Genetically Modified Pollution
Genetically Modified Pollution
Genetically Modified Pollution
-researchers introduced a cytochrome known as P450 2E1, an enzyme that ordinarily breaks down
many contaminants in the livers of humans and other mammals, allowing them to be harmlessly
excreted in urine.
-researchers used a bacteria to insert the genetic code for this cytochrome isolated from rabbits into
the genetic instructions of the hybrid aspen tree
-When the resulting cuttings, placed in vials, were dosed with Trichloroethylene(TCE), they
sucked the contaminant out of the water 53 times faster than unaltered aspens and removed
between 51 and 91 percent of Trichloroethylene(TCE)
- boosted the tree's ability to absorb the chloroform left over after cleaning drinking water, the
industrial solvent carbon tetrachloride and even vinyl chloride
- only flowers after seven years of growing which can prevent the releasing of the transgene into the
environment which can affect the biodiversity
- The aspens are all native to cold regions with cool summers and unfortunately it seems to be
ineffective in some countries.