Info Sys
Info Sys
Info Sys
Expenses 100% 125% 124% 125% 128% 105% 118% 110% 103%
Operating Profit 116% 114% 120% 108% 116% 111% 115% 109% 102%
Net profit 105% 109% 122% 113% 113% 116% 109% 106% 112%
Narration Mar-09 Mar-10 Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Trailing Best Case Worst Case 1.01
Sales 21,693.00 22,742.00 27,501.00 33,734.00 40,352.00 50,133.00 53,319.00 62,441.00 68,484.00 70,522.00 79,220.00 79,220.00 78,261.24 1.14
Expenses 14,934.00 14,879.00 18,531.00 23,007.00 28,814.00 36,743.00 38,436.00 45,362.00 49,880.00 51,511.00 59,389.00 57,711.32 58,670.24 1.15
Operating Profit 6,759.00 7,863.00 8,970.00 10,727.00 11,538.00 13,390.00 14,883.00 17,079.00 18,604.00 19,011.00 19,831.00 21,508.68 19,590.99 1.12
Operating Profit % 31.16 34.57 32.62 31.80 28.59 26.71 27.91 27.35 27.17 26.96 25.03 27.15 25.03 0.98
Other Income 912.00 991.00 1,211.00 1,904.00 2,365.00 2,664.00 3,430.00 3,120.00 3,050.00 3,240.00 2,870.00 - - 1.15
Other Income % 13% 13% 14% 18% 20% 20% 23% 18% 16% 17% 14% 0% 0% 1.03
EBIDT 7,671.00 8,854.00 10,181.00 12,631.00 13,903.00 16,054.00 18,313.00 20,199.00 21,654.00 22,251.00 22,701.00 21,508.68 19,590.99 1.13
EBIDT % 35.36 38.93 37.02 37.44 34.45 32.02 34.35 32.35 31.62 31.55 28.66 27.15 25.03 0.99
Depreciation 761.00 905.00 854.00 928.00 1,099.00 1,317.00 1,017.00 1,459.00 1,703.00 1,863.00 1,937.00 1,937.00 1,937.00 1.10
Interest 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 5.00 9.00 12.00 - - - - - - 0.00
Interest Coverage Ratio 2,253.00 3,931.50 4,485.00 2,681.75 2,307.60 1,487.78 1,240.25 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Profit before tax 6,907.00 7,947.00 9,325.00 11,699.00 12,799.00 14,728.00 17,284.00 18,740.00 19,951.00 20,270.00 20,764.00 19,571.68 17,653.99 1.13
Profit before tax % 31.84 34.94 33.91 34.68 31.72 29.38 32.42 30.01 29.13 28.74 26.21 24.71 22.56 0.99
Tax 919.00 1,681.00 2,490.00 3,367.00 3,370.00 4,072.00 4,911.00 5,251.00 5,598.00 4,241.00 5,742.00 28% 28% 1.19
Tax % 13.31 21.15 26.70 28.78 26.33 27.65 28.41 28.02 28.06 20.92 27.65 0.00 0.00 1.05
Net profit 5,988.00 6,266.00 6,835.00 8,332.00 9,429.00 10,656.00 12,372.00 13,489.00 14,353.00 16,029.00 15,021.00 14,159.40 12,772.02 1.12
Net profit % 27.60 27.55 24.85 24.70 23.37 21.26 23.20 21.60 20.96 22.73 18.96 17.87 16.32 0.98
EPS 26.09 27.32 29.79 36.32 41.10 46.45 54.00 59.02 62.80 73.75 34.38 32.41 29.24 1.12
Price to earning 6.74 12.40 12.93 8.72 7.73 8.69 9.86 10.26 7.57 7.78 21.24 21.24 10.23 1.02
Price 175.71 338.73 385.37 316.66 317.90 403.75 532.30 605.51 475.16 574.03 730.35 688.46 299.14 1.14
Dividend Payout 22.45% 22.82% 50.21% 32.27% 25.48% 33.82% 55.02% 41.13% 41.05% 59.05% 1.11
OPM 31.16% 34.57% 32.62% 31.80% 28.59% 26.71% 27.91% 27.35% 27.17% 26.96% 25.03% 0.98
Price/Sales 0.81%
Sales Growth 14.00% 14.40% 11.81% 9.77% 12.33% 12.33% 9.77%
OPM 28.57% 27.77% 27.21% 27.15% 25.03% 27.15% 25.03%
Price to Earning 10.36 10.23 10.90 11.71 21.24 21.24 10.23
Sales 100% 99% 100% 103% 101% 102% 106%
Expenses 99% 100% 101% 102% 101% 102% 109%
Operating Profit 101% 97% 97% 105% 102% 100% 98%
Net profit 103% 97% 97% 107% 138% 72% 98%
Narration Sep-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-18 Sep-18 Dec-18
Sales 17,310.00 17,273.00 17,120.00 17,078.00 17,567.00 17,794.00 18,083.00 19,128.00 20,609.00 21,400.00
Expenses 12,580.00 12,506.00 12,487.00 12,588.00 12,865.00 12,977.00 13,271.00 14,425.00 15,252.00 16,441.00
Operating Profit 4,730.00 4,767.00 4,633.00 4,490.00 4,702.00 4,817.00 4,812.00 4,703.00 5,357.00 4,959.00
Other Income 760.00 820.00 746.00 814.00 883.00 962.00 652.00 726.00 739.00 753.00
Depreciation 424.00 433.00 446.00 450.00 456.00 498.00 458.00 436.00 463.00 580.00
Interest - - - - - - - - - -
Profit before tax 5,066.00 5,154.00 4,933.00 4,854.00 5,129.00 5,281.00 5,006.00 4,993.00 5,633.00 5,132.00
Tax 1,460.00 1,446.00 1,330.00 1,371.00 1,403.00 152.00 1,316.00 1,381.00 1,523.00 1,522.00
Net profit 3,606.00 3,708.00 3,603.00 3,483.00 3,726.00 5,129.00 3,690.00 3,612.00 4,110.00 3,609.00
OPM 27% 28% 27% 26% 27% 27% 27% 25% 26% 23%
Narration Mar-09 Mar-10 Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18
Equity Share Capital 286.00 286.00 286.00 286.00 286.00 286.00 572.00 1,144.00 1,144.00 1,088.00
Reserves 17,968.00 22,763.00 25,690.00 31,046.00 37,708.00 44,244.00 50,164.00 60,600.00 67,838.00 63,835.00
Total Shareholder Funds 18,254.00 23,049.00 25,976.00 31,332.00 37,994.00 44,530.00 50,736.00 61,744.00 68,982.00 64,923.00
Borrowings - - - - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities 3,909.00 4,687.00 5,493.00 7,295.00 8,599.00 12,744.00 15,871.00 13,606.00 15,047.00 15,538.00
Total 22,163.00 27,736.00 31,469.00 38,627.00 46,593.00 57,274.00 66,607.00 75,350.00 84,029.00 80,461.00
Debt/Equity Ratio 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Current Ratio 3.42 3.00 3.88 3.63 3.36 2.69 2.53 3.24 2.32 2.12
Net Block 4,677.00 4,946.00 5,235.00 5,555.00 7,139.00 8,378.00 11,346.00 13,386.00 14,179.00 12,574.00
Capital Work in Progress 677.00 409.00 264.00 590.00 1,140.00 961.00 776.00 960.00 1,365.00 1,606.00
Investments - 3,702.00 144.00 372.00 2,116.00 4,331.00 2,270.00 1,892.00 16,423.00 12,163.00
Other Assets 16,809.00 18,679.00 25,826.00 32,110.00 36,198.00 43,604.00 52,215.00 59,112.00 52,062.00 54,118.00
Total 22,163.00 27,736.00 31,469.00 38,627.00 46,593.00 57,274.00 66,607.00 75,350.00 84,029.00 80,461.00
Working Capital 12,900.00 13,992.00 20,333.00 24,815.00 27,599.00 30,860.00 36,344.00 45,506.00 37,015.00 38,580.00
Debtors 3,672.00 3,494.00 4,653.00 5,882.00 7,083.00 8,351.00 9,713.00 11,330.00 12,322.00 13,142.00
Inventory - - - - - - - - - -
Debtor Days 61.78 56.08 61.76 63.64 64.07 60.80 66.49 66.23 65.67 68.02
Inventory Turnover - - - - - - - - - -
Return on Equity 33% 27% 26% 27% 25% 24% 24% 22% 21% 25%
Return on Capital Emp 29% 28% 22% 21% 20% 20% 19% 18% 22% 25%
Narration Mar-09 Mar-10 Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar-16 Mar-17 Mar-18
Cash from Operating Activity 5,401.00 6,187.00 4,797.00 6,394.00 7,373.00 9,825.00 8,353.00 10,028.00 11,531.00 13,218.00 83,107.00 1.10
Cash from Investing Activity -213.00 -3,634.00 3,398.00 -147.00 -2,922.00 -2,563.00 999.00 -885.00 -14,664.00 4,533.00 -16,098.00 -1.40
Cash from Financing Activity -2,430.00 -1,485.00 -3,640.00 -2,322.00 -3,210.00 -3,144.00 -4,935.00 -6,813.00 -6,939.00 -20,505.00 -55,423.00 1.27
Net Cash Flow 2,758.00 1,068.00 4,555.00 3,925.00 1,241.00 4,118.00 4,417.00 2,330.00 -10,072.00 -2,754.00 11,586.00
Net profit 5988 6266 6835 8332 9429 10656 12372 13489 14353 16029 103,749.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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Number of shares 436.86
Face Value 5
Current Price 730.35
Market Capitalization 319064.2
Report Date Sep-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 Jun-17
Sales 17,310.00 17,273.00 17,120.00 17,078.00
Expenses 12,580.00 12,506.00 12,487.00 12,588.00
Other Income 760.00 820.00 746.00 814.00
Depreciation 424.00 433.00 446.00 450.00
Profit before tax 5,066.00 5,154.00 4,933.00 4,854.00
Tax 1,460.00 1,446.00 1,330.00 1,371.00
Net profit 3,606.00 3,708.00 3,603.00 3,483.00
Operating Profit 4730 4767 4633 4490
Report Date Mar-09 Mar-10 Mar-11 Mar-12
Equity Share Capital 286 286 286 286
Reserves 17968 22763 25690 31046
Other Liabilities 3909 4687 5493 7295
Total 22,163.00 27,736.00 31,469.00 38,627.00
Net Block 4677 4946 5235 5555
Capital Work in Progress 677 409 264 590
Investments 3702 144 372
Other Assets 16809 18679 25826 32110
Total 22,163.00 27,736.00 31,469.00 38,627.00
Receivables 3,672.00 3,494.00 4,653.00 5,882.00
Cash & Bank 9695 10556 16666 20591
No. of Equity Shares 572830043 570991592 571317959 571396401
New Bonus Shares
Face value 5 5 5 5
Report Date Mar-09 Mar-10 Mar-11 Mar-12
Cash from Operating Activity 5,401.00 6,187.00 4,797.00 6,394.00
Cash from Investing Activity -213.00 -3,634.00 3,398.00 -147.00
Cash from Financing Activity -2,430.00 -1,485.00 -3,640.00 -2,322.00
Net Cash Flow 2,758.00 1,068.00 4,555.00 3,925.00
Adjusted Equity Shares in Cr 229.55 229.37 229.40 229.41