TSL Syllabus - Geography 0460 Yr8 (Ver.2)

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YEAR: 2018

TEACHER: Ms. Ching Fei Ern

OFFICE HOURS: 8.30am – 3.00pm


the Study Lounge Department of Social Studies is committed to helping students become creative, independent, and
critical thinkers by guiding them in the understanding and analysis of important political, geographic, economic, and social
issues of our contemporary and historical world.

Required Textbook and Materials:

Students enrolled in this Course are required to be equipped with the following textbook and materials:

Textbook: Geog.2 (4th Ed.) by RoseMary Gallagher and Richard Parish, Oxford University Press (2014), ISBN: 978-

Workbook: Geog.2 (4th Ed.) by Justin Wooliscroft, Oxford University Press (2014), ISBN: 978-0-19-839306-1

Materials: File (Green) – To file assigned Topical Worksheets beginning with the first worksheet at the bottom (or
base), and newer worksheets on top.

Essay Book – A single-line long exercise book which is to be used by student for the purpose of
performing exam-styled written tasks or assignments (e.g. topical essays).

Recommended Text:
Refer to section on Required Textbook and Materials
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Course Description:

This course introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that shaped human understanding, use
and alteration of Earth’s surface.

Students are presented with the opportunity to learn to employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine
human socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences. Students also learn about the methods and
tools geographers use in their research and applications.

This course is divided into nine (9) key units.

In the first three (3) units, students would be exposed to the modern usage of maps as well as the study of human
population, including its impact on resources. In addition to that, students will study about urbanisation, including its
benefits and drawbacks.

In the following three (3) units, students will explore three (3) key themes in physical geography, namely coasts, weather
and climate, and global warming. This is followed by two (2) further units, which involves case study. Here, students will
learn about Asia, specifically the southwest region of China.

The final unit of this course exposes students to three (3) key geographical topics, namely tropical rainforest, desert and

Course Goals:

Upon completion of this course, the successful student should be able to:

 Understand and articulate the processes which affects physical and human environments.
 Understand and apply location on a local, regional and global scale.
 Use and understand geographical data and information.
 Understand how communities around the world are affected and constrained by different environments.

Grading Policy:
Term I Term II Term III Term IV

Attendance/ Participation 5% 5% 5% 5%

Homework 5% 5% 5% 5%

Project 5% 5% 5% 5%

Mid Term Assessment 10% 10% 10% 10%

Final Exam 75% 75% 75% 75%

Your grades are based on a combination of accumulated points that you received. All the points that you received will be
divided by the number of total possible points for the class. This will, in turn, give you your percentage earned.

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Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to attend every class, and attendance will be taken.

If you miss more than 3 classes during the term, every additional absence will lower your class grade by 2 percentage
points. Students who arrive late will lower your class grade by ½ percentage points.

Class discussion only works well if you are in class and actively participating. You are expected to attend every class,
unless you have an excused absence due to illness or an emergency. It is your responsibility to notify your class teacher if
either occurs. Missing a class for any other reason will result in a zero grade for class participation for that day.

Class Participation:
Students are expected to come to each class fully prepared. Participation is
more than class attendance. Active engagement in class discussions counts towards a student’s participation grade. This
includes a full and complete reading of the material assigned for the day. The teacher will pose questions each class
period for discussion, and will evaluate each student’s participation in the discussion on the basis of how well the answers
given reflect knowledge of the reading material and how well the student is able to critically evaluate and apply that
material. Additionally, specific questions may be assigned from time to time that will be discussed in class. By definition,
failure to attend class means that the student is not participating for the class.

Homework will be assigned. Homework will be given weekly and will be graded. The points for each of the homework
assignments will be based upon the quality of the assignment. The majority of the homework is worth 5 points. If the
homework is a day late the student will receive 3 points. If the homework is two days late the student will receive 1 point.

Mid-Term Exam:
You will be given a mid-term exam. The exam questions are based upon class materials that is covered. The exams are
pre-announced. The amount of questions will vary based upon the materials.

There will be approximately 3-4 projects and/or presentations throughout the course that will involve group participation
and cooperation with peers. There will be a rubric given to you that will tell you how the points will be divided. Each project
and/or presentation will be worth 100 points.

Final Exam:
Refer to Course Outline for the Final Term Exam dates for first, second, third and fourth terms.


90% - 100% (A+) 60% - 69% (C) 30% - 39% (F)

80% - 89% (A) 50% - 59% (D) 20% - 29% (G)
70% - 79% (B) 40% - 49% (E)


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A+ Outstanding knowledge regarding details, demonstrates superior thinking with information relevant to
application, critique, relationship to other information.
A Successfully integrates details, an ability to think critically, in-depth understanding of concepts and
relevant information.
B More than adequate knowledge regarding terms, distinctions, ability to begin
using information; demonstrates ability to think clearly about the information and its
relationship to other information.
C Basic knowledge needed to function and carry on learning regarding major principles,
central terms, major figures; awareness of the field.
D Serious gaps in knowledge, confusion of concepts and categories, inability to recall
basic information.
E Serious gaps in knowledge, confusion of concepts and categories, inability to recall
basic information.
F Absence of knowledge, incapable of carrying on a conversation about the subject,
misunderstands most concepts, confuses all categories.
G Absence of knowledge, incapable of carrying on a conversation about the subject,
misunderstands most concepts, confuses all categories.


The mission of the Study Lounge includes cultivating in each student not only the academic skills that are required for a
high school diploma, but also the characteristics of academic integrity that are integral to a sound Christian education. It
is therefore part of the mission of the Study Lounge to nurture in each student a sense of moral responsibility.
Furthermore, a breach of academic integrity is viewed not merely as a private matter between the student and the teacher
but rather as an act which is fundamentally inconsistent with the purpose and mission of the entire school.

Any work throughout the class that appears to have been copied from another source violates the standard of academic
integrity. You may discuss homework material with other class members as described above. However, if any homework
or exam papers appear to be copied, or other cheating occurs, all students involved will receive zero points for that
assignment or exam.

Second violations will result in all students involved being assigned a grade of “F” for the subject. Any other acts of
academic dishonesty will be dealt with in a similar manner. In any case of a suspected violation of the standards of
academic integrity, the incident will be reported to the Principal’s office and further steps may be taken in accordance with
the Academic Integrity Policy of the School.

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This course outline is tentative and is subject to change by the Teacher.

Week Date Unit/ Topic Topic

1 03/01 – 05/01 Introduction Teacher introduces the Course to the students
Year 7 - Geographic Skills
(“GS”) Recap
Topic 1
Topic 2 4 digit and 6 digit coordinates
KICK-OFF/ BRIEFING Angles and quadrants
2 08/01 – 12/01 Using GIS
(“GIS”)/ Topic 1.1 John Snow, doctor and detective
GIS/ Topic 1.2 Meet GIS
3 15/01 – 19/01 GIS/ Topic 1.3 GIS in fighting crime
GIS/ Topic 1.4 More about the data
4 22/01 – 26/01 GIS/ Topic 1.5 Other uses for GIS
(“POP”)/ Topic 2.1 Our numbers are growing fast
5 29/01 – 02/02 POP/ Topic 2.2 So where is everyone?
POP/ Topic 2.3 The population of the UK
6 05/02 – 9/02 MT/1 MID TERM ASSESSMENT #1
POP/ Topic 2.4 Population around the world
POP/ Topic 2.5 Our impact on our planet
POP/ Topic 2.6 What does the future hold?
7 12/02 – 14/02 Urbanisation
(“URB”)/ Topic 3.1 How our towns and cities grew?
URB/ Topic 3.2 Manchester’s story – Part 1
URB/ Topic 3.3 Manchester’s story – Part 2
URB/ Topic 3.4 Urbanisation around the word
8 19/02 – 23/02 PROJECT
URB/ Topic 3.5 Why do people move to urban areas?
URB/ Topic 3.6 It’s not all sunshine!
9 26/02 – 02/03 URB/ Topic 3.7 Life in the slums
URB/ Topic 3.8 A city of the future?
10 05/03 – 9/03 REV – T1 REVISION
11 12/03 – 16/03 FTE/ 1 FINAL TERM EXAM #1

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Week Date Unit/ Topic Topic

12 19/03 – 23/03 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
13 26/03 – 29/03 Coasts
(“CST”)/ Topic 4.1 Waves and Tides
CST/ Topic 4.2 The waves at work
14 02/04 – 06/04 KICK-OFF/ BRIEFING
CST/ Topic 4.3 Landforms created by the waves
CST/ Topic 4.4 The coast and us
15 9/04 – 13/04 CST/ Topic 4.5 Your holiday in Newquay
CST/ Topic 4.6 Under threat from the sea
16 16/04 – 20/04 CST/ Topic 4.7 How long can Happisburgh hang on?
CST/ Topic 4.8 Protecting places from the sea
17 23/04 – 27/04 Weather and Climate
(“WC”)/ Topic 5.1 It’s the weather!
WC/ Topic 5.2 So what causes weather?
18 02/05 – 05/05 WC/ Topic 5.3 Measuring the Weather
WC/ Topic 5.4 More about rains…and clouds
19 07/05 – 11/05 MT/2 MID TERM ASSESSMENT #2
WC/ Topic 5.5 Air Pressure
WC/ Topic 5.6 Why is our weather so changeable?

20 14/05 – 18/05 WC/ Topic 5.7 A winter of storms

WC/ Topic 5.8 From weather to climate
21 22/05 – 26/05 WC/ Topic 5.9 The factors that influence climate
WC/ Topic 5.10 Climates around the world
22 22/05 – 26/05 REV – T2 REVISION
23 04/06 – 08/06 FTE/ 2 FINAL TERM EXAM #2
24 11/06 – 15/06 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
25 18/06 – 22/06
26 25/06 – 29/06 KICK-OFF/ BRIEFING
Our Warming Planet
(“GW”)/ Topic 6.1 Earth’s temperature through the ages
GW/ Topic 6.2 Global warming
27 02/07 – 06/07 GW/ Topic 6.3 Climate change

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Week Date Unit/ Topic Topic

GW/ Topic 6.4 It’s happening already!
28 09/07 – 13/07 GW/ Topic 6.5 Who will suffer most?
GW/ Topic 6.6 So what can we do?
29 16/07 – 20/07 ASIA/ Topic 7.1 What and where is Asia?
ASIA/ Topic 7.2 Asia’s countries and regions
30 23/07 – 27/07 ASIA/ Topic 7.3 A little history
ASIA/ Topic 7.4 What’s Asia like?
ASIA/ Topic 7.5 Asia’s physical features
31 30/07 – 03/08 MT/ 3 MID TERM ASSESSMENT #3
ASIA/ Topic 7.6 Asia’s population
ASIA/ Topic 7.7 Asia’s biomes
32 06/08 – 10/08 Southwest China
(“SWC”)/ Topic 8.1 China: An overview
SWC/ Topic 8.2 The rise of China
SWC/ Topic 8.3 China’s southwest region
33 12/08 – 17/08 PROJECT
34 20/08 – 24/08 SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
35 27/08 – 30/08 SWC/ Topic 8.4 Chongqing
SWC/ Topic 8.5 Life in Chongqing
36 03/09 – 06/09 REV – T3 REVISION
37 07/09 – 18/09 FTE/ 3 FINAL TERM EXAM #3
SWC/ Topic 8.6 Tops for biodiversity!
SWC/ Topic 8.7 Tibet
39 24/09 – 28/09 SWC/ Topic 8.8 All change in Tibet
SWC/ Topic 8.9 The rivers and dams
40 01/10 – 05/10 Special Topic (“ST”)
/ Topic 9.1 Tropical Rainforest
41 08/10 – 11/10 ST/ Topic 9.2 Desert
42 12/10 – 19/10 MT/ 4 MID TERM ASSESSMENT #4
43 22/10 – 26/10 PROJECT
44 29/10 – 31/10 REV – T4 REVISION

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Week Date Unit/ Topic Topic

45 1/11 – 12/11 FTE/ 4 FINAL TERM EXAM #4

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Notes on Project Works

Project Work No. 1

Project Title Group Presentation
Term 1 (January – March)
Project Type Group Work
Project Description This project allows for students to develop their research skills. Throughout the term, students
will be equipped with the relevant historical and geographical knowledge and skills, acquired
through active participation during classes as well as independent research from various
available sources.

From the acquired knowledge, students would need to effectively communicate the information
to listeners in an interesting manner that would, not only capture the interest of the listener but,
most importantly, benefit the listener.

To achieve this purpose, students would need to present their topics to their audience (i.e. fellow
students and teachers) during the Presentation Week.
Project Aims Upon completion of the project work, students should be able to:

- Work in a team environment.

- Communicate issues and execute tasks in a timely and responsible manner.

- Plan, organise and present information clearly and accurately.

Project Location Indoors/ Centre (IGCSE area)
Project Deliverable Project book – 80%

Group presentation – 20%

Project Duration Week 1 till Week 8
Term Grade 5%

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Project Work No. 2

Project Title Mapping
Term 2 (April – June)
Project Type Individual
Project Description This project allows for students to develop their mapping skills. Throughout the term, students
will be equipped with the relevant geographical knowledge and skills, acquired through active
participation during classes as well as independent research from various available sources.
Project Aims The aim of this project is to provide an opportunity for the student to expand his/ her knowledge
and understanding in drawing a map. This aim is achieved by means of applying the various
skills learnt within and outside the course as a way for the student to enhance his/ her
understanding and appreciation of the subject matter.
Project Location Indoors/ Centre
Project Deliverable A3 drawing block (one paper)

Project Duration Week 9 till Week 22

Project details Draw a map showing the route from your house to school.
The map need to include:
1. North arrow
2. Key / legend
3. Scale
4. Frame
5. Title
6. Labels

Term Grade 5%

Project Work No. 3

Project Title Global warming
Term 3 (July – September)
Project Type Individual
Project Description This project allows for students to learn and understand about the factors, impacts and solutions
of global warming. Throughout the term, students will be equipped with the relevant geographical
knowledge and skills, acquired through active participation during classes as well as
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independent research from various available sources.

Project Aims The aim of this project is to provide an opportunity for the student to expand his/ her knowledge
and understanding in explaining the factors, impacts and solutions of global warming. This aim is
achieved by means of applying the various skills learnt within and outside the course as a way
for the student to enhance his/ her understanding and appreciation of the subject matter.
Project Location Indoors/ Centre
Project Deliverable Mounting board (one)

Project Duration Week 26 till Week 33

Project details Draw and explain the factors, impacts and solution of global warming on a mounting board. At
the end of the project, students need to present to the other teachers / students.

Term Grade 5%

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Project Work No. 4

Project Title China’s biodiversity s
Term 4 (October to November)
Project Type Individual
Project Description This project allows for students to learn and understand about China’s biodiversity. Throughout
the term, students will be equipped with the relevant geographical knowledge and skills, acquired
through active participation during classes as well as independent research from various
available sources.
Project Aims The aim of this project is to provide an opportunity for the student to expand his/ her knowledge
and understanding in explaining the China’s biodiversity. This aim is achieved by means of
applying the various skills learnt within and outside the course as a way for the student to
enhance his/ her understanding and appreciation of the subject matter.
Project Location Indoors/ Centre
Project Deliverable Mounting board (one)

Project Duration Week 35 till Week 43

Project details Draw and explain China’s biodiversity on a mounting board. At the end of the project, students
need to present to the other teachers / students.

Term Grade 5%


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