Global Personal Marketplace: System Requirements Specification (SRS)
Global Personal Marketplace: System Requirements Specification (SRS)
Global Personal Marketplace: System Requirements Specification (SRS)
System Requirements Specification (SYS) Version Date: 02/05/2003
Global Personal
System Requirements Specification (SRS)
Version 1.0
Produced for:
Global Personal Marketing Corp.
One Marketing Way
Metropolis, USA 12345
(123) 456-7890
Produced by:
Firesmith Consulting
5711 Heatherview Drive
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46818
Executive Overview
The Global Personal Marketplace (GPM) system will be a global Web-based marketplace bringing together
private individuals and small companies to buy and sell all manner of items. It will take advantage of the
Internet and World Wide Web to radically improve the way they buy and sell items.
The buyer objectives for the GPM are to:
Provide them with a huge selection of items (and sellers).
Enable them to easily search for, find, and buy the items they want.
Enable them to buy items that they could not ordinarily find or afford.
Enable them to help set (and thereby minimize) the price of the items they wish to buy (e.g.,
via auctions and reverse auctions).
Make buying more convenient by allowing them to buy items:
Anytime (i.e., 24 hours a day and 7 days a week).
Anywhere that the buyers have access to the Internet (e.g., at home, at work, and while traveling).
Minimize risks associated with buying over the Internet.
The seller objectives for the GPM are to:
Provide them with a huge customer base of potential buyers.
Enable them to easily target and personalize their marketing to appropriate potential buyers.
Enable them to sell items that they could not otherwise afford to sell (e.g., by minimizing their
overhead and transaction costs).
Enable them to determine the market price of their items and set their prices accordingly (e.g.,
via auctions or direct sales).
Make selling more convenient by allowing them to sell items:
Anytime (i.e., 24 hours a day and 7 days a week).
Anywhere the sellers have access to the Internet (e.g., at home, at work, while traveling).
Minimize risks associated with selling over the Internet.
The GPMC objectives for the GPM are to:
Minimize the costs of providing a marketplace (e.g., capital costs, labor costs) compared to a
physical marketplace (e.g., a shopping mall) by maximizing automation and thus minimizing labor and
facilities costs.
Maximize income by maximizing the number of sellers (i.e., merchants) paying marketplace
Revision History
Date Version Description Author
10/14/1999 0.1 Initial Draft including Introduction. Donald Firesmith
Identified most externals and associated use cases.
10/23/1999 0.2 Added use case and path requirements for Accountant and User. Donald Firesmith
Identified remaining use cases.
Specified some paths.
Added some quality requirements
11/13/1999 0.3 Updated actor hierarchy with employees. Donald Firesmith
Added usage to definition.
Updated operational capabilities.
Added use case requirements, business justifications, and
requirements trace to the Application Vision Statement.
Added use case path requirements, assertions and interactions
for all actors.
Completed quality requirements.
Added business rules under design constraints.
Ensured naming consistency with User Interface Design
12/09/1999 0.4 Added User Support Agent. Donald Firesmith
Moved updating passwords to the actor.
Updated to make consistent with User Interface Design
Added reviewers’ comments.
12/20/1999 0.5 Added quality requirements. Donald Firesmith
Removed business rules.
1/07/2000 0.6 Updated security. Donald Firesmith
Iterated use case paths based on conceptual architecture.
1/25/2000 0.7 Added direct sales (fixed-price and decreasing-price). Donald Firesmith
Removed unnecessary user interface design constraints.
Generalized minimum billing balance.
Removed seller’s ability to select winning buyers.
2/23/2000 0.8 Updated security requirements. Donald Firesmith
Added security officer as actor.
Removed additional unnecessary user interface design
5/14/2000 0.9 Removed additional unnecessary user interface design Donald Firesmith
Added additional direct sales use case paths.
3/3/2001 1.0 Added business rules. Donald Firesmith
Added accessibility requirements.
Added industry standard constraints.
3/16/2002 1.1 Added executive summary. Donald Firesmith
Added buyer listings.
Updated quality requirements.
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................12
2.1 DEFINITION.............................................................................................................................................14
2.2 BUSINESS GOAL.....................................................................................................................................14
2.3 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES...........................................................................................................................14
2.3.1 Buyer Business Benefits.................................................................................................................14
2.3.2 Sellers Business Benefits...............................................................................................................14
2.3.3 Marketplace Owner Business Benefits..........................................................................................15
2.4 CONTEXT OF THE MARKETPLACE..........................................................................................................15
2.4.1 External Hardware........................................................................................................................16
2.4.2 External Roles...............................................................................................................................16
2.4.3 External Software..........................................................................................................................16
2.4.4 External Systems............................................................................................................................16
2.5 GLOBAL PERSONAL MARKETPLACE CAPABILITIES................................................................................16
2.5.1 Summary of System Capabilities...................................................................................................17 Employee Capabilities..............................................................................................................................17 Users Capabilities.....................................................................................................................................17 Other Capabilities.....................................................................................................................................18
3 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................19 Normal Path: Regular Auction with High Bid Winning Buyer...........................................................87 Normal Path: Regular Auction with Instant Winner...........................................................................88 Exceptional Path: No Bid Placed.......................................................................................................89 Exceptional Path: Reserve Price Not Met..........................................................................................90 Use Case: Seller Reviews Personal Feedback History..............................................................................91 Normal Path: Histories Reviewed When Auction is Open.................................................................91 Use Case: Seller Reviews Personal Sales..................................................................................................92 Normal Path: Sales Reviewed............................................................................................................93 Exceptional Path: No Sales................................................................................................................93
3.2.5 User...............................................................................................................................................94 Use Case: User Registers User Account....................................................................................................95 Normal Path: New Account Created..................................................................................................96 Exceptional Path: Account Already Exists.........................................................................................98 Exceptional Path: User Identifier is Not Unique................................................................................99 Exceptional Path: Mandatory Information Missing..........................................................................101 Use Case: User Maintains User Account.................................................................................................104 Normal Path: User Information Updated..........................................................................................104 Normal Path: User Account Deleted................................................................................................106 Exceptional Path: New User Identifier is Not Unique......................................................................107 Exceptional Path: Mandatory Information Deleted..........................................................................108 Exceptional Path: User Account Not Deleted...................................................................................109 Use Case: User Displays General Information........................................................................................110 Normal Path: GPM Description Displayed......................................................................................110 Normal Path: GPM Description Displayed.......................................................................................111 Normal Path: Frequently Asked Questions Displayed......................................................................111 Normal Path: Electronic Auction Glossary Displayed......................................................................112 Normal Path: User Agreement Displayed.........................................................................................113 Normal Path: Privacy Policy Displayed...........................................................................................113 Use Case: User Displays Own Feedback History....................................................................................114 Normal Path: History Reviewed.......................................................................................................114 Use Case: User Obtains User Email Address...........................................................................................115 Normal Path: Email Address Obtained.............................................................................................115 Exceptional Path: User Not Found...................................................................................................116 Use Case: User Reviews Personal Account Status...................................................................................116 Normal Path: Account Status Displayed...........................................................................................117 Use Case: User Inquires Regarding Personal Account............................................................................118 Normal Path: Inquiry Successfully Made.........................................................................................118 Use Case: GPM Emails Invoice..............................................................................................................119 Normal Path: Balance Charged To Credit Card................................................................................119 Normal Path: Balance Due From User.............................................................................................120 Exceptional Path: Outstanding Balance Less than Minimum Billing Balance.................................121 Use Case: GPM Requests Credit Card Authorization..............................................................................122 Normal Path: Authorization Approved.............................................................................................122 Exceptional Path: Outstanding Balance Less than Minimum Billing Balance.................................123
5.1 ACCESSIBILITY.....................................................................................................................................135
5.2 AUDITABILITY......................................................................................................................................135
5.3 BRANDING............................................................................................................................................135
5.4 CONFIGURABILITY................................................................................................................................135
5.4.1 Variant Capabilities.....................................................................................................................135
5.4.2 Internationalization.....................................................................................................................135
5.4.3 Personalization............................................................................................................................135
5.5 CORRECTNESS......................................................................................................................................136
5.5.1 Latent Defects..............................................................................................................................136
5.5.2 Accuracy......................................................................................................................................136
5.5.3 Precision......................................................................................................................................136
5.5.4 Timeliness....................................................................................................................................136
5.6 EFFICIENCY..........................................................................................................................................137
5.7 EXTENSIBILITY.....................................................................................................................................137
5.8 INSTALLATION......................................................................................................................................137
5.9 INTEROPERABILITY...............................................................................................................................137
5.10 MAINTAINABILITY................................................................................................................................137
5.11 OPERATIONAL AVAILABILITY...............................................................................................................138
5.12 PERFORMANCE.....................................................................................................................................138
5.12.1 Capacity.......................................................................................................................................138
5.12.2 Latency........................................................................................................................................138
5.12.3 Response Time.............................................................................................................................138
5.12.4 Throughput..................................................................................................................................138
5.13 PORTABILITY........................................................................................................................................138
5.14 RELIABILITY.........................................................................................................................................139
5.15 REUSABILITY........................................................................................................................................139
5.16 ROBUSTNESS........................................................................................................................................139
5.17 SAFETY.................................................................................................................................................139
5.18 SCALABILITY........................................................................................................................................139
5.19 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................................140
5.19.1 Identification Requirements.........................................................................................................140
5.19.2 Authentication Requirements.......................................................................................................141
5.19.3 Authorization Requirements........................................................................................................141
5.19.4 Immunity Requirements...............................................................................................................142
5.19.5 Integrity Requirements.................................................................................................................143
5.19.6 Intrusion Detection Requirements...............................................................................................143
5.19.7 Nonrepudiation Requirements.....................................................................................................143
5.19.8 Privacy Requirements..................................................................................................................145
5.19.9 Security Auditing Requirements..................................................................................................146
5.19.10 Survivability Requirements..........................................................................................................146
5.19.11 Physical Protection Requirements...............................................................................................146
5.19.12 System Maintenance Security Requirements...............................................................................146
5.20 TESTABILITY.........................................................................................................................................146
5.21 USABILITY............................................................................................................................................146
6 SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS.......................................................................................................................148
C. MAJOR TBDS..............................................................................................................................................150
D. Assumptions................................................................................................................................................151
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Global Personal Marketplace Context Diagram.....................................................................................14
Figure 2: Employee Summary Use Case Diagram................................................................................................18
Figure 3: User Summary Use Case Diagram.........................................................................................................19
Figure 4: Accountant Use Case Diagram...............................................................................................................20
Figure 5: General Buyer Use Case Diagram..........................................................................................................34
Figure 6: Auction-Specific Buyer Use Case Diagram...........................................................................................35
Figure 7: Direct Sale Buyer Use Case Diagram....................................................................................................35
Figure 8: Security Officer Use Case Diagram.......................................................................................................75
Figure 9: Seller Use Case Diagram........................................................................................................................80
Figure 10: User Use Case Diagram.......................................................................................................................97
Figure 11: User Support Agent Use Case Diagram.............................................................................................127
1 Introduction
The section introduces the system requirements specification (SRS) for the Global Personal Marketplace (GPM)
system to its readers.
1.4 References
This specification references or complies with the following documents:
GPM Project Documents:
GPM Application Vision Statement, which documents the business goals to be achieved by the
requirements specified in this specification
GPM Glossary, which defines the business and technical terms used in this specification.
GPM Release Plan, which documents the scheduled incremental release of the GPM in terms of
the requirements specified in this requirements specification.
OPEN Process Framework (OPF) Conventions:
Use Case Modeling Guidelines, which documents the guidelines used to develop the use case
model specifying the functional requirements in this specification.
System Requirements Specification Content and Format Standard, which specifies the content and
format of this specification.
System Requirements Specification Inspection Checklist, which is used during the inspection of
this specification.
System Requirements Specification Template, which provides the skeleton of this specification.
2.1 Definition
The Global Personal Marketplace (GPM) system will be a global Web-based marketplace bringing together
private individuals and small companies to buy and sell all manner of items.
act as act as
Buyers Sellers
buy items from the
Review and manage their user information (e.g., contact information, credit card
Review and manage their account history (e.g., listings, transactions, fee payments).
Review and annotate their individual feedback history.
Accept the GPM privacy policy and user agreement.
Pay listing and transaction fees by credit card. Other Capabilities
Authorization Processor Gateway. The GPM will use the authorization processor gateway
Request authorization of credit card payments via a dedicated leased telephone line.
3 Functional Requirements
The section of the SRS specifies the functional requirements of the GPM in terms of use cases and their
associated use case paths. The use case model is primarily organized in terms of the externals that benefit from
the use cases.
Accountant Security Liaison
Generates Handles
Generates Updates
Security User
Financial Fee
Reports Inquiry
Reports Schedule
Updates User
Updates GPM Notifies
Billing User Security Violation
Cycle User
Restrictions to
Displays Obtains
General User Email
Information Address
Displays Reviews
Own Feedback Registers HisAccount
History User Status
Precedes Inquires
Logs On
Regarding His
Reads Maintains
Logs Off UserAccount
3.2.1 Accountant
The subsection specifies the functional requirements primarily associated with accountants.
An accountant is the role played by a GPM employee who performs accounting functions using the GPM.
An accountant has the following responsibilities:
Set and maintain the billing cycle, fee schedule, and user restrictions.
Ensure that the GPM follows proper accounting procedures.
Report on the financial status of GPM.
Required Capabilities
An accountant needs the following required technical expertise, experience, and training to effectively interact
with the GPM:
Basic accounting skills
Use an accountant client computer to log onto and navigate the accountant user interface.
Use Case Diagram
Generates Updates
Financial Fee
Reports Schedule
Updates Updates
Billing User
Cycle Restrictions
Use Cases
Accountant Generates Financial Reports
Accountant Updates Billing Cycle
Accountant Updates Fee Schedule
Accountant Updates User Restrictions
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low (Monthly)
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Normal Path: Fees Summary Report Generated
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable accountants to generate fees summary reports.
Accountant (Client)
The GPM has identified and authenticated the accountant.
4. The accountant requests a fees summary report for a specific month and year from the GPM.
5. The GPM shall send the fees summary report for the requested month and year to the accountant.
6. The GPM shall send the “fees summary report generated” notification message to the accountant.
The accountant shall have the fees summary report.
The fees summary report shall contain the information specified in its associated data
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low (Monthly)
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Normal Path: Invoice Summary Report Generated
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable accountants to generate invoice summary reports.
Accountant (Client)
The GPM has identified and authenticated the accountant.
1. The accountant requests an invoice summary report for a specific month and year 1 from the GPM.
2. The GPM shall send the invoice summary report for the requested month and year to the accountant.
The default is the current month and year.
Private 2000 - 2003 by Donald Firesmith Page 23
GPMC – Global Personal Marketplace (GPM) Document ID: GPM-SRS Version: 1.0
System Requirements Specification (SYS) Version Date: 02/05/2003
3. The GPM shall send the “invoice summary report generated” notification message to the accountant.
The accountant shall have the invoice summary report.
The invoice summary report shall contain the information specified in its associated data
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low (Monthly)
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Normal Path: Listings Summary Report Generated
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable accountants to generate listings summary reports.
Accountant (Client)
The GPM has identified and authenticated the accountant.
1. The accountant requests a listings summary report for a specific month and year from the GPM.
2. The GPM shall send the listings summary report for the requested month and year to the accountant.
3. The GPM shall send the “listings summary report generated” notification message to the accountant.
The accountant shall have the listings summary report.
The listings summary report shall contain the information specified in its associated data
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low (Monthly)
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Normal Path: User Summary Report Generated
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable accountants to generate user summary reports.
Accountant (Client)
The GPM has identified and authenticated the accountant.
1. The accountant requests a user summary report for a specific month and year2 from the GPM.
2. The GPM shall send the user summary report for the requested month and year to the accountant.
3. The GPM shall send the “user summary report generated” notification message to the accountant.
The accountant shall have the user summary report.
The user summary report shall contain the information specified in its associated data
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low (Monthly)
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Use Case: Accountant Updates Fee Schedule
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable accountants to update the schedule of fees to be paid by the sellers and proactive buyers.
Business Justification
The GPM must enable the accountant to modify fees if GPM is to remain profitable in a
competitive marketplace.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-AC-3) Update Fee Schedule
Use Case Paths
Fees Successfully Updated
Accountant Times Out
Invalid Fee Normal Path: Fees Successfully Updated
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable accountants to update the schedule of fees charged to sellers and proactive buyers.
Accountant (Client)
The GPM has identified and authenticated the accountant.
Each of the fees in the fee schedule has a value in the associated valid range.
The default is the current month and year.
Private 2000 - 2003 by Donald Firesmith Page 25
GPMC – Global Personal Marketplace (GPM) Document ID: GPM-SRS Version: 1.0
System Requirements Specification (SYS) Version Date: 02/05/2003
1. The accountant sends a request to update the fee schedule to the GPM.
2. The GPM sends the current fee schedule containing the mandatory fees specified in the associated data
requirements to the accountant.
3. The accountant updates some or all of these mandatory fees and sends them to the GPM.
4. The GPM shall send the “fees successfully updated” notification message to the accountant.
The GPM shall store each original fee that was not updated.
The GPM shall store each updated fee that is valid according to the constraints specified in
the associated data requirements.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exception Path: Accountant Times Out
Path Requirement
The GPM shall require that an accountant complete updating fees in the fee schedule within a reasonable time
Accountant (Client)
The GPM has identified and authenticated the accountant.
Each of the fees in the fee schedule has a value in the associated valid range.
5. The accountant sends a request to update the fee schedule to the GPM.
6. The GPM shall send the current fee schedule containing the mandatory fees specified in the associated
data requirements to the accountant.
7. The accountant updates some or all of these mandatory fees (whereby at least one fee is invalid) and
sends them to the GPM.
8. The GPM shall send the “invalid fee detected” notification message to the accountant.
The GPM shall store each original fee that was not updated.
The GPM shall store each updated fee that is valid according to the constraints specified in
the associated data requirements.
The GPM shall store each original fee for which the requested updated fee was invalid.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Accountant (Client)
The GPM displays a screen on the accountant’s personal computer enabling the accountant to
update the seller restrictions.
1. If the accountant fails to send a request within the timeout period to the GPM, then the GPM shall
respond by displaying a timeout notification with the following information to the accountant:
The “Timed Out” message
2. The accountant acknowledges the timeout notification to the GPM.
Volatility: Low
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exception Path: Invalid User Restriction
Path Requirement
The GPM shall prohibit accountants from setting an invalid maximum account balance.
Accountant (Client)
The GPM displays a screen on the accountant’s personal computer enabling the accountant to
update the seller restrictions.
1. The accountant sends an update maximum account balance request containing the following
information to the GPM:
Invalid Maximum Seller Account Balance (in US dollars)
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying an update failed notification with the following information to
the accountant:
The “Invalid Maximum Seller Account Balance” message
The previous maximum seller account balance
The updated maximum seller account balance
3. The accountant acknowledges the update failed notification to the GPM.
The GPM stores the previous maximum account balance.
Volatility: Low
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium
3.2.2 Buyer
The subsection specifies the functional requirements primarily associated with buyers.
Buyer is the role played by any user who uses the GPM to attempt to buy one or more items being sold by a
seller using the GPM.
A buyer has the following responsibilities:
Comply with the user agreement.
Submit bids on items being sold at auctions.
Buy items being sold at direct sales.
Directly pay the seller for the item(s) purchased.
Register feedback about sellers with the GPM.
Required Capabilities
A buyer needs the following required technical expertise, experience, and training to effectively interact with
Use a personal computer to log onto and navigate a user-friendly website.
Use Case Diagrams
Reads Personal
Buyer Bid and Purchase
Guidelines History
For Items Registers For
Notification of
Future Sales
EAS Notifies
Sale to
BuysAt Sealed Offer at
Direct Sale Decreasing-Price
Precedes Precedes
Use Cases
General Use Cases:
Buyer Reads Buyer Guidelines
Buyer Searches for Items
GPM Notifies Cancelled Sale to Buyer
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the buyer guidelines on the browser of the buyer’s personal
3. After reading the buyer instructions, the buyer signals completion to the GPM.
Volatility: Low
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Use Case: Buyer Searches for Items
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable buyers to search for sales of items, which they wish to buy.
Business Justification
Selection by:
Sale number enables buyers to quickly find the status of specific sales.
Category and/or keywords enable buyers to easily find items they wish to purchase.
Seller enables buyers to easily return to either favorite sellers or sellers who have sold similar
items in the past.
Restricting search results to:
Open sales permits buyers to identify new items that are currently available for sale.
New sales (sales opened within the previous 24 hours) permits buyers to identify any new items
that they have not previously had the opportunity on which to bid.
Closing sales (sales closing within 2 hours) permits buyer snipping, which may allow them to
avoid being outbid at auctions.
Closed sales (sales that have closed within the previous week) permits buyers to determine the
current selling prices of similar items before buying.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-B-2) Search for Items - By Category
AVS OG-B-3) Search for Items - By Item Keywords
AVS OG-B-4) Search for Items - By Sale Number
AVS OG-B-5) Search for Items - By Seller
Use Case Paths
Search by Category
Search by Keywords
Search by Sale Number
Search by Seller
Buyer Times Out
1. The buyer uses the webpage to enter one or more keywords and send a keywords selected notification
with the following information to the GPM:
The list of search keywords
The search restrictions
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Search Succeeded” message
List of sales matching the search keywords (sorted by degree of match) and search restrictions
including for each auction:
Item description
Degree of match with buyer’s keywords
Current high bid
Time remaining until auction closes
3. The buyer uses the webpage to select a sale and send a display sale request with the following
information to the GPM:
The selected sale
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
Item Summary:
Item title
Item quantity
Sale number
Sale type
Auction (Yankee or Dutch) or Direct Sale (Fixed Price or Decreasing Price)
Private or Public
Item hierarchical categorization
Optional keywords
Seller identifier
Item location
If a direct sale, the following information:
The price
If an auction, the following bidding information:
Current high bid:
High buyer
Whether the reserve bid has been met
Minimum starting bid
Minimum bid increment
First bid
Number of bids
Time Left:
Auction started
Auction ends
Item Details:
URL of picture
Acceptable buyer payment methods:
Money order/cashiers Check
Personal Check
Collect on Delivery (COD)
Credit Card (American Express, Discover, Visa, Master Card)
On-Line Escrow
Shipping responsibility and costs
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Normal Path: Search by Sale Number
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable the buyer to search for a specific item by sale number.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer that enables
the buyer to search for an item by displaying the following information:
Search criteria (i.e., category, sale number, keyword, and seller)
Search restrictions (i.e., all sales, all open sales, all new sales, all closing sales, and all closed
There is a sale matching the sale number.
1. The buyer uses the webpage to select a specific sale and send a sale selected notification with the
following information to the GPM:
The sale number
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
Item Summary:
Item title
Item quantity
Sale number
Sale type
Auction (Yankee or Dutch) or Direct Sale (Fixed Price or Decreasing Price)
Private or Public
Item hierarchical categorization
Optional keywords
Seller identifier
Item location
If a direct sale, the following information:
The price
If an auction, the following bidding information:
Current high bid:
High buyer
Whether the reserve bid has been met
Minimum starting bid
Minimum bid increment
First bid
Number of bids
Time Left
Auction started
Auction ends
Item Details:
URL of picture
Acceptable buyer payment methods:
Money order/cashiers Check
Personal Check
Collect on Delivery (COD)
Credit Card (American Express, Discover, Visa, Master Card)
On-Line Escrow
Shipping responsibility and costs
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Normal Path: Search by Seller
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable the buyer to search for items by seller.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer that enables
the buyer to search for an item by displaying the following information:
Search criteria (i.e., category, sale number, keyword, and seller)
Search restrictions (i.e., all sales, all open sales, all new sales, all closing sales, and all closed
There are auctions selling items meeting the buyer’s search criteria and search restrictions.
1. The buyer selects a hierarchical decomposed category and sends a seller selected notification with the
following information to the GPM:
The selected seller
The selected search restrictions
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Search Succeeded” message
List of sales matching the search criteria and search restrictions including for each auction:
Item description
Current high bid
Time remaining until auction closes
3. The buyer uses the webpage to select sale and send a display sale request with the following
information to the GPM:
The selected item
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
Item Summary:
Item title
Item quantity
Sale number
Sale type
Auction (Yankee or Dutch) or Direct Sale (Fixed Price or Decreasing Price)
Private or Public
Item hierarchical categorization
Optional keywords
Seller identifier
Item location
If a direct sale, the following information:
The price
If an auction, the following bidding information:
Current high bid:
High buyer
Whether the reserve bid has been met
Minimum starting bid
Minimum bid increment
First bid
Number of bids
Time Left
Auction started
Auction ends
Item Details:
URL of picture
Acceptable buyer payment methods:
Money order/cashiers Check
Personal Check
Collect on Delivery (COD)
Credit Card (American Express, Discover, Visa, Master Card)
On-Line Escrow
Shipping responsibility and costs
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exception Path: Buyer Times Out
Path Requirement
The GPM shall prohibit a buyer for taking longer than the timeout period to search for an item.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer that enables
the buyer to search for an item by displaying the following information:
Search criteria (i.e., category, sale number, keyword, and seller)
Search restrictions (i.e., all sales, all open sales, all new sales, all closing sales, and all closed
1. If the buyer fails to make a selection within the timeout period and send an associated notification to
the GPM, the GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the
browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Timed Out” message
2. The buyer uses the webpage to send an acknowledgement of the time out to the GPM.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exception Path: Search Unsuccessful And Search Again
Path Requirement
The GPM shall notify the buyer when a search for an item is not successful, enabling the buyer to search again.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer that enables
the buyer to search for an item by displaying the following information:
Search criteria (i.e., category, sale number, keyword, and seller)
Search restrictions (i.e., all sales, all open sales, all new sales, all closing sales, and all closed
There are no auctions selling items matching the buyer’s search criteria and search
1. The buyer sends either a category selected or keywords selected notification to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Search Failed” message
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Exception Path: Unsuccessful Search Prompts Request for Notification of
Future Sales
Path Requirement
The GPM shall notify the buyer when a search for an item is not successful, enabling the buyer to request
notification of future sales that meet the search criteria and restrictions.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer that enables
the buyer to search for an item by displaying the following information:
Search criteria (i.e., category, item number, keyword, and seller)
Search restrictions (i.e., all sales, all open sales, all new sales, all closing sales, and all closed
There are no auctions selling items matching the buyer’s search criteria and search
1. The buyer selects a hierarchical decomposed category and sends a category selected notification with
the following information to the GPM:
The selected search criteria
The selected search restrictions
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Search Failed” message
3. The buyer uses the webpage to send a notify future sales request to the GPM.
4. The GPM shall respond by opening a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer
enabling the buyer to register for notification of future sales.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Use Case: GPM Notifies Buyer of Cancelled Sale
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall notify buyers of cancelled sales.
Business Justification
Buyers expect to be informed if the sale they are attending is cancelled.
Requirements Trace
Use Case Paths
Auction Cancelled when Buyer is Logged On
Auction Cancelled when Buyer is Not Logged On
Direct Sale Cancelled when Buyer is Logged On
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-B-16) Review Personal History
Use Case Paths
Bid History Displayed
No Bid History Normal Path: Bid History Displayed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable the buyer to display his/her bid history.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer enabling the
buyer to request his or her bid history.
The buyer has at least made one bid on at least one open auction within the previous 90 days.
1. The buyer uses the webpage to send a display bid history request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
For each auction:
The auction status (open, closed, cancelled)
The type of auction (regular, reserve, Dutch)
The item number
The current high bid
The current high buyer
The type of bid (single bid, automatic proxy bid)
The bid amount
The desired quantity
For automatic proxy bids:
The bid increment
The maximum bid
The GPM enables the buyer to navigate to either a selected sale or return to the previous
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer (e.g., a
webpage that displays a sale) that enables the buyer to request the seller’s feedback history.
The seller has feedback in his/her feedback history.
1. The buyer uses the webpage to send a review seller’s feedback history request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
The seller’s alias and identifier
The number of comments
A table summarizing comments by:
Type (Positive, Neutral, Negative, Total)
When made (Past week, past month, past 6 months)
A table documenting each comment:
The winning buyer’s alias and identifier
The date and time of the comment
The type of comment (Positive, Neutral, Negative)
The comment
The buyer may add feedback about the seller.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exceptional Path: No Feedback Registered
Path Requirement
The GPM shall notify a buyer when the seller does not have a feedback history.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer (e.g., a
webpage that displays a sale) that enables the buyer to request the seller’s feedback history.
The seller has no feedback history.
1. The buyer uses the webpage to send a review seller’s feedback history request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a webpage containing the following information on the browser
of the buyer’s personal computer:
Search by Sellers
None Normal Path: Search by Item Categories
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable buyers to register for notification of future sales that sell items matching their selected
item categories.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer enabling the
buyer to register for notification of future sales.
1. The GPM shall display the following information on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Register for Notification” message
The search criteria (i.e., item categories, search keywords, seller list).
The search type (e.g., all sales, all auctions, Dutch auctions, Yankee auctions, all direct sales,
fixed-price sales, decreasing-price sales)
The duration of the notification request (default = one month)
2. The buyer requests notification of future sales by sending the following information to the GPM:
The selected item categories
The selected search type
The duration of the notification request
3. The GPM shall respond by displaying the following information of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Notification Request Registered”
The selected item categories
The selected search type
The duration of the notification request
4. The buyer acknowledges the notification request to the GPM.
The GPM registers the buyer’s request for notification including the following information:
The buyer’s identifier
The selected item categories
The selected search type
The start date of the request for notification
The end date of the request for notification
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium
Volatility: High
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Normal Path: Buyer Notified when Not Logged On
TBD Exceptional Path: Buyer Account Deleted
Path Requirement
The GPM shall not notify buyers who have deleted their user accounts when a relevant auction opens.
Buyer (Server)
An auction matching the buyer’s search criteria has just opened.
The buyer has a deleted user account.
The auction is not closed.
1. None
Volatility: Low
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Low
Probability of Defects: Low
Risk: Low Use Case: Buyer Places Bid On Item
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable buyers to place a bid on an item at an auction.
Business Justification
Buyers must place bids on items to win auctions.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-B-6) Place Bid on Item – Single Bidding
AVS OG-B-7) Place Bid on Item – Automatic Proxy Bidding
AVS OG-B-8) Place Bid on Item – Minimum Starting Bid
AVS OG-B-9) Place Bid on Item – Minimum Bid Increment
The GPM stores the new bid on the item in the auction:
The auction
The buyer
The date and time of the bid
The type of bid as normal
The bid amount
The desired quantity
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Normal Path: Automatic Proxy Bid Placed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable a buyer to place a new bid on an item if the auction is not closed.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal
The required quantity of items is being auctioned.
The auction is not closed.
1. Optionally, execute the use case “Buyer Reviews Seller Feedback History”.
2. The buyer uses the “Auction Description” webpage to send a “Place Bid” request to the GPM.
3. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Place Bid” webpage containing the following information
on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The type of bid (single bid, automatic proxy bid)
For single bids:
The bid amount
The desired quantity
For automatic proxy bids:
The initial bid amount
The desired quantity
The bid increment
The maximum bid
4. The buyer uses the “Place Bid” webpage to enter the following information and send a “Submit
Automatic Proxy Bid” request with the following information to the GPM:
The type of bid (automatic proxy)
The initial bid amount
1. Optionally, execute the use case “Buyer Reviews Seller Feedback History”.
2. The buyer uses the “Auction Description” webpage to send a “Place Bid” request to the GPM.
3. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Place Bid” webpage containing the following information
on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The type of bid (single bid, automatic proxy bid)
For single bids:
The bid amount
The desired quantity
For automatic proxy bids:
The initial bid amount
The desired quantity
The bid increment
The maximum bid
4. The buyer uses the “Place Bid” webpage to enter the following information and send a “Submit
Automatic Proxy Bid” request with the following information to the GPM:
A bid amount that is below the current minimum bid.
5. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Bid Failed” webpage containing the following information
on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Bid Below Minimum Bid” message
The current high bid amount
The buyer’s bid
6. The buyer uses the “Bid Failed” webpage to acknowledge the failure of the bid to the GPM.
The GPM does not store the new bid on the item in the auction.
The GPM displays the “Place Bid” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer.
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Exceptional Path: Bid Below Minimum Bid Increment
Path Requirement
The GPM shall prohibit a buyer from placing a new bid on an item if the new bid is not at least the minimum
bid increment above the current highest bid.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal
The required quantity of items is being auctioned.
The auction is not closed.
1. Optionally, execute the use case “Buyer Reviews Seller Feedback History”.
2. The buyer uses the “Auction Description” webpage to send a “Place Bid” request to the GPM.
3. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Place Bid” webpage containing the following information
on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The type of bid (single bid, automatic proxy bid)
For single bids:
The bid amount
The desired quantity
For automatic proxy bids:
The initial bid amount
The desired quantity
The bid increment
The maximum bid
4. The buyer uses the “Place Bid” webpage to enter the following information and send a “Submit
Automatic Proxy Bid” request with the following information to the GPM:
A bid amount that does not exceed the current minimum bid by the minimum bid increment.
5. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Bid Failed” webpage containing the following information
on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Bid Below Minimum Bid Increment” message
The current high bid amount
The minimum bid increment
The minimum valid amount of the buyer’s bid
The actual buyer’s bid
6. The buyer uses the “Bid Failed” webpage to acknowledge the failure of the bid to the GPM.
The GPM does not store the new bid on the item in the auction.
The GPM displays the “Place Bid” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer.
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High
Buyer (Server)
The buyer’s winning bid was just outbid3:
For regular and reserve auctions, a buyer is outbid if another buyer has placed a higher bid than
the buyer.
For Dutch auctions, a buyer is outbid if the total quantity of items being auctioned have been bid
on by other buyers who have placed either:
Higher bids than the buyer.
Earlier bids of the same amount as the buyer.
The buyer has a current user account.
The auction is not closed.
The buyer’s maximum automatic proxy bid (if any) has been reached.
1. The GPM shall send an email containing the following information to the buyer:
The “Outbid” message
The auction number
The item title
The buyer’s bid
The current high bid
The auction’s closing date and time
The GPM has sent a notification email to the buyer who was outbid.
Volatility: High
Frequency: High
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: High
Risk: High Exceptional Path: Buyer Account Deleted
Path Requirement
The GPM shall not notify buyers who have deleted their user account when they are outbid at an auction.
Buyer (Server)
The buyer’s winning bid was just outbid.
The buyer has a deleted user account.
The auction is not closed.
For each individual bid, a buyer is notified at most once when outbid. Additional competing bids that also win
over the previous bid do not require separate warning emails.
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1. None
Volatility: Low
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Low
Probability of Defects: High
Risk: Medium Use Case: Buyer Modifies Bid On Item
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable buyers to modify their bid on an item at an open auction.
Business Justification
Buyers must be able to increase their bids to beat other bids.
Buyers may choose to withdraw their bids.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-B-11) Modify Bid on Item – Starting Bid
AVS OG-B-12) Modify Bid on Item – Automatic Proxy Bid Increment
AVS OG-B-13) Modify Bid on Item – Maximum Automatic Proxy Bid
AVS OG-B-14) Modify Bid on Item – Withdraw Bid
Use Case Paths
Automatic proxy bid modified
Bid withdrawn
Auction is closed
Bid Increment is below minimum
Excessive quantity desired
Maximum bid is below minimum bid Normal Path: Automatic Proxy Bid Modified
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable a buyer to modify his/her existing bid on an item if the auction is not closed.
Buyer (Client)
The GPM displays the “Search Results” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal
The buyer has an active automatic proxy bid on the item being auctioned.
The auction is not closed.
1. Optionally, execute the use case “Buyer Reviews Seller Feedback History”.
2. The buyer uses the “Auction Description” webpage to send an “Update Automatic Proxy” request to
the GPM.
3. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Update Automatic Proxy” webpage containing the
following information on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The type of bid (automatic proxy bid)
The desired quantity of items
The initial bid amount (showing the current value)
The bid increment (showing the current value)
The maximum bid (showing the current value)
4. The buyer uses the “Update Automatic Proxy” webpage to enter the following information and send a
“Submit Automatic Proxy Bid” request with the following information to the GPM:
The type of bid (automatic proxy)
The desired quantity of items (possibly updated)
The bid increment (possibly updated)
The maximum bid (possibly updated)
5. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Automatic Proxy Updated” webpage containing the
following information on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Automatic Proxy Bid Updated” message
The original desired quantity
The new desired quantity
The original bid increment
The new bid increment
The original maximum bid
The new maximum bid
6. The buyer uses the “Automatic Proxy Updated” webpage to acknowledge the placing of the bid to the
The GPM stores the updated automatic proxy bid on the item in the auction including:
The new bid increment
The new maximum bid
The GPM displays the “Search Results” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser of the buyer’s personal
The buyer has placed an automatic proxy bid on the item being auctioned.
The auction is open.
The buyer’s new desired quantity is more than that offered by the seller.
1. The buyer uses the “Auction Description” webpage to send an “Update Automatic Proxy” request to
the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Update Automatic Proxy” webpage containing the
following information on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The type of bid (automatic proxy bid)
The desired quantity (showing the current value)
The initial bid amount (showing the current value)
The bid increment (showing the current value)
The maximum bid (showing the current value)
3. The buyer uses the “Update Automatic Proxy” webpage to enter the following information and send a
“Submit Automatic Proxy Bid” request with the following information to the GPM:
The type of bid (automatic proxy)
A new invalid desired quantity (which is more than that offered by the seller)
The initial bid amount (showing the current value)
A valid bid increment (possibly updated)
A valid maximum bid (possibly updated)
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Automatic Proxy Update Failed” webpage containing the
following information on the browser of the buyer’s personal computer:
The “Excessive Quantity Desired” message
The auction identifier
The item title
The desired quantity of items
The actual quantity of items offered for auction
5. The buyer uses the “Automatic Proxy Update Failed” webpage to acknowledge the failure of the bid to
the GPM.
Volatility: Low
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium
Risk: Medium Use Case: GPM Notifies Winning Buyers of Auction Results
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall notify potentially winning buyers4 of the results of the auction.
Business Justification
Buyers need to get in touch with sellers to finalize the purchase.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-B-15) Notify Winning Buyers
Use Case Paths
Winning buyers notified
No winning buyers Normal Path: Winning Buyers Notified
Path Requirement
The GPM shall notify registered buyers when they win an auction.
Buyer (Server)
The auction has just closed.
At least one buyer has won the auction (i.e. placed a bid above the minimum bid and above
the reserve price, if any).
Each winning buyer has a current user account.
1. The GPM shall send an email containing the following information to each winning buyer:
The “You Have Won” message
The auction number
The item title
The item description
The buyer’s winning bid
The closing date and time of the auction
The seller’s alias
The GPM has emailed winning notifications to each winner of the auction.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
The seller may select the actual winning buyers based on their feedback histories.
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System Requirements Specification (SYS) Version Date: 02/05/2003
Use a security officer personal computer to log onto and navigate the security officer screens.
Use Case Diagram
S e c u r i t y O f f ic e r
A s s ig n s N o t if i e s G e n e ra te s
In t e r n a l S e c u r i t y V i o l a t io n S e c u rit y
R o le s T o R e p o rts
Use Cases
Security Officer Assigns Internal Roles
GPM Notifies Security Officer of Security Violation
Security Officer Generates Security Reports Use Case: Security Officer Assigns Internal Roles
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable the security officer to formally assign persons to internal roles.
Business Justification
The GPM must know the persons who the security officers have authorized to perform the
internal roles.
Requirements Trace
Use Case Paths
Person Authorized as an Accountant
Accountant Authorization Revoked
Person Authorized as a Security Officer
Security Officer Authorization Revoked
Person Authorized as a User Support Agent
User Support Agent Authorization Revoked
An actor has failed to properly authenticate himself three times in a row.
1. The GPM shall respond displaying a logon failed message to the user containing the following
The “authentication failed” message
2. The GPM shall respond by sending a high-priority security violation message to the security officer
containing the following information:
The “authentication failed” message
The time and date of the authentication failure
The actor’s identifier
The incorrect user passwords
The GPM breaks the connection with the actor.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Low
Risk: Medium Normal Path: Banned User Authorization Failure
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable notify the security officer when an authentication failure repeatedly occurs.
Security Officer (Server)
User (Client)
A user has been banned from the GPM.
The user attempts to log on to the GPM.
1. The GPM shall respond displaying a logon failed message to the user containing the following
The “User Banned” message
2. The GPM shall respond by sending a high-priority security violation message to the security officer
containing the following information:
The “User Banned” message
The time and date of the logon failure
The actor’s identifier
The GPM breaks the connection with the user.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Low
Risk: Medium Normal Path: Suspended User Authorization Failure
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable notify the security officer when an authentication failure repeatedly occurs.
Security Officer (Server)
User (Client)
A user is currently suspended from the GPM.
The user has attempted to transact business on GPM capability (i.e., register a sale, bid on an
item, or buy an item).
1. The GPM shall respond displaying a action failed message to the user containing the following
The “User Suspended” message
2. The GPM shall respond by sending a high-priority security violation message to the security officer
containing the following information:
The “User Suspended” message
The time and date of the action failure
The user’s identifier
The action attempted
The GPM has stored a record of the attempted action.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Low
Risk: Medium Use Case: Security Officer Generates Security Reports
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable the security officer to generate security reports.
Business Justification
The security officer needs a summary of potential security violations in order to detect trends
and determine the effectiveness of the security measures.
Requirements Trace
Use Case Paths
Security Report Generated
None Normal Path: Security Report Generated
3.2.4 Seller
The subsection specifies the functional requirements primarily associated with sellers.
Seller is the role played by users who register auctions and fixed price sales held by the GPM.
A seller has the following responsibilities:
Follow user agreement.
Register sales with the GPM.
Pay seller fees to GPM.
Ship items to buyers upon receiving payment.
Register feedback regarding buyers with the GPM.
Required Capabilities
A seller needs the following required technical expertise, experience, and training to effectively interact with
Use a personal computer to log onto and navigate a user-friendly website.
Reads HisAuctions
Seller and Sales
Regis ters Fixed-Price
Auction Sale
Precedes Precedes
Modifies EAS
EAS Modif ies Fixed-Price Notifies Seller
Notifies Seller Auction Sale of Fixed-Price
of Auction Sale
Results Precedes
Revie ws
Personal Cancels
Feedback Fixed-Price
History Sale
Use Cases
Seller Reads Seller Guidelines
Seller Registers Sale
Seller Modifies Sale
Seller Cancels Sale
GPM Notifies Seller of Sale Results
Seller Reviews Personal Feedback History
Seller Reviews Personal Sales Use Case: Seller Reads Seller Guidelines
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable sellers to read seller guidelines.
Business Justification
Sellers often need to read explicit guidelines for running auctions and fixed price sales.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-S-1) Seller Reads Seller Guidelines
Use Case Paths
Seller Guidelines Read
None Normal Path: Seller Guidelines Read
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable sellers to read seller guidelines.
Seller (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage enabling the seller to read the seller guidelines.
1. The seller sends a read seller guidelines request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the seller guidelines to the seller.
3. After reading the instructions, the seller acknowledges reading the seller guidelines to the GPM.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Low
Risk: Medium Use Case: Seller Registers Sales
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable sellers in good standing to register sales.
Business Justification
Only the seller is the source of information about the item(s) he wishes to auction.
Sellers demand to set the characteristics (e.g., type of sale, duration, minimum bid, etc.) of
their own sales.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-S-3) Seller Registers Sales
Use Case Paths
Auction Registered
Direct Sale Registered
Mandatory Information Missing
Seller Fees Past Due
The GPM stores the information documenting the sale including a unique sale number
automatically generated by the GPM.
After 15 minutes5, the GPM stores the status of the sale as open, thereby permitting buyers to
bid on the item(s) being auctioned.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Normal Path: Direct Sale Registered
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable sellers in good standing to register direct sales.
Seller (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage enabling the seller to register a direct sale.
The seller is a registered user.
The seller status is “Good”.
1. The seller sends a register direct sale request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a request for the following information from the seller.
Direct sale information:
Seller alias (automatically entered by the GPM)
Type of auction (Fixed Price or Decreasing Price)
Openness of sale (Private or Public whereby public is the default)
Duration of sale (2, 5, 7, 14 days)
Starting price
For Decreasing price sales:
Price reduction rate6
Minimum price
Acceptable buyer payment methods:
Money order/cashiers Check
Personal Check
Collect on Delivery (COD)
Credit Card (American Express, Discover, Visa, Master Card)
Electronic cash
This delay allows the seller to change his/her mind and either modify or cancel the auction before it is
publicized to the buyers.
Measured in dollars per hour or dollars per day.
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System Requirements Specification (SYS) Version Date: 02/05/2003
Item information:
Hierarchical categorization
Item location (city, state, and country)
Shipping and insurance responsibility and costs
3. The seller responds by entering and sending the requested auction and item information to the GPM.
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying the following information to the seller:
The “Direct Sale Registered” message
The sale number
The sale duration
The sale type
The item title
The item quantity
5. The seller sends an auction registration acknowledgement to the GPM.
The GPM stores the information documenting the sale including a unique sale number
automatically generated by the GPM.
After 15 minutes7, the GPM stores the status of the sale as open, thereby permitting buyers to
buy the item(s) being sold.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Exceptional Path: Mandatory Information Missing
Path Requirement
The GPM shall ensure that sellers enter all mandatory information before an auction is registered.
Seller (Client)
The GPM displays a webpage enabling the seller to register an auction.
The seller is a registered user.
The seller status is “Good”.
1. The seller sends a register auction request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a request for the following information from the seller.
This delay allows the seller to change his/her mind and either modify or cancel the auction before it is
publicized to the buyers.
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System Requirements Specification (SYS) Version Date: 02/05/2003
Auction information:
Seller alias (automatically entered by the GPM)
Type of auction (Regular or Dutch)
Openness of auction (Private or Public whereby public is the default)
Duration of auction (2, 5, 7, 14 days)
Minimum starting bid
Reserve price (default equals minimum starting bid)
Instant win price (optional)
Minimum bid increment (optional, whereby the default is one dollar)
Acceptable buyer payment methods:
Money order/cashiers Check
Personal Check
Collect on Delivery (COD)
Credit Card (American Express, Discover, Visa, Master Card)
Electronic cash
Item information:
Hierarchical categorization
Item location (city, state, and country)
Shipping and insurance responsibility and costs
3. The seller responds by entering and sending all but some of the mandatory auction and item
information to the GPM.
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying an auction registration failed notification with the following
information to the seller:
The “Missing Mandatory Information” message
The missing mandatory information
5. The seller acknowledges the missing information notification to the GPM.
6. The seller enters and resends all of the mandatory information to the GPM.
7. The GPM shall respond by displaying an auction-registered notification to the seller.
8. The seller acknowledges the auction-registered notification to the GPM.
The GPM stores the information documenting the auction.
After 15 minutes8, the GPM stores the status of the auction as open, thereby permitting buyers
to bid on the item being auctioned.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
This delay allows the seller to change his/her mind and either modify or cancel the auction before it is
publicized to the buyers.
Private 2000 - 2003 by Donald Firesmith Page 83
GPMC – Global Personal Marketplace (GPM) Document ID: GPM-SRS Version: 1.0
System Requirements Specification (SYS) Version Date: 02/05/2003
Risk: High Exceptional Path: Seller Fees Past Due
Path Requirement
The GPM shall prohibit a seller from registering an auction if his/her fees are more than the past due limit set by
the accountant.
Seller (Client)
The GPM displays the “Seller” webpage on the browser on the seller’s personal computer.
The GPM stores the fact that the seller payment balance is more than the past due limit set by
the accountant.
1. The seller uses the “Seller” webpage to send a “Register Auction” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Auction Registration Failed” webpage with the following
information on the browser of the seller’s personal computer:
The “Account Balance Past Due” message including:
The amount that the account balance is overdue
The number of days that the account balance is overdue.
3. The seller uses the “Auction Registration Failed” webpage to acknowledge the overdue account
balance to the GPM.
The GPM displays the “Seller” webpage on the browser on the seller’s personal computer.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Use Case: Seller Modifies Sale Use Case: Seller Cancels Sale
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable the seller cancel one of his/her auctions prior to the closing date of the auction.
Business Justification
Sellers may need to cancel an auction (e.g., if the item is no longer available).
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-S-4) Seller Cancels Auction
Use Case Paths
Sale Successfully Cancelled
Sale Already Closed Normal Path: Sale Successfully Cancelled
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable sellers to cancel their auctions prior to closing.
Seller (Client)
Buyer (Server)
The GPM displays the “Seller” webpage on the browser on the seller’s personal computer.
The GPM displays the “Review Ongoing Auctions” webpage on the browser on the seller’s
personal computer.
The auction has not closed.
1. The seller uses the “Review Ongoing Auctions” webpage to send a “Cancel Auction” request
containing the following information to the GPM:
The auction number
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Cancel Auction” webpage containing the following
information on the browser of the seller’s personal computer:
The auction number
The Item title
The auction start date
The auction closing date and time
The current high buyer
The current high bid
3. The seller uses the “Cancel Auction” webpage to send the “Cancel Auction” request to the GPM.
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Auction Canceled” webpage containing the following
information on the browser of the seller’s personal computer.
The “Auction Canceled” message
The auction number
The Item title
5. The seller uses the “Auction Canceled” webpage to acknowledge the auction cancellation to the GPM.
6. The GPM shall respond by sending a cancellation notice email to each of the auction’s current buyer’s.
The GPM stores the state of the auction as cancelled.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium
Winning bid
The number of items requested.
The GPM records the winning buyers and the associated winning bids for the auction.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Normal Path: Regular Auction with Instant Winner
Path Requirement
The GPM shall notify the seller of the auction results upon closing of the seller’s auction
Seller (Server)
The auction is a regular auction.
The auction is open.
A buyer has submitted a bid whereby:
The bid price equals the instant win price.
The number of items requested is less than or equal to the number of items being auctioned.
1. When a bid equal to the instant win price is placed, the GPM shall email an auction results notification
containing the following information to the seller:
The “Instant Winner Auction Results” message
The seller’s name
The seller’s alias
The auction number
The item title
The item description
The quantity of items remaining
The time and date that the auction closed (if the number of items requested equals the number of
items being auctioned).
The winning buyer’s:
Email address
Instant winner bid
The number of items requested.
The GPM has emailed an auction results notification to the seller of the auction.
The GPM has debited the number of items being auctioned by the amount requested.
If the number of items requested equals the number of items being auctioned, then the GPM
stores the state of the auction as closed.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Exceptional Path: No Bid Placed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall not select a winning buyer when there is no bid.
Seller (Client)
The GPM displays the “Review Ongoing Auctions” webpage on the browser on the seller’s
personal computer.
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser on the seller’s personal
The GPM records the auction as regular or reserved (i.e., the auction is not a Dutch auction,
the winners of which are automatically selected by the GPM).
The GPM records the auction as closed, but not cancelled.
The GPM records that no buyer has bid on the item being auctioned.
The GPM does not record that the seller has selected and registered winning buyers with the
1. The seller uses the “Auction Description” webpage to send a “Review Buyers” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Select Winning Buyers Failed” webpage on the browser of
the seller’s personal computer:
The “No Bids Placed” message
The auction number
The item title
3. The seller uses the “Select Winning Buyers Failed” webpage to send an acknowledgement of the
failure to the GPM.
The GPM displays the “Review Ongoing Auctions” webpage on the browser on the seller’s
personal computer.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exceptional Path: Reserve Price Not Met
Path Requirement
The GPM shall not select a winning buyer when the highest bid does not meet the seller’s reserve price.
Seller (Client)
The GPM displays the “Review Ongoing Auctions” webpage on the browser on the seller’s
personal computer.
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser on the seller’s personal
The GPM records the auction type as Reserve.
The GPM records that no buyer has met the reserve price.
The GPM records the auction as closed, but not cancelled.
The GPM does not record that the seller has selected and registered winning buyers with the
1. The seller uses the “Auction Description” webpage to send a “Review Buyers” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Review Buyers” webpage containing the following
information on the browser of the seller’s personal computer:
The auction number
The item title
For each buyer in the auction (sorted from high to low final bid):
The buyer’s alias
The buyer’s highest bid
A summary of the buyer’s feedback (number of positive, neutral, and negative
3. After selecting the winning buyer(s), the seller uses the “Review Buyers” webpage to send a “Select
Winning Buyers” message containing the following information to the GPM:
For each winning buyer:
The buyer’s alias
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Select Winning Buyers Failed” webpage on the browser of
the seller’s personal computer:
The “No Bids Bid Meets the Reserve Price” message
The auction number
The item title
5. The seller uses the “Select Winning Buyers Failed” webpage to send an acknowledgement of the
failure to the GPM.
The GPM displays the “Review Ongoing Auctions” webpage on the browser on the seller’s
personal computer.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Use Case: Seller Reviews Personal Feedback History
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable sellers to review the feedback history of buyers at their auctions.
Business Justification
Sellers may choose not to sell to winning buyers if the buyers have a history of not paying for
purchased items.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-S-6) Seller Reviews Personal Buyer’s Feedback Histories
Use Case Paths
Histories reviewed
None Normal Path: Histories Reviewed When Auction is Open
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable sellers to review the feedback histories of the buyers at their ongoing auctions.
Seller (Client)
The GPM displays the “Review Ongoing Auctions” webpage on the browser on the seller’s
personal computer.
The GPM displays the “Auction Description” webpage on the browser on the seller’s personal
1. The seller uses the “Auction Description” webpage to send a “Review Buyers” request containing the
following information to the GPM:
The auction number
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Review Buyers” webpage listing the following information
on the browser of the seller’s personal computer:
The auction number
The item title
For each buyer (ordered from high to low bid):
The buyer’s alias
A summary of the buyer’s feedback (number of positive, neutral, and negative
3. Loop: After selecting a buyer, the seller uses the “Review Buyers” webpage to send a “Review Buyer
Feedback History” message containing the following information to the GPM:
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Review Ongoing Auctions Failed” webpage containing the
following information on the browser of the seller’s personal computer:
The “No Auctions” message
3. The seller uses the “Review Ongoing Auctions Failed” webpage to acknowledge that there were no
auctions to the GPM.
The GPM displays the “Seller” webpage on the browser on the seller’s personal computer.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium
3.2.5 User
The subsection specifies the functional requirements primarily associated with users.
A user is the role played by a person who uses the GPM.
A user has the following responsibilities:
Create and maintain a user account with the GPM.
Required Capabilities
A user needs the following required technical expertise, experience, and training to effectively interact with
Use a personal computer to log onto and navigate a user-friendly website.
A user can be in the following states:
Account Open:
In Good Standing
Payment Past Due
Account Closed:
Own Feedback
User Obtains
Account User Email
Logs On
Precedes UserAccount
Logs Off
Reviews Inquires
HisAccount Regarding His
Status Account
Use Cases
User Registers User Account
User Maintains User Account
User Logs On
User Logs Off
User Displays General Information
User Displays Own Feedback History
User Obtains User Email Address
User Reviews Personal Account
User Inquires Regarding Personal Account Use Case: User Registers User Account
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable new users to register by creating a user account.
Business Justification
User information is required for billing sellers for auction fees.
Users should be able to reuse their account information without having to reenter it each time
that hold an auction or place a bid.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-U-1) Register User Account
Use Case Paths
Password Confirmation
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Verify Account Information” webpage containing the
following information to the user:
User Name
User Alias
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
5. The user uses the “Verify Account Information” webpage to send an “Information Correct”
confirmation to the GPM.
6. The GPM shall respond by sending a “Confirmation Number Notification” email containing the
following information to the user:
User Name
User Alias
Account Number
Confirmation Number
7. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Check Email for Confirmation” webpage requesting the
following information to the user:
The “Check Email for Confirmation” message
Confirmation Number
8. The user uses the “Check Email for Confirmation” webpage to send a “Confirm Account” request
containing the following information to the GPM:
Confirmation Number
9. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Welcome” webpage containing the following information to
the user:
The “Welcome” message
10. The user uses the “Welcome” webpage to send an acknowledgement to the GPM.
The GPM records the following user information:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Account Status = “Active”
Telephone Number
Password Confirmation
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Register User Failed” webpage containing the following
information to the user:
The “User Already Registered” message
User Name (labeled as duplicate)
User Identifier
Email Address (possibly labeled as duplicate)
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number (possibly labeled as duplicate)
5. The user uses the “Register User Failed” webpage to send an acknowledgement to the GPM.
The GPM displays the “Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal computer.
Volatility: Low
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exceptional Path: User Identifier is Not Unique
Path Requirement
The GPM shall require users to select a unique user identifier.
User (Client)
The GPM displays the “Home” webpage on the browser on the use’s personal computer.
The GPM does not record a user account that has the same user name and either the same
email address or same telephone number.
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Register User” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Register User” webpage requesting the following mandatory
information from the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Password Confirmation
3. The user uses the “Register User” webpage to send a “Register User” request containing the following
information to the GPM:
User Name
Existing User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Password Confirmation
4. After verifying that the user identifier is not unique, the GPM shall respond by displaying a “Register
User Failed” webpage containing the following information to the user:
The “User Identifier Not Unique” message
User Identifier (labeled as not unique)
5. The user uses the “Register User Failed” webpage to send a “Register User” request containing the
following information to the GPM:
New Unique User Identifier
6. The GPM shall respond by closing the “Register User Failed” webpage on the browser of the user’s
personal computer.
7. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Verify Account Information” webpage containing the
following information to the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
8. The user uses the “Verify Account Information” webpage to send an “Information Correct”
confirmation to the GPM.
9. The GPM shall respond by sending a “Confirmation Number” email containing the following
information to the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Confirmation Number
10. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Check Email for Confirmation” webpage requesting the
following information to the user:
Confirmation Number
11. The user uses the “Check Email for Confirmation” webpage to send a “Confirm Account” request
containing the following information to the GPM:
Confirmation Number
12. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Welcome” webpage containing the following information to
the user:
The “Welcome” message
13. The user uses the “Welcome” webpage to send an acknowledgement to the GPM.
The GPM records the following user information:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Account Status = “Active”
Account History = null
Account Balance = $0.00
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Exceptional Path: Mandatory Information Missing
Path Requirement
The GPM shall require users to enter all mandatory information when registering.
User (Client)
The GPM displays the “Home” webpage on the browser on the user’s personal computer.
The GPM does not record a user account that has the same user name and either the same
email address or same telephone number.
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Register User” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Register User” webpage requesting the following mandatory
information from the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Password Confirmation
3. The user uses the “Register User” webpage to send a “Register User” request missing some of the
following mandatory information to the GPM:
User Name
Existing User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Password Confirmation
4. After verifying that mandatory information is missing, the GPM shall respond by displaying a
“Register User Failed” webpage containing the following information to the user:
The “Missing Mandatory Information” message
A list of the missing information
5. The user uses the “Register User Failed” webpage to acknowledge the missing information to the
6. After filling in the missing information, the user uses the “Register User” webpage to send a “Register
User” request containing the following mandatory information to the GPM:
User Name
Existing User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Password Confirmation
7. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Verify Account Information” webpage containing the
following information to the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
8. The user uses the “Verify Account Information” webpage to send an “Information Correct”
confirmation to the GPM.
9. The GPM shall respond by sending a “Confirmation Number” email containing the following
information to the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Confirmation Number
10. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Check Email for Confirmation” webpage requesting the
following information to the user:
Confirmation Number
11. The user uses the “Check Email for Confirmation” webpage to send a “Confirm Account” request
containing the following information to the GPM:
Confirmation Number
12. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Welcome” webpage containing the following information to
the user:
The “Welcome” message
13. The user uses the “Welcome” webpage to send an acknowledgement to the GPM.
The GPM records the following user information:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Account Status = “Active”
Account History = null
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Low
Risk: Medium Normal Path: User Account Deleted
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable users to delete their user accounts if they have no outstanding balance.
User (Client)
The GPM records a user account for the user.
The GPM records the account status as active.
The GPM records the account balance as $0.00.
The GPM displays the “Home” webpage on the browser on the user’s personal computer.
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Delete User Account” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Delete User Account” webpage containing the following
mandatory information from the user:
The “Delete Your Account” message
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Account Balance
3. The user uses the “Delete User Account” webpage request deletion of his/her user account to the GPM.
4. After verifying that the account balance is zero, the GPM shall respond by displaying a “User Account
Deleted” webpage containing the following information to the user:
The “User Account Deleted” message
5. The user uses the “User Account Deleted” webpage to acknowledge the deletion to the GPM.
The GPM stores the state of the user account as deleted by the user.
The GPM stores the state of all of the user’s open auctions as cancelled.
The GPM stores the state of all of the user’s bids in open auctions as withdrawn.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Exceptional Path: New User Identifier is Not Unique
Path Requirement
The GPM shall require users to chose a unique user identifier.
User (Client)
The GPM records a user account for the user.
The GPM records the account status as active.
The GPM displays the “Home” webpage on the browser on the user’s personal computer.
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Maintain User Account” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Maintain User Account” webpage containing the following
mandatory information from the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
3. After updating the user information, the user uses the “Maintain User Account” webpage to send a
“Update User Account” request to the GPM.
4. After verifying that the user identifier is not unique, the GPM shall respond by displaying a “Maintain
User Account Failed” webpage containing the following information to the user:
The “User Identifier Not Unique” message
User Identifier (labeled as not unique)
5. The user uses the “Maintain User Account Failed” webpage to send a “Update User Identifier” request
containing the following information to the GPM:
New Unique User Identifier
6. The GPM shall respond by closing the “Maintain User Account Failed” webpage on the browser of the
user’s personal computer.
7. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Verify Account Information” webpage containing the
following information to the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
8. The user uses the “Verify Account Information” webpage to send an “Information Correct”
confirmation to the GPM.
9. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “User Account Updated” webpage requesting the following
information to the user:
The “User Account Updated” message
10. The user uses the “User Account Updated” webpage to acknowledge the update to the GPM.
The GPM stores the updated account information of the user.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exceptional Path: Mandatory Information Deleted
Path Requirement
The GPM shall prohibit a user from deleting the following mandatory information from his/her user account:
User name
User identifier
User email address
User postal address
User telephone number
User account balance
User (Client)
The GPM displays the “Home” webpage on the browser on the user’s personal computer.
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Maintain User Account” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “Maintain User Account” webpage containing the following
mandatory information from the user:
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
3. After updating the user information, the user uses the “Maintain User Account” webpage to send a
“Update User Account” request to the GPM.
4. After verifying that mandatory information was deleted, the GPM shall respond by displaying a
“Maintain User Account Failed” webpage containing the following information (with missing
information highlighted) to the user:
The “Missing Mandatory Information” message
User Name
User Identifier
Email Address
Postal Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
Telephone Number
5. After entering the missing information, the user uses the “Maintain User Account Failed” webpage to
acknowledge the update to the GPM.
6. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “User Account Updated” webpage requesting the following
information to the user:
The “User Account Updated” message
7. The user uses the “User Account Updated” webpage to acknowledge the update to the GPM.
The GPM stores the updated account information of the user.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exceptional Path: User Account Not Deleted
Path Requirement
The GPM shall not enable users to delete their user accounts if they have positive balances.
User (Client)
The GPM records a user account for the user.
The GPM records the account status as active.
The GPM records the account balance as positive.
The GPM displays the “Home” webpage on the browser on the user’s personal computer.
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Delete User Account” request to the GPM.
2. After verifying that the account balance is positive, the GPM shall respond by displaying a “Delete
User Account Failed” webpage containing the following information (with missing information
highlighted) to the user:
The “Account Balance Must be Zero” message
Current account balance
3. The user uses the “Delete User Account Failed” webpage to acknowledge that the deletion failed to the
The GPM displays the “Home” webpage on the browser on the user’s personal computer.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Use Case: User Displays General Information
This subsection specifies the functional requirements associated with the “User Displays General Information”
use case.
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable users to display general information about GPM, GPM, and electronic auctions.
Business Justification
Users need general information because many are new to GPM, GPM, and electronic
Requirements Trace
AVS QG-U-6) Display General Information
Use Case Paths
GPM Description Displayed
GPM Description Displayed
Frequently Asked Questions Displayed
Electronic Auction Glossary Displayed
User Agreement Displayed
Privacy Policy Displayed
None Normal Path: GPM Description Displayed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable users to display a description of the GPM.
User (Client)
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Display GPM Description” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by opening the “GPM Description” webpage on the browser of the user’s
personal computer.
3. After reading the GPM description, the user uses the “GPM Description” webpage to send a “Close
Current Webpage” request to the GPM.
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
Volatility: Low
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Normal Path: GPM Description Displayed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable users to display a description of the GPM.
Actor (Client)
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Display GPM Description” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by opening the “GPM Description” webpage on the browser of the user’s
personal computer.
3. After reading the GPM description, the user uses the “GPM Description” webpage to send a “Close
Current Webpage” request to the GPM.
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
Volatility: Low
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
Volatility: Low
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Normal Path: User Agreement Displayed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable users to display the user agreement.
Actor (Client)
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Display User Agreement” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by opening the “User Agreement” webpage on the browser of the user’s
personal computer.
3. After reading the User Agreement, the user uses the “User Agreement” webpage to send a “Close
Current Webpage” request to the GPM.
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
Volatility: Low
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Normal Path: Privacy Policy Displayed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable users to display the privacy policy.
Actor (Client)
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Display Privacy Policy” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by opening the “Privacy Policy” webpage on the browser of the user’s
personal computer.
3. After reading the privacy policy, the user uses the “Privacy Policy” webpage to send a “Close Current
Webpage” request to the GPM.
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
Volatility: Low
Frequency: High
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Use Case: User Displays Own Feedback History
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable users to review feedback made about them by others.
Business Justification
Buyers want to know what sellers have recorded about them.
Sellers want to know what winning buyers have recorded about them.
Requirements Trace
AVS QG-U-7) Display Own Feedback History
Use Case Paths
History Reviewed
None Normal Path: History Reviewed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable a user to review their own feedback history.
User (Client)
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Display Feedback History” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the user’s “Feedback History” webpage containing the following
information on the browser of the user’s personal computer:
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
The GPM records the user having the desired email address as active.
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Display Email Address” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Display Email Address” webpage requesting the following
information on the browser of the user’s personal computer:
The “Enter User Alias” message
The user’s alias
3. The user uses the “Display Email Address” webpage to send the following information to the GPM:
The alias of the user of the desired email address
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Email Address” webpage requesting the following
information on the browser of the user’s personal computer:
The “Requested Email Address” message
The user’s email address
5. The user uses the “Email Address” webpage to acknowledge the email address to the GPM.
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exceptional Path: User Not Found
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable a user to review their own feedback history.
User (Client)
The GPM displays on the “GPM Home” webpage on the browser of the user’s personal
The GPM does not record the user having the desired email address as active.
1. The user uses the “GPM Home” webpage to send a “Display Email Address” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Display Email Address” webpage requesting the following
information on the browser of the user’s personal computer:
The “Enter User Alias” message
The user’s alias
3. The user uses the “Display Email Address” webpage to send the following information to the GPM:
The GPM displays the “Seller” webpage on the browser on the user’s personal computer.
1. The user uses the “Seller” webpage to send a “Make Account Inquiry” request to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Make Account Inquiry” webpage containing the following
information on the browser of the user’s personal computer:
The “Make Account Inquiry” message
The seller’s alias
3. The user uses the “Make Account Inquiry” webpage to send an “Account Inquiry” request containing
the following information to the GPM:
The seller’s inquiry
4. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Account Inquiry Registered” webpage containing the
following information on the browser of the user’s personal computer:
The “Account Inquiry Registered” message
The seller’s alias
The seller’s inquiry
5. The user uses the “Account Inquiry Registered” webpage to acknowledge that the inquiry was
registered to the GPM.
The GPM has registered the inquiry regarding the user’s account.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Use Case: GPM Emails Invoice
Use Case Requirement
When requested by an accountant, the GPM shall email monthly invoices to sellers who have an outstanding
balance of at least minimum billing balance and who have not provided a credit card.
Business Justification
Invoices are the source of income from the GPM.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-AC-2) Invoice Sellers
Use Case Paths
Balance Charged to Credit Card
Balance Due from User
Outstanding balance less than minimum billing balance
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Exceptional Path: Outstanding Balance Less than Minimum Billing Balance
Path Requirement
The GPM shall not email monthly invoices to sellers who have an outstanding balance of less than the
minimum billing balance.
Accountant (Client)
The seller has an outstanding balance of less than the minimum billing balance
The accountant has requested that monthly invoices be sent.
1. None.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: Low
Probability of Defects: Low
Risk: Medium Use Case: GPM Requests Credit Card Authorization
Use Case Requirement
When requested by an accountant, the GPM shall charge the credit cards of sellers who have an outstanding
balance of at least the minimum billing balance and who have provided a credit card.
Business Justification
Invoices are the source of income from the GPM.
Credit cards are a convenience to users.
Credit card debits occur more rapidly than check payments due to email invoices.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-AC-2) Invoice Sellers
Use Case Paths
Authorization approved
Outstanding balance less than the minimum billing balance
Authorization declined Exceptional Path: Outstanding Balance Less than Minimum Billing Balance
Path Requirement
If the user has an outstanding balance of less than the minimum billing balance, then the GPM shall not bill
their credit card.
Accountant (Client)
The accountant has requested that monthly invoices be sent.
The seller has an outstanding balance of less than the minimum billing balance
The seller has provided a credit card.
1. None.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: High
Criticality: Low
Probability of Defects: Low
Risk: Medium Exceptional Path: Authorization Declined
Path Requirement
If the Authorization Processor Gateway declines the credit card when the GPM attempts to authorize payment
for the user’s outstanding balance, then the GPM shall request the billing clerk to send a paper invoice.
Accountant (Client)
Authorization Processor Gateway (Server)
The accountant has requested that monthly invoices be sent.
The seller has an outstanding balance of at least the minimum billing balance.
The seller has provided a credit card.
The credit card does not have sufficient funds to cover the outstanding bill.
1. The GPM shall send a credit card authorization request containing the following information to the
Authorization Processor Gateway:
A sequence number
The credit card number
The credit card expiration date
The name on the credit card
Use Cases
User Support Agent Handles User Inquiry
User Support Agent Sanctions User Use Case: User Support Agent Handles User Inquiry
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable user support agents to handle user inquiries.
Business Justification
Sellers must be able to request clarification as to why payments have not been credited or why
a questionable amount has been credited to their accounts.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-UL-1) Handle User Inquiries
Use Case Paths
Inquiry Handled
None Normal Path: Inquiry Handled
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable a user support agent to handle an inquiry from a user.
User Support Agent (Client)
The GPM displays the “User Support Agent” screen on the user support agent’s personal
1. The user support agent uses the “User Support Agent” screen to send a “Handle User Inquiry” request
to the GPM.
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “User Inquiry” screen containing the following information on
the user support agent’s personal computer:
For each user inquiry in the set of the next ten user inquiries to be handled:
The user’s name
The user’s alias
The user’s inquiry
The date and time of the user’s inquiry
3. After selecting a user’s inquiry and handling the inquiry (optionally execute Use case: Receiving Clerk
Records Seller Payment), the user support agent uses the “User Inquiry” screen to send the following
information to the GPM:
The user support agent’s answer to the user’s inquiry
4. The GPM shall respond by emailing the following information to the user:
The “User Inquiry Response” message
The user’s name
The user’s alias
The date and time of the user’s inquiry
The user’s inquiry
The user support agent’s answer to the user’s inquiry
5. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “User Inquiry Handled” screen on the user support agent’s
personal computer.
6. The user support agent uses the “User Inquiry Handled” screen to acknowledge the handling of the
user inquiry to the GPM.
The GPM has emailed the user an answer to his/her inquiry from the user support agent.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Medium
Criticality: High
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: High Use Case: User Support Agent Sanctions User
Use Case Requirement
The GPM shall enable user support agents to suspend or ban users who violate the user agreement.
Business Justification
GPM needs a way to deter and remove users who violate the user agreement.
Requirements Trace
AVS OG-UL-2) Sanction Users (Temporary Suspension)
AVS OG-UL-3) Sanction Users (Permanent Banning)
Use Case Paths
User Temporarily Suspended
User Permanently Banned
User Account Closed Normal Path: User Temporarily Suspended
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable a user support agent to temporarily suspend a user who violates certain parts of the user
User Support Agent (Client)
The GPM displays the “User Support Agent” screen on the user support agent’s personal
The user has violated the user agreement in a manner justifying temporary suspension.
1. The user support agent uses the “User Support Agent” screen to send a “Sanction User” request to the
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Sanction User” screen requesting the following information
on the user support agent’s personal computer:
The user’s alias
3. The user support agent uses the “Sanction User” screen to send the following information to the GPM:
The user’s name
The user’s alias
The part of the user agreement violated by the user.
The circumstances (i.e., date, time, user action) of the violation.
The sanction (temporary suspension).
The duration of suspension.
4. The GPM shall respond by emailing a suspension notification containing the following information to
the user:
The “User Suspended” message including the duration.
The user’s name
The user’s alias
The part of the user agreement violated by the user.
The circumstances (i.e., date, time, user action) of the violation.
5. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “User Sanctioned” screen containing the following
information on the user support agent’s personal computer:
The “User Suspended” message including the duration.
The user’s name
The user’s alias
The part of the user agreement violated by the user.
The circumstances (i.e., date, time, user action) of the violation.
6. The user support agent uses the “User Sanctioned” screen to acknowledge the sanctioning of the user
to the GPM.
The GPM records the status of the user as suspended until the suspension duration is over.
The GPM has emailed the user a sanction notification from the user support agent.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Normal Path: User Permanently Banned
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable a user support agent to permanently ban a user who violates certain parts of the user
User Support Agent (Client)
The GPM displays the “User Support Agent” screen on the user support agent’s personal
The user has violated the user agreement in a manner justifying permanent banning.
1. The user support agent uses the “User Support Agent” screen to send a “Sanction User” request to the
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Sanction User” screen requesting the following information
on the user support agent’s personal computer:
The user’s alias
3. The user support agent uses the “Sanction User” screen to send the following information to the GPM:
The user’s name
The user’s alias
The part of the user agreement violated by the user.
The circumstances (i.e., date, time, user action) of the violation.
The sanction (permanent banning).
4. The GPM shall respond by emailing a suspension notification containing the following information to
the user:
The “User Banned” message
The user’s name
The user’s alias
The part of the user agreement violated by the user.
The circumstances (i.e., date, time, user action) of the violation.
5. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “User Sanctioned” screen containing the following
information on the user support agent’s personal computer:
The “User Banned” message
The user’s name
The user’s alias
The part of the user agreement violated by the user.
The circumstances (i.e., date, time, user action) of the violation.
6. The user support agent uses the “User Sanctioned” screen to acknowledge the sanctioning of the user
to the GPM.
The GPM records the status of the user as banned.
The GPM has emailed the user a sanction notification from the user support agent.
Volatility: Medium
Frequency: Low
Criticality: Medium
Probability of Defects: Medium
Risk: Medium Exceptional Path: User Account Closed
Path Requirement
The GPM shall enable a user support agent to record the permanent banning of a user, even if the user’s account
is already closed.
User Support Agent (Client)
The GPM displays the “User Support Agent” screen on the user support agent’s personal
The user has violated the user agreement in a manner justifying permanent banning.
1. The user support agent uses the “User Support Agent” screen to send a “Sanction User” request to the
2. The GPM shall respond by displaying the “Sanction User” screen requesting the following information
on the user support agent’s personal computer:
The user’s alias
3. The user support agent uses the “Sanction User” screen to send the following information to the GPM:
The “User Account Closed” message
The user’s alias
The part of the user agreement violated by the user.
The circumstances (i.e., date, time, user action) of the violation.
The sanction (permanent banning).
4. The GPM shall respond by emailing a suspension notification containing the following information to
the user:
The user’s alias
The part of the user agreement violated by the user.
The circumstances (i.e., date, time, user action) of the violation.
The sanction (permanent banning).
5. The GPM shall respond by displaying a “User Sanctioned” screen containing the following
information on the user support agent’s personal computer:
The “User Sanctioned” message
4 Data Requirements
This section specifies the data requirements on the GPM system.
4.4 Reports
This section specifies the data requirements concerning reports generated by the GPM system.
5.1 Accessibility
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system must be
accessible to people with disabilities:
ACC-1) Any graphical user interfaces of the GPM shall be usable by persons with color
ACC-2) Any graphical user interfaces of the GPM shall use an adequate font size to be usable
by persons with limited visual acuity.
5.2 Auditability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system must
support independent auditing of its transactions and finances:
AUD-1) The GPM shall maintain a record for 1 year of each invoice.
AUD-2) The GPM shall maintain a record for 1 year of each payment.
AUD-3) The GPM shall maintain a record for 1 year of each auction including:
Auction identifier
Item title and description
Auction type
Bid history
Auction results
Start and end dates and times
Winning buyers (if any)
Winning bid(s)
AUD-4) The GPM shall maintain a record for 1 year of each user inquiry and response.
5.3 Branding
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system must
support the brand of GPMC.
5.4 Configurability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system must exist
in multiple simultaneous configurations or variants:
5.4.2 Internationalization
There are no requirements for internationalization envisioned because the initial releases of
the GPM will be restricted to users within the United States.
5.4.3 Personalization
The degree of personalization is an open issue that has not been resolved.
5.5 Correctness
This subsection specifies the following requirements concerning the degree to which the system can contain
defects and still be acceptable to the customer.
5.5.2 Accuracy
This subsection specifies the following requirements concerning the degree of correctness of the system’s
COR-4) Values of money shall be correct to the nearest penny.
COR-5) Values of time shall be correct to the nearest second.
5.5.3 Precision
This subsection specifies the following requirements concerning the resolution of the system’s numerical
COR-6) Values of money shall be precise to the nearest penny.
COR-7) Values of time shall be precise to the nearest second.
5.5.4 Timeliness
This subsection specifies the following requirements concerning the degree to which the system must ensure
that its persistent information is current (i.e., up-to-date):
COR-8) When one user updates some data, the system shall ensure that other users shall
automatically see the update within 2 seconds.
COR-9) The GPM shall not return requested information to an external that is more than one
second obsolete.
COR-10) The system shall automatically transfer “old” information from on-line storage to
off-line archives after TBD days.
COR-11) The system shall permanently delete 10 “obsolete” information from all storage after
TBD days.
Critical defects prevent the use of essential system capabilities and have no work-arounds. Significant defects
do have work-arounds. Minor defects are merely inconvenient or annoying to the user.
Note that these requirements should not conflict with any auditability requirements.
Private 2000 - 2003 by Donald Firesmith Page 137
GPMC – Global Personal Marketplace (GPM) Document ID: GPM-SRS Version: 1.0
System Requirements Specification (SYS) Version Date: 02/05/2003
5.6 Efficiency
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system effectively
uses its resources:
EFF-1) The GPM shall not require users to permanently download software to their
5.7 Extensibility
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system can be
modified to meet changing requirements or goals.
EXT-1) The GPM shall be easily extendable to enable sellers to sell services as well as goods.
EXT-2) The GPM shall be easily extendable to enable buyers to obtain insurance.
EXT-3) The GPM shall be easily extendable to enable buyers to place their seller payments in
escrow until satisfactory delivery.
EXT-4) The GPM shall be easily extendable to the buyer to use their credit card to buy
electronic money from GPM, which is then used to pay the seller.
EXT-5) The GPM shall be easily extendable to allow the seller to automatically relist the
auction if there are no winners.
EXT-6) The GPM shall be easily extendable to sellers to specify a take it price.
EXT-7) The GPM shall be easily extendable to allow fixed price sales (i.e., minimum bid =
take it price).
5.8 Installation
This subsection specifies the following usability requirements associated with the ease with which the system
can be installed.
INS-1) The typical user shall not average more than 5 minutes to install or upgrade any
required GPM software on his/her personal computer.
INS-2) The user and employee shall be clearly informed about all system requirements for
successfully installing any GPM software (e.g., required browser, operating system, memory, etc.).
INS-3) It shall not average more than 5 minutes to install or upgrade the software on
employee’s personal computers.
INS-4) It shall not average more than 10 minutes to install or upgrade the software on the
GPM servers.
5.9 Interoperability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the ease with which the system can be
integrated with other system (e.g., browsers, legacy applications, and required databases).
The GPM shall interoperate with the following browsers:
IOP-1) Internet Explorer 4.0
IOP-2) Netscape Navigator 4.0
5.10 Maintainability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the ease with which the system can be
M-1) The GPM shall permit the swapping and upgrade of hardware without down time.
M-2) The GPM shall permit the upgrade of software without down time.
M-3) The Mean Time To Fix (MTTF) shall not exceed one person day.
5.12 Performance
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the speed with which the system shall
5.12.1 Capacity
This subsection specifies the following requirements concerning the minimum number of objects that the
system can support:
PER-1) The system shall support a minimum of 10,000 simultaneous open sales.
PER-2) The system shall support a minimum of 50,000 sales per year.
PER-3) The system shall support a minimum of 50 employees.
PER-4) The system shall support a minimum of 500,000 users.
PER-5) The system shall support a minimum of 10,000 simultaneous interactions.
5.12.2 Latency
This subsection specifies the following requirements concerning the maximum time that is permitted for the
system to execute specific tasks (i.e., system operations) or use case paths end to end:
PER-6) The typical seller shall be able to register an item for auction within 10 minutes.
PER-7) The typical buyer shall be able to find relevant items (if any) within 5 minutes.
PER-8) The typical buyer shall be able to place a bid within 3 minutes.
5.12.4 Throughput
This subsection specifies the following requirements concerning how many executions of a given system
operation or use case path must the system be able execute in a unit of time:
5.13 Portability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the ease with which the system can be
moved from one environment (e.g., hardware, operating system) to another.
The GPM shall enable users to use the following environments (e.g., platform and operating
system) to interact with the GPM:
User Personal Computer:
POR-1) PC with minimum of Pentium I chip, 16 meg of RAM, and a 28.8 K modem
Operating Systems:
POR-2) Windows’95
POR-3) Windows’98
POR-4) Windows’NT
5.14 Reliability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the reliability (e.g., mean time between
failures, number of failures per unit time) of the system.
REL-1) The mean time between failures (MTBF) shall exceed 3 months.
5.15 Reusability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system can be used
for purposes other than originally intended (e.g., as part of other applications).
REU-1) The GPM shall incorporate a database continuous availability layer.
REU-2) The GPM shall reuse common classes such as name, address, telephone number, and
REU-3) The GPM shall reuse software for sending emails.
5.16 Robustness
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system continues
to properly function under abnormal circumstances.
ROB-1) The GPM should gracefully handle invalid input (i.e., detect invalid input, request
valid input, and not crash) from all externals:
The human actors.
The Authorization Processor Gateway.
ROB-2) The GPM should gracefully handle hardware failures (i.e. provide hot failover, notify
the system operator, and not crash).
5.17 Safety
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system does not
directly or indirectly (e.g., via inactivity) cause accidental harm to life or property (e.g., loss of money or data).
SAF-1) The GPM shall not accidentally lose user account information.
SAF-2) The GPM shall accurately calculate user fees.
SAF-3) The GPM shall not accidentally lose auction information.
5.18 Scalability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the degree to which the system can scale
(e.g., can handle more simultaneous users or clients, can store more information in its databases).
SCA-1) The GPM shall be able to scale as follows:
Scanning – The GPM shall scan all entered or downloaded data and software against the
published definitions of known computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other similar harmful
Disinfection – If possible, the GPM shall disinfect any data or software found to contain such
a harmful program.
Prevention – The GPM shall delete the infected file if it cannot disinfect the infected data or
Current Definitions – The GPM shall daily update its list of published definitions of known
harmful programs.
Notification – The GPM shall notify a member of the security team if it detects a harmful
program during a scan.
Buyer Modifies Bid On Item – A minimum of 99.999% of the time that a buyer modifies the
buyer’s existing bid on one or more items at an auction, the GPM shall make and store a tamper-
proof record including the following information:
Buyer name and identifier
Date and time
Sale information (e.g., identifier, type = ‘auction’, status)
Original and modified bid information (e.g., bid amount, the bid type, the desired
Buyer Buys Item At Direct Sale – A minimum of 99.999% of the time that a buyer buys one or
more items at a direct sale, the GPM shall make and store a tamper-proof record including the
following information:
Buyer name and identifier
Date and time
Sale information (e.g., identifier, type = ‘direct’, status)
Purchase information (e.g., item name, item description, purchase price, quantity
Buyer Places Sealed Offer At Decreasing Price Sale – A minimum of 99.999% of the time that a
buyer places a sealed offer on one or more items at a decreasing price sale, the GPM shall make
and store a tamper-proof record including the following information:
Buyer name and identifier
Date and time
Sale information (e.g., identifier, type = ‘decreasing price’, status)
Offer information (e.g., offer amount, the desired quantity)
Buyer Modifies Sealed Offer – A minimum of 99.999% of the time that a buyer modifies the
buyer’s existing sealed offer on one or more items at a decreasing price sale, the GPM shall make
and store a tamper-proof record including the following information:
Buyer name and identifier
Date and time
Sale information (e.g., identifier, type = ‘decreasing price’, status)
Original and modified sealed offer information (e.g., offer amount, the desired
Security Officer:
Security Officer Assigns Internal Role – A minimum of 99.999% of the time that a security
officer assigns an internal role, the GPM shall make and store a tamper-proof record including the
following information:
Security officer name and identifier
Date and time
Assignment information (i.e., person’s name, identifier, and role)
GPM Notifies Security Officer of Security Violation – A minimum of 99.999% of the time that
the GPM notifies a security officer of a security violation, the GPM shall make and store a tamper-
proof record including the following information:
Security officer name and identifier
Date and time
Violation information (i.e., violation type, notification form)
5.20 Testability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the ease with which the system can be
5.21 Usability
This subsection specifies the following requirements associated with the ease with which the system can be
The application shall enable at least 90% of a statistically valid sample of representative
novice users to:
Register as a seller within 10 minutes.
Register an auction within 5 minutes.
Place a bid on a given item within one minute.
Provide feedback on a seller within 3 minutes.
The application shall enable at least 90% of a statistically valid sample of representative
experienced users to:
Register as a seller within 5 minutes.
Register an auction within 2.5 minutes.
Place a bid on a given item within 30 seconds.
Provide feedback on a seller within 2 minutes.
USE-5) The average seller shall be able to learn to register a sale within 5 minutes.
USE-6) The average buyer shall be able to learn to find relevant items within 3 minutes.
USE-7) The average buyer shall be able to learn to place a bid or offer within 3 minutes.
USE-8) The typical user shall be able to freely, easily, and quickly navigate between relevant
6 System Constraints
The section documents the major architecture, design, and implementation constraints on the system.
6.2.1 Databases
The subsection documents all required design constraints regarding the use of databases.
DC-STD-6) The system shall conform to ISO 8601, representation of dates and times.
This section documents the following appendices:
Envisioned Future Enhancements
Open Issues
Major TBDs
B. Open Issues
This appendix documents the following open issues to be resolved:
How long should user accounts be stored as deleted after being deleted by the user?
Should the GPM force users to update their passwords on a regular basis? If so, how often.
Should there be buyer fees (e.g., for insurance and escrow services)?
Should escrow include seller’s items in addition to winning buyers payment?
Should sellers be allowed to update their auction including lowering the minimum bid,
lowering the reserve price, increasing the quantity, and adding a picture? If so, when?
In how many ways can the results of searches be sorted?
Can a buyer use their credit card to pay for electronic money from GPM, which pays the
Can auctions that do not have winners be automatically relisted?
Are keywords input by sellers, or are they input by buyers and run against the item title and
Should we allow first buyer discounts to spur on bidding?
Should the start of auctions be delayed briefly to allow time to change/cancel the auction?
If the instant win price = the minimum bid, then it is a fixed price sale rather than an auction.
Should there be a limit on the dollar amount and number of transactions in a time period for a
Should FAQs be on a general information page basis rather than their own page?
C. Major TBDs
This appendix documents the following major TBDs:
Add direct sales including fixed-price and decreasing price:
Accountant fees
Remove unnecessary GUI information.
Do not allow seller to select winning buyer.
Add instant win price.
Require the reading of the user agreement as part of registration.
D. Assumptions