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Cir 30

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AGA1 7 December 1987



1. PURPOSE – To prescribe the procedures and regulations governing the

procurement and appointment of Reserve Officers in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

2. STATUTORY BASIS – Presidential Decree Nr 1908 dated 22 March 1984.


a. Scope – The term “procurement” as used in this Circular refers only to the
activities undertaken relative to the appointment of a qualified volunteer applicant as a Reserve
Officer. It does not include the call to or extend tour of active duty of those already appointed.
Neither does it cover procurement by draft or compulsory military service.

b. Objective – For the AFP to avail itself of the best officer who may be
effectively utilized in the reserve units of the AFP upon mobilized in war or national emergency.
The call of Reserve Officers on extended tour of active duty during peacetime with the regular
establishment are covered in pertinent laws and regulations provided therefore.

c. Grades of Appointment – The appointment of Reserve Officers shall be in

the lowest grades authorized by law for the particular basis branch. However, appointment
above the authorized grades shall be recommended only if the applicant is so highly qualified as
to reflect a marked distinction compared with officers in both the Regular and Reserve Forces.
The criteria in determining the grade in which the applicant is to be recommended for
commission should not be based on age alone but rather on the applicant’s intellectual capacity,
skills, qualifications, experiences and psychological fitness to be an officer in the AFP.

d. Recommendation for the appointment in the Army and Constabulary shall

be without a specification of branch or service.


a. Appointment and commission in the Reserve Force, shall be made in the

Army. Constabulary, Air Force, Navy, Judge Advocate General Service, Chaplain Service,
Medical Corps, Dental Service, Veterinary Corps, Medical Administrative Corps, Nurse Corps,
Corps of Professor, WAC and such other branch of service which may heretofore be authorized
by law.
b. Officers commissioned in the Army, Constabulary, Air Force or Navy
shall be assigned or detailed primary Armed Forces Occupational Specialty (AFOS) in
accordance with the existing policies and procedures specifically prescribed therefore.

c. Source of Reserve Officers. (See Annexes I & II).

Group I – Graduates of the PAF Flying Schools who cannot be

commissioned in the Regular Force because of age requirements.

Group II – Degree holders with not less than 140 college units earned and
Basic CMT Course Graduates.

Group III – Advance CMT Course graduates with college degrees or not
less than 126 college units earned.

Group IV – NCO/Pos of the Regular Force who have college degrees (or
has earned not less than 100 units) or high school graduates who have completed at least 72
college units with outstanding records or service and technical experience; those who have
rendered exceptional services in combat or other activity involving risk or life or limb (See
annexes for more details).

Group V – Degree holders requiring 4 or more years of study in the

engineering technical fields and those in the medical, law, dental, veterinary, and nursing

Group VI – Graduates or reputable technical or vocational schools whose

skills are in great demand by the AFP.

Group VII – Acknowledged specialists or experts in the professional or

technological fields, inventors, scientists and captains in industries.

Group VIII – Regular Officers who have resigned their commissions and
the acceptance of which was not for cause. (See annexes for more details).

d. Age and citizenship requirements – An applicant for reserve commission

must be a natural-born citizen of the Philippines and between the age of 21 and 45 years, except
as may be specifically authorized otherwise.

e. Physical Examination – After passing the psychological test requirements,

every applicant must pass the physical examination standards of the AFP.

f. AFPGCT shall not be required for applicants who have passed the
appropriate governments, every applicant must pass the physical examination standards of the
g. No person in any of the following categories shall be appointed or hold a
commission as Regular Officer.

(1) Commission Officer of the Regular Force.

(2) Persons in the active list of the Armed Forces of any foreign

(3) Those who have records of conviction by any type of military or

civil court for offenses involving moral turpitude.

(4) Those who have been separated from the service.

a. For unsatisfactory service.

b. By reason of resignation in lieu of court
martial/administrative proceedings.

(5) Being institutionalized patients of mental hospital with high

tendencies or predispositions for relapse.

h. Suspension of appointment – whenever the requirements of the

procurement objective are exceeded in any branch of the Regular Force for mobilization, the
Chief of Staff, AFP may suspend appointment in that particular branch. This suspension shall
not serve to limit the appointment in the lowest authorized grade in other branches for which the
applicant is eligible and qualified nor shall it operate to prevent the appointment of individuals in
the following categories:
(1) A person who has successfully completed the required
probationary training or officer qualification course and is otherwise qualified.

(2) A graduate Aviation Cadet fully qualified for commission.


a. Philippine Air Force

(1) The following applicants are qualified for reserve commission in

the Philippine Air Force.

(a) Graduates of PAF Flying School who cannot be

commissioned in the Regular Force because of age requirements.

(b) Under Group II, Group III, Group IV-A or B, Group V-A,
Group VII and Group VIII.

Aeronautical Engineers
Radio Engineers and Technicians

Such others whose profession or technical training and experience may require by
the Air Force.

(2) Initial appointment in the Philippine Air Force, Reserve Force

shall be made in any grade between 2nd Lieutenant and Lieutenant Colonel depending upon
technical qualifications, age and experience of the applicants provided that; applicants from
Group VI are qualified for initial commission in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant only and provided
further, that all other applicants from the NCO ranks between the ages of 21 and 35 and between
the ages of 36 and 45 are qualified for initial appointment only in the grade of 2nd Lieutenant and
1st Lieutenant, respectively. In addition to the requirements prescribed in paras 4e, f, g and h,
above, the specific requirements for commission in any grade in the Philippine Air Force are
prescribed below.

(a) Pilots and Navigators

2LT 19-25 None Min requirements for Group I
2LT (pilot) 21-30 2 Not less than 500 hrs pilot time in aircraft having
600 or more HP and holds a duly authorized
transport pilot license issued by the BAT. Must
pass the pilot test required for graduates of the PAF
Flying School.
2LT 21-30 2 Not less than 500 hrs navigators time and must
(navigator) hold a duly authorized navigator license issued by
the BAT. Must pass tests for navigators prescribed
by CG, PAF.
1LT (Pilot) 26-32 4 Same as for 2nd LT except that applicant should
have less than 1000 hrs pilot time
1LT 26-32 4 Same as for 2nd LT except that applicant should
(navigator) have not less than 1000 hrs navigator time.
Captain 30-38 6 Not less than 3000 hrs pilot time in aircraft having
(Pilot) 600 or more HP and hold a duly authorized license
issued by the BAT. Should pass a pilot test in
standard military being used by the PAF at the time
the tests are conducted.
Captain 30-38 6 Not less than 3000 hrs navigators time and must
(Navigator) hold a duly authorized navigator license issued by
the BAT. Must pass tests for navigator prescribed
by the CG, PAF.
Major 34-45 8 Same as Captain except that he should have not
(Pilot) less than 2500 hours pilot time.
Major 34-45 8 Same as Captain except that he should have not
(Navigator) less than 2500 hours navigator time.
2LT 21-32 2 1. Weather Officer - Graduates of Meteorology
Schools duly accredited by the Phil or US
government or from USAF technological schools
and actual experience in government or
commercial weather service.
1LT 31-38 5 2. Aircraft Maintenance Officer – Graduates of
duly accredited schools in aircraft maintenance or
in aeronautical, engineering and experience in
construction, maintenance and repair of aircraft
and aircraft equipment.
Captain 36-42 50 3. Signal Officer – graduates of duly accredited
colleges or universities in electrical or
communication engineering. Must have
experience in the management and operations of
radio telephone or telegraph system.
Major 39-45 14 4. Radio officer - officer graduates of college legal
vocational or technical schools or degree holders in
electrical engineering or radio communication.
Must have experience in commercial radio, special
aviation radio, design and operation. Other to be
prescribed as need arises.

b. Philippine Navy

(1) The following applicants are qualified for reserve commission in the
Philippine Navy.

(a) Graduates of Naval Officer’s Qualification Course.

(b) Graduates of Advance CMT Course with baccalaureate degree.

(c) Baccalaureate degree holders in Engineering who have passed the

board examination for the practice of their profession.

(d) Graduates of US Merchant Marine Academy and the Philippine

Merchant Marine Academy.

(e) Naval Ordinance Technicians.

(f) Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.

(g) Superintendent of dry docks.

(h) Licensed Merchants Marine Mates and Engineers.

(i) Such others whose professional or technical training and

experience may be required by the Philippine Navy.
(2) In the rank of Ensign (0-1), priority for commission shall be extended to
graduates of the Naval Officer’s Qualification Course and the Advance CMT Course.

(3) Initial commission in the Philippine Navy shall be made in any rank
between and including Ensign and Lieutenant Commander depending upon the qualification, age
and experience of the applicant provided, that an applicant from Petty Officer’s grade (NCO’s)
of the Regular Force is qualified for initial commission in the rank of Ensign only. The specific
requirements for navy Reserve Officers are prescribed in Annex II.

(4) Probationary training shall not be required for Advanced CMT Graduates,
provided; the course of instruction in this category approximate or is equivalent to the Naval
Officer’s Qualification Course. The qualification course may be prescribed for commission
officers with branch of service other than PN if deemed necessary by the FOIC, PN in order to
qualify for a commission in the Philippine Navy or a transfer from the Ground Force to the PN.

(5) Graduates of PMMA shall be automatically recommended for

appointment and commissioned as Ensign in the Reserve Force of the Philippine Navy upon
graduation. Provided, That the President of the PMMA and the commandant of the DCMT shall
recommend and certify to the physical and mental fitness of the members of the graduating class
and that such other requirements relative thereto are accomplished.

c. Philippine Army

(1) The following applicants are qualified for reserve commission in the
Philippine Army.

(a) Group II and III – Graduates of Advance CMT Course with the
necessary educational qualifications.

(b) Groups IV-A and B – NCOs of the Regular Force with outstanding
record who have at least two (2) years enlistment terms, NCOs of the Technical Services who
have at least six (6) years of actual practice or experience as technicians in their respective
Technical Service, or NCOs of the Regular Force who have shown outstanding ability and who
have rendered exceptional service in combat or other activity involving risk of life or limb.

(c) Group V – Degree holder with limited military training and

experience but with extensive job experience in the line of work of the branch of service he
wishes to join.

(d) Group VI – Technicians whose callings are highly valuable to AFP

holders of any 4-year or more college degree or holders of at least 2 years associate college
degree with at least 2 years actual practice along their respective areas of study.

(e) Group VII – Specialists or experts in the professional or

technological fields, inventors, scientists, or captains or industries.
(f) Group VIII – Regular Officers who have resigned their
commission the acceptance of which was not for cause.

(2) Applicants under Groups II, III, IV-A and B, VII and VIII are qualified for
initial commission in the grades of 2nd Lieutenant to Major, inclusive, depending on the age,
experience, and qualification of the applicant. The minimum and maximum ages, experience of
each rank are as prescribed in the following table, however, the age requirement should not be
the principal factor in determining the appropriate rank to which a candidate shall be
recommended. The overall qualification and experience shall be evaluated to equitability assign
the appropriate rank.

2nd LT 1st LT Captain Major

Min Max Exp Min Max Exp Min Max Exp Min Max Exp
21 32 2 31 38 4 38 42 9 39 45 14

d. Philippine Constabulary

(1) The following applicants are qualified to reserve commission in the

Philippine Constabulary:

(a) Group III – Graduates of Advance CMT Course or those who have
at least three (3) years professional experience as Municipal/City Police or Senior NBI agents
with college degree of at least 120 college units.

(b) Groups IV – A and B – PC NCOs of the Regular Force who have

completed at least two (2) – year terms and graduates of the PC Probationary Officers Course, or
those with outstanding ability and have rendered exceptional services or combat or other activity
involving risk of life or limb.

(c) Group IV – A – holders of any 4-year or more college degree with

at least 3 years actual practice along their respective courses of study.

(d) Group VII – Specialist or experts in the professional or

technological fields, inventors, scientists or captains of industries.

(2) Applicants under the above groups are qualified for appointment and
commission in the grade of 2nd Lieutenant to Major, inclusive depending on the age, experience
and qualification of the applicants. The minimum and maximum age and experience for each
rank are as prescribed in the following table.

2nd LT 1st LT Captain Major

Min Max Exp Min Max Exp Min Max Exp Min Max Exp
21 32 0 31 38 5 36 42 10 39 45 14
(3) Specific professional requirement for the different arms and services under
the Philippine Constabulary are the same as these prescribed in para 5c (4) above.

e. Judge Advocate General’s Service

Appointment in the JAGS, shall be in the grade of Captain. Applicants should not
be less than twenty five (25) nor more than forty (40) years of age at the time of the appointment;
and that they shall have been admitted to the practice of law in the Philippines.

f. Chaplain Service – For initial commission in the Chaplain Service, Reserve

Force, AFP the following specific requirements are prescribed.

(1) Educational – Completion of at least a four-year course and a four-year

Theological Seminary Course from a duly accredited theological institution or any course
equivalent to a four-year theological education from duly recognized institution of learning. For
Muslim Imams, the four-year theological course may be waived provided they have satisfactorily
completed six (6) years in the MADRASA (Islamic School).

(2) Ecclesiastical – In order to be indorsed for commission, the candidate

must be validly ordained according to the laws and customs of his particular religious
denomination. Further, evidence of accreditation must be maintained throughout the
commission. When ecclesiastical endorsement or accreditation is withdrawn, the Chief,
Chaplain Service, AFP shall recommend immediate reversion to inactive status.

(3) Grade, Age, Denominational Status – PD Nr 1908 dtd 22 Mar 84

prescribed the following requirements as regards to:

(a) Grade/Rank – Initial appointment in the Reserve/Regular Force,

Chaplain Service, AFP is in the grade of Captain.

(b) Age – At the time of appointment, the candidate for commission

shall not be less than twenty five (25) nor more than forty (40) years of age.

(c) Denominational Status – He must be an ordained Clergyman for

Christian Chaplains or a duly accredited Muslim Imam.

(4) Citizenship – He must be a natural born Filipino citizen.

g. Medical Service

(1) Initial appointment in the Medical Corps of the Medical Service shall be in
the grade of Captain, but fully trained and highly qualified specialist shall be appointed in the
grade of Major and Lt Colonel, respectively. Applicant should not be less than twenty five (25)
nor more than forty (40) years of age at the time of the applications; must have successfully
completed the prescribed curriculum loading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine in a recognized
school of Medicine; must have been admitted to the practice of medicine in the Philippines and
must be a Doctor of Medicine in good standing.

(2) Initial appointment in the other Corps of the Medical Service shall be in
the following grades:

(a) Medical Administrative Corps – 2LT to CAPTAIN.

(b) Veterinary Corps – 1LT to MAJOR.

(c) Nurse Corps – 2LT to 1LT

(3) Minimum and maximum age and length of professional practice

requirements for original commission in appropriate grades in the several corps of the Medical
Service, are set forth in this Circular.


Age Age Age Age Age Age
Min Max Exp Min Max Exp Min Max Exp Mi Max Exp Min Max Exp
Medical N/A N/A 25 40 None
Veterinary N/A 21 38 1
Med Adm 21 32 None 30 36 3
Nurse 21 32 None 30 36 3 N/A

h. Medical Corps

(1) Graduated from a reputable medical school of good standing recognized by the

(2) Passed the examination prescribed by law for the practice of medicine and
possesses certificate of registration issued by Board of Medical Examiners.

(3) For commission in the grade of Major – Should be a fellow of the Philippine
College of Surgeon Board and qualified fir any medical specialty or at least has satisfactorily
completed three (3) to five (5) successive years of residency training in any Medical/Surgical
specialty or possesses either a Certificate/Diploma in CPH, MPH, CHA or MHA.

(4) For commission in the grade of Lieutenant Colonel:

(a) Should have a Diploma or is Board Certified as to Medical/Surgical


(b) Qualified as Major but in addition, possesses not less than ten (10) years
of training and practice or must have served in a recognized training medical school/hospital as a
faculty member for not less than ten (10) years or must have attained the academic rank of at
least assistant professor or its equivalent in any clinical specialty.

(5) Definition of Terms – The following medical terms should mean:

(a) Fellow of the Philippine College of Surgeons – A physician admitted in

the practice of Medicine in ht Philippines who has at least four (4) to five (5) years of specialty
training in any accredited medical center/hospital in the field of surgery and has also passed the
written and oral examinations prescribed by the Philippine College of Surgeons.

(b) Board Qualified for any Medical Specialty – A physician admitted in the
practice of Medicine in he Philippines who has at least completed three (3) to four (4) years of
specialty training in any accredited medical center/hospital in the field of Internal Medicine and
other specialties and has also passed the written and oral examinations prescribed by respective
specialty boards.

(c) Board Certified or Diplomate – A physician admitted in the practice of

medicine in the Philippines who has completed at least (3) to five (5) years of the prescribed
specialty training, passed the oral and written examinations prescribed by respective Specialty
Boards, possesses the required years of specialty training and above all is board certified as
Fellow/Diplomats and his field of professional specialty is duly recognized locally and/or

(d) OPH (Certificate in Public Health) – Is a one-year post graduate course in

public health consisting of 32 units plus practicum minus thesis.

(e) MPH (Master in Public Health) –Is a one-year post graduate course in
public health plus practicum and thesis.

(f) CHA (Certificate in Hospital Administration) – Is a one-year post graduate

course in hospital administration plus practicum minus thesis.

(g) MHA (Master in Hospital Administration) – Is a one-year post graduate

course in hospital administration plus practicum and thesis.

i. Veterinary Corps

(1) Received diploma of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or Veterinary

Surgery from reputable school recognized by the government.

(2) Passed the examination prescribed by law for the practice of Veterinary
Medicine and Surgery and possesses certificate of registration from the Board of Veterinary

(3) Has at least one (1) year practice.

j. Medical Administrative Corps

Bachelor degree holder of the following.

BSME, BS Sanitary E, as Major in Humanities, Social Science and Biological

Science, BS Psychology, Medical Technology, Accounting Business Administration or
Management, Pharmacy, Optometry, Physiology, Therapy and Radiological Technology.

k. Nurse Corps

(1) Graduated from a recognized school/college of Nursing.

(2) Passed the Board Examination prescribed by law for the practice of

(3) Unmarried female.

(4) Applicants under Groups II and III are also qualified in the MAC if
certified to by The Surgeon General, AFP and provided, they posses the prerequisite
qualifications for MAC.

l. Dental Service

(1) Initial appointment in the Reserve Force of the Dental Service shall be in
the grade of 1st Lt to Major, inclusive, except where expressly specified otherwise and provided;
that initial commission in the Dental Service shall not be lower than 1st Lt. the minimum ages
and length of experiences required are as indicated below:

1st Lt: Captain: Major:

Min: Max : Exp : Min : Max : Exp : Min : Max : Exp

21 : 38 : 1 : 34 : 42 : 5 : 39 : 45 : 10

(2) Specific professional requirements for commission in the Dental Service,

Reserve Force:

(a) Received diploma of doctor or dental surgery or dental medicine

from reputable school recognized by the Government.

(b) Passed the examination prescribed by law for the practice of

Dentistry and possesses certificate or registration from the Board of Dental Examiners.
(c) Has at least one (1) year of active practice immediately prior to
filing of the application for commission as 1st Lieutenant.

m. Women’s Auxiliary Corps

(1) Initial appointment in the Reserve Force of the WAC shall be in the grade
of 2 Lieutenant, except when expressly specified otherwise.

(2) Specific requirements for commission in the Women’s Auxiliary Corps.

(a) Unmarried female

(b) Not less than 21 and not more than 30 years of age.
(c) Holder or Bachelors Degree from any school, college or university
recognized by the government.

(d) Fully meets the physical standards prescribed.

(e) Obtained at least 100 points in the Armed Forces Qualification

Test AFPGCT or equivalent.

(f) Successful completion of a WAC Officers Qualification Course or

Probationary Training.


a. Enlisted personnel of the Regular Force commissions in the Reserve Force

without specification of branch of service may be assigned or detailed in occupational Specialty
related to the basic-branch of service where they have been enlisted upon the recommendation of
the Major Service Commander or Chief of the Office administering those in such occupational
specialty or service.

b. Regular officers who resigned their regular commissions not for cause
may be appointed to the Reserve Force in the grade not lower than their last permanent grades
while in the Regular Force upon application and recommendation of the Major Service
Commander or the Chief of the Office administering those in such occupational specialty or

c. Qualifications tests shall be as prescribed in accordance with the table in

Annex I.

d. Applications for appointment of Reserve Officers may be submitted

through the Commander of the Major Services, Metropolitan Citizen Military Training
Command, Infantry Divisions or Chiefs of Services in the prescribed forms. Probationary
Second Lieutenants undergoing training shall submit applications through their respectively
Commanding Officers of the units in which they are detailed for training. In case of enlisted
individuals undergoing SRC/OQC, applications shall be submitted through the School

(1) Application shall be accompanied by report of physical

examination provided for in para 4e above.

(2) Commanders of Major Services, Metropolitan Citizen Military

Training Command, Infantry Divisions or Chiefs of arms and services of officers concerned shall
recommend the approval or disapproval of application submitted through them.

7. EFFECTIVITY – This Circular takes effect upon publication.

8. RESCISSION – Cir Nr 4 dtd 29 Aug 68 is hereby rescinded.


General, AFP
Chief of Staff
Colonel, PC (GSC)
The Adjutant General

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