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Hunt 2017 Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, R1a)

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Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders

Breakthroughs in Tunneling Short Course, Chicago IL, August 14-16, 2017

Steven W. Hunt, P.E. CH2M, Henderson, NV

The impact of cobbles and boulders within a soil matrix on tunneling may be from negligible to severe
depending on the volume and characteristics of the cobbles and boulders and method of tunneling being
used. To properly assess the risk of cobble and boulder impacts requires a customized subsurface
investigation program that allows cobble and boulder volume ratios, sizes and properties such as
unconfined compressive strength and abrasivity to be determined. In addition, soil matrix properties
including cohesion, strength, density, grain size distribution, permeability and abrasivity should be
determined. The resulting field and laboratory test data may be used alone and with local tunneling
experienced to baseline cobble and boulder conditions, assess impact risks, and determine better tunneling
methods to mitigate and manage the risks.


Since the 1990’s, significant advancements have occurred in subsurface investigation, baselining,
excavation methods and risk management for tunneling in cobbly-bouldery ground conditions. Review of
a bibliography on tunneling in cobbles and boulders indicates only 12 out of 176 or 7 percent of the listed
references existed prior to 1985. Most of the relevant tunneling in bouldery ground references have been
published since 1995. As a result of the advances reflected in these papers, we can now better manage
boulder risks with fewer differing site conditions impacts than before.

Better knowledge of potential cobble and boulder occurrence allows cobble and boulder risks and
uncertainties to be better managed. Management of cobble and boulder risks for tunneling requires
consideration and optimization of factors including:

Ground type-geology Face/excavation chamber access Cutter change options

Geologic variability Tunnel diameter Mucking system type
Cobble and boulder quantities TBM power (torque-thrust-speed) Subsurface investigation limits
Boulder sizes, shapes, strengths Cutterhead retraction capability Redundant excavation methods
Matrix type, strength/density/perm. Cutterhead opening size, shapes Potential consequences
Face stability in free air Abrasion resistance of equipment Contract method, compensation
Excavation method options Cutter types, configuration Prescriptive specification extent

This paper provides an overview of factors and issues for assessing risks of tunneling in cobbly-bouldery
ground. It cites relevant references for more detailed study and emphasizes key risk issues and
approaches to mitigate them.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 1

1.1 Cobble and boulder ground conditions and occurrence

Cobbles and boulders are commonly found in alluvium, glacial till or ice-margin deposits, recessional or
interglacial outwash, beach-shoreline erosion zones, talus and within residual soils weathered from
bedrock. Cobbles and boulders are also commonly found in fill deposits. Generally, cobbles and boulders
are composed of the harder, stronger, more abrasive rock clasts that resisted wear from geologic
transportation and weathering processes. These clasts are the surviving pieces of rock. Cobbles and
boulders often have higher strength, higher abrasivity and hardness than neighboring bedrock, particularly
if deposited after significant transportation. To properly assess the probable occurrence of cobbles and
boulders, the geologic setting of the ground along the tunnel alignment should be carefully evaluated and
understood to an extent practical.

Cobbles and boulders may be isolated and scattered, or present in small to large clusters - nests, beds or
erosional lag zones. Cobble and boulder clusters are more common in high water energy alluvial or
outwash deposits, eroded geologic contacts, within talus and near the bedrock surface. Careful
determination of the geologic setting is essential for proper assessment of likely cobble and boulder
concentrations and distributions. Spaced borings are often inadequate for assessment of cobble and
boulder clusters and supplementary information from geophysical methods and tests pits or excavations
may be required. Clusters of cobbles and boulders often result in the highest impact risk and are very
important to properly address.

In North America, the following sizes are used to classify and describe cobble and boulder clast sizes:

Cobbles: 3-12 inch (75-300 mm)

Boulders: 1-30 feet (0.3 to 9.1 m) with 1 to 3 feet (0.3 to 1 m) being more common

In addition, very large rock clasts may be described as blocks or floaters:

Blocks: > 30 ft (9.1 m)
Floaters: > 30 ft (9.1 m) occurring as large, often elongated rock blocks near bedrock

Cobble and boulder properties considered to be of most importance are [33]:

1 Frequency – cobble and boulder volume ratios or quantities per length of tunnel.
2 Distribution – isolated (scattered) or concentrated (clusters, lags or nests).
3 Size range – anticipated distribution of sizes or ranges in sizes.
4 Shape – spherical, cubic, slabby, or irregular; and angularity or roundness of corners. Shape affects
fracturing by TBM cutters, passage through grizzly bars, crushing after ingestion and abrasion of
the cutters and mucking system. Flatter clasts are generally easier to split than round clasts.
Angular clasts are generally more abrasive than rounded clasts.
5 Composition – rock mineralogy (particularly quartz content), lithology, hardness, toughness,
compressive strength, and degree of weathering all effect fracturing by TBM cutters, energy
required for commutation (crushing or breaking to smaller size) of clasts and abrasion of the cutters
and mucking system. Mineral grain size, fabric, crystal arrangement, foliation and sedimentary sub-
bedding also generally affect the energy required for splitting and crushing as well as abrasiveness
of the clasts.
6 Abrasiveness – Abrasiveness of both the rock clasts and soil matrix causing combined wear to and
breakage of cutters, cutterhead, crushers, chamber and mucking system. Total abrasiveness
requires assessment of soil matrix abrasivity, cobble and boulder volume ratios and abrasivity of
the rock clasts.
7 Soil matrix composition – density, strength, grain-size distribution, grain shapes, mineralogy, and
permeability of the soil matrix around rock clasts affects soil matrix abrasivity and affects cuttability
or ease of dislodgement by cutters, potential to push boulders aside, and stand-up time or ground

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 2

improvement required for manual drilling and splitting.

1.2 Geologic Setting

The distribution, quantities and properties of cobbles and boulders should be assessed for each soil unit
anticipated in a tunnel zone along with the geologic setting of the soil units. Baselining of cobble and
boulder conditions based on soil type, e.g. silty clay or gravelly sand without geologic units may not result
in reasonable correlations. Instead, cobble and boulder occurrence should be assessed for individual
geologic soil units. The importance of using a geologic framework when assessing cobble and boulder
occurrence (and other ground conditions that affect tunneling) has been explained by many authors: Essex
(1993), Gould (1995), Heuer (1978), Legget (1979), Hunt & Angulo (1999) and others [20][27][30][33][49].

Typical characteristics of cobbles and boulders and likelihood of occurrence within various glacial units and
morphological features are discussed in many geology books. If available, local geologic papers and
publications should be studied prior to and during a subsurface investigation program to better understand
the regional structure and typical characteristics of the units and formations that are likely to be
encountered. Cobble and boulder occurrence can be better understood and baselined if the subsurface
exploration data is presented in a geologic context.

1.3 Boulder Volume Ratios

Boulder concentrations may be expressed as number of boulders per length of tunnel, but this does not
address size ranges and volume of clasts, both of which are important. Boulder volume ratio (BVR) is
defined as the volume of boulders as a percentage of the excavated volume. BVR combined with an
estimated distribution of sizes is an effective method of expressing boulder occurrence. BVR baselines
have been used on many tunnel projects, particularly in Toronto [5][57] and Milwaukee [33][34][35]. While
a specific quantity such as BVR is useful to describe concentrations, descriptive terms are still in common
use. Figure 1 indicates relative descriptive terms for ranges of BVRs.

To show typical average boulder concentrations, BVRs encountered at 23 projects across the world are
shown in Figure 2. The majority (63%) of projects encountered only ‘trace’ quantities of boulders (BVR
<1%). ‘Few’ boulders (BVR = 1-2%) were encountered on 16 percent of the projects. ‘Many’ boulders (BVR
= 2-5%) were encountered on 12 percent of the projects. ‘Frequent’ (BVR = 5-10%) and ‘very frequent’
(BVR = 10-50%) boulders were encountered on only 6 percent of the projects. A study of 40 microtunnel
and small TBM cases in 2004 [35] found that BVRs generally ranged from 0.01 to 4 percent with an average
of approximately 0.8 percent.
Most tunnels in glaciated areas of North America will encounter average BVRs less than 2 percent with
many less than 1 percent. For example, a study of eight tunnel projects in Milwaukee and northern Illinois
indicated average BVR values between 0.01 to 1.62 percent [33][34]. Sheppard tunnel in Toronto had an
average BVR of 0.14 percent [5][57]. Storebaelt tunnel in Denmark had an average BVR of 0.09 percent
[14][15]. The Downriver Regional Storage and Transport System tunnels in Wayne County Michigan
encountered an overall average BVR of 0.14 percent [12]. On the BWARI project in Columbus, BVR values
varied from 0-2.5 percent [22]. Average BVR values for Brightwater Conveyance tunnels were less than
0.3 percent. On two recent projects in Seattle [71], BVR values of 0.3 and 0.4 percent were back-calculated
by the author.

Higher BVR values are commonly found within ~ 5 ft above bedrock, within talus, and in alluvial deposits
down gradient from mountain ranges or rock ridges. For example, the Folsom East IIB project near
Sacramento, California encountered estimated BVRs between 2 and 4 percent [8][59]. Bradshaw 8 in
Sacramento, California encountered an overall average BVR of 2.9 percent with reaches of the tunnel
having a BVR of ~ 10 percent. The Columbia Slough tunnels in Portland, Oregon encountered average
BVRs of 4 to 9 percent [11].

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 3

Local zones within most of the tunnels studied had much higher BVRs than the overall averages, which is
why correlations to geologic units are essential for baselining and planning.

Figure 2 – Boulder and total cobble and boulder volume ratios from 23 cases

Figure 1 – Relative boulder volume ratios

1.4 Cobble Volume Ratios

Cobble quantities and cobble volume ratios (CVRs) are generally higher than those for boulders. For
several Milwaukee projects studied [34], cobble volume ratios were estimated to be approximately 1.5 to 2
times the BVRs which resulted in much higher cobble quantities due to their smaller sizes. On the Bradshaw
8 project in Sacramento, the cobble volume ratios ranged from 25 to 50 percent and were much greater
than BVRs due to fluvial sorting – CVRs typically ranged from 5 to 10 times greater than the BVRs. On the
Alameda Siphon No. 4 project in California, the interpreted CVR was 16 percent and BVR was 4 percent
or 4 times higher [42]. On the Los Angeles, California Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project, the
GBR generally baselined CVR at 3 percent and BVR at 1 percent but baselined 5 and 2 percent,
respectively at one station. [61]
On the Chengdu Metro Line 1 project in China, gravel, cobble and boulder volume ratios ranged from 50 to
90%, CVRs ranged from 5 to 20 percent and BVRs were 1 to 5 percent [32] [51] [74].

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 4

On the BWARI project in Columbus, Ohio, 157,021 cobbles and 5,429 boulders were estimated for 20,770
ft of 14 ft diameter tunnel [23]. A back analysis by the author resulted an approximate CVR of 0.22% and a
BVR of 0.34%. The CVR may have been underestimated or the BVR overestimated (the latter according
to the contractor [12]).
Estimated total average CVR + BVR values are compared to BVR values for 23 projects are shown in
Figure 2. The CVR to BVR ratio generally ranges from 1 to 5 and commonly ranges from 2 to 4.

In summary, quantities and frequencies of cobbles and boulders are highly variable and dependent on
geologic conditions and geomorphology. A reasonable rule of thumb is to assume that CVR = 3 x BVR.
Methods for investigating quantities and baselining boulders are discussed later in this paper.

1.5 Cobble and Boulder Unconfined Compressive Strengths

Cobbles and boulders deposited in both alluvial and glacial deposits may contain both local bedrock clasts
and “erratics” transported from distant upstream sources. In general, cobbles and boulders are stronger,
more resistant rock clasts that have survived weathering and transport after erosion geologic processes.
Erratics tend to be the strongest, hardest rock clasts. Cobbles and boulders from local or nearby bedrock
generally have not been transported as far as erratics and may be weaker depending on the nature and
strength of the bedrock. Weak rock cobbles and boulders seldom exist.
Typical unconfined compressive strengths for cobbles and boulders from six North American projects are
shown in Figure 3. The cobbles and boulders had maximum unconfined compressive strengths ranging
from 22,000 to 45,000 psi (152-310 MPa) and minimum unconfined compressive strengths ranging from
5,000 to 25,000 psi (34 to 172 MPa). The data also reflects that most clasts were stronger than 10,000 psi
(69 MPa) from the projects reviewed. Draney 2012 [18] suggested that disc cutters are not needed for
ground with strengths less than 2,900 psi (20 MPa). For rock tunneling, 10,000 to 15,000 psi (69 to 103
MPa) UCS is typically used as guideline for when disk cutters should be added to a TBM cutterhead.

0 69 138 207 276 345

Figure 3 – Typical cobble and boulder unconfined compressive strengths

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 5

1.6 Cobble and boulder risks, hazards and potential consequences

A comprehensive risk management program is essential to properly manage cobble and boulder risks for
tunneling. Cobble and boulder risks can be evaluated within four broad categories:
 Subsurface conditions – ground - groundwater.
 Construction equipment – tunnel boring machine, mucking system, etc.
 Facility constraints – line and grade limits, drive lengths, settlement sensitivity, etc.
 Contractual – risk sharing, compensation, schedule, etc.
A successful tunneling project requires that risks from all four categories to be managed.
There are many cobble and boulder condition risks, but concentrations and locations are of the utmost
importance. Concentrated cobbles and boulders in lag zones or clusters are much more difficult to bore
with a TBM than isolated cobbles and boulders. Concentrations of cobbles and boulders may choke a
microtunnel boring machine (MTBM) rock crusher [40] or TBM excavation chamber causing the
cutterhead torque to become excessive and the MTBM or TBM to stall. Cobble and boulder
concentrations may also behave like a mixed-face condition and may cause steering and face instability
problems [26].
The location of boulders is another factor. Boulders that extend past the perimeter, particularly large
ones, are much more difficult to cut and more likely to be pushed aside or plucked resulting in excess lost
ground and potential settlement or lining damage. Uncut pushed or partially cut boulders may obstruct or
deflect a TBM shield and may damage trailing pipe or a segment lining by point loading (high contact
stress) [37]. Table 1 provides a summary of potential hazards related to cobbly-bouldery ground and
potential consequences.

Table 1 – Boulder encounter hazards and potential consequences

Hazard or Condition Potential consequence
Boulder(s) over ~ 20-30% diameter, no Stuck MTBM, rescue shaft or shaft-
face-chamber access or disc cutters tunnel required or MTBM-tunnel
Boulders composed of much harder, Severe pump and slurry line wear
stronger rock than expected resulting in pump failure or line rupture
Cobble and boulder quantities much Severe cutter wear, higher tool
greater than expected replacement cost potential stuck MTBM
Ground is much more abrasive than Severe intake port wear resulting in
anticipated enlarged holes, jammed slurry lines
Boulders in weak-loose matrix resulting Severe cutterhead wear or rock crusher
in plucked boulder rolling on cutterhead bar wear, reduced advance rate, stuck
Mixed face heading weak soil zone Steering difficulty, MTBM/TBM deflected
adjacent to hard bouldery ground beyond line or grade limits
Advance rate higher than allowed for Broken cutters or cutter housings and/or
disc cutters causing plucked rock cutter arms from high impact forces
Attempt to blast or split boulders at Voids, excess lost ground, sinkholes,
heading in free air and unstable soil damaging settlements
Perimeter boulder(s) not cut by gage Pipe or lining damage from passed
cutters or plucked from perimeter perimeter boulder contact stresses
Large oblong boulders pass through Boulders jam against EPB screw
cutterhead opening conveyor intake

Contractual risk almost always involves advance rates, equipment wear, maintenance and ultimately
schedule and cost. Tunneling costs (directly or indirectly) are generally higher when combined CVR+BVR
values exceed a few percent. A single large isolated boulder can result in significant extra cost. Large
boulders and high cobble and boulder concentrations generally reduce advance rates
[1][8][9][11][13][17][34][35][41][48][64][65]. Higher tunneling costs due to cobble and boulder volumes over
a few percent result from:

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 6

 More expensive TBM equipment requirements
 Slower TBM advance rates
 Delays and cost of equipment and excavations to remove boulder obstructions
 Cost of rescue shafts and tunnels
 Delays and costs to repair abrasion damage to cutters, cutterhead, rock crusher, mucking system,
gears and/or bearing

Higher tunneling costs from cobbles and boulders may also result from:
 Higher bid prices in lump sum or unit rate items
 Larger quantities than estimated for unit rate items
 Boulder obstructions encountered with payment items or as compensation for differing site
condition claims.

Section 4 provides more detail on the hazards and risks associated with tunneling in cobble and boulder
ground conditions.

1.7 Compensation for tunneling in cobbles and boulders

Since tunneling through cobbly-bouldery ground costs more than tunneling through soil without boulders,
an important question is how best to properly compensate contractors for tunneling through cobbly-bouldery
ground. This topic was addressed in a 2002 paper by Hunt entitled Compensation for Boulder Obstructions
[34]. Compensation (pay item) for man or intervention access boulder removal is sometimes viable and
should be considered for:
 Open face tunneling in stable ground with a manual splitting option;
 Large boulders or cobble-boulder concentrations that “obstruct” TBM advance as defined in the
specifications; and
 Tunneling methods where boulder quantities and sizes can be measured.

For most other conditions, separate compensation is not practical and the cost of cobble and boulder
excavation is generally incidental and paid as part of the unit rate for tunneling. This is particularly true
when using a pressurized face TBM that fractures and ingests rock fragments with no reasonable ability to
measure quantities or sizes. Making boulder excavation incidental may also be appropriate where the
estimated CVR + BVR is less than ~1 percent and where the maximum boulder sizes are expected to be
less than about 25 percent of the excavated diameter and where the TBM is equipped with appropriate
torque, cutters, rock crushers, wear protection or face access.

Even if most of cobbles and boulders can be fractured and ingested into the mucking system and are
considered incidental, a compensation method for obstruction due to nested cobbles and boulders or large
boulders or blocks should be considered. Experience indicates that paying for defined obstructions as bid
is generally more cost effective than paying for them as part of a differing site condition claim.

Two methods of compensation for cobble-boulder obstructions are most common. One method is to bid a
unit price per obstruction. This might vary with ranges of boulder obstruction size, face access from the
tunnel, tunnel depth and rescue shaft restrictions. Another method is to bid a unit rate for delay time to
access and remove qualifying cobble and boulder obstructions. The specifications must clearly define what
advance rate reduction and other conditions qualify. An estimate of total obstruction hours would be
baselined in a Geotechnical Baseline Report (GBR) and listed as a pay item quantity in the contract. Either
way, what constitutes a qualifying boulder size and boulder obstruction and how it would be measured in
the field must be carefully defined. Experience has shown that the removal time method is generally more
equitable if face access is available – it reduces contractor risk resulting in better bid prices than the unit
price per obstruction method [34]. The additional cost of tunneling in bouldery ground will be minimized if
cobble-boulder risks are properly baselined and managed by TBM-MTBM selection including face access,
cutterhead design, cutter types and power (torque-thrust).

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 7


A case can be made that cobbles and boulders result in more cost and schedule overruns than any other
single geologic condition encountered during soft ground tunneling. To exasperate the situation, tunneling
risks and costs typically increase as the cobble and boulder quantities, size, hardness and frequency of
occurrence increase. A focused, boulder-sensitive subsurface investigation and proper baselining are
essential information to communicate risks to the contractor and allow better tunnel risk mitigation [36].
The basic problem faced by a designer in attempting to predict the geological and geotechnical risks (and
costs) during construction of a tunnel is the adequacy of the information obtained from the site investigation
program. Many subsurface investigation programs fail to collect sufficient cobble and boulder data resulting
in inaccurate information or insufficient data to establish a baseline.

2.1 Effectiveness of Available Methods

Several authors have presented thorough discussions on the challenges of developing a subsurface
investigation scope that is appropriate for cobble and boulder laden ground [1][20][22][30][33][36][39][54].
Table 2 was developed to synthesize the recommendations made in these papers and provide an update
on the latest approaches to cobble and boulder detection in a subsurface investigation,. The methods
identified in this table are key considerations in an appropriate subsurface investigation program for cobbly-
bouldery ground. Some of the methods are limited by available previous data and depths. Test pits or
trenches may not be cost effective at depths over about 15-20 feet and may be destructive in the ground
disturbance caused. Large diameter auger borings are much more difficult and expense below the water
table in cohesionless ground and at depths over approximately 50 feet.

Table 2 – Subsurface investigation options for cobbly-bouldery ground

Subsurface Investigation Method Selection Factors

some method
Subsurface Investigation cobble cobble
cobble and
Methods boulder
and and
relative cost
boulder boulder
size location

Desktop study +* +* +* Very Low [36]

Quarry/outcrop mapping + + 0 Very Low [22]
Rotary wash/HSA w SPT 0 - 0 Low [22]
Cone penetration test - - 0 Low [54]
Becker percussion borings 0 0 + Low [69]
Rotosonic borings + + + Moderate [22]
Large diam. bucket auger + + + High to Very High [22]
Large caisson boring + + + High [22]
Borehole GPR (radar) 0 - 0 Low to Moderate [73]
Cross-hole seismic 0 0 + Moderate [73]
Surface seismic refraction - - 0 Low
Surface electrical resistivity - - 0 Low
Test pits 0 0 0 Moderate to High [10]
Notes: + = Method Effective; 0 = Slightly Effective; - = Method Ineffective
* If previous tunnel case histories, subsurface investigations exist

In most cases, phased and multiple methods of exploration will be much more effective than single
exploration methods [22][36]. For example, a desk study combined with both conventional rotary wash and
hollow stem auger borings with Standard Penetration tests will be much more effective if test pits, rotosonic
or large diameter auger borings are also completed.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 8

In summary, successful subsurface investigation of cobble and boulder occurrence requires a phased
program using multiple exploration methods with careful geologic monitoring and documentation of
conditions encountered. Conventional borings alone such as commonly used for building foundation and
earthwork investigations are generally not sufficient.

2.2 Conventional Borings

Despite limited effectiveness, conventional hollow stem auger and rotary wash drilling and sampling should
be an exploration method utilized to obtain relative density data and samples for lab testing. This method
can provide information on cobble and boulder occurrence if improvements are made to the information
collected. The problem with most of the more traditional exploration methods is that cobble and boulder
samples are not recovered and indications of cobbly-bouldery ground are seldom adequately documented
To overcome these challenges, a method for estimating relative drilling resistance (RDR) between sample
intervals was developed by the author on tunnel projects in Milwaukee. Table 3 summarizes criteria and
typical ground conditions for RDR values ranging from 1 to 5. The boring logger with input from the driller
should determine a RDR value for each drilling interval and then record values on the boring logs.
Subsequently, RDR values in combination with Standard Penetration Test data and other conventional
boring data should significantly improve interpretations of cobble and boulder occurrence.

Table 3 – Relative Drilling Resistance Criteria

RDR Term Criteria Typical Ground Conditions
1 Very Easy No chatter, very little resistance, Very soft to soft silts and clays; very loose to loose silts and
very fast and steady drill sands; no gravel, cobbles, boulders or rubble
advance rate
2 Easy No chatter, some resistance, fast Firm to stiff silts and clays; loose to medium dense silts
and steady drill advance rate and sands; little or no gravel, no to very few cobbles,
boulders or pieces of rubble
3 Moderate Some chatter, firm drill Stiff to very stiff silts and clays; dense silts and sands;
resistance with moderate medium dense sands and gravel; occasional cobbles or
advance rate rubble pieces (2-3 occurrences per 10 ft)
4 Hard Frequent chatter and variable Very stiff to hard silts and clays with some gravel and
drill resistance, slow advance cobbles; very dense to extremely dense silts and sands
rate with some gravel; dense to very dense sands and gravel;
very weathered, soft bedrock; frequent cobbles and
boulders or rubble pieces (3-4 per 10 ft)
5 Very Hard Constant chatter, variable and Hard to very hard silts and clays with some gravel; very
very slow drill advance, nearly dense to extremely dense gravelly sand or sandy gravel;
refusal very frequent cobbles and boulders (at least 5 per 10 feet);
weathered, very jointed bedrock

Standard penetration test N-values that are corrected for energy and depth can provide an indication of
cobbles and boulders. Table 4 suggests N values that are likely to indicate cobbles and boulders for various
soil matrix relative densities in geologic units where cobbles and boulders are likely. Since N values are
also used to estimate relative density, the relative density for the soil matrix should be based on the lower
ranges of N-values encountered within a geologic unit with the presumption that the higher values are more
indicative of cobble and boulder presence than relative density.

Table 4 – SPT N-value Indications of Cobbles and Boulders

Approximate Average Relative Density of Corrected N value indicating probable
Soil Matrix cobbles and/or boulders (blows/ft)
Loose > 25
Medium dense > 50
Dense > 75
Very Dense > 100

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 9

2.3 Non-Conventional Borings

Several authors provide good overviews of exploration methods to supplement conventional boring and
sampling methods for ground with cobbles and boulders [20][22][33][36][54]. One of the most complete
studies of multiple methods and their cost effectiveness is reported in a Frank & Chapman 2001 paper [22]
regarding the subsurface investigations in Columbus, Ohio prior to earth pressure balance tunneling
projects. After completion of conventional borings, rotosonic borings, large diameter auger borings and
quarry sampling, they concluded: “For this project, the use of several specialized investigation methods has
enhanced the geotechnical characterization. Most successful was the rotosonic coring technique, which
costs less than double the cost of conventional hollow stem auger borings.” The author agrees with Frank
& Chapman based on similar experience at other projects in North America. At least two methods of
subsurface investigation should be used to characterize cobble and boulder conditions.
Where rotosonic drilling is not practical, large diameter auger boring, test pits or other methods should be
used to supplement conventional drilling and sampling. Confidence in cobble and boulder data should be
higher were multiple methods provide consistent indications.

In summary, successful subsurface investigation of cobble and boulder conditions requires a phased
program using multiple methods and careful geologic monitoring and documentation of conditions
encountered. Conventional borings such as commonly used for building foundation and earthwork
investigations are generally not adequate alone unless previously correlated to cobble and boulder volume
ratios for the same geologic units encountered in completed shaft, cofferdam and tunnel excavations in the


3.1 What to baseline

Generally, properly baselined items should be measurable in the field, particularly if boulders or cobble-
boulder obstructions encountered are a pay item. Proper baselining requires a thorough subsurface
investigation program and then use of an effective method to correlate investigation data into boulder size
and frequency predictions for each geologic unit to be encountered in a tunnel. The primary aspects to
baseline include:
 Quantities and ranges of anticipated boulder sizes;
 Cobble and boulder distributions along tunnel (isolated vs. clustered) for each geologic unit;
 Clast mineralogy and rock types;
 Clast abrasivity, i.e., Cerchar Abrasivity Index;
 Clast unconfined compressive strength ranges; and
 Soil matrix types, strength, density permeability and abrasivity.
Additional aspects to consider baselining include: shapes of the clasts and Tunnelman’s Ground
Classification of the matrix.

When open-face tunneling or closed-face tunneling with face access is used, cobbles and boulders may be
at least partially observed at the heading. With open-face tunneling, intact boulders or rock fragments may
also be observed in the tunnel muck.

When pressurized face tunneling is used, the TBM or MTBM is often equipped with cutters capable of
fracturing boulders to a much smaller size that can pass through the cutterhead openings (or grizzly bars
for EPBMs). The excavated material is then either: 1) crushed and ingested into a slurry mucking system
or 2) passed through a screw conveyor (auger boring, pilot tube and earth pressure balance systems) into
a conveyor belt or rail mucking system.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 10

Unless obstructed, generally all of the boulders encountered by a pressurized face TBM or MTBM will be
fractured to gravel or smaller sizes making assessment of boulder size and quantity very difficult. Similarly,
larger boulders (all but cobbles and small boulders) will be fractured before passing through the mucking
system. While intact boulder data is often not available, boulder encounters can be roughly inferred from
analysis of vibration data [70], penetration rate, torque, thrust and angularity of rock fragments [19] [64], but
boulder sizes cannot be reliably determined. Distinguishing between cobble clusters and boulders is also
very difficult.

Due to difficulties in measuring quantities, a pay item for general cobble and boulder occurrence is not
commonly used with pressurized face tunneling or microtunneling. Pay items are more frequently used to
compensate for a defined cobble and boulder obstruction. An example obstruction definition is given below.

A boulder obstruction occurs when a large boulder or cluster of cobbles and boulders is encountered at the
heading of a tunnel that stops or significantly inhibits forward progress to less than 10 percent of normal
progress for at least 30 minutes under normal thrust and torque with properly functioning cutters, and because
boulders are too large or cobbles and boulders are too congested to be broken or ingested through the TBM
cutting wheel and tunnel mucking system. In addition, the obstructing boulder or cobbles and boulders require
removal by supplementary means such as drilling and splitting from the excavation chamber or removal within
an excavation made from outside of the tunnel.

Obstruction definitions should depend on the owner’s risk sharing position, tunnel size, anticipated tunneling
method and cobble and boulder conditions.
Whether cobbles and boulders or obstructions are a pay item or not, cobble and boulder baselining is still
recommended to help bidders determine tunneling methods, estimate advance rates, and estimate cutter
wear and replacement costs. Cobbles and boulders should also be baselined for pressurized face tunneling
where face access is limited and tunnel muck has been reduced in size resulting in inability to determine
cobble and boulder content. While measurement to assess if quantities encountered are different than the
baselined is very difficult, measurements can be obtained during periodic interventions, by supplementary
borings or shafts and by evaluation of TBM operation parameters such as cutterhead speed and torque
[64] and by geophysical or TBM vibration monitoring. Colorado School of Mines investigators monitored
TBM vibrations to attempt to determine boulder encounters and general ground conditions on Sound Transit
University Link, Contract U230 [53][70] and Northgate Link [29]. The method has promise for future use in
assessing boulder encounters.

Boulder sizes and quantities can be baselined by one or more of three methods:
 Guessing or estimating from past local experience.
 Boulder volume ratio methods.
 Use of statistical or probabilistic methods.
Guessing is very risky and not advised. Past local experience is valuable, but must be analyzed with project
specific subsurface investigation data that considers geologic settings. Three viable methods of boulder
baselining are discussed below.

3.2 Boulder volume ratio (BVR) methods

Boulder volume ratio (BVR) methods involve screening of larger volume samples of ground than possible
with conventional borings to determine cobble and boulder volumes. Sampling methods to obtain larger
volumes include: deep excavations including shafts and tunnels, test pits, large diameter auger borings,
and roto-sonic coring.
BVR values may also be estimated using semi-empirical correlations of geologic and subsurface
investigation data to previous tunnel and excavation experience in the same geologic units.
Around 1997, designers in Toronto completed a major study of boulders for the Sheppard subway tunnel
project [5]. They used borehole, excavation, outcrop and other data to determine average BVRs for geologic
units expected within the tunnel zone. A boulder number ratio was also determined from the investigation

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 11

data and then used with the BVRs to determine
estimated quantities of anticipated boulder sizes.
During tunneling, they found that design predictions
correlated well with the boulders encountered [57].

Hunt developed a semi-empirical correlation method

similar to that used in Toronto. A chart (Figure 4) was
developed in 1999 [33] and that was updated in 2002
that correlates BVR data from eight completed tunnels
to conventional borehole indications of percent
bouldery ground for total boring length drilled in
potentially bouldery ground [33] [34].

After determining anticipated BVR values for tunnel

reaches based on all available data and geologic
setting assessment, boulder quantity-size
distributions can be made with an Excel spreadsheet
that was developed using a negative exponential
distribution function to estimate quantities of boulders
for a range of geologically expected sizes – Figure 5.
Since inception, the method has been used
successfully on dozens of tunnel projects within glacial Figure 4 – BVR vs. % bouldery ground in
and alluvial soils to predict boulder occurrence. borings (2002) [34]

3.3 Probabilistic methods

Attempts to predict boulder quantities from conventional borehole records date back to at least 1976 when
Stoll [60] attempted to use a random probabilistic method. Around 1986, Tang & Quek [63] statistically
evaluated the lengths of boulders taken from boreholes in sedimentary deposits in Singapore to show a
statistical correlation with excavated boulders. Probabilistic methods were also used for the Storebaelt
Tunnel in Denmark [14] [15] and for a planned tunnel in Italy [21].
The most extensive study of subsurface exploration for tunneling in bouldery ground [22] and development
of an approach to predict boulder quantities and sizes for baselining was completed by Frank & Chapman
during the early to mid-2000’s for the BWARI project in Columbus, Ohio [62]. They developed an
exponential distribution relationship similar to that used for the Storebaelt Tunnel. The number of clasts
(boulders) expected is computed as N=C/Vd where: N = no. clasts, V = volume excavated, C is a constant
correlated with sample size data, and d is a constant correlated with clast size distribution. The method
requires a significant amount of reliable sample data from the subsurface investigation. The constant d is
evaluated from boulder sizes found in the investigation. The constant C is calculated from boulder volume
data. The number of clasts for selected sizes is then computed using the formula with these constants.
Tunneling results indicated that boulder quantities were slightly over-predicted, but accurate estimates of
actual boulders encountered were difficult to make from the broken rock and very large quantities of muck
[12] [13][62].

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 12

Figure 5 – Boulder size distribution for anticipated BVR value

3.4 Functional Baselines

When cobble and boulder quantities and sizes cannot be reasonably measured, functional baselines may
be an alternative to consider [19]. Functional baselines for cobbles and boulders might be for advance
rates and cutterhead interventions. Edgerton et al 2012 explain this concept and give an example where
an advance rate of reduction of 20 percent might be baselined as an indication of cobbly-bouldery ground.
Payment could be by unit rate or as an allowance for an estimated length of tunnel in ground with reduced
advance rates.

Functional baselining of advance rates or reduced advance rates in cobbly-bouldery zones should only be
considered after careful evaluation of the geology and potential influences of means and method options.
For example, it would not be appropriate to compare a non-boulder ground advance rate from tunneling in
stiff-hard clay to a bouldery ground advance rate in a sand and gravel matrix. In some cases, the advance
rate may actually be higher in the bouldery ground [66]. Other factors such as TBM type (open-face rotary
wheel, earth pressure balance, slurry or digger shield), cutterhead opening ratio, cutterhead configuration,
cutter types and cutter wear may have more influence on instantaneous advance rate than a change in
ground type to cobbly-bouldery ground. Another very important factor would be utilization and down time
or intervention time required to change cutters or make repairs. Utilization will likely decrease as CVR and
BVR magnitudes increase. There are advantages and disadvantages to functional baselines. Careful
consideration of both should be made before choosing this method of baselining.

3.5 Quantity Baselining Recommendations

Which aspects of cobble and boulder conditions to baseline and whether or not to directly baseline
conditions or use functional baselines depends on the ground conditions, anticipated methods of
construction and project owner’s preference for risk sharing. Article 3.1 above gave recommendations for
which ground conditions to baseline.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 13

The method to use for evaluating data to predict quantities for baselining should depend on the size of the
project and the quality and quantity of data available. When desired to baseline quantities, the volume
method is generally more practical than probabilistic methods for most projects. Probabilistic methods are
viable for larger projects with a significant amount of quality data. In either case, the method should
consider the geologic setting, geologic variability and local experience.


4.1 Relative boulder size risk

Risk of obstruction
Risk of tunnel advance being obstructed
increases with relative boulder size. An
illustration of this risk is shown in Figure 6. A
MTBM-TBM with no face
6. A closed (pressurized) face MTBM or TBM
access and no disc cutters
without face access or roller cutters has a
much higher risk of being obstructed than MTBM-TBM with face
with excavation by other methods. access

When relative boulder sizes are greater than

approximately 20 to 40 percent of the
excavated diameter, the risk rapidly Open face
increases due to limits on the size of boulder TBM - shield
than can pass through cutterhead openings
and be either crushed or ingested (e.g. pass
through a screw or belt conveyor). A single
0% ~ 30% ~70% 100%
large boulder may obstruct a MTBM or TBM
and require a rescue shaft or tunnel to Relative boulder size
remove the boulder obstruction and repair
damaged cutters and cutterhead. Figure 6 – Risk of boulder obstruction

A previous study of 40 pipe jacking cases revealed that MTBMs and small TBMs without face access or
disc cutters became obstructed and stuck about 2.5 times more frequently than machines with face access
or disc cutters [35].

4.2 Cobble and boulder cutting, crushing or ingestion considerations

In order to tunnel through cobbly-bouldery ground, the cobbles and boulders must be appropriately handled
at three locations: the heading, the excavation chamber (which may or may not have a rock crusher), and
the mucking system: screw conveyor, belt conveyor, slurry pumps and pipelines, etc.. Boulders must be
excavated and possibly fractured by one or more of the following methods:
 Plucked from the ground using ripper, scrapper and/or roller cutters on a cutterhead and then
passed through the cutterhead openings into the excavation chamber to be crushed before
entering the mucking system. This method applies to slurry MTBMs and TBMs.
 Plucked and pushed aside if not passable though cutterhead and matrix is soft or loose enough.
Boulders may roll on the cutterhead for a long distance before being pushed aside.
 Fractured and broken using ripper, scrapper and/or roller cutters on a cutterhead before being
plucked and passing through the cutterhead to be crushed or passed through a screw or
discharged onto a belt conveyor.
 Accessed from the excavation chamber or from a rescue shaft or tunnel and then manually split
or blasted and removed.
 Pushed into a temporary shaft drilled below the tunnel invert at the heading.
Factors that should be considered when selecting the excavation tools and mucking methods include:

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 14

 Cobble and boulder strengths, sizes, shapes, abrasivity, distribution and quantities anticipated.
 Type, consistency and strength of the soil matrix with an assessment if sufficient cutting or
fracturing is viable before clasts are plucked from the matrix.
 Assessment of potential inflows and if the stand-up time of the ground is sufficient to provide safe,
free air access to fracture and remove obstructing cobbles and boulders.
 Assessment if ground improvement or compressed air will be required to provide sufficient stand-
up time and water isolation to fracture and remove obstructing cobbles and boulders.
 Settlement damage risk if significant lost ground occurs at the heading.
 Cutter life and cutter cost - disc cutters generally have longer cutter life [55], but are much more
expensive [13] Heavy rippers with hard, abrasion resistant inserts will have more cutter life than
lighter, smaller steel rippers or scrapers.
 Energy and associated tool wear required to commutate boulders to gravel or cobble size for
passage through a slurry shield mucking system if used, or through screw conveyors if used.

The commutation energy, Ec, required to crush rocks to gravel size has been studied extensively by the
aggregate industry and TBM cutter researchers. Two commutation energy facts are important to recognize.
First, rocks with higher unconfined compressive strengths require significantly more commutation energy
than weaker rocks as shown in Figure 7.
Second, more energy is required to commutate rocks to gravel size than to small boulder or cobble size as
shown in Figure 8. It shows that energy consumption increases rapidly to commutate rock clasts to fractions
less than ~3 inches (75 mm). When high commutation energy is required, the MTBM or TBM power needs
to be greater. The energy lost during commutation will result in higher rates of cutter, cutterhead and
mucking system wear.
Commutation energy should be carefully considered when selecting an excavating- crushing-mucking
system, particularly for ground with boulders stronger than ~ 138 MPa (~ 20 ksi) and BVRs exceeding ~ 2
percent. For example, the commutation energy and associated wear should be less for a 5-m (15-foot)
diameter earth pressure balance TBM that can pass 395 mm (15-inch) rocks through to a conveyor or train
car mucking system than for a slurry or mix-shield TBM that must crush cobbles and boulders to 180 mm
(6-inches) or less in order to be pumped. MTBMs require crushing clasts to 75 mm (3-inches) or less
requiring a lot of energy. This fact may provide a significant advantage to earth pressure balance TBMs in
cobbly and boulder ground if conditioning is viable and cost effective to provide suitable face stability.

4.3 Advance rate impacts

As mentioned earlier, microtunnel and tunnel advance rates will generally be less in ground with cobbles
and boulders than the same soil matrix type without clasts. Advance rate reductions may be due to four
 Lower instantaneous penetration rates that are generally required to cut cobbles and boulders into
smaller clasts rather than pluck them or sustain high cutter impact forces.
 Reduced advance rate to allow rock crushers to crush clasts and the mucking system to remove
clasts from the excavation chamber and prevent choking or TBM cutterhead stalling.
 Delays to manually split or remove boulders resulting in lower utilization.
 Delays to replace worn cutters or repair the cutterhead and mucking system.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 15

Figure 7 – Commutation energy vs. UCS, [16] Figure 8 - Commutation energy vs. particle
size, adopted from [55]

The effect of boulder quantities on advance rate using an open-face TBM was determined on the Columbia
Slough project in Portland Oregon. Approximately 34,300 boulders were encountered within 2.5 km of 4.6
m diameter open mode shield tunneling [11]. The average advance rate per shift decreased by 14 and 22
percent for the East and West drives, respectively, as boulder volume increased from 0 to 18 percent of the
excavated volume – Figure 9.

Data measured in Singapore on DTSS-1 Contract T-05 showed advance rate reductions of up to 75 percent
as the BVR or hard ground volume varied from 0 to over 60 percent [67].

Data from another open-face shield [24] and a microtunnel project [64] indicated higher advance rate
reductions ranging from 30 to 65 percent for boulder volumes ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 percent of excavated

The TBM penetration rate in bouldery ground depends on TBM type and power, cutter types and
configuration, ground conditions and operation strategy. If the penetration rate is too high, cutters may be
excessively damaged by dynamic impact forces and the cobbles and boulders will likely be ripped out of or
plucked from the soil matrix instead of cut. Studies and experience have shown that in order to achieve
disc cutter rock chipping instead of boulder plucking, the penetration rate must be reduced down to a rate
typical for rock TBMs (<10-12 mm/rev) [1][68]. The penetration rate used should balance the impacts of
more frequent cutting tool replacement with an acceptable tunnel advance rate.
On some recent projects (BWARI in Columbus and Brightwater West in Seattle) where earth pressure
balance TBMs were used, the target and achieved advance rates were greater than practical for disc cutters
to cut boulders [13][68]. The contractors on both projects elected to use rippers and scrappers instead of
disc cutters and achieved higher advance rates. Similar findings were made in China on the Chengdu Metro
[50][51]. The section below entitled Cutter Considerations will show that for some ground conditions, a
spoke type cutterhead with a higher opening ratio and use of rippers will be much more effective than a
plate type cutterhead with smaller opening ratios and where disc cutters are primarily used.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 16

Boulder volume, % tunnel excavated volume
0 3 6 9 12 16 18


West Tunnel drive with data

22% AR reduction at 18% boulder volume
Average Advance Rate, m/shift



East Tunnel drive without data

14% AR reduction at 18% boulder volume

0 3 6 10 13 17 20
Boulders per m of 4.7 m  tunnel

Figure 9 – Advance rate reduction with boulder quantity, Columbia Slough, after

4.4 Cutter considerations

Cutter selection should depend on cobble and boulder volume ratios; boulder sizes; clast unconfined
compressive strengths and abrasivity; matrix soil type, strength and abrasivity; cost of cutter replacement
(cutter material cost and cost of cutter replacement time); and anticipated instantaneous advance rates.
Colorado School of Mines researchers have extensively studied cutter type effectiveness and particularly
the use of disc cutters in bouldery ground [25][45][55]. A study published in 2008 better explains degree of
cutting versus plucking for ranges in boulder to matrix strength [25]. The study showed that plucking is
likely to occur in weak soil with little or no splitting and that plucking is likely after partial cutting for most
matrix soils. If the penetration rate is low enough and the matrix strength sufficiently high, disc cutters can
chip and fracture boulders to small sizes (small cobble, gravel or smaller) for ingestion and mucking. After
evaluating hundreds of cutters and TBM types, Dr. Ozdemir found single disc cutters to be the most efficient
tool for chipping and boring hard rock [55]. While single disc cutters are generally most effective for full
face rock, multi-kerf disc cutters (2 to 3 disc rows) with carbide inserts have been generally found to be
more effective in bouldery ground [45][48]. The wider multi-kerf disc cutters provide a larger area to engage
boulders and help to minimize premature plucking. They are also easier to keep rotating and more resistant
to skid and impact damage.

A combination of disc and ripper-scraper cutters is generally more effective than all disc cutters or all
scraper type cutters in ground where the total CVR + BVR is in the 1 to 10 percent range and where
boulders are small, particularly for microtunnel boring machines. When BVR is over 5 percent and when

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 17

boulder sizes are over ~30-40% of the excavated diameter, then disc cutters should be used as the primary
cutter type.
When used, disc cutters are usually positioned 25-30 mm ahead of the scraper bits to allow chipping or
fracturing of boulders before contact with the ripper-scrapers [1]. Evaluators have found that combination
cutterheads are not only effective for optimal penetration rate, but significantly reduce the risk of
catastrophic cutter damage and becoming obstructed [35][48][65].

Experience with projects such as Chengdu Metro in China and Columbia Slough in Portland Oregon that
had high volumes of gravel, cobbles and small boulders (CVR + BVR >10%) has shown that a spoke type
cutterhead on an open-face or earth pressure balance TBM with a higher opening ratio and use of rippers
will be much more effective than a plate type cutterhead on a slurry or earth pressure balance TBM with
disc cutters and smaller opening ratios. The larger cutterhead opening ratios will allow larger clasts to flow
through the cutterhead. Larger diameter and ribbon type screw conveyors will allow those larger clasts to
pass through the excavation chamber will faster advance rates, less energy spent crushing clasts with less
wear and tear on the cutters, cutterhead and mucking system. The case histories below will explain some
of this experience.

4.4.1 BWARI and Brightwater West with Rippers

Although a combination head is often best, a cutterhead with only or primarily heavy block rippers and
scrapers may facilitate a higher rate of
advance with less cutter cost (cutter
material and the labor-delay cost for
replacement after wear or breakage)
[13][68]. For example, on the BWARI
project in Columbus, Ohio, a 16 ft (4.9
m) diameter earth pressure balance
TBM was used to bore though very
bouldery till and outwash (BVR ~
0.34%) [62]. The contractor, Jay Dee,
Michels, Traylor JV, had better advance
rates and cutter cost effectiveness after
replacing the cutterhead face disc
cutters with heavy block rippers – Fig.
10. Using a high cutterhead rotation
speed and advance rate, the heavy
block rippers were able to “bash” most
of the boulders and break them into
sizes less than ~ 305 mm (12-inch) in
Figure 10 – Heavy block rippers, BWARI Project,
size that could pass through grizzly bars
Columbus, Ohio [13]
and screw conveyors for the EPB TBM

Heavy block type scraper cutters were also used to bash boulders on Brightwater West. The contractor,
Jay Dee-Coluccio-Tasai, elected to use only heavy tungsten carbide insert, chromium carbide plated ripper
and block scrapers and no disc cutters in soil primarily consisting of cobbly-bouldery glacial till and outwash
(BVR ~ 0.03 percent eastern third of drive) under groundwater heads up to 5 bar [68] – Fig. 11. This cutter
selection was found to be successful. The heavy enhanced scraper cutters resulted in an average tunneling
distance of ~1030 m (3,380 ft) within the western two thirds of the drive and ~280 m (920 ft) within the more
abrasive bouldery ground of the eastern third. One of the keys to this success was that only one of 12 cutter
change interventions was in hyperbaric conditions – the other 11 were in free air.

A detailed evaluation of ripper cutter use on BWARI and Brightwater West was given in a 2011 RETC paper
[58]. The authors discuss both gradual cutter wear from travel through the ground as well as cutter (ripper)

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 18

breakage from impacts with boulders.
They describe methods used to
attempt to predict cutter life – average
radial travel distance before sufficient
wear to require replacement. Figure
12 shows the reported cutter life
results for rippers on BWARI (left) and
Brightwater West (right). Both plots
show that cutter wear increases with
distanced traveled.
On BWARI, the average interval
advanced before cutter changes was
~ 500 ft when conventional rippers
were used and ~ 3,000 ft after the
heavy block rippers were installed
[58]. “Figure 6” on the right side of
Figure 12 shows the cutter wear and
distances traveled varied from ~ 0.5
inches wear at ~ 50,000 ft to ~ 3.5
inches wear at 500,000 ft of radial
cutter travel.
On Brightwater West, very little cutter
wear (<0.5 inches) was observed
within the western two thirds of the
drive where the ground was
predominantly less abrasive pre- Figure 11 – TBM with tungsten carbide insert, chromium
glacial lacustrine silt, clay and sand – carbide plated ripper scrapers, Brightwater West [68]
see flat, lower line in Fig. 12 (note that
a distance scale was not shown, but is
assumed to be 0 to 125,000 ft). Wear significantly increased within the eastern third of the drive where the
ground changed to glacial till and outwash sand and gravel with cobbles and a trace of boulders. Wear of
~ 2.5 inches is shown at travel distances of ~ 125,000 ft. The considerable scatter in the data was partly
attributed to cutter breakage from cobble and boulder impacts.

Figure 12 – Ripper cutter life from BWARI [13] and Brightwater West [58]

The authors provide a detailed discussion of abrasion and TBM operation factors and found that advance
prediction of cutter life is very difficult. Some of their conclusions related to cobble and boulder factors

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 19

“This leads to the conclusion of other system components than the chosen abrasiveness descriptors and
cutterhead energy consumption to be more relevant causal factors for the observed tool wear. As discussed,
the fact that ripper-type tools are subject to significant impact forces in boulder conditions points to the
possibility of non-gradual material loss of the cutting tools and thereby to a wear mechanism not covered by
the above evaluation.”

“Predicting the consumption of TBM cutting tools based on these soil abrasiveness descriptors alone,
however, appears not possible.”

“The correlation of normalized tool wear and counts of coarse components [gravel, cobbles and boulders]
encountered points to those components being a dominant factor in causing material loss of cutting tools.”

4.4.2 Chengdu Metro Line 1

Chengdu Metro Line 1 included 18.5 km of twin running tunnels excavated with EPBMs in multiple lots.
Tunneling for the initially bid lots encountered several problems related to cobbly-bouldery ground. The
average advance rates using primarily disc cutters on plate type cutterheads with cutterhead opening ratios
in the range of 20 to 30 percent were unsatisfactory.
Much of the ground for Chengdu Metro Line 1 is Quaternary fluvial and alluvial deposits with cobbles and
boulders in a loose to medium dense, cohesionless sand or gravel matrix [7][50][51] [74]. The EPB TBMs
on Lot 1 had predominately disc cutters with scrappers at cutterhead openings. Problems were experienced
with improper disc cutter rotation and stalling, uneven and excessive cutter wear and lower than expected
advance rates. To mitigate these problems, the cutterhead configuration was modified for the Lot 3 and
subsequent tunnel bores. Most of the disc cutters were replaced with rippers and “pick tools”. This
modification stopped the problem of cutter stalling and uneven wear, reduced cutter changes and
significantly increased advance rates [7].
Disc cutters were found to be mostly plucking cobbles and boulders, experience frequent jamming or roll
stoppage resulting in excessive flat wear and had levels of wear and breakage. Rippers gave higher
advance rates but were also ineffective at breaking hard, large boulders (over 500 mm in size) within a
loose sand and gravel matrix. Larger boulders were often pushed aside with associated high wear. Those
that obstructed advance had to be manually split during a hyperbaric intervention.
When interventions were attempted in high permeability gravel matrix soils, problems were experienced
with excess air loss and face instability. Modifications included injection of bentonite slurry into the chamber
and pressurized filter cake formation prior to starting hyperbaric interventions [7].

A study of experience at Chengdu and other locations in China with similar cobbly ground led to similar
conclusions [50]. Although plate type cutterheads with CORs in the range of 20-30 percent helped
improve face stability and the success of hyperbaric interventions, they did not allow high enough
advance rates – higher CORs combined with ripper cutters and a large ribbon type screw conveyor
resulted in higher advance rates. Li et.al 2017 [50] concluded: “The spoke type cutterheads equipped with
precut bits, shell bits, scrapers and a center fish-tail bit are strongly recommended for the shield tunneling
in loose coarse grain soils without groundwater.” and “The spoke type and spoke-plate type cutterheads
with high opening ratios of 39-75.5% are favorable to passing of the ripped-off big stones into the rear
mixing chamber without the need of a substantial pressure drop, thus mitigating wears and damages of
cutting tools and other components as well as reducing interventions of changing tools.”

4.4.3 Canada Line with Rippers and Disc Cutters

While boulder bashing with heavy block cutters may be a viable boulder excavation method for tunnels over
10 ft (3 m) in excavated diameter and where low groundwater heads and ground conditions allow mostly
free air interventions to remove obstructions or replace cutters, boulder bashing is probably not appropriate
if groundwater heads prevent free air interventions or on projects where lost ground must be minimized,
e.g. in settlement sensitive urban conditions. The contractor, SNC-Lavalin Constructors Pacific and SELI
(SSJV), on the Canada Line tunnel in Vancouver, BC found that ripper cutter wear was excessive on Drive
1 upon advance into glacial till with cobbles and boulders (estimated BVR ~ 0.3%) [9]. To reduce cutter
wear, they replaced the ripper cutters with twin kerf disc cutters. To further improve cutter performance on

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 20

Drive 2, disc cutters with carbide inserts were used resulting in fewer cutter wear problems. Average
advance intervals before cutter changes ranged from 615 to 1230 ft.

A comparison between BWARI, Brightwater West and Canada Line projects shows that cutter life is highly
variable and depends on many factors including cutter type, cutter robustness and armoring with carbide
inserts, TBM advance rate, abrasiveness of the soil matrix and cobble and boulder volume ratio (CVR and

4.4.4 Cutters for Microtunneling

When microtunneling, a combination cutterhead with scrapper and disc cutters is essential to minimize risk
of getting stuck from severe cutter wear [35][42]. When the anticipated maximum boulder sizes are greater
than approximately 50 percent of the MTBM diameter, conditions rapidly approach those encountered
during rock microtunneling. A single boulder greater than 50% of the excavated diameter can cause a stuck
MTBM unless it is equipped with cutters and power suitable for rock. A 2009 overview of rock microtunneling
experience provided many useful guidelines that are applicable to microtunneling in cobbles and boulders
[38]. A completed project in Milwaukee successfully used two adequately powered MTBMs with
combination heads (scraper and disc cutters) to bore through cobbly-bouldery glacial till and outwash (BVR
~ 0.1 to 10%) and a dolomite rock ridge over 400 feet wide [26]. Drives lengths of 405 and 800 feet were
achieved without cutter changes and severe damage in the extremely difficult bouldery till, mixed-face and
full face rock conditions encountered.

4.4.5 Cutters Conclusions

In summary, many factors should be considered when selecting cutters for cobbly-bouldery ground. Heavy,
block type ripper and scraper type cutters that are protected with carbide inserts may be the most cost
effective cutter for maximizing advance rate and minimizing cutter tool change costs where face access is
available and a stable face with little or minor inflows can be achieved in free air. Ripper and scraper cutters
are also effective if boulder volume ratios are less than about 2 percent and in a loose matrix that allows
easy plucking and passing or pushing aside. Where boulder volume ratios are over 2 percent or where
large boulders over 1.5 m are common, particularly in a dense or hard soil matrix, rippers and scrapers will
likely be ineffective and boulder access interventions would be required. A combination head with ripper-
scraper and disc cutters or mostly disc cutters may be more cost effective for microtunneling and for
pressurized face tunneling in wet ground with over 2-3 bar of water pressure, particularly where hyperbaric
interventions may be required to change cutters.

4.5 Problematic Ground

While robust MTBMs with combination heads, particularly if face access is also provided, significantly
increase the chances of good advance rates and avoidance of stuck drives, some combinations of cobbles,
boulders and soil matrix type remain very risky. Probably the most treacherous condition for MTBM or
pressurized face TBM tunneling is a combination of cobbles and boulders with a CVR+ BVR greater than
10 percent in open, high permeability gravel or a sand-gravel matrix with fines less than 3 percent. Bentonite
slurry at the face may flow excessively into the gravel and may not have sufficient viscosity to form a filter
cake and prevent excess flowing ground. With earth pressure balance tunneling, such ground is very
difficult to properly condition and may result in inadequate face pressure and excess flow through the
screws. If cutterhead openings are excessive, the excavation chamber may quickly become filled with
gravel, cobbles and boulders that resist crushing and flow through the intake ports or screw conveyor
resulting in a blocked chamber and a stalled MTBM or TBM. Significant reductions in the cutterhead
opening ratio to less than 20 percent may be required to obtain face stability and reduce risk of stalling an
adequately powered MTBM in these conditions [31][42].

Another high risk is that very abrasive ground and cobble and boulder impact damage may result in
excessive cutter-cutterhead-crusher-intake port wear severely reducing the average advance rate or
resulting in a stuck MTBM and possibly inability to complete the project with the selected MTBM [6][59].

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 21

When cobble and boulder volume ratios exceed approximately 10 percent and very abrasive matrix soils
are present, microtunneling should be avoided or special measures implemented and pay items provided
to manage the likely advance rate and abrasion impacts.

Hunt & Del Nero 2012 [40] and Hunt et al 2013 [42] provide a detailed discussion of considerations and
potential measures for microtunneling in cobbles and boulders in a gravel matrix. The risks of
microtunneling in gravel with cobbles and boulders can be mitigated by a variety of potential measures. To
microtunnel in high-permeability gravel and to reduce risk of choking and stalling and the risk of severe
overmining and sinkholes, flow of ground through the cutterhead into the excavation chamber must be
restricted to a rate manageable by the crusher and slurry mucking system by one or more of the following
 Pre-excavation grouting to reduce permeability and increase strength.
 Required use of bentonite conveyance slurry and not allow water-soil slurry.
 Thickening of the bentonite slurry and addition of additives if necessary to allow a “filter cake” to
form or at least significantly reduce slurry flow into gravel-cobble pores, thereby increasing face
 Application of a slurry pressure at the face equal to at least the hydrostatic groundwater pressure
and estimated active earth pressure.
 Reduce cutterhead opening size and cutterhead opening ratio to less than normal.
 Require minimum MTBM torque – or torque-cutterhead speed combinations.


5.1 Total Ground Abrasivity

The total abrasivity of tunnel zone ground is due to the combined effects of the soil matrix, gravel, cobbles,
boulders and any mixed-face ground or rock encountered. An assessment of tunnel zone ground abrasivity
to estimate wear of cutters, cutterhead, rock crusher and mucking system is a very important component
of risk management for tunneling in ground with gravel, cobbles and boulders or mixed-face conditions.
Total ground abrasivity not only includes the primary wear of cutters and secondary wear of the cutterhead
and mucking system, but also includes cutter breakage from impacts with cobbles and boulders or hard
rock in a mixed-face.

5.2 Soil Abrasion Testing

During the past 10 years, significant advancements on soil matrix abrasion tests have been made by
researchers in France, in Norway at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), in the
United States at Penn State University and Colorado School of Mines, in Iran and recently in South Korea.
The early soil matrix abrasion testing methods were limited to grains smaller than 20-mm (0.8-inches),
which do not allow assessment of abrasion risk from gravel, cobbles and boulders. The more recently
developed methods now allow testing of soil mixtures with gravel and very small cobbles up to ~100-mm
(3.9-inch) in size. None of the soil matrix abrasion tests consider the effects of cobbles and boulders, which
is a significant limitation for ground with CVR + BVR over ~ 2 percent.
Mirmehrabi et.al. 2015 [52] present a new soil abrasion testing method called Ferdowsi University Abrasion
Test (FUAT) and summarized the key features of it and the other soil abrasion testing methods as shown
in Table 5.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 22

Table 5 – Summary of Six Soil Abrasion Testing Methods from Mirmehrabi et.al. 2015 [52]

5.3 Rock Clast and Rock Abrasion Testing

The abrasivity of rock clasts or rock can be assessed by completing Cerchar Abrasivity Tests per ASTM
D7625, Laboratory Determination of Abrasiveness of Rock Using the Cerchar Method. Many references
are available on rock abrasivity testing, but it is not discussed here. The focus of the remaining abrasivity
discussion will primarily be the combined abrasivity effects of the soil matrix and cobbles and boulders.

5.4 Abrasivity from Cobbles and Boulders

The abrasivity of cobbles and boulders should always be considered and particularly when concentrations
exceed approximately 2 percent by volume. Abrasivity of cobbles and boulders involves the intact rock
abrasivity indicted by Cerchar testing and cobble and boulder conditions including concentration (combined
cobble and boulder volume ratio), size, angularity and distribution within the soil matrix. A method is
proposed below that will allow better assessment of cutter wear and breakage and frequency of cutter
changes and associated interventions for ground with cobbles and boulders.
Kloppl & Thuro 2013 [47] and Kim et.al. 2017 [46] (and others) define and utilize a term called cutting
distance, Sc, as the ground surface distance traveled for the cutter life – before it wears to an extent
requiring replacement. The cutting distance estimate for cutters can be used to estimate the cutter change
interval, Li, for the anticipated ground conditions, which determines where interventions may be needed
and the extent of effort and cost to mitigate abrasive cutter wear and breakage.
Kloppl & Thuro 2013 also define a term called Soil Abrasivity Index, SAI, and provide equations and
correlations of cutting distance, Sc, to Equivalent Quartz Content, EQC, and other soil abrasion testing
results. For example, Figure 13 shows cutting distance Sc versus SAI for both disc cutters and scrapers.
Kim et.al. 2017 [46] determined the Sc values shown for six soil types Based on a study of 17 projects in
Table 6. The Sc values ranged from <250 to over 1500 km/cutter for the soil types. These values may be
used as a guideline or check against soil abrasion test results and cutting distance calculations being used
to estimate Li values (estimated distances between cutter change interventions).

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 23

Figure 13 – Cutting distance, Sc, versus Soil Abrasivity Index from Koppl & Thuro 2013 [ ]

Table 6 – Cutter life, Sc, values in km/cutter for six soil types from Kim et.al. 2017 [ ]

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 24

Another approach to estimating Li values is to obtain estimate of cutter tool life, Vc, as cubic meters of
tunnel bored divided by the number of worn or broken cutters that must be replaced over a tunnel interval
or Li interval. Vc values can be used to estimate Li values for the anticipated ground conditions. Jakobsen
et.al 2013 [43] and Jakobsen 2014 [44] provide charts that relate Vc in m3/cutter to EQC, SAI, and SAT
(Soil Abrasion Test from NTNU). Figure 14 shows a relationship between Vc and EQC for various soil types
and shows that Vc values for soil matrix generally ranges from about 50 to 1400 m3/cutter with most of the
data between 200 and 1200 m3/cutter.

Figure 14 – Tool live, Vc, versus EQC for various soil types per Jakobsen 2013 [43]

For comparison, Vc values for seven bores in rock are shown in Table 7. The Vc values range from 42 to
1661 m3/cutter. By combining both the Vc values from the soil matrix and rock, an indication of cutter tool
live from cobbles and boulders might be assessed.
For example, if the soil matrix is primarily clay with a EQC of 10%, a Vc value of of ~800 m3/cutter may be
estimated. If the ground contains cobbles and boulders with a CVR+BVR of 10 percent or more, the rock
abrasiveness may control and if the rock is hard granitic rock (common for boulders) with an EQC of 80%,
a Vc value of 100 m3/cutter may be assumed for the rock clasts.
Table 7 – Cutter life, Sc, Vc values in m/cutter for rock and mixed face ground
Project Ground Vc, Li, avg Reference
m3/cutter intervention
length, m
HEPP, Turkey Limestone 1661 552 [1]
Busan Line II, Korea Mixed face 295 212 [4]
Busan Line II, Korea Granodiorite, andesite 91 73 [4]
Tuzla WW, Turkey Sandstone conglomerate 42 79 [28]
Yinhanjiwei, China N Phyllite, amphibolite schist 1048 218 [72]
Yinhanjiwei, China S Quartzite, granite 121 13 [72]
Tsuen Wan, Hong K. Tuff, granodiorite 88 - [56]

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 25

The previous discussion provides abrasivity and cutter wear or life information for soil and for rock with one
example of mixed face conditions. To relate this information to abrasivity and cutter wear due to cobbles
and boulders, the author used a database of soft ground tunnel projects with various percentages of cobbles
and boulders. Figure 15 is a plot of average cutter change intervention interval, Li, versus BVR. It shows
that impacts on Li are small for BVR values less than ~ 0.5 percent and are slightly more than Li values
experienced for soil without cobbles and boulders. The impacted of boulders rapidly increases at BVR
values over 0.5 percent and approaches the Li values for rock at BVR values over 1-2 percent which would
correspond to CVR + BVR values of ~3 to 6 percent.

Common Li range for

moderate to hard rock

Common Li range for

sand, silt and clay soil

Figure 15 – Boulder volume ratio versus Li = average cutter change intervention interval

Based on all the previous discussion, the total ground abrasivity might be estimated using the preliminary
chart provided in Table 8. The table provides the authors preliminary opinions on how tool live, Vc, in
m3/cutter may be estimated for ranges in BVR using combinations of Vc from soil and rock clast data.
For example, it suggests that for the preceding case where a CVR+BVR of 10 percent was assumed, that
the total ground abrasivity may be estimated as 60 percent of the soil matrix VC plus 40 percent of the rock
Vc = 0.6 x 800 + 0.4 x 100 = 480 + 40 = 520 m3/cutter. This is a preliminary experimental approach to be
further researched, but it should provide a better estimate of total ground abrasivity due to cobbles and
boulders than present methods which ignore the impact of cobbles and boulders. The method might be
used in conjunction with the relationship between BVR and Li shown in Figure 13 to better estimate the
impact of cobbles and boulders on cutter wear and life.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 26

Table 8 – Preliminary suggested total ground abrasivity approach


During the past twenty years, the tunneling industry has made considerable improvements in capability to
successfully microtunnel and tunnel in cobbly-bouldery ground. Subsurface investigations have gotten
more varied and focused to obtain necessary data. A database of typical cobble and boulder volume ratios
for common soil types has grown. Designers have developed practical and statistical methods to predict
boulder occurrences. These methods have been used with reasonable success on well over 50 projects
and perhaps in the hundreds.
Baselining and pay items (where applicable) have helped to significantly reduce the contractual and cost
risk of excavating through cobbly-bouldery ground. Risk management methods should be used to assess
cobble and boulder risks along all portions of the alignment. Where the consequences of getting stuck are
high or where the cost of interventions to change cutters is excessive, contract documents might require
more robust TBMs or MTBMs with face access and combination roller and scraper cutters. Where
conditions are bad and risks are high, redundancy and backup plans should be designed with appropriate
pay items to manage uncertainties and risks.
Abrasivity of cobbles and boulders needs to be considered, particularly when cobble and boulder
occurrence has a boulder volume ratio, BVR, over ~ 0.5 percent or CVR + BVR over ~2 percent. These
and higher concentrations of cobbles and boulders are expected to have impacts on advance rate, cutter
life and the average cutter change intervention interval and may also cause more severe impacts such as
obstruction and cutterhead or mucking system damage. A preliminary method was given that would allow
cutter life estimates for soil matrix to be combined with cutter life estimates for rock clasts to estimate total
ground abrasivity and Li, the average cutter change intervention interval.

Many useful papers on subsurface investigation, baselining, tunneling method selection and case histories
have been published, particularly within the past 20 years. An extensive bibliography of papers on

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 27

subsurface investigation, baselining and tunneling in cobbly and bouldery ground and on abrasivity of soil
is provided after the references.


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[70] Walter B., Gharahbagh E.A., Frank G., DiPonio M.A, & Mooney M.A. 2012. Extending TBM Reliability
by Detecting Boulders. Proceedings 2012 North American Tunneling Conference, SME, N2012-19.

[71] Wetter, L., Staheli, J., Ramirez, JC. & Richart, P. 2015. Risk Mitigation Strategies for Pipe Jacking in
Cobbles and Boulders; Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2015, NASTT ND2015.13. MA-T4-02.

[72] Xue Y., Diao Z. & Zhao F. 2016. Analysis of TBM Performance and Disc Cutter Consumption in
Yinhanjiwei Water Conveyance Tunnel Project. In Proceedings of 2016 World Tunnel Congress, SME-
ITA. 13p. W2016.277.

[73] Young. G, 2009. Personal communication, Underground Imaging Technologies, Inc, Dec. 2009.

[74] Zhou S. H. & Song T. T. 2007. The Practice of Risk Identification and Assessment of Shield Tunnelling
in Chengdu Metro. ISGSR2007 First International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety & Risk, Oct.
18~19, 2007 Shanghai, Tongji University, China. 757-763.

R2017.45. Cutterhead Protection in a Boulder Field using Real Time Vibration Monitoring; J. Buckley, E.
Alavi, B. Hagan and M. DiPonio, Jay Dee Contractors, Inc.; N. Toohey, M. Mooney and, T. Planes, Colorado
School of Mines, Golden, CO

Papers shown in bold type are considered by the author to be more relevant references and may be of
more relevant as suggested reading on tunneling in cobbly-bouldery ground.

8.1 References on subsurface investigation and boulder baselining

Alsup S., 1974, Recommended Borehole Investigation for Soft Ground, Subsurface Exploration for
Underground Excavation and Heavy Construction. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York,
Attwell, P.B., 1995, 4.3.3 Boulders, In: Tunnelling Contracts and Site Investigation, E & FN SPON.
London, 77-80.
Boone, S.J., Westland, J., Busbridge, J.R. & Garrod, B., 1998, Prediction of Boulder Obstructions,
Tunnels & Metropolises, Proceedings of World Tunnelling Congress 1998, 817-822.
Boone, S.J., Poschmann, A., Pace, A. & Pound, C., 2001. Characterization of San Diego’s Stadium
Conglomerate for Tunnel Design, Proceedings 2001 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference,
SME, R2001-4, p33-45.
Brierley G.S., Howard, A.L. and Romley R.E., 1991, Subsurface Exploration Utilizing Large Diameter
Borings for the Price Road Drain Tunnel. Proceedings, 1991 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling
Conference. Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration. Littleton CO. R1991-5, 61-78.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 32

Brierley, G.S. (1996). “Microtunneling! Schmicrotunneling!” Trenchless Technology. September 1996, p8.
Cowles, B., Guardia, R.J., Robinson, R.A., R. Andrews & Molvik, D., 2005, Predicted versus Actual
Obstructions for Two Pipe-Jacked Tunnels of the Henderson CSO, Seattle, Washington, Proceedings
2005 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, SME, R2005-101, 253-1261.
Davis R. and Oothoudt T., 1997, The Use of Rotosonic Drilling in Environmental Investigations, Soil and
Groundwater Cleanup, May 1997, 34-36.
De Pasquale, G. and Pinelli G., 1998, No-Dig Allocation Planning Using Dedicated Radar Techniques. No-
Dig International, Mining Journal LTD, London, February 1998, I-12 to I-14.
Ditlevsen, O, 2006, A story about distributions of dimensions and locations of boulders,
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Volume 21, Issue 1, January 2006, 9-17.
Ditlevsen O., 1997, Probability of boulders. In: Gimsing NJ, editor. East Tunnel, (A/S
Storebæltsforbindelsen). Copenhagen, 1997. 39–41.
Edgerton W.W., Morgan A.M., & R.E. Bizzarri. 2012. Developing Functional Baselines. Proceedings 2012
North American Tunneling Conference, SME, N2012-57. 473-478.
Essex, R.J., 1993, Subsurface Exploration Considerations for Microtunneling/Pipe Jacking Projects.
Proceedings of Trenchless Technology: An Advanced Technical Seminar. Trenchless Technology
Center, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA. 276-287.
Essex, R.J. & Klein, S.J. 2000. Recent developments in the use of Geotechnical Baseline Reports. In
Ozdemer, L. (ed). Proceedings of North American Tunneling 2000, Rotterdam: Balkema, N2000-9, 79-
Ezeokonkwo J. C. &. Nwoji, C. U., 2014. Review of Trenchless Technologies Successes and their
Dependence on Precise Geotechnical Investigation, Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH), Vol.
33. No. 3, July 2014, 275-292.
Felletti, F., & Pietro-Beretta, G., 2009, Expectation of boulder frequency when tunneling in glacial
till: A statistical aroach based on transition probability, Engineering Geology, Volume 108,
Issues 1-2, 14 September 2009, 43-53.
Firdaus M., Mohamadb E.T., Norsalkini S., Tanb, M.A, & Komooc I., 2015. Physical Field Characterization
of Boulders in Tropical Weathering Profile - A Case Study In Ulu Tiram, Johor Malaysia. Jurnal
Teknologi, 76:2 (2015) 59–65. [Boulder sizing and mapping, weathered granitic boulder size from
Frank, G., Daniels, J. & Guy, ED. 2000. The Use of Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar in Determining the
Risk Associated with Boulder Occurrence, Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2000, NASTT,
ND2000-3, p37.
Frank, G. & Daniels, J. 2000. The Use of Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar in Determining the Risk
Associated With Boulder Occurrence. In Ozdemer, L. (ed). Proceedings of the North American
Tunneling 2000, Rotterdam: Balkema. N2000-46, 427-436.
Frank, G. & Chapman, D. 2001. “Geotechnical Investigations for Tunneling in Glacial Soils,” In
Hansmire, W.H. & Gowring, I.M. (eds). Proceedings 2001 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling
Conference, Littleton, Colorado: SME. R2001-26, 309-324.
Frank, G. & Chapman, D. 2005-60. New Model for Characterizing the Cobble and Boulder Fraction
for Soft Ground Tunneling, Proceedings 2005 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, SME,
Ghodrat H. 2014. Geotechnical Investigation Planning of Subway Projects in Urban Areas. EJGE: 8561-
Gwildis, U., Robinson, R.A., Richard Sage, R. & David Sowers; 2014; Geotechnical Planning Advances for
TBM Projects in Glacial Geology; Proceedings of 2014 North American Tunneling Conference. Society
for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration. Littleton CO.; N2014-80.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 33

Gould, J.P. 1995. Geotechnology in Dispute Resolution. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. ASCE. New
York. Vol. 121, No. 7. July 1995, 523-534. [also see discussion in ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, June 1997, 592-599.
Heuer, R.E., 1978. Site Characterization for Underground Design and Construction. Site Characterization
& Exploration. ASCE. New York, 39-55.
Hindle, D.J., 1995. Geotechnical Appraisal. World Tunneling. London. Nov. 1995, 371-373.
Hunt, S.W. and Fradkin, S.B., 1991, Costly Environmental and Geotechnical DSC Claims Resulting from
Exploration Program and Reporting Inadequacies. Proceedings, 34th Annual Meeting of Association
of Engineering Geologists. Association of Engineering Geologists, Greensburg, PA, 127-136.
Hunt, S.W. & Angulo. M., 1999. Identifying and Baselining Boulders for Underground Construction.
In Fernandez, G. & Bauer (eds), Geo-Engineering for Underground Facilities, Reston, Virginia:
ASCE, 255-270.
Hunt, S.W., 2004, Risk Management for Microtunneled Sewers, In Proceedings of Collection
Systems 2004: Innovative Approaches to Collection Systems Management, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, Water Environment Federation, Inc., Alexandria, VA., Session 9, Paper 4, 15p.
Hunt S.W. & Del Nero, D.E. 2010.Two Decades of Advances Investigating, Baselining and Tunneling
in Bouldery Ground, Proceedings of World Tunnelling Congress, Vancouver, ITA-TAC, W2010-
48, 8p.
Hunt S.W. & Del Nero, D.E, 2010. Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders. Breakthroughs in Tunnelling
Short Course, Colorado School of Mines, September 22-24, 2010. 29p.
Hunt, S., Del Nero, D. & Finney A., 2013, Microtunneling in Gravel, Cobbles, and Boulders, In:
Proceedings 2013 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, SME, R2013-18, 226-239.
Legget R.F. 1979. Geology and Geotechnical Engineering. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering
Division. ASCE. New York. Vol. 105, No. GT3. March 1979, 342-391.
Lyman T.J. & Soule, N., 2012 Unconventional Subsurface Investigation Methods for Tunnel/Trenchless
Projects. Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2012. NASTT. ND2012-60, C-2-05
Medley, E.W., 2002, Estimating Block Size Distributions of Melanges and Similar Block-in-Matrix
Rocks (Bimrocks), Proceedings of 5th North American Rock Mechanics Symposium (NARMS),
ed. by Hammah, R., Bawden, W., Curran, J. and Telesnicki, M. ; July 2002, Toronto, Canada;
University of Toronto Press, 509-606.
Miller R.J. (1996). “Hazard Recognition in Trenchless Technology.” No-Dig Engineering. Vol.3. No. 6.
November/December 1996, 13-15.
Mooney, M., Walter, B., Steele J. & Cano D; 2014; Influence of Geological Conditions on Measured TBM
Vibration Frequency; Proceedings of 2014 North American Tunneling Conference. Society for Mining
Metallurgy and Exploration. Littleton CO., N2014.4. [Vibration monitoring to detect boulder occurrence]
Nielson, D.R., Wallin, M., Kirker, D.J. Fisher M. & Bailey, R. 2013. Geotechnical Exploration and Modeling
for HDD Design in Cobble-Rich Fluvial Deposits below I-5/Sacramento River near Redding, California.
Proceedings of North American No-Dig 20130, NASTT, ND2013-56, TM1-T2-01.
Neyer, J.C., 1985. Geotechnical Investigation for Tunnels in Glacial Soils. Proceedings of 1985 Rapid
Excavation and Tunneling Conference. Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration. Littleton
CO., R1985-1, 3-15.
Osterberg, J.O., 1978, Failures in Exploration Programs, Site Characterization & Exploration. ASCE. New
York, 3-9.
Osterberg, J.O. 1989. Necessary Redundancy in Geotechnical Engineering. Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering. ASCE. New York. Vol. 115, No. 11. November 1989, 1513-1531.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 34

Ovesen, N.K., 1997. Invited lecture: geotechnical aspects of the Storebaelt Project, Proceedings of the 14th
Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Hamburg 6–12 Sept. Eds. Publ. Committee.
Balkema, Rotterdam, 2097–2114.
Parnass J. & Staheli S. 2010. The Legal Impact of Geotechnical Baselines. Proceedings of North American
No-Dig 2010. NASTT. ND2010-88. D-5-03.
Parnass J. & Staheli S. 2012. Managing Microtunneling Risks. North American Microtunneling 2012
Industry Review, Trenchless Technology Special Supplement. M6-M9.
Parnass J., Staheli S, Hunt S, Hutchinson M, Fowler J & Maday L. 2011. A Discussion on
Geotechnical Baseline Reports and Legal Issues, Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2011.
NASTT. ND2011.51, C-2.
Parness J. & Tomlison Z. 2015. Court Upholds Clauses in DSC Dispute. NASTT Pacific Northwest
Chapter – PNW Trenchless Review – 2015. 39-40.
Poot, S., Boone, S.J., Westland, J. & Pennington, B, 2000, Predicted Boulder Frequency Compared
to Field Observations During Construction of Toronto’s Sheppard Subway, Proceedings of
Tunneling Association of Canada 2000 Conference. T2000-15, 47-54.
Schmidt B., 1974, Exploration for Soft Ground Tunnels - A New Approach, Subsurface Exploration for
Underground Excavation and Heavy Construction. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York,
Smirnoff T.P. and Lundin T.K., 1985, Design of Initial and Final Support of Pressure Tunnels in the Phoenix
"SGC". Proceedings, 1985 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, Society for Mining Metallurgy
and Exploration. Littleton CO. R1985-26, 428-438.
Staheli K. & Madday L., 2009, Geotechnical Baseline Reports-Applying the Guidelines to
Microtunneling, International No-Dig 2009, A-2-04, ND2009-9, 8p.
Sundaram R. & Gupta, S., 2015, Geotechnical Investigations in Gravel-Boulder Deposits, The Bridge
and Structural Engineer - Journal of the Indian National Group of International Association of
Bridge and Structural Engineering, Vol 45, No. 4, December 2015, 87-97.
Stoll U.W., 1976, Probability That a Soil Boring Will Encounter Boulders, Conference on Better
Contracting for Underground Construction. Michigan Section of American Society of Civil
Engineers. Detroit. 34-48.
Tang, W. and Quek S.T., 1986. “Statistical Model of Boulder Size and Fraction.” Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering. ASCE. New York. Vol. 112, No. 1. January 1986, 79-90.
Tarkoy, P.J., 1992, The Achilles Heel of Trenchless Technology: An Editorial Comment. Trenchless
Technology. September/October 1992. p25, p41.
Tarkoy, P.J., 1999, Microtunneling in Spite of Inherent Risks, TBM: Tunnel Business Magazine,
December 1999, 23-24.
Tarkoy, P.J., 2008, The boulder facts of life, World Tunnelling, December 2008, 25-28.
Technical Committee on Geotechnical Reports of the Underground Technology Research Center. 1997.
Geotechnical Baseline Reports for Underground Construction. Randall J. Essex, Editor. ASCE. New
York , 40p.
U.S. National Committee on Tunneling Technology, 1984. Geotechnical Site Investigations for
Underground Projects. National Academy Press. Washington D.C. Vol. 1. 195p.
Walter B., Gharahbagh E.A., Frank G., DiPonio M.A, & Mooney M.A. 2012. Extending TBM Reliability by
Detecting Boulders. Proceedings 2012 North American Tunneling Conference, SME, N2012-19. 146-

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 35

Ward, D.C., Robinson, R.A. & Hopkins, TW. 2002. Managing Uncertainty and Risk - The Exploration
Program for Seattle's Proposed Light Rail Tunnels, Proceedings North American Tunneling 2002,
Rotterdam: Balkema, N2002-26, p219-225.
Wongkaew, M., Penrice, D., Theodore, J. & Patton B. 2015. East Link—Final Design of the Downtown
Bellevue Tunnel. Proceedings 2015 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, SME, R2015-91,

8.2 References on tunnel excavation methods in bouldery ground

ATS, 2006, Current & Emerging Rock Cutting Technology, Australian Tunnelling Society,
Babendererde, L., 2003, Problems of TBMs in Water Bearing Ground, Proceedings of
Summerschool 2003 on Rational Tunnelling, University of Innsbruck, 20p.
Becker, C., 1995. The Choice between EPB- and Slurry Shields: Selection Criteria by Practical Examples.
In Williamson, G.E. & Fowring I.M. (eds). Proceedings of 1995 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling
Conference, Littleton CO: SME, R1995-31, 479-492.
Burger, W., 2007. Design Principles for Soft Ground Cutterheads, Proceedings of 2007 Rapid
Excavation and Tunneling Conference, SME, R2007.64, p784
Camp, C., 2014, Microtunneling Abrasive Ground; Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2014,
NASTT, Paper TM1-T5-01, ND2014.52.
Cording, E.J., Brierley, G.S., Mahar J.W., and Boscardin M.D., 1989, Controlling Ground Movements During
Tunneling.” The Art and Science of Geotechnical Engineering. Editors: Cording, E.J., Hall W.J.,
Haltiwanger J.D., Hendron, A.J. Jr., and Mesri G. Prentice Hall. New Jersey, 478-482.
Castro, R., Webb, R. & Nonnweiler, J., 2001. Tunneling Through Cobbles in Sacramento, California.
In Hansmire, W.H. & Gowring, I.M. (eds). Proceedings 2001 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling
Conference. Littleton, Colorado: SME, R2001-74, 907-918
DiPonio, M.A, Chapman, D., & Bournes, C., 2007, EPB Tunnel Boring Machine Design for Boulder
Conditions, Proceedings of 2007 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, SME, R2007-20,
Dowden, P.B. & Robinson, R.A., 2001, Coping with Boulders in Soft Ground Tunneling. In Hansmire,
W.H. & Gowring, I.M. (eds). Proceedings 2001 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference,
Littleton, Colorado: SME. R2001-78, 961-977.

Friant, J.E. & Ozdemir, L. 1994. Development of the High Thrust Mini-Disc Cutter for Microtunneling
Alications. No-Dig Engineering. June 1994: 12-15.

Fuerst, T., 2008, Successful Technology for Utility Installation in Unstable Geology (60-96 Inches
Diameter) [SBU], 2008. Underground Construction Technology International Conference &
Exhibition, Track 8B, U2008.47, 9p.

Goss, CM. 2002. “Predicting Boulder Cutting in Soft Ground Tunneling,” In Ozdemer, L. (ed),
Proceedings of North American Tunneling 2002, Rotterdam: Balkema. N2002-4, p37-46.
Grolewski B., Hunt S.W., Hottinger G.A., Martin R. & Ellis L. 2010. Microtunneling Experience on the
Barclay/4th/Chase MIS Replacement Project, In: Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2010,
NASTT, Paper F-5-01, ND2010.132.
Grothen B. 2015. Optimizing Soft Ground Excavation: Development and Design of EPB and Slurry
Cutterheads, Proceedings of World Tunneling Congress 2015. W2015.147. 12p.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 36

Hunt, S. W. and Mazhar, F. M., 2004, MTBM and Small TBM Experience with Boulders, Proceedings
of North American Tunneling 2004, Ozdemir (ed.), N2004-6, 47–64.
Jee W.W. & Ha S.-G. 2007. Feasible Boulder treatment methods for soft ground shielded TBM;
Proceedings of World Tunneling Congress 2007. Taylor & Francis Group, London. W2007.35. p217-
Kieffer, D.S., Leelasukseree, C., & Mustoe, G.G.W., 2008, Disc Cutter Performance in Boulder-Laden
Ground, Proceedings of North American Tunneling 2008, SME, N2008-17, 129-136.
Kieffer, D.S., Leelasukseree, C., & Mustoe, G.G.W., 2008, Discs and Boulders, Tunnels and
Tunnelling International, Nov, 2008, 43-46.

Klein S.J., Nagle G.S., Raines, G,L.,1996, Important Geotechnical Considerations in Microtunneling. No-
Dig Engineering. Vol. 3. No. 4. July/August 1996, 9-12.
Kneib, G., A. Kassel and K. Lorenz. 2000. Automatic Seismic Prediction ahead of the Tunnelling Machine.
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Conference, Helsinki.
Krauter, D., 2008. When Boulders Attack – Roller Cutters in Soft Ground, Tunnel Business Magazine,
February 2008, 22-23.

Neil, D., K. Haramy, J. Descour, and D. Hanson. 1999. Imaging Ground Conditions ahead of the Face.
World Tunnelling, November 1999, 425–429.

Nishitake, S. 1987. Earth Pressure Balanced Shield Machine to Cope with Boulders. In Jacobs, J.M. &
Hendricks R.S. (eds). Proceedings, 1987 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference. . Littleton CO:
SME, R1987-35, 552-572
Roby, J. & Desiree Willis, D.; 2014; Achieving Fast EPB Advance in Mixed Ground: A Study of
Contributing Factors. Proceedings of 2014 North American Tunneling Conference. Society for
Mining Metallurgy and Exploration. Littleton CO., N2014.21. [Advance rate, cutter type,
cutterhead armoring and conditioning]
Shinouda MM, Gwildis UG, Wang P & Hodder W. 2011. Cutterhead Maintenance for EPB Tunnel Boring
Machines. Proceedings, 2011 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference. Redmond S. & Romero V.
(eds). SME. R2011.80. 1068-1082.
Staheli K. & Hermanson, G., 1997, What to Do When your Head Gets Stuck, Proceedings of Proceedings
of North American No-Dig 1997, NASTT, 436-446.
Staheli, K., Bennett, D., Maggi, M.A., Watson, M.B. &. Corwin B.J. 1999. Folsom East 2 Construction
Proving Project: Field Evaluation of Alternative Methods in Cobbles and Boulders. In Fernandez,
G. & Bauer (eds). Geo-Engineering for Underground Facilities, Reston, Virginia: ASCE. 720-730.
Ozdemir, L. 1995. Comparison of Cutting Efficiencies of Single-Disc, Multi-Disc and Carbide Cutters
for Microtunneling Applications. No-Dig Engineering. March 1995. 18-23.
Wallis, S., 2000, Elbe Tunnel: Cutting Edge Technology, Tunnels & Tunnelling International, January 2000,
V32 N1, .24-27.
Wallin M. & Bennett D., 2010. 20 Years of Perspective: Design and Construction Professional’s Views on
Improving Microtunneling Proceedings of Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2010, NASTT;
ND2010.42, Paper B-5-01.
Zhou S. H. & Song T. T. 2007. The Practice of Risk Identification and Assessment of Shield Tunnelling in
Chengdu Metro. ISGSR2007 First International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety & Risk, Oct.
18~19, 2007 Shanghai, Tongji University, China. 757-763.

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 37

8.3 References on compensation for boulder encounters or obstructions

Cronin, H.E. & Coluccio, J.J. 2003. The True Cost of Boulders in a Soft Ground Tunnel. 2003. In
Robinson, R.A. & Marquardt, J.M. (eds), Proceedings 2003 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling
Conference. Littleton, Colorado: SME: 535-539, R2003-48.
Hunt, S.W. 2002. Compensation for Boulder Obstructions. In Ozdemir, L. (ed), Proceedings Of The
North American Tunneling 2002, Rotterdam: Balkema, N2002-3, 23-36.
Mason, D.J. III, Berry, R. S.J., &. Hatem D.J. 1999. Removal of Subsurface Obstructions: An Alternative
Contractual Aroach. In Fernandez, G. & Bauer (eds). Geo-Engineering for Underground Facilities:
Reston, Virginia: ASCE. 1164-1175.
Samuels R. 2000. Use of contract unit prices for fair and reasonable payment of changes in baseline
quantities for tunnel construction, Proceedings Of The North American Tunneling 2000, Balkema,
N2000.32, p299-303.
Tarkoy P.J., 2011. False claims, unjustified denials, World Tunnelling, (2011-10) 31-32.

8.4 Case histories with references to boulder encounters

Abramson, L., Cochran, J., Handewith, H. & MacBriar. 2002, Predicted and actual risks in construction of
the Mercer Street Tunnel. In Ozdemer, L. (ed). Proceedings Of The North American Tunneling 2002,
Rotterdam: Balkema. N2002-25, 211-218.
Amoun S., 2015. Soil Abrasiveness for EPB-TBM along Tehran Metro Tunnel Line 7, Iran. Proceeding of
ITA WTC 2015 Congress, W2015.352. 8p.
Anheuser, L. 1995. Specific Problems of Very Large Tunneling Shields, Proceedings 1995 Rapid
Excavation and Tunneling Conference. Littleton, Colorado: SME: R1995.30, 467-477.
Atalah, A. 2008. A Case Study of the Permars Run Relief Sewer Alignment in Steubenville, Ohio,
Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2008, NASTT, ND2008.35, B-4-03.
Becker, C., 1989, Tunnelling in Glacial Deposits at the Example Grauholztunnel Bern (Makro-Tunnelling)
and Sewer Moosstrasse Salzburg (Makro- Tunnelling), Proceedings, 1989 Rapid Excavation and
Tunneling Conference, Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration, Littleton, CO., R1989-43, 701-
Beieler, R., Gonzales D. & Molvik, D. 2003. City of Seattle - Tolt Pipeline No. 2 Bear Creek and Snoqualimie
River Microtunnels. Proceedings of North American No-Dig 2003, NASTT, Las Vegas, April, ND2003-
7, Paper A-2-03.
Bennett, D. & Wallin, M.S. 2003. American River Crossings: Then and Now. Proceedings of North American
No-Dig 2003, NASTT, Las Vegas, April, ND2003-55, Paper D-2-02.
Boone, S.J., McGaghran, S. Bouwer, G. & Leinala, T. 2002. Monitoring the performance of earth pressure
balance tunneling in Toronto, Proceedings North American Tunneling 2002, Rotterdam: Balkema,
N2002.35, p293
Boscardin M., Wooten, R.L. & Taylor J.M. 1997. Pipe Jacking to Avoid Contaminated Groundwater
Conditions. In Proceedings of Trenchless Pipeline Projects – Practical Alications, Boston, MA. June 8-
11, 1997. ASCE Pipeline Division, 135-141
Bradshaw. L.M., 2014. Microtunneling in Mixed Face/Mixed Reach Hard Rock; Lester M.; Proceedings of
North American No-Dig 2010, NASTT, Paper TM1-T5-03; ND2014.54. [Limestone and weathered
limestone boulders]

Hunt, Tunneling in Cobbles and Boulders, Breakthroughs in Tunnelling 2017 38

Budd T.H. and Cooney A.M. 1991. Milwaukee's North Shore 9 Collector System - A Case History. In
Wightman, W.D. & McCarry D.C. (eds). Proceedings 1991 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling
Conference,.SME, R1991-20, 349-378
Budd, T. & Goubanov, V. 2003. East Central Interceptor Sewer, Los Angeles, California, Proceedings 2003
Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference. ME,, R2003.98, p1143-1157.
Buenker J.M. & Robinson R. A.; 2014; A History of Tunneling in Los Angeles; Proceedings of 2014 North
American Tunneling Conference, Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration. Littleton CO.;
Cai, Z., Solana, A.G., C’Conner, N. & Lloyd, P., 2009, Microtunneling a RCP Sewer with Crossings,
International No-Dig 2009, NASTT-ISTT, B-2-02, NDI2009-30, 11p.
Cai, Z., Solana, AG, O’Connor N. & Lloyd, P. 2009. Microtunneling 1.2-Mile, 72-in RCP with Crossings of
NJ Turnpike and CSX Railroads; Proceedings 2009 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference. SME.
R2009.44. p558-569.
Camp C., 2007, Microtunneling and HDD through Alluvium in Chula Vista, CA, 2007. Proceedings of North
American No-Dig 2003, NASTT, ND2007.103 paper F-3-01, 10p.
Carrieri G., Nionelli P. & Guglielmetti, V., 2009. Chengdu Metro Line 1, Lot 3 – Tunnel Excavation
with an EPB type TBM: an example of how a good practice can help to solve a particular problem.
Proceedings of 35th World Tunnelling Congress. W2009.199. P-05-05. 12p.
Casey, E.F. and Ruggiero, 1981. The Red Hook Intercepting Sewer – A Compressed Air Tunnel Case
History. In Wightman, W.D. & McCarry D.C. (eds). Proceedings 1981 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling
Conference, SME., R1981-11, 179-200.
Chapman, DR., Richardson, TL. & Gilbert, GW. 2005. BWARI Tunneling Underway, Proceedings 2005
Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, SME, R2005.23, 280-306.
Cigla, M. & Ozdemir, L. 2000. Computer Modeling For Improved Production of Mechanical Excavators. In
Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City,
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