Theory: Principle of Operation
Theory: Principle of Operation
Theory: Principle of Operation
The anode of the transmitter and receiver (detector) are connected to the 5 V power
supply and cathodes are connected to the ground. When the bias voltage is applied to
the security alarm circuit, the transmitter emits the Infra-Red ray (IR).
This ray receives the receiver (detector) and produced an output signal.The output
signal of the receiver is very weak to drive the buzzer and need to amplify. Then this
signal is coupled to the amplifier by a coupling capacitor. The amplifier amplifies the
weak signal four times to operate the output device (e.g., speaker).
Component Description
It is a dual Op Amp IC. It consists of two independent operational amplifiers that can be
used separately. It is commonly used in all op amp circuits, transducer amplifiers, active
filters, general signal conditioning and DC gain blocks.
IR Transmitter
Infrared or IR is a range of light frequencies that have longer wavelength than visible
light. Hence, they are not visible to human eye. An IR transmitter or IR LED is a device
that emits infrared light.
Photo Diode
A photo diode is a device that converts light to electrical current. It is basically a PN
junction that operates in reverse bias condition. When light falls on the photo diode, a
reverse bias current flows in the junction that is proportional to the luminescence of the
It is an alarming device that makes a loud sound when current flows through it.
Circuit Design of Burglar Alarm System
The IR transmitter or IR LED is connected to a current limiting resistor of 150Ω and
connected to supply. It is placed at the maximum possible range from photo diode.
The cathode of the photo diode is connected to supply while anode is connected to
10KΩ resistor. Other end of the resistor is connected to ground. The anode terminal of
the photo diode is also connected to pin 5 of LM358 op amp, which is the non-inverting
Wiper of the 10KΩ POT is connected to the inverting terminal i.e. pin 6 of LM358 while
the other two terminals of the POT are connected to Vcc and ground.
Pins 8 and 4 of LM358 are supply pins. They are connected to Vcc and ground
The output of the op amp is taken at pin 7. One terminal of the buzzer is connected to
pin 7 of LM358 while the other terminal is connected to Vcc.
1. LM358 – 1
2. IR Transmitter or IR LED – 1
3. Photo Diode – 1
4. 10 KΩ – 1
5. 150Ω – 1
6. 10 KΩ POT – 1
7. Buzzer – 1
The aim of this project is to implement a simple Burglar Alarm System that can detect
an unauthorized entry by a burglar. All the connections are made as per circuit diagram.
The working of the circuit is as follows.
LM358 is configured to work as comparator in this project. When the system is powered
on, the IR transmitter or IR LED emits infrared light. This light falls on the surface of the
photo diode.
As it is connected in reverse bias fashion, when the light falls on it, it conducts and
current flows through it. Since it is connected to the non-inverting terminal (pin 5) of the
op amp, output of the op amp comparator will be high. As the buzzer is connected
between Vcc and output of op amp, no alarm is made.
When an intruder or a burglar enters the gap between the IR transmitter and photo
diode, the light falling on the photo diode is interrupted and it doesn’t conduct.
As a result, the input at non-inverting terminal (pin 5) is less than the input at inverting
terminal (pin 6). Hence, the output of the comparator is low. This will trigger the buzzer
and a loud alarm is made.
The range of the system is very less and is dependent on the transmitter power.
The range of IR detection can be extended by using converging lens.
Another way to increase the range is to implement a series of photo diode.
Instead of using IR transmission and detection, a high intensity LASER light and an LDR
can also be used to implement the same circuit
2. Acknowlegement
3. Introduction
4. Theory
5. Activity
Materials Required
6. Bibliography
Rapid growth in world population with incommensurate employment opportunities and
pressures of a more complex society, the incidences of human intrusion and burglaries
and crime in private and public places are on the increase. Heightened security
concerns at homes, banks, shopping malls, schools, offices, etc. have led to continued
search for different and improved security gadgets.
Such concerns are apparent in the form of installations of remote cameras, the
presence of security guards and other monitoring devices and alarm systems which are
in constant use . However, many such devices and services are relatively costly and
usually require a high and steady power supply for their operation). An infrared sensor
security alarming system which has been constructed and tested, offers the advantages
of low cost and low power consumption in its operation .
Not so long ago an alarm was a fairly rare sight, however now almost every house has
an alarm of some kind. One common kind of security system is an infrared home
security system. These are so popular because they are easy to install without having to
drill holes and lay cables. Infrared radiation is invisible to the human eye but can be
detected by electronic devices designed for such a purpose.
The sensors are set at the door (entrance point) and/or some supervised area and an
alarm is triggered when an intruder passes within its range of coverage to notify/alert
the people/security personnel.
Infrared science and technology has been, since the first applications, mainly dedicated
to security and surveillance especially in military field, besides specialized techniques in
thermal imaging for medical diagnostic and building structures and recently in energy
savings and aerospace context. Till recently the security applications were mainly based
on thermal imaging as surveillance and warning military systems. In all these
applications the advent of room temperature, more reliable due to the coolers
avoidance, low cost, and, overall, completely integrabl e with Silicon technology FPAs,
especially designed and tailored for specific applications, smart sensors, has really
been impacted with revolutionary and new ideas and system concepts in all the infrared
fields, especially for security applications. Lastly, the advent of reliable Infrared Solid
State Laser Sources, operating up to the Long Infrared Wavelength Band and the new
emerging techniques in Far Infrared Sub- millimetre Terahertz Bands, has opened wide
and new areas for developing new, advanced security systems. A review of all the items
with evidence of the weak and the strong points of each item, especially considering
possible future developments, will be reported and discussed.
Historical Introduction:- Infrared, as part of electromagnetic spectrum,
was discovered by Sir William Herschel as a form of radiation beyond red light. These “calorific
rays” renamed infrared rays or infrared radiation (the prefix infra in Latin means “below”) were
mainly devoted to thermal measurement and for a long time the major advances were due to
infrared thermal imaging based on radiometric measurements .
The basic laws of IR radiation (Kirchhoff’s law, Stefan-Boltzmann’s law, Planck’s law, and
Wien’s displacement law) have been developed many years after the discovery of IR radiation.
In 1859, Gustave Kirchhoff found that a material that is a good absorber of radiation is also a
good radiator. Kirchhoff’s law states that the ratio of radiated power and the absorption
coefficient (1) is the same for all radiators at that temperature, (2) is dependent on wavelength
and temperature, and (3) is independent of the shape or material of the radiator. If a body
absorbs all radiation falling upon it, it is said to be “black.” For a blackbody the radiated power is
equal to the absorbed power and the emissivity (ratio of emitted power to absorbed power)
equals one.
In 1884, L. E. Boltzmann, starting from the physical principles of thermodynamics, derived the
theoretical formula of Black Body Radiation Law, stated empirically in 1879 by J. Stefan’s, by
developing the Stefan-Boltzmann’s Law
W= σ.T4
where W is the radiation power, T is the absolute temperature, σ and is the Stefan Boltzmann’s
In 1901, Nobel Prize Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck developed the Planck’s law which stated
that the radiation from a blackbody at a specific wavelength can be calculated from
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Pradeep’s New Course physics