Lesson 4 Lacrosse
Lesson 4 Lacrosse
Lesson 4 Lacrosse
Megan Hart
(lesson __of __) (minutes)
Lacrosse 1 of 1 Ball Handling 50 minutes Middle School 25 students
7th grade
Main Objective(s):
I can: demonstrate proper throwing and catching technique for lacrosse in activities and modified games
Specific Objectives:
P: I can demonstrate the skills of catching and throwing in lacrosse through modified games
C: I can describe the skills learned using the cues given by the teacher
A: I can work responsibly and cooperatively within the class structure
Lesson Vocabulary
Cradle, groundball, cover, crease
E= Extensions R= Remediations SM= Specific Modifications for student/s with a specific disability
Time Plan (include formations/grouping)
4 mins. Students go to locker room and change
1 min. Take attendance (in class lines)
3 mins. Instant Activity: Students will go into this activity from class lines
Warm-‐upà One lap around the gym
1. One lap around the gym stopping at each corner to do 10 repetitions of a self-‐selected exercise
• Corner 1: Arm exercise (push-‐ups, arm circles, tricep dips)
• Corner 2: Leg exercise (calf raises, wall sit, lunges, squat)
• Corner 3: Core exercise (plank, crunches/sit ups, bicycles)
• Corner 4: Full body exercise (jumping jacks, alternating lunges, jump squats, line jumps, burpies)
Core Exercise Leg Exercise
Full Body Exercise Arm Exercise
E: Perform more repetitions at each corner or perform more than one lap total
R: Cut the repetitions in half to five
SM: Selected activities at each corner instead of self-‐selected
Transition to Introduction/Objective(s): “Today we will learn the correct way to handle a lacrosse stick and
catch and throw with a lacrosse stick.”
5 mins. New Learning: (question to prompt higher-‐ordered thinking regarding objective)
Students come to the center of the gym and take a seat facing the teacher.
“Raise your hand if you have ever played lacrosse on a team.” (response); “Does anyone know the major
differences between girl’s and boy’s lacrosse?” (discussion)
• Fielding:
o 12 players in girls (goalie, 4 defense, 3 midfield, 4 attackers); 10 players in boys (goalie, 3
defense, 3 midfield, 3 attackers)
o Same size field, but different placements of goals (girls farther apart than boys)
• Contact:
o Stick to stick contact only in girls (stick must be below shoulders); contact allowed in boys
(between shoulders and waist)
• Equipment:
o Girls wear goggles, mouthguard
o Boys wear helmet, mouthguard, pads, gloves
• Sticks:
o Girls have only short sticks with little pockets
o Boys have short and long sticks with deeper pockets
Go over the throwing cues with demonstration (dominant hand mid stick, bottom elbow up, push/pull, step
with opposite foot)
Go over the catching cues with demonstration (dominant hand on top, non-‐dominant hand bottom, give, eyes
on ball)
8 mins. Activity 1: Students will still be in the center of the gym for instructions; they will be called to the center of the
gym (and seated) between activities as well
Partner passingà 1. Stationary Passing and 2. Passing with Movement(Students will work on catching and
throwing in these drill)
1. Stationary Passingà
• Students will stand across from their partner (about 10 feet apart from each other)
• Students will work on catching and throwing, using the cues that were discussed
o Catching (dominant hand on top, non-‐dominant hand bottom, give, eyes on ball)
o Throwing (dominant hand mid stick, bottom elbow up, push/pull, step with opposite
• Students should correct their partner if they have improper form
• Teacher will observe and correct as necessary
Xà students
10 feet -‐
E: Start farther apart from partner
R: Throw without the stick and catch with the stick
SM: Work with a partner who is more skilled so the passes are more accurate
2. Passing with Movementà
• Students will form two lines at one baseline of the gym (about 10 feet apart) and stand in the
opposite line from their partner
• Students will work on their catching and throwing while moving from one side of the gym to
the other (baseline to baseline)
• To move down the court, students should use a defensive slide (demonstrated by the teacher)
• Students should strive to get 10 passes between the baselines
o This activity is to work on skills and accuracy, NOT speed
• Teacher will observe and correct as necessary
E: Start farther apart from partner
R: Throw without the stick and catch with the stick
SM: Work with a partner who is more skilled so the passes are more accurate
2 mins. Transition: After two whistles, the students gather and sit in the center of the gym facing the teacher
“Throwing and catching are two critical skills needed to be able to participate in a lacrosse game.”
“Does anyone play lacrosse and can demonstrate how to cradle?” (yes/no). (YESà student demonstration;
NOà teacher demonstration).
“We are going to work on scooping up groundballs in this next drill; when the ball is in your stick make sure to
REMINDERS FOR GROUND BALLS: get low to the ground, keep your eye on the ball, front foot next to the ball,
scoop through
10 Activity 2: Students will be in the center of the gym for instructions
mins. Groundball Drillà 1. Groundball Shuttle
1. Groundball Shuttleà
• Students will line up at one baseline (5 separate lines)
• There will be four balls in front of each line (one at the top of the basketball key, one at the
mid court line, one at the top of the other basketball key, and one at the opposite baseline)
o Students will run to each ball (closest first—in order) and scoop up the groundball
o After each groundball, the student will run back to the original baseline and drop the
ball on the ground
§ Students should be working on cradling when the ball is in their stick
• Once each student finishes, the next set of five students will go
• While students are not participating in the shuttle, they should work on cradling the ball in
their sticks and cheer on their classmates
Xà students
O O O O X Oà balls
Blue lineà 1st
Orange lineà 2nd
O O O O X Green lineà 3rd
Purple lineà 4th
E: More balls or two times through
R: Stationary groundballs
SM: Only one ball per shuttle
2 mins. Transition: After two whistles, the students gather and sit in the center of the gym facing the teacher
“We are going to combine the skills we have learned today and incorporate offensive and defensive
“What are some useful offensive strategies?” (discussion). (MOVE TO OPEN SPACE, CUT, CALL FOR BALL).
“What are some useful defensive strategies?” (discussion). (MARK A DEFENDER, COMMUNICATE, WATCH
“We are going to play a game called keep away.”
8 mins. Activity 3: Students will still be in the center of the gym for instructions
Gameà 1. Keep Away
1. Keep Away
• Students will be split up into two even teams (one team will wear pinnies)
o One team will start on offense with the ball and the other team will start on defense
without the ball
• Students will attempt to successfully make passes to their teammates; each consecutive pass
counts as one point
o If the ball is not caught or touches the ground, it is a turnover and the teams switch
§ When the ball is on the ground, the students should practice scooping a
• Students should practice cradling when they have the ball in their stick
• There should be no contact or checking in this game; students should play defense an arm’s
length away
• REMEMBER to move to open space and get open
X X Xà offense
O O Oà defense
E: More games so that there are less people on each team
R: One big game so that there are more people to pass to on your team
SM: Groundballs can be scooped up by anyone
1 min. Transition: After two whistles, the students gather and sit in the center of the gym facing the teacher
If we still have time, say: “we are going to participate in a mini-‐game and incorporate the skills we learned”
(back-‐up activity)
If time runs out: see CLOSURE
12 Back-‐up Activity: Students will still be in the center of the gym for instructions
mins. Mini-‐gameà 1. Numbers
1. Numbersà
• Students are divided into two equal teams; one team on each baseline
• Each student will be given a number that corresponds with a player on the other team
• The teacher will call out a number and roll out a groundball
o The two students will SAFELY run to the groundball to scoop it
§ Whoever gets there first scoops the groundball and earns a point for their
• The ball will go back to the teacher and the game will repeat
• The team with the most points after each round (every number called) wins
Cà teacher rolling groundball (only
1, not two)
E: More students in at a time (more realistic)
R: Less students in at a time (more modified)
SM: Individual groundballs not against anyone else
2 mins. Closure/Review: After two whistles, the students gather and sit in the center of the gym facing the teacher
“Now that you all have learned some of the critical skills necessary in lacrosse, next class we are going to
participate in more game-‐like situations.”
“Who can remind everyone of the cues for catching?” (dominant hand mid stick, bottom elbow up, push/pull,
step with opposite foot)
“Who can remind everyone of the cues for throwing?” (dominant hand on top, non-‐dominant hand bottom,
give, eyes on ball)
4 mins. Students go to locker room and change
1 min. Student dismissal when bell ringsà from locker room or class lines
Students are evaluated by the teacher throughout the lesson; they can receive 1-‐4 points in each category (throwing and
catching), which is described in the rubrics below:
1 Demonstrates one or less cues when throwing in lacrosse
2 Demonstrates two out of four cues when throwing in lacrosse
3 Demonstrates three out of four cues when throwing in lacrosse
4 Demonstrates all four cues when throwing in lacrosse
Cues: Dominant hand mid (1), Bottom Elbow up (1), Push/Pull (1), and Step with opposite foot
1 Demonstrates one or less cues for catching in lacrosse
2 Demonstrates two out of four cues for catching in lacrosse
3 Demonstrates three out of four cues for catching in lacrosse
4 Demonstrates all four cues for catching in lacrosse
Cues: Dominant hand on top (1), Non-‐dominant hand bottom (1), Give (1), and Eyes on ball (1)