administration,” on page 221.

Copy or Move a Catalog Item

A Catalog object includes links that implement copy and move operations for the catalog items it contains.

To copy or move a catalog item from a source catalog to a target catalog, POST a
CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParams element that contains a reference to the catalog item to move to the copy or
move link of the target catalog.

n Verify that you are logged in as a user with the Catalog Author role, as an organization administrator of
the organization that owns the catalog, or as a system administrator.

n Verify that the target catalog does not have an external subscription.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the source catalog.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32

2 Examine the Catalog element to find the CatalogItem elements it contains.

Each CatalogItem in the CatalogItems container has name, type, and href attributes. If you need more
information about a catalog item, you can retrieve it with a GET request to the URL in its href attribute.

3 Retrieve the XML representation of the target catalog.

78 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

4 Examine the Catalog element to find the copy and move links it contains.

These links have the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/44/action/copy" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/44/action/move" />

5 Create a CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParams element that specifies the catalog item in the Source element.

See “Example: Copy a Catalog Item,” on page 79.

6 POST the CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParams to the appropriate link from the target catalog.

Option Description
Copy the Catalog Item POST the CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParams to the rel="copy" link.
Move the Catalog Item POST the CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParams to the rel="move" link.

Example: Copy a Catalog Item

This request copies the catalog item shown in “Example: Retrieve a Catalog Item,” on page 33 to another
catalog. The response is a Task.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/44/action/copy
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.copyOrMoveCatalogItemParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Ubuntu 10.04 Template">
<Description>Reference copy of Ubuntu FTP Server</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221" />


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Copying Virtual Application Template Ubuntu 10.04 Template" ...>

Change the Name or Description of a Catalog Item

Every CatalogItem object includes a rel="edit" link that you can use to modify the name or description of
the catalog item.

n Verify that you are logged in as a user with the Catalog Author role, as an organization administrator of
the organization that owns the catalog, or as a system administrator.

VMware, Inc. 79
vCloud API Programming Guide

n Verify that the target catalog does not have an external subscription.

1 Retrieve the catalog item from the catalog.

2 Locate the rel="edit" link in the CatalogItem element.

3 Modify the retrieved CatalogItem element to change its name, description, or both.

See “Example: Change the Name and Description of a Catalog Item,” on page 80.

4 Make a PUT request to the href value of the rel="edit" link in the CatalogItem, supplying the modified
CatalogItem in the request body.

Example: Change the Name and Description of a Catalog Item

This request changes the name and the description of the catalog item shown in “Example: Retrieve a
Catalog Item,” on page 33. The request body excludes components such as Link elements and id attributes
that were present in the retrieved CatalogItem. These components are ignored if you include them in a


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="DEPRECATED Ubuntu Template">
<Description>Deprecated. Use https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-230
instead </Description>
name="Ubuntu Template with vsftpd" />

The response shows the modified CatalogItem.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml
name="DEPRECATED Ubuntu Template">
<Description>Deprecated. Use https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-230
instead </Description>
name="Ubuntu vApp Template" />

80 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

Remove an Item from a Catalog

An organization administrator or a user with adequate permissions can remove a CatalogItem by making a
DELETE request to its rel="remove" link.

Removing a CatalogItem also removes the referenced vApp template or media image from the catalog's

n Verify that you are logged in as a user with the Catalog Author role, as an organization administrator of
the organization that owns the catalog, or as a system administrator.

n Verify that the target catalog does not have an external subscription.

1 Retrieve the catalog item from the catalog.

2 Locate the rel="remove" link in the CatalogItem element.

3 Make a DELETE request to the href value of the rel="remove" link in the CatalogItem.

Example: Remove an Item from a Catalog

This request removes the source catalog item that was copied in “Example: Copy a Catalog Item,” on
page 79.


DELETE https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/221


204 No Content

Synchronize a Catalog or Catalog Item

Catalogs that have external subscriptions are synchronized with their external sources by a background
process that the system administrator controls. You can also force synchronization of individual catalog
items or entire catalogs at any time.

Verify that you are logged in as a user with the Catalog Author role, as an organization administrator of the
organization that owns the catalog, or as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of a catalog that has an external subscription.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32

2 Examine the Catalog element to find the CatalogItem elements that it contains.

3 Examine the Catalog and CatalogItem element to find the sync links that they contain.

In catalogs, these links have the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/id/action/sync" />

VMware, Inc. 81
vCloud API Programming Guide

In catalog items, these links have the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/id/action/sync" />

4 Synchronize the catalog or catalog item.

Make a POST request to the appropriate action/sync link.

Option Description
Synchronize a Catalog Make a POST request to the action/sync link in the Catalog element.
Synchronize a Catalog Item Make a POST request to the action/sync link in the CatalogItem

Example: Synchronize a Catalog Item

This request synchronizes a single catalog item. The response is a task that tracks the progress of the


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogItem/102/action/sync


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Synchronizing Catalog Item DB.iso (102)" ...>

Creating and Using Independent Disks

Independent disks are stand-alone virtual disks that you create in organization VDCs. Administrators and
users who have adequate rights can create, remove, and update independent disks, and connect them to
virtual machines.
When you create an independent disk, it is associated with an organization VDC but not with a virtual
machine. After the disk has been created in a VDC, the disk owner or an administrator can attach it to any
virtual machine deployed in that VDC. The disk owner can also modify disk properties, detach it from a
virtual machine, and remove it from the VDC. The system administrator and organization administrator of
the organization that contains the VDC have the same rights to use and modify the disk as the disk owner.

Create or Update an Independent Disk

To create an independent disk in an organization VDC, POST a DiskCreateParams element to the VDC's disk

To create an independent disk, you must specify its name and size. You can optionally include a description
and specify a storage profile to be used by the disk. After you have created the disk, you can modify its
name, description, and storage profile.

The owner of a disk is initially the user who created it. To change the owner, see “View or Change the
Owner of an Object,” on page 85.

1 Choose an organization VDC to contain the disk.

82 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

2 Create a DiskCreateParams element.

You must specify the size (in Megabytes) and name of the independent disk. See the request portion of
“Example: Create an Independent Disk,” on page 83.

3 POST the DiskCreateParams element you created in Step 2 to the URL for adding disks to the
organization VDC.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Independent Disk,” on page 83.

Example: Create an Independent Disk

This example adds an independent disk to the organization VDC created in “Add a VDC to an
Organization,” on page 185. Because optional attributes busType and busSubType are omitted, a SCSI disk is


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/44/disk
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.diskCreateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>500 GB SCSI Disk</Description>

The response, a subset of which appears here, is a Disk element that contains an embedded Task that tracks
creation of the disk. Because the request did not specify a storage profile for the disk, it uses the default
storage profile for the containing organization VDC. The response also includes Link elements that enable
access to disk operations and metadata. While the disk is under construction, its status remains 0.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.disk+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/44" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128" />

VMware, Inc. 83
vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128/owner" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128/attachedVms" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128/metadata" />
<Description>Independent Disk</Description>
... >
href="https://vcloud/example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/128" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/120" />

Remove an Independent Disk

To remove an independent disk, verify that no powered-on virtual machines are attached to it, then use a
DELETE request to delete it.

A Disk element includes a link of the following form, which you can GET to return a list of virtual machines
to which the disk is attached.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128/attachedVms" />

There are also two queries that you can use to return a list of virtual machines, the disks connected to them,
and the VDC that contains them:

vmDiskRelation Lists this information for Vm and Disk objects that you own.

AdminvmDiskRelation Lists this information for all Vm and Disk objects in a cloud (system
administrators only).

84 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or the object owner.

1 Verify that the independent disk is not connected to any virtual machines.

2 Delete the independent disk.

Make a DELETE request to the URL in the rel="remove" link in the Disk.

The server starts a task to manage the events that lead up to the removal of the object, and returns a Task
element that you can use to track the progress of the task.

Example: Remove an Independent Disk


DELETE https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128


202 Accepted
operation="Deleting Disk (128)"
... >

View or Change the Owner of an Object

You can view the owner of a VApp, VAppTemplate, Disk, or Media object by making a GET request to the
object's owner link. If you have adequate rights, you can change the owner of a Disk or VApp object, but not
that of a VAppTemplate or Media object. An administrator can view or change the owner of any object.

The initial owner of a VApp, VAppTemplate, Catalog, Disk, or Media object is the user who created it.
Ownership is expressed in an Owner element that the object representation contains. This element includes a
User element that references the owner. Object-specific rights to change ownership are included in several
predefined roles. See “Predefined Roles and Their Rights,” on page 252.

To change the owner of a Disk, VApp, or Catalog object, you must be an organization administrator or the
system administrator.

1 Retrieve the Owner element from the object.

This element includes a reference to the current owner and an edit URL you can use to change the
owner. This request retrieves the owner of a vApp.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/owner

2 Modify the Owner element to specify a different User.

The user must be a member of the organization that contains the object.

NOTE You cannot modify the Owner of a Media or VAppTemplate object.

VMware, Inc. 85
vCloud API Programming Guide

3 To change the owner, make a PUT request to the Owner element's rel="edit" URL and supply an Owner
element in the request body.

The User element in the Owner element references the new owner. See “Example: Change the Owner of
a vApp,” on page 86.

Example: Change the Owner of a vApp


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/owner
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.owner+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/120" />


204 No Content

Controlling Access to vApps and Catalogs

Upon creation, catalogs and vApps grant full access to their owners and no access to other users. The
vCloud API access control mechanism enables object owners to retrieve or update these access controls as

To retrieve or update the access controls on a vApp or catalog, use controlAccess links. The controlAccess
links for catalogs are included when you retrieve the containing AdminOrg. The controlAccess links for a
vApp are included in the VApp element itself.

vCloud Director defines three levels of access:

ReadOnly The ReadOnly access level grants rights to read or use the object.

Change The Change access level includes all rights granted by ReadOnly access and
grants additional rights to modify the object and its properties.

FullControl The FullControl access level includes all rights granted by Change access and
grants additional rights to change the owner of the object, share it, or delete

See “Access Rights to vCloud Director Objects,” on page 88 for detailed information about the rights
granted by each access level.

Access Control for vApps

An administrator or vApp owner can control access to a vApp. Each VApp element includes two types of
access control links:

n Links where rel="down".


Use this kind of link to retrieve the access control settings for the vApp identified in the href value.

86 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

n Links where rel="controlAccess".


Use this kind of link to specify new access control settings for the vApp identified in the href value.
You specify the new access control settings in a ControlAccessParams element that you post to the URL
that the href value of this link specifies. See “Update vApp Access Controls,” on page 116 for an

Access Control for Catalogs

A system administrator or organization administrator can control access to a catalog. Each Org element
includes two types of access control links for the catalogs owned by the organization it represents:

n Links where rel="down".


Use this kind of link to retrieve the access control settings for the catalog identified in the href value.

n Links where rel="controlAccess".


Use this kind of link to specify new access control settings for the catalog identified in the href value.
You specify the new access control settings in a ControlAccessParams element that you post to the URL
that the href value of this link specifies.

NOTE The controlAccess links for catalogs are not returned in the AdminOrg response when you retrieve the
organization in the admin view.

Granting Access to All Members of an Organization

To specify access controls that apply to all members of an organization, an organization administrator can
set IsSharedToEveryone to true and specify an access level in the EveryoneAccessLevel element. The
following ControlAccessParams element grants read access to all members of the organization.


VMware, Inc. 87
vCloud API Programming Guide

Granting Access to Individual Members of an Organization

To specify access controls that apply to specific users, an organization administrator can set
IsSharedToEveryone to false and specify an access level in an AccessSettings element that the
ControlAccessParams request contains. An AccessSettings element is populated with one or more
AccessSetting elements, each of which assigns an access level to the user identified in the Subject element.
The following ControlAccessParams element grants full control to one user and read-only access to another


Viewing or Changing the Owner of a vApp or Catalog

Ownership of a VApp or Catalog object is expressed in an Owner element that you can retrieve from the object.
This element contains a User element that identifies the owner with a reference to a specific user. The initial
owner of an object is the user who created it.

A system administrator can view or change the owner of a VApp or Catalog object using the procedure
documented in “View or Change the Owner of an Object,” on page 85.

Access Rights to vCloud Director Objects

Each access level supported by vCloud Director grants one or more users a specific set of rights to an object.

vCloud Director access levels are similar to roles in that they give a name to a set of rights. When you apply
an access control to an object, you grant one or more users in your organization a set of rights to the object.
Access rights are additive. You can make an object more accessible to users who have limited rights, but you
cannot to restrict the rights that a user may already have. For example, an organization administrator retains
full control of an object even if you apply ReadOnlyaccess rights to it for all organization members.

Table 4‑2. Access Levels and the Rights They Grant

FullControl Change ReadOnly

Catalog: Add vApp from X X

My Cloud

Catalog: Change Owner X

Catalog: VCSP Publish X X


Catalog: Edit Properties X X

88 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Provisioning an Organization

Table 4‑2. Access Levels and the Rights They Grant (Continued)
FullControl Change ReadOnly

Catalog: Publish X X

Catalog: View Private and X X X

Shared Catalogs

Catalog: View Published X X X


vApp Template or Media: X X X


vApp Template or Media: X X

Create or Upload

vApp Template or Media: X X


vApp Template or Media: X X X


vApp Template: Checkout X X X

(Add to My Cloud)

vApp Template: Download X X X

vApp: Change Owner X

vApp: Copy X X X

vApp: Create or Reconfigure X

vApp: Delete X

vApp: Edit Properties X X

vApp: Edit VM CPU X X

vApp: Edit VM Hard Disk X X

vApp: Edit VM Memory X X

vApp: Edit VM Network X X

vApp: Edit VM Properties X X

vApp: Manage VM X
Password Settings

vApp: Power Operations X X

vApp: Sharing X

vApp: Use Console X X X

VMware, Inc. 89
vCloud API Programming Guide

90 VMware, Inc.
Deploying and Operating vApps 5
The vCloud API supports programmatic access to a range of self-service datacenter operations that allow
users to create, configure, deploy, and operate vApps.

The initial configuration of a vApp is established in the OVF package on which its source template is based.
In the vCloud API, vApp templates are based on OVF 1.0. These templates can be retrieved from catalogs
and transformed into virtual systems, called vApps, through a process called instantiation, which binds a
template’s abstract resource requirements to resources available in a VDC.

About OVF
OVF is a widely accepted standard format that applies to many virtualization technologies.

n Virtual machines and appliances are distributed as OVF packages by many vendors.

n Many vendors, including VMware, offer tools that simplify creating and customizing OVF, support
converting virtual machines on existing virtualization platforms to OVF, or both.

n OVF can express the complex relationships between virtual appliances in enterprise applications. The
author of the appliance can handle most of the complexity, rather than the user who deploys it.

n OVF is extensible, allowing new policies and requirements to be inserted by ISVs and implemented by
the virtualization platforms that support them without requiring changes to other clients, other
platforms, or the vCloud API itself.

Administrators and advanced users should become familiar with the details of the OVF standard before
developing applications with the vCloud API. The complete OVF specification document is available at
http://www.dmtf.org/standards/published_documents/DSP0243_1.0.0.pdf. An informative white paper on
OVF is available at http://www.dmtf.org/standards/published_documents/DSP2017_1.0.0.pdf.

A virtual machine is typically made up of one or more virtual disk files that contain the operating system
and applications that run on the virtual machine, and a configuration file containing metadata that describe
how the virtual machine is configured and deployed. An OVF package includes these components, as well
as optional certificate and manifest files. The package can be distributed and stored as a collection of
individual files, or as a single archive (OVA) file. The vCloud API does not support uploading or
downloading OVA files.

VMware, Inc. 91
vCloud API Programming Guide

About DMTF, CIM, and RASD

Virtual hardware in OVF packages elements is defined using an open standard framework established by
the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). This framework, called the Common Information Model
(CIM), defines virtual hardware resources using the ResourceAllocationSettingData (RASD) schema. In this
schema, each class of virtual hardware is represented as an Item element with a specific ResourceType. Many
vCloud API operations that deploy and configure vApps and virtual machines require you to understand
and sometimes modify RASD Item elements.

You can download the RASD schema files and related information from

vApp Life Cycle

A vApp contains one or more Vm elements, which represent individual virtual machines. It also contains
information that defines operational details for the vApp and the virtual machines that it contains. The
vApp lifecycle includes several distinct states:

n An OVF package, the form in which vApps are typically distributed.

n A vApp template, created when a client uploads an OVF package to a catalog.

n An undeployed vApp, created when a vApp template is instantiated without also being deployed, or a
deployed vApp is undeployed.

n A deployed vApp, ready to be powered on and operated. Instantiation can include deployment, power-
on, or both.

92 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Figure 5‑1. vApp State Transitions

OVF package




<VApp Template...status=”8”
href=”http://.../vapp Template-3”>
</VApp Template>

<VApp...status=”8” deployed=“false”
<Link rel=”deploy”...>

<VApp...status=”8” deployed=“true”
<Link rel=”power:powerOn”...>

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Summary of vCloud API vApp and Virtual Machine Operations Requests,” on page 94

n “Create a vApp From a Template,” on page 96

n “Create a vApp From an OVF Package,” on page 104

n “Compose a vApp From Existing Virtual Machines,” on page 107

n “Recompose a vApp to Add or Remove Virtual Machines,” on page 110

n “Clone a vApp,” on page 112

n “Capture a vApp as a Template,” on page 114

n “Update vApp Access Controls,” on page 116

n “Provide User Input Requested by a Virtual Machine,” on page 117

n “Attach or Detach an Independent Disk,” on page 118

n “Creating and Using vApp Snapshots,” on page 120

n “About Virtual Machine Metrics,” on page 121

VMware, Inc. 93
vCloud API Programming Guide

n “Operate a vApp,” on page 132

n “Configuring vApps and Virtual Machines,” on page 133

Summary of vCloud API vApp and Virtual Machine Operations

These vCloud API operations requests create, manage, operate, and delete vApps and the virtual machines
that they contain.

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.

n VApp-or-Vm-URL is a URL of the form API-URL/vApp/vapp-id (for a VApp object) or API-

URL/vApp/vm-id (for a Vm object)

n Vm-URL is a URL of the form API-URL/vApp/vm-id

IMPORTANT Request URLs are always available in Link elements contained by the representation of the
object on which they operate. URL forms shown here are for reference purposes only. Although URLs have
a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat vCloud API request URLs
as opaque strings. The rules that govern how the server constructs these strings might change in future

This summary may not cover all requests in this category. For the complete list of requests, along with
detailed information about input and output types, see the Operations lists in the schema reference.

Table 5‑1. Summary of vApp and Virtual Machine Operations Requests

Operation Request Request Body Response

Create a vApp from an OVF POST API-URL/vdc/id/ InstantiateOvfParams VApp

package action/instantiateOvf

Instantiate a vApp template POST API-URL/vdc/id/ InstantiateVAppTemplat VApp

to create a vApp action/instantiateVAppTe eParams

Change the name or PUT API-URL/vApp/vapp- VApp Task

description of a vApp. id

Compose a vApp POST API-URL/vdc/id/ ComposeVAppParams VApp


Capture a vApp as a POST API- CaptureVAppParams VAppTemplate

Template URL/catalog/id/action/capt

Clone a vApp. POST API- CloneVAppParams VApp


Recompose a vApp to add POST API- RecomposeVAppParams Task

or remove virtual machines URL/vApp/vapp-id/

Deploy a vApp or Virtual POST VApp-or-Vm- DeployVAppParams Task

Machine URL/action/deploy

Undeploy a vApp or Virtual POST VApp-or-Vm- UndeployVAppParams Task

Machine URL/action/undeploy

Power On a vApp or Virtual POST VApp-or-Vm- None Task

Machine URL/power/action/powerO

94 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Table 5‑1. Summary of vApp and Virtual Machine Operations Requests (Continued)
Operation Request Request Body Response

Power Off a vApp or Virtual POST VApp-or-Vm- None Task

Machine URL/power/action/powerO

Reset a vApp or Virtual POST VApp-or-Vm- None Task

Machine URL/action/reset

Suspend a vApp or Virtual POST VApp-or-Vm- None Task

Machine URL/action/suspend

Discard the Suspended State POST VApp-or-Vm- None Task

of a vApp or Virtual URL/action/
Machine discardSuspendedState

Shut Down a vApp or POST VApp-or-Vm- None Task

Virtual Machine URL/action/shutdown

Reboot a vApp or Virtual POST VApp-or-Vm- None Task

Machine URL/action/reboot

Retrieve product sections of GET VApp-or-Vm- None ProductSectionList

a vApp or virtual machine URL/productSections

Update product sections of a PUT VApp-or-Vm- ProductSectionList Task

vApp or virtual machine URL/productSections

Retrieve product sections of GET API- None ProductSectionList

a vApp template URL/vAppTemplate/vappT

Retrieve version of VMware GET Vm- None RuntimeInfoSection

Tools installed on a virtual URL/runtimeInfoSection

Install VMware Tools on a POST Vm- None Task

virtual machine URL/action/installVMware

Consolidate a virtual POST Vm- None Task

machine URL/action/consolidate

Upgrade the hardware POST Vm- None Task

version of a virtual machine URL/action/upgradeHardw

Insert Media Into a Virtual POST Vm- MediaInsertOrEjectPara Task

Machine URL/action/insertMedia ms
Eject Media from a Virtual POST Vm- MediaInsertOrEjectPara Task
Machine URL/action/ejectMedia ms
List Media Devices of a GET Vm-URL/ None RasdItemsList
Virtual Machine virtualHardwareSection/m

Get a Request for User Input GET Vm-URL/question None VmPendingQuestion

Provide Requested User POST Vm- VmQuestionAnswer 204 No Content
Input URL/question/action/answ

Get a Screen Thumbnail for GET Vm-URL/screen None Returns a screen thumbnail
a Virtual Machine (Content-type: image/png) if
one is available. Otherwise
returns null (Content-
Length: 0).

VMware, Inc. 95
vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 5‑1. Summary of vApp and Virtual Machine Operations Requests (Continued)
Operation Request Request Body Response

Get a Screen Ticket for a POST Vm- None ScreenTicket

Virtual Machine URL/screen/action/acquire

Attach an independent disk POST Vm- DiskAttachOrDetachPara Task

to a virtual machine. URL/disk/action/attach ms
Detach an independent disk POST Vm- DiskAttachOrDetachPara Task
from a virtual machine. URL/disk/action/detach ms
Create snapshots of all POST API- CreateSnapshotParams Task
virtual machines in a vApp. URL/vApp/vapp-id/

Remove snapshots of all POST API- None Task

virtual machines in a vApp. URL/vApp/vapp-id/

Revert all virtual machines POST API- None Task

in a vApp to their current URL/vApp/vapp-id/
snapshots. action/revertToCurrentSna

Retrieve information about GET API-URL/vApp/vapp- None SnapshotSection

vApp snapshots. id/snapshotSection

Validate the storage profile POST API-URL/vApp/vm- None Task

compliance of a virtual id/action/checkCompliance

Retrieve a virtual machine GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None ComplianceResult

storage profile validation id/complianceResult

Retrieve all current metrics GET Vm- None CurrentUsage

for a virtual machine. [NEW] URL/metrics/current

Retrieve all historic metrics GET Vm- None HistoricUsage

for a virtual machine. [NEW] URL/metrics/historic

Retrieve a subset of current POST Vm- CurrentUsageSpec CurrentUsage

metrics for a virtual URL/metrics/current
machine. [NEW]

Retrieve a subset of historic POST Vm- HistoricUsageSpec HistoricUsage

metrics for a virtual URL/metrics/historic
machine. [NEW]

Create a vApp From a Template

An instantiateVAppTemplate request creates a vApp from a vApp template.

To create a vApp from a vApp template, you must bind the template's abstract resource requirements, such
as network connections, storage resources, memory, and CPU capacity, to appropriate resources in the
target VDC. This binding operation is called instantiation.

For an example of a simple instantiation request, see “Deploy the vApp,” on page 35. You can also specify
additional parameters as part of instantiation.

Template contents that might influence composition of the request body include the following sections:

n A NetworkConfigSection that defines the vApp networks to which virtual machines in this vApp can

96 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

n A NetworkConnectionSection that specifies network connection details for a virtual machine. Unless
you want to create a vApp in which none of the virtual machines are connected to a network, your
instantiation parameters must include at least one NetworkConfigSection that defines a vApp network,
and that section must include a NetworkConfig element whose networkName attribute value matches the
value of the network attribute of the NetworkConnection of each Vm in the template. If this attribute has
the value none or is missing, the Vm can connect to any network. If the template contains Vm elements that
specify different names for their network connections, you must create a vApp network for each.

n One or more EulaSection elements that specify licensing terms or other conditions that you must accept
before creating the vApp. The InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element can include an
AllEULAsAccepted element whose value indicates whether you accept all EULA terms included in the
template. If a vApp template includes any ovf:EulaSection elements, AllEULAsAccepted must be set to a
value of true. Otherwise, instantiation fails.

n A LeaseSettingsSection. If this section is present and specifies settings that are appropriate for the
vApp, you do not need to modify it. If it is absent or empty, the vApp is created with your
organization’s default lease settings. If you specify new lease settings in a LeaseSettingsSection that
you provide as part of instantiation, those settings replace any existing settings and override your
organization's defaults.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

n Review the current configuration of the vApp and its virtual machines. Configuration parameters in the
VAppTemplate such as its NetworkConfigSection and LeaseSettingsSection affect all virtual machines in
the vApp. Configuration parameters for individual virtual machines are defined in Vm elements in the
VAppTemplate. A virtual machine's network connections are defined in its NetworkConnectionSection,
and its hardware configuration is defined in its VirtualHardwareSection. To view the configuration of a
virtual machine in a vApp template, you can retrieve the template and examine the
VirtualHardwareSection of that Vm, or you can download the OVF descriptor of the vApp template, as
shown in “Download the OVF Descriptor of a vApp or vApp Template,” on page 72.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp template.

Make a GET request to the URL provided in the href attribute of the Entity contained by the
CatalogItem that references the template. You can also use the query service to return a list of references
to vApp templates that you can access.
2 Examine the template to determine the set of instantiation parameters that the request must include.

3 Create an InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element.

See “Example: Instantiate a vApp Template,” on page 97 for guidelines.

4 Make a POST request to the action/instantiateVAppTemplate URL of the VDC.

Supply the InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element as the request body.

The server takes the requested action and returns a VApp element. The element has a status attribute value
of 0, meaning it is unresolved because the vApp is still being constructed. It also contains a Task element
that tracks the progress of the request.

Example: Instantiate a vApp Template

This InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request extends the request shown in “Example: Deploying a vApp,”
on page 36 to include additional elements in its InstantiationParams:

n A LeaseSettingsSection that specifies custom lease settings, overriding the settings that would
otherwise be inherited from the organization.

VMware, Inc. 97
vCloud API Programming Guide

n An acknowledgement of EulaSection acceptance, supplied in the AllEULAsAccepted element. If the

template does not include EulaSection elements, you can omit this acknowledgement.

For more information and a list of sections that you can include in InstantiationParams, see “Configuring a
vApp,” on page 133.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/instantiateVAppTemplate
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Linux FTP server"
<Description>Example FTP Server</Description>
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />
<ovf:Info>Lease Settings</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111" />

The response is a sparsely populated VApp element, as shown in the response portion of
“Example: Deploying a vApp,” on page 36.

Modify Virtual Machine Hardware During vApp Template Instantiation

An InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request body can include a SourcedVmInstantiationParams element for
each virtual machine in the vApp. Values you provide in this element modify a subset of virtual machine
hardware configuration parameters during instantiation.

An InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request body that incorporates one or more

SourcedVmInstantiationParams elements supports the following configuration changes:

n Specify a storage profile for the virtual machine.

n Increase the capacity of the virtual machine's SATA or SCSI disks.

98 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

n Increase or decrease the size of the virtual machine's memory.

n Increase or decrease the number of CPU cores per virtual socket.

n Add or remove CPUs.

You can also modify any of these configuration settings after the vApp is deployed. See “Configuring
vApps and Virtual Machines,” on page 133

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

n Review the current configuration of the vApp and its virtual machines. Configuration parameters in the
VAppTemplate such as its NetworkConfigSection and LeaseSettingsSection affect all virtual machines in
the vApp. Configuration parameters for individual virtual machines are defined in Vm elements in the
VAppTemplate. A virtual machine's network connections are defined in its NetworkConnectionSection,
and its hardware configuration is defined in its VirtualHardwareSection. To view the configuration of a
virtual machine in a vApp template, you can retrieve the template and examine the
VirtualHardwareSection of that Vm, or you can download the OVF descriptor of the vApp template, as
shown in “Download the OVF Descriptor of a vApp or vApp Template,” on page 72.

1 Examine the OVF descriptor of the template to determine the values that you can include in a
SourcedVmInstantiationParams element.

See “Example: Modify Virtual Machine Hardware During vApp Template Instantiation,” on page 99
for guidelines.

2 Include the SourcedVmInstantiationParams element in an InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element.

See “Example: Modify Virtual Machine Hardware During vApp Template Instantiation,” on page 99.

3 Make a POST request to the action/instantiateVAppTemplate URL of the VDC.

Supply the InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element as the request body.

Example: Modify Virtual Machine Hardware During vApp Template Instantiation

IMPORTANT This example uses the SourcedVmInstantiationParamselement, which is deprecated as of API

version 5.6 and might be removed from future releases. Use the SourcedItem element, as shown in
“Example: Modify Virtual Machine Name, Description, and Hardware During vApp Template
Instantiation,” on page 102, instead.

This InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request extends the one shown in “Example: Instantiate a vApp
Template,” on page 97 to include a SourcedVmInstantiationParams element that makes several configuration
changes in the virtual machine referenced at https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vm-4.

n Specifies a storage profile for the virtual machine.

n Adds a virtual CPU and changes the value of CoresPerSocket to 2. If you include a CoresPerSocket
element, its value must be an integer multiple of the value of the existing rasd:VirtualQuantity of CPU
items, or of the value you supply in NumberOfCpus. “Example: Modify the CPU Configuration of a
Virtual Machine,” on page 153 shows the original CPU configuration, and how to make this change by
reconfiguring the virtual machine in a deployed vApp.

n Increases the capacity of the hard disk from 1GB to 10GB by including a Disk element that specifies a
Size of 10240 for the disk that has a rasd:InstanceID value of 2000. The value you supply for Size is
interpreted as megabytes. You can see the original disk configuration in “Example: Retrieve the Hard
Disks and Controllers in a Virtual Machine,” on page 159. “Example: Modify the Hard Disk
Configuration of a Virtual Machine,” on page 161 shows how to make the same change by
reconfiguring the virtual machine in a deployed vApp. If you include a Disk element, the value of its

VMware, Inc. 99
vCloud API Programming Guide

instanceId attribute must match the value in the rasd:InstanceID element of an existing Item that
defines a virtual disk (RASD resource type 17).You can increase disk capacity, but not reduce it, for
disks on SATA and SCSI controllers. You cannot change the capacity of other disk types. Item elements
that represent SATA disks have a vcloud:busType attribute with the value 20. Those that represent SCSI
disks have a vcloud:busType attribute with the value 6.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/instantiateVAppTemplate
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Linux FTP server"
<Description>Example FTP Server</Description>
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />
<ovf:Info>Lease Settings</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vm-4" />

100 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps


The response is a sparsely populated VApp element, as shown in the response portion of
“Example: Deploying a vApp,” on page 36.

Modify Virtual Machine Name, Description, Hardware, and Other Properties

During vApp Template Instantiation
To allow greater flexibility when modifying template properties during instantiation, use SourcedItem
instead of SourcedVmInstantiationParams when specifying instantiation details in

An InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request body that incorporates one or more SourcedItem elements

supports the following configuration changes:

n Change the name, Description, and NeedsCustomization properties of the virtual machine.

n Specify a storage profile for the virtual machine.

n Specify a storage profile for any of the virtual machine's hard disks, overriding the virtual machine's
default storage profile.

n Increase the capacity of the virtual machine's SATA or SCSI disks.

n Increase or decrease the size of the virtual machine's memory.

n Increase or decrease the number of CPU cores per virtual socket.

n Add or remove CPUs.

You can also modify any of these configuration settings after the vApp is deployed. See “Configuring
vApps and Virtual Machines,” on page 133.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

n Review the current configuration of the vApp and its virtual machines. Configuration parameters in the
VAppTemplate such as its NetworkConfigSection and LeaseSettingsSection affect all virtual machines in
the vApp. Configuration parameters for individual virtual machines are defined in Vm elements in the
VAppTemplate. A virtual machine's network connections are defined in its NetworkConnectionSection,
and its hardware configuration is defined in its VirtualHardwareSection. To view the configuration of a
virtual machine in a vApp template, you can retrieve the template and examine the
VirtualHardwareSection of that Vm, or you can download the OVF descriptor of the vApp template, as
shown in “Download the OVF Descriptor of a vApp or vApp Template,” on page 72.

1 To change the name, Description, or NeedsCustomization properties of the virtual machine, add a
VmGeneralParams element to the SourcedItem.

2 Examine the OVF descriptor of the template to determine the values that you can include in the
VirtualHardwareSection of the SourcedItem element.

3 Include the SourcedItem element in an InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element.

4 Make a POST request to the action/instantiateVAppTemplate URL of the VDC.

Supply the InstantiateVAppTemplateParams element as the request body.

VMware, Inc. 101

vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Modify Virtual Machine Name, Description, and Hardware During vApp
Template Instantiation
This InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request extends the request shown in “Example: Instantiate a vApp
Template,” on page 97 to include a SourcedItem element that makes several configuration changes in the
virtual machine referenced at https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vm-4.

n Changes the name and Description of the virtual machine, so that they are not the same as the name and
Description in the template.

n Sets the value of NeedsCustomization to true.

n Adds a virtual CPU and changes the value of CoresPerSocket to 2. If you include a CoresPerSocket
element, its value must be an integer multiple of the value of the existing rasd:VirtualQuantity of CPU
items, or of the value you supply in NumberOfCpus. “Example: Modify the CPU Configuration of a
Virtual Machine,” on page 153 shows the original CPU configuration, and how to make this change by
reconfiguring the virtual machine in a deployed vApp.

n Increases the capacity of the hard disk from 1GB to 10GB by including a Disk element that specifies a
Size of 10240 for the disk that has a rasd:InstanceID value of 2000. The value you supply for Size is
interpreted as megabytes. You can see the original disk configuration in “Example: Retrieve the Hard
Disks and Controllers in a Virtual Machine,” on page 159. “Example: Modify the Hard Disk
Configuration of a Virtual Machine,” on page 161 shows how to make the same change by
reconfiguring the virtual machine in a deployed vApp. If you include a Disk element, the value of its
instanceId attribute must match the value in the rasd:InstanceID element of an existing Item that
defines a virtual disk (RASD resource type 17). Disk capacity can be raised, but not lowered, for disks
on SATA and SCSI controllers. The capacity of other disk types cannot be changed. Item elements that
represent SATA disks have a vcloud:busType attribute with the value 20. Those that represent SCSI
disks have a vcloud:busType attribute with the value 6.

With the exception of the changes specified in VmGeneralParams (name, Description, and
NeedsCustomization), this example has the same effect as the example in “Example: Modify Virtual Machine
Hardware During vApp Template Instantiation,” on page 99.

IMPORTANT You cannot mix SourcedVmInstantiationParams and SourcedItem elements in a single

InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request body.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/instantiateVAppTemplate
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Linux FTP server"
<Description>Example FTP Server</Description>
<Source href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-111"/>
<Source href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vm-4"/>
<Description>Primary FTP Server Instance</Description>

102 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>
<NetworkConfig networkName="vAppNetwork">
<ParentNetwork href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54"/>
<ovf:Info>Lease Settings</ovf:Info>
<ovf:Info>Virtual hardware requirements</ovf:Info>
<rasd:Description>Hard disk</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>Hard disk 1</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
<rasd:Description>Number of Virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>1 virtual CPU(s)</rasd:ElementName>
<StorageProfile href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/33">

VMware, Inc. 103

vCloud API Programming Guide


The response is a sparsely populated VApp element, as shown in the response portion of
“Example: Deploying a vApp,” on page 36.

Create a vApp From an OVF Package

An instantiateOvf request uploads an OVF package and then creates a vApp from it. By default, this
operation also deploys the vApp and powers it on.

If you want to deploy an OVF package as a vApp without creating a vApp template and corresponding
catalog item, make an instantiateOvf request. This request initiates a workflow similar to the one shown in
“Upload an OVF Package to Create a vApp Template,” on page 60, but with a few important differences.

n The target of the upload is a VDC, not a catalog.

n The request body is an InstantiateOvfParams element, not an UploadVAppTemplateParams element.

n The response is a VApp element that includes an upload URL for the OVF descriptor.

After you retrieve the VApp element created by the instantiateOvf request, you can upload the descriptor
and the files it references.

Verify that the following are true:

n You have an OVF package to upload.

n You are logged in as a user who has permission to upload OVF packages and create vApps.

n You know the URL of the target VDC that will receive the upload. Retrieve the XML representation of
your organization to see a list of the VDCs that it contains.

Review the contents of the Envelope element in the descriptor file of your OVF package. Several properties
in this file have implications for the InstantiateOvfParams request body you must construct to initiate the

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the target VDC.

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for creating a vApp from an
OVF package.

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateOvfParams+xml, as shown here:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/44/action/instantiateOvf" />

3 Create an InstantiateOvfParams request body.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a vApp From an OVF Package,” on page 105.

4 POST the InstantiateOvfParams to the instantiateOvf URL you retrieved in Step 2

See the request portion of “Example: Create a vApp From an OVF Package,” on page 105.

104 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

5 Examine the response.

The response, a VApp element, contains a File element that specifies an upload URL for the OVF
descriptor. See the response portion of “Example: Create a vApp From an OVF Package,” on page 105

6 Upload the OVF descriptor.

Make a PUT request to the upload URL in the VApp. The upload URL for the OVF descriptor is in a Link
element with the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../descriptor.ovf" />

Supply the OVF descriptor as the request body. The OVF descriptor contains a single Envelope element.

7 Retrieve the remaining upload URLs

a Retrieve the VApp.

b Verify that the value of the ovfDescriptorUploaded attribute is true.

c Examine the VApp to find the upload URLs for the files referenced in the OVF descriptor.

These URLs are contained in Link elements where rel="upload:default".

8 Upload the referenced files.

You can follow the progress of the upload by retrieving the vApp and noting the progress of the
embedded Task.

After all of the referenced files are uploaded, the VApp element no longer includes an embedded Task. The
vApp is placed in the power and deployment state that the values of the powerOn and deploy attributes
specify in the request body.

Example: Create a vApp From an OVF Package

This request includes a NetworkMapping element that maps a network name found in the uploaded OVF
descriptor to the name of a network available in the target VDC.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/instantiateOvf
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateOvfParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Example vApp</Description>
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />

VMware, Inc. 105

vCloud API Programming Guide

<Source>Network 1</Source>
<ovf:Info />
network="Network 1">

The response is a sparsely populated VApp element that includes an upload URL for the OVF descriptor. See
“Uploading Referenced Files,” on page 67 for file upload procedures.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml
<Description>Example vApp</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-23" />
<Description>Example vApp</Description>
operation="Creating Virtual Application W2K8(23)"
... >

106 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

href="https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../descriptor.ovf" />

Compose a vApp From Existing Virtual Machines

With the vCloud API composeVApp operation, you can build a vApp from existing virtual machines,
including virtual machines contained by vApps and vApp templates to which you have access.

Every VDC includes a link to a composeVApp operation, which creates a new vApp in it. To compose a vApp,
POST a composeVApp request to this link. The request body is a ComposeVAppParams element, which includes
the following information:

n An InstantiationParams element that can include any of the section types listed under “Configuring a
vApp,” on page 133. This is where you define the vApp network to which all the virtual machines in
the composed vApp connect, and custom vApp lease settings and startup parameters for the virtual

n An optional Description of the composed vApp.

n Zero or more SourcedItem elements, each of which defines a source of virtual machines to include in the
composition. Each SourcedItem must contain a Source element that references a composition source, the
href of a Vm, VApp, or VAppTemplate. If the Source element references a virtual machine, the SourcedItem
can include any of the following elements:

n An InstantiationParams element specific to that virtual machine. This element can include any of
the section types listed under “Configuring a Virtual Machine,” on page 134.

n A NetworkAssignment element that specifies how the network connections in the virtual machine
are mapped to vApp networks defined in the InstantiationParams element that applies to the
composed vApp.

n A VAppScopedLocalId element that provides a unique identifier for the virtual machine in the scope
of the composed vApp.

If the Source element references a vApp or vApp template, all Vm elements from each composition
source become peers in the Children collection of the composed vApp.

n If any of the composition items is subject to a EULA, the ComposeVAppParams element must include an
AllEULAsAccepted element that has a value of true, indicating that you accept the EULA. Otherwise,
composition fails.

The composed vApp must be deployed and powered on before you can use it.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an organization in
the cloud.

VMware, Inc. 107

vCloud API Programming Guide

1 Find the composeVApp link in the target VDC.

The XML representation of the VDC contains a composeVapp link, which has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/composeVApp" />

2 Create a ComposeVappParams element that specifies the details of the composition.

3 POST the ComposeVappParams element to the composeVapp link of the target VDC.

See the Request portion of “Example: Compose a vApp,” on page 108.

Example: Compose a vApp

This request specifies two vAppTemplate items and one Vm item. The Vm item requires InstantiationParams
that modify its NetworkConnectionSection to specify the vApp network created for this vApp. The
vAppTemplate items inherit this setting from the base InstantiationParams element that appears before the
first SourcedItem is specified.

NOTE Virtual machines specified in Source elements must be powered off or this operation will fail. You
can use a query like this one to return a list of references to powered-off virtual machines that you have
access to.


See Chapter 9, “Using the Query Service,” on page 315.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/composeVApp
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.composeVAppParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Example Corp’s CRM Appliance"
<Description>Composed CRM Appliance</Description>
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4" />

108 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

<ovf:Info />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-114" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-190" />

The response is a sparsely populated VApp element in the target VDC. When the Task embedded in the
response is complete, the vApp has been composed.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml
name="Example Corp’s CRM Appliance"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-33" ...>
rel="up" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml"
<Description>Composed CRM Appliance</Description>
<Task operation="Composing Virtual Application Example Corp’s CRM Appliance (33)" ...>

VMware, Inc. 109

vCloud API Programming Guide

Recompose a vApp to Add or Remove Virtual Machines

The vCloud API supports recomposition of a vApp to add or remove virtual machines. To recompose a
vApp, make a recomposeVApp request, supplying a RecomposeVAppParams element as the request body.

The RecomposeVAppParams element allows an arbitrary number of DeleteItem and CreateItem elements, but
is otherwise identical to ComposeVAppParams. This means that in addition to adding or removing virtual
machines, a recomposeVApp request can also change the name and description of the vApp, and can supply
new InstantiationParams to change various sections of the composed vApp or any of the added virtual

Unlike a composeVapp request, which operates on a VDC and creates a new vApp, a recomposeVapp request
operates on (and modifies) an existing vApp.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an organization in
the cloud.

1 Find the recomposeVApp link in the target vApp.

The XML representation of a vApp contains a recomposeVapp link, which has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/5/action/recomposeVApp" />

2 Create a RecomposeVappParams element that specifies the details of the recomposition.

See “Example: Recompose a vApp,” on page 110.

3 POST the RecomposeVappParams element to the recomposeVapp link of the target vApp.

Example: Recompose a vApp

This example uses the recomposeVApp operation to modify this vApp, which contains three virtual machines.
Only a few of the elements in the vApp appear here.

name="Example Corp’s CRM Appliance"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-33" ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-7" ...>

110 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-44" ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-45" ...>

The request removes one of the virtual machines from the vApp and creates a StartupSection that specifies
a startup order for the remaining virtual machines.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-33/action/recomposeVApp
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.recomposeVAppParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Example Corp’s CRM Appliance"
<Description>Composed CRM Appliance</Description>
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />
<ovf:Info>VApp startup section</ovf:Info>
ovf:id="CRM-DB" />
ovf:id="CRM-CRM" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-45" />

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202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ...
operation="Updating Virtual Application Example Corp’s CRM Appliance (33)" ...>

NOTE Virtual machines specified in Source elements must be powered off or this operation will fail. You
can use a query like this one to return a list of references to powered-off virtual machines that you have
access to.


See Chapter 9, “Using the Query Service,” on page 315.

Clone a vApp
You can make a copy of a vApp by cloning it. If the vApp is deployed when you clone it, the clone
procedure also clones the memory state of the virtual machines in the vApp.

The cloneVApp request makes a copy of the vApp referenced in the Source element of the CloneVappParams
request body. The request specifies a new name and, optionally, a new description for the copy. The request
can optionally include an IsSourceDelete element whose value specifies whether to delete the source vApp
after the copy is complete. If IsSourceDelete is missing from the request body, or present with a value of
false, the source object remains in place after the copy is complete. Setting IsSourceDelete to true
effectively moves or renames the vApp.

If the vApp is deployed when you clone it and the target VDC is backed by the same provider VDC as the
source VDC, the clone is created with the following properties:

n Memory state of all virtual machines in the source vApp is preserved in the clone.

n The clone is suspended and connected to an isolated network.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an organization in
the cloud.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the VDC in which you want to deploy the cloned vApp.

Use a request like this one, where id is the identifier of the VDC:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/admin/vdc/id

You can create the clone in the same VDC that holds the source vApp, or in a different VDC.

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for cloning a vApp.

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.captureVAppParams+xml, as shown here:


112 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

3 Create a CloneVappParams element that references the vApp to clone and specifies details of the clone

See “Example: Clone a vApp,” on page 113.

4 POST the CloneVappParams element to the action/cloneVApp link of the VDC in which the clone should
be created.

Example: Clone a vApp

This request creates a copy of the vApp created in “Example: Instantiate a vApp Template,” on page 97 in
another VDC. Because the ParentNetwork in the Source vApp is not available in the VDC specified in the
action/cloneVApp request, the CloneVAppParams request body must include InstantiationParams that
specify a new ParentNetwork for the vApp network.

NOTE If the vApp is deployed when you clone it, any network configuration you specify in the
CloneVAppParams is ignored and the clone is created with a connection to an isolated network.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/12/action/cloneVApp
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.cloneVAppParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Cloned vApp Example</Description>
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/12" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7" />

The response is a sparsely populated VApp element in the target VDC. When the Task embedded in the
response is complete, the vApp has been cloned.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml

VMware, Inc. 113

vCloud API Programming Guide

<Description>Cloned vApp Example</Description>
operation="Copying Virtual Application cloned (103)"
... >

Capture a vApp as a Template

You can capture a vApp to create a vApp template in a catalog. Instantiating the resulting template recreates
the vApp from which it was captured.

The captureVApp request creates a template based on the vApp referenced in the Source element of the
CaptureVAppParams request body. The request specifies a new name and, optionally, a new description and
storage profile for the template. If you want the new template to overwrite an existing template in the
catalog, you can specify a TargetCatalogItem in the request. Otherwise, the new template is stored in a new
catalog item.

If the vApp is deployed when you capture it, the template is created with the following properties.

n Memory state of all virtual machines in the source vApp is preserved in the template.

n Instantiating the template always creates a suspended vApp connected to an isolated network.

NOTE If the template is instantiated in a VDC that is not backed by the provider VDC that backed the VDC
in which the vApp was captured, memory state in the template is discarded on instantiation, and the vApp
is created with the network connections defined in the template or instantiation parameters.

n Verify that you are logged in as a user with the Catalog Author role, as an organization administrator of
the organization that owns the catalog, or as a system administrator.

n Verify that the target catalog does not have an external subscription.

114 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the catalog to which to add the vApp template that the capture

Use a request like this one, where id is the identifier of the catalog:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/id

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for capturing a vApp.

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.captureVAppParams+xml, as shown here:


3 Create a CaptureVAppParams element that references the vApp to capture.

See “Example: Capture a vApp,” on page 115.

4 POST the CaptureVAppParams element to the action/captureVApp link shown in Step 2.

Example: Capture a vApp

This request captures the vApp created in “Example: Compose a vApp,” on page 108. Because the request
does not specify a TargetCatalogItem, a new catalog item is created for the new template.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/5/action/captureVApp
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.captureVAppParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Example Corp’s CRM Appliance">
<Description>Captured CRM Appliance</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-33" />

The response is a sparsely populated VApp element in the target VDC. It contains a Link to the catalog
specified in the request. When the Task embedded in the response is complete, the vApp has been captured
and a vApp template created in the target catalog.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/5" />

VMware, Inc. 115

vCloud API Programming Guide

<Description>Captured CRM Appliance</Description>
operation="Capturing Virtual Application Template Example Corp’s CRM Appliance (232)"

Update vApp Access Controls

A system or organization administrator can use the controlAccess links in a VApp element to grant or restrict
access to the vApp.

A vApp initially grants full access to its owner and no access to other users. The vCloud API access control
mechanism enables an administrator to retrieve or update vApp access controls to add or remove rights for
all users, or for individual users. For a general discussion of access controls in vCloud Director, see
“Controlling Access to vApps and Catalogs,” on page 86.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7

2 Examine the VApp element to find the controlAccess links that it contains.

3 Create a ControlAccessParams element request body that specifies the details of the update.

4 POST the ControlAccessParams element to the action/controlAccess link that you retrieved in Step 1.

Example: Update vApp Access Controls

This request updates the access controls of a vApp to grant full control to one user and read-only access to
another user. The request body, a ControlAccessParams element, specifies a value of false for the
IsSharedToEveryone element, and contains an AccessSetting element for each user whose access rights are
being modified. Each user is identified by a reference to a User object. See “User and Group
Administration,” on page 243. The response, a subset of which appears in this example, echoes the request.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/action/controlAccess
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.controlAccess+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

116 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps



200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.controlAccess+xml

Provide User Input Requested by a Virtual Machine

A request for a virtual machine to change state (power on, suspend, reconfigure, and so on) might cause the
virtual machine to ask for additional user input before it can complete.

A vApp that contains a Vm awaiting a user response has status="5", and includes a link that you can GET to
discover what input is needed.

1 Find the question link in the target vApp.

This link has the following form:

href="http://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-5/question" />

2 Make a GET request to the URL in that link's href value.

The response is a VmPendingQuestion response that includes the question and the set of possible

3 Create a VmQuestionAnswer element that supplies the answer.

See “Example: Provide User Input Requested by a Virtual Machine,” on page 117.

4 POST the element to the question/action/answer link included in the VmPendingQuestion response.

Example: Provide User Input Requested by a Virtual Machine

In this series of examples, a virtual machine that was recently reconfigured in vCenter to add a new parallel
port device and then powered on is requesting user input about where to send output from the device. The
powerOn request cannot complete until this input is supplied.

The first step is to use the vmPendingQuestion link, shown in Step 1, to get a VmPendingQuestion response that
includes the question and the set of possible answers.

VMware, Inc. 117

vCloud API Programming Guide


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-5/question


200 OK
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vmPendingQuestion+xml
href="http://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-5/question/action/answer" />
<Question>msg.parallel.file.open:Parallel port output file
"/vmfs/volumes/d6162a46-58e50cab/linuxftp/vm-mgi.log" already
exists. Do you want to replace it with any newly created content,
or append new content to the end of the file?

To supply the answer, POST a VmQuestionAnswer element to the question/action/answer link of the Vm.


POST http://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-5/question/action/answer
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vmPendingAnswer+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Attach or Detach an Independent Disk

Use the disk/action/attach or disk/action/detach links in a Vm to attach or detach an independent disk.
You must be the owner of the Vm element and the disk.

Every Vm element includes links of the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/disk/action/attach" />

118 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/disk/action/detach" />

You can POST a DiskAttachOrDetachParams element to one of these URLs to attach or detach an independent

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or the object owner.

n Verify that the VDC contains an independent disk. If the VDC does not contain independent disks, you
can create one. See “Create or Update an Independent Disk,” on page 82.

1 Retrieve a reference to the independent disk to attach to a virtual machine.

The independent disk and the virtual machine must be contained by the same VDC. You can retrieve
references to independent disks in a VDC in the following ways:

n Use the query service. A query like this one returns references to all Disk objects in the VDC named

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?

n Retrieve the VDC and look for ResourceEntity elements whose type attribute has a value of
application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.disk+xml. The href value of a ResourceEntity that represents a
disk is a reference to that Disk object.

2 Create a DiskAttachOrDetachParams element.

Provide a reference to the independent disk in the href attribute of the Disk element.

3 POST the DiskAttachOrDetachParams to the disk/action/attach link of the Vm.

Example: Attach an Independent Disk to a Virtual Machine

This request attaches the disk created in “Create or Update an Independent Disk,” on page 82 to a virtual


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/disk/action/attach
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.diskAttachOrDetachParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/disk/128" />

The response is a Task.



VMware, Inc. 119

vCloud API Programming Guide

... />

Creating and Using vApp Snapshots

You can take a snapshot of all the virtual machines in a vApp. After the snapshots are taken, you can revert
all virtual machines in the vApp to the most recent snapshot, or remove all snapshots.

You can take a snapshot of a vApp whether or not it is powered on. The createSnapshot operation always
creates a snapshot for each virtual machine in the vApp. Snapshots are created in the order specified for
virtual machines in the StartupSection of the VApp element.

vApp snapshots have the following limitations:

n They do not capture the ovf:ProductSection elements in the vApp.

n They do not capture NIC configurations.

n They cannot be created if any virtual machine in the vApp is connected to an independent disk.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or the object owner.

n Verify that you are logged in as a user whose role includes the vApp: Snapshot Operations right.

1 (Optional) Retrieve information about current vApp snapshots.

When you create a snapshot, it overwrites any existing snapshots without warning. Before creating a
new snapshot, you might want to verify whether there are any existing snapshots. Make a request like
this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-33/snapshotSection

The response is a SnapshotSection element containing a link to each of the current snapshots for the

2 Create a CreateSnapshotParams request body.

See “Example: Create a vApp Snapshot,” on page 120.

3 POST the CreateSnapshotParams to the action/createSnapshot link of the vApp.

Example: Create a vApp Snapshot

In this example, the memory and quiesce options are not specified, so their values default to true. The name
attribute is optional. If you omit it from the request, the system generates a name for the snapshot.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-33/action/createSnapshot
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.createSnapshotParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Demo snapshot</Description>

The response is a Task.

120 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

... />

After the snapshot is created, you can revert the vApp to the state captured in the snapshot.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-33/action/revertToCurrentSnapshot

You can also remove all snapshots.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-33/action/removeAllSnapshots

Neither of these requests has a request body. Both return a Task.

About Virtual Machine Metrics

Virtual machine metrics provide information about a virtual machine's performance and resource
consumption in several categories.

vCloud Director collects metrics for all running virtual machines. You can retrieve virtual machine metrics
either as an instantaneous reading taken when the request is made, or as a collection of historic readings
taken at regular intervals. Historic metrics are retained for 14 days, and can be retrieved whether or not the
virtual machine is powered on.

The following categories of metrics are collected:

cpu Virtual CPU usage metrics. CPU metrics are an aggregate of all the virtual
machine's cores and sockets.

disk Virtual hard disk capacity and performance metrics. When a virtual machine
has multiple disks, metrics are reported as an aggregate for all disks.

mem Virtual machine memory usage.

For historic and current metrics, you can make a GET request to retrieve all categories of metrics from a
virtual machine. A GET request for historic metrics returns only the most recent 24 hours of metric data
samples. You can also make a POST request with a body that constrains the response to a subset of current
or historic metrics in any or all categories. A POST request for historic metrics can specify a time period of
up to 14 days.

IMPORTANT To support retrieval of historic metrics, vCloud Director must be configured with additional
database software dedicated to historic metrics collection. See the vCloud Director Installation and Upgrade

Metrics Links in a Vm Element

When a virtual machine is powered on, the Vm element that represents it includes four links where the value
of the type attribute has the form application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metrics.*UsageSpec.xml.

<Vm ... >


VMware, Inc. 121

vCloud API Programming Guide


n Use the links where rel="down" with a GET request to retrieve current or historic metrics in all

n Use the links where rel="metrics" with a POST request to retrieve a subset of current or historic

When a virtual machine is powered off, you cannot retrieve current metrics from it, so
the .../metrics/current links are not returned in the Vm element.

Negative Values for Current Metrics

Current metrics can be returned with negative values if the specific metric being requested does not have a
valid current value. This condition can exist if you make a metrics request before the first collection interval
for that metric elapses. For example, a request for CPU usage metrics made shortly after a virtual machine is
powered on can report negative values.

Retrieving All Current or Historic Metrics

You can make a GET request to either of the metrics links in a Vm object to retrieve all current or historic

Current metrics are instantaneous values collected at the time the request is processed by the server. A GET
request for current metrics retrieves a list of current metric values, one for each category, and returns it as a
single XML document. You can retrieve a subset of current metrics by making a POST request with a
CurrentUsageSpec body.

Historic metrics are collected and stored for 14 days. A GET request for historic metrics retrieves the past 24
hours of metric history and returns it as a single XML document. In the typical case, this document contains
thousands of lines. You can retrieve a subset of historic metrics by making a POST request with a
HistoricUsageSpec body.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the virtual machine.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4

122 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

2 Examine the Vm element to find the metrics links that it contains.

These links have the following form, where id is the virtual machine's unique identifier:


3 Make a GET request to the appropriate link.

Option Request
Retrieve all current metrics GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-id/metrics/current
Retrieve all historic metrics for the GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-id/metrics/historic
past 24 hours

See “Example: Retrieving All Current or Historic Metrics,” on page 123

Example: Retrieving All Current or Historic Metrics

This request retrieves all current metrics from a virtual machine.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/metrics/current


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metrics.currentusage+xml
... >

VMware, Inc. 123

vCloud API Programming Guide


This request retrieves the past 24 hours of metrics from a virtual machine. The typical response contains
thousands of lines, so only a subset appears here.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/metrics/historic


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metrics.historicusage+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HistoricUsage xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">

124 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

<Sample ... />
<Sample ... />
<Sample ... />
<Sample ... />

VMware, Inc. 125

vCloud API Programming Guide

<Sample ... />
<Sample ... />

Retrieving Metrics Subsets

To retrieve a subset of current or historic metrics, make a POST request to a current or historic metrics URL.
The request body specifies the metrics you want.

The vCloud API defines two request bodies, CurrentUsageSpec and HistoricUsageSpec, that you can use to
constrain a metrics request to a subset of available metrics. With these request bodies, you can specify
metrics by name, or supply a pattern that uses a wildcard to match a set of names. You can also specify a
collection interval for historic metrics. See “Metric Names and Patterns,” on page 130.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the virtual machine.
Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4

2 Examine the Vm element to find the metrics links where rel="metrics".

These links have the following form, where id is the virtual machine's unique identifier:


126 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

3 Create the appropriate request body.

The request body specifies the metrics you want.

Option Request
Retrieve a subset of current metrics Create a CurrentUsageSpec element to use as the request body.
Retrieve a subset of historic metrics Create a HistoricUsageSpec element to use as the request body.

4 POST the request body to the appropriate metrics link.

See “Example: Retrieving a Subset of Current or Historic Metrics,” on page 127

NOTE If you do not include a request body, the request is processed as though you had made a GET

Example: Retrieving a Subset of Current or Historic Metrics

This example uses a POST request with a CurrentUsageSpec body to request a subset of the current metrics
retrieved in “Example: Retrieving All Current or Historic Metrics,” on page 123. This example also shows
the use of wildcards in a MetricPattern element. See “Metric Patterns,” on page 131.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/metrics/current
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metrics.currentUsageSpec+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CurrentUsageSpec xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metrics.currentusage+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 127

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This example uses a POST request with a HistoricUsageSpec body to request a subset of the historic metrics
retrieved in “Example: Retrieving All Current or Historic Metrics,” on page 123. This example also shows
the use of wildcards and a time specification for the past 8 hours.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/metrics/historic
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metrics.historicUsageSpec+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HistoricUsageSpec xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">

The full response contains several thousand lines, so only a subset appears here.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metrics.historicusage+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

128 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

<Sample ... />
<Sample ... />

VMware, Inc. 129

vCloud API Programming Guide

<Sample... />
<Sample ... />

Metric Names and Patterns

When you retrieve a subset of current or historic metrics, you can specify the metrics by name, or by using a
pattern that includes a wildcard character.

Metric Names
Metric names are dot-separated strings.

Table 5‑2. Metric Names

Metric Name Type Unit Description

cpu.usage.average rate percent Host view of this virtual

machine's average actively
used CPU as a percentage of
total available. Includes all
cores in all sockets.

cpu.usagemhz.average rate megahertz Host view of this virtual

machine's average actively
used CPU as a raw
measurement . Includes all
cores in all sockets.

cpu.usage.maximum rate percent Host view of this virtual

machine's maximum
actively used CPU as a
percentage of total available.
Includes all cores in all

mem.usage.average absolute percent Memory used by this virtual

machine as a percentage of
total configured memory.

130 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Table 5‑2. Metric Names (Continued)

Metric Name Type Unit Description

disk.provisioned.latest absolute kilobytes Storage space allocated to

this virtual hard disk in the
containing organization
virtual data center.

disk.used.latest absolute kilobytes Storage used by all virtual

hard disks.

disk.read.average rate kilobytes per second Average read rate for all
virtual hard disks.

disk.write.average rate kilobytes per second Average write rate for all
virtual hard disks.

NOTE When a virtual machine has multiple disks, metrics are reported as an aggregate for all disks. CPU
metrics are an aggregate of all cores and sockets.

Metric Patterns
A CurrentUsageSpec or HistoricUsageSpec can include MetricPattern elements that specify multiple metric
names using a wildcard character. To form a metric pattern, replace any component of a metric name with
an asterisk, which is a wildcard that matches all values of the metric name component it replaces. For
example, this MetricPattern matches all metric names that begin with disk.


The response would include these metric names: disk.provisioned.latest, disk.used.latest,

disk.read.average, and disk.write.average.

A different MetricPattern matches all metric names that begin with disk and end with average.


The response would include the metric names disk.read.average and disk.write.average.

Metric Series Expected Intervals and Timestamps

A HistoricUsage element includes zero or more MetricSeries elements, each of which includes a set of
Sample elements. Each MetricSeries has an expectedInterval attribute that specifies the interval, in
milliseconds, at which the samples in the series are reported. Each Sample in the MetricSeries has a
timestamp attribute noting the absolute time at which the sample was taken. You can use the timestamp and
expectedInterval values to aggregate sample data, and to determine when metrics became unavailable
because the virtual machine was powered off or unreachable.

Specifying Collection Start and End Times

A HistoricUsageSpec can include a time specification that constrains the result set to metrics collected
between a start time and an end time. This time specification can be relative or absolute.

In RelativeStartTime and RelativeEndTime elements, start and end times are specified as an interval and a
unit, which are interpreted as interval units ago. For example, this HistoricUsageSpec requests metrics
collected during the past 8 hours.

<HistoricUsageSpec xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">

VMware, Inc. 131

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You can also write this specification with no RelativeEndTime element, rather than a RelativeEndTime with
an interval attribute value of 0. Both constructions specify an end time of now.

Alternatively, you can use AbsoluteStartTime and AbsoluteEndTime elements to specify absolute start and
end times in a HistoricUsageSpec, as shown in this example, which returns metrics recorded during a one
hour period:

<HistoricUsageSpec xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
<AbsoluteStartTime time="2013-11-13T10:00:00.000Z" />
<AbsoluteEndTime time="2013-11-13T11:00:00.000Z" />

Operate a vApp
vApp and Vm elements include a number of action links. You can use these links to operate a vApp or one of
its virtual machines by making requests such as power on, suspend, power off, undeploy, and so on.

Only those action links that are valid for the vApp or virtual machine in its current state are returned. For
example, if a vApp is instantiated but not deployed, only the links for deploy and remove are returned. For a
vApp that is powered on, links for all actions except powerOn are returned. Some requests apply only to
vApps, some apply only to virtual machines (Vm objects), and some apply to both.

n A request made to the power URL of a VApp invokes the requested operation on each of the virtual
machines in the Children element of the VApp, in the order specified in its ovf:StartupSection element.
This element, if present, specifies a start order and related properties for each member of a
VirtualSystemCollection (each Vm contained by the Children element). If the element is not present, all
members are started up at the same time. The same logic applies to shutdown, reboot, and similar

n A request made to the power URL of a Vm affects only that virtual machine.

n See “Summary of vCloud API vApp and Virtual Machine Operations Requests,” on page 94 for details
of each request.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an organization in
the cloud.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp to find the action links it contains.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7

2 POST a request to the URL that implements the desired action.

Many of these requests do not require a body.

The server takes the requested action and returns a Task element that tracks the progress of the request.

132 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Configuring vApps and Virtual Machines

You specify configuration details for vApps and the virtual machines they contain in ovf:SectionType
elements contained in a VApp or Vm element. You can include most of these sections in the
InstantiationParams that you supply when you instantiate a vApp template. You can also retrieve, modify,
and update these sections to reconfigure a deployed vApp.

You establish the initial configuration of a vApp in the OVF package on which its source template is based.
You cannot modify most sections of the template, but you can update the configuration during the
following operations:

n When you create a vApp by making an instantiateVAppTemplate request, you can update its
configuration by including modified sections in the request's InstantiationParams element.

n When you compose or recompose a vApp, you can update its configuration by including modified
sections in the request's InstantiationParams element.

n When you update any of the modifiable sections in a deployed vApp or the virtual machines that it

You can capture the reconfigured vApp to create a vApp template that preserves your modifications. See
“Capture a vApp as a Template,” on page 114.

Updating a vApp Template

You can update the following sections of a vApp template.

Name and description You can use a PUT request to update the value of the template's name
attribute or the contents of its Description element.

Owner You can use a PUT request to update the value of the template's Owner
element. See “View or Change the Owner of an Object,” on page 85.

ProductSection elements You can retrieve or update the template's ProductSection elements, which
provide a way to pass runtime information to the virtual machines defined in
the template. See “Retrieve or Modify ProductSection Elements,” on
page 156.

Except for the Owner element, all updates to a vApp template propagate to the vApp during instantiation.
The owner of the vApp is set to the identity of the user who instantiates the template.

Configuring a vApp
You can include the following sections in the InstantiationParams you supply with an
instantiateVAppTemplate, composeVApp, or recomposeVApp request. You can also modify them in a deployed

LeaseSettingsSection Defines the terms of storage and deployment leases for the vApp. If this
section is omitted, the vApp inherits the default lease settings of the
containing organization.

NetworkConfigSection Defines the properties of the vApp network and specifies how it is connected
to a network in the VDC. Unless you intend to create a vApp that has no
connection to any network, you must include this section in the
InstantiationParams element of an instantiateVappTemplate request.

StartupSection Defines the order in which the virtual machines in the vApp start up and
shut down. If this section is omitted, the startup and shutdown order of
virtual machines in the vApp is indeterminate.

VMware, Inc. 133

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Configuring a Virtual Machine

An instantiateVAppTemplate request can modify certain properties of individual virtual machines in a
vApp template by including a SourcedItem in the InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request body. You can
include a SourcedItem for each virtual machine in the vApp. You can also reconfigure a virtual machine
after the vApp has been deployed by updating any of the following sections of one of its Vm elements:

VirtualHardwareSection Contains a description of the virtual hardware supported by a virtual

machine. You can reconfigure individual items in this section, or reconfigure
groups of related items such as hard disks or network interface cards.

OperatingSystemSection Specifies the guest operating system installed on the virtual machine.

NetworkConnectionSectio Specifies how the virtual NIC devices on the virtual machine are connected
n to the vApp network.

GuestCustomizationSecti Contains guest customization parameters for the virtual machine.


There are several ways to update these sections:

n You can include any or all of the sections in the InstantiationParams for a Vm.

n You can include any or all of the sections in a reconfigureVm request.

n You can use the workflow in “Reconfiguration Workflow,” on page 134 to update individual sections
or groups of related sections.

Reconfiguration Workflow
The workflow for reconfiguring a vApp or virtual machine is the same regardless of the section you are

1 Retrieve the vApp or Vm and examine the response to find the section that you want to modify.

2 Retrieve the section by making a GET request to the URL in the section’s href attribute value.

3 Modify the section as needed.

4 Update the section by making a PUT request to the section’s edit link, a Link element in the section
where rel="edit", and supplying the modified section in the request body.
Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values. Because
optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to include
optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to be included
in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema reference for details.

NOTE You cannot make configuration changes to a vApp if it is in maintenance mode. A system
administrator can put a vApp into maintenance mode to prevent metadata changes during administrative
operations such as backup, restore, and upgrade. See “Summary of System Administration Requests,” on
page 261.

134 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Retrieve the Configuration Links for a vApp

Each modifiable section of a vApp includes a Link element whose rel attribute has the value edit. You
cannot modify sections that do not contain this Link element.

Any ovf:SectionType element can include an arbitrary number of Link elements. Sections that you can
modify include a Link element where rel="edit". To modify one of these sections, retrieve it by making a
GET request to the URL in the section's href attribute. Then make a PUT request to the href attribute value
of the Link where rel="edit" to update the section with your modifications.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp.

Use a GET request as shown in “Example: Configuration Links in a vApp,” on page 135.

2 Examine the response for edit links to modifiable sections.

The response portion of “Example: Configuration Links in a vApp,” on page 135 includes one of these
links for each of the modifiable sections of the vApp. You cannot modify sections that do not contain a
Link element where rel="edit".

Example: Configuration Links in a vApp

In this example, the response was edited to show only the modifiable sections of the VApp element. Each Vm
in the Children element of the VApp includes additional configuration links, shown in
“Example: Configuration Links in a Vm Element,” on page 137.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml
<VApp ... href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7">
<LeaseSettingsSection ...
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/leaseSettingsSection/" ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/leaseSettingsSection/" />
<ovf:StartupSection ...
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/startupSection/" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/startupSection/" />

VMware, Inc. 135

vCloud API Programming Guide

<NetworkConfigSection ...
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/networkConfigSection/" ... />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/networkConfigSection/" />
<Vm ...

Summary of vApp Reconfiguration Requests

vApp reconfiguration requests retrieve or update modifiable sections of a vApp.

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.

IMPORTANT Request URLs are always available in Link elements contained by the representation of the
object on which they operate. URL forms shown here are for reference purposes only. Although URLs have
a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat vCloud API request URLs
as opaque strings. The rules that govern how the server constructs these strings might change in future

This summary may not cover all requests in this category. For the complete list of requests, along with
detailed information about input and output types, see the Operations lists in the schema reference.

Table 5‑3. Summary of vApp Reconfiguration Requests

Operation Request Request Body Response

Retrieve vApp GET API-URL/vApp/vapp- None LeaseSettingsSection

LeaseSettingsSection id/ leaseSettingsSection/

Update vApp PUT API-URL/vApp/vapp- LeaseSettingsSection Task

LeaseSettingsSection id/ leaseSettingsSection/

Retrieve vApp GET API-URL/vApp/vapp- None StartupSection

StartupSection id/ startupSection/

Update vApp PUT API-URL/vApp/vapp- StartupSection Task

StartupSection id/ startupSection/

Retrieve vApp GET API-URL/vApp/vapp- None NetworkConfigSection

NetworkConfigSection id/ networkConfigSection/

Update vApp PUT API-URL/vApp/vapp- NetworkConfigSection Task

NetworkConfigSection id/ networkConfigSection/

136 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Retrieve the Configuration Links for a Virtual Machine

A virtual machine is represented by a Vm element. Each modifiable section of a Vm element includes a Link
element whose rel attribute has the value edit. You cannot modify sections that do not contain this Link

Any ovf:SectionType element can include an arbitrary number of Link elements. Sections that you can
modify include a Link element where rel="edit". To modify one of these sections, retrieve it by making a
GET request to the URL in the section's href attribute. Then make a PUT request to the href attribute value
of the Link where rel="edit" to update the section with your modifications.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp that contains the virtual machine to reconfigure.

Use a GET request as shown in “Example: Configuration Links in a vApp,” on page 135.

2 In the VApp element's Children element, find the Vm element that represents the virtual machine and
retrieve it.
3 Examine the response to find the reconfigureVm link and edit links to modifiable sections.

The response portion of “Example: Configuration Links in a Vm Element,” on page 137 shows the
reconfigureVm link and links for each of the modifiable sections of the Vm. You cannot modify sections
that do not contain a link where rel="edit".

Example: Configuration Links in a Vm Element

This example retrieves a Vm element shown in “Example: Configuration Links in a vApp,” on page 135. It
expands that element to show its configuration links. It also shows the entire NetworkConnectionSection of
that Vm, and additional information that is referenced in other examples. You cannot modify sections that do
not have a Link where rel="edit", so they do not appear in this example. Modifiable sections of the parent
vApp are shown in “Example: Configuration Links in a vApp,” on page 135.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/action/reconfigureVm" />

VMware, Inc. 137

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/cpu" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/cpu" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/memory" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/memory" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/media" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/networkCards" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/networkCards" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/operatingSystemSection/" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/operatingSystemSection/" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/networkConnectionSection/" />
<ovf:Info>Specifies the available VM network connections</ovf:Info>

138 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps


Summary of Vm Reconfiguration Requests

Vm reconfiguration requests retrieve or update modifiable sections of a virtual machine (Vm object).

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.

IMPORTANT Request URLs are always available in Link elements contained by the representation of the
object on which they operate. URL forms shown here are for reference purposes only. Although URLs have
a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat vCloud API request URLs
as opaque strings. The rules that govern how the server constructs these strings might change in future

This summary may not cover all requests in this category. For the complete list of requests, along with
detailed information about input and output types, see the Operations lists in the schema reference.

Table 5‑4. Summary of Vm Reconfiguration Requests

Operation Request Request Body Response

Retrieve the GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None NetworkConnectionSectio

NetworkConnectionSectio id/ n
n of a virtual machine networkConnectionSectio

Update the PUT API-URL/vApp/vm- NetworkConnectionSecti Task

NetworkConnectionSectio id/ on
n of a virtual machine networkConnectionSectio

Retrieve the GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None GuestCustomizationSecti

GuestCustomizationSecti id/ o
on of a virtual machine guestCustomizationSectio

Update the PUT API-URL/vApp/vm- GuestCustomizationSect Task

GuestCustomizationSecti id/ io
on of a virtual machine guestCustomizationSectio

Retrieve the GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None OperatingSystemSection

OperatingSystemSection id/
of a virtual machine operatingSystemSection/

VMware, Inc. 139

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 5‑4. Summary of Vm Reconfiguration Requests (Continued)

Operation Request Request Body Response

Update the PUT API-URL/vApp/vm- OperatingSystemSection Task

OperatingSystemSection id/
of a virtual machine operatingSystemSection/

Retrieve the GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None VirtualHardwareSection

VirtualHardwareSection id/
of a virtual machine virtualHardwareSection/

Update the PUT API-URL/vApp/vm- VirtualHardwareSection Task

VirtualHardwareSection id/
of a virtual machine virtualHardwareSection/

Retrieve the CPU GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None ovf:Item

configuration of a virtual id/
machine virtualHardwareSection/

Update the CPU PUT API-URL/vApp/vm- ovf:Item Task

configuration of a virtual id/
machine virtualHardwareSection/

Retrieve the memory item GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None ovf:Item

from the id/
VirtualHardwareSection virtualHardwareSection/
of a virtual machine memory

Update the memory item in PUT API-URL/vApp/vm- ovf:Item Task

the id/
VirtualHardwareSection virtualHardwareSection/
of a virtual machine memory

Retrieve virtual disk items GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None RasdItemsList

from the id/
VirtualHardwareSection virtualHardwareSection/
of a virtual machine disks

Update virtual disk items in PUT API-URL/vApp/vm- RasdItemsList Task

the id/
VirtualHardwareSection virtualHardwareSection/
of a virtual machine disks

Retrieve network card items GET API-URL/vApp/vm- None RasdItemsList

from the id/
VirtualHardwareSection virtualHardwareSection/
of a virtual machine networkCards

Update network card items PUT API-URL/vApp/vm- RasdItemsList Task

in the id/
VirtualHardwareSection virtualHardwareSection/
of a virtual machine networkCards

Update the name, POST API-URL/vApp/vm- Vm Task

Description, and any or all id/ action/reconfigureVm
on of a virtual machine.

140 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

vCloud API Custom Attributes

vCloud API custom attributes extend several elements in the ovf and rasd XML namespaces. You can use
these attributes to provide additional detail about virtual NIC and hard disk controller devices, or to specify
the guest operating system type.

With the exception of osType, custom attributes are scoped to ovf:Item elements based on the elements'
RASD resource type. The osType attribute applies to the ovf:OperatingSystemSection element. All of the
elements to which these custom attributes apply are contained in the VirtualHardwareSection of a Vm.

Table 5‑5. vCloud API Custom Attributes for OVF and RASD Elements
Element Name Type Attribute Name Attribute Type Description

rasd:Connection 10 ipAddressingMode xs:string IP addressing mode to use for this

(Network connection. One of NONE, MANUAL,
adapters) DHCP, POOL.

rasd:Connection 10 ipAddress xs:string If ipAddressingMode="MANUAL",

(Network set the IP address here

rasd:Connection 10 primaryNetworkCon xs:boolean True if this is the primary network

(Network nection connection of the virtual machine

rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard capacity xs:string Hard disk capacity in megabytes.

disks) See “Retrieve or Modify the Hard
Disk Configuration of a Virtual
Machine,” on page 160

rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard busType xs:string Bus type. One of:

disks) n 5 (IDE)
n 6 (SCSI)
n 20 (SATA)

rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard busSubType xs:string Hard disk controller type. One of:
disks) n buslogic
n lsilogic
n lsilogicsas
n VirtualSCSI
n vmware.sata.ahci
See “Retrieve or Modify the Hard
Disk Configuration of a Virtual
Machine,” on page 160 for valid
combinations of busType and

rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard storageProfileOverrid xs:boolean If true, the storage profile specified

disks) eVmDefault in storageProfileHref is always
used for this disk regardless of the
value specified in the virtual
machine's StorageProfile.
If false, any storage profile is
specified in storageProfileHref
is ignored and the disk is migrated
to the storage specified in the
virtual machine's StorageProfile.

VMware, Inc. 141

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 5‑5. vCloud API Custom Attributes for OVF and RASD Elements (Continued)
Element Name Type Attribute Name Attribute Type Description

rasd:HostResource 17 (Hard storageProfileHref xs:string If

disks) storageProfileOverrideVmDefa
ult is true, the value of
storageProfileHref specifies the
storage profile to use for this hard
disk. The storage profile must be
available in the VDC where this
virtual machine is deployed.

ovf:OperatingSystemSec N/A osType xs:string Internal VMware identifier for the

tion guest operating system. See Enum -
VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier in
the VMware vSphere API Reference

For more information about OVF and RASD (CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData) elements, see the OVF
specification, available at http://www.dmtf.org/standards/published_documents/DSP0243_1.0.0.pdf.

Update Multiple Sections of a Virtual Machine

You can make a single request that updates the name, Description, and any or all of the
VirtualHardwareSection, OperatingSystemSection, NetworkConnectionSection, GuestCustomizationSection
elements of a virtual machine.

Every Vm element contains a link to a reconfigureVm operation that you can use to update the name,
Description, and multiple sections in a single operation. Sections that you omit from the request body are
not updated.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the Vm element that you want to update.

2 Modify the retrieved Vm element.

Modifications can include the name, Description, and any or all of the VirtualHardwareSection,
OperatingSystemSection, NetworkConnectionSection, GuestCustomizationSection elements of the Vm.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

3 Use the modified Vm as the body of a reconfigureVm request.

The modified Vm replaces the contents of the retrieved Vm. For some section types, modifications take effect
immediately. For others, modifications take effect only after a power or deployment state change.

Example: Update Multiple Sections of a Virtual Machine

This example uses the reconfigureVm operation to accomplish the updates shown in “Example: Update a
NetworkConnectionSection,” on page 152 and “Example: Modify the Guest Customization Section of a
Virtual Machine,” on page 155 in a single operation.

142 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/action/reconfigureVm
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Vm ... >
<ovf:Info>Firewall allows access to this address.</ovf:Info>
<ovf:Info>Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings</ovf:Info>
<DomainName />
<DomainUserName />
<DomainUserPassword />
<AdminPassword />
<CustomizationScript />


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
operation="Updating Virtual Application Win2K3 (4)"

VMware, Inc. 143

vCloud API Programming Guide

Retrieve or Update a Modifiable Section

You can make a GET request to the URL of any modifiable section to retrieve it for modification. After you
modify the section, you can make a PUT request to its edit link to update the section with your

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the section to modify.

Make a GET request to the URL in the section's href attribute value.

2 Modify the retrieved section.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.
3 Update the section with your modifications.

Find the Link element in the section where rel="edit". Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's
href attribute value, and supply the modified section as the request body.

For most section types, the response to this request is a Task element that tracks the update operation.
When the task completes, the section is updated.

The modified section replaces the contents of the original section. For some section types, modifications take
effect immediately. For others, modifications take effect only after a power or deployment state change.

Example: Retrieve a NetworkConfigSection

This example retrieves the NetworkConfigSection of the vApp shown in “Example: Configuration Links in a
vApp,” on page 135.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/networkConfigSection


200 OK
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConfigSection+xml
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/networkConfigSection/" />

144 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />

For an example that updates this section, see “Example: Update a NetworkConfigSection,” on page 146 .

Update a vApp Network Configuration

To change the configuration of a vApp network, you retrieve the NetworkConfigSection element of the
vApp, modify it, and use it with a PUT request to update the section.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the vApp's NetworkConfigSection.

2 Modify the returned NetworkConfigSection as needed.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

3 Update the NetworkConfigSection in the vApp.

Find the Link element in the section where rel="edit". Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's
href attribute value, and supply the modified section as the request body.

VMware, Inc. 145

vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Update a NetworkConfigSection

This example modifies the NetworkConfigSection that was retrieved in “Example: Retrieve a
NetworkConfigSection,” on page 144. The modifications change the FenceMode value to natRouted and add a
Features element that defines several network features that are useful to an FTP server that must be
reachable from the public Internet, but only at the FTP and SSH ports. The modifications add the following

n A set of FirewallRules that allow TCP traffic to ports 21 and 22. Because these rules require you to
specify a single IP address on the inside of the firewall, the IpScope element is modified to limit the
range of IP addresses available on the vApp network to a single address. Any virtual machine that
connects to the vApp network defined in this NetworkConfigSection is given this address.

n A NatService element that maps a routable external IP address to the internal IP address allocated to
the Vm by the vApp network. The VAppScopedVmId value in this element is taken from the
VAppScopedLocalId element of the Vm and the VmNicId value is taken from its
PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex. See “Example: Configuration Links in a Vm Element,” on page 137.

For more information about these and other network services in vApp networks, see “Network Services in
vApp Networks,” on page 148

This request, like all request bodies derived from a response, omits the Link elements and href attributes
that were part of the retrieved NetworkConfigurationSection. It also omits the IsDeployed element of the
NetworkConfig. These elements and attributes are created by the server and are read-only. They are ignored
if you include them in a request. Read-only elements are noted in the schema reference.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/networkConfigSection/
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConfigSection+xml
<ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info>

146 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" />
<Description>FTP Rule</Description>
<Description>SSH Rule</Description>

VMware, Inc. 147

vCloud API Programming Guide


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)" ...>

IMPORTANT Whenever you modify a vApp network, as we do in this example, you must be sure that the
modifications are consistent with the network connection requirements of the virtual machines in the vApp.
The vApp in this example contains a single virtual machine. Its NetworkConnection element, shown in
“Example: Configuration Links in a Vm Element,” on page 137, specifies an IP address that will not be
available after the vApp network is reconfigured as shown here. “Example: Update a
NetworkConnectionSection,” on page 152 corrects this problem. This example uses the IpScope element to
restrict the IP addresses available on a vApp network. It is usually more practical to use a wide range of
addresses available on a vApp network and apply any firewall-related IP address restrictions by modifying
the NetworkConnectionSection of the Vm to which the FirewallRules apply, as shown in “Example: Update a
NetworkConnectionSection,” on page 152. A wider range of IP addresses allows you to modify this vApp
to include additional virtual machines, and the IP address restriction applied in “Example: Update a
NetworkConnectionSection,” on page 152 allows the FirewallRules in this example to remain valid.

Network Services in vApp Networks

The Features element of a vApp NetworkConfigSection defines the network services available to virtual
machines in the vApp.

A vApp network can be configured to provide many of the same kinds of services available in an
organization VDC network. Configuration parameters for these services are similar to those of their
counterparts on an Edge Gateway, but scoped to the needs of a vApp network.

For more information about vCloud Director networks, see “About vCloud Director Networks,”
on page 193. For more information about network services for organization VDC networks, see “Configure
Edge Gateway Services,” on page 201

DHCP Service
A DhcpService element defines an IP address range and lease policies for a DHCP service that can be used
by virtual machines in the vApp. Unlike a DHCP service in an Edge Gateway, it can support only a single IP
address range, as shown in this example.


148 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Firewall Service
A FirewallService element defines firewall rules that, when matched, block or allow incoming or outgoing
traffic on the vApp network. A firewall rule in a vApp network can specify the destination as a combination
of address and port, or as a specific virtual NIC in a Vm. This FirewallService allows TCP traffic to ports 21
and 22.

<Description>FTP Rule</Description>
<Description>SSH Rule</Description>

You can see this example in the context of a vApp NetworkConfigSection in “Example: Update a
NetworkConfigSection,” on page 146
An alternate implementation of the second FirewallRule in this example includes a DestinationVm element
that specifies the destination as a specific virtual NIC (identified in the VmNicId element) in a specific Vm
(identified in the VAppScopedVmId element. The value of VAppScopedVmId is taken from the VAppScopedLocalId
element of the Vm and the VmNicId value is taken from its PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex. See
“Example: Configuration Links in a Vm Element,” on page 137. The IpType is set to assigned, indicating that
the NIC retains its assigned IP address. If you set IpType is set to NAT, the IP address of the NIC is its
translated address.

<Description>allow ssh to a specific NIC in a specific Vm</Description>

VMware, Inc. 149

vCloud API Programming Guide


NAT Service
A NatService element defines network address translation services to virtual machines on the network. This
simple NatService defines a single rule that implements an IP translation NAT strategy for a single Vm.


You can see this example in the context of a vApp NetworkConfigSection in “Example: Update a
NetworkConfigSection,” on page 146

A NatService element like this one configures the service to use port forwarding instead of IP translation.
Instead of using a OneToOneVmRule, which specifies one external IP address to one NIC, it uses a VmRule
element, which enables port forwarding by allowing one external IP address to be forward to different ports
on different virtual machines.


Static Routing Service

A StaticRoutingService specifies static routes to other networks. In addition to creating static routes from
organization VDC networks on an EdgeGateway (see “Example: Static Routes Between Organization VDC
Networks,” on page 206, you can create static routes between vApp networks if they both define the same
ParentNetwork. Assume two vApp networks that have the following properties:

n The Configuration of the vApp network in vApp1 has a RouterInfo element whose ExternalIp value is

150 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

n The Configuration of the vApp network in vApp2 has a RouterInfo element whose ExternalIp value is

n Both vApp networks have the same ParentNetwork, an organization VDC network whose network
specification in CIDR notation is

You can enable static routing between these two vApp networks by inserting a StaticRoutingService
element in the Features of each vApp network Configuration. This excerpt from the NetworkConfigSection
of vApp1 shows the network's Configuration and Features elements..

<!-- Static route from vApp network 1 to vApp network 2 -->


This is a similar excerpt from the NetworkConfigSection of vApp2.

<!-- Static route from vApp network 2 to vApp network 1 -->


Update the NetworkConnectionSection of a Virtual Machine

Whenever you create a vApp network or update its configuration, you might also need to update the
NetworkConnectionSection elements of the virtual machines in the vApp.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the virtual machine's NetworkConnectionSection.

VMware, Inc. 151

vCloud API Programming Guide

2 Modify the returned NetworkConnectionSection as needed.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

3 Update the section with your modifications.

a In the retrieved section, find the Link element where rel="edit".

b Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified section
as the request body.

The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the update operation. When the task is
complete, the section is updated.

Example: Update a NetworkConnectionSection

This example modifies the NetworkConnectionSection shown in “Example: Configuration Links in a Vm
Element,” on page 137 so that this network connection is compatible with the reconfigured vApp network to
which it must connect. See “Example: Update a NetworkConfigSection,” on page 146. The modified
NetworkConnectionSection in the request changes two values:

n The IpAddress now specifies the address to which the vApp network's firewall allows access.

n Because it specifies an IP address, the modified NetworkConnectionSection also changes the value of the
IpAddressAllocationMode from DHCP to STATIC.

NOTE The ovf:Info element is a required member of NetworkConnectionSection and all other sections that
are derived from ovf:SectionType. The element must be present, even if it has no content. In this example,
we use the content to explain why the connection is configured this way.


PUT "https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/networkConnectionSection/
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ovf:Info>Firewall allows access to this address.</ovf:Info>

152 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps



202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)" ...>

Retrieve or Modify the CPU Configuration of a Virtual Machine

The CPU configuration of a virtual machine is represented by an Item in its VirtualHardwareSection

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the CPU section to modify.

Make a GET request to the URL in the section's href attribute value:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/cpu

2 Modify the retrieved section.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

3 Update the section with your modifications.

a In the retrieved section, find the Link element where rel="edit".

b Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified section
as the request body.

The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the update operation. When the task is
complete, the section is updated.

The modified section replaces the contents of the original section. For some section types, modifications take
effect immediately. For others, modifications take effect only after a power or deployment state change.

Example: Modify the CPU Configuration of a Virtual Machine

The initial configuration for the virtual machine used in this example shows a single CPU and
CoresPerSocket value of 1.

<Item xmlns="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"

VMware, Inc. 153

vCloud API Programming Guide

<rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
<rasd:Description>Number of Virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>1 virtual CPU(s)</rasd:ElementName>
<vmw:CoresPerSocket ovf:required="false">1</vmw:CoresPerSocket>

This request modifies the CPU section to add a second CPU to the Vm by changing the rasd:VirtualQuantity
value of the Item to 2. It also raises the value of CoresPerSocket to 2.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/cpu
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItem+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Item xmlns="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"
<rasd:AllocationUnits>hertz * 10^6</rasd:AllocationUnits>
<rasd:Description>Number of Virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>2 virtual CPU(s)</rasd:ElementName>
<vmw:CoresPerSocket ovf:required="false">2</vmw:CoresPerSocket>


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)" ...>

Retrieve or Modify the GuestCustomizationSection of a Virtual Machine

The GuestCustomizationSection element includes a customization script and other parameters that are
applied when you customize a virtual machine.

The GuestCustomizationSection includes predefined property names that VMware guest customization
tools recognize. Certain values in this element, if omitted or left empty, are inherited from the
OrgGuestPersonalizationSettings of the organization that owns the virtual machine. See “Retrieve or
Update Organization Settings,” on page 177.

The vCloud API also supports use of the ovf:ProductSection to pass an arbitrary set of key=value pairs to a
vApp or virtual machine through the ovf:Environment element. See “Retrieve or Modify ProductSection
Elements,” on page 156.

154 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the GuestCustomizationSection to modify.

Make a GET request to the URL in the section's href attribute value.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-12/guestCustomizationSection/

2 Modify the retrieved section.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

3 Update the section with your modifications.

a In the retrieved section, find the Link element where rel="edit".

b Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified section
as the request body.
The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the update operation. When the task is
complete, the section is updated.

The modified section replaces the contents of the original section. For some section types, modifications take
effect immediately. For others, modifications take effect only after a power or deployment state change.

Example: Modify the Guest Customization Section of a Virtual Machine

This request specifies guest customization values, including the information required to join the virtual
machine to a Windows domain.

NOTE If you include a CustomizationScript, it cannot exceed 49,000 characters.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-12/guestCustomizationSection/
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestcustomizationsection+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ovf:Info>Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings</ovf:Info>

VMware, Inc. 155

vCloud API Programming Guide

<AdminPassword />
<CustomizationScript />


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
operation="Updating Virtual Application Win2K3 (12)"

Retrieve or Modify ProductSection Elements

ProductSection elements allow you to pass runtime information to vApps and virtual machines. The
key=value pairs in this section are made available in the OVF Environment of a powered-on vApp or virtual

A vApp or virtual machine can get runtime information from its ovf:Environment element. This read-only
element is populated with information from a ProductSection element when the vApp or virtual machine is
powered on. A Vm can use VMware Tools to read these values from its ovf:Environment. A Vm can also read
the values by mounting a special media object. To make a key=value pair available in the ovf:Environment,
add it to the appropriate ProductSection of a vApp template or powered-off vApp or virtual machine.

NOTE All ProductSection elements in a vApp template, vApp, or virtual machine are returned as members
of a ProductSectionList. You cannot retrieve or update an individual ProductSection. You must retrieve
and modify the ProductSectionList to update the individual ProductSection elements it contains.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the ProductSectionList from the vApp or virtual machine.

Use a request like this one, which targets a vApp.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-123/productSections

The response is a ProductSectionList element, which contains all the ProductSection elements in the
vApp, along with a Link element that contains the rel="edit" URL to use when updating the
ProductSectionList. If the vApp contains no ProductSection elements, the response contains only the
Link element.

2 Modify the retrieved ProductSectionList.

You can modify existing ProductSection elements, create new ones, or both. ProductSection has no
required contents. Unlike updates to other sections, updates to a ProductSection merge new and
existing values, subject to the following rules:

n Property elements that are present in the existing ProductSection but not in the update are

n Property elements that are present in the update but not in the in the existing ProductSection are
added to the ProductSection if they have a corresponding Value element.

156 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

n If a Property element that is present in the existing ProductSection has different attributes,
qualifiers, or other details in the update, the Property in the update replaces the existing one.

n If a Property element that is present in the existing ProductSection has no Value in the update, the
existing Property and Value remain unchanged.

3 Update the section with your modifications.

Find the Link element in the ProductSectionList where rel="edit". Make a PUT request to the URL in
that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified ProductSectionList as the request body.

The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the update operation. When the task is
complete, the section is updated.

The modified section replaces the contents of the original section, subject to the rules listed in Step 2.

Example: Update a ProductSection in a vApp

This request creates or updates a ProductSectionList that contains a single ProductSection. The
ProductSection sets three properties. The response is a Task.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-123/productSections
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.productSections+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ovf:Info>Information about the installed software</ovf:Info>
<ovf:Label>CRM Database Host</ovf:Label>
<ovf:Label>CRM Database Usernname</ovf:Label>
<ovf:Label>CRM Database User Password</ovf:Label>

VMware, Inc. 157

vCloud API Programming Guide


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application ..." ...>

After the vApp is powered on, a virtual machine can retrieve the ovf:Environment document in the
following ways:

n It can use the default OVF iso transport type. This makes the environment document available as a file
named ovf-env.xml on an ISO image that is mounted on the first available CD-ROM device on the
virtual machine. You can use any convenient mechanism to read this file.

[root@example-vm-RHEL ~] cat /media/cdrom/ovf-env.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Environment ...>
oe:value="CRM.example.com" />
oe:value="dbuser" />
oe:value="Pa55w0rd" />

n If the virtual machine has VMware Tools installed, it can use the vmtoolsd program, as shown here.

[root@example-vm-RHEL ~] /usr/sbin/vmtoolsd --cmd 'info-get guestinfo.ovfEnv'

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Environment ...>
oe:value="CRM.example.com" />
oe:value="dbuser" />
oe:value="Pa55w0rd" />

On Windows, the vmtoolsd executable file is typically installed in C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware


158 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

Retrieve or Modify Groups of Related Sections in a Virtual Machine

The vCloud API provides links that you can use to retrieve or update groups of sections that define related
hardware items such as disks, media devices, and network cards in a Vm element.

As shown in “Example: Configuration Links in a Vm Element,” on page 137, Link elements for disks, media
devices, and network cards are grouped at the end of the VirtualHardwareSection. These links have content
type application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml, and reference a RasdItemsList element in the
VirtualHardwareSection of a Vm. The vCloud API uses the RasdItemsList element to aggregate related
elements in a VirtualHardwareSection. This approach simplifies retrieval and modification of Item elements
that are typically viewed or modified as a group.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the RasdItemsList from a Vm.

Make a GET request to the URL in the link where

type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml" and rel="down". See “Example: Retrieve
the Hard Disks and Controllers in a Virtual Machine,” on page 159.
2 Modify the items in the retrieved list.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

3 Update the sections with your modifications.

Make a PUT request to the URL in the link where

type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml" and rel="edit", and supply the modified
section as the request body.

The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the update operation. When the task is
complete, the section is updated.

Example: Retrieve the Hard Disks and Controllers in a Virtual Machine

This example uses the virtualHardwareSection/disks link shown in “Example: Configuration Links in a Vm
Element,” on page 137 to retrieve the list of hard disks and hard disk controllers for a virtual machine.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks" ... >

VMware, Inc. 159

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks" />
<rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>SCSI Controller 0</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>Hard disk</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>Hard disk 1</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>Hard disk</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>Hard disk 2</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>IDE Controller</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>IDE Controller 0</rasd:ElementName>

Retrieve or Modify the Hard Disk Configuration of a Virtual Machine

The hard disk configuration of a virtual machine is represented by an Item element in its

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

160 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

1 Retrieve the hard disk configuration from the virtual machine.

Make a GET request to the virtual machine's virtualHardwareSection/disks link.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks

The response to this kind of request is a RasdItemsList element that contains an Item element for each
of the virtual machine's hard disks and hard disk controllers, as shown in “Example: Retrieve the Hard
Disks and Controllers in a Virtual Machine,” on page 159.

2 Modify the retrieved section.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

You cannot modify the values of the busType and busSubType attributes after you create a new disk.
When creating a new disk, be sure to set the values of busType and busSubType to a valid combination.

Table 5‑6. Valid Combinations of busType and busSubType

busType busSubType Controller

5 null IDE controller

6 buslogic BusLogic Parallel SCSI controller

6 lsilogic LSI Logic Parallel SCSI controller

6 lsilogicsas LSI Logic SAS SCSI controller

6 VirtualSCSI Paravirtual SCSI controller

20 vmware.sata.ahci SATA controller (hardware version 10 and later)

3 Update the section with your modifications.

a In the retrieved section, find the Link element where rel="edit".

b Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified section
as the request body.

The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the update operation. When the task is
complete, the section is updated.

The modified section replaces the contents of the original section. For some section types, modifications take
effect immediately. For others, modifications take effect only after a power or deployment state change.

Example: Modify the Hard Disk Configuration of a Virtual Machine

The following request increases the capacity of the hard disk from 1GB to 10GB by changing the
vcloud:capacity value of the Item that defines the disk. The capacity is raised from 1024 to 10240. The
request body includes the entire RasdItemsList returned by the request shown in Step 1, even though only
one element is changed. Link elements from a response are ignored if you include them in a request, so they
are omitted in this example.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasditemslist+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 161

vCloud API Programming Guide

type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml" >
<rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>SCSI Controller 0</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>Hard disk</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>Hard disk 1</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>Hard disk</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>Hard disk 2</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>IDE Controller</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>IDE Controller 0</rasd:ElementName>

162 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

The response is a task.


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)" ...>

Update the Storage Profile for a Virtual Machine

You can update a Vm to revalidate the storage profile it uses or specify a different storage profile.
Revalidation of a virtual machine's current storage profile is required whenever the datastore that supports
the virtual machine changes.

Every Vm element includes a StorageProfile element whose href attribute value specifies the default storage
profile consumed by the virtual machine. This default is used for all hard diskItems in the
VIrtualHardwareSection that do not specify storageProfileOverrideVmDefault.

If you do not specify a StorageProfile during an instantiate, compose, or recompose operation, it is

inherited from the organization VDC in which the virtual machine is deployed. To change the value of an
existing StorageProfile, you must update the entire Vm element that contains it.

IMPORTANT When the system administrator changes the datastore that stores a virtual machine, you must
update the Vm element as shown in “Example: Update the Storage Profile for a Virtual Machine,” on
page 164.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the Vm element.

Make a GET request to the URL in the value of the href attribute of the Vm.

2 Modify the retrieved Vm to change the StorageProfile reference.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

3 Update the Vm with your modifications.

a Find the Link element in the Vm where rel="edit".

b Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified Vm as
the request body.

The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the relocation of the virtual machine to a
datastore in the new storage profile. When the task is complete, the virtual machine's StorageProfile
has been updated and the virtual machine has been relocated to the new storage profile.

VMware, Inc. 163

vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Update the Storage Profile for a Virtual Machine

This example shows a Vm element containing a StorageProfile. The actual update operation requires the
entire Vm element, including the StorageProfile, in the request body. Only a small part of the element
appears in this example.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Vm ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/3" />



202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)" ...>

Override the Default Storage Profile for a Hard Disk

By default, all hard disks defined in the VirtualHardwareSection of a Vm element use the storage profile
specified for the Vm. You can override this default for any of these disks when you instantiate a vApp
template, compose or recompose a vApp, or reconfigure a virtual machine.

Every Vm element includes a StorageProfile element. The storage profile referenced in this element
normally provides storage for all the hard disk Items in the virtual machine's VirtualHardwareSection. You
can override this default by updating the virtual machine's VirtualHardwareSection to add
storageProfileOverrideVmDefault and storageProfileHref attributes to the Item that defines the hard disk.
You can update a VirtualHardwareSection when you are instantiating a vApp template, composing or
recomposing a vApp, or reconfiguring a virtual machine.

IMPORTANT You cannot override the default storage profile for any hard disk of a virtual machine that is
deployed in a VDC where fast provisioning is enabled.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an administrator, Catalog Author, or vApp Author.

1 Retrieve the hard disk configuration from the virtual machine.

Make a GET request to the virtual machine's virtualHardwareSection/disks link.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks

164 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps

The response to this kind of request is a RasdItemsList element that contains an Item element for each
of the virtual machine's hard disks and hard disk controllers, as shown in “Example: Retrieve the Hard
Disks and Controllers in a Virtual Machine,” on page 159.

2 In the VirtualHardwareSection of the retrieved Vm, modify the rasd:HostResource element of the Item
that defines the disk for which you want to override the default storage profile.
Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

a In the VirtualHardwareSection of the Vm, find the Item that represents the hard disk for which you
want to override the default storage profile.

b Add a storageProfileHref to the rasd:HostResource element of the Item and set its value to the
href of the storage profile you want to use for this disk. The storage profile you specify must be
available in the VDC where this virtual machine is deployed.

c Add a storageProfileOverrideVmDefault attribute to the rasd:HostResource element of the Item.

The value of this attribute controls whether changes to the virtual machine's StorageProfile affect
the storage profile that this disk uses.

Table 5‑7. How storageProfileOverrideVmDefault Values Affect Hard Disk Storage Profile
Value Result

true (default) The storage profile specified in storageProfileHref is always used

for this disk regardless of the value specified in the virtual machine's

false Any storage profile that is specified in storageProfileHref is

ignored and the disk is migrated to the storage specified in the virtual
machine's StorageProfile.

If you omit the storageProfileOverrideVmDefault attribute, the storageProfileHref is ignored.

3 Update the section with your modifications.

a In the retrieved section, find the Link element where rel="edit".

b Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified section
as the request body.

The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the update operation. When the task is
complete, the section is updated.

Example: Override the Default Storage Profile for a Hard Disk

This example builds on the ones shown in “Example: Update the Storage Profile for a Virtual Machine,” on
page 164 and “Example: Modify the Hard Disk Configuration of a Virtual Machine,” on page 161. This
virtual machine has the storage profile specified in “Example: Update the Storage Profile for a Virtual
Machine,” on page 164:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/3" />

To specify a new storage profile for the disk whose capacity was increased in “Example: Modify the Hard
Disk Configuration of a Virtual Machine,” on page 161, you must provide the storageProfileHref for the
new storage profile and also set the storageProfileOverrideVmDefault attribute to true.

VMware, Inc. 165

vCloud API Programming Guide


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4/virtualHardwareSection/disks
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasditemslist+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItemsList+xml" >
<rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>SCSI Controller 0</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>Hard disk</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>Hard disk 1</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>Hard disk</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>Hard disk 2</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:Description>IDE Controller</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName>IDE Controller 0</rasd:ElementName>

166 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 5 Deploying and Operating vApps



202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)" ...>

VMware, Inc. 167

vCloud API Programming Guide

168 VMware, Inc.

Creating and Managing
Organizations 6
The VMware vCloud API supports objects and operations that an organization or a system administrator
can use to automate tasks associated with creating and managing organizations and their VDCs, networks,
catalogs, and users.

A successful login by an organization or system administrator returns a Session element, which contains a
link that enables the administrator to retrieve a VCloud element. This element provides access to a cloud-
wide namespace of administrative objects. See “Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud,” on page 53.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Summary of Administrative Requests,” on page 169

n “Administrator Credentials and Privileges,” on page 172

n “Organization Administration,” on page 173

n “VDC Administration,” on page 185

n “Network Administration,” on page 193

n “Catalog Administration,” on page 221

n “User and Group Administration,” on page 243

n “Working With Roles and Rights,” on page 251

Summary of Administrative Requests

Administrative requests retrieve or update administrative objects such as organizations, users, and VDCs.

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.

IMPORTANT Request URLs are always available in Link elements contained by the representation of the
object on which they operate. URL forms shown here are for reference purposes only. Although URLs have
a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat vCloud API request URLs
as opaque strings. The rules that govern how the server constructs these strings might change in future

This summary may not cover all requests in this category. For the complete list of requests, along with
detailed information about input and output types, see the Operations lists in the schema reference.

VMware, Inc. 169

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 6‑1. Summary of Administrative Requests

Operation Request Request Body Response

Retrieve an administrative GET API- None AdminOrg

view of an organization. URL/admin/org/id

Create an organization. POST API-URL/admin/orgs AdminOrg AdminOrg

Enable an organization. POST API- None 204 No Content

Disable an organization. POST API- None 204 No Content


Update an organization. PUT API- AdminOrg AdminOrg


Create an Edge Gateway. POST API- EdgeGateway EdgeGateway


Retrieve an Edge Gateway. GET API- None EdgeGateway


Update Edge Gateway POST API- EdgeGatewayServiceConf Task

services. URL/admin/edgeGateway/i iguration

Reapply Edge Gateway POST API- None 204 No Content

Services URL/admin/edgeGateway/i

Redeploy an Edge Gateway POST API- None 204 No Content


Delete an Edge Gateway. DELETE API- None Task


Create an organization VDC POST API- OrgVdcNetwork Task

network. URL/admin/vdc/id/networ

Update an organization PUT API- OrgVdcNetwork Task

VDC network. URL/admin/network/id

Retrieve a list of networks in GET API- None QueryResultRecords

this organization VDC. URL/admin/vdc/id/networ

Delete an organization VDC DELETE API- None Task

network. URL/admin/network/id

Synchronize syslog server POST API- None Task

settings for a vApp network. URL/admin/network/id/acti

Synchronize syslog server POST API- None Task

settings for an Edge URL/admin/edgeGateway/i
Gateway. d/action/syncSyslogServerS

Reset a network. POST API- None Task


170 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Table 6‑1. Summary of Administrative Requests (Continued)

Operation Request Request Body Response

Retrieve the admin view of a GET API- None ProviderVdc

provider VDC. URL/admin/providervdc/id

List the organization VDCs GET API- None VdcReferences

supported by a provider URL/admin/providervdc/id
VDC. /vdcReferences

Create an organization VDC. POST API- AdminVdc AdminVdc


Enable an organization POST API- None 204 No Content

VDC. URL/admin/vdc/id/action/e

Disable an organization POST API- None 204 No Content

VDC. URL/admin/vdc/id/action/d

Delete an organization VDC. DELETE API- None Task


Create a catalog. POST API- AdminCatalog AdminCatalog


Share a catalog with all POST API- PublishCatalogParams 204 No Content

organizations in your cloud. URL/admin/catalog/id/actio

Update catalog properties. PUT API- AdminCatalog AdminCatalog


Delete a catalog. DELETE API- None 204 No Content


Update the owner of a PUT API- Owner 204 No Content

catalog. URL/admin/catalog/id/own

Create or import a user. POST API- User User


Update user properties. PUT API- User User


Retrieve a list of rights GET API- None References

granted to a user. URL/admin/user/id/grante

Delete a user. DELETE API- None 204 No Content


Transfer ownership of a POST API- None 204 No Content

user's vApps, media, and URL/admin/user/id/action/t
catalogs to the caller. [NEW] akeOwnership

Import a group. POST API- Group Group


Delete a group. DELETE API- None 204 No Content


Update group properties. PUT API- Group Group


Create a role. POST API- Role Role


Update role properties. PUT API- Role Role


VMware, Inc. 171

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 6‑1. Summary of Administrative Requests (Continued)

Operation Request Request Body Response

Delete a role. DELETE API- None 204 No Content


Retrieve a list of tasks GET API-URL/tasksList/id None TasksList

owned by organization id.

Retrieve a task. GET API-URL/task/id None Task

Cancel a task. POST API- None 204 No Content

POST API-URL/admin/user/id/action/takeOwnership

Administrator Credentials and Privileges

An administrator's privileges are scoped by the organization to which the administrator authenticates.

The vCloud API defines two levels of administrative privilege:

n Organization administrators, who have administrative privileges in a specific organization.

n System administrators, who have superuser privileges throughout the system. System administrators
are members of the System organization, and can create, read, update, and delete all objects in a cloud.
They have organization administrator rights in all organizations in a cloud, and can operate directly on
vSphere resources to create and modify provider VDCs, external networks, network pools, and similar
system-level objects.

Some administrative operations, and all vSphere platform operations, are restricted to the system
administrator. Before you attempt these operations, log in to the System organization with the user name
and password of the system administrator account that was created when vCloud Director was installed.
For example, if the system administrator’s user name and password was defined as administrator and
Pa55w0rd, the system administrator login credentials are the MIME Base64 encoding of the string

NOTE When logging in using a SAML identity provider, the system administrator must use the vSphere
SSO Service as the identity provider. See “Create a Login Session Using a SAML Identity Provider,” on
page 49.

The System Organization

The System organization is created automatically when vCloud Director is installed. Unlike the
organizations represented by Org and AdminOrg objects, the System organization cannot contain catalogs,
VDCs, groups, or users who are not system administrators.

Example: The System Organization

When a system administrator logs in to the REST API, the OrgList in the returned Session element contains
a link to the System organization.

<OrgList ... >


172 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Organization Administration
System administrators create organizations and organization administrators, and establish certain
organization policies. Organization administrators populate their organization with users and groups,
assign roles, and can update most organization policies and properties.

A cloud can contain one or more organizations. Each organization is a unit of administration for a collection
of users, groups, and computing resources. Users authenticate at the organization level, supplying
credentials established when the user was created or imported. User credentials are authenticated by the
organization's identity provider, which can be either the integrated identity provider included in
vCloud Director or an external SAML-based identity provider.

Create an Organization
To create an organization, a system administrator POSTs an AdminOrg element to the cloud’s add URL for

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the cloud.

Use a request like this one.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding organizations to the

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.organization+xml, as shown here:

<Link href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/orgs"

3 Create an AdminOrg element that specifies the properties of the organization.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Organization,” on page 173.

4 POST the AdminOrg element you created in Step 3 to the URL described in Step 2.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Organization,” on page 173.

The server creates and enables the organization, and returns an AdminOrg element that includes the contents
you POSTed, along with a set of Link elements that you can use to access, remove, disable, or modify it.
vCloud API users can log in to this organization using the URL specified in the href attribute of the Link
where rel="alternate". Users of the vCloud Director Web console can log in to the organization at a URL of
the form cloud-url/org/name, where cloud-url is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/cloud and
name is the value of the name attribute of the AdminOrg element. To log in to the organization created by
“Example: Create an Organization,” on page 173, a user opens a browser and navigates to

Example: Create an Organization

This request creates an organization and specifies its required properties. For a list of all required and
optional elements that an AdminOrg contains, see the schema reference.

VMware, Inc. 173

vCloud API Programming Guide


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/orgs
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.organization+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Example Corporation’s Finance Organization</Description>
<CustomUsersOu />
<FromEmailAddress />
<DefaultSubjectPrefix />

The response contains information extracted from the request, and includes links that an administrator can
use to manage the organization and its settings, and to add resources such as VDCs, catalogs, and users. On
creation, AdminOrg objects are disabled by default unless the create request includes an IsEnabled element
with a value of true. A system administrator must enable a disabled AdminOrg before users can log into it.
See “Example: Enable an Organization,” on page 180

The response also includes elements inherited from system defaults, such as OrgPasswordPolicySettings,
VAppLeaseSettings, and VAppTemplateLeaseSettings. The full content of these elements appears in the actual
response. This example shows only a subset.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.organization+xml

174 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/catalogs" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/users" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/groups" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/vdcs" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/action/enable" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26" />
<Description>Example Corporation’s Finance Organization</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/vAppTemplateLeaseSettings" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/email" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/vAppLeaseSettings" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/passwordPolicy" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/general" />

VMware, Inc. 175

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/general/ldap" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/operationLimitsSettings" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/general" />

176 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Retrieve or Update Organization Settings

Organization settings define organization policies such as default lease settings for vApps and how
incorrect login attempts are handled. They also configure how the organization uses services such as email
and LDAP, and define the organization's federated identity provider if it uses one.

An AdminOrg element contains an OrgSettings element, which contains the following elements, each of
which represents a group of related organization settings. Default settings are inherited from the containing

GeneralOrgSettings Specifies storage and deployment quotas and other behaviors for virtual
machines that members of this organization own. Sets the scope of catalog
publication and subscription in this organization.

VAppLeaseSettings Controls storage and deployment leases for vApps.

VAppTemplateLeaseSettin Controls storage and deployment leases for vApp templates.


OrgLdapSettings Defines whether this organization is connected to an LDAP service, and

whether it uses the service defined in the system LdapSettings or a custom
LDAP service defined here.

OrgEmailSettings Defines whether this organization uses the email service defined in the
system EmailSettings or a custom email service defined here.

OrgPasswordPolicySettin Specifies policies to be followed when a user in this organization enters an

gs incorrect password. Initial values are inherited from the system

OrgOperationLimitsSetti Specifies limits to be placed on simultaneous resource-intensive operations

ngs and console sessions for members of this organization.

OrgGuestPersonalization Default values for GuestCustomizationSection elements in virtual machines

Settings created by this organization. See “Retrieve or Modify the
GuestCustomizationSection of a Virtual Machine,” on page 154

OrgFederationSettings Settings related to the identity provider that this organization shares with
other applications or enterprises to enable single sign-on. See “Enabling and
Managing Federation,” on page 182.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

1 Retrieve the list of organization settings elements.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings

The response is an OrgSettings element.

2 Examine the OrgSettings element to find the links to the sections to view or modify.

Each section is represented in the OrgSettings element with a link where rel="down". You can use that
link to retrieve the section. The retrieved section includes a link where rel="edit". You can use that link
as the target of a PUT request that modifies the settings that the element represents. The OrgSettings
element itself also has a rel="edit" link, which you can use to update multiple settings sections in one

VMware, Inc. 177

vCloud API Programming Guide

3 Retrieve the settings element to modify.

Make a GET request to the URL in the element's href attribute value.

4 Modify the retrieved settings element.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

5 Update the settings with your modifications.

Find the Link element in the settings element where rel="edit". Make a PUT request to the URL in that
link's href attribute value, and supply the modified section as the request body. See the request portion
of “Example: Update Organization General Settings,” on page 178.

Example: Update Organization General Settings

This example updates the general settings of the organization created in “Example: Create an Organization,”
on page 173. When you create or retrieve an AdminOrg, these settings are contained in the
OrgGeneralSettings element. To update them, you must use a GeneralOrgSettings element, which has the
same contents as OrgGeneralSettings. This update changes the limits on deployed and stored virtual
machines. The request includes all members of the GeneralOrgSettings element, even those that are not
changing. It is a best practice to include all members of the GeneralOrgSettings element in an update
request. Optional elements that are missing or empty in the request are reset to their default values.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/general
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.organizationGeneralSettings+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The response contains information extracted from the request, and includes a rel="edit" link and other
attributes that the server creates.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.organizationGeneralSettings+xml

178 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/general" />

When you retrieve the organization after updating its GeneralOrgSettings, you can see the results of the
update in the OrgGeneralSettings element of the AdminOrg.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26
<AdminOrg ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/general" />

Enable, Disable, or Remove an Organization

An AdminOrg element includes action links that a system administrator can use to enable, disable, or remove
the organization.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Retrieve the XML representation of the organization. See “Retrieve a List of Organizations Accessible to
You,” on page 52.

n To enable an organization, POST a request to its action/enable link.

n To disable an organization, POST a request to its action/disable link.

VMware, Inc. 179

vCloud API Programming Guide

n To remove an organization, remove all the objects it contains, then disable and remove it.

a Delete all of the following from the organization:

n local users and groups

n catalogs

n VDCs

b POST a request to the action/disable link to disable the organization.

After the organization is disabled, its representation includes a rel="remove" link.

c Make a DELETE request to the organization's rel="remove" link.

The server takes the requested action and returns an HTTP status of 204 No Content.

Example: Enable an Organization

This example enables the organization created in “Example: Create an Organization,” on page 173.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/action/enable


204 No Content

Truststore and Keytab Maintenance for Organizations

You can use the vCloud API to upload and manage SSL certificates, keystores, and Kerberos keytabs for
your organization's LDAP service. You can also use the vCloud API to configure SSPI, the Microsoft
Security Support Provider Interface, for use with Active Directory.

The OrgLdapSettings element includes links that enable an organization administrator to maintain
certificates and truststores for the organization's LDAP service.

<AdminOrg ... >

<OrgLdapSettings ... >





180 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations




All of these links implement similar operations. They either upload a new certificate, keytab, or keystore, or
reset or remove an existing one. vCloud Director imposes limits on upload sizes.

Table 6‑2. Truststore, Certificate, and Keytab Upload Limits

Upload Type Maximum Size in Megabytes

LDAP certificate 2

LDAP keystore 2

LDAP SSPI keytab 2

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

1 Determine whether the request requires a body.

Requests whose rel value includes the string reset do not require a body. For details about other
request bodies, see the schema reference.

2 POST the request to the request URL.

Include the request body if one is required.

3 Take any action required by the response.

The response to an update request includes an uploadLocation parameter whose value is a URL to
which you can upload the certificate, keytab, or keystore with a PUT request. Requests whose rel value
includes the string reset return a No Content response and require no further action.

Example: Upload an SSL Certificate for an Organization LDAP Service

This example uploads an SSL certificate whose size is 892 bytes. The first step obtains an upload URL by
POSTing a CertificateUpdateParams element to the organization's
settings/ldap/action/updateLdapCertificate URL.


POST: https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/ldap/action/updateLdapCertificate
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.certificateUpdateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 181

vCloud API Programming Guide

The response contains an uploadLocation parameter whose value is a URL to which you can upload the


operation="Updating LDAP certificate Organization (7)"

To upload the certificate, make a PUT request to the uploadLocation URL and supply the certificate in the
request body.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/53bc1/ldapCertificate
Content-length: 892
...serialized contents of certificate...



200 OK

Enabling and Managing Federation

An organization that defines an external identity provider that it shares with other applications or
enterprises is said to be federated with those applications or enterprises.

An organization can define a SAML identity provider that it shares with other applications or enterprises.
Users that authenticate to the identity provider obtain a token that they can then use to log in to the
organization. Such a strategy can enable an enterprise to provide access to multiple, unrelated services,
including vCloud Director with a single set of credentials, an arrangement often referred to as single sign-
on. An organization that wants to participate in a federated identity scheme must include an
OrgFederationSettings element that contains SAML metadata retrieved from the federation's identity
provider. By default, this element is empty.

NOTE When an organization is created, it is provided with a self-signed certificate for use when establishing
trust with an identity provider. This certificate expires after one year. You can regenerate this certificate by
making a request of the following form.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/id/settings/federation/action/regenerateCertificate

You can retrieve this certificate with a request of the following form, where name is the name of the
organization :

GET https://vcloud.example.com/cloud/org/name/saml/metadata/alias/vcd

You do not have to be authenticated to make this request.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

182 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Download the appropriate SAML metadata in XML format from your identity provider. The SAML
metadata must provide mappings for the user attributes shown in this XML fragment:

FriendlyName="Subject Type"

1 Retrieve the list of organization settings elements.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings

The response is an OrgSettings element.

2 Examine the OrgSettings element to find the link to the OrgFederationSettings.

3 Retrieve the OrgFederationSettings.

Make a GET request to the URL in the element's href attribute value.

4 Modify the retrieved OrgFederationSettings element to add your identity provider's SAML metadata
as the value of the SAMLMetadata element.

XML entities must be encoded, as shown in “Example: Update Organization Federation Settings,” on
page 183

5 Update the OrgFederationSettings with your modifications.

Find the Link element in the settings element where rel="edit". Make a PUT request to the URL in that
link's href attribute value, and supply the modified section as the request body. See the request portion
of “Example: Update Organization Federation Settings,” on page 183.

Example: Update Organization Federation Settings

This example updates the OrgFederationSettings of the organization created in “Example: Create an
Organization,” on page 173. The update adds SAML metadata retrieved from an identity provider, and
enables federation by setting Enabled to true. Only a subset of the SAML metadata is shown.

VMware, Inc. 183

vCloud API Programming Guide


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/settings/federation
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.organizationFederationSettings+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OrgFederationSettings .
xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" .... &gt;
&lt;/EntitiesDescriptor&gt; </SAMLMetadata>

NOTE To update or remove OrgFederationSettings after a SAML identity provider is specified, you must
include an empty SAMLMetadata element in the update request. If you do not, the request fails and the
OrgFederationSettings are not changed.

The response contains information extracted from the request, and includes Link elements that the server


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.organizationFederationSettings+xml
<OrgFederationSettings ...

xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" .... &gt;
&lt;/EntitiesDescriptor&gt; </SAMLMetadata>

184 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

VDC Administration
A newly created organization has no VDCs in it. A system administrator must use system resources to
create them.

An organization virtual datacenter (organization VDC) is a deployment environment for virtual systems
owned by the containing organization, and an allocation mechanism for resources such as networks,
storage, CPU, and memory. In an organization VDC, computing resources are fully virtualized, and can be
allocated based on demand, service level requirements, or a combination of the two.

VDC administration involves the following objects:

n A ProviderVdc, which a system administrator creates from vSphere platform resources. See “Create a
Provider VDC,” on page 277.

n An AdminVdc, which a system administrator creates to allocate a subset of ProviderVdc resources to a

VDC in a specific organization. Organization members see an AdminVdc as a Vdc.

Add a VDC to an Organization

A system administrator can allocate resources from a provider VDC to a VDC in an organization by
POSTing a CreateVdcParams element to an organization’s add URL for VDCs.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

Retrieve the list of network pools. Several types of organization VDC networks require the VDC to include a
network pool, which you can specify when you create or update the VDC. See “Retrieve a List of External
Networks and Network Pools,” on page 272 for information about how to retrieve this list.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the organization to which you want to add the VDC.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding VDCs to the

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.createVdcParams+xml, as shown here:


VMware, Inc. 185

vCloud API Programming Guide

3 Choose a provider VDC to supply resources for the new organization VDC

a Retrieve the XML representation of the VCloud object and examine the ProviderVdcReferences
element it contains.

The following request retrieves the representation of the VCloud object:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin

The VCloud element contains a ProviderVdcReferences element. Each provider VDC in the system
is represented in that element by a ProviderVdcReference element, as shown here:

name="Main Provider"

b (Optional) List the organization VDCs that each ProviderVdc supports.

The following request retrieves the list of organization VDCs that .../providervdc/2 supports:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/providervdc/2/vdcReferences

Taking this optional step can help you allocate ProviderVdc resources equitably across the
organization VDCs in a cloud.
4 Create a CreateVdcParams request body.

a Include an AllocationModel element that specifies how compute resources are allocated by this

Choose one of the following values for AllocationModel:

AllocationVApp Pay as you go. Resources are committed to the organization VDC only
when vApps are created in it. When you use this allocation model,
any Limit values you specify for Memory and CPU are ignored when
you create a vApp and returned as 0 when you retrieve a vApp.
Resources available to this kind of organization VDC can grow or
shrink as needed when its provider VDC has multiple resource pools.

AllocationPool Only a percentage of the resources you allocate are committed to the
organization VDC

ReservationPool All the resources you allocate are committed as a pool to the
organization VDC. vApps in VDCs that support this allocation model
can specify values for resources and limitations.

NOTE If you choose AllocationPool or ReservationPool, you can also include an

OverCommitAllowed element in the CreateVdcParams request. Setting its value to false prevents
creation of the VDC if the ComputeCapacity you specified is greater than what the backing Provider
VDC can supply.

b Include at least one VdcStorageProfile element that specifies a ProviderVdcStorageProfile defined

in the Provider VDC you chose in Step 3.

c Include a NetworkPoolReference element.

The VDC must include a network pool if you want to create routed or isolated networks in it.

d Include a ProviderVdcReference element that contains a reference to the Provider VDC you chose
in Step 3.
See the request portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC,” on page 187.

186 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

5 POST the CreateVdcParams request body to the organization's add link for vdcs.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC,” on page 187.

The server creates the new VDC in the specified organization and returns an AdminVdc element that includes
a set of Link elements that you can use to access, remove, or modify the new VDC. Users can reference this
VDC using the URL specified in the href attribute in the Link where rel="alternate". See the response
portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC,” on page 187.

Example: Create an Organization VDC

This example adds an AllocationvApp VDC to the organization created in “Example: Create an
Organization,” on page 173. The new organization VDC is provisioned from the Provider VDC created in
“Create a Provider VDC,” on page 277, and includes a storage profile named Silver, which is backed by
one of the storage profiles available in the Provider VDC. It also includes a network pool, so that it is
capable of supporting routed and isolated organization VDC networks. See “Retrieve a List of External
Networks and Network Pools,” on page 272 for information on how to find a NetworkPoolReference to use.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/vdcsparams
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.createVdcParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Example VDC</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/pvdcStorageProfile/101" />

VMware, Inc. 187

vCloud API Programming Guide

name="Main Provider"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/providervdc/35" />

The response, a subset of which appears here, contains information extracted from the request, and includes
a Task element that tracks creation of the VDC. The response also includes Link elements that enable
administrative operations on the VDC, and a Capabilities element that lists the VMware virtual hardware
architectures that the VDC supports. These elements are retrieved from the Provider VDC that you specified
when you created the CreateVdcParams. While the VDC is under construction, its status remains 0.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vdc+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/metadata" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/44" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vdc/44/resourcePools" />
<Description>Example VDC</Description>
operation="Creating Virtual Datacenter org26vdc1(44)"

188 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations


When construction is complete, the status changes to 1 and the Task is no longer included in representation.
The following changes in the AdminVdc are also evident:

n A reference to the vSphere resource pool that supports the VDC appears in a VCloudExtension element.

n There is an empty ResourceEntities element, because the VDC contains no Media, VAppTemplate, or
Disk entities. For information about adding them, see Chapter 4, “Provisioning an Organization,” on
page 57.

n There is an empty AvailableNetworks element. To add networks to this organization VDC, see “Create
an Organization VDC Network,” on page 211.

n Additional Link elements are included for operations that are now valid, but that were not valid while
the VDC was under construction.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/e0b93bca-5dc2-453c-b3dc-bba8067d32b6" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/action/disable" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/metadata" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/44" />

VMware, Inc. 189

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/edgeGateways" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/edgeGateways" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/networks" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/networks" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vdc/44/resourcePools" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/vdcStorageProfiles" />
<ResourceEntities />
<AvailableNetworks />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdcStorageProfile/158" />

Update Organization VDC Storage Profiles

A system administrator can update the storage profiles that are available in an organization VDC. You can
add new storage profiles and remove unused storage profiles.

An organization VDC storage profile allocates a subset of the storage available in a Provider VDC storage
profile for use by vApp templates, virtual machines, and media objects in the organization VDC. For each
organization VDC storage profile you create, you must specify a storage limit, which cannot exceed the
storage available in the Provider VDC storage profile (the value of CapacityTotal–CapacityUsed in the
ProviderVdcStorageProfile). When you update organization VDC storage profiles, you can change the
default storage profile and modify the limits on existing storage profiles.

NOTE Storage profiles are represented as Storage Policies in the vCloud Director Web console.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

190 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the VDC in the admin view.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44

2 Examine the AdminVdc element to find the vdcStorageProfiles link, VdcStorageProfiles element, and
ProviderVdcReference element it contains.

The vdcStorageProfiles link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/vdcStorageProfiles" />

3 Create an UpdateVdcStorageProfiles request body that specifies the details of the update.

To add a storage profile:

a Select a storage profile from the Provider VDC referenced in the ProviderVdcReference element of
the VDC you are updating.

The storage profile must not be listed in the VdcStorageProfiles element of the VDC you are

b Include an AddStorageProfile element in the UpdateVdcStorageProfiles request body.

The AddStorageProfile element must specify values for Units, Limit, and Default, and must
include a reference to the Provider VDC storage profile on which it is based. You can add multiple
storage profiles in a single request. Only one of them can specify Default as true. If any
AddStorageProfile element specifies Default as true, that storage profile becomes the new default
storage profile for the VDC.
To remove a storage profile:

a Examine the VdcStorageProfiles element and find the profile to remove.

b Verify that it is not the default storage profile for the VDC, and that no virtual machines are using

You can use the adminVm query and filter on the storageProfileName attribute to list all storage
profiles that are in use.
c Create an UpdateVdcStorageProfiles element that contains a DeleteStorageProfile element for
each storage profile to remove.

4 POST the UpdateVdcStorageProfiles element to the VDC's vdcStorageProfiles link.

Example: Update VDC Storage Profiles

This request adds a storage profile to the VDC created in “Example: Create an Organization VDC,” on
page 187. The new storage profile is one of the profiles available from the Provider VDC that backs this
organization VDC.

One way to retrieve a list of all the Provider VDC storage profiles available from a specific Provider VDC is
to use the query service. This query applies a filter that selects only those storage profiles available from the
Provider VDC that backs the organization VDC created in “Example: Create an Organization VDC,” on
page 187.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=providerVdcStorageProfile&format=references

VMware, Inc. 191

vCloud API Programming Guide

The response might look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ProviderVdcStorageProfileReferences .../>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/pvdcStorageProfile/101" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/pvdcStorageProfile/128" />

Using information, you can construct the AddStorageProfile element in the request body. This example
creates a storage profile that is not a default storage profile, and has a specific value for Limit, 5038 MB. To
specify unlimited storage (subject to the capacity of the underlying Provider VDC), set the value of Limit to


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/vdcStorageProfiles
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.updateVdcStorageProfiles+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/pvdcStorageProfile/128" />

The response is a Task.


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... >

192 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Enable, Disable, or Remove a VDC

A system administrator can use the enable, disable, and remove links in an AdminVdc body to enable, disable,
or remove an organization VDC.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n To enable a VDC, POST a request to its action/enable link.

n To disable a VDC, POST a request to its action/disable link.

When you disable an organization VDC, you prevent further use of its compute and storage resources.
Running vApps and powered on virtual machines continue to run, but you cannot create or start
additional vApps or virtual machines.

n To remove a VDC, remove all the objects it contains, then disable and remove it.

a Relocate or remove any vApps that have been uploaded to the VDC.

b Remove any organization VDC networks that the VDC contains.

c Remove any Edge Gateways that the VDC contains.

d POST a request to its action/disable link to disable the VDC.

After the VDC is disabled, its representation includes a rel="remove" link.

e Make a DELETE request to the VDC's rel="remove" link.

The server takes the requested action and returns an HTTP status of 204 No Content.

Network Administration
A newly created organization VDC has no networks in it. After a system administrator has created the
required network infrastructure, an organization administrator can create and manage most types of
organization VDC networks.

An organization VDC can be provisioned with one or more networks. These organization VDC networks
can be configured to provide direct or routed connections to external networks, or can be isolated from
external networks and other organization VDC networks. Routed connections require an Edge Gateway and
network pool in the VDC. The Edge Gateway provides firewall, network address translation, static routing,
VPN, and load balancing services.

About vCloud Director Networks

There are three categories of vCloud Director networks: external networks, organization VDC networks, and
vApp networks. Additional infrastructure objects such as Edge Gateways and network pools are required
by most categories of networks.

You must be a system administrator to create an external network, a directly connected organization VDC
network, a network pool, or an Edge Gateway. An organization administrator can create and modify routed
and isolated organization VDC networks, and any user who has vApp Author rights can create and modify
a vApp network.

VMware, Inc. 193

vCloud API Programming Guide

vApp Networks
A vApp network is a logical network that controls how the virtual machines in a vApp connect to each other
and to organization VDC networks. Users specify vApp network details in an instantiateVAppTemplate or
composeVApp request. The network is created when the vApp is deployed, and deleted when the vApp is
undeployed. All nonisolated virtual machines in the vApp connect to a vApp network, as specified in their
NetworkConnectionSection elements.

Every VApp element includes a link that you can use to retrieve details of a vApp network that it contains, as
the following example shows.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/94 />

A GET request to this link returns a read-only VAppNetwork element. To modify an existing vApp network or
create a new one, you must find the NetworkConfigSection of the VApp element and use its edit link, as
shown in “Update a vApp Network Configuration,” on page 145.

The configuration of a vApp network, contained in the NetworkConfig element of the

InstantiateVAppTemplateParams request body, includes the following information

n A name for the network, specified in the networkName attribute of the NetworkConfig element. The
instantiation parameters must create a vApp network whose name matches the value of the network
attribute of the NetworkConnection of each Vm element in the template. If this attribute has the value none
or is missing, the Vm can connect to any network. If the template contains Vm elements that specify
different names for their network connections, you must create a vApp network for each.

NOTE When you create a vApp network where the FenceMode is bridged, the networkName of the vApp
network must match the name of the ParentNetwork. This requirement is enforced by the composeVapp
operation. The instantiateVappTemplate operation automatically corrects a name mismatch by
changing the value of the network attribute in the NetworkConnection element of the VApp.

n A Configuration element that specifies network configuration details.

n For routed and directly connected networks, the ParentNetwork element contains a reference to the
organization VDC network that the vApp network connects to. The FenceMode element controls
how the two networks connect. Specify a FenceMode of bridged for a direct connection to the parent
network, or natRouted to specify a routed connection controlled by network Features such as a
NatService or FirewallService. If you want the organization network to be isolated, with no
external connection, omit the ParentNetwork element and specify the FenceMode as isolated.

n The Features element defines features of the vApp network, and can include the following

DhcpService Provides DHCP services to virtual machines on the network.

FirewallService Specifies firewall rules that, when matched, block or allow incoming
or outgoing network traffic.

NatService Provides network address translation services to virtual machines on

the network.

StaticRoutingService Specifies static routes to other networks. Requires a routed

organization VDC network.

For more information, see “Network Services in vApp Networks,” on page 148

194 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

n Additional modifiable elements like IpScopes and RetainNetInfoAcrossDeployments, and read-only

elements such as SyslogServerSettings and RouterInfo. For more information about the type and
scope of these elements, see the schema reference.

n Network pool resources required by an isolated or natRouted vApp network are allocated by the
system from the pool associated with the VDC in which the vApp is deployed.

Organization VDC Networks

An organization VDC network allows virtual machines in the organization VDC to communicate with each
other and to access other networks, including organization VDC networks and external networks, either
directly or through an Edge Gateway that can provide firewall and NAT services.

n A direct organization VDC network connects directly to an eternal network. Only a system
administrator can create a direct organization VDC network.

n A routed organization VDC network connects to an external network through an Edge Gateway, which
is backed by a vShield Edge device. A routed organization VDC network also requires the containing
VDC to include a network pool. After a system administrator has provisioned an organization VDC
with an Edge Gateway and associated it with a network pool, organization administrator or system
administrators can create routed organization VDC networks in that VDC.

n An isolated organization VDC network does not require an Edge Gateway or external network, but
does require the containing VDC to be associated with a network pool. After a system administrator has
created an organization VDC with a network pool, organization administrators or system
administrators can create isolated organization VDC networks in that VDC.

n Most types of organization VDC networks do not provide any network services. Isolated organization
VDC networks can specify a DhcpPoolService, which provides DHCP addresses from several pools of
IP address ranges. All other services, such as NAT, firewall, and load balancing, are configured by a
system administrator on the Edge Gateway to which the network connects.

Table 6‑3. Types of Organization VDC Networks and Their Requirements

Organization VDC
Network Connection Description Requirements

Direct connection to an Provides direct layer 2 connectivity to machines and The cloud must contain an
external network. networks outside of the organization VDC. Machines external network.
outside of this organization VDC can connect directly
to machines within the organization VDC.

Routed connection to an Provides controlled access to machines and networks The VDC must contain an Edge
external network. outside of the organization VDC via an Edge Gateway. Gateway and a network pool.
System administrators and organization
administrators can configure network address
translation (NAT) and firewall settings on the gateway
to make specific virtual machines in the VDC
accessible from an external network.

No connection to an Provides an isolated, private network that machines in The VDC must contain a network
external network. the organization VDC can connect to. This network pool.
provides no incoming or outgoing connectivity to
machines outside this organization VDC.

By default, only virtual machines in the organization VDC that contains the network can use it. When you
create an organization VDC network, you can specify that it is shared. A shared organization VDC network
can be used by all virtual machines in the organization.

VMware, Inc. 195

vCloud API Programming Guide

Edge Gateways
An Edge Gateway provides a routed connection between an organization VDC network and an external
network. It can provide any of the following services, defined in the GatewayFeatures element of the Edge
Gateway's Configuration.

FirewallService Specifies firewall rules that, when matched, block or allow incoming or
outgoing network traffic. See “Firewall Service Configurations,” on
page 203.

GatewayDhcpService Provides DHCP services to virtual machines on the network. A variant of

this service, DhcpService, is intended to provide DHCP services in vApp
networks. See “Gateway DHCP Service Configurations,” on page 211.

GatewayIpsecVpnService Defines one or more virtual private networks that connect an Edge Gateway
to another network in or outside of the cloud.

LoadBalancerService Distributes incoming requests across a set of servers. See “Load Balancer
Service Configurations,” on page 208.

NatService Provides network address translation services to computers on the network.

StaticRoutingService Specifies static routes to other networks. See “Static Routing Service
Configurations,” on page 206.

For an example of adding services to an Edge Gateway, see “Configure Edge Gateway Services,”
on page 201. For more information about any of these services, see the vShield Administration Guide.

External Networks and Network Pools

External networks and network pools are vSphere resources backed by vSphere portgroup, VLAN, or
DVswitch objects. A system administrator must create them, as described in “Create an External Network,”
on page 287 and “Create a Network Pool,” on page 290. You must supply a reference to an external
network when you create an Edge Gateway. When you create an organization VDC, you must supply a
reference to a network pool if the VDC is to be able to contain routed or isolated networks. See “Retrieve a
List of External Networks and Network Pools,” on page 272

Create an Edge Gateway

An Edge Gateway is a virtual router for organization VDC networks. You can configure it to provide
network services such as DHCP, firewall, NAT, static routing, VPN, and load balancing.

You can create an Edge Gateway in either a compact or a full configuration. The full configuration provides
increased capacity and performance. The compact configuration requires less memory and fewer compute
resources. All services are supported in either configuration. You can enable either configuration for high
availability, which enables automatic failover of the Edge Gateway to a backup instance that is running on a
separate virtual machine.

An Edge Gateway can support up to ten interfaces. These interfaces are categorized as uplinks when they
connect to an external network, and internal interfaces when they connect to an organization VDC network.
You must specify at least one uplink interface when you create an Edge Gateway. All uplink interfaces on an
Edge Gateway must connect to an external network available in the Provider VDC that backs the
organization VDC in which you are creating the Edge Gateway. Internal interfaces are created automatically
when you create a routed organization VDC network that connects to an Edge Gateway.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

196 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

n An Edge Gateway requires an organization VDC backed by a Provider VDC that contains at least one
external network.

1 Choose an organization VDC to contain the Edge Gateway.
2 Choose an external network to use for the Edge Gateway's initial uplink interface.

This external network must be one of the networks listed in the AvailableNetworks element of the
Provider VDC that backs the organization VDC in which you are creating the Edge Gateway. Follow
these steps to find a suitable external network.

a Retrieve the XML representation of the organization VDC in which you are creating the Edge

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44

The ProviderVdcReference element in the response contains a reference to the Provider VDC that
backs this organization VDC.

<AdminVdc ...>

b Retrieve the the XML representation of the Provider VDC.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35

The AvailableNetworks element in the response lists the external networks that are available to that
Provider VDC, and to all the organization VDCs that it supports.

<vmext:VMWProviderVdc ... >

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/297" />
<vcloud:Network ... />
<vcloud:Network ... />

Choose an available external network to provide the initial interface for the new Edge Gateway.
See “Example: Create an Edge Gateway,” on page 198 for more information about criteria for
choosing an external network.

3 Create an EdgeGateway element.

In the GatewayInterfaces element, create a GatewayInterface element that defines an uplink interface.

n Specify uplink for the InterfaceType.

VMware, Inc. 197

vCloud API Programming Guide

n Include the external network reference you retrieved in Step 2 in the Network element.

n If you plan to create a NAT service or load balancer service in the Edge Gateway, you must create
an IP sub-allocation for the uplink by including a SubnetParticipation element in the
GatewayInterface element. IP addresses in the range you specify in this element are reserved for
use by this Edge Gateway.

For information about additional elements that an EdgeGateway can contain, see “Example: Create an
Edge Gateway,” on page 198 and the schema reference.

4 POST the EdgeGateway element to the URL for adding Edge Gateways to the organization VDC.

The server takes the requested action and returns an XML representation of the partially-created object. This
representation includes an href attribute, properties specified in the creation request, and an embedded
Task element that tracks the creation of the object. When the task completes, the object has been created, and
you can use the value of the href attribute with a GET request to retrieve the XML representation of the

See the response portion of “Example: Create an Edge Gateway,” on page 198.

Example: Create an Edge Gateway

This example adds an Edge Gateway to the organization VDC created in “Add a VDC to an Organization,”
on page 185. The uplink interface specifies one of the networks shown in Step 2b. For the purposes of this
example, assume that the external network has a Configuration element that includes this information:


You can see the values from this external network's IpScope reflected in the SubnetParticipation element of
the EdgeGateway. The address range specified in the IpRange element of this GatewayInterface must be
within the IpRanges of the external network, and cannot include any IP addresses listed in the external
network's AllocatedIpAddresses element. You can specify a contiguous IpRange, as we do in this example,
or you can include multiple IpRange elements in the IpRanges if you need more IP addresses than are
available in a contiguous block.

198 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

The external network specified in the GatewayInterface created in this example becomes the default route
from this Edge Gateway (UseForDefaultRoute has a value of true). The default DNS service address is
inherited from the network specified as the default route.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/edgeGateways
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.edgeGateway+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Example Edge Gateway</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/297" />

The response is an EdgeGateway element with an embedded Task element that tracks the creation of the Edge
Gateway object.

The response includes a number of Link elements that you can use to manage the new Edge Gateway. It also
includes an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration element that contains a simple FirewallService, which drops
all incoming and outgoing packets, effectively blocking all traffic through the Edge Gateway. This service is
created by default if you do not specify an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration when you create the
EdgeGateway. To remove or modify it, see “Configure Edge Gateway Services,” on page 201.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


VMware, Inc. 199

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href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000" ... >

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000/action/redeploy" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000/action/configureServices" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000/action/reapplyServices" />

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000/action/syncSyslogServerSettings" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000/action/upgradeConfig" />
operation="Creating EdgeGateway theEdge(2000)"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/297" />

200 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations


Configure Edge Gateway Services

An organization administrator or system administrator can configure NAT, firewall, and similar services on
an existing Edge Gateway by updating its EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration.

The Configuration element of an EdgeGateway includes an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration element,

which can contain definitions of any of the services listed in “Edge Gateways,” on page 196. Details of
service configurations vary, but the mechanism is the same for creating or updating any Edge Gateway

You can include an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration element that defines one or more services when you
create an Edge Gateway, or you can create the Edge Gateway without this element, as shown in “Create an
Edge Gateway,” on page 196, then update it to add or change services as needed. Note that some services
require a reference to one or more Edge Gateway interfaces, and cannot be configured until those interfaces

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the Edge Gateway.

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for configuring services on the
Edge Gateway.

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.edgeGatewayServiceConfiguration+xml, as the following example


3 Copy the EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration element from the EdgeGateway you retrieved in Step 1.

The configureServices action replaces the entire contents of the existing

EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration with the one in the request body. Using the existing
EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration as the basis for your modifications reduces the chances of
unintentional service changes.

4 Modify the EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration that you copied in Step 3 to add, remove, or change the
services that this Edge Gateway offers.

An EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration element can contain any of the following elements:

n FirewallService

n GatewayDhcpService

n GatewayIpsecVpnService

n LoadBalancerService

VMware, Inc. 201

vCloud API Programming Guide

n NatService

n StaticRoutingService

5 POST the modified EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration element to the URL in the value of the href
attribute of the configureServices link described in Step 2.

The server takes the requested action and returns a Task element that tracks the progress of the request.

When the task completes successfully, the EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration element you POSTed replaces
the one you copied in Step 3.

Example: Configure Services on an Edge Gateway

This example replaces the default firewall service on the Edge Gateway created in “Create an Edge
Gateway,” on page 196. For details about this FirewallService, see “Firewall Service Configurations,” on
page 203


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000/action/configureServices
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.edgeGatewayServiceConfiguration+xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Description>allow incoming ssh</Description>
<Description>deny incoming telnet</Description>

202 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
operation="Updating services EdgeGateway theEdge(2000)"
... >

Firewall Service Configurations

The default FirewallService in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration is enabled and configured to block all
incoming traffic. You can modify that FirewallService to allow incoming traffic, block outgoing traffic, or

A firewall service configuration includes several important parameters.

Firewall Rules
Each firewall rule specifies a protocol, IP address, and port. Packets that match the criteria in the rule are
subject to an action defined in the Policy element of the rule. The action can forward the packet to the
destination IP address and port, or drop it and optionally log a message describing the packet that was
dropped. Packets that do not match any rule are subject to the policy contained in the DefaultAction
element of the FirewallService.

Firewall Rule Logging

The Configuration element of an EdgeGateway can include SyslogServerSettings that specify IP addresses to
which syslog messages are sent. When you specify a value of true in the EnableLogging element of a
FirewallRule, all packets that trigger the rule are logged to the configured syslog server. Logging for all
rules is controlled by the value of the LogDefaultAction element of the FirewallService.

Port and Address Ranges

These elements in a FirewallRule specify source and destination IP ports and addresses to which the rule

Example: Firewall Service Definition with Two Rules

This fragment of an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration defines a firewall service with two rules: one that
allows incoming SSH connection, and one that denies incoming Telnet connections. These rules apply to any
virtual machine that connects to a network backed by this Edge Gateway. Each rule is defined in a
FirewallRule element, and can include the following specifications:

Policy The default policy value, allow, causes the firewall to forward packets that
match the rules. Specify drop to drop packets that match the rules.

Protocols By default, a rule applies to both UDP and TCP protocols. You can limit the
rule to one protocol or the other by including Tcp and Udp elements in
Protocols and specifying a value of true or false for each.

SourcePortRange Specify a source IP port or port range, or set to any to match any port.

DestinationPortRange Specify a destination IP port or port range, or set to any to match any port.

SourceIp Specify a source IP address, or use one of these strings.

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vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 6‑4. SourceIp and DestinationIp Values

Value Result

Any Matches any IP address

Internal Matches any IP address originating on

an organization VDC network connected
to this EdgeGateway. When used in a
vApp network, matches any IP address
assigned to a virtual machine in the

External Matches any IP address originating on

an external network connected to this
EdgeGateway. When used in a vApp
network, matches any IP address except
those assigned to a virtual machine in
the vApp.

DestinationIp Specify a source IP address, or use one of the strings shown in Table 6-4.

EnableLogging Set to true to log all packets that trigger this rule. See “Firewall Rule
Logging,” on page 203.

Rules are applied to packets in the order in which the FirewallRule elements appear in the FirewallService

NOTE The system assigns an Id value to each rule you create and uses these values when logging rule

<Description>allow incoming ssh</Description>
<Description>deny incoming telnet</Description>

204 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations


You can see this fragment in the context of an Edge Gateway configuration in “Example: Configure Services
on an Edge Gateway,” on page 202.

NAT Service Configurations

An Edge Gateway configuration can define a NAT (Network Address Translation) service that translates
source or destination IP addresses and port numbers. In the most common case, you associate a NAT service
with an uplink interface on an Edge Gateway so that addresses on organization VDC networks are not
exposed on the external network.

A NAT service in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration can include one or more rules, each of which is
expressed in a GatewayNatRule element. Each rule translates the original IP address, port, or both, and
applies to a network connected to the Edge Gateway. If the network is an uplink (to an external network),
the network must include an IP sub-allocation pool.

There are two kinds of rules, as expressed in the value of the RuleType element:

SNAT Source network address translation. This kind of rule translates the packet's
source address and, optionally, source IP port to the values you specify.

DNAT Destination network address translation. This kind of rule translates the
packet's destination address and, optionally, destination IP port to the values
you specify.

Example: NAT Service

The following fragment of an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration defines and enables a NatService that
applies one destination NAT rule and one source NAT rule to the uplink interface defined in
“Example: Create an Edge Gateway,” on page 198. In the DNAT rule, the OriginalIp and OriginalPort
apply to the destination IP address and port of the packet being inspected. In the SNAT rule, the OriginalIp
and OriginalPort apply to the source IP address and port of the packet being inspected. When you create an
SNAT rule, you do not need to specify values for TranslatedPort and OriginalPort, which default to any.

NOTE The system assigns an Id value to each rule you create and uses these values when logging rule

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/297" />

VMware, Inc. 205

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href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/297" />

To add this service to an Edge Gateway, include it in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration. See

“Example: Configure Services on an Edge Gateway,” on page 202.

Static Routing Service Configurations

An Edge Gateway or routed vApp network configuration can define a static routing service that specifies
one or more static routes.

You can create static routes between two organization VDC networks, or between routed vApp networks
that do not have overlapping IP address spaces. Static routing service details and routes are defined in a
StaticRoutingService element contained by the Features element of a vApp network's Configuration or the
GatewayFeatures element of an Edge Gateway's Configuration. A StaticRoutingService element can
contain zero or more StaticRoute elements. Each StaticRoute specification requires the following elements.

Name Name for the route.

Network Network specification in CIDR notation.

NextHopIp IP address of the next hop on the route. This address is typically the value in
the ExternalIp element of the RouterInfo from the network to which this
static route connects.

Interface Specify internal if NextHopIp contains an IP address in the same network.

Specify external if NextHopIp contains an IP address in a different network.

GatewayInterface Used when configuring a static route in an organization VDC network.

Contains a reference to the organization VDC network for which the static
route is configured.

Example: Static Routes Between Organization VDC Networks

Assume two routed organization VDC networks, as defined in this fragment of an EdgeGateway element.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/29" />

206 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

<IpRanges />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/67" />
<IpRanges />

n The organization VDC network named routed1 has Gateway address

n The organization VDC network named routed2 has Gateway address

n The Configuration of the vApp network in vApp1 has a RouterInfo element whose ExternalIp value is

n The Configuration of the vApp network in vApp2 has a RouterInfo element whose ExternalIp value is

A StaticRoutingService defined by the following fragment creates a static route to vApp1 from network
routed1, and a static route to vApp2 from network routed2.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/29" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/67" />

To add this service to an Edge Gateway, include it in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration. See

“Example: Configure Services on an Edge Gateway,” on page 202.

VMware, Inc. 207

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Static Routes Between vApp Networks

For an example of a static routing service in a vApp network, see “Network Services in vApp Networks,” on
page 148.

Load Balancer Service Configurations

An Edge Gateway can provide load-balancing services that allow you to distribute incoming requests to a
specific external IP address across multiple internal IP addresses. Several load-balancing algorithms are

A load balancer service provides load balancing for TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS traffic. The load balancer
accepts incoming IP requests on an external or internal interface, and uses the algorithm you specify to
distribute requests across a pool of servers.

To add a load-balancer service to an Edge Gateway, include a LoadBalancerService element in the Edge
Gateway's EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration.

Example: Load Balancer Service

This fragment of an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration defines a LoadBalancerService that accepts incoming
requests at external address https:// and balances them across two servers at internal
addresses and The following elements define a LoadBalancerService:

n A Pool that contains ServicePort and Member elements. A LoadBalancerService must include a Pool that
defines a ServicePort for each protocol on which the load balancer handles incoming requests. You can
define up to three ServicePort elements, one for each supported protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, TCP). This
load balancer handles only HTTPS requests, so it requires only one ServicePort element in its Pool.

You must specify one of the following load-balancing algorithms in the Algorithm element of the

IP_HASH Selects a server based on a hash of the source and destination IP address
of each packet.

LEAST_CONN Distributes client requests to multiple servers based on the number of

connections already on the server. New connections are sent to the server
with the fewest connections.

ROUND_ROBIN Each server is used in turn according to the weight assigned to it. This is
the smoothest and fairest algorithm when the server's processing time
remains equally distributed.

URI The request URL is hashed and divided by the total weight of the running
servers. (If the request URL includes a query, it is discarded, and only the
fragment of the URL to the left of the ? is considered.) The result
designates which server receives the request, ensuring that a request is
always directed to the same server as long as all servers remain available.

The Pool in this example also defines an optional HealthCheck element that specifies parameters used
for periodic verification that all pool members are responding to requests.

Each Member element in the Pool specifies the IpAddress of a virtual machine that provides the service
being requested. Incoming requests are balanced across all members of the pool. Because the Algorithm
specified for this Pool is ROUND_ROBIN, each Member must be assigned a Weight.

208 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

n A VirtualServer element that defines the Interface, an internal or external interface defined by the
containing EdgeGateway, on which requests are accepted. The network referenced in the Interface
element must be configured with an IP sub-allocation.

NOTE Each Member of a load balancer Pool can contain its own ServicePort element. If this element is
present in a Member, its contents override the ServicePort element of the Pool.

For more information about LoadBalancerService elements and attributes, see the schema reference.

<Name>Example Virtual Server</Name>
<Description>Incoming LoadBalancerService Requests</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/199" />

VMware, Inc. 209

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To add this service to an Edge Gateway, include it in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration. See

“Example: Configure Services on an Edge Gateway,” on page 202.

IPsec VPN Service Configurations

An Edge Gateway configuration can define an IPsec virtual private networking (VPN) service to provide
secure virtual private networking within an organization, between organization VDC networks, or between
an organization VDC network and an external IP address.

An EdgeGateway can contain zero or more GatewayIpsecVpnService elements, each of which defines VPN
tunnels and endpoints.

Example: IPsec VPN Service in an Edge Gateway

<Name>Example VPN Tunnel</Name>
<Description />

To add this service to an Edge Gateway, include it in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration. See

“Example: Configure Services on an Edge Gateway,” on page 202.

210 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Gateway DHCP Service Configurations

An Edge Gateway configuration can define a DHCP service that assigns IP addresses to clients on
organization VDC networks. You can configure multiple address pools, each of which defines a range of IP
addresses that are reserved for a specific network.

DHCP services for organization VDC networks are provided by the Edge Gateway to which those network
connect. An EdgeGateway can contain an more GatewayDhcpService element. The service can define a pool of
IP addresses for each organization VDC connected to the Edge Gateway.

NOTE To provide DHCP services on a vApp network, use the DhcpService element.

Example: Gateway DHCP Service

The following fragment of an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration defines and enables a GatewayDhcpService
that defines two Pool objects, each of which allocates a range of IP addresses for a single organization VDC

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/46" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/47" />

To add this service to an Edge Gateway, include it in an EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration. See

“Example: Configure Services on an Edge Gateway,” on page 202.

Create an Organization VDC Network

To add a network to an organization VDC, an administrator POSTs an OrgVdcNetwork element to the VDC's
add URL for networks. An organization VDC network with a direct connection to an external network must
be created by a system administrator. All other organization VDC network types can be created by either a
system administrator or an organization administrator.

The contents of the Configuration element of the OrgVdcNetwork define the properties of the network,
including its connections to other networks. See “Create an Organization VDC Network With a Direct
Connection,” on page 212, “Create an Organization VDC Network With a Routed Connection,”
on page 215, and “Create an Isolated Organization VDC Network,” on page 218.

VMware, Inc. 211

vCloud API Programming Guide

For more information about the types of networks you can create and the resources on which they depend,
see “About vCloud Director Networks,” on page 193.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the organization VDC to which you want to add the network.

This request retrieves the admin view of an organization VDC.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding networks to the VDC.

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.orgVdcNetwork+xml, as shown here:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/networks" />

3 Create an OrgVdcNetwork element.

4 POST the OrgVdcNetwork element to the URL described in Step 2.

The server takes the requested action and returns a Task element that tracks the progress of the request. The
Owner element of this task includes the href attribute of the new network. When the task completes, you can
use the value of this attribute with a GET request to retrieve the XML representation of the new network.

Create an Organization VDC Network With a Direct Connection

An organization VDC network with a direct connection provides direct layer 2 connectivity to machines and
networks outside of the organization VDC. Machines outside of this organization VDC can connect to
machines within the organization VDC directly.

An organization VDC network with a direct connection is configured as a child network of one of the
external networks provisioned to the cloud by the system administrator.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Retrieve the list of external networks. For information about how to retrieve this list, see “External
Networks and Network Pools,” on page 196.

212 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

1 Choose the external network to which this organization VDC network will connect.

This external network must be one of the ones listed in the AvailableNetworks element of the Provider
VDC that backs the organization VDC in which you are creating the new network. Follow these steps to
find a suitable external network.

a Retrieve the XML representation of the organization VDC in which you are creating the new

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44

The ProviderVdcReference element in the response contains a reference to the Provider VDC that
backs this organization VDC.

<AdminVdc ...>

b Retrieve the the XML representation of the Provider VDC.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35

The AvailableNetworks element in the response lists the external networks that are available to that
Provider VDC, and to all the organization VDCs that it supports.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/297" />
<vcloud:Network ... />
<vcloud:Network ... />

2 Create an OrgVdcNetwork element.

a Specify the href of the external network you chose in Step 1 in the ParentNetwork element.

The type and name attributes are optional here.

b Set the FenceMode to bridged.

This creates a direct connection to the parent network.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC Network With a Direct Connection,”
on page 214.

3 POST the OrgVdcNetwork element you created in Step 2 to the URL for adding networks to the
organization VDC.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC Network With a Direct Connection,”
on page 214.

VMware, Inc. 213

vCloud API Programming Guide

The server takes the requested action and returns an XML representation of the partially-created object. This
representation includes an href attribute, properties specified in the creation request, and an embedded
Task element that tracks the creation of the object. When the task completes, the object has been created, and
you can use the value of the href attribute with a GET request to retrieve the XML representation of the
See the response portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC Network With a Direct Connection,” on
page 214.

Example: Create an Organization VDC Network With a Direct Connection

This example adds a directly-connected network to the organization VDC created in “Add a VDC to an
Organization,” on page 185. Because the network has a Configuration whose ParentNetwork element
specifies an external network to connect to and sets the FenceMode to bridged, it provides a direct connection
to the parent network.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/networks
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Bridged to the public Internet</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/297" />


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/54" ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/54" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/54" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/54/metadata" />

214 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/54/allocatedAddresses/" />
<Description>Bridged to the public Internet</Description>
operation="Creating Network Internet(54)"

Create an Organization VDC Network With a Routed Connection

An organization VDC network with a routed connection provides controlled access to machines and
networks outside of the organization VDC. System administrators and organization administrators can
configure network address translation (NAT) and firewall settings on the network's Edge Gateway to make
specific virtual machines in the VDC accessible from an external network.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system

1 Retrieve the list of Edge Gateways in the organization VDC in which you plan to create the routed

You can use a query like this one, where href is the value of the href attribute of your organization VDC:


If this organization VDC does not contain any Edge Gateways, or does not contain an Edge Gateway
that has the configuration you want, a system administrator can create a new Edge Gateway. See
“Create an Edge Gateway,” on page 196.

2 Choose an Edge Gateway that has interface capacity available.

An Edge Gateway can support a maximum of nine internal and external interfaces. At least one of those
interfaces is typically consumed by a connection to an external network. Creation of a routed
organization VDC network requires the Edge Gateway to have an unused interface available for the
new network. To see how many interfaces each Edge Gateway in your organization VDC is using, you
can run the query shown in Step 1, then add the values of the numberOfExtNetworks and
numberOfOrgNetworks attributes. If the total is less than 9, the Edge Gateway can accommodate a new
routed organization VDC network.

VMware, Inc. 215

vCloud API Programming Guide

3 Create an OrgVdcNetwork element.

a Specify a value of natRouted in the FenceMode element of the network Configuration.

You can specify additional Configuration parameters, as noted in the schema reference.

b Specify the href of the Edge Gateway you chose in Step 1 in the EdgeGateway element.
See the request portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC Network With a Routed
Connection,” on page 216.

4 POST the OrgVdcNetwork element you created in Step 2 to the URL for adding networks to the
organization VDC.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC Network With a Routed
Connection,” on page 216

The server takes the requested action and returns an XML representation of the partially-created object. This
representation includes an href attribute, properties specified in the creation request, and an embedded
Task element that tracks the creation of the object. When the task completes, the object has been created, and
you can use the value of the href attribute with a GET request to retrieve the XML representation of the

See the response portion of “Example: Create an Organization VDC Network With a Routed Connection,”
on page 216.

Example: Create an Organization VDC Network With a Routed Connection

This example adds a routed network to the organization VDC created in “Add a VDC to an Organization,”
on page 185. The network connects through the Edge Gateway created in “Create an Edge Gateway,” on
page 196. Because the creation request sets the value of the IsShared element to true, the new network is
made available in all VDCs in this organization.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/networks
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Routed through an Edge Gateway</Description>

216 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/gateway/2000" />


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/59" ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/59" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/59" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/59/metadata" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/59/allocatedAddresses/" />
<Description>Routed through an Edge Gateway</Description>
operation="Creating Network RoutedOVDCNet(59)"

VMware, Inc. 217

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000" />

NOTE When the Task completes, the new network is represented in the EdgeGateway by a GatewayInterface
whose InterfaceType is Internal. Unlike the Uplink interface that you create when you create an
EdgeGateway, an internal interface cannot be created explicitly. It is created only as a side-effect of creating a
routed organization VDC network.

Create an Isolated Organization VDC Network

An isolated organization VDC network provides an isolated, private network that machines in the
organization VDC can connect to. This network provides no connectivity to machines outside this
organization VDC.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system

1 Create an OrgNetwork element.

Specify a value of isolated in the FenceMode element of the network Configuration. See the request
portion of “Example: Create an Isolated Organization VDC Network,” on page 218.

2 POST the OrgNetwork element you created in Step 1 to the URL for adding networks to the organization

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Isolated Organization VDC Network,” on page 218.

The server takes the requested action and returns an XML representation of the partially-created object. This
representation includes an href attribute, properties specified in the creation request, and an embedded
Task element that tracks the creation of the object. When the task completes, the object has been created, and
you can use the value of the href attribute with a GET request to retrieve the XML representation of the

See the response portion of “Example: Create an Isolated Organization VDC Network,” on page 218.

Example: Create an Isolated Organization VDC Network

This example adds an isolated network to the organization VDC created in “Add a VDC to an
Organization,” on page 185. It includes a ServiceConfig element that configures a DHCP service for the
network. This type of DHCP service is identical to the DHCP service supported for a vApp network, and
can specify only a single IP address range. No other network services can be created in an isolated
organization VDC network.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44/networks
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Isolated Organization VDC Network</Description>

218 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations



201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/60" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/60" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/vdc/44" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/60/metadata" />

VMware, Inc. 219

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/60/allocatedAddresses/" />
<Description>Isolated Organization Vdc Network</Description>
operation="Creating Network Isolated(60)"

Synchronize Syslog Server Settings for an Edge Gateway or vApp Network

When you change the IP addresses of the primary or secondary syslog server for a cloud, you must also
synchronize the syslog server settings for each Edge Gateway or vApp network that includes a
FirewallService for which logging is enabled.

If a system administrator changes the SyslogServerSettings for a cloud, all Edge Gateways and vApp
networks that are configured with a firewall service whose EnableLogging element has a value of true must
be synchronized with the new syslog server settings so that logging can continue without interruption.

n To synchronize syslog server settings for an Edge Gateway, you must be an organization administrator
or system administrator.

n To synchronize syslog server settings for a vApp network, you must be the vApp owner.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vApp network or Edge Gateway.

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for the
syncSyslogServerSettings action.

This element has a rel attribute value of syncSyslogSettings and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml, as shown in this excerpt:



220 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

3 Make a POST request to the href value of the link described in Step 2.

The request does not have a request body. The response is a task.

Example: Synchronize Syslog Server Settings for an Edge Gateway

This request synchronizes the syslog server settings for the Edge Gateway created in “Create an Edge
Gateway,” on page 196.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/edgeGateway/2000/action/syncSyslogServerSettings


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ...
operation="Synchronized syslog settings for EdgeGateway theEdge(2000)>

Catalog Administration
A newly created organization has no catalogs in it. After an organization administrator or catalog author
creates a catalog, members of the organization can use it as a destination for uploads or a source of
subscription-based content.

Catalogs contain references to vApp templates and media images. You can configure a catalog in several
different ways:

n as a repository for local content that can remain private to the catalog owner or can be shared with
other users, groups, or organizations in your cloud

n as a source of published content, to which other clouds can subscribe.

n as a local repository for content published by another cloud or any Web site that hosts a VMware
Content Subscription Protocol (VCSP) endpoint.

An organization administrator or catalog owner controls catalog sharing. Organization administrators in

organizations that have permission to publish catalogs control publication and subscription options for
catalogs in their organization. A system administrator can enable background synchronization of catalogs
with external sources and set background synchronization schedules to regulate consumption of network
bandwidth by this activity.

Access to Catalogs
A catalog initially grants full control to its owner and no access to other users. The catalog owner or a user
with organization administrator or catalog author rights can grant catalog access to other members of the
organization, individually or collectively. See “Controlling Access to vApps and Catalogs,” on page 86.
Organization administrators and system administrators can share a catalog with other organizations in the

The VMware Content Subscription Protocol (VCSP) is an open standard that can be implemented by any
system that can provide HTTP or HTTPS access. Because vCloud Director implements this protocol,
catalogs can subscribe to content that originates in another instance of vCloud Director or at any remote site
that supports a VCSP endpoint. When content at a remote site changes, you must synchronize the catalog

VMware, Inc. 221

vCloud API Programming Guide

items that hold local copies of that content. Synchronization keeps a catalog up to date with its external
subscription. A catalog owner can synchronize individual catalog items or entire catalogs at any time. A
system administrator can also schedule background synchronization for catalogs, so that all externally
subscribed catalogs in the system are synchronized on a common schedule.

Version Numbers
As part of VCSP support, catalogs and catalog items have version numbers, which are integer values that
increment monotonically. A catalog with an external subscription contains the most recent version of each of
its catalog items if it has been synchronized with its external source.

The catalog item version number increases whenever any of the following changes occur.

n A file in the referenced entity is added, removed, or changed.

n The name or description of the catalog item is changed.

The catalog version number increases whenever any of the following changes occur.

n A catalog item is added to or removed from the catalog.

n The version number of any contained catalog item changes.

n The name or description of the catalog is changed.

Add a Catalog to an Organization

Every organization has an add URL for catalogs. An administrator or catalog author can create a catalog by
POSTing an AdminCatalog element to this URL

A new Catalog object is an empty container for catalog items, which are references to vApp templates and
media images. There are several options for creating a catalog:

n You can create a catalog to use in your own organization or cloud, to hold content that you create
locally by uploading or importing.

n You can enable external publication of a catalog that you create locally. See “Publish an Existing
Catalog Externally,” on page 235.

n You can create a catalog that is published externally. See “Create a Catalog For External Publication,”
on page 225.

n You can create a catalog that has an external subscription. Contents of these catalogs are downloaded
from an external source.

NOTE You cannot use catalogs created by using an external subscription to hold catalog items that you
create locally. Catalogs that contain catalog items created locally cannot have an external subscription. See
“Create a Catalog With an External Subscription,” on page 227.

n Verify that you are logged in as a system administrator, an organization administrator, or a user with
the Catalog Author role.

n Verify that at least one VDC exists in your organization. You cannot create a catalog in an organization
that has no VDCs.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the organization to which to add the catalog.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26

222 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding catalogs to the

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml, as shown here:


3 Create an AdminCatalog element.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223.

4 POST the AdminCatalog element to the organization's add URL for catalogs.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223.

The server creates an empty catalog and returns its representation in the response. See the response portion
of “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223.

Example: Create a Catalog

This example adds a catalog to the organization created in “Example: Create an Organization,” on page 173.
Because the request does not specify a CatalogStorageProfile, the catalog is created on the default storage
profile for the first VDC created in the organization. To create the catalog on a specific storage profile, you
can add a CatalogStorageProfiles element to the request. See “Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog,” on
page 229.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/catalogs
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Example Catalog">
<Description>New Catalog for Example Org</Description>

The response contains information extracted from the request, and includes these additions that the server

n A URL, in the value of the href attribute of the response body, that references the new catalog.

n Links that implement operations on the catalog.

n A link to an alternate view of this catalog. All users can access the catalog at this URL.

n An empty CatalogItems element.

n A Task that tracks the creation of the catalog.

n An IsPublished element whose content is the string false, indicating that the catalog is not shared with
other organizations. See “Share a Catalog with All Organizations in a Cloud,” on page 232.

n A VersionNumber element with an initial value of 1. See “Version Numbers,” on page 222.

VMware, Inc. 223

vCloud API Programming Guide


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
name="Example Catalog"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/catalog/32/owner" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/catalog/32" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/catalog/32" />
<Link ... >
operation="Creating Catalog Example Catalog (32)"
<Description>New Catalog for Example Org</Description>

224 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Create a Catalog For External Publication

An organization administrator in an organization that has permission to publish externally can create a
catalog whose contents, catalog items created locally, are made available to external consumers on a
subscription basis.

Organizations that are permitted to publish externally can enable any of their catalogs for external
publication. A catalog that is enabled for external publication becomes accessible at a URL assigned by the
system, and can be protected by a password. A catalog in another instance of vCloud Director can subscribe
to an externally published catalog and maintain an up-to-date set of catalog items. See “Synchronization,”
on page 221.

You can use this procedure to create a new catalog that is enabled for external publication, or you can use
the procedure shown in “Publish an Existing Catalog Externally,” on page 235 to enable an existing catalog
for external publication. If a catalog has an external subscription, you cannot enable it for external

n Verify that you are logged in as a system administrator, an organization administrator, or a user with
the Catalog Author role.

n Verify that at least one VDC exists in your organization. You cannot create a catalog in an organization
that has no VDCs.

n Verify that your organization has permission to publish externally.

The OrgGeneralSettings in the AdminOrg element that represents your organization must have a
CanPublishExternally element with a value of true.


Retrieve the XML representation of the organization to which to add the catalog, and examine the response
to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding catalogs to the organization. See “Add a Catalog
to an Organization,” on page 222.

1 Create an AdminCatalog element that includes PublishExternalCatalogParams.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Catalog For External Publication,” on page 225.

2 POST the AdminCatalog element to the organization's add URL for catalogs.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Catalog For External Publication,” on page 225.

The server creates an empty catalog and returns its representation in the response. See the response portion
of “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223.

Example: Create a Catalog For External Publication

This request is similar to the one used in “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223 but includes a
PublishExternalCatalogParams element that specifies that the catalog is to be published externally. This
request creates the catalog with a content cache, which can improve synchronization performance for
external catalogs that subscribe to this one, but requires enough space on the system's transfer storage to
accommodate all of the items in the catalog. This request also sets the PreserveIdentityInfoFlag element to
false, which prevents values such as the BIOS UUID and MAC address associated with virtual machine
identities from being published. If you omit this element or set its value to true, these values are published
for all catalog items that represent virtual machines.

VMware, Inc. 225

vCloud API Programming Guide


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/catalogs
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Example Catalog for External Publication</Description>

The response is similar to the one shown in “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223, but includes the
PublishExternalCatalogParams element. The embedded Task element tracks the creation of the catalog and
its accompanying Web site. The Password element in the request is never returned.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />
<Link ... >
operation="Creating Catalog PublishedExternally (33)"
<Description>Example Catalog for External Publication</Description>

226 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations


When the task completes, the PublishExternalCatalogParams includes a URL at which external consumers
can connect to the catalog.

<AdminCatalog ... >


Create a Catalog With an External Subscription

An organization administrator can create a catalog whose contents are downloaded from an external source.
You cannot use catalogs created this way to hold catalog items that are created locally.

Organizations that are permitted to subscribe to external sources can create catalogs whose contents are
downloaded from a catalog hosted on another instance of vCloud Director, or any Web site that implements
the VMware Content Subscription Protocol (VCSP) . See “Synchronization,” on page 221.

If a catalog has an external subscription, you cannot enable it for external publication.

n Verify that you are logged in as a system administrator, an organization administrator, or a user with
the Catalog Author role.

n Verify that at least one VDC exists in your organization. You cannot create a catalog in an organization
that has no VDCs.

n Verify that your organization has permission to create catalogs with external subscriptions.

The OrgGeneralSettings in the AdminOrg element that represents your organization must have a
CanSubscribe element with a value of true.


n The external source must implement the VMware Content Subscription Protocol. See
“Synchronization,” on page 221.

n You must know the URL of the external source, and the password if one is required.

Retrieve the XML representation of the organization to which you want to add the catalog, and examine the
response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding catalogs to the organization. See “Add
a Catalog to an Organization,” on page 222.

1 Create an AdminCatalog element that includes ExternalCatalogSubscriptionParams.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Catalog With an External Subscription,” on page 228.

2 POST the AdminCatalog element to the organization's add URL for catalogs.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Catalog With an External Subscription,” on page 228.

The server creates an empty catalog and returns its representation in the response. See the response portion
of “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223.

VMware, Inc. 227

vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Create a Catalog With an External Subscription

This request creates a catalog with a subscription to the VCSP URL
https://vcloud2.example.com/vcsp/catalog/5. Because the LocalCopy element in
ExternalCatalogSubscriptionParams has a value of false, files that comprise a vApp template or media
image that a catalog item references are not downloaded until a user requests them. If you create a catalog
where LocalCopy has a value of true, these files are downloaded the first time that the catalog subscription is
synchronized, and on each subsequent synchronization where any of the catalog items has a newer version
number. The default value of LocalCopy isfalse.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/catalogs
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Example Catalog With External Subscription</Description>

The response is similar to the one shown in “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223, but includes the
ExternalCatalogSubscriptionParams element that you supplied in the request. The Password element in the
request is never returned.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />
<Link ... >
<Link ... >

228 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

operation="Creating Catalog SubscribedExternally (34)"

<Description>Example Catalog With External Subscription</Description>

What to do next
Synchronize the catalog with its external source. Any catalog with an external subscription includes a link of
the form:


As a catalog owner or administrator, you can POST a request to the rel="sync" URL to synchronize the
catalog with its external source. See “Synchronize a Catalog or Catalog Item,” on page 81.

Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog

Any request that creates a catalog can also specify a storage profile for the items in that catalog.

If you do not specify a CatalogStorageProfile when creating a catalog, the catalog is created on the default
storage profile for the first VDC created in the organization. To create the catalog on a specific storage
profile, retrieve the list of available storage profiles in your organization and specify one in the
CatalogStorageProfiles element of the request.

n Verify that you are logged in as a system administrator, an organization administrator, or a user with
the Catalog Author role.

n Verify that at least one VDC exists in your organization. You cannot create a catalog in an organization
that has no VDCs.

1 Find the list of storage profiles in your organization.

Use a query like this one.


The response is a list of references to all the storage profiles used by VDCs in your organization.

<OrgVdcStorageProfileReferences ... >

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/59" />

VMware, Inc. 229

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/84" />

NOTE If you are a system administrator, you must filter the response to show only those storage
profiles in the organization where you are creating the catalog.

2 Create an AdminCatalog element that includes a CatalogStorageProfiles element.

You can include a single CatalogStorageProfile in the request. Only the type and href attributes are
required. See the request portion of “Example: Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog,” on page 230.

3 POST the AdminCatalog element to the organization's add URL for catalogs.

See the request portion of “Example: Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog,” on page 230.

The server creates an empty catalog on the specified storage profile and returns its representation in the
response. See the response portion of “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223.

Example: Specify a Storage Profile for a Catalog

This example modifies the request shown in “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223 to add a
CatalogStorageProfiles element..


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/catalogs
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Example Catalog">
<Description>New Catalog for Example Org</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/59" />

The response is similar to the one shown in “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223, and includes a
CatalogStorageProfiles element derived form the one that you specified in the request.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.catalog+xml
name="Example Catalog"

<Description>New Catalog for Example Org</Description>


230 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/59" />

Update Catalog Access Controls

If you are an administrator or catalog owner, you can use the controlAccess links in your organization to
grant or restrict access to a catalog.

A catalog initially grants full access to its owner and no access to other users. An administrator or the
catalog owner can use the vCloud API access control mechanism to view or modify catalog access controls.
For a general discussion of access controls in vCloud Director, see “Controlling Access to vApps and
Catalogs,” on page 86.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the organization that contains the catalog.
Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26

2 Examine the Org element to find the controlAccess links for the catalogs that it contains.

These links have the following form:


NOTE The controlAccess links for catalogs are not returned in the AdminOrg response when you
retrieve the organization in the admin view.

3 Create a ControlAccessParams element request body that specifies the details of the update.

4 POST the ControlAccessParams element to the action/controlAccess link for the catalog.

Example: Update Catalog Access Controls

This request updates the access controls of a catalog to grant full control to one user and read-only access to
another user. The request body, a ControlAccessParams element, specifies a value of false for the
IsSharedToEveryone element, and contains an AccessSetting element for each user whose access rights are
being modified. Each user is identified by a reference to a User object. See “User and Group
Administration,” on page 243. The response, a subset of which appears in this example, echoes the request.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/9/catalog/32/action/controlAccess
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.controlAccess+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 231

vCloud API Programming Guide



200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.controlAccess+xml

Share a Catalog with All Organizations in a Cloud

An organization administrator can share a catalog to make it visible to the administrators in all other
organizations in a cloud.

The owner of a catalog can make it available to other users in the containing organization. See “Update
Catalog Access Controls,” on page 231. If you are an organization administrator, you can also share catalogs
with all other organizations in your cloud if your organization's CanPublishCatalogs element has a value of
true. The value of this element is controlled by the system administrator. To share a catalog, make a POST
request to the catalog’s action/publish URL and supply a PublishCatalogParams body that sets the value of
the catalog’s IsPublished element to true.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the catalog to share.

Use a request like this one, where id is the identifier of the catalog:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/catalog/id

232 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for publishing the catalog.

This element has a rel attribute value of publish and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.publishCatalogParams+xml, as this example shows:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/catalog/32/action/publish" />

3 Create a PublishCatalogParams element that contains an IsPublished element with a value of true.

4 POST the PublishCatalogParams body to the catalog's rel="publish" URL.

The catalog is shared and becomes available to members of all other organizations in the cloud.

Example: Share a Catalog With All Organizations in a Cloud


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/catalog/32/action/publish
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.publishCatalogParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


204 No Content

Share a Catalog With Specific Organizations in a Cloud

A system administrator can share a catalog to make it visible to the administrators of specific organizations
in a cloud.

The owner of a catalog can share it to make it available to all organization in the cloud. When more selective
sharing is required, a system administrator can share a catalog with specific organizations if that catalog is
not already shared to all organizations.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the organization that contains the catalog.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26

2 Examine the Org element to find the controlAccess links for the catalogs that it contains.

These links have the following form:


VMware, Inc. 233

vCloud API Programming Guide


NOTE The controlAccess links for catalogs are not returned in the AdminOrg response when you
retrieve the organization in the admin view.

3 Create a ControlAccessParams element that contains an AccessSettings element that specifies the
organizations with which to share the catalog.

4 POST the ControlAccessParams element to the action/controlAccess link for the catalog.

The catalog is shared with administrators of the specified organizations.

Example: Share a Catalog With Specific Organizations in a Cloud

This request updates the access controls of a catalog to share it to a single organization, giving read-only
access to all users in that organization.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/9/catalog/32/action/controlAccess/"/>
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.controlAccess+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.controlAccess+xml

234 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Publish an Existing Catalog Externally

An organization administrator in an organization that has permission to publish externally can update an
existing catalog to make its contents available to external consumers on a subscription basis.

Organizations that are permitted to publish externally can enable any of their local catalogs for external
publication. A catalog that is enabled for external publication becomes accessible at a URL assigned by the
system, and can be protected by a password. A catalog in another instance of vCloud Director can subscribe
to an externally published catalog and maintain an up-to-date set of catalog items. See “Synchronization,”
on page 221.

n Verify that you are logged in as a system administrator, an organization administrator, or a user with
the Catalog Author role.

n Verify that your organization has permission to publish externally.

Verify that the OrgGeneralSettings in the AdminOrg element that represents your organization has a
CanPublishExternally element with a value of true.


n Verify that the catalog you want to enable for external publication does not have an external

1 In the admin view, retrieve the XML representation of the catalog.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/catalog/32

2 Examine the AdminCatalog element to find the publishToExternalOrganizations link it contains.

This link has the following form:



3 Create a PublishExternalCatalogParams element.

See “Example: Publish an Existing Catalog,” on page 235.

4 POST the PublishExternalCatalogParams element to the publishToExternalOrganizations URL.

Example: Publish an Existing Catalog

This request updates the catalog created in “Example: Create a Catalog,” on page 223 to publish it


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/catalog/32/action/publishToExternalOrganizations
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.publishExternalCatalogparams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 235

vCloud API Programming Guide



204 No Content

Content Subscription Endpoint Specification

This document specifies the requirements for creating an endpoint that is compatible with a client using
version 1 of the VMware Content Subscription Protocol (VCSP). VMware vCloud Director catalogs use this
protocol when synchronizing content from an external subscription.

VMware vCloud Director enables organizations to create catalogs that acquire their content from a
subscription to an external source. The external source can be an externally published catalog hosted on
another instance of vCloud Director or a Web site that hosts a VCSP endpoint.

Configuration parameters for vCloud Director catalogs that have external subscriptions include a VCSP
endpoint URL and, if the endpoint requires authentication, a user name and password. Users periodically
synchronize to update catalog contents from the subscribed endpoint. You can request synchronization for
an entire catalog, or for individual catalog items. The process is similar in both cases.

1 The VCSP client makes a GET request to retrieve the endpoint descriptor. If the version in the
descriptor matches the version of the catalog being synchronized, no content has changed at the
endpoint, and no further action is required.

2 If the version in the descriptor is greater than the version of the catalog, the client makes a GET request
to retrieve the endpoint index file.

3 To update the entire catalog, the client makes GET requests to retrieve all catalog items whose version
at the endpoint is greater than their version in the catalog. To update an individual catalog item, the
client makes a GET request to retrieve it only if its version number at the endpoint is greater than its
version in the catalog.

The endpoint is a passive partner in this process. Its only responsibilities are to keep the version numbers up
to date in the endpoint descriptor and endpoint index files, and to return the HTTP status codes and other
responses expected by the VCSP client.

A VCSP endpoint URL must have a scheme of HTTP or HTTPS and a path that terminates in the name of
the endpoint descriptor. A VCSP endpoint whose contents are stored on a host named vcsp.example.com in
a directory named /vcsp on the host and whose descriptor file is named descriptor.json would have the
following endpoint URL:


236 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Endpoint Descriptor
The endpoint descriptor is a file whose contents define the catalog available at the endpoint. The contents,
which must be expressed in JavaScript Object Notation (media type application/json) as defined by
RFC4627, define a JSON object, and must specify values for the following key names.

vcspVersion An integer that specifies the version of the VCSP protocol to which this
endpoint conforms.

version An integer that specifies the version of the catalog, as described in “Version
Numbers,” on page 243.

id The object identifier, expressed in URN format. This value uniquely

identifies the catalog, persists for the life of the catalog, and must never be

name The display name of the catalog. Must be a nonempty string.

created Time and date when the endpoint was created.

itemType Must have value vcsp.CatalogItem.

itemsHref A reference to the endpoint index file relative to the location of the endpoint
descriptor. Replacing the final component of the endpoint URL with the
value of the itemsHref key must create a valid URL.

capabilities A JSON object that describes the capabilities of this catalog. The object must
define all of the following properties:

transferIn An array with a single member that must be the

string httpGet.

transferOut An array with a single member that must be the

string httpGet.

generateIds A Boolean value that must be set to true.

metadata An array of catalog object metadata. See “Metadata,” on page 241.

maintenanceMessage A string indicating that the endpoint is inaccessible because it is undergoing

maintenance. For example:

"maintenanceMessage" : "This catalog is currently in maintenance


If the endpoint descriptor includes this key, attempts by subscribers to

synchronize with this endpoint fail and display the string.

The following example shows a typical endpoint descriptor.

"vcspVersion" : "1",
"version" : "10",
"id" : "urn:uuid:ccdd2c56-e54e-4883-bc0a-619baaca92a6",
"name" : "published",
"created" : "2012-09-14T22:17:50.807Z",
"itemType" : "vcsp.CatalogItem",
"itemsHref" : "items",
"capabilities" : {
"transferIn" : [ "httpGet" ],
"transferOut" : [ "httpGet" ],

VMware, Inc. 237

vCloud API Programming Guide

"generateIds" : true
"metadata" : [ {
"type" : "STRING",
"domain" : "GENERAL",
"key" : "key1",
"value" : "value1",
"visibility" : "READWRITE"
}, {
"type" : "STRING",
"domain" : "SYSTEM",
"key" : "key2",
"value" : "value2",
"visibility" : "READONLY"
} ]

Endpoint Index
The endpoint index is a file whose contents define the set of items available in the catalog. The contents,
which must be expressed in JavaScript Object Notation (media type application/json) as defined by
RFC4627, define a JSON object, and must specify values for the following key names.

itemType Must be vcsp.CatalogItem.

items An array of zero or more item objects. Each item object must specify values
for the following key names.

version An integer that specifies the version of the item, as

described in “Version Numbers,” on page 243.

id The object identifier of the item, expressed in URN

format. This value uniquely identifies the item,
persists for the life of the item, and must never be

name The display name of the item. Must be a nonempty


created Time and date when the item was created.

type Item type. Must have one of the following values:

n vcsp.iso if the item is an ISO image.

n vcsp.ovf if the item is an OVF package.

238 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

files An array of file objects that includes all the files that
represent the item. Each file object is represented as
an array with three elements:

etag An integer representing the

version of the file. The value of
this key must be the same for each
file in the array. When any file in
this array gets updated, you must
increment the value of the etag
key for all files in the array.

name The name of the file.

hrefs An array of pathnames to the file.

Must contain a single pathname
to the file from the root of the
endpoint, written as a URL

properties An array of additional properties of the item. This

array has a single member:

selfHref A URL to the item descriptor for

this item. See “Item Descriptors,”
on page 241.

metadata An array of catalog item metadata. See “Metadata,”

on page 241.

vms If this item represents a vApp template, you must

include an array representing the virtual machines
referenced in the template.

name The name of the virtual machine.

metadata An array of virtual machine

metadata. See “Metadata,” on
page 241.

version An integer that specifies the version of the endpoint index, as described in
“Version Numbers,” on page 243.

The following example shows a typical endpoint index.

"itemType" : "vcsp.CatalogItem",
"items" : [ {
"version" : "1",
"id" : "urn:uuid:6dfa4596-a7c5-4d62-9a84-c559968baa26",
"name" : "vapp-demo",
"created" : "2012-09-17T17:59:15.161Z",
"type" : "vcsp.ovf",
"files" : [ {
"etag" : "37"
"name" : "descriptor.ovf",
"hrefs" : [ "/vcsp/item/6dfa4596-a7c5-4d62-9a84-c559968baa26/file/descriptor.ovf" ]

VMware, Inc. 239

vCloud API Programming Guide

}, {
"name" : "descriptor.mf",
"hrefs" : [ "/vcsp/item/6dfa4596-a7c5-4d62-9a84-c559968baa26/file/descriptor.mf" ]
}, {
"etag" : "37"
"name" : "vm-d5349476-aae2-4b65-bc9a-28effdc213fb-disk-0.vmdk",
"hrefs" : [ "/vcsp/item/6dfa4596-a7c5-4d62-9a84-c559968baa26/file/vm-d5349476-aae2-4b65-
bc9a-28effdc213fb-disk-0.vmdk" ]
} ],
"properties" : {
"selfHref" : "/vcsp/item/6dfa4596-a7c5-4d62-9a84-c559968baa26/item.json"
}, {
"version" : "2",
"id" : "urn:uuid:b63c9bbe-3614-4153-82fd-d5f4916a1327",
"name" : "template1",
"created" : "2012-09-14T22:18:12.858Z",
"description" : "Added with VMware OVFTool.",
"type" : "vcsp.ovf",
"files" : [ {
"name" : "descriptor.ovf",
"hrefs" : [ "/vcsp/item/b63c9bbe-3614-4153-82fd-d5f4916a1327/file/descriptor.ovf" ]
}, {
"name" : "descriptor.mf",
"hrefs" : [ "/vcsp/item/b63c9bbe-3614-4153-82fd-d5f4916a1327/file/descriptor.mf" ]
}, {
"name" : "vm-3fe8a95b-ccd1-4816-b4ed-d631f3e2bbf3-disk-0.vmdk",
"hrefs" : [ "/vcsp/item/b63c9bbe-3614-4153-82fd-d5f4916a1327/file/vm-3fe8a95b-ccd1-4816-
b4ed-d631f3e2bbf3-disk-0.vmdk" ]
} ],
"properties" : {
"selfHref" : "/vcsp/item/b63c9bbe-3614-4153-82fd-d5f4916a1327/item.json"
} ],
"metadata" : []
"vms" : [ {
"name" : "vm1",
"metadata" : [ ]

}, {
"name" : "vm2",
"metadata" : []
} ]
}, {
"version" : "10"

240 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

The endpoint descriptor and endpoint index allow you to include object metadata that is used to create
vCloud Director object metadata when endpoint contents are synchronized by a subscribed catalog. For
more information about the design and operation of vCloud Director object metadata, see Chapter 8,
“Working With Object Metadata,” on page 307.

metadata An array of object metadata. You may include an arbitrary number of

metadata objects in this array, subject to the size limitations documented in
“vCloud API Object Metadata Limits,” on page 309

type The type of the metadata value. One of STRING,

Metadata Contents,” on page 307.

domain The access domain of the metadata. One of GENERAL

or SYSTEM. See “Access Control for vCloud API
Object Metadata,” on page 308. When
vCloud Director object metadata is created from this
endpoint, the metadata domain is always set to
SYSTEM, regardless of the value you supply here.

key An arbitrary key name.

value The value of the key.

visibility The visibility the metadata. One of PRIVATE, READONLY

or READWRITE. See “Access Control for vCloud API
Object Metadata,” on page 308. When
vCloud Director object metadata is created from this
catalog item, the metadata visibility is always set
to READONLY, regardless of the value you supply here.

Item Descriptors
Every item listed in the endpoint index must include an item descriptor file in the directory that holds all the
item's files. The contents, which must be expressed in JavaScript Object Notation (media type
application/json) as defined by RFC4627, define a JSON object, and must specify values for the following
key names.

version An integer that specifies the version of the item, as described in “Version
Numbers,” on page 243.

id The object identifier, expressed in URN format. This value uniquely

identifies the catalog, persists for the life of the catalog, and must never be

name The display name of the catalog. Must be a nonempty string.

created Time and date when the endpoint was created.

description A description of the item, as it will appear in the destination catalog.

type Item type. Must have one of the following values:

n vcsp.iso if the item is an ISO image.

n vcsp.ovf if the item is an OVF package.

VMware, Inc. 241

vCloud API Programming Guide

files An array of file objects that includes all the files that represent the item.
Each file object is represented as an array with two elements:

name The name of the file.

hrefs An array of pathnames to the file. Must contain a

single pathname to the file from the root of the
endpoint, written as a URL fragment.

properties An array of additional properties of the item. Must be empty.

The following example shows a typical item descriptor for an OVF package.

"version" : "1",
"id" : "urn:uuid:b63c9bbe-3614-4153-82fd-d5f4916a1327",
"name" : "template1",
"created" : "2012-09-14T22:18:12.858Z",
"description" : "Added with VMware Ovf Tool.",
"type" : "vcsp.ovf",
"files" : [ {
"name" : "descriptor.ovf",
"size" : 9985,
"hrefs" : [ "descriptor.ovf" ]
}, {
"name" : "vm-3fe8a95b-ccd1-4816-b4ed-d631f3e2bbf3-disk-0.vmdk",
"size" : 833536,
"hrefs" : [ "vm-3fe8a95b-ccd1-4816-b4ed-d631f3e2bbf3-disk-0.vmdk" ]
} ],
} "properties" : {

VCSP clients retrieve catalog files, including the descriptor and the endpoint index, with GET requests. The
endpoint must return one of the following responses:

n HTTP status 200 (OK) followed by the file content

n HTTP status 503 (Service unavailable) followed by a document that provides additional information.
This document has media type application/json, and provides values for the following keys:

status Status of the requested file.

progress File generation progress, expressed as an integer in the range 0 to 100.

message An error message describing any errors that prevented the file from being

The client continues to make GET requests until it receives either a 200 response or a 503 response with a
nonempty message.

For example, an in-progress operation could return the following response.

"status" : "",
"progress" : 10

242 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

An operation that has encountered an error could return the following response.

"status" : "failed",
"message" : "File Generation failed"

An endpoint can require authentication. VCSP clients always present the user name vcsp when logging in.
The endpoint can specify any password for this user, but must accept the user name vcsp. The user name
and password are encoded as specified for Basic HTTP authentication.

Version Numbers
Version numbers appear in the endpoint descriptor and endpoint index as version values, which are integer
values that increment monotonically. It is the responsibility of the endpoint to increment the appropriate
version value whenever any of the following changes occur.

Changes to a catalog n A file in the item is added, removed, or changed.

n The name or description of the item is changed.

Changes to a catalog n An item is added to or removed from the catalog.

n The version value of any contained catalog item changes.

n The name or description of the catalog is changed.

User and Group Administration

A newly created organization has no users or groups in it. An administrator must create or import them.

An organization can contain an arbitrary number of users and groups. Users can be created by the
organization administrator or imported from an LDAP directory service or SAML-based identity provider.
Groups must be imported. Permissions within an organization are controlled through the assignment of
rights and roles to users and groups.

Local Users and Imported Users

Users can be created locally or imported from the organization's LDAP service if it has defined one. Users
and groups can also be imported from an external identity provider that supports SAML (the Security
Assertion Markup Language). Local user accounts are stored in the vCloud Director database and managed
by the organization administrator. Imported user accounts are managed by the service from which the user
was imported. If an imported user changes his password, contact information, or other account properties,
those changes are not effective in vCloud Director until the user is imported again.

VMware, Inc. 243

vCloud API Programming Guide

About Identity Providers

In vCloud Director, an identity provider is a service that accepts credentials such as a user name and
password and authenticates the user as a member of a group or organization. vCloud Director recognizes
two kinds of identity providers:

Integrated The integrated identity provider is a service provided by vCloud Director. It

can authenticate users who are created locally or imported from LDAP.

SAML An organization can define a SAML identity provider that can be used as
part of a federated identity strategy. Such a strategy can enable an enterprise
to provide access to multiple, unrelated services, including vCloud Director,
with a single set of credentials. This sort of authentication strategy is often
referred to as "single sign-on." See “Enabling and Managing Federation,” on
page 182.

The XML representation of a User can include an IdentityProvider element that specifies either INTEGRATED
or SAML. If the element is missing or empty, a value of INTEGRATED is assumed

Modifying User or Group Metadata

An organization administrator can modify metadata such as name and description for a user or group object
by creating a modified version of the User or Group element that represents the object and updating the
object by making a PUT request to the object's rel="edit" link, supplying the modified element in the
request body.

Create a User
An organization administrator can create user accounts that are local to the organization. Local user
accounts are stored in the vCloud Director database.

Every user exists within the context of an organization. An organization administrator can create a local user
in an organization by POSTing a User element to the organization’s add URL for users, as shown in
“Example: Create a Local User,” on page 244.

When you create a user, you must include the Role and Password elements in the request body. The role can
be a predefined role or one created by the organization administrator. For more information about
retrieving a list of predefined roles, see “Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud,” on page 53. For more
information about creating new roles, see “Create a Role,” on page 257.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

1 Create a User element that defines the user account properties.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Local User,” on page 244.

2 POST the User element to the organization's add URL for users.

The server creates a user account in the vCloud Director database and returns an updated User element to
the client.

Example: Create a Local User

This example adds the user to the organization created in “Example: Create an Organization,” on page 173.
The request includes an optional IsEnabled element that enables the user. If not present in the request,
IsEnabled defaults to false.

244 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

The response is a User element, most of which does not appear in the example. The response includes a link
that an administrator can use to edit user properties, and additional elements, such as IsDefaultCached and
StoredVmQuota, whose values are inherited from the organization.

n The Password element, which must not be empty when you create a User, is never returned.

n The ProviderType, which was not specified in the request, defaults to INTEGRATED. See “About Identity
Providers,” on page 244.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/users
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="ExampleUser" >
<FullName>Example User Full Name</FullName>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/105" />
<GroupReferences />


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/85" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/85" />
<FullName>Example User Full Name</FullName>
name="vApp User"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/105" />
<GroupReferences />

VMware, Inc. 245

vCloud API Programming Guide

Import a User from an LDAP Database

If an organization defines an LDAP service to use, an organization or system administrator can import user
accounts from that service.

Importing a group from LDAP imports all the users in the group. See “Import a Group from an LDAP
Database,” on page 247. You can also import users individually.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system

n Verify that your organization has defined an LDAP service to use.

1 Create a User element that identifies the LDAP user account to import.

The name attribute of the User element must match the LDAP user name, as specified in the organization's
LDAP properties. You must include the Role element in the request body.

2 POST the User element to the organization's users URL.

The server matches the value of the name attribute in the request body with the value of the LDAP attribute
that the organization specified in the value of the UserName element in the UserAttributes of its
OrgLdapSettings. LDAP attributes such as userPrincipalName or samAccountName are common choices here.
The server imports the user from the organization's LDAP service, and returns an updated User element to
the client.

Example: Import a User from an LDAP Database

This example imports a user to the organization created in “Example: Create an Organization,” on page 173.
The request includes an optional IsEnabled element, so the user is enabled as soon as the import is complete.

The response is a User element, most of which is not shown in the example. The response includes a link
that an administrator can use to edit user metadata, and additional elements, such as IsDefaultCached and
StoredVmQuota, inherited from organization defaults. It also includes a NameInSource element, which
contains the user's name as stored by the LDAP server, using the server's native encoding.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/users
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/105" />

246 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/85" />
<FullName>Imported User Full Name</FullName>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/105" />
<GroupReferences />

Import a Group from an LDAP Database

If an organization defines an LDAP service to use, an organization or system administrator can import
groups from that service. You cannot create a group. You must import it.

Importing a group from LDAP imports all the users in the group. You can also import users individually.
See “Import a User from an LDAP Database,” on page 246.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system

n Verify that your organization has defined an LDAP service to use.

1 Create a Group element that identifies the LDAP group to import.

The name attribute of the Group element must match the LDAP group name, as specified in the
organization's LDAP properties. You must include a Role element in the request body. The role
specified in this element is assigned to all group members during the import.

2 POST the Group element to the organization's groups URL.

The server matches the value of the name attribute in the request body with the value of the LDAP attribute
that the organization specified in the value of the GroupName element in the GroupAttributes of its
OrgLdapSettings. The LDAP cn attribute is a common choice here. The server imports that group and all of
its users from organization's LDAP service, and returns an updated Group element to the client.

VMware, Inc. 247

vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Import a Group from an LDAP Database

This example imports a group to the organization created in “Example: Create an Organization,” on
page 173. The response is a Group element, most of which does not appear in the example. The response
includes a link that an administrator can use to edit group metadata such as name and description, and a
UsersList element that includes a UserReference element for each user in the group. The response also
includes a NameInSource element, which contains the group's name as stored by the LDAP server, using the
server's native encoding.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/groups
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.group+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.group+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/group/44" ...>
name="vApp Wrangler"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/102" />

Until the import is complete, the Group element contains only partial information. After the import is
complete, the element includes a list of users and other information.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/group/44" ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/group/44" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/group/44" />
<Description>Research and development</Description>

248 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/18" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/19" />
name="vApp Wrangler"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/102" />

Import a User or Group from a SAML Identity Provider

If your organization defines a SAML identity provider in its OrgFederationSettings, you cannot import the
users or groups as you can from an LDAP service. Instead, you must map the SAML-defined roles of those
users and groups to roles defined in your organization.
Unlike imports from an LDAP service, imports from a SAML identity provider do not actually import
information from an external database. Instead, the operation creates a mapping between a user or group
name in your organization's database and a user or group name defined by your organization's SAML
provider. The vCloud Director database stores these mappings, but does not store any data retrieved from
the SAML provider.

When you import a user from a SAML identity provider, you must include the domain name, such as
user@domain.com. When you import a group from a SAML identity provider, you must use its fully
distinguished name.

When a user login presents a SAML token to the organization, user and group names in the token are
evaluated using the mappings established by the import operation. This evaluation process can be
summarized as follows:

n If the SAML token includes an attribute named UserName, try to match the value of that attribute to the
value of the name attribute of the User.

n If the SAML token does not include an attribute named UserName, try to match the value of the NameId
element to the value of the name attribute of the User.

n If the SAML token includes an attribute named Groups, assume that the value of that attribute is a list of
group names, and try to match each value in the list to the value of the name attribute of a Group in the

n If the SAML token does not include an attribute named Groups, assume that the user is not a member of
any group.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system

n Verify that your organization has defined a SAML identity provider in its OrgFederationSettings.

1 Create a User or Group element that identifies a user or group defined by your organization's SAML

VMware, Inc. 249

vCloud API Programming Guide

2 Include the following line in the User or Group element.


3 POST the element to the organization's users or groups URL.

Example: Import a User from a SAML Identity Provider

This example imports a user from the SAML identity provider defined by the organization. This example is
identical to the one shown in “Example: Import a User from an LDAP Database,” on page 246, but includes
a ProviderType element that specifies the source as the organization's SAML identity provider. It also omits
the IsExternal element, which is required when importing from LDAP but is ignored when importing from

The response is a User element, most of which is not shown in the example. The response includes a link
that an administrator can use to edit user metadata, and additional elements, such as IsDefaultCached and
StoredVmQuota, inherited from organization defaults. It also includes a NameInSource element, which
contains the user's name in the encoding used by the identity provider.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/users
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/105" />


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.user+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/85" />
<FullName>Imported User Full Name</FullName>

250 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/105" />
<GroupReferences />

Take Control of a User's Objects

An organization administrator or system administrator can take control of a user's vApps, media, and

When an administrator retrieves a User element, it contains a link that the administrator can use to take
ownership of that user's vApps, media, and catalogs. This action is typically required when a user leaves the
organization and an administrator needs to transfer ownership of that user's objects to other users.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the user.
Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/85

2 Examine the response to find the link where rel="takeOwnership".

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/85" ... >

3 Make a POST request to the URL in the href value of that link.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/85/action/takeOwnership

The response is empty (204 No Content).

All vApps, media, and catalogs that belonged to the user now belong to the administrator who made the

Working With Roles and Rights

A role associates a role name with a set of rights. A newly created organization includes a set of predefined
roles and rights inherited from the containing cloud. An organization administrator can add new roles or
modify predefined roles.

vCloud Director uses roles, and their associated rights, to determine whether a user or group is authorized
to perform an operation. When you create or import a user or group, you must assign it a role. You can use
one of the predefined roles, or you can create a role from existing rights.

VMware, Inc. 251

vCloud API Programming Guide

Predefined roles and rights are properties of a cloud. Roles that an organization administrator creates are
properties of the organization.

NOTE You can create and modify rights associated with extension services, but not those associated with
vCloud Director. See “Create a Service-Specific Right,” on page 375

Predefined Roles and Their Rights

vCloud Director includes predefined roles. Each of these roles includes a set of default rights.

System Administrator
The system administrator has super-user rights for the entire system. System administrator credentials are
established during installation and configuration. A system administrator can create additional system
administrator accounts. All system administrators are members of the system organization. You cannot
modify the rights associated with this role.

Organization Roles
After creating an organization, a system administrator can assign the role of organization administrator to
any user in the organization. An organization administrator has super-user rights within that organization,
and can assign any of the predefined roles to the organization's users and groups.

Organization An organization administrator can assign the role of organization

Administrator administrator to any member of an organization.

Catalog Author The rights associated with the catalog author role allow a user to create and
publish catalogs.

vApp Author The rights associated with the vApp Author role allow a user to use catalogs
and create vApps.

vApp User The rights associated with the vApp User role allow a user to use existing

Console Access Only The rights associated with the Console Access Only role allow a user to view
virtual machine state and properties and to use the guest OS.

Each predefined role includes a set of default rights. If an organization administrator modifies the set of
rights associated with a predefined role, those modifications apply only in the context of that organization.
If a system administrator modifies the set of rights associated with a predefined role, those modifications
apply to all organizations in the system.

You classify rights according to the objects to which they apply.

Rights Associated with Catalogs

Admin rights are granted to the system administrator throughout the system, and to an organization
administrator within the organization.

Table 6‑5. Rights Associated With Catalogs

Catalog vApp Console
Description Admin Author Author vApp User Access Only

Catalog: Add Permission to add a X X X

vApp from vApp to a catalog
My Cloud from My Cloud.

Catalog: Permission to change X

Change the owner of a
Owner catalog.

252 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Table 6‑5. Rights Associated With Catalogs (Continued)

Catalog vApp Console
Description Admin Author Author vApp User Access Only

Catalog: Permission to create X X

Create/Delete and delete catalogs.
a Catalog

Catalog: Edit Permission to edit X X

Catalog catalog properties.

Catalog: Permission to X X
Allow publish catalogs for
External external
Publishing/Su consumption and to
bscriptions for subscribe to external
the Catalogs catalog feeds.

Catalog: Share Permission to share X X

a Catalog to catalogs to users and
Users/Groups groups in the same
within organization.

Catalog: View Permission to view X X X

Private and both private and
Shared shared catalogs in
Catalogs the organization.

Catalog: View Permission to view X

Shared catalogs shared from
Catalogs from other organizations.

Rights Associated with Independent Disks

Table 6‑6. Rights Associated With Independent Disks
Catalog vApp Console
Description Admin Author Author vApp User Access Only

Disk: Create Permission to create X X X

independent disks.

Disk: Delete Permission to delete X X X

independent disks.

Disk: Edit Permission to edit X X X

Properties the properties of an
independent disk.

Disk: View Permission to view X X X X

Properties the properties of an
independent disk.

VMware, Inc. 253

vCloud API Programming Guide

Rights Associated with vApp Templates and Media

Table 6‑7. Rights Associated With vApp Templates and Media
Catalog vApp Console
Description Admin Author Author vApp User Access Only

Catalog Item: Permission to add a X X X X

Add to My vApp template or
Cloud media file to My

Catalog Item: Permission to copy X X X

Copy/Move a and move vApp
vApp templates and media
Template/Med files.

Catalog Item: Permission to create X X

Create/Upload and upload vApp
a vApp templates and media
Template/Med files.

Catalog Item: Permission to enable X X

Enable vApp a vApp template or
Template/Med media item to be
ia Download downloaded.

Catalog Item: Permission to edit X X

Edit vApp the properties of a
Template/Med vApp template or
ia Properties media file.

Catalog Item: Permission to view X X X X

View vApp vApp templates and
Templates/Me media files.

Rights Associated with vApps

Table 6‑8. Rights Associated With vApps
Catalog vApp Console
Description Admin Author Author vApp User Access Only

vApp: Change Permission to change X

Owner the owner of a vApp.

vApp: Copy a Permission to copy a X X X X

vApp vApp.

vApp: Permission to create X X X

Create/Reconfi and reconfigure
gure a vApp vApps.

vApp: Delete Permission to delete X X X X

a vApp a vApp.

vApp: Permission to X X X X
Download a download a vApp.

vApp: Edit Permission to edit a X X X X

vApp vApp's properties.

254 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Table 6‑8. Rights Associated With vApps (Continued)

Catalog vApp Console
Description Admin Author Author vApp User Access Only

vApp: Edit Permission to edit X X X

VM CPU virtual machine

vApp: Edit Permission to edit X X X

VM Hard Disk virtual machine hard

vApp: Edit Permission to edit X X X

VM Memory virtual machine

vApp: Edit Permission to edit X X X X

VM Network virtual machine

vApp: Edit Permission to edit X X X X

VM Properties virtual machine

vApp: Permission to edit X X X X X

Manage VM virtual machine
Password password settings.

vApp: Permission to start, X X X X

Start/Stop/Sus stop, suspend, and
pend/Reset a reset a vApp

vApp: Share a Permission to share X X X X

vApp vApps.

vApp: Permission to create, X X X X

Create/Remov revert, and delete
e/Revert a virtual machine
Snapshot snapshots.

vApp: Upload Permission to upload X X X X

a vApp a vApp.

vApp: Access Permission to use the X X X X X

to a VM virtual machine
Console console.

vApp: View Permission to view X X X

VM Metrics virtual machine

Administrative Rights
All of these rights are granted to the system administrator throughout the system, and to an organization
administrator within the organization. These rights are not granted to any other predefined role.

VMware, Inc. 255

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 6‑9. Other Administrative Rights

Catalog vApp Console
Description Admin Author Author vApp User Access Only

General: Permission to use all X

Administrator administrator
Control privileges.

General: Permission to view X

Administrator vCloud Director as
View an administrator.

General: Send Permission to send X

Notification vCloud Director user

Gateway: Permission to X
Configure configure gateway
Services services.

Organization Permission to edit X

VDC the properties of an
Network: Edit organization virtual
Properties data center network.

Organization Permission to view X

VDC the properties of an
Network: organization virtual
View data center network.

Organization Permission to set the X

VDC: Set default storage
Default policy for an
Storage Policy organization virtual
data center.

Organization Permission to view X

VDC: View organization virtual
Organization data centers.

Organization: Permission to edit an X

Edit organization's
Federation federation settings.

Organization: Permission to edit an X

Edit Leases organization's leases
Policy policy.

Organization: Permission to edit an X

Edit organization's
Organization network properties

Organization: Permission to edit X

Edit organization
Organization properties.

Organization: Permission to edit an X

Edit Password organization's
Policy password policy.

Organization: Permission to edit an X

Edit Quotas organization's quotas
Policy policy.

256 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

Table 6‑9. Other Administrative Rights (Continued)

Catalog vApp Console
Description Admin Author Author vApp User Access Only

Organization: Permission to edit an X

Edit SMTP organization's SMTP
Settings settings.

Organization: Permission to edit an X

Edit organization's
Organization associations.

Organization: Permission to view X

View organization
Organization networks.

Organization: Permission to view X

View organizations.

Create a Role
An organization administrator can create a role by aggregating a set of rights in a Role element and
POSTing it to the organization's add URL for roles.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as an organization administrator or system administrator.

1 Create a Role element that defines the role with a name and a set of rights.

To get the RightReference objects that populate the Role, retrieve the administrative view of the cloud,
using a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin

The VCloud element returned by this request includes a RightReferences element that contains
RightReference elements that show the name and href for each right defined in the cloud. For example:

name="vApp: Copy"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/right/4965b0e7-9ed8-371d-8b08-fc716d20bf4b" />

2 POST the Role element to the organization's add URL for roles.
See the request portion of “Example: Create a Role,” on page 257.

The server creates a Role element and returns its representation to the client.

Example: Create a Role

This example adds a role named vAppWrangler to the organization created in “Example: Create an
Organization,” on page 173. The rights associated with this new role are less comprehensive than those
associated with the built-in vApp Author role, but still include rights to perform many common vApp

NOTE This example uses href attributes that contain actual UUID values for specific rights, since these are
invariant across vCloud Director installations and releases.

VMware, Inc. 257

vCloud API Programming Guide


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/roles
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.role+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Create and manage vApps</Description>
name="vApp: Copy"
fc716d20bf4b" />
name="vApp: Create / Reconfigure"
ce0453160b53" />
name="vApp: Delete"
a9cfe8d49014" />
name="vApp: Edit Properties"
de3d525d49f3" />
name="vApp: Edit VM CPU"
f56612a06722" />
name="vApp: Edit VM Hard Disk"
b782-5d31a1d77d85" />
name="vApp: Edit VM Memory"
fc42-33a8-844f-8ab5a91f8a6c" />
name="vApp: Edit VM Network"
f953-3976-9f2b-8b355b25881d" />
name="vApp: Edit VM Properties"

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/right/5250ab79-8f50-33f9-8af5-015cb39c380b" />

258 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 6 Creating and Managing Organizations

name="vApp: Power Operations"
ac39-4f9d8e3e1cd2" />

The response is a Role element, most of which does not appear in this excerpt. The response includes links
that an administrator can use to edit or remove the role.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.role+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/role/102" ...>
<Description>Create and manage vApps</Description>

VMware, Inc. 259

vCloud API Programming Guide

260 VMware, Inc.

Managing and Monitoring a Cloud 7
The VMware vCloud API includes extensions that support operations on the vSphere platform, which
provides resources to vCloud Director. A system administrator can use these extensions to retrieve or
update the configuration of a cloud, add or remove vSphere resources, and import vApps and media from

Only the system administrator can perform vSphere platform operations. Before you attempt these
operations, log in to the System organization with the user name and password of the system administrator
account that was created when vCloud Director was installed. See “Administrator Credentials and
Privileges,” on page 172.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Summary of System Administration Requests,” on page 261

n “Retrieve or Update System Settings,” on page 265

n “Attach a vCenter Server,” on page 266

n “Finding Available vCenter Resources,” on page 268

n “Create a Provider VDC,” on page 277

n “Create an External Network,” on page 287

n “Create a Network Pool,” on page 290

n “Import a Virtual Machine from vCenter,” on page 296

n “Relocate a Virtual Machine to a Different Datastore,” on page 299

n “System Truststore and Keytab Maintenance,” on page 301

n “Retrieve the vSphere URL of an Object,” on page 304

Summary of System Administration Requests

System administration requests allow a system administrator to create and manage resources consumed by
all organizations in a cloud, and to operate on vSphere platform objects registered to vCloud Director.

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

VMware, Inc. 261

vCloud API Programming Guide

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.

IMPORTANT Request URLs are always available in Link elements contained by the representation of the
object on which they operate. URL forms shown here are for reference purposes only. Although URLs have
a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat vCloud API request URLs
as opaque strings. The rules that govern how the server constructs these strings might change in future

This summary may not cover all requests in this category. For the complete list of requests, along with
detailed information about input and output types, see the Operations lists in the schema reference.

Table 7‑1. Summary of System Administration Requests

Operation Request Request Body Response

Share a catalog with specific POST API- PublishCatalogParams 204 No Content

organizations in your cloud. URL/admin/catalog/id/acti

Retrieve a list of Provider GET API- None VMWProviderVdcReference

VDCs in the system. URL/admin/extension/pro s

Retrieve a list of external GET API- None VMWExternalNetworkRefer

networks in the system. URL/admin/extension/exte ences

Retrieve a list of network GET API- None VMWNetworkPoolReference

pools in the system. URL/admin/extension/net s

Retrieve a list of vCenter GET API- None VMWVimServerReferences

servers registered to URL/admin/extension/vim
vCloud Director. ServerReferences

Retrieve information about a GET API- None VimServer

vCenter server. URL/admin/extension/vim

Retrieve a list of available GET API- None ResourcePoolList

resource pools on a vCenter URL/admin/extension/vim
server. Server/id/resourcePoolList

Update vCenter server PUT API- VimServer Task

settings. URL/admin/extension/vim

Register a vCenter server POST API- RegisterVimServerParam RegisterVimServerParams

and vShield manager. URL/admin/extension/acti s

Unregister a vCenter server POST API- None Task

and vShield manager. URL/admin/extension/vim

Force reconnection to a POST API- None Task

vCenter server. URL/admin/extension/vim

Retrieve a list of hosts in the GET API- None VMWHostReferences

system. URL/admin/extension/host

Retrieve information about GET API- None Host

an ESXi host. URL/admin/extension/hos

262 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

Table 7‑1. Summary of System Administration Requests (Continued)

Operation Request Request Body Response

Prepare an ESXi host. POST API- PrepareHostParams Task


Unprepare an ESXi host. POST API- None Task


Enable an ESXi host. POST API- None Task


Disable an ESXi host. POST API- None Task


Repair an ESXi host. POST API- None 204 No Content


Upgrade an ESXi host. POST API- None Task


Create a Provider VDC. POST API- VMWProviderVdcParams VMWProviderVdc


Retrieve a Provider VDC. GET API- None VMWProviderVdc


Update a Provider VDC. PUT API- VMWProviderVdc VMWProviderVdc


Enable a Provider VDC. POST API- None 204 No Content


Disable a Provider VDC. POST API- None 204 No Content


Delete a Provider VDC. DELETE API- None Task


Create an external network. POST API- VMWExternalNetwork VMWExternalNetwork


Retrieve an external GET API- None VMWExternalNetwork

network. URL/admin/extension/exte

Update an external network. PUT API- VMWExternalNetwork VMWExternalNetwork


Delete an external network. DELETE API- None Task


Create a network pool. POST API- VMWNetworkPool VMWNetworkPool


VMware, Inc. 263

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 7‑1. Summary of System Administration Requests (Continued)

Operation Request Request Body Response

Retrieve a network pool. GET API- None VMWNetworkPool


Update a network pool. PUT API- VMWNetworkPool VMWNetworkPool


Delete a network pool. DELETE API- None Task


Import a virtual machine POST API- ImportVmAsVAppParams VApp

from vCenter as a vApp. URL/admin/extension/vim

Import a virtual machine POST API- ImportVmAsVAppTemplate VAppTemplate

from vCenter as a vApp URL/admin/extension/vim Params
template. Server/id/importVmAsVap

Retrieve the representation GET API- None Datastore

of a datastore. URL/admin/extension/data

Enable a datastore. POST API- None Datastore


Disable a datastore. POST API- None Datastore


Update a datastore. PUT API- Datastore Datastore


Delete a datastore. DELETE API- None 204 No Content


Import a virtual machine POST API- ImportVmIntoExistingVA Task

from vCenter into an URL/admin/extension/vim ppParams
existing vApp. Server/id/importVmIntoEx

Import a media image from POST API- ImportMediaParams Media

vCenter. URL/admin/extension/vim

Enable a resource pool. POST API- None 204 No Content


Disable a resource pool. POST API- None 204 No Content


Place a vApp in POST API- None 204 No Content

maintenance mode to URL/vApp/id/action/enter
prevent users from changing MaintenanceMode
vApp metadata.

Remove a vApp from POST API- None 204 No Content

maintenance mode. URL/vApp/id/action/exitM

264 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

Table 7‑1. Summary of System Administration Requests (Continued)

Operation Request Request Body Response

Migrate a virtual machines POST API- MigrateParams Task

to a different resource pool. URL/admin/extension/reso

Retrieve a URL that you can GET API- None VSphereWebClientUrl

use to access a vSphere URL/admin/extension/vim
object with a vSphere client. Server/id/vimObjType/vimO

Merge Provider VDCs. PUT API- None 204 No Content


Retrieve the list of storage GET API- None VMWStorageProfiles

profiles that exist on a URL/admin/extension/vim
vCenter server. Server/id/storageProfiles

Refresh the list of storage POST API- None Task

profiles that exist on a URL/admin/extension/vim
vCenter server. Server/id/action/refreshSto

Register vCloud Director so POST API- None Task

that it appears as an URL/admin/extension/vim
extension in the vSphere Server/id/action/refresh
Client Soultions Manager

Retrieve or Update System Settings

A system administrator can retrieve or update a cloud-wide set of system properties. These properties
specify default values and behaviors for the cloud and all of the organizations in it.

The SystemSettings element includes all system settings for this cloud. The element also includes links that
allow you to retrieve these subsidiary elements, which define specific categories of settings.

GeneralSettings Control the configuration and behavior of the entire cloud.

NotificationsSettings Control the vCloud Director AMQP notifications service.

LdapSettings Specify details of the system LDAP directory service.

AmqpSettings Specify credentials and connection information for the AMQP broker that
handles notifications and blocking task messages.

EmailSettings Define configuration and connection parameters for the system default email
service, and specifies properties of email alerts that the system sends.

License System license serial number and related settings.

BrandingSettings Customize the branding of the vCloud Director Web Console and some of
the links that appear on the vCloud Director Home login screen.

BlockingTaskSettings Control the behavior of blocking tasks and enable blocking for specific

PasswordPolicySettings Specify default policies to be followed when a user in any organization

enters an incorrect password. Organization administrators can override this
default for their organizations.

VMware, Inc. 265

vCloud API Programming Guide

LookupServiceSettings Specify the vSphere Lookup Service URL so system administrators can
authenticate using vSphere Single Sign-On (SSO).

CatalogSettings Specify the schedule for background synchronization of catalogs that have an
external subscription. These settings apply to all organizations in the system.

You can retrieve the entire SystemSettings element to view all of these settings. To update an individual
subsection, retrieve it with a GET request, modify it, and update it with a PUT request.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the SystemSettings element.

Use a request like this one.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings

2 Examine the response to locate the Link elements that you can use to retrieve an individual subsection.

These links have a rel attribute value of down.

3 Use the link to retrieve the subsection.

Make a GET request to the href value of the link.

4 (Optional) Modify the retrieved subsection.

Subsections that you can modify include a link where rel="edit".

5 (Optional) To update the subsection, PUT the modified subsection to the href of the link described in
Step 4.

Attach a vCenter Server

A system administrator can register a vCenter server and a companion vShield Manager server for use in a
cloud by making a POST request to the cloud’s action/registervimserver URL and supplying a
RegisterVimServerParams request body.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Verify that you know the name, IP address, and administrator password of the vCenter server and
vShield Manager server.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vSphere platform extensions.

Use a request like this one.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension

266 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding vCenter servers to
the cloud.

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.registerVimServerParams+xml, as shown here:


3 Create a RegisterVimServerParams element that includes the information required to register the
vCenter server and vShield manager.

4 POST the RegisterVimServerParams element you created in Step 3 to the URL described in Step 2.

See the request portion of “Example: Register a vCenter Server and vShield Manager,” on page 267.

Example: Register a vCenter Server and vShield Manager

You must supply the user name and password of the vCenter administrator in the request. The response
includes vCloud URLs for the newly registered vCenter and vShield Manager servers, and omits the

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/action/registervimserver
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.registerVimServerParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.registerVimServerParams+xml

VMware, Inc. 267

vCloud API Programming Guide


Finding Available vCenter Resources

Many of the operations required to import virtual machines or create Provider VDCs, external networks,
and network pools require you to identify vCenter resources and obtain references to them. You use these
references to make the vCenter resources available in the cloud.

Every vCenter server registered to your cloud is represented as a VimServerReference element in the cloud's
vimServerReferences list. You can retrieve one of these references to get a detailed representation of the
server object, including links to the server's resource pools, networks, hosts, and virtual machines.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the list of vCenter servers registered to this cloud.

Use a request like this one.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServerReferences

2 Retrieve the representation of a vCenter server.

The response to the request you made in Step 1 contains a list of VimServerReference elements. You can
make a GET request to any of these references to retrieve the XML representation of a vCenter server
registered to this cloud.

The VimServer element returned in response to the request you made in Step 2 includes several Link
elements where rel="down". These links contain URLs that you can use to retrieve lists of references to
vCenter resources on this server.

Table 7‑2. vCenter Resource Lists

List URL List Contents

https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extensio References to virtual machines in this vCenter server's

n/vimServer/id/vmsList inventory

https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extensio References to hosts in this vCenter server's inventory


https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extensio ResourcePool objects


https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extensio VimObjectRef elements of type DV_PORTGROUP and

n/vimServer/id/networks NETWORK

https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extensio VMWStorageProfile objects.


Example: Resources on a vCenter Server


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9

268 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud


200 OK
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/vmsList" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/hostReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/resourcePoolList" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/networks" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/storageProfiles" />

Retrieve a List of Resource Pools from a vCenter Server

You can retrieve the list of resource pools available on a vCenter server registered to a cloud. To retrieve the
list, you make a GET request to the server's resourcePoolList link.

The ResourcePoolList of a VimServer element contains an entry for every available resource pool on the
server. Resource pools that a provider VDC is already using are not listed, because they are considered
unavailable. See “Finding Available vCenter Resources,” on page 268.

VMware, Inc. 269

vCloud API Programming Guide

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Retrieve the XML representation of a vCenter server registered to your cloud. See “Finding Available
vCenter Resources,” on page 268.

1 Examine the VimServer element to locate its resourcePoolList link.

The link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/resourcePoolList" />

2 GET the URL in the value of this link's href attribute to retrieve the list of resource pools.

See “Example: Retrieve a List of Resource Pools from a vCenter Server,” on page 270. If the list is
empty, all resource pools on the server are already in use.

Example: Retrieve a List of Resource Pools from a vCenter Server


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/resourcePoolList


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.resourcepoollist+xml
type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.resourcePoolList+xml" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

270 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

Retrieve a List of Available Portgroups and Switches from a vCenter Server

You can retrieve the list of available portgroups and switches that are available on a vCenter server
registered to a cloud. To retrieve the list, make a GET request to the server's networks link.

Retrieving the networks link from a VimServer element returns a VimObjectRefList element that contains
references to available DV_SWITCH, DV_PORTGOUP, and NETWORK objects on the server. Objects that have already
been consumed in the creation of an external network are not listed. See “Finding Available vCenter
Resources,” on page 268.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of a vCenter server registered to your cloud.
2 Examine the response, a VimServer element, to locate the networks link.

This link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/networks" />

3 GET the URL in the value of this link's href attribute to retrieve the list of network resources.

See “Example: Retrieve a List of Available Portgroups and Switches from a vCenter Server,”
on page 271. If the list is empty, all network resources on the server are already in use.

Example: Retrieve a List of Available Portgroups and Switches from a vCenter


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/networks

VMware, Inc. 271

vCloud API Programming Guide


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vimservernetworks+xml
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

Retrieve a List of External Networks and Network Pools

You can retrieve a list of external networks and network pools that have been created on a vCenter server
registered to a cloud.
A reference to an external network is required when you create an Edge Gateway. A reference to a network
pool is usually required when you create an organization VDC. These resources do not exist in a new
vCloud Director installation. A system administrator must create them, as described in “Create an External
Network,” on page 287 and “Create a Network Pool,” on page 290.

NOTE When you create a Provider VDC, a VxlanPoolType network pool is created automatically on the
vCenter server that backs the Provider VDC. See “Create a Network Pool,” on page 290.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of your cloud.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension

272 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

2 Examine the response, a VMWExtension element, to locate the links to lists of external networks and
network pools.

These links have the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalNetworkReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPoolReferences" />

3 Make a GET request to the link that represents the object type of interest.

See “Example: Retrieve a List of External Networks,” on page 273.

Example: Retrieve a List of External Networks


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalNetworkReferences

Each reference to an external network includes its type, name, and href attributes, as shown in this example.

<vmext:VMWExternalNetworkReferences ... >

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalnet/85" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalnet/302" />

The corresponding element for network pools, VMWNetworkPoolReferences, is similar. In most cases, you can
supply just the href attribute value when you specify an external network or network pool in an
organization network creation request. You can retrieve additional information about the external network
or network pool by making a GET request to its href attribute value.

Retrieve a List of Virtual Machines from a vCenter Server

You can retrieve the list of virtual machines in the inventory of a vCenter server that is registered to a cloud.
To retrieve the list, make a GET request to the server's vmsList link.

When you import a virtual machine from vCenter, your request must supply a reference to the vCenter
server and a VIM object reference to the virtual machine. See “Finding Available vCenter Resources,” on
page 268.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of a vCenter server registered to your cloud.

VMware, Inc. 273

vCloud API Programming Guide

2 Examine the response, a VimServer element, to locate the vmsList link.

This link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/vmsList" />

3 GET the URL in the value of this link's href attribute to retrieve the list of virtual machines.

See the request portion of “Example: Retrieve a List of Virtual Machines from a vCenter Server,” on
page 274. If the list is empty, there are no virtual machines in the server's inventory.

Example: Retrieve a List of Virtual Machines from a vCenter Server


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/vmsList


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmsobjectrefslist+xml
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
name="W2K3 64 R2">
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

274 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

Retrieve a List of Storage Profiles from a vCenter Server

You can retrieve the list of storage profiles that have been defined on a vCenter server registered to a cloud.
To retrieve the list, you make a GET request to the server's storageProfiles link.

Storage profiles are named configurations of vCenter storage. When you create a Provider VDC, you must
specify the name of at least one storage profile to provide storage capacity for that Provider VDC.

The VMWStorageProfiles of a VimServer element contains an entry for every storage profile that has been
defined on the server. See “Finding Available vCenter Resources,” on page 268.

NOTE Storage profiles are represented as Storage Policies in the vCloud Director Web console.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Retrieve the XML representation of a vCenter server registered to your cloud. See “Finding Available
vCenter Resources,” on page 268.

1 (Optional) Refresh the cached list of storage profiles.

vCloud Director maintains a cache of the storage profiles that have been created on each of its
registered vCenter servers. The cache is refreshed on a regular schedule, and is likely to contain an up-
to-date list. If a vCenter administrator has recently created a new storage profile, you can force it to be
added to the cache by following these steps.

a Examine the VimServer element to locate its action/refreshStorageProfiles link.

The link has the following form:


files" />

b Refresh the cached list of storage profiles from the vCenter server.

Use a request like this one.


The response is a Task. When the task completes, the cached list of storage profiles on the vCenter
server has been updated.

2 Examine the VimServer element to locate its storageProfiles link.

The link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/storageProfiles" />

3 GET the URL in the value of this link's href attribute to retrieve the list of storage profiles.

See “Example: Retrieve a List of Storage Profiles from a vCenter Server,” on page 276.

VMware, Inc. 275

vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Retrieve a List of Storage Profiles from a vCenter Server


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/storageProfiles

This response shows that the specified vCenter server contains three storage profiles, named Gold, Silver,
and Bronze. Storage profile details, including datastore identifiers and capacities, are included in the
response, but only the value of the name attribute of a VMWStorageProfile is needed when adding that
storage profile to a Provider VDC.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwstorageprofiles+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

276 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

Create a Provider VDC

A Provider VDC is a collection of compute, memory, and storage resources from one vCenter. A Provider
VDC provides resources to organization VDCs.

A Provider VDC is represented as a VMWProviderVdc element in the extension view and a ProviderVdc
element in the admin view. A system administrator can create a VMWProviderVdc or modify it to add or
remove datastores, storage profiles, and resource pools, or change other properties such as its description. A
system administrator cannot change the primary resource pool or vCenter server that was specified when
the Provider VDC was created. An organization administrator can retrieve a read-only representation of a
Provider VDC in a ProviderVdc element. The ProviderVdc element includes a subset of the elements and
attributes that are visible in the corresponding VMWProviderVdc.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Choose a vCenter server to supply a resource pool and storage profiles to this Provider VDC. See
“Finding Available vCenter Resources,” on page 268.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vSphere platform extensions.

Use a request like this one.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding Provider VDCs to the

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.createProviderVdcParams+xml, as shown here:


3 Create a VMWProviderVdcParams element that specifies the properties of the Provider VDC.

a Include a VimServer element that references the vCenter server that you have chosen to supply a
resource pool and storage profiles to this Provider VDC.

b Include a ResourcePoolRefs element that specifies one resource pool.

The ResourcePoolRef must contain the href attribute value of the VimServer element you created in
Step 3a, as well as the MoRef and VimObjectType values of the resource pool as they appear in the
ResourcePool and element from the resource pool list. See the request portion of “Example: Create
a Provider VDC,” on page 278.

NOTE You must specify exactly one resource pool when you create the Provider VDC. You can
add more resource pools after the Provider VDC is created.

c Include at least one StorageProfile element that contains the name of a storage profile that has
been defined on the vCenter server referenced in the VimServer element you created in Step 3a.

4 POST the VMWProviderVdc element you created in Step 3 to the URL described in Step 2.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Provider VDC,” on page 278.

VMware, Inc. 277

vCloud API Programming Guide

The server creates and enables the Provider VDC and returns a VMWProviderVdc element that includes
information derived from the contents you POSTed, along with a set of Link elements that you can use to
access, remove, disable, or modify the Provider VDC.

n The new Provider VDC becomes a member of the ProviderVdcReferences element of the VCloud.

n The resource pool you selected is removed from the resource pool list of the vCenter server.

n Each storage profile you specified becomes the basis for a ProviderVdcStorageProfile object, and can
be retrieved from the Provider VDC after it has been created, or by using a providerVdcStorageProfile

n A VxlanPoolType network pool is created on the vCenter server referenced by the VimServer element
you created in Step 3a and implicitly attached to the new Provider VDC. You can create other types of
network pools on that vCenter server if you want them to be available in the Provider VDC. See “Create
a Network Pool,” on page 290.

Example: Create a Provider VDC

This request creates a Provider VDC specifying a resource pool extracted from the response portion of
“Example: Retrieve a List of Resource Pools from a vCenter Server,” on page 270 and a storage profile
extracted from “Example: Retrieve a List of Storage Profiles from a vCenter Server,” on page 276. The
vCenter server that provides the resources is referenced in the VimServerRef and VimServer elements.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdcsparams
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.createProviderVdcParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vcloud:Description>Example Provider VDC</vcloud:Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

The response includes a Task that tracks the creation of the Provider VDC, and a set of Link elements that
you can use to operate on or modify the Provider VDC. It also includes read-only values for
ComputeCapacity and SupportedHardwareVersions, and a list of HostReferences identifying the ESX hosts
that provide the resources.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwprovidervdc+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

278 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

type="application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwprovidervdc+xml" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providerVdcReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/providervdc/35" />

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35/resourcePools" />

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35/availableStorageProfiles" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/providervdc/35/vdcReferences" />
<vcloud:Description>Example Provider VDC</vcloud:Description>
operation="Creating Provider Virtual Datacenter PVDC-Example(35)">

VMware, Inc. 279

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/297" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/pvdcStorageProfile/101" />
b8f6-2e2a11785c9f" />
<vmext:DataStoreRefs />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
name="ConfigWizard Configured vCenter"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/host/83" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/host/261" />

280 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

Retrieve a Provider VDC Resource Pool Set

The VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolSet of a Provider VDC contains information about all of the Provider
VDC's resource pools. Getting this information is usually a prerequisite to adding or removing a resource

Each reference in a VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolSet lists the vCenter server that provides the resource pool
and indicates whether the resource pool is primary. All resource pools in a VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolSet
must come from the same vCenter server.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the Provider VDC.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35

2 Locate the resourcePools link in the VMWProviderVdc.

Every VMWProviderVdc element includes a link like this one to the Provider VDC's resource pools.


3 Retrieve the VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolSet for the Provider VDC.

See “Example: Retrieve a Resource Pool Set,” on page 281.

Example: Retrieve a Resource Pool Set

This example lists the resource pools for the Provider VDC created in “Example: Create a Provider VDC,”
on page 278. The response is a VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolSet that contains two resource pools, one of
which is designated primary. Both reference the same vCenter server at


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35/resourcePools


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwprovidervdcresourcepoolset+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:vcloud="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35" />

VMware, Inc. 281

vCloud API Programming Guide


href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/resourcePool/64/action/migrateVms" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/resourcePool/64/vmList" />
name="ConfigWizard Configured vCenter"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/resourcePool/64" />

Update Provider VDC Resource Pools

A system administrator can update the resource pool set of an existing Provider VDC to add or remove
resource pools. Adding resource pools allows organization VDCs that reference the Provider VDC to
consume additional resources during periods of high demand. Removing resource pools frees the
underlying resources.

When you create a Provider VDC, it initially contains a single resource pool, called the primary resource
pool. Adding secondary resource pools allows a Provider VDC to support resource elasticity in organization
VDCs that use the AllocationPool or AllocationVApp (pay as you go) allocation model. Resource elasticity
allows an organization VDC's compute resources to grow or shrink on demand.

All of a Provider VDC's resource pools must come from the same vCenter. See “Retrieve a List of Resource
Pools from a vCenter Server,” on page 269.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the Provider VDC.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35

2 Locate the updateResourcePools link in the VMWProviderVdc.

Every VMWProviderVdc element includes an action link like this one to the Provider VDC's
updateResourcePools action.



282 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

3 Retrieve the resource pool list from the Provider VDC.

The VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolSet contains references to the Provider VDC's existing resource pools
and the vCenter server that hosts them.

4 Update the resource pool set.

To add resource pools:

a Choose another resource pool from the same vCenter server.

b Create an UpdateResourcePoolSetParams element that contains an AddItem element for each

resource pool to add.

To remove resource pools:

a Examine the resource pool list and find the pool to remove.

b Verify the pool is not the primary resource pool, and that no virtual machines are using it.

If necessary, use the action/migrateVms link to migrate virtual machines to another resource pool.

c Create an UpdateResourcePoolSetParams element that contains a DeleteItem element for each

resource pool to remove.

5 POST the UpdateResourcePoolSetParams element to the Provider VDC's resourcePools link.

Example: Update Provider VDC Resource Pools

This request adds a resource pool to the Provider VDC created in “Example: Create a Provider VDC,” on
page 278. The additional resource pool is hosted on the same vCenter server that hosts the existing resource
pool. See “Retrieve a List of Resource Pools from a vCenter Server,” on page 269 for an example that lists the
resource pools available on that server.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35/action/updateResourcePools
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.resourcePoolSetUpdateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... >

This request removes one of the two resource pools (a secondary resource pool) shown in “Retrieve a
Provider VDC Resource Pool Set,” on page 281. The response is a task.

VMware, Inc. 283

vCloud API Programming Guide


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35/action/updateResourcePools
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.resourcePoolSetUpdateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/resourcePool/66" />


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... >

Update Provider VDC Storage Profiles

A system administrator can update the storage profiles that are included in a Provider VDC. New storage
profiles can be added, and unused storage profiles can be removed.

Storage profiles can be created by a vCenter administrator on any vCenter server that supports the profile-
driven storage feature. A Provider VDC can provide access to any of the storage profiles that have been
created on its vCenter server (the one referenced in its vmext:VimServer element). A vCloud Director system
administrator must specify at least one vCenter storage profile when creating a Provider VDC, and can add
or remove storage profiles later as needed. Organization VDCs reference Provider VDC storage profiles in
much the same way that Provider VDCs reference vCenter storage profiles. Media and Disk objects, as well
as vApps and virtual machines reference organization VDC storage profiles by name.

NOTE Storage profiles are represented as Storage Policies in the vCloud Director Web console.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the Provider VDC.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35

2 Examine the VMWProviderVdc element to find the storageProfiles link and the vmext:VimServer

The storageProfiles link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/providervdc/35/storageProfiles" />

284 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

3 Create an UpdateProviderVdcStorageProfiles request body that specifies the details of the update.

To add a storage profile:

a Choose another storage profile from the vCenter server referenced in the vmext:VimServer element
you located in Step 2.
b Create an UpdateProviderVdcStorageProfiles element that contains an AddStorageProfile element
for each storage profile to add.
To remove a storage profile:

a Retrieve the Provider VDC's availableStorageProfiles list and find the name of the profile to

Use a request like this one:


b Verify that no organization VDCs are using the storage profile you want to remove.

c Create an UpdateProviderVdcStorageProfiles element that contains a RemoveStorageProfile

element for each storage profile to remove.

4 POST the UpdateProviderVdcStorageProfiles element to the Provider VDC's storageProfiles link.

The server returns a Task element that you can use to track the progress of the update. When the update is
complete, the Provider VDC includes the updated set of storage profiles in its StorageProfiles element.
Each storage profile you added becomes the basis for a ProviderVdcStorageProfile object, and can be
retrieved from the Provider VDC after it has been created, or by using a providerVdcStorageProfile query.

Example: Update Provider VDC Storage Profiles

This request adds a storage profile named Bronze to the Provider VDC created in “Example: Create a
Provider VDC,” on page 278. The new storage profile is hosted on the same vCenter server that hosts the
existing storage profile. See “Retrieve a List of Storage Profiles from a vCenter Server,” on page 275 for an
example that lists the storage profiles available on that server.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35/action/updateStorageProfiles
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.updateProviderVdcStorageProfiles+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... >

VMware, Inc. 285

vCloud API Programming Guide

Merge Provider VDCs

You can merge two Provider VDCs by specifying a target Provider VDC and a contributor Provider VDC to
merge with it. The merged Provider VDC contains all resources from the target and contributor Provider

Because merging Provider VDCs is a resource-intensive operation, vCloud Director allows only a single
contributor to a merge. You can merge multiple Provider VDCs into a single target by making multiple
merge requests, each specifying the same target and a new contributor.

When the merge is complete:

n Networks, network pools, storage profiles, resource pools, and datastores from the contributor Provider
VDC are available in the target Provider VDC.

n Organization VDCs that were backed by the contributor are now backed by the target.

n The contributor Provider VDC is deleted.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Identify the Provider VDCs to merge.

Select a contributor that is not backed by the same resource pool as the target. You can use a query like
this one to discover the resource pools backing each of your Provider VDCs.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=providerVdcResourcePoolRelation&format=records

2 Construct a ProviderVdcMergeParams element whose ProviderVdcReference references the contributor.

See the request portion of “Example: Merge Provider VDCs,” on page 286.

3 Make a POST request to the action/merge link of the target Provider VDC and supply the
ProviderVdcMergeParams as the request body.

Example: Merge Provider VDCs

This request merges the Provider VDC at
https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/46 with the target Provider VDC specified
in the request URL.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/35/action/merge
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.providerVdcMergeParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

286 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/providervdc/46" />


202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... >

Create an External Network

An external network is a reference to a portgroup on a vCenter server attached to vCloud Director. To create
an external network, a system administrator must specify the vCenter server and a portgroup associated
with it. External networks provide support for bridged organization networks.

Only a system administrator can create an external network. A system administrator can modify an external
network to change properties such as its description, but cannot change the portgroup that backs the
network. An organization administrator can retrieve a read-only representation of an external network to
examine its properties.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Retrieve the list of available portgroups. See “Retrieve a List of Available Portgroups and Switches from
a vCenter Server,” on page 271.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vSphere platform extensions.

Use a request like this one.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding external networks to
the cloud.

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwexternalnet+xml, as shown here:


3 Choose a vCenter server to provide a portgroup for the network.

4 Create a VMWExternalNetwork element that specifies the properties of the external network.

These properties include the portgroup you specified in Step 3.

5 POST the VMWExternalNetwork element you created in Step 4 to the URL described in Step 2.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an External Network,” on page 288.

VMware, Inc. 287

vCloud API Programming Guide

The server creates the external network and returns a VMWExternalNetwork element that includes the contents
you POSTed, along with a set of Link elements that you can use to access, remove, disable, or modify it. A
reference to the new external network is added to the VMWExternalNetworkReferences element of the VCloud.
The portgroup you specified is removed from the VimObjectRefList of the vCenter server.

Example: Create an External Network

This request creates an external network backed by a portgroup listed in the response portion of “Retrieve a
List of Available Portgroups and Switches from a vCenter Server,” on page 271.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalnets
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.vmwexternalnet+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

The response includes a Task that tracks the creation of the network, and a set of Link elements that you can
use to operate on or modify it.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin/vmwexternalnet+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalnet/85"... >

288 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/85" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalnet/85" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalnet/85" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/externalNetworkReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/network/85/action/reset" />
operation="Busy Network example-extnet(85)" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

VMware, Inc. 289

vCloud API Programming Guide

Create a Network Pool

Network pools provide support for isolated and routed networks in organization VDCs. Although every
Provider VDC includes a VXLAN network pool that can support most networking use cases, a system
administrator can create other types of network pools if they are needed.

A network pool object represents a collection of vSphere network resources that are contained by a Provider
VDC and available to the organization VDCs backed by that Provider VDC. Traffic on each network in a
pool is isolated at layer 2 from all other networks.

Only a system administrator can create a network pool. A system administrator can modify a network pool
to change properties such as its description, but cannot change the network resources, such as virtual
switches or portgroups, that provide backing for it. After a network pool has been associated with an
organization VDC (typically when the VDC is created), network resources from the pool are consumed as
needed to create isolated or routed organization VDC networks or vApp networks in the VDC.

NOTE When you create a Provider VDC, a VxlanPoolType network pool is created automatically on the
vCenter server that backs the Provider VDC. This pool is given a name derived from the name of the
containing Provider VDC and attached to it at creation. You cannot delete or modify this network pool. You
cannot create aVxlanPoolType network pool by any other method. If you rename a Provider VDC, its
VxlanPoolType network pool is automatically renamed.

vSphere VXLAN networks are based on the IETF draft VXLAN standard. These networks support local-
domain isolation equivalent to what is supported by vSphere isolation-backed networks. In addition, they

n logical networks spanning layer 3 boundaries

n logical networks spanning multiple racks on a single layer 2

n broadcast containment

n higher performance

n greater scale (up to 16 million network addresses)

All network pools are defined by a VMWNetworkPool element. The contents of this element depend on its type,
which is specified in its xsi:type attribute. The following values of xsi:type are supported for pools created
by a system administrator.

VlanPoolType This pool type is based on ESXi VLANs on the vCenter server that backs the
Provider VDC, and is backed by a range of VLAN IDs.

FencePoolType This pool type is backed by one or more vCenter isolated networks, and
provides traffic isolation from other hosts. The system provisions isolated
networks automatically. Before creating an isolation-backed network pool,
consider using the VXLAN pool that is created automatically when you
create a Provider vDC

PortGroupPoolType This pool type is based on distributed port groups of a vSphere distributed
switch or third-party distributed switch on the vCenter server that backs the
Provider VDC.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

290 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the vSphere platform extensions.

Use a request like this one.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding network pools to
your cloud.

This element has a rel attribute value of add and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.networkPool+xml, as shown here:


3 Create a VMWNetworkPool element that specifies the pool type and backing vCenter resources.

Details of this element's contents depend on the type of pool you are creating.

4 POST the VMWNetworkPool element you created in Step 3 to the URL described in Step 2.

The server creates the network pool and returns a VMWNetworkPool element that includes the contents you
POSTed, along with a set of Link elements that you can use to access, remove, disable, or modify it. A
reference to the new network pool is added to the VMWNetworkPoolReferences element of the VCloud.
Network resources you specified in the VMWNetworkPool element are removed from the VimObjectRefList of
the vCenter server.

Create a VLAN-Backed Network Pool

To create a VLAN-backed network pool, create a VMWNetworkPool element whose type attribute has the value
VlanPoolType, and POST the element to your cloud's add link for networkPools.

A VLAN-backed network pool is backed by a range of VLAN IDs.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Verify that you know your cloud's add URL for networkPools. See “Create a Network Pool,” on
page 290.

n Verify that at least one vCenter server attached to your cloud has network resources available. See
“Retrieve a List of Available Portgroups and Switches from a vCenter Server,” on page 271

1 Choose a vCenter server to provide a switch for the network pool.
2 Create a VMWNetworkPool element that specifies the properties of the network pool.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a VLAN-Backed Network Pool,” on page 291.

3 POST the VMWNetworkPool element you created in Step 2 to your cloud's add URL for networkPools.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a VLAN-Backed Network Pool,” on page 291.

Example: Create a VLAN-Backed Network Pool

Use the query service to retrieve a list of DV Switch objects available on vCenter servers registered to this


VMware, Inc. 291

vCloud API Programming Guide

The query response includes the values you'll need for the VimServerRef and MoRef elements. The
VimObjectType for a DV Switch is always DV_SWITCH.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPools
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.networkPool+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vcloud:Description>Example VLAN-backed network pool</vcloud:Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

The response includes a Task that tracks the creation of the network pool, and a set of Link elements that
you can use to operate on or modify it.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.networkPool+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/67" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPoolReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/67" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/67" />
<vcloud:Description>Example VLAN-backed network pool</vcloud:Description>

292 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

operation="Creating Network Pool 67"

Create an Isolation-Backed Network Pool

To create an isolation-backed network pool, create a VMWNetworkPool element whose type attribute has the
value FencePoolType, and POST the element to your cloud's add link for networkPools.

An isolation-backed network pool is backed by one or more vCenter isolated networks, and provides traffic
isolation from other hosts. The system provisions isolated networks automatically. Before creating an
isolation-backed network pool, consider using the VXLAN pool that is created automatically when you
create a Provider VDC

vSphere VXLAN networks are based on the IETF draft VXLAN standard. These networks support local-
domain isolation equivalent to what is supported by vSphere isolation-backed networks. In addition, they

n logical networks spanning layer 3 boundaries

n logical networks spanning multiple racks on a single layer 2

n broadcast containment

n higher performance

n greater scale (up to 16 million network addresses)

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Verify that you know your cloud's add URL for networkPools. See “Create a Network Pool,” on
page 290.

n Verify that at least one vCenter server attached to your cloud has network resources available. See
“Retrieve a List of Available Portgroups and Switches from a vCenter Server,” on page 271

1 Choose a vCenter server to provide a switch for the network pool.

2 Create a VMWNetworkPool element that specifies the properties of the network pool.

3 POST the VMWNetworkPool element you created in Step 2 to your cloud's add URL for networkPools.
See the request portion of “Example: Create an Isolation-Backed Network Pool,” on page 293.

Example: Create an Isolation-Backed Network Pool


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPools
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.networkPool+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 293

vCloud API Programming Guide

<vcloud:Description>Example Isolation-backed network pool</vcloud:Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

The response includes a Task that tracks the creation of the network pool, and a set of Link elements that
you can use to operate on or modify it.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.networkPool+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/70" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPoolReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/70" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/70" />
<vcloud:Description>Example isolation-backed network pool</vcloud:Description>
operation="Creating Network Pool 70 ..."

294 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

Create a Portgroup-Backed Network Pool

To create a portgroup-backed network pool, you create a VMWNetworkPool element whose type attribute has
the value PortGroupPoolType, and POST the element to your cloud's add link for networkPools.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Verify that you know your cloud's add URL for networkPools. See “Create a Network Pool,” on
page 290.

n Verify that at least one vCenter server attached to your cloud has network resources available. See
“Retrieve a List of Available Portgroups and Switches from a vCenter Server,” on page 271

1 Choose a vCenter server to provide a portgroup for the network pool.

2 Create a VMWNetworkPool element that specifies the properties of the network pool.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Portgroup-Backed Network Pool,” on page 295.

3 POST the VMWNetworkPool element you created in Step 2 to your cloud's add URL for networkPools. See
“Create a Network Pool,” on page 290.

See the request portion of “Example: Create a Portgroup-Backed Network Pool,” on page 295.

Example: Create a Portgroup-Backed Network Pool


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPools
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.networkPool+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vcloud:Description>Example portgroup-backed network pool</vcloud:Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9" />

The response includes a Task that tracks the creation of the network pool, and a set of Link elements that
you can use to operate on or modify it.

VMware, Inc. 295

vCloud API Programming Guide


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.networkPool+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/66" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPoolReferences" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/66" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/networkPool/66" />
<vcloud:Description>Example portgroup-backed network pool</vcloud:Description>
operation="Creating Network Pool 66"

Import a Virtual Machine from vCenter

A system administrator can import virtual machines from the inventory of any vCenter server registered to
vCloud Director. You can import the virtual machines to any VDC in a cloud, and you can import them in
vApp or vApp template form.

When you import a virtual machine from vCenter, you must specify the following items:

n A target VDC to receive the import.

n A form for the imported virtual machine to take. Choose vApp or vApp template.

n Whether to remove the source virtual machine from vCenter inventory after the import is complete.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Identify the virtual machine to import. See “Retrieve a List of Virtual Machines from a vCenter Server,”
on page 273.

296 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

1 Choose whether to import the virtual machine as a vApp or vApp template.

The VimServer element that represents the vCenter server from which you import the virtual machine
contains two links that import virtual machines. One has the following form, and imports the virtual
machine as a vApp.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/importVmAsVApp" />

The other has the following form, and imports the virtual machine as a vApp template.


href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/importVmAsVAppTemplate" />

2 (Optional) If you plan to import the virtual machine as a vApp template, identify a catalog where you
want to place a reference to the template.

Import a Virtual Machine as a vApp

To import a virtual machine as a vApp, a system administrator can make a request to the importVmAsVApp
link of the VimServer that manages the virtual machine.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Identify the virtual machine to import. See “Retrieve a List of Virtual Machines from a vCenter Server,”
on page 273.

1 Create an ImportVmAsVAppParams element that specifies the VmMoRef of the source virtual machine and a
target VDC to hold the imported vApp.

2 POST the ImportVmAsVAppParams element to the importVmAsVApp link of the source vCenter server.

Example: Import a Virtual Machine as a vApp

This example imports one of the virtual machines shown in the response portion of “Example: Retrieve a
List of Virtual Machines from a vCenter Server,” on page 274. The request body is an ImportVmAsVAppParams
element whose sourceMove attribute specifies that the source virtual machine should remain in vCenter
inventory after the import is complete. The request body includes the href of the VDC that receives the
import and a VmMoRef element that contains the managed object reference of the virtual machine to import.
The response is an unresolved vApp body that contains a Task that tracks the import.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/importVmAsVapp
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.importVmAsVAppParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 297

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="http://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/2" />


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml
<VApp ...
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-102" ... >
<Description />
operation=”Busy Virtual Application Win2K8 ”>

Import a Virtual Machine as a vApp Template

To import a virtual machine as a vApp template, a system administrator can make a request to the
importVmAsVAppTemplate link of the VimServer that manages the virtual machine.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Identify the virtual machine to import. See “Retrieve a List of Virtual Machines from a vCenter Server,”
on page 273.

1 Create an ImportVmAsVAppTemplateParams element that specifies the VmMoRef of the source virtual
machine, a target VDC to hold the imported vApp template, and an optional catalog where you want to
place a reference to the template.

2 POST the ImportVmAsVAppTemplateParams element to the importVmAsVAppTemplate link of the source

vCenter server.

Example: Import a Virtual Machine as a vApp Template

This example imports one of the virtual machines shown in the response portion of “Example: Retrieve a
List of Virtual Machines from a vCenter Server,” on page 274 as a vApp template. The request body is an
ImportVmAsVAppTemplateParams element whose sourceMove attribute specifies that the source virtual machine
should remain in vCenter inventory after the import is complete. The request body includes the href of the
VDC that receives the import, a VmMoRef element that contains the managed object reference of the virtual
machine to import, and a Catalog element that references the catalog to which the imported template should
be added. The response is an unresolved VAppTemplate body that contains a Task that tracks the import.

298 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/vimServer/9/importVmAsVappTemplate
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.importVmAsVAppTemplateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
href="http://vcloud.example.com/api/vdc/2" />
href="http://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/32" />


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml
<VAppTemplate ...
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-64" ... >
<Description />
operation=”Busy Virtual Application Template Win2K8 ”>

Relocate a Virtual Machine to a Different Datastore

If the datastore that contains a virtual machine has been disabled by the system administrator or is no longer
associated with virtual machine's designated storage profile, you must update the Vm element that represents
the virtual machine. That update revalidates the storage profile and relocates the virtual machine if

Every Vm element includes a StorageProfile element. The value of the href attribute of that element is a
reference to the virtual machine's storage profile. The initial value of this attribute is inherited from the VDC
that contains it unless you specify the value when the virtual machine is created. To change the value, you
must update the entire Vm element that contains it.

NOTE When the system administrator changes the datastore that stores a virtual machine, you must update
the Vm element as shown in “Example: Update the Storage Profile for a Virtual Machine,” on page 164, but
leave the href of the current StorageProfile unchanged. This action, which replaces the deprecated
relocate action, forces revalidation of the existing storage profile. If the current datastore is disabled or no
longer supports the specified storage profile, the system relocates the virtual machine to a different
datastore that supports the referenced storage profile. After the returned Task completes, the validation and,
if necessary, relocation is complete.

VMware, Inc. 299

vCloud API Programming Guide

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or the object owner.

1 Retrieve the Vm element.

Make a GET request to the URL in the value of the href attribute of the Vm.

2 Modify the retrieved Vm to change the StorageProfile reference.

Modified sections must contain all required elements, even if you are not changing their values.
Because optional elements revert to default values if they are omitted or empty, it is a best practice to
include optional elements in updates. Link elements and href attributes from responses do not need to
be included in modified sections. Some elements and attributes might be read-only. See the schema
reference for details.

3 Update the Vm with your modifications.

a Find the Link element in the Vm where rel="edit".

b Make a PUT request to the URL in that link's href attribute value, and supply the modified Vm as
the request body.

The response to this request is a Task element that tracks the relocation of the virtual machine to a
datastore in the new storage profile. When the task is complete, the virtual machine has been relocated.

Example: Update the Storage Profile for a Virtual Machine

This example shows a Vm element containing a StorageProfile. The actual update operation requires the
entire Vm element, including the StorageProfile, in the request body. Only a small part of the element
appears in this example.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vm-4
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Vm ...>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vdcStorageProfile/3" />



202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)" ...>

300 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

System Truststore and Keytab Maintenance

You can use the vCloud API to upload and manage SSL certificates, keystores, and Kerberos keytabs for the
system LDAP and AMQP services. You can also use the vCloud API to configure SSPI, the Microsoft
Security Support Provider Interface, for use with Active Directory.

Valid SSL certificates and truststores are required if the system LDAP and AMQP services use the secure
sockets layer (https).

The SystemSettings element contains several elements that enable the system administrator to maintain
certificates and truststores for the system LDAP and AMQP services. Links in the LdapSettings element
allow the system administrator to manage the system LDAP truststore and keystore.

<SystemSettings ... >

<LdapSettings ... >







VMware, Inc. 301

vCloud API Programming Guide

The AmqpSettings element includes links that allow the system administrator to manage the system AMQP
truststore and certificate.

<SystemSettings ... >






All of these links implement similar operations. They either upload a new certificate, keytab, or keystore, or
reset or remove an existing one. vCloud Director imposes limits on upload sizes.

Table 7‑3. Truststore, Certificate, and Keytab Upload Limits

Upload Type Maximum Size in Megabytes

vCenter truststore 10

LDAP certificate 2

LDAP keystore 2

LDAP SSPI keytab 2

AMQP certificate 2

AMQP truststore 10

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Determine whether the request requires a body.

Requests whose rel value includes the string reset do not require a body. For details about other
request bodies, see the schema reference.

2 POST the request to the request URL.

Include the request body if one is required.

302 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

3 Take any action that the response requires.

The response to an update request includes an uploadLocation parameter whose value is a URL to
which you can upload the certificate, keytab, or keystore with a PUT request. Requests whose rel value
includes the string reset return a No Content response and require no further action.

Example: Upload an SSL Certificate for the System LDAP Service

This example uploads an SSL certificate whose size is 892 bytes. The first step obtains an upload URL by
POSTing a CertificateUpdateParams element to the organization's
settings/ldap/action/updateLdapCertificate URL.


POST: https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/ldap/action/updateLdapCertificate
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.certificateUpdateParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The response contains an uploadLocation parameter whose value is a URL to which you can upload the


operation="Updating LDAP certificate"

To upload the certificate, make a PUT request to the uploadLocation URL and supply the certificate in the
request body.

PUT https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/53bc1/ldapCertificate
Content-length: 892
...serialized contents of certificate...



200 OK

VMware, Inc. 303

vCloud API Programming Guide

Retrieve the vSphere URL of an Object

If you know the VimObjectType and MoRef of an object represented in the vCloud API, you can use that
information to retrieve a URL that you can use to access the object with the vSphere Web Client.

Using the vSphere Web Client to examine an object vCloud Director uses can help a system administrator
diagnose problems with resource consumption and allocation. To retrieve the vSphere URL of an object, you
must construct a request URL in the following format.


n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122. The vimServer object that has
this id must be the one that hosts the object that vimObjType and vimObjMoref identify.

n vimObjType is the vSphere object type, expressed as one of the following strings:










n STORAGE_PROFILE (available from vCenter 5.1 and later)


n vimObjMoref is the vSphere managed object reference of the object, as returned by the vCloud API.

For an example request URL, see the request portion of “Example: Retrieve the vSphere URL of a Resource
Pool,” on page 305. All of the information you need to construct the URL is available when you retrieve the
XML representation of any of the supported object types. See “Example: Retrieve a Resource Pool Set,” on
page 281, “Example: Retrieve a List of Available Portgroups and Switches from a vCenter Server,” on
page 271, and “Example: Retrieve a List of Storage Profiles from a vCenter Server,” on page 276.

NOTE See “Mapping a vCloud Director Object to a vSphere Object,” on page 305 for a list of
vCloud Director objects and corresponding vSphere objects.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

Verify that the vSphere Web Client URL is enabled for all vCenter servers from which you want to retrieve
the vSphere URL of an object. You can manage this feature on the General tab of the vSphere Properties
page of the vCloud Director Web console.

1 Retrieve the VimObjectType and MoRef elements of the object, and the VimServerRef element of the
vSphere server that hosts the object.

304 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 7 Managing and Monitoring a Cloud

2 Construct a request URL that includes the VimServerRef, VimObjectType, and MoRef elements.

You can use the value of the href attribute of the VimServerRef element as the vimServer/id part of the
request URL.

3 Make a GET request to the URL you constructed in Step 2.

The response contains a URL you can use with the vSphere Web Client. See “Example: Retrieve the
vSphere URL of a Resource Pool,” on page 305.

Example: Retrieve the vSphere URL of a Resource Pool

This request retrieves the vSphere URL of one of the resource pools referenced in “Example: Retrieve a
Resource Pool Set,” on page 281.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Use the URL that the vmext:URL element contains to access the object with the vSphere Web Client. The URL
is truncated in this example.

Mapping a vCloud Director Object to a vSphere Object

When using the vSphere Web Client to examine a vCloud Director object, you can use this table to map the
object to its representation in vSphere.

Table 7‑4. Mapping a vCloud Director Object to a vSphere Object

vCloud Director Object vSphere Object

Provider VDC:Hosts Host

Provider VDC:Datastores Datastore

Provider VDC:Storage Profiles Storage Profile

Provider VDC:External Network (portgroup-backed) Standard virtual switch

Provider VDC:External Network(VLAN-backed) Distributed virtual switch

Provider VDC:Resource Pool (root resource pool or Cluster


Provider VDC:Resource Pool (sub-resource pool only) Resource Pool

External Network (Portgroup-backed) Standard virtual switch

Direct Org VDC Networks (Portgroup) Standard virtual switch

External Network (VLAN-backed) Distributed virtual switch

Direct Org VDC Networks (VLAN) Distributed virtual switch

Network Pool (VLAN-backed) Distributed virtual switch

Network Pools (Portgroup-backed) Standard virtual switch

VMware, Inc. 305

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 7‑4. Mapping a vCloud Director Object to a vSphere Object (Continued)

vCloud Director Object vSphere Object

vCenter vCenter Server

Resource Pool (root resource pool or Cluster) Cluster

Resource Pool (sub-resource pool only) Resource Pool

Host Host

Datastores Datastore

Datastore Clusters Datastore Cluster

Storage Profiles N/A

vDSwitch Distributed virtual switch

Port Group Standard virtual switch

Home:vApp Folder

vApp Folder

vApp:vApp Diagram Folder

vApp:vApp Diagram:VM VM

vApp:VM List:VM VM

vApp:Networking:vApp Networks Distributed Port Group


Expired Items:vApps Folder

Expired Items:vApp Templates Folder

Catalog:vApp Template Folder

Catalog:vApp Template:VM VM

Catalog:vApp Template:Shadow VMs VM

Organization VDC:vApp Folder

Organization VDC:vApp Template Folder

Organization VDC:Storage Profiles Storage Profile

Organization VDC:Org VDC Networks (VLAN-backed) Distributed virtual switch

Organization VDC:Org VDC Networks (Portgroup-backed) Standard virtual switch

Organization VDC:Resource Pools (root resource pool or Cluster


Organization VDC:Resource Pools (sub-resource pool only) Resource Pool

306 VMware, Inc.

Working With Object Metadata 8
The vCloud API provides a general-purpose facility for associating user-defined metadata with an object. A
system administrator or the owner of an object can use the metadata link in the object's representation to
access object metadata.

The representations of most first-class objects in the vCloud API include a link to a Metadata element, which
contains up to 1024 name=value pairs that the owner of an object can create, retrieve, update, and delete. It
also contains an additional group of name=value pairs that are under the control of the system administrator.

Object metadata gives cloud operators and cloud tenants a flexible way to apply user-defined properties to
objects and use property values to help integrate the use and management of those objects with a variety of
applications. Object metadata is preserved when objects are copied, and can be included in query filter
expressions (see “Add a Metadata Filter to a Query,” on page 329).

vCloud API Object Metadata Links

The representation of any object that supports metadata includes a link that you can use to retrieve the
object's Metadata element. This example shows the metadata link from an Org element.


vCloud API Object Metadata Contents

A Metadata element can contain up to 1024 MetadataEntry elements. Each MetadataEntry includes a single
name=value pair, represented in its Key and TypedValue elements. Key names are specified by Key element
contents. A key name is a UTF-8 (Unicode) string encoded as described in RFC3986 (pct-encoded).

The key name must be unique within the scope of the containing Metadata element. Because key names are
implicitly qualified by the Domain value of the containing MetadataEntry, the two key names in this example
are considered to be unique.


VMware, Inc. 307

vCloud API Programming Guide


See “Access Control for vCloud API Object Metadata,” on page 308 for more information about the Domain

The type of a Value is expressed in the xsi:type attribute of the containing TypedValue element. Values have
various restrictions, based on their type.

Table 8‑1. Metadata TypedValue Types

Type Name Restrictions on Value Size of Value

MetadataStringValue UTF-8 character set. Strings Depends on length of string.

longer than 1000 characters
cannot be searched for in a

MetadataNumberValue Must be a signed 8-byte integer. 8 bytes

MetadataDateTimeValue UTC date and time in the 8 bytes

format defined by
ma-2/#dateTime. For example,
MetadataBooleanValue Must be one of: 1, 0, true, false 1 byte

The following rules apply when you update a Metadata element.

n When the content of a Key element in the update does not match the content of an existing Key element
in the same Domain, the MetadataEntry containing that Key is added to the Metadata element.

n When the content of Key element in the update matches the content of an existing Key element in the
same Domain, the MetadataEntry containing that Key is replaced.

Access Control for vCloud API Object Metadata

The Domain element of a MetadataEntry controls access to that entry by users and system administrators.
There are two access domains, only one of which can be specified explicitly.

GENERAL This is the default access domain for metadata, and cannot be explicitly
specified in a Domain element. A MetadataEntry that does not include a
Domain element is considered to be in the GENERAL domain. User access to
metadata in the GENERAL domain is controlled by the user's rights to the object
to which the Metadata is attached. The owner of the object can create, read,
update, or delete any MetadataEntry in the GENERAL domain.

SYSTEM To be placed in the SYSTEM domain, a MetadataEntry must include a Domain

element with a value of SYSTEM. Metadata in the SYSTEM domain can be
created, updated, and deleted only by a system administrator. User access to
metadata in the SYSTEM domain is controlled by the value of the visibility
attribute of the Domain element.

308 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 8 Working With Object Metadata

Table 8‑2. Domain Visibility Attribute Values

Value Meaning

PRIVATE The metadata is visible to system

administrators only.

READONLY the metadata is visible to system

administrators and the object owner.

vCloud API Object Metadata Limits

The following limits apply to vCloud API object metadata:

Metadata key size The contents of a Key element in a MetadataEntry cannot exceed 256 UTF-8

Metadata size The size of all Metadata for an object, computed as the sum of all Key and
TypedValue UTF-8 strings in all MetadataEntry elements in the GENERAL
domain, cannot exceed 128 KB. An additional 16KB of MetadataEntry content
can be created in the SYSTEM domain.

MetadataEntry limit The total metadata associated with an object cannot exceed 1024
MetadataEntry elements in the GENERAL domain and 128 MetadataEntry
elements in the SYSTEM domain.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Retrieve or Update a Metadata Element,” on page 309

n “Retrieve or Update a Metadata Value,” on page 312

Retrieve or Update a Metadata Element

A system administrator or the owner of an object can create, retrieve, or update the object's Metadata
element. This element contains all object metadata, and operations that modify it merge the modifications
with existing contents.

When you create an object, its representation contains an empty Metadata element. A system administrator
or the object owner can add metadata by updating the Metadata element with new MetadataEntry elements.
Each of these elements contains a Key and a TypedValue. The contents of the Key element define the key
name, which must be unique within the scope of the object's metadata. You can modify the value associated
with an existing key. See “Retrieve or Update a Metadata Value,” on page 312.

NOTE The Key element cannot contain a semicolon character (;). In addition, several other character
sequences are not allowed, or not allowed in certain positions.

Table 8‑3. Content Restrictions for Key

Cannot Contain Cannot Start with Cannot End with

/../ ./ /.

/./ ../ /..

Verify that you have rights to read or modify the metadata. See “Access Control for vCloud API Object
Metadata,” on page 308

VMware, Inc. 309

vCloud API Programming Guide

1 Retrieve the representation of the object.

Examine the response to find its metadata link. This example shows the metadata link from an AdminOrg.


2 Retrieve the Metadata element.

If the object has no metadata, the element contains only a rel="add" link that you can use to add
metadata and a rel="up" link that references the containing object, as shown in this example.

... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/37" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/metadata" />

3 Modify the retrieved Metadata element.

You can add new MetadataEntry elements or modify existing ones. If you modify existing ones, your
modifications are merged into the object's Metadata following the rules listed in “vCloud API Object
Metadata Contents,” on page 307.

4 POST the Metadata element to the rel="add" link described in Step 2.

See “Example: Update a Metadata Element,” on page 310.

Example: Update a Metadata Element

This example updates the empty Metadata element shown in Step 2 to create two MetadataEntry elements
specific to this organization. In this example, the Metadata element contains MetadataEntry elements for
which the Domain is SYSTEM. Only the system administrator can update these elements.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/metadata
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metadata+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

310 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 8 Working With Object Metadata

<Key>Organization Web Page</Key>


The response is a Task.


operation="Updating metadata for Organization (26)"
... >

After the task is complete, the Metadata element is updated to contain the entries specified in the request,
along with links that you can use to retrieve or update individual MetadataEntry elements.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/metadata
... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26/metadata" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26/metadata/SYSTEM/Organization+Web+Page" />

VMware, Inc. 311

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26/metadata/SYSTEM/Organization+Web+Page" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26/metadata" />
<Key>Organization Web Page</Key>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26/metadata/SYSTEM/LOS" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26/metadata/SYSTEM/LOS" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/org/26/metadata" />

Retrieve or Update a Metadata Value

Each name=value pair in an object's metadata is represented as a MetadataEntry element, which includes
links that a system administrator or object owner can use to retrieve or update the metadata value, or delete
the MetadataEntry.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or the object owner.

n Retrieve the object's Metadata element. See “Retrieve or Update a Metadata Element,” on page 309

312 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 8 Working With Object Metadata

1 Examine the retrieved Metadata element to find the MetadataEntry you want.

Each MetadataEntry contains a link of the following form, which you can use when updating the Value
of the entry:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/object/id/metadata/DOMAIN/key-name" />

For example:


2 Retrieve or update the value.

Make a request to the URL in the value of the href attribute of the MetadataEntry that contains the Key.

n To retrieve the value, make a GET request to URL in the value of the href attribute of the
MetadataEntry. The response is a MetadataValue element.

n To update the value, make a PUT request to the URL in the edit link described in Step 1, and
supply a MetadataValue element as the request body. See .“Example: Update a Metadata Value,” on
page 313

NOTE The href value of a MetadataEntry in the SYSTEM domain includes the SYSTEM qualifier. The href
value of a MetadataEntry in the GENERAL domain does not include a qualifier.

Example: Update a Metadata Value

This request updates the value of the metadata Key named LOS from the original value of bronze (shown in
“Example: Update a Metadata Element,” on page 310) to a new value of silver. Note that because this
MetadataValue is contained by a MetadataEntry where the Domain is SYSTEM and visibility is PRIVATE, only a
system administrator can update it.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/metadata/SYSTEM/LOS
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metadata.value+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 313

vCloud API Programming Guide

The response is a task.


operation="Updating metadata for Organization (26)"
... >

314 VMware, Inc.

Using the Query Service 9
You can use the vCloud API query service to query the vCloud Director database for information about
objects in the cloud.

The query service provides the following kinds of queries:

n Typed queries, which require you to construct a query URL that specifies a query type and optional

n Packaged queries, which have well-known URLs and can accept many of the same parameters used
with typed queries.

Both typed and packaged queries allow you to specify one of the following formats in which to display the
result set:

n A records format that returns name=value pairs for all properties of each matching object. This is the
default. A name can be either a static or dynamic. Static names are predefined object property names,
and are returned in an object-specific QueryRecordResultType element. For a list of these names, see the
Queries reference pages in the vCloud API Schema Reference. Dynamic names are user-defined metadata
key names. Dynamic name=value pairs are not returned unless the object includes a non-empty Metadata
element. See Chapter 8, “Working With Object Metadata,” on page 307.

n An idrecords format that is identical to the records format, except that object reference values are
returned in id format rather than href format. See “Objects, References, and Representations,” on
page 12.

n A references format that returns a reference in href format to each object that matches the query

Query results are paginated, and include links to previous and next pages where needed. Page size can be
specified in the query request. Default and maximum page sizes are specified in the vCloud Director
configuration. You can also apply filter criteria to the list of items returned.
This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Typed Queries,” on page 316

n “Packaged Queries,” on page 320

n “Query Parameters,” on page 325

n “Add a Metadata Filter to a Query,” on page 329

VMware, Inc. 315

vCloud API Programming Guide

Typed Queries
Typed queries require you to construct a request URL that specifies an object type and optional parameters.
Use this URL with a GET request to return query results.

Query Syntax
Typed queries have the following syntax:

API-URL/query?type=name[&param][&param ... ][&filter]

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n name is the name of a query type. Type names are case-sensitive.

n param is an optional query parameter. Zero or more parameters are allowed. See “Query Parameters,”
on page 325.

n filter is an optional filter expression. At most one filter expression is allowed. See “Filter Expressions,”
on page 326.

Query Types
Each query type returns its result set as an XML document in which objects are represented as elements and
object properties are represented as attributes, pairing the name of the property with its value at the time the
request was made. By default, result sets are returned in the records format, which shows all database
records for each object. Most queries also support the references format, which returns a set of object
references, including name, type, and href attributes. All queries that support the records format also
support the idrecords format. For more information about the format parameter, see “Query Parameters,”
on page 325.

Query Reference
The vCloud API schema reference includes reference material for all queries.

Example: Listing All Queries

You can retrieve a summary list of all typed queries types accessible to the currently authenticated user by
making a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query

The response is a QueryList element that contains a Link for every query. The href value of each Link is a
URL you can GET to run the query specifying the default format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=organization&amp;format=references" />

316 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Using the Query Service

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=organization&amp;format=records" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=organization&amp;format=idrecords" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=adminOrgNetwork&amp;format=references" />

If you make a query whose result set you do not have rights to view, a response code of

Example: Simple Typed Query

This simple typed query retrieves a list of all users in your organization and returns a response in the
default (records) format.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=user


type=user&amp;page=1&amp;pageSize=25&amp;format=references" />
fullName=" "
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/39" />

VMware, Inc. 317

vCloud API Programming Guide

fullName="The Admin"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/24" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/58" />

This simple typed query retrieves the same list of all users in your organization and returns a response in
the references format.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=user&format=references


xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ...
type=user&amp;page=1&amp;pageSize=25&amp;format=records" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/39" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/24" />

318 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Using the Query Service

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/58" />

Example: Query With Parameters

This query retrieves a list of all users in your organization and returns a response in the records format. The
query includes a sortAsc=name parameter, so the result set is sorted by object name.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=user&format=references&sortAsc=name


xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ... >
type=user&amp;page=1&amp;pageSize=25&amp;format=records" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/24" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/39" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/58" />

This query retrieves a list of all users in your organization and returns a response in the records format. The
query includes a filter=ldapUser==true parameter, so the result set lists the subset of users who are
imported from LDAP. Note that you can filter on a record (attribute) value even though you specify the
references format.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?type=adminUser&format=references&filter=ldapUser==true


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


VMware, Inc. 319

vCloud API Programming Guide

xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ... >

cords&amp;filter=ldapUser==true" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/39" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/58" />

Packaged Queries
Packaged queries have well-known URLs and can accept most of the parameters used with typed queries.

Query Syntax
Packaged queries have the following syntax:

API-URL/query-url[?param][&param ... ][&filter]

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

n query-url is the packaged query URL.

n param is an optional query parameter. Zero or more parameters are allowed. See “Query Parameters,”
on page 325.

n filter is an optional filter expression. At most one filter expression is allowed. See “Filter Expressions,”
on page 326.

Query Categories
Packaged queries are divided into the following categories:

User queries The queries have the form API-URL/object-type/query. Any user can run these

Administrator queries The queries have the form API-URL/admin/object-type/query. An

organization administrator can run these queries.

Extension queries The queries have the form API-URL/admin/extension/object-type/query. A

system administrator can run these queries.

The response is a QueryList element that contains a Link for every query. The href value of each Link is a
URL you can GET to run the query specifying the default format.

320 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Using the Query Service

Each query type returns its result set as an XML document in which objects are represented as elements and
object properties are represented as attributes, pairing the name of the property with its value at the time the
request was made. By default, result sets are returned in the records format, which shows all database
records for each object. Most queries also support the references format, which returns a set of object
references, including name, type, and href attributes. All queries that support the records format also
support the idrecords format. For more information about the format parameter, see “Query Parameters,”
on page 325.

Table 9‑1. Packaged Queries

Query URL Result Set

API-URL/catalogs/query All catalogs in your organization that you have rights to

view or modify

API-URL/mediaList/query All media that you can view or modify

API-URL/vAppTemplates/query All vApp templates that you can view or modify

API-URL/vApps/query All vApps that you can view or modify

API-URL/vms/query All virtual machines that you can view or modify

API-URL/admin/groups/query Groups in all organizations in the system

API-URL/admin/users/query Users in all organizations in the system

API-URL/admin/strandedUsers/query Stranded users in the organization. When you delete an

LDAP group, users who were imported from that group
become stranded and cannot log in.

API-URL/admin/roles/query All roles defined in the system

API-URL/admin/rights/query All rights defined in the system

API-URL/admin/orgs/query All organizations visible to you

API-URL/admin/vdcs/query All VDCs in the system

API-URL/admin/extension/hostReferences/query All hosts registered to the system

API-URL/admin/extension/datastores/query All datastores in the system

API- External networks in the system


API-URL/admin/extension/networkPoolReferences/query All network pools in the system

API-URL/admin/extension/providerVdcReferences/query All provider VDCs in the system

API-URL/admin/extension/vimServerReferences/query All vCenter servers registered to the system

API-URL/admin/extension/orgNetworks/query All organization networks in the system

API-URL/admin/extension/vapps/query All vApps in the system

API-URL/admin/extension/orgVdcs/query All VDCs in the system

Simple packaged query using the records format, which is the default.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogs/query



VMware, Inc. 321

vCloud API Programming Guide

xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ... >
type=catalog&amp;page=1&amp;pageSize=25&amp;format=references" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/150" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/78" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/99" />
description="New Catalog"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/43" />

322 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Using the Query Service

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/91" />

Packaged query using references format.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogs/query?format=references


xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ... >
type=catalog&amp;page=1&amp;pageSize=25&amp;format=records" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/150" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/78" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/99" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/43" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/91" />

VMware, Inc. 323

vCloud API Programming Guide

Packaged query with sorting and filtering. This query adds parameters and a filter expression to produce a
list of catalogs that contain one or more vApp templates. The query sorts the result set in ascending order by
number of vApp templates:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalogs/query?


xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ... >
=0&amp;sortAsc=numberOfTemplates" />
description="New Catalog"
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/43" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/91" />

324 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Using the Query Service

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/catalog/150" />

Query Parameters
Query parameters specify result set properties such as pagination, sort order, and filter criteria.

Query Parameters
Typed queries must include a type parameter, which specifies the type of query to run. Packaged queries
cannot specify a type parameter. All other parameters are optional. If a parameter is omitted, a default value
is assumed.

Table 9‑2. Query Parameters

Parameter Name Parameter Description Default

type The type of the query. Type names are case-sensitive. See None. This parameter is
“Query Types,” on page 316. required for all typed
queries, and is not allowed
for any packaged query.

sortAsc=attribute-name Sort results by attribute-name in ascending order. attribute- Sorted by database ID

name cannot include metadata. See the vCloud API Schema
Reference for infomation about which attributes can be used
with sortDesc.

sortDesc=attribute-name Sort results by attribute-name in descending order. attribute- Sorted by database ID

name cannot include metadata. See the vCloud API Schema
Reference for infomation about which attributes can be used
with sortDesc.

page If the query results span multiple pages, return this page. page=1

pageSize Number of results per page, to a maximum of 128. pageSize=25

format One of the following types: format=records

references Returns a reference to each object,

including its name, type, and href

records Returns all database records for each

object, with each record as an attribute.

idrecords Identical to the records format, except

that object references are returned in id
format rather than href format.

fields Comma-separated list of attribute names or metadata key Returns all static attribute
names to return. For example, fields=name,isEnabled or names. Returns metadata
fields=metadata:rank. See “Specifying Metadata in a only if the object has a non-
Query or a Filter Expression,” on page 326. empty Metadata element.

offset Integer value specifying the first record to return. Record offset=0
numbers < offset are not returned.

filterEncoded Specify whether the filter expression is encoded as described filterEncoded=false

in RFC3986 (pct-encoded). See “Encoding Filter
Expressions,” on page 328

filter Filter expression. See Table 9-3 None

VMware, Inc. 325

vCloud API Programming Guide

Filter Expressions
For queries that do not examine object metadata, you can filter results using string matching or numeric
comparison operations. A filter comprises one or more subexpressions drawn from the following set of

Table 9‑3. Query Filter Expressions

Operator Example Operation

== attribute==value Matches. The example evaluates to true if attribute

has a value that matches value in a case-sensitive
NOTE Asterisk (*) characters that appear anywhere
in value are treated as wildcards that match any
character string. When value includes wildcards,
the comparison with attribute becomes case-

!= attribute!=value Does not match. The example evaluates to true if

attribute has a value that does not match value in a
case-sensitive comparison. Wildcard characters are
not allowed.

; attribute1==value1;attribute2!=value2 Logical AND. The example evaluates to true only if

attribute1 has a value that matches value1 and
attribute2 has a value that does not match value2 in
a case-sensitive comparison.

, attribute1==value1,attribute2==value2 Logical OR. The example evaluates to true if

attribute1 has a value that matches value1 or
attribute2 has a value that matches value2 in a case-
sensitive comparison.

=gt= attribute=gt=value Greater than. The example evaluates to true if

attribute has a value that is greater than value. Both
attribute and value must be of type int, long, or

=lt= attribute=lt=value Less than. The example evaluates to true if attribute

has a value that is less than value. Both attribute and
value must be of type int, long, or dateTime.

=ge= attribute=ge=value Greater than or equal to. The example evaluates to

true if attribute has a value that is greater than or
equal to value. Both attribute and value must be of
type int, long, or dateTime.

=le= attribute=le=value Less than or equal to. The example evaluates to

true if attribute has a value that is less than or equal
to value. Both attribute and value must be of type
int, long, or dateTime.

Not all attributes can be used in a filter expression. For details, see the reference pages for query result types
in the vCloud API Schema Reference.

Specifying Metadata in a Query or a Filter Expression

Because metadata values are dynamic and metadata names have an optional domain qualifier queries that
filter metadata must specify a qualified name, a value, and the type of the value.

n The domain must be specified for any MetadataEntry that is in the SYSTEM domain. If no DOMAIN is
specified, the query returns the value for key name in the GENERAL domain, if it exists.

326 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Using the Query Service

n The type of the value must be specified, using one of the following keywords.

Table 9‑4. Metadata Type Specifiers in Query Filters

Type Name as Specified in TypedValue Type Name as a Filter Expression Keyword

MetadataStringValue STRING

MetadataNumberValue NUMBER

MetadataDateTimeValue DATETIME

MetadataBooleanValue BOOLEAN

For queries that examine object metadata, you can filter query results using numeric comparison operations
when a metadata value has type NUMBER or DATETIME. Because object metadata types are dynamic, filter
expressions for metadata queries require additional parameters that define the attribute part of the
expression as metadata, and specify the type of the value part of the expression.

Table 9‑5. Metadata Query Filter Expressions

Operator Example Operation

=gt= metadata:attribute=gt=[NUMBER | Greater than. The example evaluates to true if value

DATETIME]:value is of type NUMBER or DATETIME and the value
of the metadata key named attribute is greater than

=lt= metadata:attribute=lt=[NUMBER | Less than. The example evaluates to true if value is

DATETIME]:value of type NUMBER or DATETIME and the value of
the metadata key named attribute is less than value.

=ge= metadata:attribute=ge=[NUMBER | Greater than or equal to. The example evaluates to

DATETIME]:value true if value is of type NUMBER or DATETIME and
the value of the metadata key named attribute is
greater than or equal to value.

=le= metadata:attribute=le=[NUMBER | Less than or equal to. The example evaluates to

DATETIME]:value true if value is of type NUMBER or DATETIME and
the value of the metadata key named attribute is
less than or equal to value.

You can specify up to 8 metadata fields in a single query. You cannot use a metadata value as a sort key
when sorting query output.

The syntax for specifying metadata in a fields parameter is:


For example:



The syntax for specifying a metadata field in a filter expression is:

metadata[@SYSTEM]:key-name operator type-keyword:value

For example:



VMware, Inc. 327

vCloud API Programming Guide

Encoding Filter Expressions

When you are comparing a key with a literal value that includes characters that might be subject to
interpretation when used in a URL (often termed unsafe characters), the value must be encoded as described
in RFC3986 (pct-encoded). For example, to create a filter expression to match a hostName property whose
value is 12&345, encode the value as shown here:


When a filter expression includes metadata, you must encode both the key and the value this way. In
addition, if you specify filterEncoded=true as part of a query that includes metadata, you must encode the
% symbol as %25. For example, this query, which includes metadata would require this sort of additional
encoding if you specified filterEncoded=true.


If you did not specify filterEncoded=true, you would not need the additional encoding.


Grouping Filter Subexpressions

Group filter subexpressions with parentheses. Separate grouped subexpressions with a semicolon (no


For example:


Attribute Names and Values

Several parameters and all filter expressions require you to specify an attribute name. You can use the
schema reference to find the attribute names included in a particular result set.

1 In the vCloud API Schema Reference, select All Queries.

2 Type the query name (or any part of it) in the Quick Index window, then open the query reference

3 On the query reference page, click the link in the Record Result section to open a page that shows the
name, type, description, and other information for each attribute returned by the query. Attributes that
can be used in a filter expression have a YES in the FILTER column. Attributes that can be used with
sortAsc or sortDesc have a YES in the SORT column.

328 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Using the Query Service

Add a Metadata Filter to a Query

All packaged queries and most typed queries return object metadata if it exists for an object in the result set.
You can add metadata-specific filter criteria to a query.

To query an object's metadata, add a metadata field specifier to the query. This specifier follows the fields
parameter and consists of the string metadata: followed by the name of a metadata key.

1 Create the filter expression.

2 Add a fields parameter that specifies metadata.

The syntax for specifying a metadata field is:

fields=metadata:key-name [, metadata:key-name ] ...

3 Add a filter expression to the query.

All of the standard filter expressions are supported for metadata queries. In addition, a set of numeric
comparisons are available for values of type NUMBER or DATETIME.

Example: A Query With a Metadata Filter

Assume that the system administrator adds metadata specifying an expiry date and a priority rank to every
organization in a cloud. The key name for the expiry date is expiry, and its value expressed as a
MetadataDateTimeValue. The key name for the rank is rank, and its value is expressed as a
MetadataNumberValue. The following query includes a fields parameter specifying those metadata keys by

NOTE You must use a metadata@SYSTEM parameter to specify metadata keys in the SYSTEM domain. Metadata
in the GENERAL domain does not require a qualifier. Up to eight metadata parameters can be included in a


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?

The response includes an OrgRecord for each organization in the cloud. Each OrgRecord includes a Metadata
element that contains MetadataEntry elements for each of the requested keys.



VMware, Inc. 329

vCloud API Programming Guide


To filter the query result set so that it contains only those organizations whose expiry date is later than May
1, 2012, add a filter for the expiry value, as this example shows.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/query?



330 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 9 Using the Query Service


NOTE When a filter expression includes metadata, you must encode both the key and the value as described
in RFC3986. See “Encoding Filter Expressions,” on page 328.

VMware, Inc. 331

vCloud API Programming Guide

332 VMware, Inc.

Configuring and Using Blocking
Tasks and Notifications 10
vCloud Director allows a system administrator to configure many operations as blocking tasks, which are
suspended until a system administrator acts on them or a preconfigured timer expires. Blocking tasks also
generate AMQP messages that you can use to automate the handling of the underlying user request. A
system administrator can also enable nonblocking AMQP notifications of all system events.

When a user requests an operation that has been configured as a blocking task, the system sends a message
about the task to the configured AMQP broker. The system also creates a reference to the task in the cloud's
BlockingTaskReferences container. A system administrator can retrieve the list of BlockingTask elements by
making a GET request to the system's blockingTasks link, or to a URL included in the AMQP message.

About AMQP
AMQP, the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, is an open standard for message queuing that supports
flexible messaging for enterprise systems. vCloud Director includes an AMQP service and defines a set of
events that, when notifications are enabled, trigger publication of messages by this service. A cloud operator
can configure the service to work with RabbitMQ and other AMQP brokers to provide a stream of
notifications about events in the cloud. By configuring specific tasks as blocking and writing AMQP clients
that process the messages generated when these tasks are launched, cloud operators can create a
programmatic facility for reviewing and acting on tenant requests.

By default, the vCloud Director AMQP service sends unencrypted messages. If you configure it to encrypt
these messages using SSL, it verifies the broker's certificate by using the default JCEKS trust store of the Java
runtime environment on the vCloud Director server. The Java runtime environment is typically located in
the $JRE_HOME/lib/security/cacerts directory.

To use SSL with the vCloud Director AMQP service, select Use SSL on the AMQP Broker Settings section of
the Extensibility page of the vCloud Director Web console, and provide either of the following:
n an SSL certificate pathname

n a JCEKS trust store pathname and password

If you do not need to validate the AMQP broker's certificate, you can select Accept all certificates.

For more information about AMQP, see http://www.amqp.org.

Subscribing to Notifications
Notifications of system events are sent to the AMQP message broker that was configured in the system
AMQP settings. Notifications are always generated in two formats:
n An XML document, which is sent to the AMQP exchange specified in the system AmqpSettings.

n A JSON object, which is sent to an AMQP exchange whose name has the form prefix.notifications20,
where prefix is the value of the AmqpPrefix element in the system AmqpSettings.

VMware, Inc. 333

vCloud API Programming Guide

See “Notification Message Format,” on page 338.

AMQP client programs can connect to the broker and specify components of the AMQP routing key to
indicate their interest in messages based on content. For example, a client can use the routing key to request
the broker to send it all messages from a specific organization, or all messages that indicate a failed task. See
“Routing Key Format,” on page 338.

Processing Messages from Blocking Tasks

Messages from blocking tasks are also sent to the configured message broker, and clients can use the routing
key to indicate their interest in these messages. See “Subscribing to Notifications,” on page 333. Messages
from blocking tasks contain additional information about the task itself. Clients that process these messages
can use the vCloud API to authenticate to the system and act on the blocked task.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Configure Notifications and AMQP Settings,” on page 334

n “Retrieve or Update Blocking Task Settings,” on page 344

n “Monitor Blocking Tasks,” on page 349

n “Take Action on a Blocking Task,” on page 350

n “Extend The Timeout Expiration of an Active Task,” on page 352

Configure Notifications and AMQP Settings

The system administrator can enable or disable AMQP notification messages for events in a cloud. The
system administrator can also configure settings that the vCloud Director AMQP service uses when it sends
messages generated by notifications and blocking tasks.

AMQP broker settings are established when you install and configure RabbitMQ or another AMQP broker
to use with vCloud Director. These values include the following items:

n The fully-qualified domain name of the RabbitMQ server host, for example amqp.example.com.

n A username and password that are valid for authenticating with RabbitMQ.

n The port at which the broker listens for messages. The default is 5672.

n The RabbitMQ virtual host. The default is "/".

NOTE It is a good practice to test the AMQP settings before you change the configuration. See “Test AMQP
Settings,” on page 336.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the SystemSettings element.

2 Examine the response to locate the links that you can use to retrieve the system's
NotificationsSettings and AmqpSettings elements.

These links have a rel attribute value of down and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.notificationsSettings+xml for NotificationsSettings or
application/vnd.vmware.admin.amqpSettings+xml for AmqpSettings, as shown here:

<Link href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/amqp"

334 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

3 Enable or disable notifications.

a Retrieve the NotificationsSettings element.

Make a GET request to the href value of the

application/vnd.vmware.admin.notificationsSettings+xml link.

b Modify the value of the EnableNotifications element to enable or disable notifications.

c Update the modified element with the new contents.

PUT the modified element to the href value of its rel="edit" link.

4 Review or modify system AMQP settings.

a Retrieve the AmqpSettings element.

Make a GET request to the href value of the application/vnd.vmware.admin.amqpSettings+xml link

described in Step 2.

b Modify the contents of this element as necessary.

See the schema reference for details of element contents.

c Update the modified element with the new contents.

PUT the modified element to the href value of its rel="edit" link. See “Example: Update AMQP
Settings,” on page 335

Example: Update AMQP Settings

This request modifies the AMQP settings for a cloud to require the use of SSL for AMQP connections. It also
overrides the default value for AmqpPrefix, vcd, with a new value, myCloud.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/amqp
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.amqpSettings+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AmqpHost />

The response includes information supplied in the request, and contains a number of Link elements inserted
by the server. The value of AmqpPassword, which you must supply when you modify AmqpSettings (even if
you are not changing its value), is never returned when you retrieve AmqpSettings.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.amqpSettings+xml

VMware, Inc. 335

vCloud API Programming Guide

... >




href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/amqp/action/resetAmqpTruststore" />

<AmqpHost />
<AmqpPassword />

NOTE Link elements in the response are created by the server. See “System Truststore and Keytab
Maintenance,” on page 301 for information about using the action links in this section to manage the AMQP
service SSL certificates and truststore. The system must have a valid AMQP certificate and truststore to use
the secure sockets layer (https).

Test AMQP Settings

The settings/amqp/action/test link of the AmqpSettings element allows you to test AMQP settings before
configuring them for the cloud.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Verify that you know the AMQP broker password.

n Retrieve the SystemSettings element. See “Retrieve or Update System Settings,” on page 265.

336 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

1 Examine the SystemSettings element to locate the link that you can use to retrieve the system's
AmqpSettings element.

This link has a rel attribute value of down and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.amqpSettings+xml as shown here:

<Link href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/amqp"

2 Retrieve the AmqpSettings element and locate the settings/amqp/action/test link it contains.

The response portion of “Example: Update AMQP Settings,” on page 335 includes this link.

3 Create a new AmqpSettings element that contains the values you want to test.

You can use the existing AmqpSettings element as a template. Whether you want to test the existing
values or create new ones, you must include the AMQP broker password in the AmqpPassword element.
This element is always returned empty when you retrieve the system's AmqpSettings.

4 Test the AMQP settings.

POST the AmqpSettings element to the settings/amqp/action/test link described in Step 2.

Example: Test AMQP Settings

This example tests the settings shown in the request portion of “Example: Update AMQP Settings,” on
page 335


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/amqp/action/test
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.amqpSettings+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AmqpHost />

The response is an AmqpSettingsTest element whose Valid element contains a Boolean indication of whether
the settings are valid. This response indicates that they are. If a value in the POSTed AmqpSettings element is
incorrect, the AmqpSettingsTest response has a Valid value of false.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.amqpSettingsTest+xml

VMware, Inc. 337

vCloud API Programming Guide

... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/amqp" />

Notification Message Format

All messages that the vCloud Director AMQP service sends contain an AMQP routing key and a
Notification element.

The Notification element is defined in the vCloud API schema. The routing key format is defined by the
AMQP specification.

Routing Key Format

The routing key for a vCloud Director AMQP message has the following form:


Routing key components include:

operationSuccess A Boolean value denoting whether the operation that triggered the
notification succeeded or failed.

entity The object identifier of the object on which an operation, an event of type
com/vmware/vcloud/event/, triggered the notification. For more information
about object identifiers, see “Objects, References, and Representations,” on
page 12.

org The object identifier of the organization that owns the affected object.

user The object identifier of the user who made the request.

subType1-subTypeN Each subType is a single component of the event type name. See “Notification
Types,” on page 340.

taskName If entity is a task or blocking task, the task name is appended to the routing

The following routing key, in which the object identifiers are truncated to save space, is an example of a
routing key that might have been created for a successful com/vmware/vcloud/event/vapp/create event:


Notification Headers
The vCloud API defines notification headers and prepends them to every notification.

Table 10‑1. Notification Headers

Header Value

notification.type See “Notification Types,” on page 340.

notification.entityType The type of vCloud entity is associated with this

notification. For example, vm.

338 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

Table 10‑1. Notification Headers (Continued)

Header Value

notification.entityUUID The object identifier of the object on which an operation, an

event of type com/vmware/vcloud/event/, triggered the

notification.orgUUID The object identifier of the organization that owns the

affected object.

notification.userUUID The object identifier of the user who made the request.

notification.operationSuccess A Boolean value denoting whether the operation that

triggered the notification succeeded or failed.

Example: Notification Message Format

A notification message can be formatted as XML or JSON. XML notifications are published on the AMQP
exchange specified in the system AMQP settings. The JSON notifications are published on an exchange
created by vCloud Director with a name of the form prefix.notifications20 where prefix is the value of the
AmqpPrefix element in the system AmqpSettings.

Here is an example of a message generated by a blocking task, delivered as an XML document.

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/entity/" />
id="urn:vcloud:blockingTask:25" />
id="urn:vcloud:user:44" />
id="urn:vcloud:org:70" />
id="urn:vcloud:task:34" />
id="urn:vcloud:vapp:26" />

VMware, Inc. 339

vCloud API Programming Guide

An XML Notification contains an entityResolver URL and EntityLink elements that provide more
information about the entity, org, and user components of the routing key. Attributes of those elements
show the name, type, and id of each component. After you authenticate to the cloud as a system
administrator, you can retrieve any of the entities represented in an EntityLink by making a GET request to
a URL you create by appending the value of an id attribute to the entityResolver URL. See “Retrieve an
Object as an Entity,” on page 392.

Here is the same message delivered as a JSON object.

"eventId" : "a1440dd8-60ae-46c7-b216-44693bc00c90",
"type" : "com/vmware/vcloud/event/blockingtask/create",
"timestamp" : "2011-06-18T14:33:27.787+03:00",
"operationSuccess" : true,
"user" : "urn:vcloud:user:44",
"org" : "urn:vcloud:org:70",
"entity" : "urn:vcloud:blockingTask:25"
"task" : "urn:vcloud:task:34",
"taskOwner" : "urn:vcloud:vapp:26"

This request retrieves the blocking task that generated this notification.

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/entity/urn:vcloud:blockingtask:25

The response to this request is identical to the one shown in the response portion of “Example: Handling a
Blocking Task,” on page 351.

Notification Types
The value of the type attribute of a vCloud Director notification is a string of the form
com/vmware/vcloud/event/object-type/event-type. Notification types can be grouped based on the object
type affected by the event.

User, Group, Role, and Session Events

Table 10‑2. User, Group, Role, and Session Events
Type (com/vmware/vcloud/event/) Description

session/login A login session was created.

user/import A user was imported from LDAP.

user/remove An imported user was removed from the organization.

user/modify One or more properties of a user were modified.

user/lockout An account was locked based on the organization's

password policy settings.

user/unlock A locked account was unlocked.

user/lock_expired The lock on an account has expired.

user/create A local user was created in an organization.

user/delete A local user was removed from the organization.

group/import A group was imported from LDAP.

group/remove A group was removed from an organization.

role/create A new role was created.

340 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

Table 10‑2. User, Group, Role, and Session Events (Continued)

Type (com/vmware/vcloud/event/) Description

role/modify An existing role was modified.

role/delete A role was deleted.

Organization, Network, Catalog, and VDC Events

Table 10‑3. Organization, Network, Catalog, and VDC Events
Type (com/vmware/vcloud/event/) Description

org/create An organization was created.

org/modify An organization was modified.

org/delete An organization was deleted.

network/create A network was created.

network/modify A network was modified.

network/delete A network was deleted.

network/deploy A network was deployed.

network/undeploy A network was undeployed.

catalog/create A catalog was created.

catalog/delete A catalog was deleted.

catalog/modify One or more properties of a catalog were modified

catalog/publish A catalog was published.

catalogItem/create An item was added to a catalog.

catalogItem/delete An item was removed from a catalog.

vdc/create_request A request to create a VDC was blocked pending

administrative action.

vdc/create A VDC was created.

vdc/modify One or more properties of a VDC was modified.

vdc/delete_request A request to delete a VDC was blocked pending

administrative action.

vdc/delete A VDC was deleted.

vdc/fast_provisioning/modify The UsesFastProvisioning value of a VDC was


vdc/thin_provisioning/modify The IsThinProvision value of a VDC was modified.

vApp, vApp Template, Vm, and Media Events

Table 10‑4. vApp, vApp Template, Vm, and Media Events
Type (com/vmware/vcloud/event/) Description

vappTemplate/create A vApp template was created.

vappTemplate/import A virtual machine was imported from vSphere as a vApp


vappTemplate/modify One or more properties of a vApp template were modified.

vappTemplate/delete A vApp template was deleted.

VMware, Inc. 341

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 10‑4. vApp, vApp Template, Vm, and Media Events (Continued)
Type (com/vmware/vcloud/event/) Description

vappTemplate/create_request A request to create a vApp template was blocked pending

administrative action.

vappTemplate/import_request A request to import a vApp template was blocked pending

administrative action.

vappTemplate/modify_request A request to modify a vApp template was blocked pending

administrative action.

vappTemplate/delete_request A request to delete a vApp template was blocked pending

administrative action.

vapp/create A vApp was created (instantiated)

vapp/import A virtual machine was imported from vSphere as a vApp.

vapp/modify One or more properties of a vApp were modified.

vapp/delete A vApp was deleted.

vapp/deploy A vApp was deployed.

vapp/undeploy A vApp was undeployed.

vapp/runtime_lease_expiry The runtime lease of a vApp has expired.

vapp/create_request A request to instantiate a vApp template was blocked

pending administrative action.

vapp/import_request A request to import a vApp was blocked pending

administrative action.

vapp/modify_request A request to modify a vApp was blocked pending

administrative action.

vapp/delete_request A request to delete a vApp was blocked pending

administrative action.

vapp/deploy_request A request to deploy a vApp was blocked pending

administrative action.

vapp/undeploy_request A request to undeploy a vApp was blocked pending

administrative action.

vm/create_request A request to create a virtual machine was blocked pending

administrative action.

vapp/quarantine_reject An uploaded OVF was rejected after quarantine.

vapp/upload_timeout An OVF upload has timed out.

vapp/lease_expiration_changed The lease expiration of a vApp has changed.

vm/ip_address_changed The IP address of a virtual machine has changed.

vm/create A virtual machine was created by instantiating a vApp.

vm/modify_request A request to modify a virtual machine was blocked

pending administrative action.

vm/modify One or more properties of a virtual machine were


vm/delete A virtual machine was deleted.

vm/change_state The power state of a virtual machine has changed.

vm/deploy_request A request to deploy a virtual machine was blocked

pending administrative action.

vm/deploy A virtual machine was deployed.

342 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

Table 10‑4. vApp, vApp Template, Vm, and Media Events (Continued)
Type (com/vmware/vcloud/event/) Description

vm/undeploy_request A request to undeploy a virtual machine was blocked

pending administrative action.

vm/undeploy A virtual machine was undeployed.

vm/consolidate_request A request to consolidate a virtual machine was blocked

pending administrative action.

vm/consolidate A virtual machine was consolidated.

vm/relocate_request A request to relocate a virtual machine was blocked

pending administrative action.

vm/relocate A virtual machine was relocated.

media/create A media object was created by upload or import.

media/import A media object was imported.

media/modify One or more properties of a media object were modified.

media/delete A media object was deleted.

media/create_request A request to create a media object was blocked pending

administrative action.

media/import_request A request to import a media object was blocked pending

administrative action.

media/modify_request A request to modify a media object was blocked pending

administrative action.

media/delete_request A request to delete a media object was blocked pending

administrative action.

media/upload_timeout A media upload has timed out.

media/quarantine_reject An uploaded media object was rejected after quarantine.

Other System Events

Table 10‑5. Other System Events
Type (com/vmware/vcloud/event/) Description

providerVdc/create_request A request to create a provider VDC was blocked pending

administrative action.

providerVdc/create A provider VDC was created.

providerVdc/modify One or more properties of a provider VDC were modified.

providerVdc/delete_request A request to delete a provider VDC was blocked pending

administrative action.

providerVdc/delete A provider VDC was deleted.

vc/create A vCenter server was registered.

vc/modify One or more properties of a registered vCenter server were


vc/delete A registered vCenter server was registered.

task/create A task was created.

task/start A non-blocking task has started or a blocking task has


task/abort A task was aborted.

task/complete A task has completed.

VMware, Inc. 343

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 10‑5. Other System Events (Continued)

Type (com/vmware/vcloud/event/) Description

task/fail A task has failed.

blockingtask/create A task was blocked and a notification created.

blockingtask/resume A blocking task was resumed.

blockingtask/abort A blocking task was aborted.

blockingtask/fail A blocking task was failed.

datastore/modify One or more properties of a datastore object were


datastore/delete A datastore object was deleted.

Retrieve or Update Blocking Task Settings

Timeout settings, default actions, and related messages for blocking tasks are properties of a cloud. They
apply to all organizations in the cloud. Only a system administrator can view or modify them.

When a user requests an operation that is configured to create a blocking task, the system creates a reference
to the operation in the cloud's BlockingTaskReferences container. The system also sends a message about
the task to the configured AMQP broker. A system administrator can retrieve the list of
BlockingTaskReferences by making a GET request to the system's blockingTasks link. An AMQP client can
use information in the message to construct a URL that it can use to retrieve the task. See
“Example: Notification Message Format,” on page 339.

If no action is taken on the blocking task within a specified timeout interval, it is subject to a default action.
You can specify the timeout interval and default action for all blocking tasks by modifying the system's
BlockingTaskSettings element. To configure an operation as a blocking task, add the operation name to the
BlockingTaskOperations element contained by BlockingTaskSettings. See “Task Operations,” on page 346.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Retrieve the SystemSettings element. See “Retrieve or Update System Settings,” on page 265.

1 Examine the response to locate the link that you can use to retrieve the system's BlockingTaskSettings

This link has a rel attribute value of down and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.admin.blockingTaskSettings+xml, as shown here:

<Link href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/blockingTask"

2 Retrieve the element.

Make a GET request to the href value of the link.

3 (Optional) Modify the element as needed to change the settings it controls.

See the schema reference.

4 (Optional) Update the modified element with the new contents.

PUT the modified element to the href value of its rel="edit" link. See “Example: Update Blocking Task
Settings,” on page 345.

344 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

Example: Update Blocking Task Settings

This request modifies the blocking task settings for a cloud to set the time-out period to 24 hours and adds
media upload as an operation that creates a blocking task. See “Task Operations,” on page 346 for a list of
operation names.


PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/blockingTask
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.blockingTaskSettings+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The response contains information extracted from the request, and adds the href attributes and edit links
for the BlockingTaskSettings element and the BlockingTaskOperations element it contains.


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.blockingTaskSettings+xml
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/settings/blockingTask" />

VMware, Inc. 345

vCloud API Programming Guide

Task Operations
Requests that you can configure as blocking tasks are represented by task operation names.

To configure a request type as a blocking task, place the operation name in an Operation element and add
that element to the cloud's BlockingTaskOperations element. See “Retrieve or Update Blocking Task
Settings,” on page 344.

NOTE These operation names also appear in the operationName attribute of the Task element that tracks the

Table 10‑6. Blocking Task Operations for vApp Tasks

Operation Name Description

vappAttachDisk Attach an independent disk to any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappCheckVmCompliance Check the storage profile compliance of a virtual machine.

vappConsolidateVm Consolidate the disks of any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappCreateSnapshot Create a snapshot for the vApp

vappDeleteShadowVm Delete a shadow VM for any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappDeploy Deploy a vApp.

vappDetachDisk Detach an independent disk from any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappDiscardSuspendedState Discard the suspended state of any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappEjectCdFloppy Eject media from any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappInsertCdFloppy Insert media in any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappInstallTools Install VMware Tools on any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappMigrateVms Migrate the virtual machines in a vApp to a new host.

vappPowerOff Power-off a vApp.

vappRebootGuest Reboot any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappRelocateVm Relocate any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappRemoveAllSnapshots Remove all snapshots for this vApp

vappReset Reset any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappResume Resume any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappRevertToCurrentSnapshot Revert the vApp to its current snapshot

vappShutdownGuest Shut down any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappSuspend Suspend any virtual machine in a vApp.

vappUndeployPowerOff Undeploy any virtual machine in a vApp by powering it off.

vappUndeploySuspend Undeploy any virtual machine in a vApp by suspending it.

vappUpdateVm Modify one or more properties of a virtual machine.

vappUpgradeHwVersion Upgrade the hardware version of any virtual machine in a vApp.

Table 10‑7. Blocking Task Operations for VDC Tasks

Operation Name Description

vdcCaptureTemplate Capture a vApp as a vApp template.

vdcComposeVapp Compose a vApp.

vdcCopyMedia Copy a media object.

346 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

Table 10‑7. Blocking Task Operations for VDC Tasks (Continued)

Operation Name Description

vdcCopyTemplate Copy a vApp template.

vdcCopyVapp Clone a vApp.

vdcCreateDisk Create an independent disk.

vdcCreateVdc Create an organization VDC.

vdcDeleteDisk Delete an independent disk.

vdcDeleteMedia Delete a media object.

vdcDeleteTemplate Delete a vApp template.

vdcDeleteVapp Delete a vApp.

vdcDeleteVdc Delete an organization VDC.

vdcEnableDownload Enable a vApp template for download as OVF.

vdcInstantiateVapp Instantiate a vApp template.

vdcRecomposeVapp Recompose a vApp.

vdcUpdateDisk Update an independent disk.

vdcUpdateMedia Update one or more properties of a media object.

vdcUpdateStorageProfiles Update the storage profiles of a VDC

vdcUpdateTemplate Update one or more properties of a vApp template.

vdcUpdateVapp Update any section of a vApp.

vdcUpdateVappNetworkSection Update the NetworkSection of a vApp.

vdcUpdateVdc Modify one or more properties of an organization VDC.

Table 10‑8. Blocking Task Operations for Network Tasks

Operation Name Description

networkCreateExternalNetwork Create an external network.

networkCreateFencePoolTypeNetworkPool Create an isolation-backed FencePoolType network pool.

networkCreateNetworkPool Create a network pool.

networkCreateOrgNetwork Create an organization network.

networkCreateOrgVdcNetwork Create an organization VDC network.

networkCreateVappNetwork Create a vApp network.

networkDelete Delete a network.

networkDeleteNetworkPool Delete a network pool.

networkMergeNetworkPools Merge network pools.

networkRepairNetworkPool Repair a network pool.

networkReset Reset any network.

networkResetOrgNetwork Reset an organization network.

networkResetOrgVdcNetwork Reset an organization VDC network.

networkSyncSyslogSettings Synchronize syslog settings for a network.

networkUpdateIpsecVpnTunnelStatus Update the status of a VPN tunnel

networkUpdateNetwork Modify one or more properties of a network object.

VMware, Inc. 347

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 10‑8. Blocking Task Operations for Network Tasks (Continued)

Operation Name Description

networkUpdateNetworkPool Modify one or more properties of a VlanPoolType network pool


networkUpdateVlanPool Modify one or more properties of any network pool object.

Table 10‑9. Blocking Task Operations for System Tasks

Operation Name Description

systemForceDisconnectVimserver Force disconnection of a vCenter server.

systemForceReconnectVimserver Force reconnection of a vCenter server.

systemPurgeAllStrandedItems Purge all stranded items.

systemPurgeStrandedItem Purge a specific stranded item.

systemRefreshStorageProfiles Refresh vCenter storage profiles.

systemRefreshVimserver Refresh a vCenter server.

systemRegisterLookupService Register with the vCenter lookup service.

systemRegisterVimserver Register a vCenter server.

systemUnregisterLookupService Unregister with the vCenter lookup service.

systemUnregisterVimserver Unregister a vCenter server.

systemUpdateAmqpCertificate Update the system AMQP certificate.

systemUpdateAmqpTruststore Update the system AMQP truststore.

systemUpdateLdapCertificate Update the system LDAP certificate.

systemUpdateLdapKeystore Update the system LDAP keystore.

systemUpdateLdapSspiKeytab Update the system LDAP SSPI keytab.

systemUpdateVcTruststore Update the vCenter truststore.

systemUpdateVimserver Update a vCenter server.

Table 10‑10. Blocking Task Operations for Resource Creation Tasks

Operation Name Description

rclCreateProviderVdc Create a provider VDC.

rclDeleteProviderVdc Delete a provider VDC.

rclDisableHost Disable a host.

rclEnableHost Enable a host.

rclEnableVxlanForProviderVdc Enable a VXLAN pool associated with a new Provider VDC.

rclMergePvdc Merge Provider VDCs.

rclPrepareHost Prepare a host

rclRedeployAllVms Redeploy all virtual machines on this host.

rclRepairHost Repair a host.

rclUnprepareHost Unprepare a host

rclUpdateHost Update host operating system.

rclUpdateProviderVdcStorageProfiles Update provider VDC storage profiles in this cluster.

348 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

Table 10‑10. Blocking Task Operations for Resource Creation Tasks (Continued)
Operation Name Description

rclUpdateResourcePoolSet Update resource pools in this cluster.

rclUpgradeHostAgent Upgrade the host agent on a host.

Table 10‑11. Blocking Task Operations for Miscellaneous Tasks

Operation Name Description

commonPurgeDeletedItem Purge a deleted item.

importIntoExistingVapp Import a virtual machine from vCenter to an existing vApp.

importLocalizationResource Import external localization resources.

importMedia Import a media object from vSphere.

importSingletonTemplate Import a virtual machine from vCenter as a vApp template.

importSingletonVapp Import a virtual machine from vCenter as a vApp.

catalogDelete Delete a catalog.

catalogDeleteBacking Delete the file(s) representing a catalog item.

catalogItemEnableDownload Enable a catalog item for download

catalogSync Update a subscribed catalog item from its external source.

catalogSyncAll Update an externally subscribed catalog from its source.

metadataDelete Delete a metadata item.

metadataUpdate Update a metadata item.

vdcUploadMedia Upload media.

vdcUploadOvfContents Upload other OVF package contents

vdcUploadOvfDescriptor Upload an OVF descriptor

Monitor Blocking Tasks

A system administrator can retrieve a list of all pending and active blocking tasks. Links in the returned
BlockingTask element allow the administrator to take action on the request.

In addition to being subject to programmatic action by an AMQP client (see “Notification Message Format,”
on page 338), blocking tasks can be monitored and managed by a system administrator using the vCloud

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the list of blocking tasks.

See the request portion of “Example: Retrieve a List of Blocking Tasks,” on page 350. If the
BlockingTaskReferences element contains no Reference elements, no blocking tasks are currently active
in the system.

2 Retrieve an individual blocking task from one of the Reference elements in the response.

See the request portion of “Example: Handling a Blocking Task,” on page 351.

VMware, Inc. 349

vCloud API Programming Guide

3 Use one of the action links in the BlockingTask to take action on the task.

See the response portion of “Example: Handling a Blocking Task,” on page 351.

Example: Retrieve a List of Blocking Tasks


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTasks/


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.blockingTaskList+xml
... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/28" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/25" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/12" />

Take Action on a Blocking Task

The BlockingTask element includes links that you can use to take action on a blocking task.

A BlockingTask element is primarily a collection of Link elements that allow you to take action on the task.
When a user requests an operation that is configured to create a blocking task, the system sends a message
about the task to the configured AMQP broker, and also creates a reference to the task in the cloud's
BlockingTaskReferences container. A system administrator can retrieve the list of BlockingTask elements by
making a GET request to the system's extension/blockingTasks link. See “Monitor Blocking Tasks,” on
page 349.

After authenticating to the cloud as a system administrator, the AMQP client can retrieve a blocking task.
The AMQP client makes a GET request to a URL that the task creates by appending the value of the id
attribute of the task to the entityResolver URL in the Notification. See “Example: Notification Message
Format,” on page 339.

The following actions are allowed:

resume Unblock the task and allow it to continue.

abort End the task, cleaning up any transient objects that it created. Task status is
set to ABORTED.

350 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

fail End the task, setting the status of any transient objects that it created to
ERROR. Task status is set to ERROR.

updateProgress Reset the timeout value and timeout action for an active task. Use this action
to keep the task alive when it might become subject to a timeout action.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the list of active blocking tasks.

See “Monitor Blocking Tasks,” on page 349. If you are using an AMQP client to handle blocking tasks,
skip this step. Each blocking task creates its own AMQP message, which contains a reference to the

2 Retrieve an individual BlockingTask.

See the request portion of “Example: Handling a Blocking Task,” on page 351.

3 Make a request.

Action Request
resume POST a BlockingTaskOperationParams element to the Link where
abort POST a BlockingTaskOperationParams element to the Link where
fail POST a BlockingTaskOperationParams element to the Link where
updateProgress POST a BlockingTaskUpdateProgressParams element to the Link
where rel="updateProgress"

Example: Handling a Blocking Task

This request shows how to retrieve a blocking task without using an AMQP client. “Example: Notification
Message Format,” on page 339 shows how to retrieve the same task using information in the AMQP


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/25


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.blockingTask+xml

VMware, Inc. 351

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/25/action/resume" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/25/action/abort" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/25/action/fail" />

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/25/action/updateProgress" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/task/42" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/97" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/80" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/vAppTemplate/vappTemplate-89" />

The following request allows the task to resume with a message indicating administrative approval.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/25/action/resume
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.blockingTaskOperationParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5" >
<Message>Approved by system administrator.</Message>

Extend The Timeout Expiration of an Active Task

You can use the updateProgress link in a BlockingTask to extend the expiration time of an active task.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

352 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 10 Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications

1 Retrieve the list of active blocking tasks.

See “Monitor Blocking Tasks,” on page 349. If you are using an AMQP client to handle task extension
requests, skip this step. Each blocking task creates its own AMQP message, which contains a reference
to the BlockingTask mentioned in Step 1.

2 Retrieve an individual BlockingTask.

See the request portion of “Example: Handling a Blocking Task,” on page 351.

3 Provide a new timeout value, relative to now, for the task.

Create a BlockingTaskUpdateProgressParams element that specifies the number of milliseconds until the
task times out. See “Example: Extend The Timeout Expiration of an Active Task,” on page 353.

4 POST the BlockingTaskUpdateProgressParams to the updateProgress URL from the BlockingTask.

The new timeout value is set to now (the time when the updateProgress request is executed)

Example: Extend The Timeout Expiration of an Active Task

This request resets the expiration time of the BlockingTask shown in “Example: Handling a Blocking Task,”
on page 351 to ten minutes after the request is processed.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/blockingTask/34/action/updateProgress
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.blockingTaskUpdateProgressOperationParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Message>Giving you ten more minutes...</Message>

The response includes the entire BlockingTask and shows the new value of the timeoutDate attribute. The
value assumes that the request was made at time 2011-05-11T11:50:55. This example omits most of the

200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.blockingTask+xml

VMware, Inc. 353

vCloud API Programming Guide

354 VMware, Inc.

vCloud Director Extension Services 11
vCloud Director and the vCloud API include a framework for integration of extension services that a
vCloud API client can access as though they were native services. In addition to service-specific objects or
operations they provide, extension services can implement new operations for existing API objects.

A vCloud Director extension service is a program that presents a REST interface to vCloud API clients.
When you register an extension service with the vCloud API, you specify one or more URL patterns that the
vCloud Director REST service treats as extension requests. When it receives an extension request, the
vCloud Director REST service creates an AMQP notification with a service-specific exchange and routing
key, and sends it to the vCloud Director AMQP service. Each extension service subscribes to AMQP
notifications that have its service-specific routing key. A service processes its notifications, takes whatever
actions they require, and returns a response to the AMQP service, where the vCloud Director REST service
retrieves it and uses its contents to generate a response to the client that made the request.

Message Routing
Extension services use the vCloud Director AMQP service to communicate with vCloud Director. Every
extension service must register a unique AMQP routing key, which vCloud Director prepends to AMQP
messages destined for that service. To collect replies from services, vCloud Director creates a single reply
exchange for all services, creates a separate reply queue for each cell, and binds each of those queues to the
reply exchange.

vCloud Director extension services can also be vCloud API clients, authenticating to the vCloud API and
making their own REST requests to the vCloud API URL. This type of interaction is required when creating
tasks and events that track the progress of requests made to the service. It is also required by services that
operate on vCloud Director objects like vApps and virtual machines.

Creating Events and Tasks

The vCloud API extension framework implements operations that allow an extension service to create and
update an organization's lists of tasks and events, so the status of asynchronous events running in extension
services can be displayed with the same kinds of information posted by native services.

Authorization Framework
All requests to extension services are processed through the vCloud Director authentication framework. A
user making a request to an extension service must be authenticated by vCloud Director as a system
administrator or a member of a vCloud Director organization.

An extension service can add service-specific rights and associate those rights with operations on its own
objects or with operations it adds to vCloud API objects .

VMware, Inc. 355

vCloud API Programming Guide

Service APIs
An extension service can define its own request and response body elements if it needs to. API schema files
can be specified as part of service registration or can be added later. Schema files can reside at any location
that is reachable by the extension service.

Support for Idempotent Operations

Most requests to extension services can include an operationKey attribute, which is a string meant to
uniquely identify the operation so that if it is invoked multiple times, the result will be the same as if it had
been invoked only once. The following types support use of the operationKey attribute:

n AclRuleType

n ApiDefinitionType

n ApiFilterType

n FileDescriptorType

n ResourceClassActionType

n ResourceClassType

n ServiceLinkType

n ServiceResourceType

n ServiceType

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “Summary of vCloud API Extension Services Framework Requests,” on page 356

n “Register an Extension Service,” on page 358

n “Service-Specific Links,” on page 362

n “Service-Specific Tasks and Events,” on page 365

n “Authorization Framework for Extension Service Operations,” on page 368

n “Localization Framework for Extension Services,” on page 376

n “REST APIs for Extension Services,” on page 379

n “Extension Service AMQP Message Format,” on page 382

Summary of vCloud API Extension Services Framework Requests

vCloud API extension services framework requests extend the vCloud API to allow you to extend existing
vCloud Director services and integrate new services with vCloud Director.

n API-URL is a URL of the form https://vcloud.example.com/api.

356 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

n id is a unique identifier in the form of a UUID, as defined by RFC 4122.

IMPORTANT Request URLs are always available in Link elements contained by the representation of the
object on which they operate. URL forms shown here are for reference purposes only. Although URLs have
a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a client should treat vCloud API request URLs
as opaque strings. The rules that govern how the server constructs these strings might change in future

This summary may not cover all requests in this category. For the complete list of requests, along with
detailed information about input and output types, see the Operations lists in the schema reference.

Table 11‑1. Summary of vCloud API Extensibility Requests

Operation Request Request Body Response

Register an extension service POST API- Service Service

with vCloud Director URL/admin/extension/serv

Retrieve a list of registered GET API- None ExtensionServices

extension services. URL/admin/extension/serv

Update a registered PUT API- Service Service

extension service. URL/admin/extension/serv

Delete a registered extension DELETE API- None 204 No Content

service. URL/admin/extension/serv

Register extension service POST API- ServiceLink ServiceLink

links with vCloud Director URL/admin/extension/serv
objects. ice/id/links

Create resource class POST API- ResourceClass ResourceClass

definitions for a registered URL/admin/extension/serv
extension service. ice/id/resourceClasses

Associate actions with a POSTAPI- ResourceClassAction ResourceClassAction

resource class. URL/admin/extension/serv

Create an ACL rule for a POSTAPI- AclRule AclRule

resource class. URL/admin/extension/serv

Associate a right with an POSTAPI- Right RightRight

extension service. URL/admin/extension/serv

Update a right associated PUTAPI- Right Right

with an extension service. URL/admin/right/id

Delete rights no longer POSTAPI- None 204 No Content

associated with a role or URL/admin/extension/serv
ACL rule after the ice/action/clearUnusedRig
associated extension service hts
has been deleted.

List the access rights for a POSTAPI- EntityReferences UserEntityRights

specific combination of user URL/admin/user/id/entity
and entity Rights

Create a Task object in the POSTAPI-URL/tasksList/id Task Task


Update a Task object PUTAPI-URL/task/id Task Task

VMware, Inc. 357

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 11‑1. Summary of vCloud API Extensibility Requests (Continued)

Operation Request Request Body Response

Post an extension service POSTAPI- Event 204 No Content

event to the system. URL/admin/org/id/events

Initiate the upload of a POSTAPI- BundleUploadParams BundleUploadSocket

localization bundle for an URL/admin/extension/serv
extension service. ice/id/localizationBundles

Create API definitions for a POST API- ApiDefinition ApiDefinition

registered extension service. URL/admin/extension/serv

Create file descriptors for a POSTAPI- FileDescriptor FileDescriptor

registered extension service. URL/admin/extension/serv

Register an Extension Service

Register an extension service to specify its namespace, AMQP exchange and routing key, and URL patterns.
You can specify additional service properties during registration or update them later.

An extension service typically authenticates with the vCloud API as a system administrator, then registers
itself with vCloud Director by POSTing a Service element to the system's .../api/admin/extension/service
URL. A Service element must include the following elements.

Namespace The service namespace, which must be unique among all registered
extension services. Service namespace names that follow the naming
convention used for Java packages (for example,
com.example.service.backup) are more likely to be unique. If a service tries
to register a namespace that is already registered with this vCloud Director
installation, registration fails.

RoutingKey The AMQP routing key that vCloud Director must use when routing
messages to the service.

Exchange The AMQP exchange name that vCloud Director must use when routing
messages to the service. The service must create the specified exchange on
the AMQP service that vCloud Director uses. The exchange type must be

ApiFilters Specifies one or more URL patterns that the vCloud Director REST service
must treat as extension requests. URL patterns can include regular
expressions that java.util.regex.Pattern recognizes. See “Create an API
Filter for an Extension Service,” on page 380.

Registration can also specify the following optional properties:

n Definitions of Link elements that the service adds to the representations of vCloud API objects. See
“Service-Specific Links,” on page 362.

n Authorization framework for controlling access to the service's objects and operations. See
“Authorization Framework for Extension Service Operations,” on page 368.

n Locations of schema files if the service provides its own API. See “REST APIs for Extension Services,”
on page 379

You can also create or update these properties after you register the service.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

358 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the cloud.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension

2 Examine the response to find the Link for adding extension services.

This URL is present in the VMWExtension element, and has the following form.


3 Construct a Service element.

See the request portion of “Example: Register an Extension Service,” on page 359.

4 POST the Service element to the URL described in Step 2.

See the request portion of “Example: Register an Extension Service,” on page 359.

Example: Register an Extension Service

This request registers an extension service named SDK-BackupExtension. The request specifies the service
namespace and routing key, and several URL patterns to be used as API filters. Messages for the service are
sent to the AMQP exchange named sdkext with routing key sdkbackup.

NOTE If the specified exchange does not exist on the AMQP service that vCloud Director uses, an internal
server error occurs whenever vCloud Director receives a request that matches one of the service's API filters.

This request also includes several ServiceLink elements. For information about the contents of these
elements, see “Service-Specific Links,” on page 362.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service
Content Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.service+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 359

vCloud API Programming Guide


The server registers the service and returns a Service element that includes information derived from the
contents you POSTed, and a set of Link elements that you can use to access, remove, disable, or modify the
extension service.


201 Created
Content Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.service+xml
... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/rights" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/links" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/localizationbundles" />

360 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/links" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/apifilters" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/apifilters" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/apidefinitions" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/apidefinitions" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/resourceclasses" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/resourceclasses" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/authorizationcheck" />

The following elements are never returned as part of a response body. Instead, they are returned as Link
elements in the body of their container.

n AclRules

n ApiDefinitions and Files

n ApiFilters

n ResourceClassActions

n ResourceClasses

n ServiceLinks

n ServiceResources

For example, to retrieve the contents of the ServiceLinks element POSTed with the request body in this
example, GET the URL in this Link:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/links" />

VMware, Inc. 361

vCloud API Programming Guide

Service-Specific Links
A service can add its own Link elements to the representations of vCloud API objects. You can create these
service links when you register a service. You can also add or remove the links after you register the service.

You can create multiple service-specific links as part of registering a service. After you register a service, you
can add or remove individual links. Service links typically appear in the representations of all objects of a
specific type, but you can constrain them to appear in a particular object of that type. Service links are not
included in object representations unless the service that created them is enabled.

NOTE You cannot update a service link, but you can remove existing links and create new ones.

Add a Service Link

You can add a service link to an existing service.

A ServiceLink element must contain the following child elements:

LinkHref The value of href attribute of the Link. This can be any URI, and can include
the variables {baseUri} and {resourceId}. When constructing the href value
of the Link, vCloud Director replaces {baseUri} with the vCloud Director
REST API base URL, and replaces {resourceId} with the UUID portion of
the id attribute value of the resource in which the Link is inserted. The
following example might expand to the string


MimeType The value, specified as a MIME content type, of the type attribute of the Link.

Rel Defines the relationship of the link to the object that contains it. A
relationship can be the name of an operation on the object, a reference to a
contained or containing object, or a reference to an alternate representation of
the object. The relationship value implies the HTTP verb to use when you
use the link's href value as a request URL.

ResourceType The object type, specified as a MIME content type, of the object in which the
Link appears.

NOTE You can constrain the Link to appear in a specific resource by including a ResourceId element in the
ServiceLink. This element contains the id of the resource in which the Link will appear. This resource must
be of the type specified in the ResourceType element of the ServiceLink.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the service.

This request retrieves the XML representation of the service created in “Example: Register an Extension
Service,” on page 359:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45

362 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

2 Examine the response to find the Link for adding service links.

This Link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/44/links" />

3 Create a ServiceLink element that specifies the properties of the new link.

4 POST the ServiceLink element to the URL described in Step 2

See “Example: Add a Service Link,” on page 363.

Example: Add a Service Link

This request adds a ServiceLink to the service created in “Example: Register an Extension Service,” on
page 359


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/links
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.serviceLink+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


200 OK
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.serviceLink+xml
<vmext:ServiceLink ...>

Delete a Service Link

Delete a service link when you no longer want it to appear in the representation of an vCloud API objects, or
when you want to replace it with a new service link.

When you retrieve the list of service links associated with a service, the response is a QueryResultRecords
element in which each service link is represented as a ServiceLinkRecord element. The value of the href
attribute of a ServiceLinkRecord is a URL you can use to retrieve or delete the service link.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

VMware, Inc. 363

vCloud API Programming Guide

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the service.

This request retrieves the XML representation of the service created in “Example: Register an Extension
Service,” on page 359:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45

2 Examine the response to find the Link for listing service links.

This Link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/44/links" />

3 Make a GET request to the link described in Step 2.

4 Examine the response to find the ServiceLinkRecord that represents the service link to delete.

5 Make a DELETE request to the URL in the href attribute value of that ServiceLinkRecord.

Example: Delete a Service Link

Start by getting the service's list of service links.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/link/01ca..." />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/link/a624..." />

364 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/link/f62e..." />

NOTE Link id values are truncated in this example.

Using this information, find the ServiceLinkRecord that represents the service link you want to delete, and
make a DELETE request to that URL.

DELETE https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/link/f62e...

Service-Specific Tasks and Events

An extension service can create Task objects in a vCloud Director organization, and can post events to the
organization's event stream.

Tasks and events are created in the context of an organization. Each task or event is associated with exactly
one user, who must be a system administrator or a member of the organization in which the task or event is
created. Tasks and events can also have an owner, which is a reference to the subject of the task or event (for
example, an object being created or updated by a task).

Task and Event Workflow

vCloud Director native services typically create Task objects to track the progress of asynchronous events.
These objects are returned to clients as Task elements, which can be embedded in a container that represents
an object under construction, or simply returned in Task form.

Tasks are also reported in the organization's event stream. A service can also add its own events to this
stream, in addition to the ones added as a side-effect of creating a task.

Extension services act as vCloud API clients when creating tasks and events, even if those tasks and events
are created to track service-specific objects or operations. After a task is created in vCloud Director, an
extension service can use its AMQP connection to vCloud Director to return a Task as the response, or part
of the response, to a client request.

Localizing Task and Event Message Content

Message strings included in tasks and events can be localized. See “Localization Framework for Extension
Services,” on page 376.

Create or Update a Service-Specific Task

When a user requests an asynchronous operation from an extension service, the service can create a task
object and add it to an organization's tasks list.

Every vCloud Director organization has a tasks list and accepts requests to add a task to the list. When a
client requests an asynchronous operation from a service, the service starts to process the request and also
POSTs a Task element to the organization's tasksList URL. vCloud Director adds information such as an id
and startTime to the Task, places it on the organization's TasksList, creates an event in the organization's
event stream, and returns the Task to the service. The service can then send the Task, as an AMQP message,
to vCloud Director, which sends it as a response to the client that made the original request.

NOTE Because of the diversity of sources from which an extension service can draw references to the User,
Owner, and Organization elements of a Task, it may not always be possible for every client to resolve such
references. For example, if a service creates an object in an organization of which you are not a member, you
will not be able to resolve the reference to the object in the Owner element of the Task.

VMware, Inc. 365

vCloud API Programming Guide

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the organization in which you want to create the Task.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding tasks to the
organization's tasks list.

This element has a rel attribute value of task:create and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml, as shown here:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/tasksList/26" />

3 Create a Task element that specifies the details of the task.

4 POST the Task element to the organization's tasksList URL.

The server creates a task object and adds it to the organization's tasks list, and returns the representation of
the object to the service. To return the XML representation of the task object to the client that made the
original request, the service must create a JSON representation of the Task and return it to vCloud Director
AMQP service.

Example: Add a Task to an Organization's Tasks List


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/tasksList/26
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
operation="Backup in progress for virtual machine with id 7b91b053-2b..."
id="26" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/39" />

366 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
... >

Create a Service-Specific Event

An extension service can request that vCloud Director add an event message to the event stream of an

The system always creates an event message when a service posts a Task to an organization's tasks list. To
create additional event messages, a service can POST an Event element to an organization's events URL.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the organization in which you want to create the event.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26

2 Examine the response to locate the Link element that contains the URL for adding events to the
organization's events stream.

This element has a rel attribute value of event:create and a type attribute value of
application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.event+xml, as the following example shows:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/events" />

3 Create an Event element that specifies the details of the task.

4 POST the Event element to the organization's events URL.

Example: Add an Event to an Organization's Event Stream


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26/events
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.event+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 367

vCloud API Programming Guide

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/user/39" />


204 No Content

Authorization Framework for Extension Service Operations

All requests to extension services must be authenticated through the vCloud API. Extension services can
participate in vCloud API REST authorization by controlling access to their objects and operations through
new or existing rights and roles.

An extension service that does not enable the use of vCloud Director REST authorization implicitly grants
permission for all users to perform all operations that the service uses. A service can use the native
vCloud Director REST authorization model by taking the following steps:

1 Define resource classes that represent references to service-specific object types.

2 Define resource class actions that specify the actions that are implemented for those object types.

3 Define ACL rules specifying the rights required to perform an operation on objects of a specific type.

Participation in the Authorization Framework

To participate in the authorization framework, a service must include an AuthorizationEnabled element
with a value of true in its registration request.


It must also define at least one resource class, specify at least one action for that class, and define an ACL
rule that constrains use of the action on the class.

Resource Classes and Actions

A service uses the following constructs to define the objects, operations, and permissions that constitute its
authorization model.

Resource Classes Set of rules for creating references to service-specific objects. Like other object
references in the vCloud API, resource classes are a Link element that
specifies the MIME type of the resource and includes an href (URL) that can
be used to retrieve the resource. The rules include a MIME type, a URL
pattern, and a template for creating an id attribute value in URN form.

Resource Class Actions Combination of a URL pattern that specifies a resource class and an HTTP
method that implements an action on a resource of that class. The action uses
the specified method in a request to a URL that matches the specified

ACL Rules Specifies the rights that an organization or user have to an operation defined
as a resource class action.

Service Resource A member of a resource class distinguished by a specific id. If an extension

service needs to define a resource class action or an ACL rule that applies to
a specific resource, the service must create it as a ServiceResource and give it
a UUID or other unique identifier.

368 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

Querying for Organization and User Rights

The vCloud API query service implements several queries that return a list of rights that a specified user or
organization is granted. A user can make a request that specifies one or more entity references and returns a
summary of user rights to the specified entities.

Create an Extension Service Resource Class

To configure your extension service to provide access control for the objects it creates, define a resource class
for each of its object types.

A ResourceClass element contains the information needed to construct a URL that a client can use to access
the resource in a specific context. It must contain the following child elements:

MimeType The MIME content type of all instances of the resource class.

UrlTemplate The value of href attribute value for resources of this class. This can be any
URI, and can include the variables {baseUri} and {resourceId}. When
constructing the href value, vCloud Director replaces {baseUri} with the
vCloud Director REST API base URL, and replaces {resourceId} with the
UUID portion of the id attribute value of the resource.

Nid The Namespace Identifier for resources of this type, as specified in


UrnPattern The Namespace Specific String for resources of this type, as specified in
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2141.txt. You can provide a string or a named
regular expression, where (?<id>) matches the resource identifier.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the service.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45

2 Examine the response to find the Link for adding resource classes.

This Link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/resourceclasses" />

3 Construct a ResourceClass element.

See the request portion of “Example: Create an Extension Service Resource Class,” on page 369 for
information about the contents of this element.

4 POST the ResourceClass element to the URL described in Step 2.

Example: Create an Extension Service Resource Class

This request defines a resource class named Backup.

n The MimeType is specified using the standard form for vnd type names.

VMware, Inc. 369

vCloud API Programming Guide

n The UrlTemplate uses the {baseUri} and {resourceId} variables, and could expand to a URL like

n The Nid and UrnPattern elements provide rules for constructing an URN of the form:


as shown in the response.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/resourceclasses
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.resourceClass+xml
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/resourceclass/83" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45" />

s" />


370 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services


Define an Action for a Resource Class

After you define a resource class, you can specify the actions that are permitted on resources of that class.

A ResourceClassAction object defines an HTTP method that is allowed on a specific UrlPattern. The
UrlPattern can be any of the following URL forms:
n An explicit URL like/backup/restore/vm/27. A UrlPattern of this form defines an action for a resource
that has a specific URL.

n A URL that contains a regular expression, like /backup/restore/vm[-,a-z,0-9]*. A UrlPattern of this

form defines an action for any resource in the class that matches the regular expression.

n A URL that contains a service resource id, which is expressed as <id>. In a UrlPattern, the delimiters
must be written as the XML entities &lt; and &gt;. The id can stand alone, as
in /backup/restore/vm/&lt;id&gt;, or appear as part of a regular expression like/backup/restore/vm/?
&lt;id&gt;[-,a-z,0-9]*). A UrlPattern of this form targets a specific ServiceResource, which must the
service must define and register.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the service.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45

2 Examine the response to find the Link for specifying resource class actions.

This Link has the following form:


href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/resourceclassactions" />

3 Construct a ResourceClassAction element.

For information about the contents of this element, see the request portion of “Example: Define an
Action for a Resource Class,” on page 371.

4 POST the ResourceClassAction element to the URL described in Step 2.

Example: Define an Action for a Resource Class

This example defines a resource class action for a GET request to a UrlPattern that could match URLs
including https://vcloud.example.com/api/backup/27 or https://vcloud.example.com/api/backup/vm-27-


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/resourceclassactions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

VMware, Inc. 371

vCloud API Programming Guide

name="Read backups">

The response is a ResourceClassAction element that includes information derived from the contents you
POSTed , along with a set of Link elements that you can use to remove the ResourceClassAction or add ACL
rules that control access to the resource class through the action.


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.resourceClassAction+xml
name="Read backups"
... >
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/268" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/resourceclass/83" />

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/268/aclrules" />

Define an ACL Rule for a Resource Class Action

Permission to execute an extension service operation is controlled by an AclRule contained in the

An ACL rule specifies the access controls that apply to a ResourceClassAction. Access controls can be
defined for any of the following principals:

n an individual user

n a member of a specified organization

n any user whose role includes a specific right

n any resource defined by the service that created the ACL rule

372 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

Rights for specific entity types are specified in the following container elements:

ServiceResourceAccess This specification is optional.

OrganizationAccess Access for the organizations. This specification is required.

PrincipalAccess Access control for users, or for any role that includes a specified right. This
specification is required.

If the Access element in any of these containers has the value Entity, the container must also include an
Entity element that provides a reference to a resource entity, organization, user, or right.

Table 11‑2. ACL Rules

Container Element Access Comments

ServiceResourceAccess Shared The action is authorized for all resources in this resource class

Entity The action is authorized for the service resource referenced in the Entity
element in this container.

OrganizationAccess Shared The action is authorized for all members of the organization that owns the

Published The action is authorized for all members of any organization in the cloud.

Entity The action is authorized for members of the organization referenced in the
Entity element in this container.

PrincipalAccess Shared The action is authorized for all users

Entity The action is authorized for the User referenced in the Entity element in
this container, or for any role that includes the Right referenced in the
Entity element in this container.

A ResourceClassAction can include an arbitrary number of AclRule elements. The action is permitted if the
user or resource attempting the action matches any rule.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the resource class action.

This request retrieves the XML representation of the resource class action created in “Example: Define
an Action for a Resource Class,” on page 371:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/268

2 Examine the response to find the Link for specifying ACL rules for the resource class action.

This Link has the following form:


" />

3 Construct an AclRule element.

See the request portion of “Example: Define an ACL Rule for a Resource Class Action,” on page 374 for
information about the contents of this element.

4 POST the AclRule element to the URL described in Step 2.

VMware, Inc. 373

vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Define an ACL Rule for a Resource Class Action

This example adds an ACL rule to the resource class action created in “Example: Define an Action for a
Resource Class,” on page 371. The rule specifies that all members of a specific organization who have a role
that includes a specific right can execute the action.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/268/aclrules
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.aclRule+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="ACL rule for read backups">
<Description>Only users in org/26 who have right/2 can read backups</Description>
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/org/26" />
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/right/2" />

The response contains information supplied in the request, along with several Link elements created by the

201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.aclrule+xml
name="ACL rule for read backups"
<Description>Only users in org/26 who have right/2 can read backups</Description><vcloud:Link
href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/268" />

374 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

Create a Service-Specific Right

A service can create rights that apply to its operations. You can add these rights to existing roles or new

In the vCloud API, a right is simply a name that a service attaches to a privilege. When a service specifies an
ACL rule for a resource class action, the rule can reference a right. A user who is assigned a role that
includes the right is authorized to take the specified action.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the service.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45

2 Examine the response to find the Link for adding or listing service-specific rights

This Link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/rights" />

3 Construct a Right element.

For information about the contents of this element, see the request portion of “Example: Create a
Service-Specific Right,” on page 375.

4 POST the Right element to the URL described in Step 2.

Example: Create a Service-Specific Right

This request creates a right named DeleteBackup. The name attribute and Category element are required, and
can have any string value. Include a BundleKey if any messages associated with the right appear in a
localization bundle.

POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/rights
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Right to remove a backup object</Description>

The response is a Right element that includes information derived from the contents you POSTed. The
service namespace name is prepended to the name of the right.

VMware, Inc. 375

vCloud API Programming Guide


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.right+xml
... >
<Description>Right to remove a backup object</Description>

Localization Framework for Extension Services

Extension service developers can provide localized content for service-specific tasks and events by creating
and uploading a localization bundle.

An extension service localization bundle is a file in zip format that contains one or more properties files.
Each file in the bundle has a name that indicates the locale to which it applies, and contains an arbitrary
number of key=value pairs, where the key is the value of an attribute of a service-specific task operation or
event, and the value is a localized string to display in log messages posted by the service.

Upload or Update a Localization Bundle

Each service provides a link that an administrator can use to upload a new or modified localization bundle
for the service.

A localization bundle is a file in ZIP format that contains one or more localized message files that your
service uses. Each line in one of these files provides localized text that replaces the text that your service
posts in the values of certain attributes for service-specific events and tasks. See “Message File Content,” on
page 377.

n Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

n Create a localization bundle.

1 Create a localization bundle.

2 Find the localizationbundles URL for your service.

a Retrieve the XML representation of the service.

b Examine the representation for a Link of the following form:


href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/localizationbundles" />
The localizationbundles URL is the value of the href attribute of this link.

376 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

3 Create a BundleUploadParams element that specifies the size of the bundle and the service namespace of
the service.

4 POST the BundleUploadParams element to the localizationbundles URL of your service.

Example: Upload a Localization Bundle

This example uploads a localization bundle for the service created in “Example: Register an Extension
Service,” on page 359. The initial request specifies the size of the ZIP file in bytes and the name of the service


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/localizationbundles
Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.bundleUploadParams+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The response body includes an uploadLocation URL. You can use a procedure similar to the one in
“Example: Uploading File Data,” on page 68 to upload the ZIP file to this location.



To update a bundle, follow the same procedure using a new bundle that contains updated message files.
When you upload a new localization bundle for a service that already has one, new key=value pairs are
added, and the values of existing keys are updated.

Message File Content

Message files provide localized text for certain attribute values in Task and Event objects.

Each file in a localization bundle can include an arbitrary number of lines. Each line must have the following
form, where key is any of the values that the service might assign to one of its service-specific Task or Event
elements and value is the localized string to display.


The value string can contain parameters that provide the resourceId, resourceName, and resourceType of the
subject of the Task or Event.

The following restrictions apply to each message file in a localization bundle:

n File contents must be encoded in the UTF-8 character set.

n key length cannot exceed 2000 UTF-8 characters.

n value length cannot exceed 2000 UTF-8 characters.

n File size cannot exceed 10MB.

n File name must be the locale code for the language used in the value strings. For example, the file
containing English text must be named en_US. The file containing French text must be named fr_FR.

VMware, Inc. 377

vCloud API Programming Guide

Whenever a localizable attribute appears in a log message, vCloud Director takes the following steps to find
text to display:

1 If the service has a localization bundle, open the file in that bundle whose name corresponds to the
current client locale and display the value as it appears in the file.
2 If the service has a localization bundle but no file exists in that bundle whose name corresponds to the
current client locale, open the file in that bundle named en_US and display the value as it appears in the
file. The default locale for vCloud Director is en_US.

3 Otherwise, display a predefined string.

A Task or Event that a service posts can also include a passthrough key=value pair that is always displayed as
posted by the service, regardless of the current client locale or the presence or absence of a localization

Message File Keys and Parameters

Message file contents (key=value pairs) apply to all Task and Event objects that the service creates. If a Task
and an Event both use the same key, the same message appears for both.

Table 11‑3. Localization Keys for Service-Specific Tasks

Attribute Values Matched for key Available Parameters

resourceId The value of the id attribute of the
Owner of the Task.

resourceNam The value of the name attribute of the

e Owner of the Task.

resourceTyp The value of the type attribute of the

e Owner of the Task.

Owner:type None

serviceNamespace None

operation (passthrough) None

To create a message that appears only when a Task has status="running", append the string _PROGRESS to
the key.

Table 11‑4. Localization Keys for Service-Specific Events

Attribute Values Matched for key Available Parameters

resourceId The value of the id attribute of the
Owner of the Event.

resourceNam The value of the name attribute of the

e Owner of the Event.

resourceTyp The value of the type attribute of the

e Owner of the Event.

Owner:type None

serviceNamespace None

typeFull (passthrough) None

To create a message that appears only for a failed Event (one where success="false"), prepend the string
FAILED. to the key.

378 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

Example: Example Message File Content

The following lines are appropriate in the en_US message file for a service that meets the following

n Its Namespace is registered as org.example.vcd.backup.

n It defined a Task whose operationName attribute can have a value of backupInProgress.

n It defined an Event whose type attribute can have a value of backupComplete.

org.example.vcd.backup=vCloud Backup Service

backupInProgress=Backup in progress for ${resourceName} ({resourceType}) with id: {resourceId}
backupInProgress_PROGRESS=Backup in progress for ${resourceName} ({resourceType}) with id:
backupComplete=Backup complete for entity {resourceName} ({resourceType}) with id: {resourceId}
FAILED.backupComplete=Backup failed for entity {resourceName} ({resourceType}) with id:

If the localization bundle for this service contained a file named fr_FR that included the following line, the
Task posted in “Example: Add a Task to an Organization's Tasks List,” on page 366 returns this localized
value for the operationName attribute when the client locale is set to fr_FR. The passthrough value for
operation is not localized.

backupInProgress_PROGRESS=Sauvegarde en cours pour entity {resourceName} ({resourceType}) avec

id: {resourceId}


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/task/604


200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml
operation="Backup in progress for virtual machine with id 7b91b053-2b..."
operationName="Sauvegarde en cours pour entity Finance (application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.org
+xml) avec id 26 "
... >

REST APIs for Extension Services

A simple extension service does not need a REST API. You can define a service-specific REST API
entrypoint and one or more schema definition files.

An extension service that does not require request or response bodies other than those that the vCloud API
defines, Task, for example, can simply define the URL patterns that constitute its API filters and the service
links that implement its operations.

A service that defines its own request or response bodies must also specify a URL to which clients can direct
requests. The service must specify locations of the files, such as XML schema definition (XSD) files, to which
its clients require access.

VMware, Inc. 379

vCloud API Programming Guide

Create an API Filter for an Extension Service

When you register an extension service with vCloud Director, you specify one or more API filters, which are
URL patterns or MIME content types that the vCloud Director REST service should treat as extension
requests. You cannot update the API filter for a registered service, but you can replace it with a new one.

An API filter can be either a URL pattern, typically in the form of a regular expression, or a content type,
typically in the form of a MIME content-type string. Requests whose URL matches the specified UrlPattern
are sent to the service that has registered the filter. An API filter that specifies ResponseContentType is
applied only to responses whose Content-type attribute has a value that matches the specified
ResponseContentType. An extension service that receives such a response must return it, after making any
service-specific modifications, to the AMQP service as a JSON message, so that it can be returned to the
vCloud Director client that made the request.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the service.

This request retrieves the XML representation of the service created in “Example: Register an Extension
Service,” on page 359:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45

2 Examine the response to find the Link for adding API filters

This Link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/apifilters" />

3 Construct an ApiFilter element.

This ApiFilter overwrites any existing ApiFilter defined by the service. See the request portion of
“Example: Create an API Filter for an Extension Service,” on page 380 for information about the
contents of this element.
4 POST the ApiFilter element to the URL described in Step 2.

Example: Create an API Filter for an Extension Service

This request adds a new UrlPattern to set of patterns defined in the request portion of “Example: Register
an Extension Service,” on page 359. The request replaces the existing set of filter expressions with a new one
that includes the original set and one additional expression.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/apifilters
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
(/api/vApp/vapp-.*/action/backup)|(/api/backup/.*) |

380 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services


201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.admin.resourceClass+xml
(/api/vApp/vapp-.*/action/backup)|(/api/backup/.*) |

Create or Update an Extension Service API Definition

You can define an API for an extension service when you register the service. You can also create or update
the service API definition later.

An API definition for an extension service includes an API entry point (A URL at which a client can send
requests to the API) and a set of file descriptors, each of which consists of a description and a reference to a
schema definition file.

An ApiDefinition element must contain the following child elements:

EntryPoint The URL to which a client can send requests to the service API. This can be
any URL, and can include the variable {baseUri}, which represents the
vCloud Director REST API base URL.

Namespace The service namespace. See “Register an Extension Service,” on page 358

Files One or more references to schema definition files. The references must be
accessible to vCloud Director.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator.

1 Retrieve the XML representation of the service.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45

2 Examine the response to find the Link for adding API definitions.

This Link has the following form:

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/apidefinitions" />

3 Construct an ApiDefinition element.

For information about the contents of this element, see the request portion of “Example: Create an
Extension Service API Definition,” on page 382.

4 POST the ApiDefinition element to the URL described in Step 2.

VMware, Inc. 381

vCloud API Programming Guide

Example: Create an Extension Service API Definition

This request defines an API for a backup service. The definition includes two FileDescriptor elements that
reference files available on the vendor's public Website. The entrypoint for requests to the service is the
vCloud Director API login URL.


POST https://vcloud.example.com/api/admin/extension/service/45/apidefinitions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="Backup service version 5.1">
<Description>Backup service API</Description>
<vmext:Description>Master schema definition file.</vmext:Description>
href="http://example.com/backp/schema/v5.1/master.xsd" />
<vmext:Description>Schema definition file for backup devices.</vmext:Description>
href="http://example.com/vcdBackup/schema/v5.1/devices.xsd" />


201 Created
name="Backup service version 5.1">

Extension Service AMQP Message Format

vCloud Director uses the system AMQP service to communicate with extension services. Messages to and
from an extension service are formatted as JSON objects.

When it receives an extension request, the vCloud Director REST service creates a message and sends it to
the system AMQP service, specifying the exchange and routing key registered by the extension service. The
extension service retrieves the message from a queue bound to the exchange it registered, processes the
request, and returns a response to the common reply exchange.

AMQP Message Headers

Each message from vCloud Director to a service includes both standard and custom AMQP headers.

382 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services

Table 11‑5. Extension Service AMQP Message Headers

Header Value

correlationId A standard AMQP header that provides a unique identifier

for the message. The extension must supply the same
correlationId in the corresponding response.

reply-to A standard AMQP header specifying the value that the

extension must use as the routingKey in the response.

messageType A custom AMQP header. One of:

ProcessHttp Indicates that this message is a

Request forwarded request.

ProcessHttp Indicates that this message is a

Response forwarded response.

replyToExchange A custom AMQP header. The name of the AMQP exchange

to which the extension should publish its response.

Property Names and Values

A request message contains all of the following name=value pairs.

Table 11‑6. Extension Service AMQP Request Message Property Names and Values
Name Value

method The HTTP method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) used to

make the request

id The unique id of this message

scheme The scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) specified in the request URL

protocol The protocol used to make the request

headers The request headers represented as a map of name:value

pairs encoded as a JSON object in the form:

queryString The entire query string, or null if the request did not
include a query string.

localPort The local port to which the request was sent

remoteAddr The IP address of the requesting machine

remotePort The remote port from which the request was sent

localAddr The IP address to which the request was sent

request Always true in request messages

requestURI The request URL, without any query string it might have

parameters always null

user The id of the vCloud Director user who made the request

org The id of the vCloud Director organization to which the

requesting user belongs

rights A comma-separated list of id values for the

vCloud Director rights assigned to the requesting user.

The parameters, user, org, and rights properties provide the security context for the request, and are
formatted as a separate JSON object, as shown in “Example: AMQP Message Format,” on page 384

VMware, Inc. 383

vCloud API Programming Guide

A response message contains all of the following name=value pairs.

Table 11‑7. Extension Service AMQP Response Message Property Names and Values
Name Value

id The unique id of this message

headers A comma-separated list of request headers in the form:


statusCode The HTTP status code to return to the requester

body A base64-encoded response body

request Always false in response messages

Example: AMQP Message Format

Assume an extension service that includes an API filter of the following form:


When vCloud Director receives a request like this one:

GET https://

it creates the following message and places it on the service's exchange.

"headers":{"Cookie":"...", "User-Agent":"...", ...},

The service returns a response containing a base64-encoded body.

"headers":{"Date":"...", "Content-Type":"application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.org+xml;version=2.0"},

384 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 11 vCloud Director Extension Services


VMware, Inc. 385

vCloud API Programming Guide

386 VMware, Inc.

XML Representations in the vCloud
API 12
The vCloud API represents objects in a cloud as XML documents in which object properties are contained in
elements and attributes that have typed values and an explicit object hierarchy defined by an XML schema.

Client programs of RESTful Web services must be able to request object representations from the server,
parse the server’s responses to extract the information they contain, and compose requests that, in many
cases, are based on the information extracted from a response. Developers of such clients must understand
the structure of each representation that might be part of a request or response, and any requirements that
the network protocol (HTTP) places on client-server interaction.

XML Schemas
Each vCloud API object is defined in an XML schema document. Schema files and reference information
about all elements, types, operations, and queries is included in the vCloud API Schema Reference. See “About
the Schema Reference,” on page 25.

vCloud Director uses a validating XML parser that requires elements in XML documents to agree in order
and number with the schema. Required elements must appear in request bodies. All elements that appear in
request bodies must appear in the order established by the schema, and with content that conforms to the
type constraint specified in the schema. Default values, where defined, are supplied for elements that are
empty. See “XML Namespace Identifiers,” on page 389.

All vCloud API requests are processed in the http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5 XML namespace. vCloud
API XML namespace information appears in the values of the xsi:schemaLocation and xmlns attributes in a
response document.


Other XML namespace identifiers may also be required in request bodies. See “XML Namespace
Identifiers,” on page 389.

API Versions
The vCloud XML namespace (http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5) defines elements and attributes for all
supported versions of the vCloud API. Treatment of version-specific elements and attributes in requests is
controlled by the value of the Accept header. For example, this Accept header specifies that the request body
is presumed to be valid for vCloud API version 5.6 and a version 5.6 response is expected:

Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.6

VMware, Inc. 387

vCloud API Programming Guide

Requests are validated against the elements and attributes defined in the specified version. Responses are
filtered to remove elements and attributes that are not defined in the specified version. In general, client
requests can access objects defined by any version of the vCloud API that is less than or equal to the version
specified in the Accept header. Exceptions to this rule are mentioned in the vCloud Director Release Notes.
The vCloud API Schema Reference indicates the deprecation status of elements and attributes, and also
indicates when each element or attribute was added to the API. See “About the Schema Reference,” on
page 25.

To discover the API versions that a server supports, a client can make an unauthenticated GET request to a
well-known URL on the server:

GET http://vcloud.example.com/api/versions

See “Example: Retrieve the Login URL and List of Supported API Versions,” on page 23.

Date and Time Values

Values of type xs:dateTime are always interpreted as UTC if a timezone has not been explicitly specified.

Length Limits on Element and Attribute String Values

String values for the name attribute and the Description and ComputerName elements have length limitations
that depend on the object to which they are attached.

Table 12‑1. Length Limits on Element and Attribute String Values

Object Element or Attribute Name Maximum Length in Characters

Catalog name 128

Catalog Description 256

EdgeGateway name 35

Media name 128

Media Description 256

VApp name 128

VApp Description 256

VAppTemplate name 128

VAppTemplate Description 256

Vdc name 256

Vdc Description 256

Vm name 128

Vm ComputerName 15 on Windows, 63 on all other platforms

The vCloud API provides complete programmatic access to the vCloud Director Extension Services facility.
See Chapter 11, “vCloud Director Extension Services,” on page 355.

In addition, there is a more general extensibility mechanism, VCloudExtension, that clients are free to use.
VCloudExtensibleType is an abstract type that all complex types defined in the vCloud API namespace
extend. It can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes, and provides a way for you to add
custom attributes and elements to any type.

388 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 12 XML Representations in the vCloud API

The VCloudExtension element has an attribute named required that specifies how clients and servers
proceed when they see an unknown extension. All VCloudExtension elements are assumed to require a
server that understands them. The required attribute is optional, but if omitted is assumed to be present
with a value of true. This extensibility mechanism allows new servers to extend the XML representations
native to the vCloud API without requiring existing clients to understand those extensions.
A client might encounter a VCloudExtension element in any response. If the element declares
required=”true” and the client does not know how to interpret the contents of the element, the client can
ignore it, but it must include the VCloudExtension in any request to modify the element that contains it. A
server must return a failure when a request includes a VCloudExtension element that declares
required=”true” but the server does not understand the extension. For more information about
VCloudExtension, see the schema reference.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n “XML Namespace Identifiers,” on page 389

n “Common vCloud API Attributes,” on page 390

n “Retrieve an Object as an Entity,” on page 392

XML Namespace Identifiers

Elements used as request or response bodies contain a set of attributes that enable XML validation. The
body of a PUT or POST request must contain all XML namespace identifiers required to validate the
elements it contains. A response body typically includes all the XML namespace identifiers that the server
used to validate it, in addition to other attributes that specify the schema locations searched during

The vCloud API uses these XML namespace identifier attributes and prefixes.

Table 12‑2. XML Namespace Identifiers in the vCloud API

Name Value Requirement

xmlns http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5 Required in all request bodies.

xmlns:vmext http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5 Required in request bodies that include

elements from the vSphere platform

xmlns:ve http://www.vmware.com/schema/ovfenv Required in request bodies that include

an ovf:Environmentelement.

xmlns:ovf http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1 Required in request bodies that include

elements defined in OVF schema

xmlns:rasd http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/ Required in request bodies that include

CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData elements defined in OVF schema

xmlns:oe http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1 Required in request bodies that include

elements defined in OVF schema

xmlns:vssd http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/ Not required in request bodies.


xsi:schemaLocati An installation-dependent schema location search path. Not required in request bodies.
on See http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/.

xmlns:xsi http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance Not required in request bodies.

VMware, Inc. 389

vCloud API Programming Guide

XML Namespace Prefixes in Request and Response Bodies

When a request or response includes elements from multiple XML namespaces, each element name is
prefixed with a namespace identifier. Unless all elements in a request or response originate in the same XML
namespace, these prefixes are required in request bodies, and are always included in response bodies.

The examples omit XML namespace identifiers from most responses. The following fragment shows how
some of them appear in a typical response body.


Common vCloud API Attributes

Most vCloud API objects have a number of common attributes. With the exception of name, none of these
attributes are required in request bodies, and are ignored if included. All of them are included in response

Object Name
Every object requires a name attribute. The string value of this attribute is included in all object references,
and can be used as the display name for the object. The value of name must be unique within a given scope.

Table 12‑3. Requirements for Unique Object Names

Object Type Name Scope

ProviderVdc Cloud

Org Cloud

Vdc Organization

Catalog Organization

CatalogItem Catalog

vAppTemplate None

vApp Organization

Vm vApp

Media Catalog

Disk None

Network Container (Organization VDC, vApp, or cloud)

390 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 12 XML Representations in the vCloud API

Object Identifier, Type, and Reference

These attributes are common to all object representations.

id The object identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of the id attribute
uniquely identifies the object, persists for the life of the object, and is never
reused. The id attribute value is intended to provide a context-free identifier
that can be used with the vCloud API entityResolver (see “Retrieve an
Object as an Entity,” on page 392).

type The object type, specified as a MIME content type.

href An object reference, expressed in URL format. This reference includes the
object identifier portion of the id attribute value, and supplies additional
information, including the current location of the object when accessed in a
specific view. Although URLs have a well-known syntax and a well-
understood interpretation, a client should treat each href as an opaque
string. The rules that govern how the server constructs href strings might
change in future releases.

Object Creation Status

Objects such as VAppTemplate, VApp, and Vm, that extend the ResourceEntity type have a status attribute
whose value indicates the state of the object. In this table, YES indicates that a status value is allowed for the
object listed in the column header. The status value for a VAppTemplate or VApp, which contain Vm objects
that each have a status attribute of their own, is computed from the status of the contained objects. When
returned in an XML representation, status has a numeric value. When returned by the query service, it has
a string value.

Table 12‑4. status Attribute Values for VAppTemplate, VApp, Vm, and Media Objects
Valu vAppTem
e String Value Description plate vApp Vm Media

-1 FAILED_CREATIO The object could not be created. YES YES YES YES

0 UNRESOLVED The object is unresolved. YES YES YES YES

1 RESOLVED The object is resolved. YES YES YES YES

2 DEPLOYED The object is deployed. No No No No

3 SUSPENDED The object is suspended. No YES YES No

4 POWERED_ON The object is powered on. No YES YES No

5 WAITING_FOR_IN The object is waiting for user No YES YES No

PUT input.

6 UNKNOWN The object is in an unknown YES YES YES No


7 UNRECOGNIZED The object is in an YES YES YES No

unrecognized state.

8 POWERED_OFF The object is resolved and YES YES YES No

powered off.

9 INCONSISTENT_ST The object is in an inconsistent No YES YES No

ATE state.

VMware, Inc. 391

vCloud API Programming Guide

Table 12‑4. status Attribute Values for VAppTemplate, VApp, Vm, and Media Objects (Continued)
Valu vAppTem
e String Value Description plate vApp Vm Media

10 MIXED Children do not all have the YES YES No No

same status.

11 DESCRIPTOR_PEN Upload initiated, OVF YES No No No

DING descriptor pending.

12 COPYING_CONTE Upload initiated, copying YES No No No

NTS contents.

13 DISK_CONTENTS_ Upload initiated , disk contents YES No No No

PENDING pending.

14 QUARANTINED Upload has been quarantined. YES No No No

15 QUARANTINE_EX Upload quarantine period has YES No No No

PIRED expired.

16 REJECTED Upload has been rejected. YES No No No

17 TRANSFER_TIMEO Upload transfer session timed YES No No YES

UT out.

18 VAPP_UNDEPLOY The vApp is resolved and YES No No No

ED undeployed.

19 VAPP_PARTIALLY The vApp is resolved and YES No No No

_DEPLOYED partially deployed.

VDC objects have their own set of status values and mappings.

Table 12‑5. status Attribute Values for VDC Objects

Value String Value Description

-1 FAILED_CREATION The VDC could not be created.

0 NOT_READY The VDC is not ready for use

1 READY The VDC Is ready for use

2 UNKNOWN The VDC status could not be retrieved

3 UNRECOGNIZED The VDC status cannot be mapped to a known state.

Retrieve an Object as an Entity

You can use the vCloud API entity resolver with an object's id attribute value to retrieve a context-free
reference to the object.

Every first-class object that the vCloud API defines includes an id attribute whose value is the object
identifier expressed in URN format. The value of the id attribute uniquely identifies the object, persists for
the life of the object, and is never reused.

You can append the value of the id attribute to the vCloud API entityResolver URL to retrieve a context-
free representation of the underlying object as an Entity element. The Entity includes a Link element for
each currently valid reference to the object identified by the id specified in the request.

Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API.

392 VMware, Inc.

Chapter 12 XML Representations in the vCloud API

1 Retrieve the current Session object to get the entityResolver URL.

Use a request like this one:

GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/session

The response is a Session element, which includes a link to the entityResolver.

<Session ... >

href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/entity/" />

2 Retrieve the object whose id you want to resolve and find the value of its id attribute.

See the request portion of “Example: Using the entityResolver URL,” on page 393.

3 Append the value of the object's id attribute to the entityResolver URL.

4 Make a GET request to the URL you created in Step 3

See the request portion of “Example: Using the entityResolver URL,” on page 393.

Example: Using the entityResolver URL

This example retrieves the organization object shown in “Example: Object id, type, and href Attributes,” on
page 12 as an Entity.


GET https://vcloud.example.com/api/entity/urn:vcloud:org:72fe715c-5f6a-407f-bbb2-bf465915b5f4

This response includes two Link elements, each of which provides a valid href to the object identified by the
id specified in the request.



VMware, Inc. 393

vCloud API Programming Guide

394 VMware, Inc.


A to move 78
access control 86 to change name or description 79
access rights 88 to copy or move 58
administrative tasks, about 169 to remove 81
administrator, system 172 to retrieve 32, 45
AMQP to synchronize with external source 58, 81
about 333 client, REST 25
certificate and truststore 301 cloud, administrative view of 53
AMQP settings console, displaying 41
to test 336
to configure 334 D
API client, to develop 23 datastore
attributes to delete 261
custom 141 to enable or disable 261
name 390 to retrieve or update 261
status 390 DHCP 205, 211
dhcp service, in vApp network 148
B DHCP service, in Edge Gateway 211
blocking task, to configure 333 disk, independent 82
blocking task requests, to monitor 349 download URL 73
blocking task settings, to configure 344
browsing 45 E
Edge Gateway
C about 193
catalog interface capacity 215
change owner 85
syslog server settings 220
controlling access to 86
to create 196
for external publication 225
to create or update 169
removing items 81 entity, retrieve object as 12
storage profile for 229 entity resolver, about 392
subscription endpoint 236 event, service-specific 367
to change owner 169 examples, conventions for 25
to delete 169 extension framework 355
to retrieve 31, 45 extension services
to administer 221 ACL rules 356, 372
to create 169, 222 and events 365
to find 30 and tasks 365
to publish externally 235 API definition 381
to share 232 API filters for 380
to share with specific organizations 233 authorization frameworks for 368
to synchronize with external source 58, 81, custom rights for 356
227 links in 356
with external subscription 227 localization bundles 376
catalog item localization of 376
about 78 message files 377
to copy 78 message format 382

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resource class actions 371 login

resource classes 369 integrated identity provider 47
REST APIs for 379 SAML identity provider 49
to register 356, 358 login URL, to obtain 45
to retrieve list of 356 logout 44
to unregister 356
URL patterns for 380
maintenance mode, vApp 133
external network
to retrieve or update 261
downloading 76
to create 287
retrieve owner 85
supported formats 74
firewall service to insert or remove virtual 94
and syslog 220 to copy, move, or delete 58
in vApp network 148 to upload 57
in Edge Gateway 203 to upload or download 58
uploading 74
G metadata
group about 307
to create, update, or remove 169 to retrieve or modify 309
to import 247 to search for 329
to import from SAML 249 metadata value, to retrieve or modify 312
groups, to administer 243
H NAT service
host in Edge Gateway 205
to update or repair 261 in vApp network 148
to enable or disable 261 network
list IP addresses allocated to 45
I to create, update, or remove 169
id attribute, and entity resolver 392 to reset 169
independent disk to retrieve 45
about 82 network pool
list virtual machines using 58 and organization VDC network 193
to create 82 isolation-backed 293
to attach or detach 94, 118 list of 272
to create or update 58 portgroup-backed 295
to remove 84 to create 290
instantiation parameters to retrieve or update 261
in instantiateVAppTemplate request 96 VLAN-backed 291
in instantiateOvf request 104 VxlanPoolType 277, 290, 293
sections allowed in 133 network services
IP addresses, allocated to network 45 in vApp network 148
IP address, of virtual machine NIC 151 in Edge Gateway 201
list of 193
K networks
keytab, to upload 180, 301 about 193
DHCP service 211
NAT services 205
LDAP, certificate and keystore 180, 301
Link element, rel attribute 13 to retrieve list from vCenter 271
load balancer service 208 VPN 210
logging, of firewall actions 203
format of 338
to enable or disable 334

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object identifiers 12 queries
object references, about 12 packaged 320
object hierarchy, diagram of 10 typed 316
organization query service
federation settings 182 about 315
retrieve or update settings 177 and metadata 329
system 172 attribute names 325
to create, update, or remove 169 query parameters 325
to retrieve administrative view of 169 query encoding rules 325
to administer 173 query types 316
to create 173
to enable or disable 169, 179 R
to remove 179 RASD 91
organization VDC network requests
about 193 about 19
direct 212 headers 19, 387
isolated 218 login 28
routed 215 resource pool
adding 282
to administer 193
list of 261
to configure static routes 206
removing 282
to create 211
to enable or disable 261
to create, update, or remove 169
organizations to migrate virtual machines to or from 261
federation of 177 resource pool set, Provider VDC 281
resource pools, to retrieve list from vCenter 269
to list 45, 52
responses, about 21
OVF, to instantiate 104
OVF specification 91 reference format 257
OVF descriptor to create 375
to download 72 role, to create 251, 257
upload URL for 63 roles and rights 252
OVF environment 156
OVF package S
manifest file 61, 67 SAML
to upload or download 57 identity provider 49, 243
uploading 60 organization settings for 177
OVF upload schema files, accessing 25
initiating 61 schema reference 25
to monitor progress of 68 SectionType element, to retrieve or update 144
using ranged PUTs 69 service
DHCP 211
P NAT 205
ProductSection element, to retrieve or service links
update 94 required and optional elements 362
Provider VDC to add 362
resource pool set 281 to add or remove 362
to retrieve or update 261 to delete 363
to add or remove storage profiles 284 Session object, to delete 44
to create 277 single sign-on, SAML metadata 182
to merge 261, 286 snapshot, of vApp 94
SSL certificate, to upload 180, 301
SSPI 180, 301

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static routing service remove virtual machines 110

in vApp network 148 to change name or description 94
in Edge Gateway 206 to change owner 169
status attribute to compose or recompose 94
of vApp or vApp template 60
to deploy or undeploy 94
values 390
to download 58
storage profile, disk 164
storage profiles to import from vCenter as template 261
and storage policies 190, 284 to import from vSphere 261
compliance check for virtual machine 94 to instantiate 96
to retrieve list from vCenter 275 to undeploy 42
to refresh list of 275 to capture or clone 94
system settings, to retrieve or update 265 to configure 133
to create from OVF 94
T to delete 42
to download as OVF package 70
blocking 350
to enable for download 71
service-specific 365
to enter or exit maintenance mode 261
to cancel 169
to modify vApp network configuration 145
to retrieve 169
to operate 132
update progress 352
task list, to retrieve 169 to power off 42
task operations 346 to retrieve 38
timezone, in dateTime values 387 to view or modify lease settings 136
truststore, to upload 180, 301 to view or modify network settings 136
to view or modify startup settings 136
U Vm snapshots 94
user vApp network
admin take ownership of a user's objects 169, about 193
251 to retrieve 193
list of rights granted 169 to modify 145
to import from SAML 249 to view or modify configuration 136
to retrieve 169 vApp snapshot 120
to update or remove 169 vApp template
to create 169, 244 captured from vApp 114
to import 246 hardware customization 98, 101
users, to administer 243 retrieve owner 85
to instantiate 35, 94
V to update 133
to change name or description 58
access control for 116, 231
to copy, move, or delete 58
add virtual machines 110
to create from OVF 58
capturing 77, 114
to download 58
changing owner 85
to download as OVF package 70
cloning 112
to enable for download 71
composing 107
to enable or disable for download 58
configuration links in 135
to import virtual machine as 298
controlling access to 86
to relocate virtual machine from 94
datacenter operations 91
to retrieve 45
importing 77, 297
to upload or download 57
importing from vCenter 296
upload URL 66
list of power operations 94
uploading vmdk files 67
maintenance mode 133
vCenter server
recompose 110 to attach 266

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to register or unregister 261 virtual machine metrics

to update settings 261 about 121
vCenter resources, to discover 268 collection intervals 126, 130
vCloud API negative values for 121
and RESTful programming style 9 retrieve all 122
revision history 7 retrieve subset 126
wildcards 130
allocation models 185
instantiateVAppTemplate action 34 configuration links in 137
networks in 34 list of power operations 94
SupportedHardwareVersion elements 185 pending question 94
to create, update, or remove 169 to retrieve 45
to retrieve 45 to reboot or reset 94
to add or remove storage profiles 190 vmdk file, to download from template 73
to administer 185 VMware Tools
to create 185 to install 94
to enable or disable 169, 193 to retrieve installed version 94
to find 30 vSphere
operations 55
to remove 193
virtual machine retrieve object URL 304
available for import 273 vSphere client, to generate URL for use by 261
vSphere object, retrieve URL to access
CPU configuration 153
directly 261
disk configuration 164
vSphere object map 305
disk storage profile 164
vSphere platform, to manage 261
disks 159
guest customization for 154 W
hard disk configuration 160 workflow, example of 27
importing 297
importing from vCenter 296 X
metrics 121, 122, 126, 130 XML
compressed responses 19
network cards 159
validation of 19
question from 117
XML namespaces 389
to consolidate 94
XML schemas, reference information 387
to install VMware tools 94
to update NetworkConnectionSection 151
to update storage profile 163
to upgrade hardware version 94
to attach or detach independent disk 94
to import into existing vApp 261
to relocate 94, 299
to relocate to a different storage profile 163
to update multiple sections 142
to view or modify CPU properties 139
to view or modify guest customization
properties 139
to view or modify memory settings 139
to view or modify network cards 139
to view or modify network connection 139
to view or modify operating system
properties 139
to view or modify virtual disks 139
virtual hardware, vmx versions supported by
Provider VDC 277

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