Erection Manual

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Issue: 08/2011


Friedrichstrasse 50
79618 Rheinfelden

Tel +49 7623 717 86 0

Fax +49 7623 717 86 71

1.1 SAFETY REGULATIONS, FORMALITIES ................................................................ 1
1.2 Material STORAGE .......................................................................................... 1
1.3 MATERIAL CONTROL ........................................................................................ 1
1.4 TANK CONTROL............................................................................................... 1
1.5 TORCH-CUTTING AND WELDING ON TANK ........................................................... 1
2.1 PERIPHERAL SCOOPS ...................................................................................... 1
2.2 SIDE OVERFLOW ............................................................................................. 1
2.3 CENTRE ROOF VENT ........................................................................................ 2
3.1 FINDING THE CENTRE-LINE ............................................................................... 2
3.2 DISTRIBUTION OF PERIPHERAL ELEMENTS ......................................................... 2
3.3 PERIPHERAL LEGS .......................................................................................... 2
3.4 FITTING SPACING ELEMENTS ............................................................................ 2
3.5 PREPARATION OF FIRST PERIPHERAL ELEMENT .................................................. 3
3.6 PRE-FITTING OF PERIPHERAL ELEMENTS ........................................................... 3
3.7 ERECTION OF PERIPHERAL RING ....................................................................... 3
3.8 DISPLACEMENT OF LEGS WITH OBSTACLES ........................................................ 3
3.9 POSITIONING AND ASSEMBLY OF FRAMEWORK ................................................... 3
3.10 CONNECTING THE FIRST CHANNELS .................................................................. 4
3.11 COMPLETION OF FIRST ROW OF FLOATS ............................................................ 4
3.12 COMPLETION OF FRAMEWORK .......................................................................... 5
3.13 DIFFICULTIES WITH UNEVEN TANK FLOOR .......................................................... 5
3.14 LEVELLING ..................................................................................................... 5
3.15 FIXING THE FIXED LEGS ................................................................................... 7
3.16 FIXING THE UPPER POSITION WITH ADJUSTABLE LEGS ......................................... 7
3.18 BOLTING THE PERIPHERAL ELEMENTS ............................................................... 8
3.19 BOLTING THE PERIPHERAL ELEMENTS ............................................................... 8
3.20 BOLTING THE FLOATS WITH LEGS ...................................................................... 9
3.21 RE-CENTERING OF LEVELLED FRAMEWORK........................................................ 9
3.23 ALIGNING THE FRAMING SPACER ...................................................................... 9
3.24 FITTING THE ASSEMBLY SPACERS ....................................................................10
3.25 ALIGNING THE FIRST CHANNEL LINE .................................................................10
3.26 POSITIONING THE FIRST COVER SHEET .............................................................10
3.27 DRILLING THE BUTT STRAPS ............................................................................11
3.28 TRANSFER OF ASSEMBLY SPACERS .................................................................12
3.29 POSITIONING THE FIRST COVER SHEET .............................................................12
3.32 TIGHTENING THE BUTT STRAPS ON THE CHANNELS ............................................15
I Issue: 08/2011
3.33 COMBINATION AIR VALVE-MANHOLE .................................................................15
4.1 PLUMBING THE FITTING POSITIONS IN THE VACONODECK ..............................15
4.2 ANTIROTATION SYSTEM ..................................................................................15
4.3 FUNNELS ......................................................................................................16
4.4 PIPE-,ROOF COLUMN- AND LADDER NEGOTIATING DEVICES ................................16
4.5 NEGOTIATING DEVICES FOR AUTOMATIC GAUGING.............................................17

II Issue: 08/2011
1 Preliminaries

1.1 Safety regulations, formalities

Before starting work in the depot check with the depot operator on the safety regulations
and other formalities to be observed or completed.

1.2 Material storage

Unload material as close to tank as possible and check for damage during transport. If
damage is found, request signature of vehicle driver immediately and – if possible – notify
representative of customer. Report damage immediately to Rheinfelden.

1.3 Material control

Check material for completeness according to list. Report missing items immediately to

1.4 Tank control

Check that positions of devices, such as dip hatches, auxiliary dip hatches, automatic
gauging, temperature measurement hatch, etc. on the tank roof correspond with the
drawing. Check whether the centre distance of the fittings from the tank wall is
acceptable. Plumb existing roof columns. Consult tank operator in event of uncertainty.

1.5 Torch-cutting and welding on tank

If torch cutting and welding operations have to be performed on the tank, the tank
operator must first be asked about the relevant safety regulations.

2 Free ventilation

2.1 Peripheral scoops

If a tank is provided with peripheral roof scoops and side overflows, the following
procedure must be adapted.

2.2 Side overflow

The total number of peripheral roof scoops and side overflows are distributed regularly
around the periphery. The position must be selected so that no rafter will be damaged
during torch-cutting. Determine dimensions from drawing SGB-03088-4. If the position of
the rafters cannot be clearly determined from above, it is recommended to cut a first-sized
hole in the roof of inspection and then - if necessary- to move the peripheral roof scoops
The side overflows are fitted most economically with a mounting basket, observe safety
regulations. Refer to drawing SGB-00405-4 for installation height.

1 Issue: 08/2011
2.3 Centre roof vent
The centre roof vent can be fitted by welding the steel sockets directly to the tank roof,
see drawing SGB-3090-4 or by mounting it on an existing roof socket no longer required.

3 Installing the VACONODECK

The centre-line in channel longitudinal direction has to be determined before beginning
installation of the VACONODECK. The procedure is as follows:

Fig. 1

3.1 Finding the centre-line

The installation drawing (installation folder) shows in point „P“ normally a device whose
centre must be plumbed down from the tank roof. e.g. automatic gauging, ladder, funnel,
etc. This point has to be marked on the floor of the tank. The desired centre-line is
obtained from here via the tank centre.

3.2 Distribution of peripheral elements

As shown in Fig.1 the two peripheral elements, Type 1 (Pos.2) are then placed at the tank
wall and the ring completed with the peripheral elements, Type 1 (Pos.1).

3.3 Peripheral legs

An M8x55 bolt is now inserted hand-tight into the predrilled hole of the leg at the periphery
and the P-sleeve attached. In the case of adjustable legs, also fit upper part of P-sleeve
hand tight with two M8x55 bolts. Lay out the legs together with a refer to drawing SGB-
03060-4 or SGB-03062-4.

3.4 Fitting spacing elements

Bolt a butt strap for peripheral seal, Type 28, tight as spacer to each peripheral element,
Type1, approx. 300mm from each end. Hole distance measured from end of butt strap
190+20=210mm, hole diameter 9mm.

2 Issue: 08/2011
Refer to drawing SGB-03060-4.

3.5 Preparation of first peripheral element

Fit a leg sleeve with leg and connection for peripheral element, Type 25, with M8x20 bolts
at both ends of the peripheral element, Type 1, first selected, hand tight.

3.6 Pre-fitting of peripheral elements

Provide all other peripheral elements right through to the last one with P-sleeve, leg and
connection for peripheral element, Type 25, at one end. Preferably proceed in a clock-
wise direction in this case.

3.7 Erection of peripheral ring

Place first peripheral element, Type 1, at the tank wall and then connect the following
elements in the clock-wise direction and screw up hand-tight.

3.8 Displacement of legs with obstacles

When the ring is closed and a leg meets a pipeline or tank floor recess, the relevant leg
must be displaced far enough to provide a minimum clear spacing of 100mm between the
obstacle and the leg. Only the P-sleeve with leg is moved, the connection for peripheral
element, Type 25, remains in position. The P-sleeve is drilled and bolted at its new

3.9 Positioning and assembly of framework

When the ring is at its required position, assembly of the framework is begun.

External Float
TYP 21
Centre Float TYP 3
TYP 21

F/C M1

Framing Spacer


Fig. 2

3 Issue: 08/2011
Points M1 and M2 are marked at the centres of the peripheral elements, Type1, (Pos.2)
and then a cord stretched tightly from M1 to M2. Points T1 and T2 are then marked on the
peripheral ring. The centre is marked on the centre float, Type 21, and a leg sleeve fitted
hand tight at both ends with leg. The float length can be obtained from installation

3.10 Connecting the first channels

R-channels 1- and 2- Type 3+4 are connected with at least two framing spacers
1021/1521, Type 5, and screw clamps to form a frame, Fig.3. Instead of the framing
spacers, spacing devices are used if available. This frame is drilled together with the
peripheral element at points T1 and T2 and bolted hand-tight. The centre float, Type 21, is
then set with its centre mark under the cord. The two R-channels, Type 3+4, are set
exactly parallel to the cord and secured with float brackets, Type 26, to float Type 21. The
hole spacing in the lower flange of channel is 240mm, refer to drawing SGB-03062-4.


Screw Clamps

Fig. 3

3.11 Completion of first row of floats

The external floats, Type 21, are then connected to the centre float, Type 21, aligned,
drilled and bolted hand-tight to the peripheral element, Type 1, by means of the float
adapter, Type 22, (Fig.2)
R-channels 3- and 4- Type 3+4 are spaced with the aid of framing spacers 998/1498,
Type 5, similar to Fig. 3 and connected with peripheral element, Type 1, and external float
Type 21.
The float line L1 is set up and channels secured on the periphery in this way, regardless
of the size of the VACONODECK (Fig.4).

4 Issue: 08/2011
= Framing Spacer


Fig. 4
If it found that the R-channels- Type 3+4, cannot be connected to peripheral elements,
Type 1, it must be checked whether they are really too short or whether they are not
parallel. The actual length must then be compared with the value specified in the list of
material. In the event of complaints, the differences should be reported to Rheinfelden.

3.12 Completion of framework

When the first section of the framework has been erected as shown, the remaining float
lined and channels are fitted as shown in the assembly drawing I, until the entire
framework is closed.

Fig. 5

3.13 Difficulties with uneven tank floor

If the framework cannot be closed owing to inclination of the tank floor (convex,
concave), i.e. channels Type 3+4 do no quite reach the peripheral elements or project
beyond it for some reason, levelling must first be performed.

3.14 Levelling
Before levelling, the cover height shown in the assembly drawing must be marked on a
leg at the tank manhole. The marking is suitably made on the lower edge of the P-sleeve.

5 Issue: 08/2011

34 for 10“Float
59 for 8“Float
Deck height

Hose Leveling Instrument

Fig. 6

For fixed legs, the difference of the lower edges of sleeves between the legs at the
periphery and the legs in the inner area is 59mm, for 8“ floats, and 34mm for 10“ floats, as
shown in Fig.6.
For adjustable legs, the lower edges are at the same level.
Staring from the selected leg, the height marked is then transferred with the hose levelling
instrument or laser unit to all other legs.
Levelling with the hose levelling instrument is performed as shown in Fig.6.
Levelling with a laser unit is performed as indicated in Fig.7.

Fig. 7

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The bracket is placed on the wall of the tank, where it is held by magnets. The rotary table
is set horizontal with the three adjusting screws. The mark on the first leg is transferred to
all the others by turning the laser – as for the hose levelling instrument. It must be
ensured that none of the legs stands in the shadow of another.

When all legs have been marked, they must then be fixed at the correct height.

3.15 Fixing the fixed legs

The leg sleeve is displaced up or down until its lower edge coincides with the correct
mark. The leg is then drilled with the leg sleeve, whereby for the fixed leg the existing hole
in the lower part serves as a template. An M8x55 screw, Type 33, is then inserted and
both parts screwed together tightly. If the leg projects beyond the upper edge of the
sleeve, which can occur with convex tank floors, the projecting end must be cut off in
order to prevent subsequent damage to the sheet, refer to drawing SGB- 03063-4.

3.16 Fixing the upper position with adjustable legs

The height adjustment is made in exactly the same way as for adjustable legs, but drilling
is performed in the upper sleeve piece and the screw is only secured hand- tight. An
additional hole has to be drilled just below the compressed upper sleeve piece, later on
when the cover is lowered into the lower service position, see Fig.8 and drawing SGB-

Fig. 8

3.17 Fixing the lower operating position with adjustable legs

The lower service position must be clarified with the operator in the case of adjustable
legs. It should be ensured in this case that the distance from the highest steel section
extending into the tank ( pipeline, mixer etc.) and the cover section above is not less than
100mm, see Fig. 9

7 Issue: 08/2011

Assembly Position

Service Position
Tank wall

Fig. 9

The service height determined is measured from the lower edge of the leg sleeve
downwards. The leg is drilled at that point and an M8x55 screw, Type 33, inserted and

3.18 Bolting the peripheral elements

When all legs have been fixed at the correct height, all peripheral elements, Type 1, are
first bolted together securely. It must be ensured that the peripheral elements lie closely
together at the joints and that the legs are vertical.

3.19 Bolting the peripheral elements

The framing spacers, Type 5, are then tightened securely at the centre of the cover.

End framing spacer

A Type 5 or 6

= =
Connection butt strap 300
Type 23
90 ° turned

Fig. 10

It should be noted here that the upper edges of the channels must lie in one plane, that
the bolt spacing is 250mm and that the centreline of the framing spacers is aligned, as

8 Issue: 08/2011
shown in Fig.10. A connection butt strap 300, Type 23, is used as an aid to installation. A
start is made at the centre. After tightening, the diameter is measured again over the
outer edges of the peripheral elements, to check whether its coincides with assembly
drawing. If it is too large, the end-framing spacers, Type 5, must be shortened evenly. If
too small, the length of the other centreline must be established later.

All channel connections and – if present- all other framing spacers are tightened in the
same way.

3.20 Bolting the floats with legs

Finally, the floats, Type 21, are tightened together with the leg sleeves, ensuring here too
that the legs are vertical.

The R-channel connections and – if present- all other framing spacers are tightened in the
same way.

3.21 Re-centering of levelled framework

When bolting has been completed, the distance from the tank wall is checked once again
at the peripheral elements, Type 1. Since no tank or cover is ever perfectly circular, the
cover must now be centred exactly, i.e. that the spacers described in 3.4- where
necessary- must be exchanged with others having the hole spacing now required. One
spacer should be fitted on each peripheral element. The re-centred cover must be rigidly
tensioned against the wall of the tank.

3.22 Fitting of sockets and bottom angles for antirotation cables

The R 3“ sockets for the anti-rotation cable, Type 66, see drawing SGB-03068-4, are
marked on the tank roof and welded in after cutting the openings. The centre of the
sockets is then transferred to the tank floor with a plumb-bob, where the floor angle is
then welded on.

When marking, alignment is taken either from the assembly drawing or – if the points
have to be newly selected- according to the framework channels, i.e. it must be ensured
that the plumb-bob passes as nearly as possible through the centre of a panel and
therefore does not meet a channel or float.

3.23 Aligning the framing spacer

The framing spacer centreline is then accurately aligned. It may be necessary to remove
the connecting screws between R-channel, Type 3+4, and peripheral element, Type 1, in
order to move the channel to the required position.

9 Issue: 08/2011
Connecting Screws

Fig. 11 1

3.24 Fitting the assembly spacers

Spacers for installation are inserted in the centre panel at distances of 1,5m for
1500mm/2000mm sheets and 2m for 1000mm sheets. The entire panel is fitted in the
case of continuous sheets, half in the case of divided.

3.25 Aligning the first channel line

The channel line A is then accurately straightened from 1 to 2, Fig.11, and all float
brackets tightened on the float of this line.


Fig. 12

3.26 Positioning the first cover sheet

The sheet 1 is then placed at the centre on the screws of the centre framing spacer, see
Figs.12+13, and unrolled sufficiently for four or six of the screws of channels A and B to
enter the slotted holes. A check is then made on angularity of the framework. The centres

10 Issue: 08/2011
of the slotted holes should coincide as closely as possible with the centres of the screws.
If the layout is as shown in Fig.13 channel line a, the sheet can be unrolled without
difficulty. If the screws of channel line B are in the position shown in b or c, however, the
entire channel line must be moved so that the screws lie at the centre of the hole.

Fig. 13 Centerline of framing spacer a b c

If the framing spacer, Type 5, is displaced to one side or the other in the direction of the
width, so that the screws do not fit the slotted holes, it must be loosened again at the
periphery and set to the correct position.
The sheet is then completely unrolled. If it lies satisfactorily, the channel lines A and B are
screwed tightly at the ends with the peripheral section.
Cutt off

Screwed tightly

Fig. 14

The projecting end of the sheet is cut off flush at the outside edge of the peripheral
With continuous sheets, a start is made in the same way at one end of the centre panel.

3.27 Drilling the butt straps

Peripheral elements and PE-butt straps, Type 10, are drilled together parallel with the
work described in 3.24. A start is made at the end of panel 1, as illustrated in Fig. 15.

11 Issue: 08/2011
Starting mark
ca.50mm A
90° turned

Fig. 15

The pre-drilled and pre-bent PE-butt strap, Type 10, is clamped with screw clamps on the
outer flange of the peripheral element and acts as a drilling template. The start of the first
PE-butt strap, Type 10, is made on the flange of the peripheral element. The PE-butt
straps, Type 10, are drilled successively in the clockwise direction.
Please note:
A distance of 250mm form the last hole of the PE-butt strap to the 1st hole of the next PE-
butt strap, must be maintained. The PE-butt strap make-up section Type 10, has to be cut
to fit on site.

3.28 Transfer of assembly spacers

When sheet 1 has been laid and the channels of lines A an B have been tightly screwed
to the peripheral element, the spacers of length 998mm/1498mm/1998mm are placed in
the next panel in the clockwise direction. It must be ensured that the spacers are always
in line with those in the panel already covered. The final spacer should be placed as far
as possible on the peripheral element, see Fig.16.

Sheet Sheet Sheet

1 Sheet 3 Sheet 5
2 4

Fig. 16 A B C D E F

3.29 Positioning the first cover sheet

The second sheet is laid out in the same way as described in 3.28. When the sheet has
been unrolled and cut away at the periphery, PE-butt straps of the channel line B are
immediately positioned and tightened as securely as possible by hand, see Fig.17.

12 Issue: 08/2011
Fig. 17

3.30 Bolting the sheets to periphery and positioning the following sheets
When three sheets are laid in he 1m-system, and two sheets in the 1,5m/2,0m system,
the first PE-butt strap is immediately placed, the sheets drilled through at the edge-with
the PE-butt strap again serving as a drilling template- and screwed tight. The tank wall
spacers must then immediately be securely fitted again.

Tank wall spacer

PE-butt strap

Fig. 18

The spacers from panel 2 are moved to panel 4, Fig.16, after all float brackets of channel
lines C and D had been secured. The fourth sheet is then laid, the corresponding straight
S-butt strap secured hand-tight and the PE-butt strap section positioned and screwed

3.31 Method of mounting sheet for different VACONODECK diameters

For sheet sections divided in the middle, see Fig.19, the first quarter is closed in this way.
A start is then made again at the centre on the other side and the first half closed. The
second half is covered in a corresponding way. If sufficient personnel are available, both
sides can be worked on at the same time.

13 Issue: 08/2011
Fig. 19

With through going sheets, a start is also made with panel 1, but from the edge and first
closing one half and then the other. If sufficient personnel are available, both sides can
also be worked here simultaneously, see Fig.20.

Fig. 20

With large diameters, i.e. over 30m, all 15m long S-sheets are first laid and then
installation continued – as for a cover with sheet panels divided in the middle, see Fig 21.

14 Issue: 08/2011
Fig. 21

3.32 Tightening the butt straps on the channels

When all sheets have been laid, the edge is screwed tight, i.e. the PE-butt straps
compress the sheets onto the peripheral elements. The straight S-butt straps inside the
cover on the overlap are only secured hand-tight. These are now tightened firmly. A start
can be made anywhere.

3.33 Combination air valve-manhole

The valve-manhole combination is incorporated before placing the final sheet. The
position is either given in assembly drawing I or must be agreed with the operator. In
principle: fitting close to a tank manhole, opening device so that cable and air hose are
not obstructed when drawing through, i.e. cover must fold to the tank wall, see drawings
SGB-03771-4 and SGB-50500-4.

4 Fitting the negotiating devices

A check must be made before installing further fixtures whether the cover is still fixed
firmly at the tank centre. Re-tension tank spacers if necessary.

4.1 Plumbing the fitting positions in the VACONODECK

The centre-lines of all auxiliary fixtures as antirotation cable guides, gauging or sampling
funnel, calibrating datum plates, temperature measuring device, automatic gauge, etc. on
the tank roof are then plumbed-down and marked on the cover.

4.2 Antirotation system

The antirotation system, drawing SGB-03068-4 is fitted as follow:

15 Issue: 08/2011
A hole is cut in the sheet where the cover has been marked – of diameter slightly larger
than the guide pipe approx. 21mm. The cable guide, Type 64, is inserted and the square
base plate aligned, with a hole-free side parallel to a straight butt strap. The sheet is then
drilled on the pre-perforated sides of the square. The holes are trimmed from underneath.
The two frame sections are centred under the holes and drilled and screwed up with the
channels. The six holes already present in the sheet are also drilled from above through
the frame sections. The cable guide is replaced on the lower side, provided with sufficient
sealing paste, Type 130, secured with six screws and riveted along the transverse sides.
The antirotation cable, Type 66, is secured to the eyebold – as illustrated – which in turn
is attached to the 3“ cap, secured and lowered through the 3“ socket. The 3“ cap is
screwed as tightly as possible by hand. The cable is drawn through the cable guide in the
cover and then secured on the floor together with the spring. The spring is tensioned to
2/3 its unloaded length with loose lower cable clamp, the cable is then clamped, the
second cable clamp fitted and the remainder of the cable cut off or neatly coiled.

Fig. 22

4.3 Funnels
When providing gauging funnels, the upper funnel is laid centrally with the mark on the
cover and the internal diameter marked. The circle is neatly cut out, so that no excess
remains inside. The upper funnel is placed on again and aligned with one side of the
square flange parallel to the nearest butt strap. All pre-drilled holes are transferred to the
cover sheet. After drilling, the channels are fitted as described in 4.2 and drilled in a
similar way. Assembly of upper and lower funnels is performed as shown on drawings
SGB-03072-4 and SGB-03073-4. Where it is planned to include nylon membranes, it
must be ensured that the slots running at 60° do not overlap.

4.4 Pipe-, roof column- and ladder negotiating devices

The provision of negotiating devices for pipes, roof supports or ladders see drawing SGB-
03074-4 is carried out in basically the same way as described in 4.2 and 4.3. It must
already be ensured when laying the sheet, however, that it is damaged as little as
16 Issue: 08/2011
Sheet cut
Sheet cut out

Fig. 23 Sheet Pipe

The sheet is cut open on one side for negotiating devices near the wall of the tank and
sufficient material cut out around the pipe entering to permit the remaining sheet slot is
later sealed with waste sheet, sealing paste, Type 130, and pop rivets, Type 37. The
sheet is cut right through for roof supports inside the tank, in order to avoid deformation
when further unrolled, Fig.24.
Sheet cut
Sheet cut out

Fig. 24 Column

The seal firmly inserted in the sealing plate must be inspected before the two halves of
the plate are riveted together, to check whether it provides an efficient seal. Modify if
necessary. Ensure when riveting together that the rivet heads are on the underside of the

4.5 Negotiating devices for automatic gauging

In the case of automatic gauges already fitted with guide cables attached to roof and floor,
the cables are removed before fitting the cover. The float is drawn up from the roof for
plumbing, without it slipping out of its strip guide. After fitting the shaft, the cover is
positioned with the measuring tape guide at a negotiating device with guide rods, see
drawing SGB-03075-4. The measuring tape is released from the float and- after the seal
has been slit at the centre of the cover- drawn through the slit. The float is then
reattached. The two guide rods are then fitted so that there is at least 50mm safety
spacing left between their lower end and the floor of the tank. Warning: This spacing must
apply to the lower service position in the case of adjustable legs.
For floats without eyelet guides, a guide cage, see drawing SGB-03076-4 and
SGB-03077-4, riveted to the shaft, is used and the safety spacing of 50mm must also be
observed here.
17 Issue: 08/2011
In the case of automatic gauges suitable for calibration to drawing SGB-03082-4 and
SGB-03083-4, the lower edge of the pipe-shaped shaft must also have a safety spacing
of at least 50mm from the floor.

5 Fitting the seal

Installation procedures for VACONOSEAL are described in the separate project

6 Fitting the Antistatic system

The antistatic cables, see drawing SGB-03070-4, are usually taken from a manhole hatch
to the cover.
The cables are first firmly secured to the screws in the manhole hatch. A metallic
connection must be provided, i.e. paint and rust must be removed, so that the spring
washer can grip the hatch material. Check with an ohmmeter if possible.
The attachment points on the cover must be selected so that the cables are not
obstructed by any other vertical tank fitting. The lower service position must be taken into
account during installation in the case of adjustable legs.

7 Fitting floats on periphery

The floats are finally fitted on the periphery according to assembly drawing and drawing

8 Antistatic paint
The painting work to TRbF 120 if necessary, the areas to be coated are specified on
assembly drawing. The areas indicated are marked and cleaned and then painted with
the green primer,Type 94, (mixing ratio paint to hardener 7:1). The black top coat (mixing
ratio paint o hardener 4:1) is applied when the undercoat has dried.

9 Drain pipes
The drain pipes are mounted as per drawing SGB-03093- 4, 1 pc. per sheet - in the
center of the sheets.

18 Issue: 08/2011

1.) 3 No. Power drill, 12,5mm chuck

2.) 15 No. 8,5mm drilling bits
3.) 15 No. 5,0mm drilling bits
4.) Extension cable to allow easy movement of power tools around tank area
5.) Adequate lighting for work inside tank
6.) Up to 60 m. of clear plastic hose 12mm dia., depent on tank diameter!
7.) 2 No. Screw driver
8.) 8 No. 13mm and 1No. 10mm Combination Spanner
9.) 3 No. Tin snip or Scissor
10.) 3 No. 5 meters Tape Measure
11.) 3 No. Hacksaw and 10 spare blades
12.) 5 No. Marker pens
13.) 3 No. Silicon pistol
14.) 2 No. Pop rivet gun to suit 4,8mm rivets
15.) 2 No. Rubber and 2 metal hammer
16.) 1 No. Stanley marking knife
17.) 10 No. 3m Wooden scaffold boards
18.) 3 No. Electric ratchet spanners with 13mm sockets

1.) Overall
2.) Protective boots
3.) Gloves
4.) Dust mask

19 Issue: 08/2011


1.1 Frame work, SGB-03061-4

Screw joints, complete and tight

1.2 Floats, SGB-51780-4

Blind rivets, upwards
Brackets, complete and tight

1.3 Support legs, SGB-03062-4, SGB-03063-4

Vertically installed
Screw joints tight
Nylon plugs complete
Support legs do not extend above the upper rim
of the fixed leg sleeve

1.4 Pipe,Ladder, Column negotiating devices SGB-03074-4

Screw joints tight
Rivet joints tight
Sealing correct

1.5 Automatic gauging devices, SGB-03075-4, SGB-03076-4, SGB-03077-4

Screw joints tight
Rivet joints tight
Sealing correct
Distance between lowest edge and tank bottom min.50mm

1.6 Manhole valve combination ( Vacuum-valve ), SGB-03771-4, (SGB-03772-4)

Screw joints tight
Rivet joints tight

20 Issue: 08/2011
Sealing correct
Nylon plug for opening rod inserted

1.7 Gauging funnel, SGB-03072-4, SGB-03073-4

Screw joints tight
Rivet joints tight

1.8 Antirotation cable guide, SGB-03068-4

Screw joints tight
Rivet joints tight

1.9 Drain pipes, SGB-03093-4

Pipes well sealed
Spring clips tight

21 Issue: 08/2011
2. TANK BOTTOM Check Mark

2.1 Anti-rotation system, SGB- 03068-4

Bottom anchor completely filled welded
Cable clamps tight
Spring strained to approx. 90 mm

2.2 Diffuser
Diffuser is installed pointing to tank centre
Diffuser horizontally installed
Support welded to diffusor
No welding between support and tank bottom

22 Issue: 08/2011
3. DECK TOP SIDE Check Mark

3.1 Clamping channels, SGB-03061-4

Peripheral clamping channels tight
Sealing blocks inserted
Straight clamping channels tight
Additional bolts inserted at the ends of the clamping channels

3.2 Adjustable legs, SGB-03062-4

Screws ( 4 each ) are upper sleeves tight
Additional drilling to 80 mm under leg tip
Legs easily movable in the leg sleeves

3.3 Manhole-valve combination, SGB-03771-4

Hinge bolted tight
Sealing at cover installed
Well corners sealed
Cover lifts to 150 mm at it's lowest deck position

3.4 Vacuum-valve, SGB-03772-4

Cover plate lock nuts are tight
Cover plate lifted for 150 mm in the lowest deck position
Opening road easily movable in the sleeve

3.5 Pipe, Ladder, Column negotiation devices, SGB-03074-4

Well flange sealed
Rivet joints tight
Sealing plate riveted ( Heads downward )
Antistatic cables installed

3.6 Automatic gauging device, SGB-03075-4, SGB-03076-4, SGB-03077-4

Well flange sealed
Cover secured with two rivets

23 Issue: 08/2011
3.7 Gauging funnel, SGB-03072-4, SGB-03073- 4
Nylon diaphragm installed

3.8 Antistatic system, SGB-03070-4

Deck connection tight
Tape or cable or automatic gauge is not impeded
by antistatic cables

3.9 PE seal, SGB-71116-4, SGB-71117-4

Lip fitted well into tank shell in up and downward position
Lip seal is showing downwards
Butt straps tight

3.10 Teflon seal, SGB-70310-4

Lip is fitting well to tank shell
Seal joint is sewn and sealed
Butt straps tight

24 Issue: 08/2011
4. TANK ROOF Check Mark

4.1 Antirotation-system, SGB-03068-4

Socket and reinforcing flange completely filled welded

4.2 Antistatic-system, SGB-03070-4

Cable clamping bolts tight
Resistance test executed ( reading: Zero Ohm )

25 Issue: 08/2011

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