Guess Paper Sociology - Hundred Percentage Success

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Q. No. 1 :If heredity makes what an individual is (Bio-sociological view), then how and
what do groups contribute in socializing us to become interactive and useful members
of society?

In your opinion what are the advantages of socialization? Is Socialization process
applicable to the adults? Discuss it
Individual is product of society and culture. Different methods of socialization lead to a
variety of building norms and values in the personality of individuals. Discuss

Q. No. 2: Which one of the design(s) of social research is more preferred by

sociologists and why?

What is a research design? What type of research design can used for studying the
problems of drug addiction/HIV/AIDS in Pakistani society? Discuss with examples.

A research design is a roadmap for investigation. Discuss the major decisions a
researcher makes in designing a study. While discussing decisions, identify a research
problem with reference to which the designing has been envisaged.

Q. No. 3: Ibne Khaldoon is known as “Father of Sociology”. Briefly discuss his

contributions to Sociology.

Durkheim wrote extensively on the suicide. Critically examine his views about Suicide.
Karl Marx has discussed labour theory of value in detail. What do you understand by
that theory; write your answer in detail
Discuss the major contributors of Max Weber in understanding the society theoretically
Why does dissatisfaction with bureaucracy arises? What is major obstacle in eliminating
bureaucratic features which cause resentment. Discuss in detail.
Discuss critically the theories of social action and bureacracy presented by Max Weber.
How the theory of bureaucracy is relevant to situation in Pakistan? Discuss with logic
and evidence
Max Weber is a strong advocate of bureaucratic forum of government system. Explain
in detail what lead Max Weber to write in favour of bureaucracy.

Q. NO. 4: What are the different forms of Social Classes? Discuss the impact of Feudal
System in Pakistan.

Discuss briefly the internal and eternal means of Social Control with reference to
Pakistani Society.

Q. No. 5:

1. Implications of population growth

2. Child and woman abuse in Pakistan
3. Factors influencing high divorce rate in Pakistan.
4. Demographic transitions identifying the stage in Pakistan.
5. Ethnocentrism vs Xenocentrism
6. Education as a factor of development
7. Security as a social construct

Q. NO. 6: Why is culture indispensable to human society and what part do norms and
values play in social life?

Q. No. 7: Define the term “Community” and discuss the important characteristics of rural
and urban community.
what role biradri/caste system is playing in decision making on political issues especially
local bodies elections in rural areas of Pakistan? How this biradri-based political
organization influences the community development process? Discuss in the light of
issues/conflicts arising from the situation and their impact on the individual, family and
Define social institution. What is the significance of family, religion and education as
institutions in the process of socialization? Explain your answer with examples from
Pakistan society.

Q. No. 8: Discuss the role of media in social and cultural change in pakistan. what type
of social planning/policy is needed to direct this change in the context of our own social
and cultural values. discuss with examples

Q. No. 9: Briefly explain the role of public opinion in society / sociology. Discuss the
term Public Opinion in detail.

Q. No. 9: MCQs


Socialization Chapter:
Q.No. 1

If heredity makes what an individual is (Bio-sociological view), then how and what do groups contribute
in socializing us to become interactive and useful members of society?


What is the role of culture in socialization of an individual to become a useful member of society?
Discuss with examples


In your opinion what are the advantages of socialisation? Is Socialisation process applicable to the
adults? Discuss it


Define status. Discuss the factors which decide status of an individual in society.


Individual is product of society and culture. Different methods of socialization lead to a variety of
building norms and values in the personality of individuals. Discuss


Heredity versus group influence has given birth to controversy in explaining socialisation process. Where
do you locate yourself in the theoretical debate?

Social Research Methodology:

Q. No. 2

Which one of the design(s) of social research is more preferred by sociologists and why?


When is survey research appropriate? What type survey research would you use to study heroin users.
Defend the logic of your choice.

Why is research essential to the scientific enterprise and what are the principal theoretical methods
available to Sociologists in the study of social life? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each.


Discuss the importance of social research for the study of Sociology. Explain the steps to be taken in
social Research Process.


What is a research design? What type of research design can used for studying the problems of drug
addiction/HIV/AIDS in Pakistani society? Discuss with examples.


A research design is a roadmap for investigation. Discuss the major decisions a researcher makes in
designing a study. While discussing decisions, identify a research problem with reference to which the
designing has been envisaged.


Discuss the term Social Research and explain the important steps of inducting social research.

Social Theories/Theorists :
Q. No. 3

Ibne Khaldoon is known as “Father of Sociology”. Briefly discuss his contributions to Sociology.


Max Weber is a strong advocate of bureaucratic forum of government system. Explain in detail what
lead Max Weber to write in favour of bureaucracy.


Durkheim wrote extensively on the suicide. Critically examine his views about Suicide.


what is the role of C.W. Mills in the development of Frankfurt school of conflict theory? Where and how
he differs from his contemporaries? Discuss with evidence.

What major contributions were made by Emile Durkhiem and Max Weber to the understanding of
society theoretically? How far the two theories can be taken relevant today?


Karl Marx has discussed labour theory of value in detail. What do you understand by that theory; write
your answer in detail


Why does dissatisfaction with bureaucracy arises? What is major obstacle in eliminating bureaucratic
features which cause resentment. Discuss in detail.


Discuss the major contributors of Max Weber in understanding the society theoretically


Discuss critically the theories of social action and bureacracy presented by Max Weber. How the theory
of bureaucracy is relevant to situation in Pakistan? Discuss with logic and evidence

Social Class & Social Mobility :

Q. NO. 4

what is role of biradri/castes in political system of Pakistan? support your anwer with data and evidence
from previous general election results in pakistani society.


Define and differentiate between caste and class. Discuss the dynamics of classes in the existing feudal


What are the different forms of Social Classes? Discuss the impact of Feudal System in Pakistan.
Discuss briefly the internal and eternal means of Social Control with reference to Pakistani Society.


What factors are related to social and cultural change? Give Examples of Pakistan.


Discuss in detail how social institutions/organizations have been helpful in social economic development
of a society.
What do you understand by social mobility? Discuss “do transfer of payments aid or discourage social

Short Note:
Q. No. 5

8. Future of Cities in Pakistan

9. Implications of population growth
10. probability and Non-probability Sampling.
11. Child and woman abuse in Pakistan
12. Poverty issue in Pakistan
13. Aging of Population
14. Factors influencing high divorce rate in Pakistan.
15. Drug Abuse
16. Social Conflict
17. Incentives and inhibitions to social and cultural change in Pakistan.
18. Rural-Urban convergence and the future of cities in Pakistan
19. The nature and genesis of social institutions with special refrence to political institutions.
20. Demographic transitions identifying the stage in Pakistan.
21. Determinants of Social mobility
22. Ethnocentrism vs Xenocentrism
23. Education as a factor of development
24. Security as a social construct

Culture & Norms:

Q. NO. 6

Why is culture indispensable to human society and what part do norms and values play in social life?

Define culture invasion? Explain in detail the role of technological innovation and mass media
in the revolution of rising expectations and the disruption of traditional society of Pakistan.

Community, Society and Social Institutions:

Q. No. 7

Define the term “Community” and discuss the important characteristics of rural and urban community.
Define social institution and how can religion hold in check the explosive social tensions produced by
inequality and injustice.


What are different theories about origin of society? Discuss them in detail.


Differentiate between Primary and Secondary Groups, and discuss the character of Primary Relations?


rural-Urban migration is causing labour-drain from rural communities. What problems this situation is
creating in the labour market of rural communities. As a subject scholor, what solutions do you suggest
to minimize these problems? Discuss with examples


what role biradri/caste system is playing in decision making on political issues especially local bodies
elections in rural areas of Pakistan? How this biradri-based political organization influences the
community development process? Discuss in the light of issues/conflicts arising from the situation and
their impact on the individual, family and society


Define social institution. What is the significance of family, religion and education as institutions in the
process of socialization? Explain your answer with examples from Pakistan society.


how do you perceive the future of family institution/system in pakistan.? discuss with examples
especially keeping in view marriage, elderly and youth problems in the families.


Discuss attribution theories with special reference to media portrayals of social issues. Explain
the role of dispositional traits and situational factors for individual actions or decision making.


Discuss the burgeoning role of social media in Pakistan. Explain the importance of regulating the
mainstream electronic media towards the achievement of national goals. Illustrate your answer
with examples from Pakistan.

Social Cultural Change:

Q. No. 8
Discuss the role of media in social and cultural change in pakistan. what type of social planning/policy is
needed to direct this change in the context of our own social and cultural values. discuss with examples


Define the term “Social Change”. How it occurs in a traditional society? Disucss it in detail.


Define the term "Social change" and discuss the process of social change in group behaviour.


Discuss in detail the accelerating and decelerating factors of social change.How culture
ethnocentrism promotes social change and maintain social order.

Public Opinion:
Q. No. 9

With what degree do you accept that there is role of Public Opinion in developing socio-economic


Briefly explain the role of public opinion in society / sociology


what are characteristics and features and issues faced by a public opinion in our society


Discuss the term Public Opinion in detail

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