Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
This method is not only about “what” people think but also “why” they think so.
For example, consider a convenience store looking to improve its patronage.
A systematic observation concludes that the number of men visiting this store
are more. One good method to determine why women were not visiting the
store is to conduct an in-depth interview of potential customers in the
Therefore, the qualitative research methods allow for in-depth and further
probing and questioning of respondents based on their responses, where the
interviewer/researcher also tries to understand their motivation and feelings.
Qualitative research methods are designed in a manner that they help reveal
the behavior and perception of a target audience with reference to a particular
topic. There are different types of qualitative research methods like an in-
depth interview, focus groups, ethnographic research, content analysis, case
study research that are usually used.
The results of qualitative methods are more descriptive and the inferences
can be drawn quite easily from the data that is obtained.
The following are the qualitative research methods that are frequently used:
1. One-on-One Interview: Conducting in-depth interviews is one of the most
common qualitative research methods. It is a personal interview that is carried
out with one respondent at a time. This is purely a conversational method and
invites opportunities to get details in depth from the respondent.
2. Focus groups: A focus group is also one of the commonly used qualitative
research methods, used in data collection. A focus group usually includes a
limited number of respondents (6-10) from within your target market.
The main aim of the focus group is to find answers to the why what and how
questions. One advantage of focus groups is, you don’t necessarily need to
interact with the group in person. Nowadays focus groups can be sent
an online survey on various devices and responses can be collected at the
click of a button.
This type of research method can last from a few days to a few years, as it
involves in-depth observation and collecting data on those grounds. It’s a
challenging and a time-consuming method and solely depends on the
expertise of the researcher to be able to analyze, observe and infer the data.
4. Case study research: The case study method has evolved over the past
few years and developed as into a valuable qualitative research method. As
the name suggests it is used for explaining an organization or an entity.
This type of research method is used within a number of areas like education,
social sciences and similar. This method may look difficult to operate,
however, it is one of the simplest ways of conducting research as it involves a
deep dive and thorough understanding of the data collection methods and
inferring the data.
5. Record keeping: This method makes use of the already existing reliable
documents and similar sources of information as the data source. This data
can be used in a new research. This is similar to going to a library. There one
can go over books and other reference material to collect relevant data that
can likely be used in the research.
Qualitative observation deals with the 5 major sensory organs and their
functioning – sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. This doesn’t involve
measurements or numbers but instead characteristics.
3. In case there are running notes taken, which are also known as field notes,
they are helpful in maintaining comments, environmental contexts, nonverbal
cues etc. These filed notes are helpful and can be compared while
transcribing audio recorded data. Such notes are usually informal but should
be secured in a similar manner as the video recordings or the audio tapes.
Qualitative data analysis such as notes, videos, audio recordings images, and
text documents. One of the most used methods for qualitative data analysis is
text analysis.
Text analysis is a data analysis method that is distinctly different from all
other qualitative research methods, where researchers analyze the social life
of the participants in the research study and decode the words, actions etc.
There are images also that are used in this research study and the
researchers analyze the context in which the images are used and draw
inferences from them. In the last decade, text analysis through what is shared
on social media platform has gained supreme popularity.
1. Qualitative research methods usually collect data at the sight, where the
participants are experiencing issues or problems. These are real-time data
and rarely bring the participants out of the geographic locations to collect
4. Since its a more communicative method, people can build their trust on the
researcher and the information thus obtained is raw and unadulterated.
Let’s take the example of a bookstore owner who is looking for ways to
improve their sales and customer outreach. An online community of members
who were the loyal patrons of the bookstore were interviewed and related
questions were asked and the questions were answered by them.
At the end of the interview, it was realized that most of the books in the stores
were suitable for adults and there were not enough options for children or
By conducting this qualitative research the bookstore owner realized what the
shortcomings were and what were the feelings of the readers. Through this
research now the bookstore owner can now keep books for different age
categories and can improve his sales and customer outreach.
Such qualitative research method example can serve as the basis to indulge
in further quantitative research, which provides remedies.
Qualitative Research Methods Vs Quantitative Research Methods