Faculty Do Matter PDF
Faculty Do Matter PDF
Faculty Do Matter PDF
Paul D. Umbach
Project Manager and Research Analyst
Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research
1900 E. 10th St.
Eigenmann Hall, Suite 419
Bloomington, IN 47406
[email protected]
Matthew R. Wawrzynski
Michigan State University
Assistant Professor of Higher, Adult, & Lifelong Education
Michigan State University
426 Erickson Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1034
[email protected]
Faculty Do Matter:
The Role of College Faculty in Student Learning and Engagement
This study uses two national data sets to explore the relationship between faculty
practices and student engagement. Our findings suggest that students report higher levels of
engagement and learning at institutions where faculty members use active and collaborative
learning techniques, engage students in experiences, emphasize higher-order cognitive activities
in the classroom, interact with students, challenge students academically, and value enriching
educational experiences. In general, faculty at liberal arts colleges are the most likely to engage
their students.
Faculty Do Matter:
The Role of College Faculty in Student Learning and Engagement
The quality and value of an undergraduate education in the past decade received, and
continues to receive, scrutiny by various stakeholders associated with the higher education
community. Much of the energy surrounding the undergraduate experience and student learning
was placed on the two major responsibilities of faculty, teaching and research (Fairweather,
1996, 2002; Marsh & Hattie, 2002). The regulation of time allocated to these two roles was
quickly becoming one of the most salient issues in higher education. Unfortunately, much of the
debate about the nature of faculty work was shrouded in myth, opinion, and conjecture
(Fairweather, 2002). Myths, such as a faculty member being highly involved in teaching,
engages students in the undergraduate experience resulting in greater student learning gains were
important to debunk or substantiate. As a result, assessing the impact that faculty behaviors and
interactions with students in the classroom have on the undergraduate classroom experience was
ripe for examination in the current study. Conducting empirical research that focus on faculty
behaviors and interactions with students in the classroom will advance the literature on the role
Barr and Tagg (1995) suggested a paradigm shift to improve the quality of undergraduate
education (i.e., from providing instruction to students, to producing student learning) that would
create learning centered campuses and maximize students’ learning. However, creating a
student learning, and developing classroom techniques that promote learning among college
Several national reports have echoed the call for studying the undergraduate experience.
conversation on how to place student learning at the core of the academy (Wingspread Group on
Higher Education, 1993). However, doing so requires a better understanding of variables that
The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education concluded in Measuring Up
2000 and Measuring Up 2002 that a lack of information permitting systemic or systematic
comparisons on the impact of college on students has resulted in little knowledge about student
learning. As a result, the authors of Measuring Up 2002 called upon national and state efforts to
Where the traditional “quality measures” (e.g., selectivity in admissions, the number of
PhDs among the faculty, library holdings, financial resources, and institutional prestige from
faculty research) used to articulate an undergraduate education were once accepted, they have
education (Kuh, 2001; Pascarella, 2001). A 1995 report by the Education Commission of the
States, Making Quality Count, criticized these often used “quality” measures, stating that these
factors say nothing about how and why students were actively engaged in the learning process,
the extent and nature of student interactions with faculty, the focus and intensity of academic
Despite the call by the Education Commission of the States in Making Quality Count
(1995) to create new ways to measure and monitor the quality of undergraduate education, little
new knowledge has been generated about indicators of educational practice that predict student
engagement (Pascarella, 2001) or the approaches that faculty take to effective educational
practices (Kezar, 1999). Kuh (2001) and Pascarella (2001) posited that a quality undergraduate
education was one that engaged students in proven good educational practices (e.g., focus and
quality of undergraduate teaching, interactions with faculty and peers, and involvement in
coursework) and that added value to student learning. Studying self-reported student engagement
behaviors was important and a necessary step in measuring the quality of undergraduate
education; yet, it was equally important to understand and evaluate what faculty practices
influenced student learning gains (Wingspread Report, 1993). A good deal was known about
how faculty spend their time, what instructional methods they used, and satisfaction with
teaching (Menges, 2000). Much less was known about how these variables influenced gains in
student learning. Therefore, the we use two nationally representative sources of data for
indicators of gains in student learning. More specifically, we examine the context created by
environment, and student self-reported gains. Therefore, this paper addresses the following
research questions:
1. Do faculty members create a context for learning through their behaviors and attitudes
Conceptual Framework
Pascarella (2001) argued that assessing effective educational practices that lead to student
learning required empirically based evidence linked to the college impact literature and not just
by factors that seem as if they should be important. Researchers studying students’ interactions
with the college environment relied heavily on models advanced by Tinto (1993) and Astin
(1993). These two models suggested that when students are engaged in college experiences, it
was more likely that student learning, retention, and a quality undergraduate experience as
outcomes occurred. In what has become a widely cited piece on retention, the central premise of
Tinto’s (1993) model was that students’ decisions to persist or withdraw from college depend on
their successful academic and social integration within the college. Part of this successful
integration was dependent upon the favorable daily interactions between faculty and students.
techniques) have on student outcomes (e.g., student engagement and student learning).
Chickering and Gamson (1987) outlined seven engagement indicators predicted to directly
influence the quality of students’ learning and their educational experiences. Five of the
principles advanced by Chickering and Gamson were directly relevant to the current study:
expectations, encouraging contact between students and faculty, and using active learning
In accordance with Chickering and Gamson, several researchers (Astin, 1993; Ewell &
Jones, 1996; Fries-Britt, 2000; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991; Tinto, 1993, 2000) documented the
strong association of both formal and informal faculty-student contact to enhanced student
learning. These interactions influenced the degree to which students became engaged with
faculty and were frequently the best predictors of student persistence (Braxton, Sullivan, &
Johnson, 1997; Hurtado & Carter, 1997; Pascarella & Terenzini; Stage & Hossler, 2000).
Furthermore, if educational practices lead to student engagement and student engagement leads
to certain outcomes of college (e.g., student learning and retention) then it can be said that
Peter Ewell (1997) argued that if student learning is to be improved, then it is important
to study institutional and faculty engagement practices which promote student learning. Much of
the most recent research evaluating the quality of undergraduate education has concentrated on
self-reported student engagement behaviors (Astin, 1993; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991).
Astin (1993), Chickering (1969), and Chickering and Resiser (1993) suggested that
sources of influence need to be taken into account if one was to derive a valid estimate of the
determine the influence they have on student learning and student engagement.
In addition to the college impact literature, this study draws on theoretical perspectives
from a model proposed by Blackburn and Lawrence (1995) and research by Fairweather (1996,
2002). The Blackburn and Lawrence model is an appropriate framework for examining the
model across academic disciplines and institutions. This model also integrated the research on
teaching and research productivity and was grounded in psychological and sociological theory
with motivation theories. Using these frameworks enhanced our understanding of how
institutional characteristics and faculty inputs (e.g., behaviors, satisfaction, experience, and
This study uses two national data sets to explore the relationship between faculty
practices and student engagement and learning. Combining these databases allows for a
student learning and student engagement. The first data source for this study is the National
Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). The NSSE survey is designed to assess the extent to
which students are engaged in empirically-derived good educational practices and what they gain
from their college experience (Kuh, 2001). Only NSSE students from the 137 schools that
surveyed their faculty were included. The sample for this study consists of 20,226 senior students
and 22,033 first-year students who completed the NSSE in spring 2003.
The second database came from a parallel study examining the attitudes and behaviors of
faculty at institutions participating in NSSE. In the spring of 2003, a survey was administered at
137 colleges and universities. The instrument is designed to measure faculty expectations for
student engagement in educational practices that are known to be linked with high levels of
learning and development. Additionally, the instrument examines how faculty members structure
their classroom and out-of-class work. The final data set included 14,336 faculty members who
We use hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) in a two stage analysis of our data. Because
we are interested in the context created by faculty and its relationship to students, we are faced
with a decision about unit of analysis. Should they build regression models by aggregating both
faculty and student data to the institution level, or should they attach institution-level
characteristics (faculty aggregates) to students? If we build our models at the institution level, we
will be prone to “ecologically fallacy”, whereby individual differences are masked (King, 1999;
Kreft & deLeeuw, 1998). For example, an analysis based on colleges might reveal that students
at smaller colleges are more engaged in effective educational practices than students at large
colleges, while an analysis of small colleges might reveal that many students at large colleges are
well (Ethington, 1997). First, it violates the general assumption of ordinary least squares
regression (OLS): Observations are independent of one another. Second, it assumes that
individuals within a group are affected identically by group-level characteristics. Finally, the
standard errors and the wrong number of degrees of freedom, increasing the likelihood of
committing a Type I error (i.e., indicating that something is statistically significant when it is
Using HLM overcomes the problems associated with unit of analysis by simultaneously
modeling both individual and institutional effects. HLM partitions the variance between the
institution and the student, resulting in more accurate parameter estimates (Raudenbush & Bryk,
effect. Because these effects can be partitioned, each can be modeled with their respective
In HLM, we were able to allow the intercept to vary, thereby partitioning the variance
between the institution and the student. For our models, we allowed the intercept to vary by
institution and model it using institutional characteristics such as average faculty behaviors and
In the first stage of our analysis, we employed hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to
explore the context created by faculty and their relationship with student experiences. In other
words, we modeled the relationship between average faculty behaviors at an institution and
Appendix A displays the items contained in each of the constructs and the alpha
reliability of the constructs used in our models. Our dependent variables included several
constructs that represent student engagement (e.g., academic challenge, active and collaborative
environment, interpersonal support, support for academic success, student satisfaction) and
student self-reported gains. At the student level, we included controls for age, race, gender,
transfer status, on-campus residence, student athlete, greek affiliation, major, full-time, parents'
education (See Table 1 for the descriptive statistics of all variables included in our models). At
Classification, size, sector, and urbanicity. Because we sought to understand the relationship
between student experiences and average faculty behaviors at an institution, we created several
used them to model the average experiences of students at an institution by including them in our
level two model of the random intercept (average student experiences). The six constructs
faculty use of active and collaborative learning techniques, level of academic challenge faculty
provided students, level of importance faculty placed on enriching educational experiences, and
amount of emphasis faculty place on higher order cognitive activities. We built a model for each
of these including only the aggregated faculty behaviors at level two. We then entered
controls at level two as a second block of variables for all six models. We ran separate models
After exploring the relationship between the context created by faculty and student
institutions where these faculty behaviors occurred. Because we were interested in understanding
the relationships between institutional characteristics and faculty behaviors and attitudes, we
again used HLM to model our six faculty variables. We allowed the intercept to vary and
the institution-level variables into our models in two blocks. The first block includes Carnegie
Classification with Baccalaureate-Liberal Arts Colleges as the reference group. In the second
block, we added sector, urbanicity (urban was used as the reference group), and undergraduate
headcount or size. At level one, we controled for the following faculty characteristics: age, years
To aid in the interpretation of our model results, we calculated effect sizes for all of our
models (Rosenthal & Rosnow, 1991). An effect size is the proportion of a standard deviation
standardized all of the continuous independent and dependent measures in the models, so the
unstandardized coefficients represent effect sizes. The larger the effect size, the more likely the
differences between groups represent performance that warrants serious discussion and, perhaps,
intervention. Taking the advice of Rosenthal and Rosnow (1991), we considered an effect size of
.10 or less to reflect a trivial difference, between .10 and .30 small, between .30 and .50
Student-Faculty Interactions
table 2). Not surprisingly, average faculty member reports of course-related interactions with
Additionally, even after including all controls, campuses where faculty report frequent course-
related interactions both first-year and senior students were more challenged and engaged in
In general, students have more positive perceptions of supportive campuses where faculty
members interact frequently with them on issues related to their courses. For first-year students,
supportive campus environment, interpersonal support, and support for learning. However, after
institutional controls are introduced, the effect reduced and became insignificant. Yet, for
seniors, even after controls are introduced, course-related interactions were positively related to
Gains while in college also were positively related to course-related interactions with
faculty. On college campuses where faculty frequently interact with students related to courses,
both first-year and senior students reported greater gains in personal/social development, general
campuses where faculty frequently interact with students outside of class reported more
interactions with faculty. Faculty out-of-class interactions also were positively related with active
and collaborative learning activities, but the effect all but disappears after institutional controls
were added.
College campuses where faculty employ active and collaborative learning techniques
have students who were more engaged. Table 3 presents the level two coefficients of faculty
interactions with students. Active and collaborative learning techniques were positively related
with levels academic challenge and student-faculty interactions for both first year and senior
Students also appeared to feel more supported on campuses where faculty use active and
collaborative learning methods. In particular, both first-year students and seniors report higher
levels of support for learning in a context where faculty use these techniques.
Our results suggested a positive relationship between college environments where faculty
used active and collaborative learning techniques and student gains. First-year students and
seniors reported greater gains in personal social development, general education knowledge, and
practical competencies on campuses where faculty members engaged them using active and
Academic Challenge
Table 4 displays the results from our models where we used average faculty reports of
academic challenge (at level two) to predict student engagement, student perceptions of their
environment, and student self-reported gains. Campuses where faculty challenged their students
were more likely to engage their students in other ways. For example, average faculty level of
academic challenge was positively related to student (both first-year and senior) experiences with
active and collaborative learning. Additionally, first-year students are more likely to interact with
student perceptions of their environment. Before all controls were entered into the models,
students appeared to feel slightly more supported at campuses where faculty challenged them
academically. However, all of these effects became insignificant after other institutional
introduced on a campus. For first-year students, the level of academic challenge was positively
related to gains in general education knowledge and practical competencies. Seniors reported
Table 5 presents the level-two coefficients of faculty emphasis on higher order thinking
activities. Colleges where faculty emphasized higher-order cognitive activities were more likely
to engage students in effective educational practices. For first-year students, campus emphasis on
greater interactions with faculty, and more involvement in active and collaborative learning.
Seniors reported higher levels of academic challenge and active and collaborative learning at
support. However, both seniors and first-year students reported greater gains in general education
The importance faculty place on co-curricular activities that enhance learning appeared to
create a unique learning environment (See table 6). Seniors and first-year students are more
academic challenge, student faculty interaction, and active and collaborative learning.
colleges where faculty members believed that enriching activities were important. In general,
they felt more supported and believed the campus supported their learning. Additionally,
satisfaction was positively related to the importance faculty placed on enriching activities.
Level of importance faculty placed on co-curricular activities also was positively related
to student self-reported gains. Students on campuses where faculty emphasized these activities
Our last set of models attempted to answer the second research question posed in this
paper. Table 7 displays the coefficients from our level two models predicting faculty behaviors
and attitudes. We observed a pattern when we examined the Block I where only Carnegie
Classification is included at level two. For nearly every model, faculty members at liberal arts
colleges (LACs) were statistically significantly more likely to engage in the behaviors or believe
in their importance. Faculty members at LACs, on average, interacted more with students,
challenged students academically, used active and collaborative learning exercises, and believed
enriching educational activities are important. With only one exception, active and collaborative
learning, did LACs not score statistically significantly higher than all other institution types. This
evidence does suggest that faculty at LACs were the most likely to create an environment that
Yet when other controls are entered, some of these differences disappear or are reduced.
For example, faculty at Doctoral Research Extensive Universities (DRU-EXT) were no longer
with students. LACs were still significantly more likely than the three other Carnegie types to
interact with students on course-related issues. Private colleges also were more likely than public
groups were not significant after controls were introduced. Institutional size was negatively
related to out-of-class interactions; and faculty at rural campuses were more likely to engage
students out-of-class.
Even after other institutional characteristics were introduced, faculty at LACs were more
likely to employ active and collaborative pedagogies than faculty at other institution types.
Additionally, selectivity was negatively related with faculty use of active and collaborative
Except for Doctoral Research – Intensive Universities (DRU-INT) faculty at LACs were
more likely to emphasize higher-order cognitive activities, even after other variables were
entered in the models. It was also important to note that urban institutions were the least likely to
emphasize these activities. As with active and collaborative learning, selectivity was negatively
challenge their students at higher levels than any other institution type. Private colleges were
more likely than public colleges to have faculty that challenge their students. Our results also
suggested that faculty at rural colleges challenged their students less than faculty at
Finally, faculty at LACS placed a higher level of importance on enriching activities than
do faculty at other types of institutions. Private college faculty were also more likely than their
This study was not without its limitations. We offer three for consideration. First, we are
unable to match students with faculty directly. In other words, we cannot know if the students
used in this study ever enrolled in a course from any of the faculty surveyed. While this does
present some limitations as to what conclusions we can draw, we are able to use the results to
understand the learning environment created by faculty on the campuses under study. In fact, we
do see relationships that suggest a context created by faculty that differs across campuses.
Second, we recognize that the effect sizes of the coefficients presented are small. While
we must be guarded in the conclusions we draw from small effects, we argue that our findings
are not without merit for two reasons. First, related to our first limitation, we suspect that we may
be underestimating the effects because of the possibility of distal relationships between faculty
and students. Second, the pattern of the effect sizes and the magnitude of other effect sizes
cannot be overlooked.
gains. As Pascarella (2001) and others point out, gain scores may be confounded by students’
entering characteristics. However, Pike (1999) provides some evidence to suggest that gain
scores are not significantly related to entering ability. Although the concerns about self-reported
data are legitimate, the gains measures are only one of several sets of dependent variables used in
this study.
Our findings suggest that faculty do matter. The educational context created by faculty
behaviors and attitudes has a dramatic effect on student learning and engagement. Institutions
where faculty engage students in and out of the classroom and place a high priority on enriching
educational experiences had students who felt supported and were active participants in their
One of the major criticisms of higher education is that colleges and universities have
failed to focus on undergraduate education and student learning in particular. Our results
articulate where faculty can make a difference in student learning and the undergraduate
experience. Astin (1993) concluded over a decade ago that faculty members play an important
link in the development of undergraduate students, and our study supports this notion. However,
one of the missing pieces from Astin’s study was how the faculty behaviors and attitudes
Knowing where faculty can make a difference will assist them in focusing on the learning
aspects of the undergraduate experience. Barr and Tag (1995) advocated for a learning-centered
campus, and recognized that focusing on the undergraduate experience would result in a
paradigm shift (i.e., from providing instruction to students, to producing student learning). This
paradigm shift should result in a greater value being placed on teaching in the tenure rewards
structure. Yet, despite, the call for this paradigm shift, Hattie and Marsh (1996) found that
teaching and research responsibilities are far from being equally valued. However, placing an
which pedagogy produces greater gains in student learning. Our findings suggest that while
faculty at liberal arts colleges have indeed created these learning environments, perhaps faculty
at other types of colleges and universities have not been as effective at creating student-centered
attempted to bridge the gap in the literature by providing empirical evidence on how instructional
methods among other faculty attitudes and behaviors influence gains in students learning. Many
lessons can be learned from these findings. First, our study revealed faculty practices (e.g., active
engagement behaviors, student perceptions of the environment, and student self-reported gains.
Focusing on specific practices that predict student engagement increases our understanding of
how we can enhance undergraduate education in general, and student engagement and student
learning in particular. Recruiting and training faculty committed to these activities will create a
Those responsible for implementing tenure review policies may also find this information
helpful when evaluating the teaching components of the tenure review process. In his landmark
for a multidimensional definition of teaching that included engaging and fostering student
learning (Shulman & Hutchings, 1998). One of the strengths of colleges and universities is the
variation among them. The higher education community must create a better method of
measuring effective pedagogical methods that lead to student learning and disseminate this
Additionally, empirical evidence on the pedagogical methods that predict the greatest
gains in student learning and engagement will help anyone responsible for teaching. Rhoads
(2001) articulated that the “best” universities and colleges of the future will be those that
demonstrate the most effective gains in learning and learning skills among their students. Our
results suggest that faculty seeking to improve their teaching might hold higher expectations of
their students. They also should consider including active and collaborative learning activities in
their classroom instruction or emphasize higher-order cognitive activities such as the application
of learning or synthesis of ideas. Interactions with students in and out of the classroom also can
Our analyses indicate that the importance placed on enriching educational experiences
may yield some of the strongest effects on students. This suggests that faculty attitudes and
beliefs about the student experience can play a role in creating an environment that fosters
student learning. Perhaps the importance placed on enriching experiences is an indirect measure
of a campus culture that values a broad range of educational activities (e.g., practica, internships,
study abroad). Changing a campus culture can take time, however institutions seeking change
In many ways, this study raises more questions than it answers. Further research may
include looking at student major environments and the role that disciplinary culture plays.
Studies of the interplay of research and teaching on student learning might also prove useful.
Classroom-based studies also would provide further information about the pedagogical
The impact that a faculty member can have on the student experience can be seen in and
out of the classroom. We found that faculty behaviors and attitudes affect students profoundly,
which suggests that faculty members may play the single-most important role in student learning.
Because faculty play a critical component of the collegiate experience, colleges and universities
need to find ways (perhaps new ways) to support and reward faculty in their teaching role.
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Table 2. Level Two Coefficients of Average Institutional Faculty Interactions with Students after Controls1
Student-Faculty Interactions 0.16 *** 0.11 *** 0.13 *** 0.09 *** 0.08 ** 0.03 0.10 *** 0.07 ***
Active and Collaborative 0.15 *** 0.11 *** 0.11 *** 0.10 *** 0.07 * 0.02 0.04 * 0.02
Student Perceptions of
Supportive 0.08 ** 0.04 0.09 *** 0.07 ** 0.01 0.01 0.06 ** 0.03
Interpersonal 0.07 ** 0.02 0.07 *** 0.04 * 0.02 0.01 0.04 * 0.01
Support for Learning 0.06 ** 0.04 + 0.09 *** 0.06 * 0.00 0.00 0.07 *** 0.04 +
Student Self-Reported
Personal/Social 0.07 ** 0.07 ** 0.10 *** 0.09 ** 0.02 0.02 0.05 + 0.01
General Education 0.08 *** 0.06 ** 0.10 *** 0.07 ** 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00
Practical Competencies 0.04 * 0.04 + 0.05 * 0.05 * -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01
Level one controls (included in both blocks) - age, race, gender, transfer, live on campus, athlete, greek, major, full-time, parents' education; Level two controls
(Block II) - urbanicity, sector, size, selectivity, Carnegie Classification
***p<.001, **p<.01, *<p.05, +p<.10
Table 3. Level Two Coefficients of Faculty Use of Active and Collaborative Learning
Techniques after Controls2
Active and Collaborative 0.18 *** 0.16 *** 0.15 *** 0.15 ***
Student Perceptions of
Supportive 0.06 * 0.04 0.07 ** 0.05 +
Interpersonal 0.05 * 0.03 0.06 ** 0.03
Support for Learning 0.04 + 0.04 + 0.07 ** 0.06 *
Student Self-Reported
Personal/Social 0.07 ** 0.08 ** 0.08 ** 0.09 **
Level one controls (included in both blocks) - age, race, gender, transfer, live on campus, athlete, greek, major,
full-time, parents' education; Level two controls (Block II) - urbanicity, sector, size, selectivity, Carnegie
***p<.001, **p<.01, *<p.05, +p<.10
Table 4. Level Two Coefficients of Faculty Reports of Academic Challenge of Students after
Active and Collaborative 0.13 *** 0.10 *** 0.07 *** 0.07 ***
Student Perceptions of
Supportive 0.05 * 0.01 0.05 * 0.00
Interpersonal 0.04 * 0.00 0.03 0.00
Support for Learning 0.04 * 0.01 0.05 * 0.01
Student Self-Reported
Personal/Social 0.05 + 0.03 0.08 ** 0.06 *
Level one controls (included in both blocks) - age, race, gender, transfer, live on campus, athlete, greek, major,
full-time, parents' education; Level two controls (Block II) - urbanicity, sector, size, selectivity, Carnegie
***p<.001, **p<.01, *<p.05, +p<.10
Table 5. Level Two Coefficients of Faculty Emphasis on Higher-Order Cognitive Activities after
Active and Collaborative 0.10 *** 0.09 *** 0.08 *** 0.07 **
Student Perceptions of
Supportive 0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01
Interpersonal 0.00 -0.01 0.00 -0.01
Support for Learning -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01
Student Self-Reported
Personal/Social 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.04
Level one controls (included in both blocks) - age, race, gender, transfer, live on campus, athlete, greek, major,
full-time, parents' education; Level two controls (Block II) - urbanicity, sector, size, selectivity, Carnegie
***p<.001, **p<.01, *<p.05, +p<.10
Active and Collaborative 0.16 *** 0.14 *** 0.10 *** 0.10 ***
Student Perceptions of
Supportive 0.08 ** 0.04 0.10 *** 0.07 **
Interpersonal 0.06 * 0.01 0.06 *** 0.03 +
Support for Learning 0.07 ** 0.05 * 0.00 0.08 **
Student Self-Reported
Personal/Social 0.09 *** 0.09 *** 0.11 *** 0.09 **
Level one controls (included in both blocks) - age, race, gender, transfer, live on campus, athlete, greek, major,
full-time, parents' education; Level two controls (Block II) - urbanicity, sector, size, selectivity, Carnegie
***p<.001, **p<.01, *<p.05, +p<.10
Table 7. Level Two Coefficients from Models Predicting Faculty Behaviors and Attitudes6
Dependent Variables Block I Block II Block I Block II Block I Block II Block I Block II Block I Block II Block I Block II
Doctoral Research - Extensive -0.35 *** -0.11 -0.31 *** -0.06 -0.35 *** -0.17 + -0.17 * -0.19 * -0.39 *** -0.26 * -0.47 *** -0.27 *
Doctoral Research - Intensive -0.29 *** -0.16 + -0.19 ** -0.08 -0.21 *** -0.15 * -0.07 -0.10 -0.29 *** -0.22 ** -0.44 *** -0.31 ***
Masters I and II -0.21 ** -0.15 * -0.12 * -0.07 -0.12 * -0.13 * -0.09 + -0.14 ** -0.29 *** -0.27 *** -0.35 *** -0.28 ***
Baccalaureate - General -0.14 + -0.15 * -0.09 -0.09 + -0.05 -0.12 + -0.11 * -0.16 * -0.23 ** -0.34 ** -0.36 *** -0.37 ***
Other Carnegie -0.11 -0.08 -0.20 + -0.18 -0.12 -0.15 0.16 0.08 -0.32 * -0.34 * -0.42 *** -0.40 ***
Private 0.15 ** 0.00 0.15 0.06 0.12 + 0.18 **
Other Urbanicity -0.03 0.02 -0.02 -0.09 + -0.06 0.00
Rural -0.03 0.08 * -0.04 -0.17 *** -0.12 * -0.07
Selectivity -0.01 -0.01 -0.08 ** -0.05 * -0.02 -0.01
Size -0.04 -0.07 * -0.02 0.01 -0.02 -0.03
Level one controls (included in both blocks) - age, years teaching, part-time, race, gender, rank, discipline of appointment
***p<.001, **p<.01, *<p.05, +p<.10