Seminar Verschränkung Und Relativistik, Dekohärenz Und Geometrie in Der Quantenphysik II
Seminar Verschränkung Und Relativistik, Dekohärenz Und Geometrie in Der Quantenphysik II
Seminar Verschränkung Und Relativistik, Dekohärenz Und Geometrie in Der Quantenphysik II
„Bachelor of Science“
für den Studiengang Physik
I. Abstract 4
V. Lagrangian formulation 11
1. Classical Lagrange formalism 11
2. Lagrangian formulation of a scalar eld 12
3. The lagrangian of the Klein-Gordon equation 14
VII.Quantization of a scalar eld 19
1. Methods to quantize a eld 19
2. The canonical quantization of the Klein Gordon eld 19
2.1. The canonical quantization of conjugate variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2. The general solution to the Klein Gordon equation . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3. Canonical commutator relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4. Solved and new problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.5. The propagator of the Klein-Gordon eld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3. The path integral quantization 23
3.1. Motivating the path integral in quantum mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2. The path integral in QFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4. Application 26
VIII.Bibliography 28
Part I.
We will discuss in the following the properties of scalar elds. We will then proceed with
the special case of the Klein-Gordon eld and show some problems that occur if it is
interpreted as a single-particle wave equation. To solve this problem we need to introduce
the lagrangian formalism looked at in more detail in the following chapter and then we
proceed with an exploration of the canonical quantization of the Klein-Gordon eld. We
will notice that the problems that occured earlier vanish if we consieder the quantized
eld. After this the path integral is introduced as another method for quantizing the
eld. Finally we will introduce some of the applications of quantized elds.
Part II.
Conventions and comments
We will use the following signature for the Minkowski metric:
1 0 0 0
0 −1 0 0
gµν =
0 0 −1 0 (1)
0 0 0 −1
Four vectors are indicated by a latin letter, e.g. the momentum 4-vector is given by
p, while its components are indicated by greek indices ⇒ pµ . Consequently the greek
indices run from zero to three while the latin indices run from one to three. To avoid
confusion we will generally assume φ to be a scalar eld, while vector elds will be
written as Ψ.
The (pseudo)scalar product of two 4-vectors will be written as
pp = p2 = pµ pν gµν = pµ pµ (2)
We will usually surpress the arguments of elds, such that
φ := φ(x), ψ := Ψ(x) (3)
Additionally we dene
∂ µ 1∂ ~
∂µ Ψ := Ψ = , ∇ Ψµ (4)
∂xµ c ∂t
∂ 1∂
∂ Ψµ := Ψµ = , −∇ ~ Ψµ (5)
∂xµ c ∂t
Thereby the D'Alembert-Operator has the following form
1 ∂2
φ := ∂µ ∂ φ = ( 2 − ∆)φ (6)
c ∂t
If not stated otherwise the functions operate on R4 . The vector rµ is dened as
rµ = xµ − xµ0 (7)
and the scalar r is dened as
r= rµ r µ
Part III.
Scalar elds
1. What is a scalar eld?
Mathematically a scalar eld is dened as a scalar function operating on a n-dimensional
vector space:
φ : Rn → R
x → φ(x)
Physically a scalar eld can be interpreted as the information about a distribution in
space, which is in general assumed to be time dependend. Common examples are the eld
of the temperature or diverse density elds, e.g. mass-density, charge-density. Especially
the interpretation as a propability density eld has many applications in modern physics
and is one of the key stones in modern quantum mechanics. Later we will discuss the
lagrangian density of a scalar eld, which can be interpreted as a scalar eld itself.
We will now discuss two important quantities that are related to scalar elds. The rst
one will appear multiple times in the later chapters.
innite amount of directions to "testing" only n directions (and as long as we assume
our vector space to be nite this solves our problem).
The answer to the second question is actually already given, if we take a look at the rst
question. Knowing the direction in which the eld increases the most, we can simply
project the variation in any direction we like, giving the change of the function in towards
the chosen direction. This is in fact the reason why we didn't have to ask "In which
direction doesn't the eld vary?", since in each direction perpendicular to the gradient
the eld is stable, which again implies that in a case in which the gradiant diverges at
some point, the system has an instablility at this given point.
At ~0 the equipotential surface "reduces" to one point in space and of course there exist
cases in which exist equipotential lines instead of equipotential surfaces.
Part IV.
Klein-Gordon equation as a
single-particle wave equation
The Schrödinger equation can be motivated by taking a look at the classical relation
beetween energy and momentum of a particle. Quantization is done by replacing the
physical quantities by operators corresponding to them and a state or wave function on
which they operate. This corresponding operators for the energy and momentum are
given by
p~ → −i~∇,~ E → i~ (12)
Assuming the case of a free particle we get the following relation betweeen momentum
and energy:
=E (13)
Substituting the operators yields
∂ ~2
~2 ∇
i~ φ=− φ (14)
∂t 2m
This is the Schrödinger equation for a free particle. We could now assume that we can
obtain an relativistic version of the Schrödinger equation by simply repeating the same
procedure with the relativistic correlation between momentum and energy:
p2 = − p~2 = (mc)2 (15)
If we simply substitute the operators we obtain
1 ∂2
−~2 φ + ~2 ∇2 φ = (mc)2 φ (16)
c2 ∂t2
which can be rewritten to
1 ∂2 mc 2 mc 2
( − ∇ 2
)φ + φ = 0 ⇔ ( + )φ = 0 (17)
c2 ∂t2 ~ ~
Setting ~ = c = 1 this leaves us with the simple and beautiful so called Klein-Gordon
( + m2 )φ = 0 (18)
The Schrödinger equation could therefore be interpreted as the newtonian limit of the
Klein-Gordon equation as a single-particle wave equation, and it is said that Schrödinger
himself had found this equation earlier, before he had discovered the equation that bears
his name. However, assuming it describes a free particle, we run into problems.
The rst one is, that the equation for the energy ((15)) allows negativ energy states.
E=± (mc)2 + p~2
For a non interacting particle we could simple choose the energy to be positive, which
would solve the problem by denition. But since we also wish to consider interaction,
the problem is still relevant. Nothing prohibits the particle from emitting an innite
amount of energy to the system with which it is interacting. This, of course, is not what
we observe in experimets.
Another problem occurs if we look for an interpretation of the Klein-Gordon eld. If we
interpret it similar to the Schrödinger equation, there should exist a propability density
just like the one for the Schrödinger equation
ρ = φ? φ (20)
and a corresponding probability current
~j = −i ~ (φ? ∇φ ~ ? ).
~ − φ∇φ (21)
These two are linked via the continuity equation
∂ ~ ~j = 0
ρ+∇ (22)
If we search for a probability density for the Klein-Gorden equation, we should demand
that it transforms like the time component of a relativistic 4-vector, such that we could
rewrite the density and the current as a 4-vector. As an ansatz we choose ((21)) as
the spatial part of the vector. This can motivated by assuming that in the Newtonian
limit the Klein-Gordon eld should obey this equation. Later we will show that the
probability density for the Klein-Gordon equation has the form of
~ ? ∂ ∂ ?
ρ=i φ φ−φ φ (23)
2m ∂t ∂t
For both together the following continuity equation
~ ? µ
∂µ j µ = ∂µ i (φ ∂ φ − φ∂ µ φ? ) = 0 (24)
can be found.
At rst glance this looks promising, but the probability density ((23)) is not positive
denite. As we know for a second order ODE there are two arbitrarily conditions necces-
sary to x it. This allows us to chose φ and ∂t∂ φ independently for a given point in time,
which allows ρ to assume negative values. Generally, this wouldn't mean a problem.
However, if we want to keep our interpretation as a generalization of the Schrödinger
equation, we run into the problem of a negative probability density, which is surely
nothing physical. Altering the equation for the probability density will however lead to
problems with identication of the Klein-Gordon equation as the relativistic version of
the Schrödinger equation.
We will show later that the Klein-Gordon equation is of use and that the given equations
regarding probability density and current are the correct ones. But therefore we need
some additional tools which will be derived in the next chapter.
1. Application in Physics
We will discuss in chapter (VII) how to quantize the Klein-Gordon eld, which means
that the eld is handled as an operator acting on states. The current we derived will
be interpreted as an electric current of the particles descirbed by the quantum eld and
the density will be the electric charge density of spin 0 particles, which of course can be
Part V.
Lagrangian formulation
In classical mechanics the Lagrange formalism with which one can derive the equations
of motion is well known. The so calle Euler-Lagrange equations can be derived via the
principle of the least action, where the later is dened as
S= L dt. (25)
L is called the Lagrange function of the system. We will generalize this concept to derive
eld equations through a Lagrange density and the principle of extremal action.
by Z t1
δS = [mẋȧ − aV 0 (x)]dt (28)
where V has been expanded into a Taylor series. We conclude that the action is extremal
if and only if δS = 0 under a variation of x. This is clearly the case when the integrant
is equal to zero. If we partially integrate a(t)
˙ in the rst term and since a(t) is arbitrary
we see that the integrant is zero, if and only if
mẍ + V 0 (x) = 0 (29)
which represents the Newtonian equations of motion. Rewritten this becomes the stan-
dard form of the Euler Lagrange equations (pulling out one time derivative and inte-
grating with respect to ẋ):
d ∂ mẋ2 ∂V d ∂L ∂L
+ =0⇔ − =0 (30)
dt ∂ ẋ 2 ∂x dt ∂ ẋ ∂x
This is exactly the kind of generalization for the action we were looking for. The function
L is called the Lagrangian density, which is usually shortened to Lagrangian. However,
if we want to keep the principle of extremal action to receive eld equations, analogous
to the equations of motion, we have to repeat the variation procedure. Consequently
there are a few additional generalizations we have to make. Instead of a one dimen-
sional line, like a trajectory, the eld spans a 4-dimensional region R in a 5-dimensional
space time. Therefore the starting and ending points of the trajectory are replaced by
spacelike hypersurfaces which form parts of the boundary ∂R of the 4-dimensional re-
gion. Intuitively this is clear, because we are no longer varying one dimension, where the
boundary equals 2 points, but 4 dimensions, with consequently 2 3-dimensional surfaces
as boundary.
Additionally we have to regard not only the variation of the eld if the point in space
time at which it is evaluated does vary, but additionally the functional variation of the
eld at each point in space time itself. This can be expressed as
xµ → x0µ = xµ + δxµ
φ(x) → φ0 (x) = φ(x) + δφ(x)
It is appropriate to let L depend explicitly on φ, ∂φ and xµ , such that we consider
interaction of φ with external sources. As already mentioned we have to regard the
change of φ itself under variation and in addition the variation of φ if we let xµ vary.
Therefore we can describe the two variations as
φ0 (x0 ) − φ(x0 ) = δφ
φ(x0 ) − φ(x) = (∂µ φ)δxµ
and is
= δνµ + ∂λ δxµ (37)
as follows straight from the transformation. The variation of the Lagrangian is given as
∂L ∂L ∂L
δL = δφ + δ(∂µ φ) + µ δxµ . (38)
∂φ ∂(∂µ φ) ∂x
where we disregarded terms with variation in L and x. Taking a look at the transfor-
mation φ(x) → φ0 (x) (and additionally from the fact, that δ is a functional operator) it
follows, that δ(∂µ φ) = ∂µ δφ. This leads to
∂L ∂L
δS = δφ + ∂µ (δφ) + ∂µ (L δx ) d4 x.
∂φ ∂(∂µ φ)
Since the last term is a total divergence we can transform this part into a surface integral
via Stokes theorem. Since we demand that the variation of φ and x has to vanish at the
boundary, it follows that the term has to vanish. Since
∂L ∂L ∂L
∂µ δφ = ∂ δφ + ∂µ (δφ) (41)
∂(∂µ φ) ∂(∂µ φ) ∂(∂µ φ)
we can replace the second term with a correction term plus a total divergence, which
again vanishes by the same argument as before. This leaves us with
∂L ∂L ∂L
δS = − ∂µ δφd x +
δφ + L δx dσµ
R ∂φ ∂(∂µ φ) ∂R ∂(∂µ φ)
| {z }
which again implies that the action is extremal if the integrand vanishes and therefore
∂L ∂L
− ∂µ . (43)
∂φ ∂(∂µ φ)
This are the Euler-Lagrange equations for the scalar eld. It is actually straight forward
to show, that they look the same for vector elds.
Part VI.
Noether's Theorem
1. Noether's Theorem in classical mechanics
The main conclusion from Noether's theorem is, that the invariance of the action under a
variation of a parameter is equivalent to a conserved quantity. In classical mechanics we
can for instance relate the rotation of the coordinates with the conservation of angular
momentum, a translation in time with the conservation of energy. One can assume
that equivalent statements are true for scalar elds, and we need to be able to recover
the classical conserved quantities if we let the scalar eld be a projector onto a one
dimensional subspace, i.e.
φ(x) = x0 , . . . , x3 (45)
However we can additionally demand the invariance under a functional variation of the
where ν is considered to be a single index1 .
If we assume that the transformation is some kind of symmetry than the variation
vanishes, which means that
δSd = Φν − θτ Xν δω ν dσµ = 0.
µ τ
∂R ∂(∂µ φ)
Considering Stokes theory we can change this back into an space-time integral, which
makes it clear to see that the 4-gradiant of Jνµ has to vanish, since the region of space-time
can be chosen arbitrary. This means that
∂µ Jνµ = 0, (51)
and that we've found a "conserved" current, conserved in the sense that it fulls a
continuity equation.
We will now derive a conserved charge from it. Therefore we consider integrate the
current over a spacelike hypersurface σµ :
Qν = Jνµ dσµ . (52)
Using that
∂µ Jνµ = 0 (54)
and the requirement for physical elds to become zero at innity, we see that
d dQν
∂ 0 3
0= d
∂0 Jν0 3 x + d
∂i Jνi 3 x = Jν d x = Jν0 d3 x = = 0. (55)
V V V ∂t dt V dt
| {z }
1 In
general it doesn't have to be restricted to this case, e.g. if one considers Lorentz transformations.
The same is true for Φ in the case of multiplets of scalar elds.
3. Examples
3.1. Energy-momentum conservation
Let us discuss an invariance of the action under space-time translations. This corre-
sponds to changes of xµ and φ in the following sense
∆xµ = ξ µ , ∆φ = 0. (56)
Remembering (48) and since φ doesn't change at all, the corresponding innitesimal
transformation has to be zero too. The remaining transformation can be achieved if we
choose δω ν to be equal to ν , and therefore the two transformations are of the form
Φν = 0, Xνµ = δνµ , (57)
where δνµ is the Kronecker symbol. This means that our conserved current is just the
negative energy-momentum tensor, and the corresponding conserved charge is given by
θν0 d3 x = 0, (58)
and we therefore have to take another look at the denition of θνµ in (46). We will rst
consider only the zero-eth component of the conserved charge. It is given by
∂L ∂L
θ00 3 x = ∂0 φ − L d x=
φ̇ − L d3 x (59)
∂(∂0 φ) ∂(φ̇)
where one nds, by remembering classical mechanics, that the second term looks similar
to the relation between the lagrangian and the hamiltonian. In fact one can show, that
the integrand is the so called Hamilton density, and the integral therefore the hamiltonian
of the considered eld. Therefore the zero-eth component of the conserved charge is the
energy of the eld. The property of the conserved charge, to transform under Lorentz
transformations like a 4-vector, shows immediately, that the spatial part of the charge
corresponds to the momentum conservation.
We can conclude that for any lagrangian that is independent of xµ the energy-momentum
tensor is a conserved quantity.
We can interpret this as a lagrangian for two independent elds, φ and φ? , yielding
two eld equations, the Klein-Gordon equation and it's complex conjugate. One can
immediately see, that the lagrangian is not changed if we multiply φ by a complex
φ → exp(−iα)φ, φ? → exp(iα)φ? (62)
The innitesimal form of the transformation is then given by
Φ = −iφ, Φ? = iφ? (63)
and of course X = 0. Inserting this and the Lagrangian in Noether's theorem we
recover the current (60) we we're looking for (except for a constant factor), justifying
our assumption for the density we made in the 4th chapter.
Part VII.
Quantization of a scalar eld
1. Methods to quantize a eld
There exist multiple ways to quantize a eld which lead to the same quantum eld. We
will discuss the following two:
1. The canonical quantization
2. The path integral quantization
The rst one is realised by promoting the coecients of the Fourier decomposition of
the eld to become operators and demanding certain commutation relations for these
operators. The second one is based on functional methods and a so called generating
leaving us with the so called mass shell2 condition
p2 = m2 . (67)
The general solution has then to be a linear combination of exp(ipx) and exp(−ipx) and
additionally we have to include all p's which full the condition. Thus we can write the
general solution as
φ= a† (p) exp(ikx) + a(p) exp(−ipx)dµ(p) (68)
d3 p
dµ(p) = (69)
(2π)3 2p0
and p0 is chosen such, that the mass shell condition is fulled:
p0 = p~2 + m2
What we're now doing by quantizing is to promote the coecients a† (p) and a(p) to
become operators.
2 The mass shell is a hyperboloid which represents timelike vectors in space-time with the same length
in the sense of the Minkowski metric.
that counts the quanta of energy that a given state possesses. We will now create an
analogous operator for our two operators,
N (p)(2π)3 2ωk δ 3 (0) = a† (p)a(p). (74)
Straight forward calculation shows, that this operator satises the commutator relations
[N (p), N (p0 )] = 0, [N (p), a† (p)] = a† (p), [N (p), a(p)] = a(p). (75)
The rst one allows us to form a basis out of the eigenstates |n(p)i of this operator, which
have the eigenvalue n(p), the second lead to the following relation between a† (p), a(p)
and |n(p)i:
† †
N (p)a (p)|n(p)i = n(p) + 1 a (p)|n(p)i, N (p)a(p)|n(p)i = n(p) − 1 a(p)|n(p)i
This justies that we proceed analogous to the harmonic oscillator and interpret the
operators in a similar way, that a† (p) creates an quanta of energy, while a(p) annihilates
it, and nally N (p) gives the amount of quanta that the state possesses. However there
is one dierence, since the operators are related to the mass term in the Klein-Gordon
equation the energy has to be related to it too. Thus we can actually say that they do
not create or annihilate a quanta of energy, but create a particle with mass m.
This is positive denite and therefore the problem of negative energy just disappeared, at
least almost, since there is still the possibility, that we could descend down into negative
energies by simply using the annihilation operator. However, since
a(p)|n(p)i a(p)|n(p)i = hn(p)|a† (p)a(p)|n(p)i = n(p)hn(p)|n(p)i > 0 (78)
is guaranteed by the fact that a(p)|n(p)i is a state in a Hilbertspace and therefore has
to have non negative norm. Since a(p) reduces n(p) by one this process has to stop at
one point, which can only be the case if at some point n(p) becomes zero. We call the
state for which this is true the ground state |0(p)i and dene it as
a(p)|0(p)i = 0 (79)
which simply means, that in the ground state (which is also referred to as vacuum)
there exists no particle with momentum p~. If we insert all our gained relations into
the expression for the energy and express it in terms of the annihilation and creation
operators, we see that Z
1 3
H= p0 N (p) + dp (80)
and since the integral is taken over the complete momentum space, we see that the last
term diverges. Since this term exists always, independent of the state we consider, it is
called the vacuum energy, just like the vacuum energy of the harmonic oscillator.
However there exists a way to solve this problem, called renormalization, which we
could describe as choosing the ground state to be zero. This can formally be achieved
by reordering the operators in such a way, that all creation operators stand on the left,
while all annihilation operators stand on the right.
Second, if we consider that
∆(x) = iΘ(x ) 0
exp(−ipx)dµ(p) + iΘ(−x ) 0
exp(+ipx)dµ(p) (85)
we see that there exist two types of solution, these with positive x0 , giving the "positive
frequency" solutions, and those with negative x0 giving the "ngeative frequency" solu-
Third we see that the propagator is a Green function of the Klein Gordon operator
( + m2 )∆(x) = δ (4) (x) (86)
and that we can write it as the Fourier integral of
exp(−ikx) d4 k
∆(x) = (87)
m2 − k 2 − i (2π)4
where the arises from the so called "Feynman boundary condition" which takes into
account a shift from m2 → m2 − i, > 0.3
3 TheGreen function dened above is not unique since we could add any solution of the homogeneous
equation. Therefore we need boundary conditions.
But this is not where Feynman stopped. What happens if we put another screen con-
taining M slits in? We have to sum over all possible combinations of points that the
particle has to pass. We could say, we have to sum over all paths:
ψ= ψ(I → Ai → Bj → F ).
i j
Still, there is no limit to this, we can put in as many screens as we like and we can take
as many slits as we like. But that's exactly where the physical problem that Feynman
was aiming at starts: "If we take an screen with an innite amount of slits in it, than
there is no screen anymore." But quantum mechanics tells us, that we still would have
to sum over all the possible paths, that the particle could go, one for each of the innite
number of slits, and we can do this for an innite number of slits, placed innitely close
together. We now know, that the propagation of the particle should be described by
a sum over all possible paths, but how can we calculate with something like that? We
start with the normal transition amplitude for a particle in state |qI i to a state qF i in
time T , given by
A = hqF |e−iHT |qI i, (90)
where H is the hamiltonian of the system. Now we divide the time T into small sections
δt, representing the time it needs to go from one screen to another. Looking at N
screens, we get
δt = T /N, (91)
and therefore the amplitude can be written as
A = hqF |e−iHδt e−iHδt . . . e−iHδt |qI i. (92)
Now we use the completeness relation for the states and insert 1 = |qihq|dq , which
represents one of the screens and the possible ways the particle can take. If we do this
we arrive at
hqF |e |qI i = hqF |e−iHδt |qN −1 ihqN −1 |e−iHδt |qN −2 i . . . hq1 |e−iHδt |qI idqN −1 . . . dq1 .
Now let's evaluate one of factors hqj+1 |e |qj i. For simplicity we'll do this for a free
will insert a complete set of momentum states into the equation, therefore we arrive at
−i 2m
hqj+1 |e δt
|qj i = hqj+1 |e−i 2m δt |pihp|qj i
Z 2
= e−i 2m δt hqj+1 |pihp|qj i
= e−i 2m δt eiqj+1 p e−iqj p . (96)
This is a Gaussian integral and evaluation gives
12 2
−i2πm m qj+1 − qj
−i 2m δt
hqj+1 |e |qj i = exp iδt .
δt 2 δt
We therefore have included the idea of an innite number of screens and we still need
to insert the idea of an innite number of slits. This is simply done by letting N → ∞
and we therefore found the integral over paths to be
N2 Z
[dq(t)] = lim dqi . . . dqN −1 . (100)
N →∞ δt
Putting the two together we see that the transition amplitude is given by
1 2
hqF |e −iHT
|qI i = [dq(t)] exp i mq̇ dt . (101)
0 2
Redoing the calculation with a hamiltonian that contains a potential V (q) yields a very
similar result
1 2
hqF |e −iHT
|qI i = [dq(t)] exp i ( mq̇ − V (q))dt = [dq(t)] exp i Ldt .
0 2 0
It is important to note that this is an integral over a complex phase and therefore it
would not be clear that it converges if it would not follow from its construction. This
justies that we take a closer look at what happens if we integrate. The rst thing we
see is that the exponent contains the classical action and therefore is zero if the path
considered satises the Euler Lagrange equations. Furthermore a change of the path
represents a variation of the action and thus gives a rapid oscillation of the phase if the
path is not very close to a solution of the Euler Lagrange equations, therefore in the
mean contributions that don't satisfy these conditions vanish.
This equation can be generalised in two ways. First, if we insert complete sets of states
in such a way, that we can compute the transition from some given initial state |Ii to a
given nal state hF |:
hF | exp(−iHT )|Ii = hF |qF ihqF | exp(−iHT )|qI ihqI |IidqF dqI . (103)
The most common case is, to let |F i = |Ii = |0i be the ground state.
Second, we can insert conditions of q at certain time points into the integral and get the
following: Z Z
h0|T Q(t1 )Q(t2 )|0i = exp(i Ldt)q(t1 )q(t2 )[dq] (104)
This means that we weight the integral with boundary conditions for a given congu-
ration. If we think of the integral as an innite sum we weight some terms with the
positions that these paths have at time t1 , t2 , which full the Euler-Lagrange conditions.
4. Application
The concept of quantized elds is mainly applied in particle physics, meaning in the
standardmodel. There the elds discussed are the quantized Dirac eld in the quantum
electro dynamic and for instance the Yang-Mills eld describing the gluons. The calcu-
lations represent the experimental data with an astonishing precision. However there is
a broad range of other applications. One example is the context of solid state physics
where phonons can be understood via a quantized eld. In string theory the background
elds are assumed to be quantized and quantized elds are therefore at the very basic
level of string theory. A modern topic of interest is the discussion of Bose-Einstein con-
densates, which too are described via quantum elds. Additionally the concept is used
in cosmology for describing the so called inationary universe. The main idea is to ex-
plain the tiny inhomogeneties, namely the clusters of masses, are the result of quantum
uctuations that occurred at an early stage of the universe and due to the expansion are
now this big, that they are actually visible as our galaxies. A possible application that
is currently a hot topic is of course quantum gravity which is suspected to be described
by a quantum eld too.
Part VIII.
1. M. Peskin, D.Schroeder, Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Westview Press,
2. L.H. Ryder. Quantum Field Theory. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge).
3. A. Zee. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell. Princeton University Press (New
Jersey). 2003