Weights Dimensions Leaflet
Weights Dimensions Leaflet
Weights Dimensions Leaflet
1.2. Provide details of Bidder's contact personnel for the bid; Name, position, telephone contact and Email
1.3. How long has Bidder's Company operated in its present form? (Years)
1.4. Bidder to provide details where applicable on Corporate ownership and control by Parent
1.5. Bidder to advise/inform where applicable Corporate availability of Parent Company (Ultimate Holding Company) Guarantee.
1.7. Is Bidder willing and able to submit a competitive proposal for this project in accordance to the requirements set out in the Pre-Qualification Enquiry Procedure?
1.8. Does Bidder have any similar works experience working with PARCO or affiliates within the last 5 years? If YES, List names and projects worked for.
1.9. Bidder to provide copy of valid Registration Certificate with Pakistan Engineering Council in releavnt Engineering Cateogry. (Mandatory Requirement).
1.10. Bidder to provide copies of registration certificates with FBR & Provincial Sales Tax Authorities (Mandatory Requirement).
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Engineering Contractor Pre-Qualification Questionnaire ATTACHMENT B PARCO COASTAL REFINERY PROJECT
2.2. List of projects executed with copies of work service orders, completion certificates and names of organizations worked for.
2.3. List of projects in hand with copies of work service orders and names of organizations worked with. (Mandatory Requirement)
2.4. Has Bidder involved in Design & Engineering for Surveys and Research studies like Reconnisssiance Surveys, Geotechnical Investigations, Topographic Studies,,
Buildings, Underground services of Storm water, Drainage, Street lighting networks, Retaining Structures, Soil Stablization, Hill Cutting & Levelling, Perimeter walls,
Watch Towers, Reclaimation/ embackment of salt lake and associated Civil Infrastructure works etc. Provide the details.
2.5 How does Bidder implement Engineering Best Practices? Provide a detailed write-up/ work methodolgy for design and engineering projects. (Mandatory
2.6 Does Bidder has ISO Certification and any other third party accredation/certification in running consultancy firm, focussing Civil and Infrastructure works ONLY.
2.7 Bidders to provide list of the Projects executed including key Design & Engineering activities related to Civil & Infrastructure works ONLY in details for clarity
of Technical Qualification.
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Engineering Contractor Pre-Qualification Questionnaire ATTACHMENT B PARCO COASTAL REFINERY PROJECT
3.1. Provide Bidder's proposed Project Organization for performing Design, Engineering and Tender Document Development Services.
3.2. Please provide resumes of Project Manager, Civil Designers, Architects, Senior Project Engineers, Discipline experts, Contracts Engineer, Project Control
Engineer and other key staff , who will be assigned on Project for Design, Engineering and Tender Document Development services in terms of available Man-Hours.
Resumes must include the projects worked for.
3.3. How is Bidder’s current backlog and book orders in engineering Man-Hours? Provide details.
3.4. Bidder to provide availability of Design, Engineering & Contracts management staff as required for the Project with time line.
4.1. Please attach Bank Statements and signed Audited Financial Report for the last 3 years. (Mandatory Requirement)
4.2. Please attach signed Audited Financial Report for the last 3 years.
4.3. Outline any significant financial or business factor (e.g. takeover, merger, strategic partnership) or any creditors that may have any impact on your financial
4.4. Does Bidder have any Contractual or Legal covenant with a financial institution or any creditors that could restrain the capacity to increase its debts? Bidder to
provide statement of "No Financial Bank Ruptcy" on stamp paper.
4.5. Bidder to provide details of any Bank facilities available along with reference letter / credibility letter.
5.2. Does Bidder have an HSE Management System (QMS) that meets the requirements of OHS 45001: 2018 and ISO 14001? Please attach the certificates.
5.3. Has Bidder been the object of any improvement requirement or prohibition notices by the relevant national body, regulatory body for HSE or other enforcing
authority or been prosecuted or threatened with prosecution under any HSE legislation in the last five years? If yes, provide the details.
5.4. Has Bidder been under any HSE litigation over the last 10 years? Please provide written statement on stamp paper.
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Engineering Contractor Pre-Qualification Questionnaire ATTACHMENT B PARCO COASTAL REFINERY PROJECT
6.1. Bidder to provide the copy of the Quality Policy document signed by the Company MD/CEO?
6.2. Does Bidder have a Company Quality Manual and a List of Procedures that cover all the processes undertaken by Bidder? Bidder to provide the List of Quality
6.3. Does Bidder have a Quality Management System (QMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent? Provide the details.
6.4. Has the Bidder QMS been assessed and approved by a recognized independent Third Party? Provide the copy of the Third Party Certificate(s).
6.5. Bidder to provide procedures that cover corrective / preventive action and non-conformances?
6.6 Does bidder have an audit schedule issued for each year and covering each location and all operations at each location? Provide details.
6.7. Does bidder have an action tracking system to monitor the implementation of satisfactory improvement actions to clear any reported deficiencies / non-
6.8. What methods do Bidder implement for monitoring Quality performance? Provide details.
7.1. Does Bidder have a dedicated Project Management Team, along with Project Management Systems? Provide details.
7.2. How does Project Management liase with Engineering and other supporting functions? Please provide a brief write-up on Project Execution.
7.4. What methods or systems are used by Bidder for scheduling, tracking, and controlling the project activities? Provide details.
7.5. What softwares are used by Bidder for planning, monitoring and controlling? ‘List’ softwares names, version and amount of time that Bidder have been using
those softawares.
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Engineering Contractor Pre-Qualification Questionnaire ATTACHMENT B PARCO COASTAL REFINERY PROJECT
8.1. Does Bidder have an Information Management Plan, covering all process undertaken? Please provide copy of the Information Management Plan.
8.2. List Bidder’s standard software for preparing project drawings (e.g. AutoCAD). ‘List’ software name, version and amount of time that Bidder have been using it.
8.3. Bidder to provide the details of the computerized Document Management System Bidder use for Document Control and Management?
8.4. Bidder to provide details of software used for simulation and/ or calculations.
8.5. It will be COMPANY intent to utilize a WEB based portal for electronic document exchange. Does Bidder have experience with this and what difficulties does
Bidder foresee with using this approach?
8.6. Bidder to provide the ‘List’ the documentation that Bidder typically hands over at the end of an Design, Engineering Servicies for Non-EPC Civil Works,
including format and mode of delivery.
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