Aeng 5: Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical
Aeng 5: Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical
Aeng 5: Symmetrical & Unsymmetrical
Flight Loads
23.321 General
Flight load factors is the ratio of the aerodynamic force component to the
weight of the airplane. When load factor is positive, aerodynamic force acts upward.
Compliance with the flight load requirements must be shown at each critical altitude
the airplane operates, at each weight from the design minimum weight to the design
max weight and for each required altitude and weight.
When determining the wing loads & linear inertia loads corresponding to any of
the symmetrical flight conditions, the appropriate balancing horizontal tail load must be
accounted for in a rational or conservative manner. The additional horizontal tail loads
die to maneuvering and gusts must be reacted by the angular inertia of the airplane,
and when determining flight loads influence of the aerodynamic surfaces must be
taken into account.
Maneuvering envelope
Except where limited by maximum (static) lift coefficients, the airplane is assumed to be
subjected to symmetrical maneuvers resulting in the following limit load factors:
Utility: 4.4
Acrobatic: 6.0
Gust Envelope
s = distance penetrated into gust (ft)
c = mean aerodynamic chord of wing (ft)
ude = derived gust velocity
Flight Envelope
23.335 Design Airspeeds
If W/S >20: multiplying factors may be decreased linearly with W/S to a value of 28.6
where W/S = 100.
VC need not be more than 0.9VH at S.L. At altitudes when an MD is established, a cruising
speed MC limited by compressibility may be selected.
Design Dive, VD
For W/S<20:
For W/S>20: multiplying factors may be decreased linearly with W/S to a value of 1.35
where W/S = 100.
The speed increase resulting when, from the initial condition of stabilized flight at VC/MC,
the airplane is assumed to be upset, flown for 20 seconds along a flight path 7.5° below
the initial path, and then pulled up with a load factor of 1.5 (0.5 g acceleration
increment) At least 75 percent maximum continuous power for reciprocating engines,
and maximum cruising power for turbines, or, if less, the power required for VC/ MC for
both kinds of engines, must be assumed until the pullup is initiated, at which point
power reduction and pilot-controlled drag devices may be used; and either—
M = 0.05 for normal, utility, acrobatic
M = 0.07 for commuter
VB should not be less than the speed determined by the intersection of CNmax, and the
line representing the rough air gust velocity on the gust V-n diagram or VSI√𝑛𝑔,
whichever is less.
Where: ng = positive airplane gust load factor due to gust, at speed VC, and at the
particular weight under consideration
VSI = stalling speed with the flaps retracted
Wing & wing bracing must be designed for the ff loading conditions:
Cm = -0.01
Cm is the moment coefficient increment
is the down aileron deflection in degrees in the critical condition
Airplane must be designed for yawing conditions on the vertical surfaces resulting from
the loads.
Engine failure of turbopropeller airplanes will result in unsymmetrical loads, they must be
designed to deal with the said loads. Considering the probable pilot corrective action on the
flight controls:
Speeds between VMC and VD, limit loads are the loads resulting from power failure
because of fuel flow interruption
Ultimate loads are said to be the speeds between V MC and VC, the loads from the
disconnection of the engine compressor from the turbine or from loss of the turbine
Engine failures due to the history of the thrust decay and drag buildup must be
substantiated by test
Estimation of the timing and magnitude of the corrective action must be considered
When max yawing velocity is reached, pilot corrective action may be assumed, but not
earlier than 2 secs after the engine failure.
Whenever rear lift truss is used, it must withstand conditions of reversed airflow at a design
speed of V= 8.7√( ) + 8.7(𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑠) , where W/S = wing loading at design max takeoff weight. A
value of -0.8 for CL with a chrodwise distribution that is triangular between a peak at the trailing
edge and zero at the leading edge must be used.
39𝑛 𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑠
(𝑛 − 1.5), ( )
𝑣 𝑠𝑒𝑐.2
n = + load factor
V = speed in knots
-Pitching acceleration must reach positive maneuvering load factor. The negative
pitching acceleration must be equal to at least
An airplane must be designed for the unsymmetrical loads resulting from the
failure of the critical engine. Turbopropeller airplanes should be designed for the
following conditions in combination with a single malfunction of the propeller
drag limiting system:
a) General. The maximum and minimum pilot forces are assumed to act at
the appropriate control grips or pads and to be reacted at the
attachment of the control system to the control surface horn.
b) In control surface flight loading condition, the air loads on movable
surfaces and the corresponding deflections doesn’t need to exceed
those that would result in flight from the application of any pilot force.
The critical parts of the aileron control system must be designed for a
single tangential force with a limit value equal to 1.25 times the couple
force determined from these criteria.
D= wheel diameter (inches).
The unsymmetrical forces must be applied at one of the normal handgrip
points on the periphery of the control wheel.
a) In designing the airplane for lateral gust namely yaw maneuver and roll
maneuver conditions, account must be taken of unsymmetrical loads on
the empennage arising from effects such as slipstream and aerodynamic.
b) The horizontal tail must be assumed to be subjected to unsymmetrical
loading conditions determined as follows:
100 percent of the maximum loading from the symmetrical maneuver
conditions and the vertical gust conditions of acting separately on the
surface on one side of the plane of symmetry; and
80 percent of these loadings acting on the other side.
c) For empennage arrangements where the horizontal tail surfaces have
dihedral angles greater than plus or minus 10 degrees, the surfaces and
the supporting structure must be designed for gust velocities.
b) The distribution of the limit loads among the wheels of the landing gear
must be established for each landing, taxiing, and ground handling
condition, taking into account the effects of the following factors:
The number of wheels and their physical arrangements.
Any differentials in tire diameters resulting from a combination of
manufacturing tolerances, tire growth, and tire wear.
Any unequal tire inflation pressure, assuming the maximum variation
to be +/-5 percent of the nominal tire inflation pressure.
A runway crown of zero and a runway crown having a convex
upward shape that may be approximated by a slope of 1 « percent
with the horizontal.
The airplane attitude.
Any structural deflections.
d) The applied load to each gear for one and for two deflated tires unit is
assumed to be 60 percent and 50 percent, respectively, of the limit load
applied to each gear for each of the prescribed landing conditions.
e) For one and for two deflated tires.
The applied side or drag load factor, or both factors, at the center
of gravity must be the most critical value up to 50 percent and 40
For the braked roll conditions, the drag loads on each inflated tire
may not be less than those at each tire symmetrical load distribution
with no deflated tires;
f) The towing load for one and for two deflated tires, FTOW, must be 60
percent and 50 percent, respectively, of the load prescribed.
a) The limit water reaction load factors for symmetrical step, bow, and stern
are those computed under hull and main float load factors. In addition,
The resultant water load must be applied at the keel for symmetrical
step landings through the center of gravity.
The resultant water load must be applied at the keel for symmetrical
bow landings, one-fifth of the longitudinal distance from the bow to
the step.
The resultant water load must be applied at the keel for symmetrical
stern landings at a point 85 percent of the longitudinal distance
from the step to the stern post.
b) Unsymmetrical step, bow, and stern landing conditions must be
investigated. In addition,
The loading for each condition consists of an upward component and
aside component equal, respectively, to 0.75 and 0.25 tan <beta> times
the resultant load in the corresponding symmetrical landing condition;
The point of application and direction of the upward component of the
load is the same as that in the symmetrical condition, and the point of
application of the side component is at the same longitudinal station as
the upward component.
c) The unsymmetrical loading consists of an upward load at the step of
each float of 0.75 and a side load of 0.25 tan <beta> at one float times
the step landing load reached.