Lecture 6 Interpersonal Attraction
Lecture 6 Interpersonal Attraction
Lecture 6 Interpersonal Attraction
1960s, Dean of Indiana University – sailed for 51 days alone across Atlantic Ocean, was alone and moody
when he reached. He wouldn’t sail again if he could. It was too much of an ordeal. 2 nd month was
excruciating – life without people was meaningless.
Study offered students of University of Columbia 50 bucks a day in a room alone without any contact
with the outside world. No one can stay longer than 8 days. One student lasted only 20 minutes.
Interpersonal Attraction
Part 1: Specific Factors (text pg 241-247)
B. We will like people who reward us and dislike people who punish us.
C. We will like/dislike people even when they don’t cause our positive/negative feelings.
They simply have to be present when we experience positive or negative affect!
(e.g. hot rooms; bad news; unpleasant music)
Room was either at room temp/comfortable temp or uncomfortably hot. Waiting for
experiment to begin and there’s only one other person with you. What was your
impression of that person? Stranger was liked more in a room with comfortable temp.
B. Rewards and Costs can be expressed in terms of a ratio: R/C – described both ways in
the text (rewards minus cost or ratio of rewards to cost)
C. When rewards equal or exceed costs, we will be satisfied with the relationship
Car pool
Costs: driver cannot sleep in, driver cannot go back early and have to wait for others to end
Benefits: have some companion on the way to work, save time and money on public
transport, don’t have to squeeze with others on public transport
Research: Costs become important only after three months in a relationship – whether the
relationship is satisfactory.
Actual rewards don’t have to be the same. ONLY the ratio has to the same.
You Your partner
R 10 = 1
C 10 1
Your rewards and costs are not equal to the other. But this would be a satisfying
r/s because the ratio is the same. This is an equitable r/s.
c. “Inequity” exists when one person’s ratio (of rewards to costs) does not equal
the other person’s ratio.
You Your partner
R 2 ≠ 8
C 8 2
- You are “under-benefitted”
- Your partner is “over-benefitted”
Does this mean that person C will leave the r/s? not necessarily.
o Married in 1963.
o She was 16 and he was 18.
o Reasonably happy for first few years of marriage and had 3 children.
o Then Mickey spent income on other women and drinking - come home expecting
dinner to be done.
o Francine knew what he did outside .
o Arguments were worse when Mickey came home drunk as he would beat
Francine up.
o Francine was putting a lot into the r/s and getting very little while Mickey was
putting very little and getting a lot. Francine tried to restore the equity. She
attempted to put more into the r/s in the hope that Mickey would find it more
rewarding and less likely to hit her. She prepared a special meal for him and out
on clothes that make her look more attractive. Mickey accused her of doing so to
attract other men.
o She tried to lower rewards – no sex, no cooking of food. Mickey could afford to
have sex outside and have money for food outside, so it doesn’t affect him.
o Francine has to watch her every deed so that Mickey would not hit her. Unable to
restore equity, she thought about leaving the r/s. But she has no job and she has
3 kids. She can only go to her mum who didn’t have extra staying place. With
help of her mum, she came to terms that it is normal for Mickey to hit her. She
didn’t have much expectations of how a married life would be like.
o Begin taking night classes. She made dinner late one day because she was late
from class and Mickey was angry and he beat her up.
o Threw all food on floor and get her to clean it up. Beat her before the children
and raped her. But she snapped. Gathered her children and left for good. Set the
bed on fire and murdered Mickey. She was not charged because she was
acquitted based on temporary insanity.
o In the end, she thought that Mickey got what he deserved. This was she got
“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning
All Loves are not the same. To the French, it’s like being struck by a lightning bolt. To the Greek, it’s like
an arrow through your heart.
Basic characteristics:
C. There are many different types of love (based on the different levels of passion, intimacy and
Different types of love:
Passion Intimacy D/C
Passionate (Infatuation) High Low Low
Romantic High High Low
Liking (e.g. good friends) Low High Low
Companionate (e.g. best friend) Low High High
Fatuous (e.g. lightning marriage) High Low High
Empty love (feel obligated to be tgt) Low Low High
Consummate High High High
Non- love Low Low Low