Timeless Installation
Timeless Installation
Timeless Installation
Subfloors and Preparation that the product is a non-asbestos containing material,
For detailed information on subfloors and preparation, you must presume it contains asbestos. Regulations may
please refer to supporting document “Suitable Substrates” require that the material be tested to determine asbestos
at www.congoleum.com. Certain requirements may apply content and may govern the removal and disposal of the
in order to prepare these substrates for resilient flooring. material. If you must remove old flooring material, contact
Substrates covered with existing flooring may also be the Resilient Floor Covering Institute to obtain a copy of
acceptable for residential and light commercial applications. the Recommended Work Practices for the Removal of
Resilient Floor Covering.
Ensure that concrete subfloors are sufficiently dry by
conducting moisture and pH tests. The subfloor, regard- Job Site Conditions
less of the type must be flat, smooth, clean, dry, structurally • Resilient flooring installation should be scheduled after
sound and free of paint, old adhesive residue, wax, grease, all other trades have completed their work.
oil, solvent, curing and parting compounds and other • The HVAC systems must be in operation for at least
substances that could interfere with adhesion or the perfor- 10 days prior to flooring installation and thereafter to
mance of the flooring. Never use liquid adhesive remover maintain a constant temperature. Portable heaters may
or solvent cleaners for removing old adhesive residue or not provide adequate heat. Never use kerosene heaters.
other substances on the subfloor. These substances must • Proper acclimation of the room, subfloor, flooring material,
be mechanically removed. Conduct bond tests to confirm adhesive and all installation accessory products is critical
suitable adhesion to the substrate. The flatness of the to the success of the adhesive and flooring performance.
subfloor is particularly important for keeping joints tight and Installation over cold subfloors will delay adhesive flash
in alignment when installing large format tiles. Deviations time and dry time, effect the size of the floor and increase
in the subfloor should not exceed 3/16" in 10' or 1/16" in 1'. the potential for indentation and/or adhesive displacement.
Subfloor deflection should not exceed 1/360th of the span. The subfloor temperature must be between 65ºF and 85ºF
(18ºC and 29ºC) at the time of installation.
Suitable Substrates
and Surface Materials • Acclimate the room(s) flooring and adhesive at a constant
• Fully cured, dry concrete on all grade levels Moisture temperature between 65ºF and 85ºF (18ºC and 29ºC)
for 48 hours before, during and 72 hours after installation.
vapor emissions should not exceed 5 lbs. (ASTM F1869)
Thereafter the room temperature should not exceed 90ºF
or 80% RH (ASTM F2170) with a pH range between
(32ºC) or fall below 55ºF (13ºC).
5 and 9.
• Unopen cartons of flooring should be neatly stacked in the
• Approved suspended wood floors and underlayments.
room where they will be installed during the acclimation
• Cement-based self-levelling underlayments and period. Open cartons just prior to installation.
patching compounds.
Special Installation Requirements
• Prepared ceramic tile, marble and cement terrazzo
• All plank products should be installed with end joints
• Aluminum, steel and stainless steel. randomly staggered at least 8" apart. Avoid using pieces
• Radiant-heated subfloors where the maximum surface less than 6" long at the end of the row.
temperature of the floor does not exceed 85ºF (29ºC) • Planks and tiles can be combined on custom installations.
in any area. • 18" x 36" tiles can be installed in an ashlar layout with
The following existing floors may be suitable for residential a 9", 12" or 18" drop pattern, depending on the desired
and light commercial applications only. appearance. A square layout with all 4 corners lined up
• Existing qualifying resilient sheet flooring-single layer, is not recommended.
fully adhered and well bonded. • 18" x 18" and 18" x 36" tiles have directional arrows
printed on the back. Turn tiles randomly in alternating
• Existing vinyl composition tile (VCT) - single layer, well
directions to achieve the best visual appearance.
bonded over, on or above grade level only.
• When installing flooring in a wet-set application with
Note: Some previously manufactured vinyl floor covering
AD-62, the flooring must be rolled with a 100 pound three
and asphalt “cutback” adhesive contain asbestos. section roller immediately after completing each section
For preparation or removal of these products, refer to the and while adhesive is still wet and again 1 hour later.
Resilient Floor Covering Institute’s publication “Recom-
• Proper adhesive selection and application will ensure
mended Work Practices for the Removal of Resilient Floor
good adhesion, tighter joints and reduce the potential
Covering”. These work practices must be followed. For a
for indentation from rolling and static loads.
copy of the recommended work practices, please contact:
Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) 115 Broad Street, Installation Recommendations
Suite 201, La Grange, GA 30204 - www.rfci.com. Layout
Warning: Do not sand, dry sweep, dry scrape, drill, saw, Layout will depend on the product size and adhesive
beadblast or mechanically chip or pulverize existing resilient system being used. Snap a chalk line down the center
flooring, backing, lining felt, asphaltic “cutback” adhesive of the floor parallel with the long dimension of the room.
or other adhesive. These products may contain asbestos Adjust the chalk line if necessary to avoid narrow pieces
fibers or crystalline silica. Avoid creating dust. Inhalation of at the walls. When installing 18" x 18" or 18" x 36" tiles it will
such dust is a cancer and respiratory tract hazard. Smoking be necessary to snap additional chalk lines perpendicular
by individuals exposed to asbestos fibers greatly increases (90°) to the center line. Also see special instructions for
the risk of serious bodily harm. Unless positively certain AD-62 wet-set adhesive applications.
When planning the layout make sure tile and plank joints Finishing the Job
fall at least 6" (15.2cm) away from joints in the underlay- • Clean any adhesive smears on the face of the flooring
ment and/or seams in existing flooring. Do not install immediately while wet with a clean cloth and dilute
over expansion joints. solution of neutral cleaner and water. Mineral spirits can
Cutting be used to remove dried adhesive.
Flooring can be trimmed to fit using a sharp utility knife • Keep traffic off the newly installed floor for at least
or tile cutter. When using a utility knife, score the surface 24 hours after installation. Open to light traffic for the next
of the tile or plank and flex it downward to break it at the 48 hours. Resume normal traffic after 72 hours.
score mark. Always place the cut edge against the wall. • Protect the floor from rolling or static loads for at least
72 hours after installation to allow adhesive to set firm.
For Installation with AD-32
Pressure Sensitive Adhesive • Always use strips of hardwood or plywood when moving
heavy objects such as furniture or equipment over the
Apply AD-32 Adhesive over one-half of the subfloor up
floor even when using carts or dollies with wheels.
to the chalk line. Allow adhesive to dry completely to a
tack, normally 30 to 60 minutes, longer in cool or humid • Allow adhesive to dry a minimum of 4 days before
conditions. Adhesive will turn from off white to clear wetting or washing the new floor.
when dry.
Carefully install the first row of tile or plank along the edge
of the chalk line. When installing plank, start with a whole
plank in the first row. Use 2/3 of a plank to start the second Structure, Impact,
row and 1/3 of a plank for the third row. Thereafter install Endurance Residential
and Light Commercial
planks in a random layout offsetting end joints by at least
8". Avoid using small pieces less than 6". Complete each
row including the cut piece at the end of the row. Always Installation Instructions
place cut ends against the wall. Complete the opposite These products are installed directly adhered to the
side of the room and roll the entire floor in both directions subfloor surface. In residential applications only, Impact
with a 100 pound, three-section roller. Restrict to light and Endurance can be installed over a Congoleum
traffic for the next 48 hours. UnderFlor. Use Congoleum AD-32 Pressure Sensitive
For Installation with AD-62 Adhesive for installations over all approved subfloor
Wet Set Adhesive surfaces including Congoleum UnderFlor.
When working with wet set adhesive it will be necessary General Information
to start the installation at the wall to avoid walking on freshly • Resilient flooring installation should be scheduled
installed flooring. Transfer the center chalk line to within after all other trades have completed their work
24" to 36" from the wall opposite the entrance of the room
• The HVAC systems must be in operation for at least
using a multiple of the plank or tile width. Snap additional
10 days prior to flooring installation and thereafter to
chalk lines to divide the floor into sections for adhesive
maintain a constant temperature.
• It is important to maintain proper temperature at the time
Apply AD-62 Adhesive in the first section. Spread the of installation in order to minimize thermal dimensional
adhesive evenly over the subfloor, keeping the trowel at changes. The subfloor, all flooring material, and adhesive
a 45º angle to the surface. Apply only enough adhesive that must be conditioned at a constant temperature between
can be covered with plank or tile within the 20 to 30 minute 65°F (18°C) and 85°F (29°C) for 48 hours prior to, during
working time. Before setting tiles or planks, allow adhesive and 72 hours after installation. Thereafter, maintain the
to flash off for 5 to 10 minutes over porous surfaces or room temperature between 55°F (13°C) and 90°F (32°C).
20 to 40 minutes over approved non-porous surfaces.
• Unopen cartons of flooring should be neatly stacked
Do not walk on or work on freshly laid flooring until the
in the room where they will be installed during the
adhesive has set sufficiently to eliminate shifting.
acclimation period. Open cartons just prior to installation.
If unavoidable use a kneeling board. Fitting flooring net
• When using flooring from two or more cartons, make
to the walls will reduce the possibility of tiles shifting.
sure pattern and run numbers found on the carton are
Carefully install the first row of tile or plank along the edge the same.
of the chalk line. When installing plank, start with a whole • Mix and install flooring from several different cartons
plank in the first row. Use 2/3 of a plank to start the to achieve a random appearance.
second row and 1/3 of a plank for the third row. Thereafter
install planks in a random layout offsetting end joints by Subfloor Information
at least 8". Complete each row including the cut piece at The existing subfloor type and condition, preparation
the end of the row. Always place cut ends against the wall. involved, cost and replacement ease, are all important
Clean any adhesive smears on the face of the flooring considerations when selecting the best installation method
immediately with a clean wet cloth before it dries. Roll the for a particular job. The chart (on next page) provides a
floor with a 100 pound three section roller immediately after list of common subfloors and requirements for each
completing each section and while adhesive is still wet. installation method.
Re-roll it again after 1 hour. Failure to roll the floor can
result in poor adhesion and indentation of the finished floor.
Sand joints smooth and set fasteners
Subfloor Surface When Installed over When Directly 1/32" (.8 mm) below the surface.
Underflor (Residential only) Adhered to Subfloor
Fill underlayment joints wider than 1/32"
Suspended Wood •S
ingle layer Sturd-I-Floor rated Double layer construction, (.8 mm). Rough, weathered or damaged
subfloor over joist panel 23/32" or heavier minimum 1" thick with suitable subfloor panels must be sanded smooth
or trusses up to •D
ouble layer construction, underlayment panel. Do not install or covered with a suitable underlayment
19.2" OC. minimum 1" thick directly adhered over oriented panel. Congoleum will not assume
strand board or particle board. responsibility for claims related to subfloor
problems regardless of the underlayment
Wood Panel Plywood and other hardwood APA rated Underlayment grade or subfloor material used.
Underlayment veneer panels, oriented strand plywood and other underlayment
Concrete Floors must be clean, dry,
board, NPA rated particle board. grade veneer panels that are
smooth and free of dust. Level, rough
The surface must be smooth intended for use as flooring
or uneven surfaces, cracks and control
and structurally sound. underlayment and that carry
joints with a portland cement-based
a written warranty by the panel
patching compound. Do not install flooring
over expansion joints. Moisture vapor
Concrete, on, above With vapor emissions With vapor emissions emissions must not exceed 5 lbs. /1000
and below grade up to 5 lbs. up to 5 lbs. ft.²/24 hours when tested with calcium
chloride test kits in accordance with
Lightweight Preferred Method Must be smooth, dry and in sound ASTM F-1869 or be greater than
Concrete and Must be smooth, dry and in condition. Repair all cracks, holes 80% RH (relative humidity) when tested
Gypsum Topping sound condition. Repair all and damaged areas. Seal with a with IN Situ Probes in accordance with
with a minimum cracks, holes and damaged sealer/primer recommended by ASTM F 2170. Surface pH must be
2000 psi areas. the topping manufacturer. A bond between 5 and 9.
compression test is recommended. Do not
Existing Resilient Floors must be single
rating install over powdery surfaces.
layer, fully adhered and well bonded over
Radiant Heated Preferred Method Gapping at end joints can occur an approved subfloor. Remove all wax,
Floors with temperature fluctuations floor finish or polish prior to installation.
Use embossing leveler to level embossed
The temperature of the floor should be limited to 70°F (21°C) for floors. Do not install new flooring over
24 hours before, during and 48 hours after installation. There after the loose laid or perimeter fastened floors,
temperature should be raised gradually to the desired temperature. soft or heavily cushioned floors, cush-
The maximum floor temperature should not exceed 85°F (29°C). ioned backed flooring, self -adhered tile
Existing Resilient Must be single layer, Must be single layer, fully adhered, or tile installed below grade level.
Flooring and Tile fully adhered and in good and in good condition. Do not Adhesive Residue must be completely
Note: Refer to condition. Do not install over install over heavy cushioned or removed on installations where flooring
warning statement heavy cushioned or cushioned cushioned backed flooring, tile will be directly bonded to the subfloor.
below. backed flooring or tile installed installed below grade or self Refer to the Resilient Floor Covering
below grade. adhering tile. Remove wax or Institute (RFCI) Recommended Work
polish and level embossed areas Practices for procedures involving
with an embossing leveler adhesive removal. Do not use solvent
or liquid adhesive removers to remove
Ceramic, Marble Tile must be well bonded. Grind high spots and fill low areas to a old adhesive residue. These products
and Granite smooth surface with a latex modified portland cement underlayment. can have a damaging effect on the new
floor and adhesive.
Subfloor Preparation Warning
All subfloor surfaces must be clean, dry, smooth structurally sound and Existing Resilient Flooring
free of contaminants or reagents that can interfere with adhesion or cause WARNING: DO NOT SAND, DRY
discoloration to the floor such as paint, wax, oil, grease, solvent, adhesive SWEEP, DRILL, SAW, BEADBLAST,
residue, curing and parting compounds, sealers and surface hardeners. OR MECHANICALLY CHIP OR
All surface imperfections should be leveled with a portland cement-based PULVERIZE EXISTING RESILIENT
latex patching compound. Gypsum-based patching compounds are not FLOORING, BACKING, LINING FELT,
recommended. Deviations in the subfloor should not exceed 3/16" in 10' ASPHALTIC “CUT-BACK” ADHESIVE,
or 1/16" in 1'. Subfloor deflection should not exceed 1/360th of the span. OR OTHER ADHESIVE. THESE
Wood Floors must be structurally sound and free of movement with at least PRODUCTS MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS
18" (46 cm) of well-ventilated air space below. An effective vapor barrier laid FIBERS AND/OR CRYSTALLINE SILICA.
on the ground surface must be used in a crawl space. Do not install flooring AVOID CREATING DUST. INHALATION
over wood subfloors laid directly on concrete or over sleeper construction OF SUCH DUST IS A CANCER AND
laid over concrete subfloors. RESPIRATORY TRACT HAZARD.
Various federal, state, and local government agencies
have regulations governing the removal of in-place
asbestos containing material. If you are considering the
removal of a resilient floor covering structure that contains
or is presumed to contain asbestos, you must review
and comply with all applicable regulations. Regulations
outside the United States may vary.
Copies of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute
Recommended Work Practices for the Removal
of Resilient Floor Coverings are available from: Fig. 3
Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) Avoid using small pieces less than 6" at the wall. Always
115 Broad Street hold planks in a low angle when positioning them to ensure
Suite 201 a tight joint. Complete each row including the cut piece at
La Grange, GA 30204 the end of the row. Always place cut ends against the
www.rfci.com wall. Complete the opposite side of the room and roll the
entire floor in both directions with a 100 pound, three-
Installation Recommendations section roller. Restrict to light traffic for the next 48 hours.
Layout Tile Installations - Snap a chalk line down the center of
When planning the layout make sure tile and plank the floor parallel with the long dimension of the room. Find
joints fall at least 6" (15.2cm) away from joints in the the center of the chalk line and snap a second chalk line
underlayment and or seams in existing flooring. at a right angle to the center line. Adjust the chalk line if
Plank Installations - Snap a chalk line down the necessary to avoid narrow pieces at the side walls (Fig. 4).
center of the floor parallel with the long dimension
of the room (Fig. 1).
Center Line
Fig. 10
Thoroughly sweep the floor to remove all loose dirt and Repairs
debris. Unroll the first sheet and trim it to fit allowing a To replace a damaged plank follow the procedures below:
1/4" space between the edge of the sheet and the wall.
• Using a sharp utility knife cut through a corner of the
Unroll the second sheet and position it with the seam edge damaged plank taking care not to cut into the adjacent
butted lightly up to the first sheet. plank or into the Underflor below.
Tape the sheets together with 2" wide clear packing tape • Warm the plank with a heat gun.
or other thin single face plastic tape available through • Lift the end of the plank and continue heating.
office supply stores and most home centers. Apply the
• As you provide sufficient heat, the plank will release
tape, centered directly over the top of the seam edges.
from the adhesive.
Roll the tape with a steel seam roller.
• Lift out the entire plank and warm the exposed adhesive.
Suitable Packaging Tapes Include:
• Install the new plank.
• Scotch 3850 Packing Tape
• Set the new plank firmly into place and roll with a
• Duck™ Tape Standard Packaging Tape hand roller.
• Shurtape® HP Series • Normal activity can resume immediately after completing
Do not use masking tape, fiber reinforced tape, duct tape the repair.
or other thick tapes that might telegraph through the
finished flooring.
Install finished flooring immediately after installing
Underflor to prevent contamination that could affect Impact SmartLock
the adhesive bond. Installation Instructions
Finished Flooring Installation Impact SmartLock Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring
Establish the layout as previously described and snap with Interlocking Joints is part of the Timeless by
center and perpendicular chalk lines as required making Congoleum collection. Impact SmartLock is constructed
certain that the finished flooring joints are at least 2" away with a patented interlocking joints that locks the plank
from the seams in the Underflor. together to form a tight, durable, water proof joint. Impact
Spread AD-32 Adhesive using a 1/16" x 1/32" x 1/32" SmartLock is installed as a floating floor so no adhesive
notched trowel over one-half the floor up to the center is required.
line. Do not apply excess adhesive. Allow adhesive to General Information
dry completely to a tack, normally 45 to 60 minutes,
• Impact SmartLock is recommended for residential interior
before installing flooring. Adhesive will turn from off-white
use in enclosed rooms with continuously maintained
to translucent when ready.
temperatures ranging between 65°F and 85°F. Do not
When installing flooring over UnderFlor, slight growth install flooring in areas where wide temperature fluctuations
(buckles) may occur immediately after adhesive applica- can occur or over sloped floors, ramps or in wet areas
tion. This is normal and will not affect the finished flooring
• Handle cartons and plank flooring carefully to protect the
locking edge profile. Always store and transport cartons
Install flooring following installation instructions as neatly stacked on a smooth, flat, solid surface. Do not
previously outlined for direct bond installation. Remember stack more than 10 cartons high.
to allow a 1/4" expansion space around the perimeter of
• Acclimate the flooring and room(s) at a constant
the room. If necessary to adjust or remove a tile or plank,
temperature between 65°F and 85°F for 48 hours prior
use a heat gun to warm it up first. Complete the opposite
to, during and continuously after installation.
side of the room following the same procedure.
• Mix planks from several different cartons to ensure a
Immediately After Installation random appearance.
Replace the base moldings and return appliances and
• Always allow a 1/4" expansion space around the entire
furniture to the room by rolling or sliding them over strips
perimeter of the room, at all base cabinets, fixtures and
of hardboard.
pipes. Cover the exposed edges with trim or fill the gap
When installing over UnderFlor, all finish trim and transition with a high quality acrylic caulking.
moldings must be installed so they do not bind or restrict
• All base cabinets must be installed prior to installing
the finished flooring from moving when expansion and
flooring. Do not install base cabinets or island cabinets
contraction occurs during seasonal changes. Fasten the
on top of the floor.
trim to the wall not to the subfloor. Do not drive fasteners
into the floor or underlayment. • In a large single room with a length of 40 feet and a width
greater than 25 feet, the addition of T-molding expansion
Seal all areas that may be exposed to surface spills, i.e.
joints will be required. When transitioning from an adjacent
tubs, toilet and showers with a high quality acrylic caulking.
area into another room (i.e. a hallway into a bedroom)
maintain adequate expansion in the doorways by using
T-moldings and undercutting the door casings.
• Protect Impact SmartLock finished installations Existing Flooring
from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Close Impact SmartLock can be installed over a variety of
curtains or blinds where extreme sunlight hits the finished floors including single layer resilient sheet floor
floor. Prolonged direct sunlight can result in fading and tile, ceramic, marble and terrazzo. The surface must
and discoloration. Excessive surface temperatures be in good condition with no indication of excessive moisture
can cause floor expansion that may result in or moisture damage. Level deep or wide grout lines with
buckling or delamination. embossing leveler. Do not install flooring over heavy
Preparing the Area cushioned floors, cushioned backed floors or over tile
• Remove all furniture and appliances from the room(s). installed over concrete below grade level.
• Remove wall and doorway trim The grout joints in ceramic tile and marble must be leveled
• Always undercut wood door casings so they are flush with the tile surface. Additionally the tile
may require several skim coats to achieve a flat surface.
Subfloor Recommendations
Impact SmartLock can be installed over a variety of subfloor Asbestos Warning
surfaces including concrete on all grade levels, wood sub- WARNING: DO NOT SAND, DRY SWEEP, DRILL, SAW,
floors and many existing hard surface floors. The subfloors BEADBLAST, OR MECHANICALLY CHIP OR PULVER-
must be clean, smooth, flat, solid and dry. Do not install IZE EXISTING RESILIENT FLOORING, BACKING, LINING
planks over floors that are sloped for drainage or uneven FELT, ASPHALTIC “CUT-BACK” ADHESIVE, OR OTHER
floors where deviations are greater than 3/16" in 10' or ADHESIVE. THESE PRODUCTS MAY CONTAIN ASBES-
1/16" in 1'. Subfloor deflection should not exceed 1/360th TOS FIBERS AND/OR CRYSTALLINE SILICA. AVOID
of the span. Uneven or wavy floors must be leveled with CREATING DUST. INHALATION OF SUCH DUST IS A
portland cement based patching compound. CANCER AND RESPIRATORY TRACT HAZARD.
Fig. 1
Start the second row using 1/3rd of a plank (Fig. 2). When fitting around door trim it will be necessary to slide
the plank under the trim. This can be accomplished by
starting the row on the side of the room with the door trim
and then sliding the plank into place once it is attached.
The row can be completed by inserting the tongue in to
the groove or the groove into the tongue depending on the
direction. A tapping block can also be used to lock the joints
together while the planks are in a flat position. Use a piece
of scrap flooring with the corresponding joint male or female
and a series of light taps until the joint is gradually locked
together. Do not hit the edge directly or use excessive force
as it could damage the edge of the plank.
Fig. 4
• Remove the damaged plank by lifting the edge of each
piece until it unlocks.
Fig. 3 • Prepare the replacement plank by removing the bottom
Always use a pull bar on the cut edge of the plank. of the groove along the long and short side. Check the
Factory edges can be damaged if the pull bar is used replacement piece by laying it into place. The plank should
directly against them. fit neatly into place with out gaps at the joints. Remove
the plank.
• Before completing the repair, place a 2" wide strip of wax
paper under the centered under the edge of the tongue on Subfloor Surface Specification
the long and short side. This will prevent adhesive from Wood subfloor • Single layer Sturd-I-Floor rated panel 23/32"
bonding the plank to the subfloor. suspended over or heavier
• Next apply a 1/8" bead of Loctite Power Grab clear heavy joist or trusses up • Double layer construction, minimum 1" thick
duty construction adhesive to the exposed groove along to 19.2" OC • Minimum of 18" of well ventilated air space
the long and short end of the surrounding planks. Do not below structural supports
use excess adhesive. Wood Plywood, other hardwood veneer panels,
• Immediately while adhesive is wet install the replacement Underlayments particleboard, OSB - Sand joints smooth
plank by inserting the tongue into the groove along the and set fasteners 1/32" below the surface.
long side. Use a tapping block to lock the short end and Do not install over weathered or rough
then drop the plank into position. Remove excess adhesive underlayment.
from the surface and roll the edges with a steel hand roller.
Concrete, on, above With vapor emissions 5 lbs. or less.
Clean the surface immediately with a clean cloth and mild
and below grade Do not install over expansion joints.
detergent to remove any adhesive residue. Then dry with
a clean soft cloth. Note, adhesive and adhesive film is not Lightweight Minimum 2000 psi compression rating.
removable if allowed to dry on the surface of the floor. Concrete and Must be smooth, dry and in sound condition.
Apply weight to the adhered edges for 20 to 30 minutes. Gypsum Topping Repair all cracks and damaged areas.
• Keep traffic off the repair for 12 hours. Radiant Heated The temperature of the floor should be
Floors limited to 70°F (21°C) for 24 hours before,
during and 48 hours after installation.
Thereafter the maximum floor temperature
Endurance SmartLink should not exceed 85°F (29°C).
Installation Instructions Existing Resilient Must be single layer, fully adhered and in
Flooring and Tile good condition. Do not install over heavy
Endurance SmartLink Plank is a floating flooring Note: Refer to warning cushioned or cushioned backed flooring or
system that utilizes an attached adhesive strip to statement below. tile installed below grade. Heavily embossed
connect the planks together. No additional adhesive is floors should be leveled with embossing
required. You simply connect the planks together by leveler.
pressing the edges into the adhesive strip. The planks
Ceramic, Marble Must be well bonded. Grind high spots
bond to each other, not to the floor. and Terrazzo and fill low areas to a smooth surface
General Information with a latex modified portland cement
• Endurance SmartLink is recommended for installation in underlayment to achieve a flat surface.
enclosed heated areas where HVAC has been in operation
for at least 10 days. Do not install Endurance SmartLink • Protect Impact SmartLock finished installations from
on ramps or in rooms with sloping floors or floor drains. prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Close curtains
• Always handle, store and transport Endurance SmartLink or blinds where extreme sunlight hits the floor.
carefully to prevent distortions. Store and transport cartons Prolonged direct sunlight can result in fading and
on a flat surface in neat stacks no more than 10 cartons discoloration. Excessive surface temperatures can
high. Store cartons flat, never on the end or side. cause floor expansion that may result in buckling
or delamination.
• The subfloor and all flooring material must be conditioned
at a constant temperature between 65°F (18°C) and 85°F Preparing the Area
(29°C) for 48 hours prior to, during and 72 hours after • Move all furniture, appliances, and fixtures from the room.
installation. Thereafter, maintain a room temperature • Remove all binding strips or other restrictive molding from
between 55°F (13°C) and 85°F (29°C). doorways, walls, etc.
• Endurance SmartLink is a floating floor. Allow 1/4" space • Undercut wood door casing so that the flooring can be
for expansion between the planks and all vertical surfaces. slid under it.
Cover the space with trim. Do not install base cabinets on Subfloor Requirements
top of Endurance SmartLink.
Endurance SmartLink Plank can be installed directly over
• In a large single room with a length of 40 feet and a width a variety of subfloor surfaces. All subfloor surfaces must
greater than 25 feet, the addition of T-molding expansion be clean, dry, smooth and free of movement. In remodel
joints will be required. When transitioning from an adjacent applications remove all adhesive residue or other substances
area into another room (i.e. a hallway into a bedroom) that can prevent the floor from floating. Deviations in the
maintain adequate expansion in the doorways by using subfloor should not exceed 3/16” in 10’ or 1/16” in 1’.
T-moldings and undercutting the door casings. Subfloor deflection should not exceed 1/360th of the span.
• Do not install Endurance SmartLink in a dusty environment Set nails and fasteners 1/32" below the surface.
or remove the paper liner from the adhesive strip until Fill depressions wider than 1/8" with a portland cement-
ready to be covered with a plank. based latex patching compound.
WARNING: DO NOT SAND, DRY SWEEP, DRILL, Caution: The paper liner is slippery. Place it into the trash
SAW, BEADBLAST, OR MECHANICALLY CHIP OR immediately after it is removed from the adhesive strip to
PULVERIZE EXISTING RESILIENT FLOORING, BACKING, avoid a slip hazard. Protect the exposed adhesive strip
LINING FELT, ASPHALTIC “CUT-BACK” ADHESIVE, OR from dust and foot traffic.
OTHER ADHESIVE. Do not remove the paper liner until you are ready to cover
These products may contain asbestos fibers and/or the adhesive strip with another plank. Continue to install
crystalline silica. Avoid creating dust. Inhalation of such the planks in the first row including the cut piece at the
dust is a cancer and respiratory tract hazard. end of the row.
Various federal, state, and local government agencies Lay the second row starting in the left corner with a plank
have regulations governing the removal of in-place cut 2/3 the length or about 24" (Fig. 2). Place the cut end
asbestos containing material. If you are considering the against the wall. The piece you cut off can be used at the
removal of a resilient floor covering structure that contains other end of the row if the layout permits. Remove the paper
or is presumed to contain asbestos, you must review and liner from the installed plank in the first row and place it in
comply with all applicable regulations. Regulations outside the trash. Lay the plank by holding one end up while slowly
the United States may vary. positioning the other end and edge into the adhesive strip
Copies of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute against the previous laid planks to achieve a tight joint.
Recommended Work Practices for the Removal of Do not slide planks together. If adjustments are required,
Resilient Floor Coverings are available from: lift the plank off the adhesive strip and reposition it. Complete
the second row including the cut piece at the end of the row.
Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) Use a hand roller to secure the plank in the adhesive strip
115 Broad Street • Suite 201 and level the joints.
La Grange, GA 30204 • www.rfci.com
Start the third row with a plank cut to 1/3 the length;
Layout – Determine the direction that planks will be installed about 12" (Fig. 2).
in the room. Normally the long direction of the plank will be
installed parallel with the long direction of the room.
To balance the flooring in the room, mark the center of the
floor. Measure the distance from the mark to the wall. Divide
this measurement by the plank width (6"). If the remainder
is less than half a plank width (3"), then add 3" to the
remainder to determine the width of the plank in the first row. Figure 2
Example: Room width 12'-2" or 6'-1" on each side of
the center mark 6'-1" (73") divided by 6" equal 12 with Thereafter maintain a random layout with end joints
a remainder of 1". Since 1" is less than one half of the staggered by at least 8". Always put the cut end against
plank width, add 3" to the remainder for a starting plank the wall. Plan the layout to avoid using small pieces
width of 4". (less than 6") at the ends of the row.
Note: Check to make sure that the joints in the finished Once you have completed 3 or 4 rows, it is easier to work
floor offset joints in the underlayment by at least 2". Adjust from on top of the installed plank. Continue to install the
the layout if necessary. planks by laying each plank in place without sliding it.
Make sure the joints are laid together tight; if necessary,
Installation – Note: The first row of planks can be secured
lift the plank and re-position it to close any open joints.
to the subfloor with a strip of thin double face tape to prevent
it from moving during installation. Use a string or chalk line After completing the installation roll the entire floor in both
to make sure the first row is straight before the planks are directions with a 100 pound three section roller. Use a
secured to the tape. hand roller to secure the edges and ends in the adhesive
strip and level the joints.
Lay the first row of planks along the wall starting in the
left corner with the adhesive strips facing out away from Cutting – Cut planks with a sharp utility knife and straight
the walls (Fig. 1). edge or square.
Measure the space between the last whole plank and the
wall and subtract 1/4". Mark the plank and place it over a
cutting board. Carefully score the top surface of the plank,
release liner and adhesive strip where it will be cut. Bend
Adhesive Strip the plank at the score mark until it breaks. Cut the tape on
the bottom side at the score mark to separate the pieces.
Figure 1
Install the plank with the cut end against the wall. For
more intricate cuts make a paper template of the area
Allow a 1/4" space between the edge of the planks and the
and transfer it to the plank.
wall, base cabinets and any other vertical surfaces. Remove
the paper liner from the adhesive strip at the end of the Caution: Use extreme caution when using a knife to avoid
first plank and secure the end of the next plank by pressing injury. Always keep fingers and hands away from the cutting
down on the planks. path. Keep children and pets away from the work area.
Intricate Room Layouts – Some installations with Repairs
multiple rooms, closets, intricate layouts or alcoves may Small chips or gouges can often be repaired by filling the
require changing the direction of the planks. This can damaged area with a matching wax stick that is available
easily be done by removing the adhesive strips from a in most home centers or Testors® model paint available in
plank and placing them along the edge and end of the craft stores. If damage is more extensive, a plank can be
plank where the direction will change. Carefully position removed and replaced easily. To replace a damaged plank
the adhesive strip centered along the edge and end of the follow the procedures below:
plank without overlapping the strips. When done correctly,
• Using a sharp utility knife cut through a corner of the
the plank(s) will have an adhesive strip on both sides
damaged plank taking care not to cut into the adjacent
and one end (Fig. 3).
• Use a putty knife and hammer if necessary to lift the
corner of the plank.
• After the corner is removed, carefully lift the plank off
Adhesive Strip the adhesive strip. Use one hand to lift the plank and the
other to hold the floor down. If necessary, use a heat gun
Figure 3 to heat the plank along the edges over the adhesive strip.
This will allow it to release more easily.
Continue to install planks in the opposite direction
as required. • Remove the adhesive strips from the replacement plank.
• Install the replacement plank starting in the corner and
working toward the opposite end.
Only when the bathroom is installed as a separate room
can the toilet be set on the planks. Always fill the gap • Roll the replacement plank with a steel hand roller to
around the entire perimeter and at fixtures with a high seat it into the adhesive and level the edges.
quality acrylic or silicone caulking to prevent water from IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION
seeping under the floor. Caulking should be used even • Install wall trim around the entire perimeter to cover the
when the perimeter will be covered with trim. 1/4" expansion space. Place trim lightly over the floor and
secure it to the wall or cabinets, not to the floor. Install
doorway transition moldings. Do not pin the floor with the
molding or drive fasteners through the floor.
• Seal the edge with a high quality acrylic or sicone caulking
in wet areas to prevent water from seeping under the floor.
• Return appliances and furniture to the room by rolling or
sliding them over strips of plywood or hardboard. Install
protective felt pads on chairs and other movable furniture.
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