Structural System - I: Lecture # 7

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 Tensile Structures

Ar. Izna Isar
Ar. Khizra Shahzad Dated: November 30th, 2018- December 07th, 2018

 They are Light weight as their structural stability is derived from their pre stressed
shape rather than the mass of material used.
 Tensile structures allow larger spans with easier and cheaper constructions and they
cover vast expanse of spaces.
 Membranes are uniform in thickness with a capacity to support imposed loads due to
their designed shapes and deflections.
 Tensile structures are characterized by the prevalence of tension force in their
structural systems and by limitation of compression forces to a few support members
 Thus these lightweight structures do not require the considerable amount
of construction material to absorb the buckling and bending moments in
compression members.

1.Mast and cable supported membranes

2.Pneumatically inflated membrane.
Membrane structure depends on double curvature to resist the imposed loads.
The shapes can be deciding factor of resistance of loads.
The surfaces can be categories in
1. Synclasic surfaces.
2. Anticlasic surfaces.

Synclastic surface:
Upward loads are resisted by a stress increase about both axes of the fabric
while downward loads are neutralized by internal pressure.
Inflatable fabric structures are simplistic forms.
The surface is stabilized because the tension forces from the internal pressure are in
equilibrium with the tension forces in the members.
Anticlastic surface:
Fibers with convex curvature.
One surface resists the upward load by increasing tension, while fibers with concave surface
increase their tension to resist downward loads.
The surface is stabilized because the tension forces from the pre-stressing or load are in
The basic forms of all curvatures are hyperbolic
paraboloids, cones or arches.

 Simple saddle membrane with linear perimeter


 Ridge type membrane with linear internal and

perimeter support.

 Arch type membrane with linear internal support.

 High point type membrane with multiple internal

Evolution of Several Forms From The Basic
Types of Structure with Significant Tension Members

 Linear structures
 Suspension bridges
 Cable-stayed beams or trusses
 Cable trusses
 Straight tensioned cables
 Three-dimensional structures
 Tensegrity structures
 Pre stressed membranes
 Pneumatically stressed membranes
 Cable and membrane structures

 Tensile structures create eye catching sculptural membranes of fabric and steel to
achieve open, yet protective environments.
 Tensile structures are lightweight and flexible; a versatile design medium that allows
incredible free span roofs with interior spaces connected to the outside by their light
and openness.
 Translucent by day and luminescent at night, tensile architecture provides
sustainable, cost effective, and artistic design solutions that interact with the

Lightweight and Flexible

 Tensile structures are lightweight and flexible; a versatile
design medium that allows incredible free span roofs with
interior spaces connected to the outside by their light and
 Translucent by day and luminescent at night, tensile
architecture provides sustainable, cost effective, and
artistic design solutions that interact with the
 Tensile structures are lightweight and flexible; a versatile
design medium that allows incredible free span roofs with
interior spaces connected to the outside by their light and
 Translucent by day and luminescent at night, tensile
architecture provides sustainable, cost effective, and
artistic design solutions that interact with the

Large Span Tensile Structures

 Large span tensile structures are a true collaborative effort between the architect,
engineer, and the fabric contractor.
 From the initial conceptual design, to the final shape of the structure; once the
loads are analyzed and determined, fabrics can be chosen, cables selected, and the
hardware design and manufacturing details finalized.

 Tension structures consists of cables and fabric in Tension. The cables carry the
gravity loads while stability and resistance to wind uplift is provided by the weight
of and resistance to wind uplift is provided by the weight of the roof deck system.

 The most common type, the cable dome, consists of a center tension ring surrounded
by a number of hoop rings which are also in tension, these are surrounded at the
perimeter by a compression ring.

 By definition, the membrane can only resist forces in tension, so forces perpendicular
to the membrane cause tension cause large deformations and large membrane forces.

True tensile fabric structures are those in which every part of the fabric is in tension.
The fundamental rule for stability is that a tensioned fabric structure must curve equally
in opposite directions, this gives the canopy stability.
This is known as an anticlastic form and mathematically as a hyperbolic paraboloid.
We put the fabric of a tensile structure under tension. We do not stretch the fabric into
position. It is cut and bonded together to make its final shape
Pre-tension is the most efficient way of resisting live loads snow, wind etc.
1. Design
2. Fabrication
3. Erection.
4. Design factors
5. Location (Wind and snow loads;
6. Foundations
7. Drainage

1.PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated polyester
polyester is the least expensive, design life of 15 to 20 years due to ultra violet attack.

2. Silicon coated giass

Silicon glass has higher tensile strength than polyester, but being glass it is brittle, sub-
ject to damage from repeated flexing. Not subject to ultra violet attack, 30+ year design

3. Teflon coated glass PVC coated

Silicon and Teflon are almost completely chemically inert, resistant to moisture and
micro-organisms and have self cleaning properties.

Internal Fabrics
All types of fabric can be used if suitably fire
The most commonly used is PVC coated glass
due to its easy maintenance and very good fire

Form Finding
The final shape, or form, of a fabric structure
depends upon;
 Shape, or pattern, of the fabric
 The geometry of the supporting structure (such
as masts, cables, ring beams etc)
 the pretension applied to the fabric or its
supporting structure
 Unique building medium.
 Lightweight and flexible, fabric interacts with and expresses natural forces.
 Tensile fabric structures are an environmentally sensitive medium. Tension is the
most efficient way of using any material, it utilises the material at maximum
efficiency rather than just the material at the extremes of the cross sectional form,
as in bending and compression loads. Fabric structures have higher
strength/weight ratio than concrete or steel. Most fabrics can be recycled.
 A fabric structure can be designed for almost any condition, heavier fabrics and
more 3 dimensional forms will cope with extreme wind and snow loads.

 Fabric structures being mainly fabric and cables have little or no rigidity and
therefore must rely on their form and internal pre-stress to perform the this
 As a rule of thumb spans greater than 15 metres should be avoided however, much
greater spans can be achieved by reinforcing the fabric with webbing or cables.
 Loss of tension is dangerous for the stability of the structure and if not regularly
maintained will lead to failure of the structure.

1. Natural Light
2. Reverse illumination at Night
3. Easy to handle, as light in weight
4. Unique shapes
5. Retraction, Dismantling & Re-erection possible
6. Colors available
7. Graphic customization possible.
8. Graphic projection possible.
9. Rapid on site installation.
10. Large clear Spans possible.
11. Resistance to corrosive environments.
12. Easy to adapt to existing structures for renovation.
13. Can be combined with different materials.
14. Can exist in all & extreme climatic conditions.
15. Suitable for a wide spectrum of size &applications.
16. Pre-engineered Modular structure possible

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