1. The document lists multiple medical conditions and diagnoses for different patients, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and chronic kidney disease.
2. Common presentations include acute renal failure secondary to pneumonia with aspiration, hypertensive urgency, and anemia from various underlying causes such as chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, and myeloplastic syndrome.
3. Many patients have multiple comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus with complications, cardiovascular disease, and chronic lung disease. Overall the document provides a list of chief complaints, presumed diagnoses, and relevant medical histories for different patients.
1. The document lists multiple medical conditions and diagnoses for different patients, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and chronic kidney disease.
2. Common presentations include acute renal failure secondary to pneumonia with aspiration, hypertensive urgency, and anemia from various underlying causes such as chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, and myeloplastic syndrome.
3. Many patients have multiple comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus with complications, cardiovascular disease, and chronic lung disease. Overall the document provides a list of chief complaints, presumed diagnoses, and relevant medical histories for different patients.
1. The document lists multiple medical conditions and diagnoses for different patients, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and chronic kidney disease.
2. Common presentations include acute renal failure secondary to pneumonia with aspiration, hypertensive urgency, and anemia from various underlying causes such as chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, and myeloplastic syndrome.
3. Many patients have multiple comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus with complications, cardiovascular disease, and chronic lung disease. Overall the document provides a list of chief complaints, presumed diagnoses, and relevant medical histories for different patients.
1. The document lists multiple medical conditions and diagnoses for different patients, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and chronic kidney disease.
2. Common presentations include acute renal failure secondary to pneumonia with aspiration, hypertensive urgency, and anemia from various underlying causes such as chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, and myeloplastic syndrome.
3. Many patients have multiple comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus with complications, cardiovascular disease, and chronic lung disease. Overall the document provides a list of chief complaints, presumed diagnoses, and relevant medical histories for different patients.
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UGIB prob sec to BPUD infection Type2 DM Post partum
vs Gastric mass; poorly controlled cardiomyopathy, LVH,
alzheimer’s disease Hypertensive Urgency CHF Class III, HAP(other ARF sec to CAP-HR R/O Pulmonary and Liver ins) aspiration pneumonia mass prob metastatic CHD, PDA in failure FC III Type 2 DM poorly primary unknown with CPC of the liver R/O controlled Severe anemia sec to UGIB CAP-MR; Presumptive UGIB sec to BPUD r/o CAP-MR, Oral PTB Gastric mass, HPN Candidiasis, SSi AGE with mod signs of CVA prob bleed, Hypertensive urgency s/p DHN Aspiration pneumonia CVA prob. Infarct RMCA T/C BPPV; R/O SAH T/c Gouty Arthritis distribution CAP-MR; PTB ongoing ARF sec to CAP-HR R/O DF with WS treatment aspiration pneumonia CAP-HR sec to Status Acute gastritis; R/O acute HHD in CHF FC II asthmaticus s/p arrest pancreatitis AGE with mod signs of T/C CVD prob. infarct; T/C cholelithiasis; CAP- DHN aspiration pneumonia MR, COPD in AE Hypokalemia CKD sec to DM Electrolyte Imbalance Nephropathy PTB ARF sec to CAP-HR R/O HHD in CHF FC II ongoing treatment, Type aspiration pneumonia 2 DM AGE with mod signs of Anemia secondary to DHN Type2 DM poorly CKD V controlled Hypokalemia CVA prob infarct RMCA CNS infection prob. ARF sec to CAP-HR R/O territory Bacteria aspiration pneumonia ARF sec to CAP-HR R/O CLABSI, CKD sec to HPN Anemia secondary to aspiration pneumonia nephrosclerosis CKD V Dengue fever with Sepsis sec to cellulitis CVA prob infarct RMCA warning signs CAP-MR territory Acid Peptic Disease AGE with Mod. DHN ARF sec to CAP-HR R/O Hypovolemia sec to AGE aspiration pneumonia with severe signs of DHN AGE with Mod. DHN Dengue fever with CNS infection prob. COPD in acute warning signs Bacteria meningitis t/c exacerbation; CAP MR, Acid Peptic Disease otitis media PTB treatment outcome unknown Hypovolemia sec to AGE Hypertensive urgency DM type2 sec to with severe signs of DHN AGE with Mod. DHN Nephropathy CNS infection prob. Atelectasis Left lung, t/c RHD, LAE in CHF FCIII; Bacteria meningitis t/c Presumptive PTB, COPD CAP MR; presumptive TB otitis media Anemia etiology to be CAP-MR, Presumptive Hypertensive urgency determined PTB AGE with Mod. DHN Skin and soft tissue T/C CKD prob. Sec to Atelectasis Left lung, infection Type2 DM CBN, Anemia secondary Presumptive PTB, COPD poorly controlled CAP; Presumptive PTB Anemia etiology to be Hypertensive Urgency VHD; ASD determined Hypertensive Urgency r/o CVA ARF sec to CAP-HR t/c Skin and soft tissue MDR PTB Anemia secondary to Hyertensive stage II CLABSI; CKD sec to UGIB secondary to BPUD Pulmonary Congestion hypertensive Drug-Induced anemia sec prob secondary to CKD Nephrosclerosis to Leprosy sec to Hypertension ARF sec to CAP-HR, s/p Anemia sec to UGIB sec Nephrosclerosis craniotomy for CVA to H. pylori infection Hypovolemia sec to AGE 2014, Decubitus Ulcer, IHD in Afib FVR FC III with severe signs of DHN coccyx area Anterior circulation Clabsi, CKD sec to CVD Infarct RMCA stroke, HPN stage II hypertensive Rabies Virus Infection DF with WS DM type2 sec to CAP-MR Hypertensive Emergency Nephropathy Anemia sec to Chronic t/c Peripartum CNS infection prob. Disease cardiomyopathy in Bacteria meningitis t/c failure FCIII, HPN stage II otitis media Anemia sec to UGIB sec to BPUD, Liver Cirrhossis Anemia sec to UGIB sec Post partum to BPUD cardiomyopathy, LVH, Septic Shock sec to CAP-HR, presumptive CHF Class III, HAP(other complicated UTI PTB, HCVD, LVH in ins) HCVD in Failure FC III r/o Failure Class III Skin and soft tissue CKD Hepatic encephalopathy infection Type2 DM T2 DM prob diabetic grade 2 sec to alcoholic poorly controlled nephropathy liver cirrhosis Type2 DM poorly T/C Partially Treated CNS Neuropathic foot Left controlled Infection (Bcterial vs Universal of Texas Hypovolemia sec to UGIB Viral) stageII, TDM poorly sec to BPUD IHD; Diffuse Wall controlled ARF sec to CVD Ischemia, Killips III; COPD t/c RHD, LAE in CHF FCIII; Hemorrhage not in Exacerbation CAP MR; presumptive TB ARF sec to Pulmonary HCVD MC, AR in CHF FC AGE with Mod. DHN congestion NSTEMI Killip III III, Type2 DM Pulmonary Congestion CVD prob. Hemorrhage Dengue fever with sec to CKD V sec to HPN Anemia sec to warning signs Nephrosclerosis Myeloplastic syndrome COPD in Acute Acid Peptic Disease COPD in acute Excerbation, chemotype exacerbation; CAP MR, Anemia sec to NPCA D, CAP-MR PTB treatment outcome Sepsis sec to Ascites sec to Chronic unknown Neuropathic foot Left, Alcoholic Liver Disease DM Nephropathy, CVA Type2 DM Total Anterior Circulation infarct r/o Parkinsonism Anemia etiology to be Stroke ; HPN Stage 2 Cellulitis Right foot, Type determined Pulmonary Congestion 2 DM COPD in AE, CAP MR vs secondary to CKD Stage5 Presumptive PTB Presumptive PTB secondary to HPN Anemia sec to CKD 5 sec ACS Nephrosclerosis to CGN Hypertensive Urgency Atelectasis Left lung, Anemia secondary to UGIB BPUD, H. Pyloric AGE with Mod. DHN Presumptive PTB, COPD Infection COPD in AE Phenotye D CVD infarct Bronchiectasis; Dengue fever with ESRD sec to DM IHD in failure FC III; Type warning signs nephropathy, HPN stage 2 DM poorly controlled; Pulmonary congestion II CAP-MR sec to CKD sec to CGN CVA prob bleed, HAP on top of CAP; VHD in Failure FC II t/c Aspiration pneumonia Hypertension urgency; brain abscess RHD, TR mod, MS, VHD LVH FC II Hypertensive Urgency moderate, MR mild in T/C Leptospirosis r/o CVA CHF, FCIII scrotal mass T/C CLABSI R/O Hypertensive Urgency CAP-MR, COPD in AE, complicated UTI; CKD sec AGE with Mod. DHN HHD not in CHF to obstructive uropathy Electrolyte Imbalance CAP-HR sec to Status CVA prob infarct prob. asthmaticus s/p arrest thromboembolic LMCA Hypertensive urgency ESRD sec to HPN territory; Hypertension CHF sec to Ischemic Nephrosclerosis Dr. Deguzman cardiomyopathy FC3 t/c HAP;CLABSI; ESRD sec UGIB sec to BPUD Uremic gastropathy, to HPN Nephrosclerosis anemia sec to CKD sec to IHD not in failure class III CAP-MR DM nephro Dengue fever; Rule out Pleural effusion sec to Leptospirosis DF with WS Parapneumonic process RHD prob mitral CNS infection prob. Electrolyte Imbalance, regurgitation; CAP-MR Bacteria Hypocalcemia sec, s/p Hypertensive urgency s/p CAP-MR total thyroidectomy CVA prob. Infarct RMCA Hepatic mass; T/C liver CAP-MR; PTB ongoing distribution CA treatment AGE with mod signs of NSTEMI-ACS KILLIP III, ARF sec to CAP-HR R/O DHN HPN II; HCVO LVH CLASS aspiration pneumonia CVA, prob infarct LMCA III CKD sec to DM territory; Alcohol Invasive Ductal Nephropathy PTB Intoxication Carcinoma, Left; S/P ongoing treatment, Type Severe anemia sec to MRM, Pleural Effusion 2 DM UGIB sec to BPUD r/o secondary; Anemia CKD sec to HPN Gastric mass, HPN secondary Nephrosclerosis HPN CAP-MR, post TB Septic shock sec. to stage II Bronchiectasis intraabdominal infection, CAP-MR, BAIAE oral candidiasis; CAP-MR t/c warfarin induced CVA infarct prob r/o PTB bleeding, RHD not in thromboembolic RMCA CKD V sec. to DM failuree/p CVA november territory nephropathy; HPN stage 6, 2016 SVI r/o DF II Hypokalemia ARF sec to CAP-HR r/o Anemia sec to UGIB sec t/c Acute pyelonephritis, AMI to BPUD Cholecystitis, Acute gastritis T/c Gouty Arthritis Hypertensive urgency; HHD in CHF FC II CKD V sec to DM CAP MR Nephropathy Type2 DM, BAIAE; CAP-MR CVA prob infarct RMCA poorly controlled Neuropathic ischemic territory Pulmonary and Liver foot right; Type 2 DM; CAP-MR, Oral mass prob metastatic Hypertension stage 2 Candidiasis, SSi primary unknown ESRD sec to obstructive Anemia secondary to nephropathy, type 2 DM, uropathy CKD V secondary to DM HPN Fluid overload sec. to nephropathy Chemical Ingestion CKD V sec. to obstructive Hypertensive urgency Uremic gastropathy uropathy T/C Leptospirosis secondary to CKD CAP-MR; DCM CHF FC II T/C Leptospirosis secondary to HPN Dengue fever with T/C Acute Pancreatitis nephrosclerosis warning signs prob sec to retained T2DM poorly controlled T/C AKI sec to stone (S/P CVA prob. infarct prob. Leptospirosis cholecystectomy 2002) cardioembolic; LVH; MS T/C acute pancreatitis; AGE with moderate signs not in CHF; HPN II R/O Dengue fever of dehydration ACS NSTEM I, killips II, CAP-MR, anemia ETBD, APD r/o cholecystjts soft tissue contussion sec PTB Category 1 ongoing to fall Dr. De Guzman treatment ARF sec.to CAP-HR ACS Anemia secondary to CAP-MR; R/O PTB unstable brounweld class massive UGIB secondary AGE with mod. signs of IIB to prolonged steroid use DHN; R/O Leptospirosis AGE with mod. signs of COPD, CAP-MR Anemia sec to UGIB sec DHN CKD sec to HPN to BPUD AGE with mod. signs of nephrosclerosis; IHD, Presumptive PTB DHN incomplete RBBB, Complicated cystitis; CAP MR anterolateral septal wall dengue fever suspect ischemia in failure FC II T/C Leptospirosis Type 2 DM poorly Chemical ingestion Dengue fever with (gasoline) controlled prob. warning signs nephropathy Chemical Ingestion T/C dengue fever, R/O CAP-MR, VHD MS acute febrile illness R/O UTI, R/O APP moderate in CHF FC II leptospirosis Bowel ileus cannot CAP-MR; COPD in AE; CVA prob. Infarct, LMCA totally R/O colonic Post TB Bronchiesctasis HPN pathology CAP-MR; PTB Treatment Parkinson dse; t/c CAP T/C cardiac dysrhytmia outcome unknown; HTN MR r/o UTI vs. electrolyte imbalance Stage II Sepsis sec. to Infectious diarrhea with GERD, IHD stable angina complicated UTI; R/O moderate signs of DHN not in CVD CKD CVA prob bleed RMCA Dengue fever with Nephrotic syndrome territory; DM type 2, warning signs AGE with mod. DHN r/o HPN Anemia sec. to CKD prob leptospirosis Decompensated Liver sec. CGN UGIB prob. sec to BPUD Cirrhosis secondary to CAP-MR, VHD MS T/C Colon carcinoma Hepatitis B infection moderate; MR mod in BPPV Acute gastritis r/o CHF FC II CAP MR, stable angina cholelithiasis, COPD CKD stage V sec. to DM not in CHF vs APD R/O Cholelithiasis nephropathy Hypertensive urgency; costochondritis CVD prob. hemorrhage R/O stroke in evolution T/C typhoid fever t/c ureteral stones CKD secondary to DM Electrolyte Imbalance Dengue fever with Chemical ingestion Dengue Fever with warning signs (herbicide) warning signs Volume overload sec to CLABSI, CKD sec to HPN CVD prob. hemorrhagic CKD V sec to nephrosclerosis LMCA hypertensive CAP-MR; Acute cystitis CVD prob. bleed nephrosclerosis UGIB prob. sec to BPUD IHD; incomplete RBBB; DF with WS ACS lateral wall ischemia in ARF sec to CAP-HR Acute gastritis failure class III CAP MR Neuropathic foot, right; HAP on top of CAP Pulmonery congestion Texas wound class IIC; ascites sec. ko liver sec to CKD 5 sec to T2DM circcho sec. alcoholic Hypertensive Hypertensive urgency liver dse neprhosclerosis, Anemia Chronic lung disease; Hypertensive Heart sec. HAP disease, CHF FC III, COPD DF with WS r/o CKD AGE with mod. signs of T/C Leptospirosis DHN IHD; incomplete RBBB; CAP-MR; HTN Stage I; lateral wall ischemia in PACS, prob. Gastric mass vs AAA failure class III cardioembolic, Afib in CAP MR, PTB cate1 CVR CVD prob. infarct RMCA ongoing treatment (1mo) territory AKI on top of CKD sec. to Impending resp. failure obstructive uropathy sec. HHD in CHF FC III sec to CAP-HR; T/C MDR to nephrolithiasis Hypertensive urgency CKD V sec to HPN TB; S/P PTB treatment Seizure D/O category II nephrosclerosis Acute gastritis R/O acute Hypertensive urgency APD pancreatitis ACS; Type 2 DM t/c Leptospirosis GERD t/c colonic carcinoma IHD septal wall in failure ARF sec to CAP-HR; R/O FC II Severe anemia sec to CVD bleed, presumptive T/C Electrolyte UGIB sec to BPUD PTB Imbalance; CAP-LR CAP MR, RHD, MVP with T/C PTB relapse; HPN Severe anemia prob sec severe MR. LVH chronic stage 2 to pancreatic CA R/O Afib in FVR in CHF FC III CAP-MR; T/C Electrolyte CKD sec to DM HCVD ST Elevation MI imbalance nephropathy anteroseptal wall Killips T/C Electrolyte Dengue fever with III imbalance; HPN stage I warning signs t/c Potts disease vs Dengue Fever with Metastasis s/p PTB CAP-MR; BAIAE warning signs category I treatment Pyrethroid ihalataion/ Acute pyelonephritis ingestion complete, Gouty arthritis AKI sec to leptospirosis Dengue fever with CAP-MR; IHD anteroseptal wall AKI sec to leptospirosis warning signs; R/O ischemia, S/P PTB anemia sec. to blood leptospirosis treatment completed;S/P dyscrasia HCVD afib. in RVR; CHF CVD (1990) CHD, PDA in failure FC III Impending RF sec to CAP- CAP-MR; Presumptive with CPC of the liver R/O HR; COPD in AE; HCVD PTB UGIB CAP-MR; Presumptive PTB Chemical ingestion Acute gastritis DM foot texas (herbicide) Neuropathic foot, right; classification III; Type 2 ACS STEMI anger-septal Texas wound class IIC; DM controlled HHD wall KILLIP IV T2DM T/C Leptospirosis; Severe anemia prob sec CAP-MR; Presumptive complicated UTI to pancreatic CA R/O PTB CAP-MR; PTB ongoing CKD sec to DM DF with WS treatment nephropathy Chemical ingestion T/C BPPV; R/O SAH CAP-MR; IHD (gasoline) Alcohol withdrawal anteroseptal wall Impending resp. failure syndrome ischemia, S/P PTB sec to CAP-HR; T/C MDR Electrolyte Imbalance treatment completed;S/P TB; S/P PTB treatment CVD (1990) category II CLABSI sec to HPN nephrosclerosis CVD prob. hemorrhagic IHD; incomplete RBBB; Myelodysplastic Pulmonary congestion lateral wall ischemia in syndrome; anemia sec. to CKD V sec. to failure class III secondary hypertensive ACS Type 2 DM poorly nephorsclerosis UGIB prob. sec to BPUD controlled HAP on top of CAP CKD sec to HPN Sepsis sec to cellulitis ACS STEMI anteroseptal nephrosclerosis; IHD, CAP-MR wall KILLIP IV incomplete RBBB, UGIB prob sec to BPUD Uremic gastropathy sec anterolateral septal wall vs Gastric mass; to CKD V sec to CGN ischemia in failure FC II alzheimer’s disease CVD prob. hemorrhagic severe leptospirosis Parapneumonic pleural LMCA CVA prob. Infarct, LMCA effusion left; R/O acute uncomplicated HPN pulmonary mass; pyelonephritis t/c Potts disease vs Presumptive PTB Chronic lung disease; Metastasis s/p PTB IHD not in CHF T/C NTG HAP category I treatment Soft tissue sarcoma with Acute gastritis R/O acute complete, Gouty arthritis lung mets pancreatitis ARF sec.to CAP-HR ACS AGE with mod signs of CHD, PDA in failure FC III unstable brounweld class DHN with CPC of the liver R/O IIB T/C cholelithiasis; CAP- UGIB CLABSI, CKD sec to HPN MR, COPD in AE IHD, ACS lateral wall nephrosclerosis IHD not in CHF ischemia; CKD prob sec. t/c CNS infection to HPN nephrosclerosis T/C CVD prob. infarct; AGE with mod. DHN r/o CVD prob. infarct RMCA aspiration pneumonia leptospirosis territory DCM in CHF FC II; Type 2 t/c colonic carcinoma DM insulin requiring HHD in CHF FC III Dengue fever with controlled acute febrile illness R/O warning signs Impending Respiratory leptospirosis ACS NSTEM I, killips II, failure sec to status APD soft tissue contussion sec asthmaticus; CAP-HR DF with WS to fall Type 1 DM poorly Nephrotic syndrome Anemia sec to ESRD sec controlled HAP on top of CAP to CGn CAP MR Anemia sec to gastric CAP MR, RHD, MVP with mass sec to malignancy severe MR. LVH chronic CVA probably infarct Afib in FVR in CHF FC III Carbuncle right scapula, Parkinson dse; t/c CAP type 2 DM poorly MR r/o UTI controlled Hypertensive Heart Hypertensive emergency disease, CHF FC III, COPD CAP-MR; r/o CKD Hyperthyroidism Chemical Ingestion IHD in failure class III; Severe anemia sec to HPN stage 2 UGIB sec to BPUD Anemia sec. to CKD sec. Chemical Ingestion to DM nephropathy Pulmonery congestion Dengue fever with sec to CKD 5 sec to warning signs Hypertensive CVA probably infarct (RIP neprhosclerosis, Anemia in ER) sec. Anemia sec. to CKD CVD prob. Hemorrhagic CVA infarct LMCA distribution CKD sec. to CGN, anemia CAP MR, PTB cate1 sec. ongoing treatment (1mo) Pleural effusion left; Infectious diarrhea with Breast CA severe signs of IHD dehydration CVA prob. infarct Dengue fever with BAIAE, CAP-MR warning signs AGE with mod.signs of CVA Hemorrhagic DHN Hypertensive emergency DM type 2 poorly Anemia sec. to CKD controlled TB IHD failure FC III bronchiectasis ACS; STEMI anteroseptal CVA wall ACS CVA Complicated UTI r/o CVD sec. to hypertensive Leptospirosis nephropathy CAP-MR; Bronchial Asthma IHD in failure class III CKD; Anemia sec to ssti Hypertensive nephrosclerosis Hyperthyroidism CKD T/C Leptospirosis T/C Leptospirosis