Gis Terdistribusi
Gis Terdistribusi
Gis Terdistribusi
Until recently, the only practical way to apply GIS to a problem was to
assemble all of the necessary parts in one place, on the user’s desktop. But
recent advances now allow all of the parts – the data and the software – to
be accessed remotely, and moreover they allow the user to move away from
the desktop and hence to apply GIS anywhere. Limited GI services are already
available in common mobile devices such as cellphones, and are increasingly
being installed in vehicles. This chapter describes current capabilities in
distributed GIS, and looks to a future in which GIS is increasingly mobile and
available everywhere. It is organized into three major sections, dealing with
distributed data, distributed users, and distributed software.
Geographic Information Systems and Science, 2nd edition Paul Longley, Michael Goodchild, David Maguire, and David Rhind.
2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBNs: 0-470-87000-1 (HB); 0-470-87001-X (PB)
In 1992, with the aid of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the US Army Corps of
Engineers USACERL, David founded the Open GIS Foundation (OGF) to facilitate technology transfer of COE
technology to the private sector as well as continuing the commercial interoperability initiatives begun with
GenaMap. In 1994, responding to the need to engage geospatial technology users and providers in a formal
consensus standards process, he reorganized OGF to become the Open GIS Consortium (now the Open
Geospatial Consortium). With the support of both public and private sector sponsors, the OpenGIS Project
began an intense and highly focused industry-wide consensus process to create an architecture to support
interoperable geoprocessing. David was cited in 2003 as one of the 20 most influential innovators in the IT
community by the editors of CIO Magazine and received the CIO 20/20 Award for visionary achievement.
Speaking about the industry’s evolution, David Schell said: ‘It is most important for us to realize the far-
reaching cultural impact of geospatial interoperability, in particular its influence on the way we conceptualize
the challenges of policy and management in the modern industrialized world. Without such a capability,
we would still be wasting most of our creative energies laboring in the dark ages of time-consuming
and laborious data conversion and hand-made application stove-pipes. Now it is possible for scientists and
thinkers in every field to focus their energies on problems of real intellectual merit, instead of having to
wrestle exhaustingly to reconcile the peculiarities of data imposed by diverse spatial constructs and vendor-
limited software architectures. As our open interfaces make geospatial data and services discoverable and
accessible in the context of the World Wide Web, geospatial information becomes truly more useful to more
people and its potential for enabling progress and enlightenment in many domains of human activity can
be more fully realized.’
Exemplar geolibraries
The Alexandria Digital Library (www.alexandria. distributed resources of geographic data. provides access to over 2 million maps Managed by the Department of the Interior,
and images using a simple method of search it presents a catalog of datasets residing in
based on user interaction with a world map, federal, state, local, tribal, and private archives,
placenames, or coordinates. Many of the maps and allows users to search across these resources
and images are stored in the Map and Imagery independently of their storage locations.
Laboratory at the University of California, Its benefits include reduced duplication, by
Santa Barbara, but the Alexandria catalog encouraging users to share the data of others
also identifies materials in other collections. rather than creating them themselves, and
Figure 11.5 shows a screen shot of the library’s increased collaboration between agencies. Users
Web interface. can volunteer their own datasets by registering
The US Geospatial One-Stop (www.geo-one- (‘publishing’) them to the portal. Geoportals; Figure 11.6) is intended to provide can also act as directories to remotely accessible
a single portal (a geoportal) to vast and GIServices (Section 11.4).
Figure 11.5 Example of a geolibrary: the Alexandria Digital Library ( (A) shows the interface to the
library in a standard Netscape browser. The user has selected an area of California to search, and the system has returned
the first 50 items in the library whose metadata match the search area footprint and the user’s request for scanned images of
1:24 000 topographic maps. (B) shows one of the ‘hits’, part of the San Rafael quadrangle centered on Muir Woods
National Monument
Figure 11.6 The US Department of the Interior’s Geospatial One-Stop, another example of a geolibrary. In this case the
user has zoomed in to the area of Goleta, California, and requested data on transportation networks. A total of 66 ‘hits’
were identified in this search, indicating 66 possible sources of suitable information
largely unorganized, and tends to accumulate slowly in the
minds of geographic information specialists (or SAPs, see 11.3 The mobile user
Section Knowing where to look is still largely a
matter of personal knowledge and luck.
Various possible solutions to this problem can be Computing has become so much a part of our lives that
identified. In the future, we may find the means to for many people it is difficult to imagine life without it.
develop a new generation of Web search engines that Increasingly, we need computers to shop, to communicate
are able to discover geographic datasets automatically, with friends, to obtain the latest news, and to entertain
and catalog their OLM. Then a user needing information ourselves. In the early days, the only place one could
on a particular area could simply access the search compute was in a computing center, within a few meters
of the central processor. Computing had extended to the
engine’s results, and be provided with a list of appropriate
office by the 1970s, and to the home by the 1990s. The
collections. That capability is well beyond the reach of
portable computers of the 1980s opened the possibility of
today’s generation of search engines, although several
computing in the garden, at the beach, or ‘on the road’ in
format standards, including GeoTIFF, already add the
airports and airplanes. Wireless communication services
tags to geographic datasets that clever search engines such as WiFi (the wireless access technology based on
could recognize. Alternatively, some scheme might be the 802.11 family of standards) now allow broadband
developed that authorizes a uniform system of servers, communication to the Internet from ‘hot-spots’ in many
such that each server’s contents are defined precisely, hotels, restaurants, airports, office buildings, and private
using geographic, thematic, or other criteria. In such homes (Figure 11.7). The range of mobile computing
a system all data about locations within the server’s devices is also multiplying rapidly, from the relatively
nominal coverage area, such as a state or a range cumbersome but powerful laptop weighing several kg to
of latitude and longitude, would be found on that the PDA, tablet computer, and the cellphone weighing a
server and no other. Such a system would need to be hundred or so grams. Within a few years we will likely
hierarchical, with very detailed data in collections with see the convergence of these devices into a single, low-
small coverage areas, and coarser data in collections weight, and powerful mobile personal device that acts as
with larger coverage areas. But at this time the CLM computer, storage device, and cellphone.
problem remains a major impediment to effective sharing In many ways the ultimate end point of this progression
of geographic data. is the wearable computer, a device that is fully embedded
Figure 11.7 Map of WiFi (802.11) wireless broadband ‘hotspots’ within 1 mile of the White House (1600 Pennsylvania Ave,
Washington, DC) and using the T-Mobile Internet provider
as from actually being there. The expense and time of
traveling to Australia would be avoided, and the analysis
could proceed almost instantaneously. Some aspects of
the study area would be missing, of course – aspects of
culture, for example, that can best be experienced by
meeting with the local people.
Research environments such as this are termed virtual
realities, because they replace what humans normally
gather through their senses – sight, sound, touch, smell,
and taste – by presenting information from a database.
In most GIS applications only one of the senses, sight,
is used to create this virtual reality, or VR. In principle,
it is possible to record sounds and store them in GIS
as attributes of features, but in practice very little use is
made of any sensory channel other than vision. Moreover,
in most GIS applications the view presented to the user
is the view from above, even though our experience at
looking at the world from this perspective is limited (for
most of us, to times when we requested a window seat in
Figure 11.8 A wearable computer in use. The outfit consists an airplane). GIS has been criticized for what has been
of a processor and storage unit hung on the user’s waist belt; termed the God’s eye view by some writers, on the basis
an output unit clipped to the eyeglasses with a screen that it distances the researcher from the real conditions
approximately 1 cm across and VGA resolution; an input experienced by people on the ground.
device in the hand; and a GPS antenna on the shoulder. The
batteries are in a jacket pocket (Courtesy: Keith Clarke) Virtual environments attempt to place the user in
distant locations.
in the user’s clothing, goes everywhere, and provides More elaborate VR systems are capable of immersing
ubiquitous computing service. Such devices are already the user, by presenting the contents of a database in a
obtainable, though in fairly cumbersome and expensive three-dimensional environment, using special eyeglasses
form. They include a small box worn on the belt and or by projecting information onto walls surrounding the
containing the processor and storage, and an output user, and effectively transporting the user into the envi-
display clipped to the user’s eyeglasses. Figure 11.8 ronment represented in the database. Virtual London (Box
shows such a device in use. 13.7 and see
Computing has moved from the computer center don.htm) and the Virtual Field Course (www.geog.le. are examples of projects to build databases
and is now close to, even inside, the human body.
to support near-immersion in particular environments.
The ultimate form of mobile computing is the Some of the most interesting of these are projects that
wearable computer. recreate historic environments, such as those of the Cul-
What possibilities do such systems create for GIS? Of tural VR Lab at the University of California, Los Ange-
greatest interest is the case where the user is situated in les (, which supports roaming through
the subject location, that is, U is contained within S, and three-dimensional visualizations of the Roman church of
the GIS is used to analyze the immediate surroundings. Santa Maria Maggiore (Figure 11.9) and other classi-
A convenient way to think about the possibilities is by cal structures.
comparing virtual reality with augmented reality. Roger Downs, Professor of Geography at Pennsylvania
State University, uses Johannes Vermeer’s famous paint-
ing The Geographer (Figure 11.10) to make an important
point about virtual realities. On the table in front of the
11.3.1 Virtual reality and figure is a map, representing the geographer’s window on
augmented reality a part of the world that happens to be of interest. But
the subject figure is shown looking out of the window,
One of the great strengths of GIS is the window it provides at the real world, perhaps because he needs the informa-
on the world. A researcher in an office in Nairobi, Kenya tion he derives from his senses to understand the world
might use GIS to obtain and analyze data on the effects of as shown on the map. The idea of combining informa-
salinization in the Murray Basin of Australia, combining tion from a database with information derived directly
images from satellites with base topographic data, data through the senses is termed augmented reality, or AR.
on roads, soils, and population distributions, all obtained In terms of the locations of computing discussed earlier,
from different sources via the Internet. In doing so the AR is clearly of most value when the location of the user
researcher would build up a comprehensive picture of a U is contained within the subject area S, allowing the
part of the world he or she might never have visited, all user to augment what can be seen directly with informa-
through the medium of digital geographic data and GIS, tion retrieved about the same area from a database. This
and might learn almost as much through this GIS window might include historic information, or predictions about
(Figure 11.11), includes a differential GPS for accurate
positioning, a GIS database that includes very detailed
information on the immediate environment, a compass
to determine the position of the user’s head, and a pair
of earphones. The user gives the system information
to identify the desired destination, and the system then
generates sufficient information to replace the normal role
of sight. This might be through verbal instructions, or by
generating stereo sounds that appear to come from the
appropriate direction.
Figure 11.13 The field of view of the user of Feiner’s AR system, showing the Columbia University main library and the insane
asylum that occupied the site in the 1800s 1999, T. Höllerer, S. Feiner & J. Pavlik, Computer Graphics & User Interfaces Lab.,
Columbia University. Reproduced with permission
from the phone. As long as the phone is on, the operator Emergency services provide one of the strongest
of the cellphone network is able to pinpoint its location at motivations for LBS.
least to the accuracy represented by the size of the cell, of
There are many other examples of LBS that take
the order of 10 km, and frequently much more accurately.
advantage of locationally enabled cellphones. A yellow-
Within a few years it is likely that the locations of the vast page service responds to a user who requests information
majority of active phones will be known to an accuracy on businesses that are close to his or her current loca-
of 10 m. tion (Where is the nearest pizza restaurant? Where is the
One of the strongest motives driving this process is nearest hospital? Where is the nearest WiFi hotspot?) by
emergency response. A large and growing proportion of sending a request that includes the location to a suitable
emergency calls come from cellphones, and while the Web server. The response might consist of an ordered list
location of each land-line phone is likely to be recorded presented on the cellphone screen, or a simple map cen-
in a database available to the emergency responder, in a tered on the user’s current location (Figure 11.7). A trip
significant proportion of cases the user of a cellphone is planner gives the user the ability to find an optimum driv-
unable to report his or her current location to sufficient ing route from the current location to some defined desti-
accuracy to enable effective response. Several well- nation. Similar services are now being provided by public
publicized cases have drawn attention to the problem. transport operators, and in some cases these services make
The magazine Popular Science, for example, reported a use of GPS transponders on buses and trains to provide
case of a woman who lost control of her car in Florida information on actual, as distinct from scheduled, arrival
in February 2001, skidding into a canal. Although she and departure times. AT&T’s Find Friends service allows
called 911 (the emergency number standard in the US and a cellphone user to display a map showing the current
Canada), she was unable to report her location accurately locations of nearby friends (provided their cellphones are
and died before the car was found. active and they are also registered for this service). Under-
cover ( is an example of a
One solution to the 911 problem is to install GPS in
location-based game that involves the actual locations of
the vehicle, communicating location directly to the dis-
players (see Box 11.5) moving around a real environment.
patcher. The Onstar system ( is one Direct determination of location, using GPS or mea-
such system, combining a GPS device and wireless com- surement to or from towers, is only one basis on which
munication. The system has been offered in the US to a computing device might know its location, however.
Cadillac purchasers for several years, and provides vari- Other forms of LBS are provided by fixed devices, and
ous advisory services in addition to emergency response, rely on the determination of location when the device
such as advice on local attractions and directions to local was installed. For example, many point-of-sale systems
services. When the vehicle’s airbags inflate, indicating a that are used by retailers record the location of the sale,
likely accident, the system automatically measures and combining it with other information about the buyer
radios its location to the dispatcher, who relays the nec- obtained by accessing credit-card or store-affinity-card
essary information to the emergency services. records (Figure 11.18). In exchange for the convenience
Figure 11.15 Cellphone display for a user playing Undercover: scanning for friends (blue) and foes (red) (Reproduced by
permission of Antonio Câmara)
Figure 11.16 The Lex Ferrum location-based game developed by YDreams relies on the display of three-dimensional characters on
the cellphone screen (Reproduced by permission of Antonio Câmara)
Figure 11.17 A Formula 1 race played on a large screen using mobile phones. The project was developed by IDEO and YDreams
for Vodafone (Reproduced by permission of Antonio Câmara)
In the first version, Undercover relied on simplified maps where only main points of interest were
considered. Positioning was based on Cell-ID techniques provided by the operator. Undercover’s second
version will use city maps in the background. Positioning may use a range of systems including GPS units
communicating via Bluetooth with the mobile phones. YDreams has also developed a proximity-based
location game called Lex Ferrum (Figure 11.16) for the NOKIA N-Gage. In this game, the player’s location is
scanned via Bluetooth or GPRS/UMTS. Local combat is done using Bluetooth. Remote combat may use the
cellular network.
Such games will also benefit from the widespread deployment of large screens in cities. Mobile phones can
then be used as controllers of such screens. Imagine a user visualizing a three-dimensional representation of
the city, querying the underlying GIS and playing games such as an imaginary Formula 1 race (Figure 11.17).
Another technique relies on the locations given when The battery remains the major limitation to LBS
an Internet IP address is registered, augmented by location and to mobile computing in general.
Figure 11.19 Companies such as InfoSplit ( specialize in determining the locations of computers from their IP
addresses. In this case the server has correctly determined that the ‘hit’ comes from Santa Barbara, California
In principle, any GIS function could be provided in The number of available GIServices is growing
this way, based on GIS server software (Section 7.6.2). steadily, creating a need for directories, portals, and other
In practice, however, certain functions tend to have mechanisms to help users find and access them, and
attracted more attention than others. One obvious problem standards and protocols for interacting with them. The
is commercial: how would a GIService pay for itself, Geography Network (;
would it charge for each transaction, and how would Figure 11.20) provides such a directory, in addition to
this compare to the normal sources of income for GIS its role as a geolibrary, as does the Geospatial One-
vendors based on software sales? Some services are Stop (Box 11.4). Generic standards for remote services
offered free, and generate their revenue by sales of are emerging, such as WSDL (Web Services Definition
advertising space or by offering the service as an add- Language, and UDDI (Universal
on to some other service – MapQuest and Yell are good Description, Discovery, and Integration,,
examples, generating much of their revenue through direct though to date these have found little application
advertising and through embedding their service in hotel in GIS.
Figure 11.20 The Geography Network provides a directory of remote GIServices. In this case a search for services related to
transportation networks has identified four
devices in field settings; limitations placed on communi-
11.5 Prospects cation bandwidth and reliability; and limitations inherent
in battery technology. Perhaps, at this time, more prob-
lematic than any of these is the difficulty of imagining the
Distributed GIS offers enormous advantages, in reducing full potential of distributed GIS. We are used to associ-
duplication of effort, allowing users to access remotely ating GIS with the desktop, and conscious that we have
located data and services through simple devices, and pro- not fully exploited its potential – so it is hard to imagine
viding ways of combining information gathered through what might be possible when the GIS can be carried any-
the senses with information provided from digital sources. where and its information combined with the window on
Many issues continue to impede progress, however: com- the world provided by our senses.
plications resulting from the difficulties of interacting with