Week 3b Lesson Plan
Week 3b Lesson Plan
Week 3b Lesson Plan
Time Lesson Element What is the teacher What are the students Notes / Tips
in doing? doing?
5 mins. Student Friendly Tell students: Listening to the teacher
Objective By the end of the talk about the
lesson you should be objective.
able to know the
difference between
living and non living
Link to prior Pass out worksheets Students place their
knowledge and give students name, date and period
(pre-assessment) directions to # on their worksheet
complete the and watch/listen to the
worksheet. Teacher teacher for directions
guides students on how to complete the
through completing worksheet. Students
the worksheet. participate in the pre-
assessment discussion
Teacher asks the with thoughtful ideas
students to give an and contributions.
example of
something they
think is living. Then
they are asked to
give an example of
something that is
non-living. They are
then told to write
down more ideas on
their worksheet and
it will be timed.
Input / Modeling Show blank Students find the area
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